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资源名称:VC++视频传输.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "CPI_Player_CoDec.h"
- #include "CP_WinAmpStructs.h"
- #include "CPI_CircleBuffer.h"
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // This is the CoDec module - the basic idea is that the file will be opened and
- // data will be sucked through the CoDec via calls to CPI_CoDec__GetPCMBlock
- //
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- // Module functions
- void CPP_OMAPLG_Uninitialise(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule);
- BOOL CPP_OMAPLG_OpenFile(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule, const char* pcFilename, DWORD dwCookie, HWND hWndOwner);
- void CPP_OMAPLG_CloseFile(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule);
- void CPP_OMAPLG_Seek(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule, const int iNumerator, const int iDenominator);
- void CPP_OMAPLG_GetFileInfo(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule, CPs_FileInfo* pInfo);
- //
- BOOL CPP_OMAPLG_GetPCMBlock(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule, void* pBlock, DWORD* pdwBlockSize);
- int CPP_OMAPLG_GetCurrentPos_secs(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule);
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Dummy functions used by the in module (but we don't need 'em)
- void CP_Dummy_SAVSAInit(int maxlatency_in_ms, int srate) {}
- void CP_Dummy_SAVSADeInit() {}
- void CP_Dummy_SAAddPCMData(void *PCMData, int nch, int bps, int timestamp) {}
- int CP_Dummy_SAGetMode() { return 0; }
- void CP_Dummy_SAAdd(void *data, int timestamp, int csa) {}
- void CP_Dummy_VSAAddPCMData(void *PCMData, int nch, int bps, int timestamp) {}
- int CP_Dummy_VSAGetMode(int *specNch, int *waveNch) { return 0; }
- void CP_Dummy_VSAAdd(void *data, int timestamp) {}
- int CP_Dummy_dsp_isactive() { return 0; }
- int CP_Dummy_dsp_dosamples(short int *samples, int numsamples, int bps, int nch, int srate) { return 0; }
- //
- void CP_Dummy_VSASetInfo(int nch, int srate) {}
- int CP_Dummy_SetInfo(int bitrate, int srate, int stereo, int synched) { return 0; }
- //
- // Dummy output functions
- int CP_Dummy_Pause(int pause) { return 0; }
- void CP_Dummy_SetVolume(int volume) {}
- void CP_Dummy_SetPan(int pan) {}
- int CP_Dummy_GetOutputTime() { return 0; }
- int CP_Dummy_GetWrittenTime() { return 0; }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- typedef struct __CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin
- {
- CP_PlugInModule* m_pFirstPlugIn;
- CP_PlugInModule* m_pActivePluginModule;
- HMODULE m_hModPlugin;
- In_Module* m_pInModule;
- BOOL m_bModuleIsPlaying;
- Out_Module m_FakeOutModule;
- } CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin;
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define CIC_CIRCLE_DATABUFFER_SIZE 0x10000 //64Kb
- #define CIC_WAITTIMEOUT 2000 // 2Secs
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Callback interface (WinAmp doesn't "DO" cookies so we have to have this global
- // variable) - this means that we can only have one thread (the plugins prob aren't
- // thread safe anyhow) - but there we go!
- //
- struct CPs_OutputGlobalData
- {
- BOOL m_bStreamIsComplete;
- int m_iCurrentTime_ms;
- // Stuff for the file information
- HANDLE m_evtFileInfoValid;
- CPs_FileInfo m_FileInfo;
- // Stuff for the data buffer
- CPs_CircleBuffer* m_pCBuffer;
- HANDLE m_evtSeekComplete;
- } glb_OutputData;
- //
- //
- //
- int CP_OutPI_Open(int samplerate, int numchannels, int bitspersamp, int bufferlenms, int prebufferms)
- {
- // returns >=0 on success, <0 on failure
- // NOTENOTENOTE: bufferlenms and prebufferms are ignored in most if not all output plug-ins.
- // ... so don't expect the max latency returned to be what you asked for.
