- /* usrFd.c - floppy disk initialization */
- /* Copyright 1992-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01h,21sep01,jkf cbio API changes.
- 01g,21jun00,rsh upgrade to dosFs 2.0
- 01f,04nov98,lrn fixed return value checking for dosFsDevCreate()
- 01e,14oct98,lrn modified for DosFs 2.0
- 01d,28jun95,hdn doc change.
- 01c,24jan95,jdi doc cleanup.
- 01b,25oct94,hdn swapped 1st and 2nd parameter of fdDevCreate() and
- usrFdConfig().
- 01a,25oct93,hdn written.
- */
- /*
- This file is used to configure and initialize the VxWorks floppy disk support.
- This file is included by the prjConfig.c configuration file created by thge Project Manager.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "dosFsLib.h"
- #include "dpartCbio.h"
- #include "dcacheCbio.h"
- #include "usrFdiskPartLib.h"
- /* forward declaration */
- /* macro's */
- #ifndef FD_CACHE_SIZE
- #define FD_CACHE_SIZE 0x0
- #endif /* !FD_CACHE_SIZE */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * usrFdConfig - mount a DOS file system from a floppy disk
- *
- * This routine mounts a DOS file system from a floppy disk device.
- *
- * The <drive> parameter is the drive number of the floppy disk;
- * valid values are 0 to 3.
- *
- * The <type> parameter specifies the type of diskette, which is described
- * in the structure table `fdTypes[]' in sysLib.c. <type> is an index to
- * the table. Currently the table contains two diskette types:
- * .iP "" 4
- * A <type> of 0 indicates the first entry in the table (3.5" 2HD, 1.44MB);
- * .iP
- * A <type> of 1 indicates the second entry in the table (5.25" 2HD, 1.2MB).
- * .LP
- *
- * The <fileName> parameter is the mount point, e.g., `/fd0/'.
- *
- *
- * .pG "I/O System, Local File Systems, Intel i386/i486 Appendix"
- */
- STATUS usrFdConfig
- (
- int drive, /* drive number of floppy disk (0 - 3) */
- int type, /* type of floppy disk */
- char * fileName /* mount point */
- )
- {
- BLK_DEV *pBootDev;
- CBIO_DEV_ID cbio ;
- char bootDir [BOOT_FILE_LEN];
- if( type == NONE)
- return OK;
- if ((UINT)drive >= FD_MAX_DRIVES)
- {
- printErr ("drive is out of range (0-%d).n", FD_MAX_DRIVES - 1);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* create a block device spanning entire disk (non-distructive!) */
- if ((pBootDev = fdDevCreate (drive, type, 0, 0)) == NULL)
- {
- printErr ("fdDevCreate failed.n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* create a disk cache to speed up Floppy operation */
- cbio = dcacheDevCreate( (CBIO_DEV_ID) pBootDev, NULL,
- FD_CACHE_SIZE, bootDir );
- if( cbio == NULL )
- {
- /* insufficient memory, will avoid the cache */
- cbio = cbioWrapBlkDev (pBootDev);
- }
- /* split off boot device from boot file */
- devSplit (fileName, bootDir);
- /* initialize device as a dosFs device named <bootDir> */
- if (dosFsDevCreate (bootDir, cbio, 20, NONE) == ERROR)
- {
- printErr ("dosFsDevCreate failed.n");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }