- /* wtx.c - WTX C library */
- /* Copyright 1994-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 06k,08mar02,c_c Reworked license management.
- 06j,04mar02,fle SPR#73615 fix : wtxResultFree () may free already freed
- memory
- 06i,17dec01,c_c Fixed LM file descriptor leak problem.
- 06h,04dec01,sn Added wtxDefaultDemanglerStyle
- 06g,05dec01,fle added Object directory retirving to wtxCpuInfoGet ()
- 06f,18oct01,c_c Updated feature name in license check.
- 06e,11oct01,c_c Added license bypass.
- 06d,03oct01,c_c Added license check. Added wtxTargetToolNameGet API.
- 06c,28sep01,fle Fixed wtxResultFree () to not return WTX_ERROR
- 06b,15jun01,pch Add new WTX_TS_INFO_GET_V2 service to handle WTX_RT_INFO
- change (from BOOL32 hasFpp to UINT32 hasCoprocessor) without
- breaking existing clients.
- 06a,30may01,kab Fixed wtxTgtHasDsp comment
- 05z,09may01,dtr Changing wtxTgtHasFpp , altivec for new format introduced by
- hasCoprocessor. Also adding in wtxTgtHasDsp.
- 05y,21mar01,dtr Updating comments in code.
- 05x,06feb01,dtr Adding check for altivec support.
- 05w,18jan01,dtr Adding altivec register support.
- 05v,24nov99,fle SPR#28684 fix : made wtxToolAttach() update the target server
- key if the first adapter is not the good one
- 05u,22jun99,fle made wtx compile on target side
- 05t,02apr99,fle fixed a problem with wtxServiceAdd that was always allocating
- wdb service description even if all the wdb parameters were
- set to NULL SPR 67367
- 05s,31mar99,fle doc : specified that wtxFileOpen does not support RDONLY flag
- under WIN32
- 05r,23feb99,c_c Implemented an API to get the target IP address (SPR #25044).
- 05q,11feb99,c_c Authorize accesses to target's address 0 (SPR #25049).
- 05p,18jan99,c_c documented WTX_CONSOLE_LINES setting (SPR 6209).
- 05o,08jan99,fle doc : added REGISTRY_NAME_CLASH to wtxRegister possible
- errors
- 05n,01dec98,pcn SPR #22867: complete the fix: in wtxObjModuleLoad(), copy the
- address fields of the input parameter in the protocol input
- value.
- 05m,30nov98,pcn Moved a badly placed #ifdef HOST for the symbol table
- synchronization (SPR #22867).
- 05l,05nov98,fle doc : made wtxLogging been linked correctly
- 05k,02nov98,c_c Modified WTX_ERR_SVR_EINVAL error explanation for Load
- requests.
- 05j,16sep98,fle Modified wtxMemDisassemble doc since its new output format
- 05i,22sep98,l_k Removed wtxFindExecutable.
- 05h,22sep98,pcn Change the returned error in wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport.
- 05g,18sep98,l_k Implement wtxFindExecutable.
- 05f,18sep98,pcn Implement wtxObjModuleInfoAndPathGet.
- 05e,18sep98,pcn Removed memory leak when asynchronous load is used.
- 05c,10sep98,pcn Remove wtxResultFree from wtxObjModuleLoadStart and
- wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport.
- 05b,18aug98,pcn Use WTX_MSG_EVTPT_LIST_2 and doc updated.
- 05a,20jul98,pcn wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport doc updated.
- 04z,20jul98,pcn Added evtptNum and toolId in the wtxEventpointListGet return
- list.
- 04y,10jul98,fle removed wpwrLog calls in wtxCpuInfoGet function
- 04x,09jul98,fle re-added wtxCommandSend
- 04w,08jul98,pcn Added undefined symbols list in
- wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport result.
- 04v,06jul98,pcn Removed wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd from API.
- 04u,02jul98,pcn Removed memory leak from wtxObjModuleLoadStart and
- wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport.
- 04t,19jun98,pcn Added wtxObjModuleLoadStart, wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport,
- wtxObjModuleLoadCancel.
- 04s,11jun98,pcn Added an input parameter at wtxEventListGet.
- 04r,09jun98,jmp added wtxAsyncResultFree to free memory used by a
- wtxAsyncEventGet() call result, imported wtxAsyncEventGet()
- from wtxAsync.c.
- 04q,03jun98,pcn Added 2 requests: wtxSymListByModuleNameGet and
- wtxSymListByModuleIdGet.
