- /* symSyncLib.c - host/target symbol table synchronization */
- /* Copyright 1996-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01t,03may02,jhw Added VX_FP_TASK task option to tSymSync. (SPR 66307)
- 01s,03apr02,j_s correct the miscalculation of length limit of symbol name
- in syncSymAddHook/syncSymRemoveHook (SPR 75036).
- 01r,30oct01,jn use symFindSymbol for symbol lookup (SPR #7453)
- 01q,01oct01,c_c Fixed SPR 62583.
- 01p,02apr99,jdi corrected spelling of NOMANUAL in syncTgtSafeModCheck()
- 01o,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 01n,01sep98,pcn Added wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd definition.
- 01m,27jul98,elp fixed stack size for SIMSPARCSOLARIS (SPR #20150).
- 01l,07jul98,pcn Added include for wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd.
- 01k,24apr98,dbt fixed WTX timeout error message (SPR #20852).
- 01j,14jul97,dgp doc: edit new additions
- 01i,21feb96,elp improved timeout managements (added warning message).
- 01h,13feb97,elp managed timeout errors on wtxEventGet() (SPR# 7959)
- + network doc enhancements (SPR# 7852).
- 01g,06jan97,elp fixed a typo.
- 01f,18dec96,jdi doc: more enhancements and cleanup; changed title line to
- reflect new name of module.
- 01e,12dec96,elp moved hooks initialization into tSymSync
- + added global symSyncHWtx to enable timeout modifications.
- + added symSyncTimeout()
- + name revision.
- 01d,10dec96,jdi doc: cleanup.
- 01c,13nov96,elp doc generation.
- 01b,24oct96,elp added event notification when synchronization is done
- + synchronize usual target commands (ld(), symAdd(), ...).
- 01a,04oct96,elp written.
- */
- /*
- This module provides host/target symbol table synchronization.
- With synchronization, every module or symbol added to the run-time
- system from either the target or host side can be seen by facilities
- on both the target and the host. Symbol table synchronization makes it
- possible to use host tools to debug application modules loaded with the
- target loader or from a target file system. To enable synchronization,
- two actions must be performed:
- .iP 1 6
- The module is initialized by symSyncLibInit(), which is called automatically
- when the configuration macro INCLUDE_SYM_TBL_SYNC is defined.
- .iP 2
- The target server is launched with the `-s' option.
- .LP
- If synchronization is enabled, `symSyncLib' spawns a synchronization task
- on the target, `tSymSync'. This task behaves as a WTX tool and attaches
- itself to the target server. When the task starts, it synchronizes target
- and host symbol tables so that every module loaded on the target before the
- target server was started can be seen by the host tools. This feature is
- particularly useful if VxWorks is started with a target-based startup script
- before the target server has been launched.
- The `tSymSync' task synchronizes new symbols that are added
- by either the target or the host tools. The task waits for synchronization
- events on two channels: a WTX event from the host or a message queue additon
- from the target.
- The `tSymSync' task, like all WTX tools, must be able to connect to the WTX
- registry. To make the WTX registry accessible from the target, do one of
- the following:
- .iP 1 6
- Boot the target from a host on the same subnet as the registry.
- .iP 2
- Start the registry on the same host the target boots from.
- .iP 3
- Add the needed routes with routeAdd() calls, possibly in a startup script.
- .LP
- Neither the host tools nor the target loader wait for synchronization
- completion to return. To know when the synchronization is complete, you
- can wait for the corresponding event sent by the target server, or,
- if your target server was started with the `-V' option, it prints a
- message indicating synchronization has completed.
- The event sent by the target server is of the following format:
- .tS
- SYNC_DONE <syncType> <syncObj> <syncStatus>
- .tE
- The following are examples of messages displayed by the target server
- indicating synchronization is complete:
- .CS
- Added target_modules to target-server.....done
- Added ttTest.o.68k to target............done
- .CE
- If synchronization fails, the following message is displayed:
- .CS
- Added gopher.o to target............failed
- .CE
- This error generally means that synchronization of the corresponding module
- or symbol is no longer possible because it no longer exists in the original
- symbol table. If so, it will be followed by:
- .CS
- Removed gopher.o from target..........failed
- .CE
- Failure can also occur if a timeout is reached.
- Call symSyncTimeoutSet() to modify the WTX timeout between the target
- synchronization task and the target server.
- Hardware: Because the synchronization task uses the WTX protocol to
- communicate with the target server, the target must include network
- facilities. Depending on how much synchronization is to be done (number
- of symbols to transfer), a reasonable throughput between the target server
- and target agent is required (the wdbrpc backend is recommended when large
- modules are to be loaded).
- Performance: The synchronization task requires some minor overhead in
- target routines msgQSend(), loadModule(), symAdd(), and symRemove();
- however, if an application sends more than 15 synchronization events,
- it will fill the message queue and then need to wait for a synchronization
- event to be processed by `tSymSync'. Also, waiting for host synchronization
- events is done by polling; thus there may be some impact on performance if
- there are lower-priority tasks than `tSymSync'. If no more synchronization
- is needed, `tSymSync' can be suspended.
- Known problem: Modules with undefined symbols that are loaded from the target
- are not synchronized; however, they are synchronized if they are loaded
- from the host.
- `tgtsvr'
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "symSyncLib.h"
- #include "rpcLib.h"
- #include "loadLib.h"
- #include "unldLib.h"
- #include "symLib.h"
- #include "msgQLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "a_out.h" /* XXX ELP to get N_TYPE definition */
- #include "usrLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- /* typedefs */
- typedef struct
- {
- DL_NODE node;
- UINT16 tgtGroup;
- UINT32 hostGroup;
- /*
- * dummy type that concatenates arguments as only one can be passed to
- * routines called by symEach().
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- HWTX hWtx;
- UINT16 tgtGroup;
- UINT32 hostGroup;
- /* defines */
- /* #define DEBUG */
- #define H_STR_TO_L(str) (strtoul (str, NULL, 16))
- #define SYNC_TGT_EVT_MAX 15 /* max number of sync rqsts */
- #define OBJ_NAME_MAX 30
- #define SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH 60 /* max event string length */
- #define TIMEOUT sysClkRateGet()
- /* for sending/receiving events */
- #define SYNC_PRIORITY 90
- /* XXX - jhw
- * The VX_FP_TASK option is needed to prevent corruption of
- * the floating point registers. All tasks that call
- * (directly or indirectly) C++ code that is compiled without
- * '-fnoexceptions' with gnu 2.96 are affected.
- * See SPR 66307,70995 for additional info.
- * This module calls unldByModuleId() which calls C++ destructors.
- */
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == MC680X0)
- #define SYNC_STACK_SIZE 8000
- #elif (CPU_FAMILY == I960)
- #define SYNC_STACK_SIZE 5000
- #define SYNC_STACK_SIZE 15000
- #else
- #define SYNC_STACK_SIZE 5000
- #endif
- /* globals */
- MSG_Q_ID symSyncMsgQId; /* target synchro event container */
- HWTX symSyncHWtx; /* symbol synchro WTX handle */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL const char SYM_SYNC_TOOL_NAME[] = "symTblsSync";
- LOCAL DL_LIST symSyncLst; /* sync modules list */
- LOCAL DL_LIST symSyncTmpLst; /* tmp buffer */
- LOCAL BOOL symSyncKill; /* to exit tSymSync loop */
- LOCAL UINT32 symSyncWtxTimeout = 5000; /* wtx timeout */
- IMPORT CLASS_ID symTblClassId;
- IMPORT CLASS_ID moduleClassId;
- IMPORT struct opaque_auth authCred;
- /* forward declarations */
- extern STATUS wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd (HWTX, char *, UINT32 );
- STATUS symSRemove (SYMTAB_ID, char *, SYM_TYPE);
- /* group list processing */
- LOCAL STATUS groupAdd (DL_LIST *, UINT16, UINT32);
- LOCAL BOOL isInHostGroupList (DL_NODE *, int);
- LOCAL BOOL isInTgtGroupList (DL_NODE *, int);
- LOCAL void syncGroupUpdate ();
- LOCAL STATUS symSyncMain (HWTX);
- LOCAL STATUS symSyncTaskInit (char *);
- /* host -> target synchronization */
- LOCAL STATUS symSyncTgtUpdate (HWTX, char *, char *);
- LOCAL STATUS syncModCTgtUpdate (HWTX, UINT32);
- LOCAL STATUS syncModDTgtUpdate (HWTX, UINT32);
- LOCAL STATUS syncSymAddTgtUpdate (HWTX, char *);
- /* target -> host synchronization */
- LOCAL STATUS symSyncHostUpdate (HWTX, char *, char *);
- LOCAL STATUS syncModDHostUpdate (HWTX, char *, UINT16);
- LOCAL STATUS syncSymAddHostUpdate (HWTX, char *, char *, SYM_TYPE, UINT16);
- LOCAL STATUS syncSymRemHostUpdate (HWTX, char *, SYM_TYPE);
- LOCAL STATUS syncUsrUpdate (HWTX, int, int);
- LOCAL BOOL syncTgtSafeModCheck (MODULE_ID , int);
- LOCAL BOOL syncEachSymToHost (char *, int, SYM_TYPE, int, UINT16);
- LOCAL BOOL syncSymByGrpToHost (char *, int, SYM_TYPE, int, UINT16);
- LOCAL void syncLoadHook (MODULE_ID);
- LOCAL void syncUnldHook (MODULE_ID);
- LOCAL void syncSymAddHook (char *, char *, SYM_TYPE, UINT16);
- LOCAL void syncSymRemoveHook (char *, SYM_TYPE);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * symSyncLibInit - initialize host/target symbol table synchronization
- *
- * This routine initializes host/target symbol table synchronization.
- * To enable synchronization, it must be called before a target server
- * is started. It is called automatically if the configuration macro
- * INCLUDE_SYM_TBL_SYNC is defined.
- *
- */
- void symSyncLibInit ()
- {
- /* create the target synchronization event folder */
- symSyncMsgQId = msgQCreate (SYNC_TGT_EVT_MAX, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH,
- return;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * symSyncTimeoutSet - set WTX timeout
- *
- * This routine sets the WTX timeout between target server and synchronization
- * task.
- *
- * RETURNS: If <timeout> is 0, the current timeout, otherwise the new timeout
- * value in milliseconds.
- */
- UINT32 symSyncTimeoutSet
- (
- UINT32 timeout /* WTX timeout in milliseconds */
- )
- {
- UINT32 curTimeout;
- if (wtxToolConnected (symSyncHWtx))
- {
- if (timeout == 0)
- {
- if (wtxTimeoutGet (symSyncHWtx, &curTimeout) == WTX_OK)
- return (curTimeout);
- return (symSyncWtxTimeout);
- }
- else
- {
- symSyncWtxTimeout = timeout;
- wtxTimeoutSet (symSyncHWtx, symSyncWtxTimeout);
- return (symSyncWtxTimeout);
- }
- }
- if (timeout == 0)
- return (symSyncWtxTimeout);
- symSyncWtxTimeout = timeout;
- return (symSyncWtxTimeout);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncErrHandler - synchronization error handler
- *
- * Some WTX errors may happen in an unpredictable way (because information of
- * the synchronization task are not up to date). So these errors should be
- * ignored.
- *
- * RETURNS: FALSE to prevent from calling other error handler.
- *
- */
- BOOL32 syncErrHandler
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- void * pClientData,
- void * errCode
- )
- {
- if (((WTX_ERROR_T)errCode == WTX_OK) ||
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("%#x ignoredn", (WTX_ERROR_T)errCode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- }
- else if (((WTX_ERROR_T)errCode == WTX_ERR_API_NOT_CONNECTED) ||
- ((WTX_ERROR_T)errCode == WTX_ERROR))
- {
- if (!symSyncKill)
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Fatal WTX error (%#x), synchronization stoppedn",
- (int)errCode);
- symSyncKill = TRUE; /* end the task */
- }
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Warning: tSymSync WTX timeoutn");
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected WTX error %#x during synchronizationn",
- (WTX_ERROR_T)errCode);
- taskSuspend (0);
- #endif
- }
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncSymStart - start the synchronization task
- *
- * This routine is the entry point that is called by target server.
- * It initializes registry inet and RPC credentials and then starts <tSymSync>
- * task.
- * Once the synchronization task is started, it sends a request to synchronize
- * the symbol tables.
- *
- * RETURNS: tid of <tSymSync> or WTX_ERROR.
- *
- */
- STATUS syncSymStart
- (
- char * tgtSvrName, /* target server name */
- UINT32 registryInet, /* registry address */
- int pCredFlavor, /* RPC credentials information */
- void * pCredBase,
- UINT32 pCredLength
- )
- {
- int tid;
- char startSyncEvt[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (sysSymTbl, symTblClassId) != OK)
- return (WTX_ERROR);
- /* store the registry internet address */
- syncRegistry = registryInet;
- /* store RPC credentials */
- authCred.oa_flavor = pCredFlavor;
- authCred.oa_base = pCredBase;
- authCred.oa_length = pCredLength;
- /*
- * Initialize hooks so that module loads and symbol additions send a
- * message in the synchronization message queue.
- */
- taskLock ();
- syncLoadRtn = (FUNCPTR) syncLoadHook;
- syncUnldRtn = (FUNCPTR) syncUnldHook;
- syncSymAddRtn = (FUNCPTR) syncSymAddHook;
- syncSymRemoveRtn = (FUNCPTR) syncSymRemoveHook;
- taskUnlock ();
- symSyncTaskInit, (int)tgtSvrName, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- /* bring unknown target symbols to host symbol table */
- sprintf (startSyncEvt, "%s 0x1 0x1", USR_RQST_EVT);
- msgQSend (symSyncMsgQId, startSyncEvt, strlen(startSyncEvt)+1, TIMEOUT,
- return (tid);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * symSyncTaskInit - WTX initializations
- *
- * This routine initializes RPC then WTX, attaches to target server and
- * registers for concerned events.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS symSyncTaskInit
- (
- char * tgtSvrName /* target server name */
- )
- {
- char regEvtStr[50]; /* registered events */
- WTX_HANDLER_T wtxErrHId; /* error handler id */
- strcpy (regEvtStr, "(OBJ_(LOAD|UNLOAD)|SYM_(ADD|REMOV))ED|SYNC_STOP");
- /*
- * initialize the synchronized group list : vxWorks symbols are always
- * synchronized (group is 1 on target side and 1 on host side).
- */
- dllInit (&symSyncLst);
- dllInit (&symSyncTmpLst);
- groupAdd (&symSyncLst, 1, 1);
- /* initialize the task access to the RPC package */
- rpcTaskInit ();
- /* initialize WTX session handle */
- if (wtxInitialize (&symSyncHWtx) != WTX_OK)
- return (ERROR);
- wtxErrHId = wtxErrHandlerAdd (symSyncHWtx,
- (WTX_HANDLER_FUNC)&syncErrHandler, 0);
- if (wtxErrHId == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Unable to initialize synchronization task. Giving up.n");
- wtxTerminate (symSyncHWtx);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* attach to Target Server */
- wtxToolAttach (symSyncHWtx, tgtSvrName, SYM_SYNC_TOOL_NAME);
- /* set WTX timeout if necessary */
- if (symSyncWtxTimeout != 0)
- wtxTimeoutSet (symSyncHWtx, symSyncWtxTimeout);
- /* register for events */
- wtxRegisterForEvent (symSyncHWtx, regEvtStr);
- /* synchronize symbol tables */
- symSyncMain (symSyncHWtx);
- /* detach from target server */
- wtxToolDetach (symSyncHWtx);
- /* remove error handler */
- wtxErrHandlerRemove (symSyncHWtx, wtxErrHId);
- wtxTerminate (symSyncHWtx);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * symSyncMain - main routine
- *
- * This routine waits for target or host synchronization events and does the
- * corresponding job.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS symSyncMain
- (
- HWTX hWtx
- )
- {
- WTX_EVENT_DESC * pEvtDesc; /* event descriptor */
- char tgtEvtBuffer[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- char doneEvtBuffer[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- symSyncKill = FALSE;
- while (!symSyncKill)
- {
- if (msgQReceive (symSyncMsgQId, tgtEvtBuffer, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH,
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("tgt evt: %sn", (int)tgtEvtBuffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- symSyncHostUpdate (hWtx, tgtEvtBuffer, doneEvtBuffer);
- }
- else
- {
- if ((pEvtDesc = wtxEventGet (hWtx)) == NULL)
- continue; /* we got a timeout, may be better next time */
- while (strcmp (pEvtDesc->event, "") != 0) /* no event received */
- {
- if (strcmp (pEvtDesc->event, "SYNC_STOP") == 0)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("stop event receivedn", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- symSyncKill = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- else /* split event string and process it */
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("tgtsvr evt: %sn", (int)pEvtDesc->event,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- symSyncTgtUpdate (hWtx, pEvtDesc->event, doneEvtBuffer);
- wtxEventAdd (hWtx, doneEvtBuffer, 0, NULL);
- }
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pEvtDesc);
- if ((pEvtDesc = wtxEventGet (hWtx)) == NULL)
- break; /* we got a timeout, giving up */
- }
- if (pEvtDesc != NULL)
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pEvtDesc);
- }
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * groupAdd - add a group to a group list.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if addition is possible, ERROR otherwise.
- *
- */
- STATUS groupAdd
- (
- DL_LIST * pList,
- UINT16 tgtGroup,
- UINT32 hostGroup
- )
- {
- GROUP_NODE * pToAdd = (GROUP_NODE *) malloc (sizeof (GROUP_NODE));
- if (pToAdd)
- {
- pToAdd->tgtGroup = tgtGroup;
- pToAdd->hostGroup = hostGroup;
- dllAdd (pList, (DL_NODE *)pToAdd);
- return (OK);
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * groupFind - find if a given group is in a group list
- *
- * This routine is used to know if a module is already synchronized. If its
- * target or host module's group is in the synchronized group list there is
- * nothing to do.
- *
- * RETURNS: a pointer on the GROUP_NODE found or NULL.