- // returns max latency in ms (0 for diskwriters, etc)
- // bufferlenms and prebufferms must be in ms. 0 to use defaults.
- // prebufferms must be <= bufferlenms
- if(bitspersamp != 8 && bitspersamp != 16)
- {
- CP_TRACE0("Inappropriate stream type");
- return -1;
- }
- if(numchannels != 1 && numchannels != 2)
- {
- CP_TRACE0("Inappropriate stream type");
- return -1;
- }
- // Setup the global info struct
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo.m_iFileLength_Secs = 0;
- glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo.m_iBitRate_Kbs = 0;
- glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo.m_iFreq_Hz = samplerate;
- glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo.m_bStereo = (numchannels>1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo.m_b16bit = (bitspersamp==16) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- SetEvent(glb_OutputData.m_evtFileInfoValid);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CP_OutPI_Close()
- {
- CP_TRACE0("CP_OutPI_Close");
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- if(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer)
- glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer->SetComplete(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- int CP_OutPI_CanWrite()
- {
- int iNumBytesFree;
- // returns number of bytes possible to write at a given time.
- // Never will decrease unless you call Write (or Close, heh)
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- if(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer == NULL)
- iNumBytesFree = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- else
- iNumBytesFree = glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer->GetFreeSize(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- return iNumBytesFree;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- int CP_OutPI_Write(char *buf, int len)
- {
- // 0 on success. Len == bytes to write (<= 8192 always). buf is straight audio data.
- // 1 returns not able to write (yet). Non-blocking, always.
- if(len > CP_OutPI_CanWrite())
- return 1;
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- if(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer)
- glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer->Write(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer, buf, len);
- // Update the current time
- {
- int iBytesPerSample = (glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo.m_bStereo ? 2 : 1)
- << (glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo.m_b16bit ? 1 : 0);
- glb_OutputData.m_iCurrentTime_ms += ((len / iBytesPerSample)*1000) / glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo.m_iFreq_Hz;
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- return 0;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CP_OutPI_Flush(int iNewTime)
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- if(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer)
- glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer->Flush(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer);
- glb_OutputData.m_iCurrentTime_ms = iNewTime;
- SetEvent(glb_OutputData.m_evtSeekComplete);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- int CP_OutPI_IsPlaying()
- {
- CP_TRACE0("CP_OutPI_IsPlaying");
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- if(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer)
- glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer->SetComplete(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- return 0;
- }
- //
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- typedef In_Module* (*wp_winampGetInModule2)();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- //
