- /* distIfUdp.h - UDP adapter initialization routine (VxFusion) */
- /* Copyright 1999-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01d,16oct01,jws ARM support
- 01c,11jun99,drm Changing default ring buffer size to 256.
- 01b,29oct98,drm removed maxTBufs argument from distIfUdpInit()
- 01a,31jul98,drm initial version
- */
- #ifndef __INCdistIfUdph
- #define __INCdistIfUdph
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- /*
- * The NET_HDR structure encapsulates the fields needed by the Network Layer
- * (L3) of the VxFusion protocol stack. These fields are encapsulated at a
- * header at this level to allow for the flexibility of different types of
- * interfaces. Interfaces with small MTU sizes may wish to use smaller headers
- * to increase throughput, while interfacs with larger MTU sizes may wish to
- * use larger headers to allow larger messages to be sent. The values that
- * need to be set for the fields of the structure below are passed to/from
- * the Network Layer within the TBuf structure.
- *
- * The NET_HDR structure may also be used to store values such as priority
- * which may be lost if the transport doesn't support message priorities.
- */
- /* defines */
- /* get rid of this next when underscore issue is settled */
- #ifndef _WRS_PACK_ALIGN
- #endif
- #define UDP_IO_PORT 5011 /* UDP port for node to node comm */
- #define UDP_MTU_BUF_SZ 1500 /* MTU size to use for packets */
- #define UDP_RING_BUF_SZ 256 /* Window size used by network protocol */
- #define UDP_MAX_FRAGS 10 /* Max # fragments msg can be broken into */
- /* typedefs */
- typedef struct
- {
- uint16_t pktId; /* Packet ID */
- uint16_t pktAck; /* Last Packet ID Acked */
- uint16_t pktFragSeq; /* Fragmented packet sequence number */
- uint16_t pktLen; /* Packet Length */
- uint16_t pktType; /* Packet type (DATA, ACK,...) */
- uint16_t pktFlags; /* Packet flags HDR,MORE_MF, and/or BROADCAST */
- uint16_t priority; /* Priority */
- } _WRS_PACK_ALIGN(2) NET_HDR; /* Network Header */
- /* function declarations */
- #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
- STATUS distIfUdpInit
- (
- void *pConf, /* ptr to configuration struct */
- FUNCPTR *pStartup /* Ptr to startup routine */
- );
- #else /* __STDC__ */
- STATUS distIfUdpInit ();
- #endif /* __STDC__ */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #endif /* __INCdistIfUdph */