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资源名称:VC++视频传输.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Interface
- //
- // This will abstract the OS user interface. This will improve modularity and open
- // the door for non Windows ports
- //
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // One time calls (to initialise process wide structs)
- void IF_ProcessInit();
- void IF_ProcessDeInit();
- //
- // Interface basics
- void IF_OpenWindow(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const char* pcTitle, const RECT* pInitialSize, const DWORD dwStyle);
- void IF_CloseWindow(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface);
- void IF_SetVisible(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const BOOL bVisible);
- void IF_RebuildRegion(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface);
- HWND IF_GetHWnd(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface);
- void IF_SetMinSize(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const SIZE* pMinSize);
- void IF_PostAppMessage(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const UINT uiMessage, const WPARAM wParam, const LPARAM lParam);
- // Subparts
- void IF_RemoveAllSubparts(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface);
- void IF_UpdateSubPartLayout(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface);
- void IF_AddSubPart_CommandButton( CP_HINTERFACE hInterface,
- const DWORD dwAlign,
- const POINT* pptOffset,
- CPs_Image_WithState* pStateImage,
- wp_Verb pfnVerb);
- void IF_AddSubPart_Indicator( CP_HINTERFACE hInterface,
- const char* pcName,
- const DWORD dwAlign,
- const RECT* prPosition);
- //
- //
- // Callback Handlers
- // - window basics
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onDestroy)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface);
- void IF_sethandler_onDestroy(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onDestroy pfnHandler);
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onCreate)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const RECT* pInitialPosition);
- void IF_sethandler_onCreate(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onCreate pfnHandler);
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onPosChange)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const RECT* pNewPosition, const BOOL bSizeChanged);
- void IF_sethandler_onPosChange(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onPosChange pfnHandler);
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onDraw)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, CPs_DrawContext* pContext);
- void IF_sethandler_onDraw(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onDraw pfnHandler);
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onDropFiles)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, HDROP hDrop);
- void IF_sethandler_onDropFiles(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onDropFiles pfnHandler);
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onFocus)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const BOOL bHasFocus);
- void IF_sethandler_onFocus(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onFocus pfnHandler);
- // - keyboard
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onKeyDown)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const unsigned int iVKeyCode, const BOOL bAlt, const BOOL bCtrl, const BOOL bShift);
- void IF_sethandler_onKeyDown(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onKeyDown pfnHandler);
- // - mouse
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onMouseMessage)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const POINTS ptMouse, const unsigned short iFlags);
- void IF_SetMouseCapture(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onMouseMessage pfn_onMouseMove, wp_IF_onMouseMessage pfn_onMouseButton_LUp);
- void IF_ReleaseMouseCapture(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface);
- // - custom messages
- typedef LRESULT (*wp_IF_onAppMessage)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const UINT uiMessage, const WPARAM wParam, const LPARAM lParam);
- void IF_sethandler_onAppMessage(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onAppMessage pfnHandler);
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onCommandMessage)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, const WPARAM wParam, const LPARAM lParam);
- void IF_sethandler_onCommandMessage(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onCommandMessage pfnHandler);
- typedef void (*wp_IF_onClose)(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface);
- void IF_sethandler_onClose(CP_HINTERFACE hInterface, wp_IF_onClose pfnHandler);
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////