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资源名称:VC++视频传输.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "vop_code.h"
- #include "mot_est_comp.h"
- #include "bitstream.h"
- #include "rate_ctl.h"
- #define MB_RATIO_THREADHOLD 0.40
- extern FILE *ftrace;
- UInt BitstreamPutVopHeader ( Vop *vop,
- Float time,
- VolConfig *vol_config
- );
- Void ImageRepetitivePadding(Image *image, Int edge);
- Double compute_MAD(Vop *vop);
- Void VopCode(Vop *curr,
- Vop *reference,
- Vop *reconstruct,
- Vop *error,
- Int enable_8x8_mv,
- Float time,
- VolConfig *vol_config)
- {
- ImageF *mot_x=NULL, *mot_y=NULL;
- Image *MB_decisions=NULL;
- Int edge,f_code_for=1;
- Vop *error_vop=NULL;
- Int vop_quantizer;
- Float mad_P = 0., mad_I = 0.;
- Float IntraMBRatio = 1.;
- Int numberMB, i, IntraMB;
- edge = 0;
- f_code_for = curr->fcode_for;
- if (curr->prediction_type == P_VOP)
- {
- MotionEstimationCompensation(curr, reference,
- enable_8x8_mv, edge ,f_code_for,
- reconstruct, &mad_P, &mot_x,&mot_y,&MB_decisions);
- IntraMB = 0;
- numberMB = MB_decisions->x * MB_decisions->y;
- for (i = 0; i < numberMB; i ++)
- if (MB_decisions->f[i] == MBM_INTRA) IntraMB ++;
- IntraMBRatio = (float)IntraMB / (float)numberMB;
- #ifdef _RC_
- fprintf(ftrace, "ME with MAD : %fn", mad_P);
- fprintf(ftrace, "%4.2f of the MBs are I-MBs.n", IntraMBRatio);
- #endif
- }
- else
- if ((mad_P < SCENE_CHANGE_THREADHOLD / 3) ||
- {
- curr->prediction_type = P_VOP;
- error->prediction_type = P_VOP;
- #ifdef _RC_
- fprintf(ftrace, "Coding mode : INTERn");
- #endif
- vop_quantizer = RateCtlGetQ(mad_P);
- curr->quantizer = vop_quantizer;
- error->quantizer = vop_quantizer;
- #ifdef _RC_DEBUG_
- fprintf(stdout, "RC: >>>>> New quantizer= %dn", vop_quantizer);
- #endif
- SubImage(curr->y_chan, reconstruct->y_chan, error->y_chan);
- SubImage(curr->u_chan, reconstruct->u_chan, error->u_chan);
- SubImage(curr->v_chan, reconstruct->v_chan, error->v_chan);
- BitstreamPutVopHeader(curr,time,vol_config);
- VopShapeMotText(error, reconstruct, MB_decisions,
- mot_x, mot_y, f_code_for,
- GetVopIntraACDCPredDisable(curr), reference,
- NULL);
- } else {
- curr->prediction_type = I_VOP;
- curr->rounding_type = 1;
- #ifdef _RC_
- fprintf(ftrace, "Coding mode : INTRAn");
- #endif
- if (mad_I == 0.) mad_I = (Float) compute_MAD(curr);
- vop_quantizer = RateCtlGetQ(mad_I);
- curr->intra_quantizer = vop_quantizer;
- curr->rounding_type = 1;
- BitstreamPutVopHeader(curr,time,vol_config);
- VopCodeShapeTextIntraCom(curr,
- reference,
- );
- }
- if (MB_decisions) FreeImage(MB_decisions);
- if (mot_x) FreeImage(mot_x);
- if (mot_y) FreeImage(mot_y);
- ImageRepetitivePadding(reference->y_chan, 16);
- ImageRepetitivePadding(reference->u_chan, 8);
- ImageRepetitivePadding(reference->v_chan, 8);
- Bitstream_NextStartCode();
- return;
- }
- UInt
- BitstreamPutVopHeader(Vop *vop,
- Float time,
- VolConfig *vol_config)
- {
- Image *buffer = NULL;
- Int bits;
- Int time_modulo;
- Float time_inc;
- Int index;
- UInt num_bits_header=0;
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,GetVopPredictionType(vop),2);
- index = GetVolConfigModTimeBase(vol_config, 1);
- time_modulo = (int)time - index*1000;
- while(time_modulo >= 1000)
- {