- 04p,25may98,pcn Changed wtxTsLock in wtxTsTimedLock, wtxEventpointList_2 in
- wtxEventpointListGet, wtxObjModuleUnload_2 in
- wtxObjModuleUnloadByName.
- 04o,20may98,jmp modified wtxAsyncInitialize() call, now if no user defined
- function is given then received events are just stored in the
- asynchronous event list, those events can be get using
- wtxAsyncEventGet().
- 04n,19may98,rhp doc: corrected wtxLogging example (supplied missing .CE)
- 04m,07may98,pcn Re-added WTX_TS_KILLED.
- 04l,30apr98,dbt added wtxHwBreakpointAdd and wtxEventpointAdd.
- 04k,28apr98,pcn Removed wtxCommandSend from C API.
- 04j,24apr98,pcn Removed wtxEventGetThread.
- 04i,23apr98,fle added CPU name retrieving to wtxCpuInfoGet
- 04h,23apr98,fle added ifdef HOST around wtxCpuInfoGet
- + added warning for HOST defined functions
- 04g,08apr98,fle doc: updated and added examples to wtxMemDisassemble
- + added wtxCpuInfoGet function.
- 04f,02apr98,pcn WTX 2: added new error codes.
- 04e,31mar98,fle made wtxToolAttach() always call for wtxInfo()
- + made some history cleanup
- 04d,27mar98,pcn Moved #ifdef HOST after functions parameters in order to
- generate manual.
- 04c,26mar98,pcn Changed strdup in strcpy.
- 04b,26mar98,pcn WTX 2: Added an event filter for WTX logging. Added new
- behavior of wtxObjModuleLoad_2: a file can be opened locally
- or by the target server.
- 04a,24mar98,dbt added wtxContextStatusGet.
- 03z,17mar98,pcn WTX 2: wtxObjModuleChecksum: set filename to
- 03y,09mar98,pcn WTX 2: added a test of <fileName> in wtxLogging.
- 03x,06mar98,pcn WTX 2: changed the width test in wtxMemWidthRead/Write.
- 03w,05mar98,fle got rid of wtxRegistryPing() routine
- 03v,03mar98,pcn WTX 2: added fcntl.h for file constants.
- 03u,03mar98,pcn Added #ifdef for HOST side.
- 03t,02mar98,pcn WTX 2: added wtxAsyncNotifyEnable, wtxCacheTextUpdate,
- wtxEventListGet, wtxEventpointList_2, wtxLogging,
- wtxMemWidthRead, wtxMemWidthWrite, wtxObjModuleChecksum,
- wtxObjModuleLoad_2, wtxObjModuleUnload_2,
- wtxUnregisterForEvent, wtxThreadSigHandle. Changed
- wtxResultFree, wtxObjModuleUnload, wtxEventToStrType,
- wtxTargetRtTypeGet, wtxTargetCpuTypeGet.
- 03s,29jan98,fle made wtxToolAttach return hWtx->errCode when unable to attch
- tool (due to implementation of wtxregdSvrPing())
- + added wtxRegistryPing()
- 03r,28jan98,c_c Packed all wtxEvtxxxStringGet routines into one.
- 03q,29aug97,fle Adding the WTX_MEM_DISASSEMBLE service
- + Updating NOTE written after the "forward declarations"
- + made wtxSymListGet() usable by the WTX TCL API
- + moved tsSymListFree() from tgtsvr/server/tssymlk.c in
- symLisFree()
- 03p,06dec96,dgp doc: correct spelling
- 03o,21nov96,dgp doc: change Object-Module, correct italic and bold formatting
- 03n,20nov96,dgp doc: correct WTX_THROW() to WTX_THROW
- 03m,18nov96,dgp doc: final changes, wtxGopherEval, wtxErrExceptionFunc,
- wtxSymFind
- 03l,12nov96,c_s remove use of strerror on sun4-sunos4
- 03k,11nov96,dgp doc: "final" formatting for API Guide
- 03j,30sep96,elp put in share, adapted to be compiled on target side
- (added wtxSymAddWithGroup() and wtxObjModuleUndefSymAdd()).
- 03i,19sep96,p_m fixed syntax error in wtxMemAlign() introduced by last
- doc modification
- 03h,17sep96,dgp doc: API Guide updates, particularly wtxGopherEval,
- wtxObjectModuleLoad
- 03g,05sep96,p_m Documented wtxToolIdGet() and wtxServiceAdd()
- 03f,05sep96,elp changed val in wtxMemSet() from UINT8 to UINT32 (SPR# 6894).
- 03e,02sep96,jmp added wtxToolIdGet(),
- added WTX RPC service number argument to wtxServiceAdd().