- *
- */
- GROUP_NODE * groupFind
- (
- DL_LIST * pList,
- UINT32 group, /* module's group on host or target side */
- FUNCPTR findRtn
- )
- {
- GROUP_NODE * pGroup;
- pGroup = (GROUP_NODE *) dllEach (pList, findRtn, (int)group);
- return (pGroup);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * groupRemove - remove a group from a list
- *
- * RETURNS: a pointer on the group node removed or NULL.
- *
- */
- GROUP_NODE * groupRemove
- (
- DL_LIST * pList,
- UINT32 group,
- FUNCPTR findRtn
- )
- {
- GROUP_NODE * pGroup = groupFind (pList, group, findRtn);
- if (pGroup)
- dllRemove (pList, (DL_NODE *)pGroup);
- return (pGroup);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncGroupUpdate - update <symSyncLst> with elements of <symSyncTmpLst>
- *
- * <symSyncTmpLst> is used as a buffer to indicate when we are bringing
- * target symbols to host, that target module info were already synchronized
- * while symbols are not. When every symbols are synchronized then modules
- * of <symSyncTmpLst> can be considered as synchronized.
- *
- *
- */
- void syncGroupUpdate ()
- {
- GROUP_NODE * pToAdd = (GROUP_NODE *) dllGet (&symSyncTmpLst);
- while (pToAdd != NULL)
- {
- if (groupFind (&symSyncLst, pToAdd->tgtGroup,
- (FUNCPTR)isInTgtGroupList) == NULL)
- dllAdd (&symSyncLst, (DL_NODE *)pToAdd);
- else
- free (pToAdd);
- pToAdd = (GROUP_NODE *) DLL_NEXT (pToAdd);
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * isInHostGroupList - check a given host group is in the list.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if we should examine next element, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- BOOL isInHostGroupList
- (
- DL_NODE * pNode,
- int arg
- )
- {
- if (((GROUP_NODE *)pNode)->hostGroup == (UINT32)arg)
- return (FALSE);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * isInTgtGroupList - check a given target group is in the list.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if we should examine next element, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- BOOL isInTgtGroupList
- (
- DL_NODE * pNode,
- int arg
- )
- {
- if (((GROUP_NODE *)pNode)->tgtGroup == arg)
- return (FALSE);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /* HOST ----> TARGET */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * symSyncTgtUpdate - update target symbol table
- *
- * This routine parses and dispatches the target events received.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS symSyncTgtUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- char * evtString, /* event received */
- char * doneEvt /* event sent when sync is done */
- )
- {
- char * evtType;
- char * info[3];
- char * pLast = NULL;
- STATUS status = OK;
- evtType = strtok_r (evtString, " ", &pLast);
- if (strcmp (evtType, OBJ_LOADED_EVT) == 0)
- {
- /* get the host module Id from the event string */
- info[0] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* module Id */
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* module name */
- status = syncModCTgtUpdate (hWtx, H_STR_TO_L(info[0]));
- }
- else if (strcmp (evtType, OBJ_UNLOADED_EVT) == 0)
- {
- /* get the host module group from the event string */
- info[0] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* module id */
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* module name */
- info[2] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* module group */
- status = syncModDTgtUpdate (hWtx, H_STR_TO_L(info[2]));
- }
- else if (strcmp (evtType, SYM_ADDED_EVT) == 0)
- {
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* symbol name */
- status = syncSymAddTgtUpdate (hWtx, info[1]);
- }
- else if (strcmp (evtType, SYM_REMOVED_EVT) == 0)
- {
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* symbol name */
- info[0] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* symbol type */
- status = symSRemove (sysSymTbl, info[1], H_STR_TO_L(info[0]));
- }
- else
- return (OK);
- if (strlen (info[1]) > OBJ_NAME_MAX)
- info[1][OBJ_NAME_MAX - 1] = '';
- sprintf (doneEvt, "SYNC_DONE t %s %s %d", evtType, info[1], status);
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncModCTgtUpdate - update target info when a module is created on host
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncModCTgtUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- UINT32 id /* host module id */
- )
- {
- WTX_MODULE_INFO * pModInfo; /* host module informations */
- MODULE_ID modId; /* target module Id */
- WTX_SYM_LIST * pSymList; /* symbols of the module */
- WTX_SYMBOL * pSymInfo;
- STATUS status = OK;
- /* Get the module info from the host and update target side */
- if ((pModInfo = wtxObjModuleInfoGet (hWtx, id)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* check if the module was previously synchronized */
- if (groupFind (&symSyncLst, pModInfo->group, isInHostGroupList) != NULL)
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pModInfo);
- return (OK);
- }
- /* create the new target module */
- if ((modId = syncTgtModInfoFill (pModInfo)) == NULL)
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pModInfo);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get symbols from the tgtsvr and add them in target symTbl */
- if ((pSymList = wtxSymListGet (hWtx, NULL, pModInfo->moduleName,
- 0, FALSE)) == NULL)
- {
- /* the module no longer exists on target */
- moduleDelete (modId);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pModInfo);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pSymInfo = pSymList->pSymbol;
- while ((pSymInfo != NULL) && (status == OK))
- {
- status = symSAdd (sysSymTbl, pSymInfo->name, (char *)pSymInfo->value,
- pSymInfo->type, modId->group);
- pSymInfo = pSymInfo->next;
- }
- /* update synchronized group list */
- groupAdd (&symSyncLst, modId->group, pModInfo->group);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pSymList);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pModInfo);
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncModDTgtUpdate - update target info when a module is deleted on host
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncModDTgtUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handler */
- UINT32 group /* group (on host) of the deleted module */
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- MODULE_ID modId; /* target module Id */
- GROUP_NODE * pGroup; /* group node of the module */
- /* remove the module from the synchronized group list */
- if ((pGroup = groupRemove (&symSyncLst, group,
- (FUNCPTR)isInHostGroupList)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* unload the module on target side */
- if ((modId = moduleFindByGroup (pGroup->tgtGroup)) != NULL)
- status = unldByModuleId (modId, UNLD_SYNC);
- free (pGroup);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (status == ERROR)
- fprintf (stderr, "unload pbn");
- #endif
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncSymAddTgtUpdate - update target symbol table when a symbol is added
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncSymAddTgtUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- char * symName /* symbol name */
- )
- {
- GROUP_NODE * pGroup; /* group node of the module */
- WTX_SYMBOL * pSymInfo;
- UINT16 tgtGroup;
- STATUS status = OK;
- if ((pSymInfo = wtxSymFind (hWtx, symName, 0, TRUE, 0, 0)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /*
- * get the corresponding target group
- * the default group number (0) is the same on host and target
- */
- if ((tgtGroup = pSymInfo->group) != 0)
- {
- if ((pGroup = groupFind (&symSyncLst, pSymInfo->group,
- (FUNCPTR)isInHostGroupList)) == NULL)
- /* XXX ELP inexistant group set to 0 */
- tgtGroup = 0;
- tgtGroup = pGroup->tgtGroup;
- }
- status = symSAdd (sysSymTbl, pSymInfo->name, (char *)pSymInfo->value,
- pSymInfo->type, tgtGroup);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pSymInfo);
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncTgtModInfoFill - fill target module information
- *
- * From a host module descriptor we get the information to store on the target
- * side.
