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资源名称:VC++视频传输.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "CPI_Playlist.h"
- #include "CPI_PlaylistItem.h"
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- //
- void playlist_write_default(void)
- {
- char exepath[MAX_PATH];
- main_get_program_path(GetModuleHandle(NULL), exepath, MAX_PATH);
- strcat(exepath, "default.m3u");
- CPL_ExportPlaylist(globals.m_hPlaylist, exepath);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void options_read(void)
- {
- char pathbuf[MAX_PATH];
- int teller;
- int widths[] = { 20, 200, 200, 200, 50, 50, 70, 100, 100, 100, 50};
- int iColIDX;
- main_get_program_path(NULL, pathbuf, MAX_PATH);
- strcat(pathbuf, "coolplayer.ini");
- for(iColIDX = PLAYLIST_first; iColIDX <= PLAYLIST_last; iColIDX++)
- {
- char keyname[100];
- sprintf(keyname, "PlaylistCol%d", iColIDX);
- options.playlist_column_widths[iColIDX] = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", keyname, widths[iColIDX], pathbuf);
- sprintf(keyname, "PlaylistSeq%d", iColIDX);
- options.playlist_column_seq[iColIDX] = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", keyname, iColIDX, pathbuf);
- sprintf(keyname, "PlaylistVis%d", iColIDX);
- options.playlist_column_visible[iColIDX] = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", keyname, visibles[iColIDX], pathbuf) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- options.main_window_pos.x = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", // address of section name
- "WindowX", // address of key name
- 100, // return value if key name is not found
- pathbuf); // address of initialization filename
- if (options.main_window_pos.x < -10)
- options.main_window_pos.x = 100;
- options.main_window_pos.y = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", // address of section name
- "WindowY", // address of key name
- 100, // return value if key name is not found
- pathbuf); // address of initialization filename
- if (options.main_window_pos.y < -10)
- options.main_window_pos.y = 100;
- options.playlist_window_pos.left = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", // address of section name
- "PlaylistX", // address of key name
- 100, // return value if key name is not found
- pathbuf); // address of initialization filename
- if (options.playlist_window_pos.left < -10)
- options.playlist_window_pos.left = 100;
- options.playlist_window_pos.top = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", // address of section name
- "PlaylistY", // address of key name
- 100, // return value if key name is not found
- pathbuf); // address of initialization filename
- if (options.playlist_window_pos.top < -10)
- options.playlist_window_pos.top = 100;
- options.playlist_window_pos.right = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", // address of section name
- "PlaylistW", // address of key name
- 300, // return value if key name is not found
- pathbuf) + options.playlist_window_pos.left; // address of initialization filename
- options.playlist_window_pos.bottom = GetPrivateProfileInt("WindowPos", // address of section name
- "PlaylistH", // address of key name
- 400, // return value if key name is not found
- pathbuf) + options.playlist_window_pos.top; // address of initialization filename
- GetPrivateProfileString("LastDirectory", // points to section name
- "Directory", // points to key name
- "", // points to default string
- options.last_used_directory, // points to destination buffer
- MAX_PATH, // size of destination buffer
- pathbuf); // points to initialization filename
- options.repeat_playlist =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Repeat", 0, pathbuf);
- options.shuffle_play =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Shuffle", 0, pathbuf);
- options.always_on_top =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Ontop", 0, pathbuf);
- options.auto_exit_after_playing =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Autoexit", 0, pathbuf);
- options.remember_playlist =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Rememberpls", 1, pathbuf);
- options.show_remaining_time =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Remaining", 0, pathbuf);
- options.read_id3_tag =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "ReadID3tag", 1, pathbuf);
- options.support_id3v2 =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "SuportID3v2", 1, pathbuf);
- options.prefer_native_ogg_tags =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "PreferNativeOGGtags", 1, pathbuf);
- options.read_id3_tag_in_background =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "BackgroundReadID3", 1, pathbuf);
- options.work_out_track_lengths =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "WorkOutTrackLengths", 1, pathbuf);
- options.allow_multiple_instances =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "AllowMultipleInstances", 0, pathbuf);
- options.read_id3_tag_of_selected =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "ReadSelID3tag", 1, pathbuf);
- options.seconds_delay_after_track =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "DelayTime", 0, pathbuf);
- options.decoder_output_mode =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Outputmode", 1, pathbuf);
- options.easy_move =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Easymove", 1, pathbuf);
- options.remember_skin_count =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "RememberSkins", 4, pathbuf);