- 03d,30aug96,elp Changed wpwrVersionGet() into wtxTsVersionGet().
- 03c,26jul96,pad Changed order of include files (AIX port).
- 03b,26jul96,dbt fixed a memory leak. Added serverDescFree to clean servor
- descriptor.
- 03a,15jul96,dbt supressed call to wtxExchangeDelete() and
- wtxExchangeTerminate() in exchange() in case of server
- exchange handle (SPR #6862).
- 01a,24dec94,jcf written.
- */
- /*
- This module implements a C-language transport-neutral interface to the
- WTX messaging protocol.
- A tool must always call wtxInitialize() to initialize a handle that is
- used in all further WTX calls. The tool can then attach to a target
- server using a call to wtxToolAttach(). Each WTX handle can only be
- connected to one server at a time. After a successful call of
- wtxToolAttach(), the handle is considered bound to the specified target
- server until a call of wtxToolDetach() is made; then
- the handle can be attached to a new target server. When the
- handle is no longer required, call wtxTerminate() to release any
- internal storage used by the handle. The handle must not be used after
- wtxTerminate() has been called.
- .CS
- #include "wtx.h"
- HWTX hWtx;
- /@ initialize WTX session handle @/
- if (wtxInitialize (&hWtx) != WTX_OK)
- return (WTX_ERROR);
- /@ attach to Target Server named "soubirou" @/
- if (wtxToolAttach (hWtx, "soubirou", "wtxApp") != WTX_OK)
- return (WTX_ERROR);
- /@ register for events we want to hear about (all events here) @/
- if (wtxRegisterForEvent (hWtx, ".*") != WTX_OK)
- {
- wtxToolDetach (hWtx);
- return (WTX_ERROR);
- }
- /@ core of the WTX application @/
- .
- .
- .
- .
- /@ detach form the Target Server @/
- wtxToolDetach (hWtx);
- /@ terminate WTX session @/
- wtxTerminate (hWtx);
- .CE
- Most WTX calls return either a pointer value which is NULL on error or a
- STATUS value which is WTX_ERROR if an error occurs. A descriptive string
- can be obtained for the last error that occurred by calling
- wtxErrMsgGet().
- Note that virtually all WTX calls can fail due to an error in the message
- transport layer used to carry out WTX requests. Transport errors that
- are non-recoverable result in the tool being detached from the server
- and an error code of WTX_ERR_API_TOOL_DISCONNECTED. If a non-fatal
- error occurs, WTX_ERR_API_REQUEST_FAILED is set, except in the case of
- a timeout. In that case the error is WTX_ERR_API_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT. In
- the non-fatal cases, the call may be retried. In the fatal case, retrying the
- call results in the error WTX_ERR_API_NOT_CONNECTED.
- All API calls attempt to check the validity of the API handle provided.
- The error WTX_ERR_API_INVALID_HANDLE indicates a bad handle. Other
- pointer arguments are checked and WTX_ERR_API_INVALID_ARG indicates a
- bad argument value such as a NULL pointer. API calls that require the
- handle to be connected to a target server generate the
- WTX_ERR_API_NOT_CONNECTED error if the handle is not connected.
- In addition to simple error return values, the C API allows error
- handlers to be installed on a per handle basis using
- wtxErrHandlerAdd(). If an error occurs, the last installed
- handler is called first. If it returns a TRUE value, then any
- previously installed handlers are called in reverse order, in other words,
- last installed, first called. The C API includes macros that use the
- predefined error handler wtxErrExceptionFunc() to support C++ style
- exception catching. Once an API handle has been initialized using
- wtxInitiliaze(), it can be used in the WTX_TRY macro to cause API
- errors to be treated like exceptions. When this is done, an API call
- that would normally return an error code actually causes a jump
- straight to the nearest 'catch' handler as specified using a WTX_CATCH
- or WTX_CATCH_ALL macro. The previous example is shown below using this
- style of error handling.
- .CS
- #include "wtx.h"
- HWTX hWtx;
- /@ initialize WTX session handle @/
- if (wtxInitialize (&hWtx) != WTX_OK)
- return (WTX_ERROR);
- /@ Start a block in which errors will be "caught" by a catch block @/
- WTX_TRY (hWtx)
- {
- /@ attach to Target Server named "soubirou" @/
- wtxToolAttach (hWtx, "soubirou", "wtxApp");
- /@ register for events we want to hear about (all events here) @/
- wtxRegisterForEvent (hWtx, ".*");
- /@ core of the WTX application @/
- .
- .
- .