- *
- * note: flag LOAD_LOADED_BY_TGTSVR is set in order we know that if the
- * target-server restarts these modules become obsolete.
- * note: To prevent from displaying 0xffffffff on target moduleShow(), segment
- * address is set to 0 when the segment does not exist.
- * note: The segment flag SEG_FREE_MEMORY is removed to prevent the memory from
- * being freed twice when unloading (1 by host and 1 by target).
- *
- * RETURNS: target module Id or NULL.
- *
- */
- MODULE_ID syncTgtModInfoFill
- (
- )
- {
- MODULE_ID modId;
- int format = -1;
- int flags = 0;
- int segType;
- int segAddr;
- int ix;
- STATUS status = OK;
- /* tarnslate host format into target format */
- if (strcmp (pModInfo->format, "a.out") == 0)
- format = MODULE_A_OUT;
- else if (strcmp (pModInfo->format, "coff") == 0)
- format = MODULE_ECOFF;
- else if (strcmp (pModInfo->format, "elf") == 0)
- format = MODULE_ELF;
- /* translate host load flags into target host flags */
- if (pModInfo->loadFlag & 0x1)
- flags |= LOAD_NO_SYMBOLS;
- if (pModInfo->loadFlag & 0x2)
- if (pModInfo->loadFlag & 0x4)
- flags |= (pModInfo->loadFlag & 0x00fffff0);
- /* create the module on the target */
- if ((modId = moduleCreate (pModInfo->moduleName, format, flags)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* add the segments */
- for (ix = 0; (ix < pModInfo->nSegments) && (status == OK); ix++)
- {
- switch (ix)
- {
- case 0: segType = SEGMENT_TEXT; break;
- case 1: segType = SEGMENT_DATA; break;
- case 2: segType = SEGMENT_BSS; break;
- #ifdef INCLUDE_SDA
- case 3: segType = SEGMENT_SDATA; break;
- case 4: segType = SEGMENT_SBSS; break;
- case 5: segType = SEGMENT_SDATA2; break;
- case 6: segType = SEGMENT_SBSS2; break;
- #endif
- default: segType = -1; break;
- }
- segAddr = ((int)pModInfo->segment[ix].addr != -1) ?
- (int)pModInfo->segment[ix].addr : 0;
- status = moduleSegAdd (modId, segType, (void *)segAddr,
- pModInfo->segment[ix].length,
- (pModInfo->segment[ix].flags & ~SEG_FREE_MEMORY));
- }
- if (status == OK)
- return (modId);
- else
- {
- moduleDelete (modId);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- /* TARGET ----> HOST */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * symSyncHostUpdate - update host side depending on <evtString>
- *
- * This routine dispatch the WTX events received from the target server
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS symSyncHostUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- char * evtString, /* event received */
- char * doneEvt /* event sent when sync is done */
- )
- {
- char * pLast = NULL;
- STATUS status = OK;
- char * evtType; /* synchronization event type */
- char * info[4]; /* store event tokens */
- BOOL eventSend = TRUE;
- evtType = strtok_r (evtString, " ", &pLast);
- if (strcmp (evtType, OBJ_LOADED_EVT) == 0)
- {
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* module id */
- info[0] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* module name */
- status = syncModCHostUpdate (hWtx, &symSyncLst,
- (MODULE_ID)H_STR_TO_L(info[1]),
- &eventSend, TRUE);
- }
- else if (strcmp (evtType, OBJ_UNLOADED_EVT) == 0)
- {
- info[0] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* mod name */
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* mod group */
- status = syncModDHostUpdate (hWtx, info[0], H_STR_TO_L(info[1]));
- }
- else if (strcmp (evtType, SYM_ADDED_EVT) == 0)
- {
- info[0] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* sym name */
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* sym val */
- info[2] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* sym type */
- info[3] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* sym group */
- status = syncSymAddHostUpdate (hWtx, info[0],
- (char *)H_STR_TO_L(info[1]),
- H_STR_TO_L(info[2]), H_STR_TO_L(info[3]));
- }
- else if (strcmp (evtType, SYM_REMOVED_EVT) == 0)
- {
- info[0] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* sym name */
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* sym type */
- status = syncSymRemHostUpdate (hWtx, info[0], H_STR_TO_L(info[1]));
- }
- else if (strcmp (evtType, USR_RQST_EVT) == 0)
- {
- info[0] = "target_modules";
- info[1] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* sense */
- info[2] = strtok_r (NULL, " ", &pLast); /* starting tgtsvr? */
- status = syncUsrUpdate (hWtx, H_STR_TO_L(info[1]), H_STR_TO_L(info[2]));
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("unknown target eventn", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (OK);
- }
- if (eventSend)
- {
- if (strlen (info[0]) > OBJ_NAME_MAX)
- info[0][OBJ_NAME_MAX - 1] = '';
- sprintf (doneEvt, "SYNC_DONE h %s %s %d", evtType, info[0], status);
- wtxEventAdd (hWtx, doneEvt, 0, NULL);
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncModCHostUpdate - update host side when a module is created on target
- *
- * This routine creates a module on the host with the same information than on
- * the target (except group number). If <addSym> is TRUE the routine looks for
- * the symbol of that module and add them in the host symbol table, otherwise
- * symbols are not added here.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncModCHostUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- DL_LIST * pList, /* where to add the synchronized module */
- MODULE_ID modId, /* target module Id */
- BOOL * pEventSend, /* send back an event when synchro is done */
- BOOL addSym /* add module's symbol or not */
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK; /* synchro status */
- WTX_LD_M_FILE_DESC in; /* host mod creation input */
- WTX_LD_M_FILE_DESC * pObjInfo; /* object file info */
- WTX_MODULE_INFO * pModInfo; /* host module info */
- BY_GROUP_ARG_T modFind;
- MODULE sMod; /* stored module */
- /* store module information to get them safely later */
- taskLock();
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (modId, moduleClassId) == OK)
- memcpy (&sMod, modId, sizeof(MODULE));
- else
- {
- taskUnlock ();
- return (ERROR);
- }
- taskUnlock();
- /* check if the module was previously synchronized */
- if (groupFind (&symSyncLst,, isInTgtGroupList) != NULL)
- {
- /* we do not send an event to tgtsvr because no work is performed */
- *pEventSend = FALSE;
- return (OK);
- }
- /* prepare host module creation */
- if (syncHostModInfoFill (&in, &sMod, TRUE) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* create the host module (flag LOAD_MODULE_INFO_ONLY is set) */
- if ((pObjInfo = wtxObjModuleLoad (hWtx, &in)) == NULL)
- {
- free (in.filename);
- free (in.section);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- free (in.filename);
- free (in.section);
- /* get newly created host module information */
- if ((pModInfo = wtxObjModuleInfoGet (hWtx, pObjInfo->moduleId)) == NULL)
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pObjInfo);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* add the module in the synchronized group list */
- groupAdd (pList,, pModInfo->group);
- if (addSym)
- {
- /* add the symbols of the new module */
- /*
- * XXX ELP there is no routine that returns a symbol list as tgtsvr does.
- * The solution is to go through the whole symTbl and add the concerned
- * symbols one by one. Building a list and sending it once should be faster.
- */
- modFind.hWtx = hWtx;
- modFind.tgtGroup =;
- modFind.hostGroup = pModInfo->group;
- if (symEach (sysSymTbl, (FUNCPTR)syncSymByGrpToHost, (int)&modFind)
- != NULL)
- /* because of an error we did not go through the all list */
- status = ERROR;
- }
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pObjInfo);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pModInfo);
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncModDHostUpdate - upadte host side when a module is deleted on target
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncModDHostUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- char * modName, /* name of the deleted module */
- UINT16 modGroup /* group of the deleted module */
- )
- {
- GROUP_NODE * pGroup;
- UINT32 moduleId = 0;
- /* remove the module from the synchronized group list */
- if ((pGroup = groupRemove (&symSyncLst, modGroup , isInTgtGroupList))
- == NULL)
- return (OK);
- free (pGroup);
- /* check to see if the module should be unloaded on host side */
- moduleId = wtxObjModuleFindId (hWtx, modName);
- if (moduleId)
- wtxObjModuleUnload (hWtx, moduleId);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncSymAddHostUpdate - update host symTbl when a symbol is added on target
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncSymAddHostUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- char * name, /* symbol name */
- char * val, /* symbol value */
- SYM_TYPE type, /* symbol type */
- UINT16 group /* symbol group */
- )
- {
- GROUP_NODE * pGroup;
- UINT32 hGroup;
- MODULE_ID modId;
- STATUS status = OK;
- BOOL eventSend = TRUE;
- char buf[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- char doneEvt[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- /* find the corresponding host group */
- if (group == symGroupDefault)
- hGroup = 0;
- else if ((pGroup = groupFind (&symSyncLst, group,
- (FUNCPTR)isInTgtGroupList)) != NULL)
- hGroup = pGroup->hostGroup;
- else
- {
- /* symbol's group is unknown on host side */
- if ((modId = moduleFindByGroup (group)) == NULL)
- hGroup = 0; /* XXX ELP */
- else
- {
- /*
- * it seems very hard to come here but... we answer we failed
- * and try to load the unsynchronized module.
- */
- memset (buf, 0, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH);
- taskLock();
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (modId, moduleClassId) == OK)
- {
- strncpy (buf, modId->name, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH - 1);
- buf[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH - 1] = EOS;
- }
- taskUnlock();
- status = syncModCHostUpdate (hWtx, &symSyncLst, modId, &eventSend,
- if (eventSend)
- {
- if (strlen (buf) > OBJ_NAME_MAX)
- buf [OBJ_NAME_MAX - 1] = '';
- sprintf (doneEvt, "SYNC_DONE h OBJ_LOADED %s %d", buf,
- status);
- wtxEventAdd (hWtx, doneEvt, 0, NULL);
- }
- return (status);
- }
- }
- if (wtxSymAddWithGroup (hWtx, name, (TGT_ADDR_T)val, type, hGroup)
- status = ERROR;
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncSymRemHostUpdate - update host symTbl when a target symbol is removed
- *
- * This routine is called if the target remove a symbol.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncSymRemHostUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- char * symName, /* symbol name */
- SYM_TYPE symType /* symbol type */
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- if (wtxSymRemove (hWtx, symName, symType) == WTX_ERROR)
- status = ERROR;
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncUsrUpdate - update target from host and host from target
- *
- * This routine is called when the user asks for it.
- * if <sense> is 1 then synchronization is done from target to host.
- *
- * the following is unused
- * if <sense> is 2 then synchronization is done from host to target.
- * if <sense> is 0 then both synchronization are performed.
- * <toolId> is used to identify the tool that requested for synchronization
- *
- * note: host symbols that don't belong to a module are not synchronized.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncUsrUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- int sense, /* synchronization sense */
- int start /* TRUE if the target server is starting */
- )
- {
- STATUS status = OK;
- int ix;
- char evtBuf[60];
- if ((sense == 0) || (sense == 1))
- {
- /*
- * Check every modules that will be synchronized are target modules.
- * Otherwise the target server may have restarted, thus it considers
- * segments are no more allocated!
- */
- if (start)
- {
- moduleEach (syncTgtSafeModCheck, (int) hWtx);
- }
- /* process each symbol of the target symbol table */
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (sysSymTbl, symTblClassId) == OK)
- {
- if (symEach (sysSymTbl, (FUNCPTR)syncEachSymToHost,
- (int)hWtx) != NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* add modules that was not yet in the sync group list */
- syncGroupUpdate ();
- }
- }
- if ((sense == 0) || (sense == 2))
- {
- pModList = wtxObjModuleList (hWtx);
- for (ix = 0;
- (pModList != NULL) && (status == OK) && (ix < pModList->numObjMod);
- ix++)
- status = syncModCTgtUpdate (hWtx, pModList->modIdList[ix]);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pModList);
- sprintf (evtBuf, "SYNC_DONE t USR_RQST target_modules %d", status);
- wtxEventAdd (hWtx, evtBuf, 0, NULL);
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncTgtSafeModCheck - check if a target module can be safely used
- *
- * If synchronization is running, modules loaded by the target-server are added
- * to the target side. Then, if the target-server restarts (without rebooting)
- * these modules seem to be loaded on target side while memory is no more
- * allocated. This routine unloads such modules (it is not possible to
- * automatically reload them because we do not have the path of the file).
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE to go through the whole module list, FALSE if an error occured.
- *
- */
- BOOL syncTgtSafeModCheck
- (
- MODULE_ID moduleId,
- int arg /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- /*
- * if the module is loaded by target server and it is no more in
- * synchronization list then it is a "zombie" module.
- */
- if ((moduleId->flags & LOAD_LOADED_BY_TGTSVR) &&
- (groupFind (&symSyncLst, moduleId->group, isInTgtGroupList) == NULL))
- unldByModuleId (moduleId, UNLD_SYNC);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncEachSymToHost - update the host symbol table if needed
- *
- * This routine examine a symbol to know if it should be added in host symTbl.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if we should go to next symbol, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- BOOL syncEachSymToHost
- (
- char * name, /* entry name */
- int val, /* value associated with entry */
- SYM_TYPE type, /* entry type */
- int arg, /* wtx API handle */
- UINT16 group /* group number (on target side) */
- )
- {
- HWTX hWtx = (HWTX)arg; /* wtx API handle */
- MODULE_ID modId; /* target module Id */
- GROUP_NODE * pGroup;
- UINT32 hGroup;
- WTX_SYMBOL * pSymbol;
- BOOL dummy;
- if (groupFind (&symSyncLst, group, (FUNCPTR)isInTgtGroupList) != NULL)
- /* this module is already synchronized */
- return TRUE;
- if (group == symGroupDefault)
- {
- /* XXX ELP, 2 possibilities
- * 1. we do not synchronize these symbols in forced mode since we do
- * not know if it was already done before.
- * 2. we examine host symbol table to see if the symbol is already
- * existing. if so we return, otherwise we add it.
- * choose 2
- */
- hGroup = 0;
- if ((pSymbol = wtxSymFind (hWtx, name, 0, TRUE, type, N_TYPE))
- != NULL)
- {
- if ((pSymbol->value == val) && (pSymbol->group == hGroup))
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pSymbol);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pSymbol);
- }
- }
- else if ((pGroup = groupFind (&symSyncTmpLst, group,
- (FUNCPTR)isInTgtGroupList)) == NULL)
- {
- /* this module is unknown on host, we must add it */
- if ((modId = moduleFindByGroup (group)) == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- if (syncModCHostUpdate (hWtx, &symSyncTmpLst, modId, &dummy, FALSE)
- == ERROR)
- return (FALSE);
- if ((pGroup = groupFind (&symSyncTmpLst, group,
- (FUNCPTR)isInTgtGroupList)) == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- hGroup = pGroup->hostGroup;
- }
- else
- hGroup = pGroup->hostGroup;
- /* add the symbol */
- if (wtxSymAddWithGroup (hWtx, name, (TGT_ADDR_T)val, type, hGroup)
- != WTX_OK)
- return (FALSE);
- /* if it is an undefined symbol, update the corresponding module info */
- if (type == N_UNDF)
- {
- if (wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd (hWtx, name, hGroup) != WTX_OK)
- return (FALSE);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncSymByGrpToHost - update host symbol table with symbols of a given group
- *
- * This routine examine each symbol of a given group to know if it should be
- * added in host symTbl.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if we should examine the next symbol, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- BOOL syncSymByGrpToHost
- (
- char * name, /* entry name */
- int val, /* value associated with entry */
- SYM_TYPE type, /* entry type */
- int arg, /* wtx API handle, host and target groups */
- UINT16 group /* group number (on target side) */
- )
- {
- BY_GROUP_ARG_T * pArg = (BY_GROUP_ARG_T *)arg;
- if (group != pArg->tgtGroup)
- return (TRUE);
- if (wtxSymAddWithGroup (pArg->hWtx, name, (TGT_ADDR_T)val, type,
- pArg->hostGroup) == WTX_ERROR)
- return (FALSE);
- /* if it is an undefined symbol, update the corresponding module info */
- if (type == N_UNDF)
- {
- if (wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd (pArg->hWtx, name, pArg->hostGroup)
- return (FALSE);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncHostModInfoFill - fill a host module descriptor from a target MODULE_ID
- *
- * This routine creates a module on host side with the information provided by
- * the target module identifier.
- * note: if <synchro> is TRUE, loadFlag LOAD_MODULE_INFO_ONLY is set to indicate
- * that the module is already loaded so wtxObjModuleLoad() will not do it
- * again.
- * note: segment flag is always unset to prevent segment memory from being freed
- * twice when unloading module (1 on target and 1 on host).