- void ProbeWinAmpModule(CPs_CoDecModule* pCoDec, const char* pcModulePath)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext;
- HMODULE hModPlugin;
- wp_winampGetInModule2 pfnGetInModule;
- In_Module* pInModule;
- pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pCoDec->m_pModuleCookie;
- // Load plugin and get EP
- hModPlugin = LoadLibrary(pcModulePath);
- if(!hModPlugin)
- return;
- pfnGetInModule = (wp_winampGetInModule2)GetProcAddress(hModPlugin, "winampGetInModule2");
- if(!pfnGetInModule)
- {
- FreeLibrary(hModPlugin);
- return;
- }
- // Get the plug in descriptor
- pInModule = pfnGetInModule();
- // Skip modules that we cannot support
- if(!pInModule->UsesOutputPlug)
- {
- CP_TRACE1(""%s" Cannot be supported (not an output user)", pcModulePath);
- FreeLibrary(hModPlugin);
- return;
- }
- // Get the extensions supported by this plugin
- if(pInModule && pInModule->FileExtensions && pInModule->FileExtensions[0])
- {
- char* pExtensions = pInModule->FileExtensions;
- CP_PlugInModule* pNewPlugInModule = (CP_PlugInModule*)malloc(sizeof(CP_PlugInModule));
- // Create new plug in module and add it to our list
- pNewPlugInModule->m_pNext = pContext->m_pFirstPlugIn;
- STR_AllocSetString(&pNewPlugInModule->m_pcModuleName, pcModulePath, FALSE);
- pContext->m_pFirstPlugIn = pNewPlugInModule;
- // Attach etensions to this module
- CP_TRACE1("Probing module: "%s"", pcModulePath);
- while(*pExtensions)
- {
- char* pDescription = pExtensions + strlen(pExtensions) + 1;
- CP_TRACE2("Extensions: "%s" type:"%s"", pExtensions, pDescription);
- // The extensions are in the format EXT1;EXT2;EXT3 - split these and
- // add them to the player's extension list
- {
- char* pcExtensionCursor;
- char* pcLastExtensionStart = pExtensions;
- for(pcExtensionCursor = pExtensions; *pcExtensionCursor; pcExtensionCursor++)
- {
- // Look for an extension break
- if(*pcExtensionCursor == ';' && pcExtensionCursor != pcLastExtensionStart)
- {
- const int iExtensionLen = pcExtensionCursor - pcLastExtensionStart;
- char* pcExtensionCopy = (char*)malloc(iExtensionLen+1);
- memcpy(pcExtensionCopy, pcLastExtensionStart, iExtensionLen);
- pcExtensionCopy[iExtensionLen] = '';
- CPFA_AddFileAssociation(pCoDec, pcExtensionCopy, (DWORD)pNewPlugInModule);
- free(pcExtensionCopy);
- pcLastExtensionStart = pcExtensionCursor+1;
- }
- }
- // Add last extension
- if(*pcLastExtensionStart)
- CPFA_AddFileAssociation(pCoDec, pcLastExtensionStart, (DWORD)pNewPlugInModule);
- }
- // Move cursor to next extension set
- pExtensions = pDescription + strlen(pDescription) + 1;
- }
- }
- // Free plugin
- FreeLibrary(hModPlugin);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void AddWinAmpModulesInPath(CPs_CoDecModule* pCoDec, const char* pcFileInPath)
- {
- WIN32_FIND_DATA finddata;
- HANDLE hFileFind;
- char pcModuleDirectory[MAX_PATH];
- char pcSearchWildcard[MAX_PATH];
- strcpy(pcModuleDirectory, pcFileInPath);
- // Work out the module directory
- {
- int iLastSlashPos, iCharIDX;
- for(iCharIDX=0; pcModuleDirectory[iCharIDX]; iCharIDX++)
- {
- if(pcModuleDirectory[iCharIDX] == '\')
- iLastSlashPos = iCharIDX;
- }
- // We must exist in some kind of directory!!!
- pcModuleDirectory[iLastSlashPos+1] = '';
- }
- // Setup wildcard
- strcpy(pcSearchWildcard,pcModuleDirectory);
- strcat(pcSearchWildcard, "in_*.dll");
- // Load each module to find out the file extensions that it supports
- // ProbeWinAmpModule will also produce a linked list of module names
- // and assign them to the FileAssociation cookie
- hFileFind = FindFirstFile(pcSearchWildcard, &finddata);
- {
- do
- {
- char pcFullPath[MAX_PATH];
- strcpy(pcFullPath,pcModuleDirectory);
- strcat(pcFullPath, finddata.cFileName);
- ProbeWinAmpModule(pCoDec, pcFullPath);