- options.allow_file_once_in_playlist =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Fileonce", 1, pathbuf);
- options.auto_play_when_started =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Autoplay", 0, pathbuf);
- options.show_on_taskbar =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "TaskBar", 0, pathbuf);
- options.show_playlist = GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "ShowPlaylist", 0, pathbuf);
- options.rotate_systray_icon =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "RotateIcon", 1, pathbuf);
- options.scroll_track_title =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Misc", "Scrolltitle", 1, pathbuf);
- GetPrivateProfileString("Misc", // points to section name
- "RememberLastSong", // points to key name
- "", // points to default string
- options.initial_file, // points to destination buffer
- MAX_PATH, // size of destination buffer
- pathbuf); // points to initialization filename
- if(*options.initial_file)
- options.remember_last_played_track = TRUE;
- options.last_selected_skin_number =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Skin", "LastSkin", 0, pathbuf);
- options.use_default_skin =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Skin", "UseDefault", 1, pathbuf);
- options.use_playlist_skin =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Skin", "Useplaylistskin", 0, pathbuf);
- {
- int teller;
- for (teller = MENU_SKIN_DEFAULT+1; teller < MENU_SKIN_DEFAULT+1 + options.remember_skin_count;
- teller++) {
- char SkinFileString[MAX_PATH];
- char skinpath[MAX_PATH];
- sprintf(SkinFileString, "SkinFile%d", teller - MENU_SKIN_DEFAULT);
- GetPrivateProfileString("Skin", SkinFileString, "",
- skinpath, MAX_PATH, pathbuf);
- if (*skinpath != 0) {
- main_skin_add_to_menu(skinpath);
- if (options.last_selected_skin_number == teller - MENU_SKIN_DEFAULT) {
- strcpy(options.main_skin_file, skinpath);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- GetPrivateProfileString("Skin", "PlaylistSkin", "",
- options.playlist_skin_file, MAX_PATH, pathbuf);
- options.equalizer =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Equalizer", "Active", 0, pathbuf);
- for (teller = 1; teller <= 8; teller++) {
- char keyname[100];
- sprintf(keyname, "Eq%d", teller);
- options.eq_settings[teller] =
- GetPrivateProfileInt("Equalizer", keyname, 0, pathbuf);
- }
- // Read quick find defaults
- {
- char pcQuickFindOption[2];
- GetPrivateProfileString("Misc", "QuickFindSearchTerm", "T", pcQuickFindOption, 2, pathbuf);
- if(pcQuickFindOption[0] == 'M' || pcQuickFindOption[0] == 'm')
- options.m_enQuickFindTerm = qftAlbum;
- else if(pcQuickFindOption[0] == 'A' || pcQuickFindOption[0] == 'a')
- options.m_enQuickFindTerm = qftArtist;
- else
- options.m_enQuickFindTerm = qftTitle;
- }
- // Read mixer mode
- {
- char cMixerMode[32];
- GetPrivateProfileString("Mixer", "Mode", "Master", cMixerMode, 32, pathbuf);
- if(stricmp(cMixerMode, "wave") == 0)
- globals.m_enMixerMode = mmWaveVolume;
- else if(stricmp(cMixerMode, "internal") == 0)
- globals.m_enMixerMode = mmInternal;
- else
- globals.m_enMixerMode = mmMasterVolume;
- globals.m_iVolume = GetPrivateProfileInt("Mixer", "InternalVolume", 60, pathbuf);
- }
- }
- void options_write()
- {
- char intbuf[33];
- int teller;
- char pathbuf[MAX_PATH];
- int iColIDX;
- main_get_program_path(NULL, pathbuf, MAX_PATH);
- strcat(pathbuf, "coolplayer.ini");
- for(iColIDX = PLAYLIST_first; iColIDX <= PLAYLIST_last; iColIDX++)
- {
- char keyname[100];
- // Write the width
- sprintf(keyname, "PlaylistCol%d", iColIDX);
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", keyname, _itoa(options.playlist_column_widths[iColIDX], intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- // Write the order array
- sprintf(keyname, "PlaylistSeq%d", iColIDX);
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", keyname, _itoa(options.playlist_column_seq[iColIDX], intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- // Write the visiblity array
- sprintf(keyname, "PlaylistVis%d", iColIDX);
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", keyname, options.playlist_column_visible[iColIDX] ? "1" : "0", pathbuf);
- }
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", // pointer to section name
- "WindowX", // pointer to key name
- _itoa(options.main_window_pos.x, intbuf, 10), // pointer to string to add
- pathbuf // pointer to initialization filename
- );
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", // pointer to section name
- "WindowY", // pointer to key name
- _itoa(options.main_window_pos.y, intbuf, 10), // pointer to string to add
- pathbuf // pointer to initialization filename
- );
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", // pointer to section name
- "PlaylistX", // pointer to key name
- _itoa(options.playlist_window_pos.left,
- intbuf, 10), // pointer to string to add
- pathbuf // pointer to initialization filename
- );
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", // pointer to section name
- "PlaylistY", // pointer to key name
- _itoa(options.playlist_window_pos.top,
- intbuf, 10), // pointer to string to add
- pathbuf // pointer to initialization filename
- );
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", // pointer to section name
- "PlaylistW", // pointer to key name
- _itoa(options.playlist_window_pos.right -
- options.playlist_window_pos.left, intbuf, 10), // pointer to string to add
- pathbuf // pointer to initialization filename
- );
- WritePrivateProfileString("WindowPos", // pointer to section name
- "PlaylistH", // pointer to key name