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS syncHostModInfoFill
- (
- WTX_LD_M_FILE_DESC * pFileDesc,
- MODULE_ID modId,
- BOOL synchro
- )
- {
- char * fileNameBuf = NULL;
- int ix;
- memset (pFileDesc, 0, sizeof(WTX_LD_M_FILE_DESC));
- if ((fileNameBuf = malloc (PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- sprintf (fileNameBuf, "%s/%s", modId->path, modId->name);
- pFileDesc->filename = fileNameBuf;
- pFileDesc->moduleId = 0;
- /*
- * undefined symbol list is initialized empty at first,
- * if undefined symbol are found when going through symbol table they are
- * added in this list
- */
- pFileDesc->undefSymList.pSymbol = NULL;
- /* translate target module flags into host module flag */
- if (modId->flags & LOAD_NO_SYMBOLS)
- pFileDesc->loadFlag |= 0x1;
- if (modId->flags & LOAD_LOCAL_SYMBOLS)
- pFileDesc->loadFlag |= 0x2;
- if (modId->flags & LOAD_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS)
- pFileDesc->loadFlag |= 0x4;
- pFileDesc->loadFlag |= (modId->flags & HIDDEN_MODULE);
- if (!synchro)
- {
- /* we want to load the file, letting target-server decide where */
- pFileDesc->nSections = 0;
- return (OK);
- }
- pFileDesc->loadFlag |= LOAD_MODULE_INFO_ONLY;
- pFileDesc->nSections = dllCount (&modId->segmentList);
- if ((pFileDesc->section = (LD_M_SECTION *)
- malloc (pFileDesc->nSections * sizeof (LD_M_SECTION))) == NULL)
- {
- free (fileNameBuf);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- for (segId = (SEGMENT *)DLL_FIRST (&modId->segmentList);
- segId != NULL; segId = (SEGMENT *)DLL_NEXT (segId))
- {
- switch (segId->type)
- {
- case SEGMENT_TEXT: ix = 0; break;
- case SEGMENT_DATA: ix = 1; break;
- case SEGMENT_BSS: ix = 2; break;
- #ifdef INCLUDE_SDA
- /*
- * XXX ELP every segments are put in the list even if SDA segments
- * are currently useless. (it will be necessary to add the
- * memPartId info in the LD_M_SECTION structure)
- */
- case SEGMENT_SDATA: ix = 3; break;
- case SEGMENT_SBSS: ix = 4; break;
- case SEGMENT_SDATA2: ix = 5; break;
- case SEGMENT_SBSS2: ix = 6; break;
- #endif /* INCLUDE_SDA */
- default: ix = -1; break;
- }
- if (ix < 0)
- continue;
- pFileDesc->section[ix].flags = segId->flags & ~SEG_FREE_MEMORY;
- pFileDesc->section[ix].addr = (segId->size == 0) ? (TGT_ADDR_T) -1 :
- (TGT_ADDR_T)segId->address;
- pFileDesc->section[ix].length = segId->size;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncLoadHook - load module hook
- *
- *
- */
- void syncLoadHook
- (
- )
- {
- char buf[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- char name[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH - 25];
- strncpy (name, modId->name, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH - 26);
- name[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH - 26] = EOS;
- sprintf (buf, "%s %#x %s", OBJ_LOADED_EVT, (UINT32)modId, name);
- if (msgQSend (symSyncMsgQId, buf, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH, WAIT_FOREVER, 0)
- == ERROR)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("module 0x%x sync failedn", (int)modId, 0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- return;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncUnldHook - unload module hook
- *
- *
- */
- void syncUnldHook
- (
- )
- {
- char buf[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- char name[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH - 25];
- strncpy (name, modId->name, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH - 26);
- name[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH - 26] = EOS;
- sprintf (buf, "%s %s %#x", OBJ_UNLOADED_EVT, name, modId->group);
- if (msgQSend (symSyncMsgQId, buf, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH, WAIT_FOREVER, 0)
- == ERROR)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("module 0x%x deletion sync failedn", (int)modId,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return ;
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncSymAddHook - symbol addition hook
- *
- *
- */
- void syncSymAddHook
- (
- char * name,
- char * value,
- SYM_TYPE type,
- UINT16 group
- )
- {
- char buf[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- if (group == 1) /* symbol table group */
- return ;
- strncpy (symName, name,
- /*
- * The message for SYM_ADDED event will look as follows:
- *
- * "SYM_ADDED <name> 0x<value> 0x<type> 0x<group>"
- * | 9 | | | | 10 | | 4 | | 6 |
- *
- * <value>: char*, takes 8 bytes at maximum in the output of sprintf;
- * <type> : SYM_TYPE, takes 2 bytes at maximum in the output of sprintf;
- * <group>: UINT16, takes 4 bytes at maximum in the output of sprintf;
- *
- * Totally, the non-name information(including white spaces and EOS) takes
- * at maximum 9+1+1+10+1+4+1+6+1 = 34. So define macro
- */
- sprintf (buf, "%s %s 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x", SYM_ADDED_EVT, symName, (int)value,
- type, group);
- if (msgQSend (symSyncMsgQId, buf, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH, WAIT_FOREVER, 0)
- == ERROR)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("sym %s addition sync failedn", (int)name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return ;
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * syncSymRemoveHook - symbol removing hook
- *
- *
- */
- void syncSymRemoveHook
- (
- char * name,
- SYM_TYPE type
- )
- {
- /* SYM_ADDED_EVT_MSG_NON_NAME_LGTH is used to calculate space for
- * symbol name so syncSymRemoveHook and syncSymAdd Hook agree on
- * acceptable length of symbol name
- */
- char buf[SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH];
- strncpy (symName, name,
- sprintf (buf, "%s %s 0x%x", SYM_REMOVED_EVT, symName, type);
- if (msgQSend (symSyncMsgQId, buf, SYNC_TGT_EVT_LGTH, WAIT_FOREVER, 0)
- == ERROR)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- logMsg ("sym %s removing sync failedn", (int)name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return ;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * symSRemove - remove a symbol from a symbol table
- *
- * This routine behaves like symRemove() except it does not test syncRemoveRtn
- * function pointer. Thus it enables to "silently" remove a symbol.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the symbol is not found
- * or could not be deallocated.
- *
- */
- STATUS symSRemove
- (
- SYMTAB_ID symTblId, /* symbol tbl to remove symbol from */
- char *name, /* name of symbol to remove */
- SYM_TYPE type /* type of symbol to remove */
- )
- {
- SYMBOL *pSymbol;
- if (symFindSymbol (symTblId, name, 0, type, SYM_MASK_ALL,
- (SYMBOL_ID *) &pSymbol) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- /* XXX JLN symTblRemove should really take a SYMBOL_ID */
- if (symTblRemove (symTblId, pSymbol) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- return (symFree (symTblId, pSymbol));
- }