- } while(FindNextFile(hFileFind, &finddata) != 0);
- FindClose(hFileFind);
- }
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CP_InitialiseCodec_WinAmpPlugin(CPs_CoDecModule* pCoDec)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext;
- // Setup functions
- pCoDec->Uninitialise = CPP_OMAPLG_Uninitialise;
- pCoDec->OpenFile = CPP_OMAPLG_OpenFile;
- pCoDec->CloseFile = CPP_OMAPLG_CloseFile;
- pCoDec->Seek = CPP_OMAPLG_Seek;
- pCoDec->GetFileInfo = CPP_OMAPLG_GetFileInfo;
- pCoDec->GetPCMBlock = CPP_OMAPLG_GetPCMBlock;
- pCoDec->GetCurrentPos_secs = CPP_OMAPLG_GetCurrentPos_secs;
- // Setup private data
- pCoDec->m_pModuleCookie = malloc(sizeof(CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin));
- pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pCoDec->m_pModuleCookie;
- pContext->m_pFirstPlugIn = 0L;
- pContext->m_pActivePluginModule = NULL;
- pContext->m_hModPlugin = NULL;
- pContext->m_pInModule = NULL;
- pContext->m_bModuleIsPlaying = FALSE;
- memset(&pContext->m_FakeOutModule, 0, sizeof(pContext->m_FakeOutModule));
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.version = OUT_VER;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.Open = CP_OutPI_Open;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.Close = CP_OutPI_Close;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.Write = CP_OutPI_Write;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.CanWrite = CP_OutPI_CanWrite;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.IsPlaying = CP_OutPI_IsPlaying;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.Flush = CP_OutPI_Flush;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.Pause = CP_Dummy_Pause;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.SetVolume = CP_Dummy_SetVolume;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.SetPan = CP_Dummy_SetPan;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.GetOutputTime = CP_Dummy_GetOutputTime;
- pContext->m_FakeOutModule.GetWrittenTime = CP_Dummy_GetWrittenTime;
- // Global data
- InitializeCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- glb_OutputData.m_evtFileInfoValid = NULL;
- memset(&glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo, 0, sizeof(glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo));
- glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer = NULL;
- glb_OutputData.m_iCurrentTime_ms = 0;
- glb_OutputData.m_evtSeekComplete = NULL;
- CPFA_InitialiseFileAssociations(pCoDec);
- // Look in the current directory for WinAmp plugins - these have the format
- // in_*.dll
- {
- char pcCurrentModuleDirectory[MAX_PATH];
- main_get_program_path(GetModuleHandle(NULL), pcCurrentModuleDirectory, MAX_PATH);
- AddWinAmpModulesInPath(pCoDec, pcCurrentModuleDirectory);
- }
- /*
- Some plugins have problems running outside of the WinAmp directory - so we will only
- use plugins from the current dir (until someone has inspiration!!)
- */
- /*
- // Try to track down the WinAmp plugins directory (and add them too)
- {
- LONG lResult;
- HKEY hKeyWinAmp;
- lResult = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
- "WinAmp.File\shell\open\command",
- &hKeyWinAmp);
- if(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- char cWinAmpPath[255];
- char* pcValue;
- LONG iValueLen;
- RegQueryValue(hKeyWinAmp, NULL, NULL, &iValueLen);
- pcValue = (char*)malloc(iValueLen);
- RegQueryValue(hKeyWinAmp, NULL, pcValue, &iValueLen);
- if(sscanf(pcValue, ""%255[^"]", cWinAmpPath) == 1)
- {
- int iLastSlashPos, iCharIDX;
- // Remove the WinAmp exe name
- for(iCharIDX=0; cWinAmpPath[iCharIDX]; iCharIDX++)
- {
- if(cWinAmpPath[iCharIDX] == '\')
- iLastSlashPos = iCharIDX;
- }
- // We must exist in some kind of directory!!!