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,1,1);
- time_modulo = time_modulo - 1000;
- index++;
- printf("time modulo : 1n");
- }
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,0,1);
- PutVolConfigModTimeBase(index,vol_config);
- time_inc = (time - index*1000);
- bits = (int)ceil(log((double)GetVopTimeIncrementResolution(vop))/log(2.0));
- if (bits<1) bits=1;
- time_inc=time_inc*GetVopTimeIncrementResolution(vop)/1000.0f;
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,1,1);
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,(Int)(time_inc+0.001),bits);
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,1,1);
- if (GetVopWidth(vop)==0)
- {
- printf("Empty VOP at %.2fn",time);
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,0L,1L);
- num_bits_header += Bitstream_NextStartCode();
- return(num_bits_header);
- }
- else
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,1L,1L);
- if( GetVopPredictionType(vop) == P_VOP )
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,GetVopRoundingType(vop),1);
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,GetVopIntraDCVlcThr(vop),3);
- if (GetVopPredictionType(vop) == I_VOP)
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,GetVopIntraQuantizer(vop),GetVopQuantPrecision(vop));
- else
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,GetVopQuantizer(vop),GetVopQuantPrecision(vop));
- if (GetVopPredictionType(vop)!=I_VOP)
- {
- BitstreamPutBits(buffer,GetVopFCodeFor(vop),3);
- }
- return(num_bits_header);
- }
- Void ImageRepetitivePadding(Image *image, Int edge)
- {
- SInt *p, left, right;
- Int width, height, x, y;
- p = image->f;
- width = image->x;
- height = image->y;
- for( y=edge; y<height-edge; y++)
- {
- left = p[y*width+edge];
- right = p[y*width+width-edge-1];
- for(x=0; x<edge; x++)
- {
- p[y*width+x] = left;
- p[y*width+width-edge+x] = right;
- }
- }
- for(y=0; y<edge; y++)
- for(x=0; x<width; x++)
- p[y*width+x] = p[edge*width+x];
- for(y=height-edge; y<height; y++)
- for(x=0; x<width; x++)
- p[y*width+x] = p[(height-1-edge)*width+x];
- return;
- }
- Double compute_MAD(
- Vop *error_vop
- )
- {
- SInt *curr_in,
- *curr_end;
- Float *curr_fin,
- *curr_fend;
- UInt sxy_in;
- Double mad=0.0, dc = 0.0;
- Int cnt=0;
- switch (GetImageType(error_vop->y_chan))
- {
- case SHORT_TYPE:
- curr_in = (SInt*)GetImageData(error_vop->y_chan);
- sxy_in = GetImageSize(error_vop->y_chan);
- curr_end = curr_in + sxy_in;
- cnt = 0;
- while (curr_in != curr_end)
- {
- dc += *curr_in;
- cnt++;
- curr_in++;
- }
- dc /= cnt;
- curr_in = (SInt*)GetImageData(error_vop->y_chan);
- sxy_in = GetImageSize(error_vop->y_chan);
- curr_end = curr_in + sxy_in;
- cnt = 0;
- while (curr_in != curr_end)
- {
- mad += fabs(*curr_in - dc);
- cnt++;
- curr_in++;
- }
- mad /= cnt;
- break;
- case FLOAT_TYPE:
- curr_fin = (Float*)GetImageData(error_vop->y_chan);
- sxy_in = GetImageSize(error_vop->y_chan);
- curr_fend = curr_fin + sxy_in;
- cnt = 0;
- while (curr_fin != curr_fend)
- {
- mad += fabs(*curr_fin);
- cnt++;
- curr_fin++;
- }
- mad /= cnt;
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- #ifdef _RC_
- fprintf(ftrace, "The MAD of the VOP to be coded is %f.n", mad);
- #endif
- return mad;
- }