- _itoa(options.playlist_window_pos.bottom -
- options.playlist_window_pos.top, intbuf, 10), // pointer to string to add
- pathbuf // pointer to initialization filename
- );
- WritePrivateProfileString("LastDirectory", // pointer to section name
- "Directory", // pointer to key name
- options.last_used_directory, // pointer to string to add
- pathbuf // pointer to initialization filename
- );
- WritePrivateProfileString("Skin", "PlaylistSkin",
- options.playlist_skin_file, pathbuf);
- {
- int teller;
- int profileteller = 1;
- char SkinFileString[MAX_PATH];
- for (teller = MENU_SKIN_DEFAULT+1; teller < MENU_SKIN_DEFAULT+1 + options.remember_skin_count;
- teller++) {
- if (GetMenuString
- (globals.main_menu_popup, teller, options.main_skin_file,
- if (GetMenuState
- (globals.main_menu_popup, teller,
- options.last_selected_skin_number = profileteller;
- }
- sprintf(SkinFileString, "SkinFile%d", profileteller++);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Skin", SkinFileString,
- options.main_skin_file, pathbuf);
- } else {
- sprintf(SkinFileString, "SkinFile%d", profileteller++);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Skin", SkinFileString, NULL,
- pathbuf);
- }
- }
- }
- WritePrivateProfileString("Skin", "LastSkin",
- _itoa(options.last_selected_skin_number,
- intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Skin", "UsePlaylistSkin",
- _itoa(options.use_playlist_skin, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Skin", "UseDefault",
- _itoa(options.use_default_skin, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Repeat",
- _itoa(options.repeat_playlist, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Shuffle",
- _itoa(options.shuffle_play, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Easymove",
- _itoa(options.easy_move, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "RotateIcon",
- _itoa(options.rotate_systray_icon, intbuf,
- 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Ontop",
- _itoa(options.always_on_top, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Autoexit",
- _itoa(options.auto_exit_after_playing,
- intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Rememberpls",
- _itoa(options.remember_playlist, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Remaining",
- _itoa(options.show_remaining_time, intbuf,
- 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "ReadID3tag",
- _itoa(options.read_id3_tag, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "ReadSelID3tag",
- _itoa(options.read_id3_tag_of_selected,
- intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "SuportID3v2",
- _itoa(options.support_id3v2, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "PreferNativeOGGtags",
- _itoa(options.prefer_native_ogg_tags, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "BackgroundReadID3",
- _itoa(options.read_id3_tag_in_background, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "WorkOutTrackLengths",
- _itoa(options.work_out_track_lengths, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "AllowMultipleInstances",
- _itoa(options.allow_multiple_instances, intbuf,
- 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Outputmode",
- _itoa(options.decoder_output_mode, intbuf,
- 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Scrolltitle",
- _itoa(options.scroll_track_title, intbuf,
- 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "ShowPlaylist",
- _itoa(options.show_playlist, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- {
- if(options.remember_last_played_track)
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "RememberLastSong", options.initial_file, pathbuf);
- else
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "RememberLastSong", "", pathbuf);
- }
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Fileonce",
- _itoa(options.allow_file_once_in_playlist,
- intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "Autoplay",
- _itoa(options.auto_play_when_started, intbuf,
- 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "TaskBar",
- _itoa(options.show_on_taskbar, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "DelayTime",
- _itoa(options.seconds_delay_after_track,
- intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "RememberSkins",
- _itoa(options.remember_skin_count, intbuf,
- 10), pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Equalizer", "Active",
- _itoa(options.equalizer, intbuf, 10),
- pathbuf);
- for (teller = 1; teller <= 8; teller++) {
- char keyname[100];
- sprintf(keyname, "Eq%d", teller);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Equalizer", keyname,
- _itoa(options.eq_settings[teller],
- intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- }
- // Write quick find defaults
- {
- char pcQuickFindOption[2];
- pcQuickFindOption[1] = '';
- if(options.m_enQuickFindTerm == qftTitle)
- pcQuickFindOption[0] = 'T';
- else if(options.m_enQuickFindTerm == qftArtist)
- pcQuickFindOption[0] = 'A';
- else if(options.m_enQuickFindTerm == qftAlbum)
- pcQuickFindOption[0] = 'M';
- WritePrivateProfileString("Misc", "QuickFindSearchTerm", pcQuickFindOption, pathbuf);
- }
- // Write out mixer mode
- if(globals.m_enMixerMode == mmMasterVolume)
- WritePrivateProfileString("Mixer", "Mode", "Master", pathbuf);
- else if(globals.m_enMixerMode == mmWaveVolume)
- WritePrivateProfileString("Mixer", "Mode", "Wave", pathbuf);
- else
- WritePrivateProfileString("Mixer", "Mode", "Internal", pathbuf);
- WritePrivateProfileString("Mixer", "InternalVolume", _itoa(globals.m_iVolume, intbuf, 10), pathbuf);
- }