- cWinAmpPath[iLastSlashPos+1] = '';
- // Append the Plugins folder
- strcat(cWinAmpPath, "Plugins\");
- AddWinAmpModulesInPath(pCoDec, cWinAmpPath);
- }
- // Cleanup
- free(pcValue);
- RegCloseKey(hKeyWinAmp);
- }
- }
- */
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPP_OMAPLG_Uninitialise(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pModule->m_pModuleCookie;
- CP_PlugInModule* pPlugInCursor;
- CP_PlugInModule* pPlugInCursor_Next;
- // Cleanup plug in module list
- pPlugInCursor_Next = NULL;
- for(pPlugInCursor = pContext->m_pFirstPlugIn; pPlugInCursor; pPlugInCursor = pPlugInCursor_Next)
- {
- pPlugInCursor_Next = (CP_PlugInModule*)pPlugInCursor->m_pNext;
- free(pPlugInCursor->m_pcModuleName);
- free(pPlugInCursor);
- }
- // Global output data
- DeleteCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- free(pContext);
- CPFA_EmptyFileAssociations(pModule);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void InitialiseGlobalData()
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- // Stuff for the file information
- CP_ASSERT(!glb_OutputData.m_evtFileInfoValid);
- glb_OutputData.m_evtFileInfoValid = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
- memset(&glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo, 0, sizeof(glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo));
- // Stuff for the data buffer
- CP_ASSERT(!glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer);
- glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer = CP_CreateCircleBuffer(CIC_CIRCLE_DATABUFFER_SIZE);
- glb_OutputData.m_iCurrentTime_ms = 0;
- CP_ASSERT(!glb_OutputData.m_evtSeekComplete);
- glb_OutputData.m_evtSeekComplete = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void UnitialiseGlobalData()
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- // Stuff for the file information
- CP_ASSERT(glb_OutputData.m_evtFileInfoValid);
- CloseHandle(glb_OutputData.m_evtFileInfoValid);
- glb_OutputData.m_evtFileInfoValid = NULL;
- // Stuff for the data buffer
- CP_ASSERT(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer);
- glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer->Uninitialise(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer);
- glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer = NULL;
- CP_ASSERT(glb_OutputData.m_evtSeekComplete);
- CloseHandle(glb_OutputData.m_evtSeekComplete);
- glb_OutputData.m_evtSeekComplete = NULL;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CloseCurrentModule(CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext)
- {
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pActivePluginModule);
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_hModPlugin);
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pInModule);
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pInModule->Stop);
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pInModule->Quit);
- CP_TRACE1("Free module: "%s"", pContext->m_pActivePluginModule->m_pcModuleName);
- if(pContext->m_bModuleIsPlaying)
- pContext->m_pInModule->Stop();
- pContext->m_pInModule->Quit();
- FreeLibrary(pContext->m_hModPlugin);
- pContext->m_pActivePluginModule = NULL;
- pContext->m_hModPlugin = NULL;
- pContext->m_pInModule = NULL;
- pContext->m_bModuleIsPlaying = FALSE;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void SetupCurrentInputPluginModule(CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext)
- {
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pActivePluginModule);
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_hModPlugin);
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pInModule);
- pContext->m_pInModule->hMainWindow = (HWND)0x2398;
- pContext->m_pInModule->hDllInstance = pContext->m_hModPlugin;
- // Setup functions
- pContext->m_pInModule->SAVSAInit = CP_Dummy_SAVSAInit;
- pContext->m_pInModule->SAVSADeInit = CP_Dummy_SAVSADeInit;
- pContext->m_pInModule->SAAddPCMData = CP_Dummy_SAAddPCMData;
- pContext->m_pInModule->SAGetMode = CP_Dummy_SAGetMode;
- pContext->m_pInModule->SAAdd = CP_Dummy_SAAdd;
- pContext->m_pInModule->VSAAddPCMData = CP_Dummy_VSAAddPCMData;
- pContext->m_pInModule->VSAGetMode = CP_Dummy_VSAGetMode;
- pContext->m_pInModule->VSAAdd = CP_Dummy_VSAAdd;
- pContext->m_pInModule->dsp_isactive = CP_Dummy_dsp_isactive;
- pContext->m_pInModule->dsp_dosamples = CP_Dummy_dsp_dosamples;
- pContext->m_pInModule->VSASetInfo = CP_Dummy_VSASetInfo;
