- /******************************************************
- Data dictionary creation and booting
- (c) 1996 Innobase Oy
- Created 4/18/1996 Heikki Tuuri
- *******************************************************/
- #ifndef dict0boot_h
- #define dict0boot_h
- #include "univ.i"
- #include "mtr0mtr.h"
- #include "mtr0log.h"
- #include "ut0byte.h"
- #include "buf0buf.h"
- #include "fsp0fsp.h"
- #include "dict0dict.h"
- typedef byte dict_hdr_t;
- /**************************************************************************
- Gets a pointer to the dictionary header and x-latches its page. */
- dict_hdr_t*
- dict_hdr_get(
- /*=========*/
- /* out: pointer to the dictionary header,
- page x-latched */
- mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */
- /**************************************************************************
- Returns a new row, table, index, or tree id. */
- dulint
- dict_hdr_get_new_id(
- /*================*/
- /* out: the new id */
- ulint type); /* in: DICT_HDR_ROW_ID, ... */
- /**************************************************************************
- Returns a new row id. */
- dulint
- dict_sys_get_new_row_id(void);
- /*=========================*/
- /* out: the new id */
- /**************************************************************************
- Reads a row id from a record or other 6-byte stored form. */
- dulint
- dict_sys_read_row_id(
- /*=================*/
- /* out: row id */
- byte* field); /* in: record field */
- /**************************************************************************
- Writes a row id to a record or other 6-byte stored form. */
- void
- dict_sys_write_row_id(
- /*==================*/
- byte* field, /* in: record field */
- dulint row_id);/* in: row id */
- /*********************************************************************
- Initializes the data dictionary memory structures when the database is
- started. This function is also called when the data dictionary is created. */
- void
- dict_boot(void);
- /*===========*/
- /*********************************************************************
- Creates and initializes the data dictionary at the database creation. */
- void
- dict_create(void);
- /*=============*/
- /* Space id and page no where the dictionary header resides */
- #define DICT_HDR_SPACE 0 /* the SYSTEM tablespace */
- /* The ids for the basic system tables and their indexes */
- #define DICT_TABLES_ID ut_dulint_create(0, 1)
- #define DICT_COLUMNS_ID ut_dulint_create(0, 2)
- #define DICT_INDEXES_ID ut_dulint_create(0, 3)
- #define DICT_FIELDS_ID ut_dulint_create(0, 4)
- /* The following is a secondary index on SYS_TABLES */
- #define DICT_TABLE_IDS_ID ut_dulint_create(0, 5)
- #define DICT_HDR_FIRST_ID 10 /* the ids for tables etc. start
- from this number, except for basic
- system tables and their above defined
- indexes; ibuf tables and indexes are
- assigned as the id the number
- DICT_IBUF_ID_MIN plus the space id */
- #define DICT_IBUF_ID_MIN ut_dulint_create(0xFFFFFFFF, 0)
- /* The offset of the dictionary header on the page */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Dictionary header offsets */
- #define DICT_HDR_ROW_ID 0 /* The latest assigned row id */
- #define DICT_HDR_TABLE_ID 8 /* The latest assigned table id */
- #define DICT_HDR_INDEX_ID 16 /* The latest assigned index id */
- #define DICT_HDR_MIX_ID 24 /* The latest assigned mix id */
- #define DICT_HDR_TABLES 32 /* Root of the table index tree */
- #define DICT_HDR_TABLE_IDS 36 /* Root of the table index tree */
- #define DICT_HDR_COLUMNS 40 /* Root of the column index tree */
- #define DICT_HDR_INDEXES 44 /* Root of the index index tree */
- #define DICT_HDR_FIELDS 48 /* Root of the index field index tree */
- #define DICT_HDR_FSEG_HEADER 56 /* Segment header for the tablespace
- segment into which the dictionary
- header is created */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* The field number of the page number field in the sys_indexes table
- clustered index */
- /* When a row id which is zero modulo this number (which must be a power of
- two) is assigned, the field DICT_HDR_ROW_ID on the dictionary header page is
- updated */
- #ifndef UNIV_NONINL
- #include "dict0boot.ic"
- #endif
- #endif