- pContext->m_pInModule->SetInfo = CP_Dummy_SetInfo;
- pContext->m_pInModule->outMod = &pContext->m_FakeOutModule;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- BOOL CPP_OMAPLG_OpenFile(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule, const char* pcFilename, DWORD dwCookie, HWND hWndOwner)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pModule->m_pModuleCookie;
- CP_PlugInModule* pSelectedPlugInModule = (CP_PlugInModule*)dwCookie;
- int iError;
- if(!pSelectedPlugInModule) return FALSE;
- // Open output module
- {
- // Module has changed
- wp_winampGetInModule2 pfnGetInModule;
- if(pContext->m_pActivePluginModule)
- CloseCurrentModule(pContext);
- // Load plugin and get EP
- CP_TRACE1("Load module: "%s"", pSelectedPlugInModule->m_pcModuleName);
- pContext->m_hModPlugin = LoadLibrary(pSelectedPlugInModule->m_pcModuleName);
- if(!pContext->m_hModPlugin)
- return FALSE;
- pfnGetInModule = (wp_winampGetInModule2)GetProcAddress(pContext->m_hModPlugin, "winampGetInModule2");
- if(!pfnGetInModule)
- {
- FreeLibrary(pContext->m_hModPlugin);
- pContext->m_hModPlugin = NULL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- pContext->m_pActivePluginModule = pSelectedPlugInModule;
- pContext->m_pInModule = pfnGetInModule();
- SetupCurrentInputPluginModule(pContext);
- pContext->m_pInModule->Init();
- InitialiseGlobalData();
- }
- iError = pContext->m_pInModule->Play(pcFilename);
- if(iError != 0)
- {
- CP_TRACE1("**** Failed to open file: "%s"", pcFilename);
- CloseCurrentModule(pContext);
- UnitialiseGlobalData();
- return FALSE;
- }
- pContext->m_bModuleIsPlaying = TRUE;
- return TRUE; // Success
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPP_OMAPLG_CloseFile(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pModule->m_pModuleCookie;
- UnitialiseGlobalData();
- if(pContext->m_pActivePluginModule)
- CloseCurrentModule(pContext);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPP_OMAPLG_Seek(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule, const int iNumerator, const int iDenominator)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pModule->m_pModuleCookie;
- int iStreamLength_ms;
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pActivePluginModule);
- iStreamLength_ms = pContext->m_pInModule->GetLength();
- pContext->m_pInModule->SetOutputTime( (iNumerator*iStreamLength_ms) / iDenominator);
- WaitForSingleObject(glb_OutputData.m_evtSeekComplete, CIC_WAITTIMEOUT);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- BOOL CPP_OMAPLG_GetPCMBlock(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule, void* _pBlock, DWORD* pdwBlockSize)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pModule->m_pModuleCookie;
- return glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer->Read(glb_OutputData.m_pCBuffer, _pBlock, *pdwBlockSize, pdwBlockSize);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPP_OMAPLG_GetFileInfo(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule, CPs_FileInfo* pInfo)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pModule->m_pModuleCookie;
- DWORD dwWaitResult;
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pActivePluginModule);
- // Wait up to 1 second for the plugin to return the stream format - if it doesn't
- // set the file info into something that we know will be unsupported
- dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(glb_OutputData.m_evtFileInfoValid, CIC_WAITTIMEOUT);
- if(dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- {
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- memcpy(pInfo, &glb_OutputData.m_FileInfo, sizeof(*pInfo));
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- }
- else
- {
- CP_TRACE0("Module did not respond in time - setting bogus stream params");
- memset(pInfo, 0, sizeof(*pInfo));
- }
- pInfo->m_iFileLength_Secs = pContext->m_pInModule->GetLength() / 1000;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- int CPP_OMAPLG_GetCurrentPos_secs(CPs_CoDecModule* pModule)
- {
- CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin *pContext = (CPs_CoDec_WinAmpPlugin*)pModule->m_pModuleCookie;
- int iCurrentPos_secs;
- CP_ASSERT(pContext->m_pActivePluginModule);
- EnterCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- iCurrentPos_secs = glb_OutputData.m_iCurrentTime_ms / 1000;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&glb_OutputData.m_csGlobal);
- return iCurrentPos_secs;
- }
- //
- //
- //