- .
- /@ detach form the Target Server @/
- wtxToolDetach (hWtx);
- }
- /@ Catch a specific error, WTX_ERR_API_NOT_CONNECTED @/
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Connection lost, exitingn");
- wtxTerminate (hWtx);
- exit (0);
- }
- /@ Catch any other errors in one handler and print error message @/
- fprintf (stderr, "%sn", wtxErrMsgGet (hWtx));
- /@ Finish the try block and resume normal error handling @/
- WTX_TRY_END (hWtx);
- /@
- * Normal error handling is now restored - the WTX_TRY_END macro
- * must be executed for this to occur.
- @/
- /@ wtxTerminate() will also detach the tool if already attached @/
- wtxTerminate (hWtx);
- .CE
- In certain circumstances, it may be useful to generate a user-defined
- error or to simulate an API error from within user code. This may be
- done using the WTX_THROW macro, which causes execution to jump to the
- nearest handler for the error thrown or to the nearest "catch all"
- handler.
- Many of the C API calls are very similar to the equivalent WTX
- protocol calls and the user may also refer to the appropriate section
- in the f2WTX ProtocolfP reference for further information.
- */
- /*
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! !
- ! ------- !
- ! !
- ! This file is to be compiled from both host and target side. When adding new !
- ! functions, please care if it is target oriented or not, and try to compile !
- ! the target/src/wtx directory. !
- ! !
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- */
- /* includes */
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef HOST
- # include <stdlib.h>
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include <fcntl.h>
- # ifndef WIN32
- # include <unistd.h>
- # endif
- # ifdef SUN4_SUNOS4
- extern int sys_nerr;
- extern char * sys_errlist;
- # endif /* SUN4_SUNOS4 */
- #ifndef _DEBUG
- #include "licmgt.h"
- #endif /* _DEBUG */
- #endif /* HOST */
- #include "private/wtxp.h" /* Private (and public) headers */
- #include "wtxexch.h"
- #if (! defined WIN32) && (defined HOST)
- # include "win32ProfileLib.h"
- #endif /* WIN32 */
- /*
- * These five include files are here because this implementation
- * of the WTX API is based on RPC calls. Full implementation of the
- * "exchange" layer would remove this transport dependency
- */
- #include "wtxrpc.h" /* For handling wtxregd RPC key routines */
- #include "wtxxdr.h" /* For WTX XDR routines */
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h> /* inet_ntoa */
- #ifdef HOST
- # include <netdb.h> /* gethostbyname */
- # include "wpwrutil.h"
- # include "wtxAsync.h"
- #endif
- #include "sllLib.h" /* singly linked list library */
- #include "pathLib.h"
- /* defines */
- #define STREQ(a,b) (*(a) == *(b) ? !strcmp ((a), (b)) : 0)
- /* typedefs */
- /*
- * Special dummy message type for anonymous casting and calculating field
- * alignments in wtxResultFree()
- */
- typedef struct wtx_msg_dummy
- {
- WTX_CORE wtxCore;
- UINT32 field;
- typedef struct wtxFreeNode /* wtxResultFree parameters */
- {
- SL_NODE node; /* node in list */
- void * pToFree; /* pointer to free */
- FUNCPTR pFreeFunc; /* function that should free pointer */
- void * pMsgToFree; /* WTX message containing pToFree */
- WTX_REQUEST svcNum; /* number of server service to free */
- WTX_XID server; /* RPC server to connect to */
- WTX_SVR_TYPE svrType; /* is it a tgtsvr or registry server */
- /* See wtx.h and wtxp.h */
- /* locals */
- static const char * WTX_EVT_NONE = "NONE";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_OBJ_LOADED = "OBJ_LOADED";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_CTX_EXIT = "CTX_EXIT";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_CTX_START = "CTX_START";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_TEXT_ACCESS = "TEXT_ACCESS";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_OBJ_UNLOADED = "OBJ_UNLOADED";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_TGT_RESET = "TGT_RESET";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_SYM_ADDED = "SYM_ADDED";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_SYM_REMOVED = "SYM_REMOVED";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_EXCEPTION = "EXCEPTION";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_VIO_WRITE = "VIO_WRITE";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_TOOL_ATTACH = "TOOL_ATTACH";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_TOOL_DETACH = "TOOL_DETACH";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_TOOL_MSG = "TOOL_MSG";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_DATA_ACCESS = "DATA_ACCESS";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_CALL_RETURN = "CALL_RETURN";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_USER = "USER";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_HW_BP = "HW_BP";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_OTHER = "OTHER";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_INVALID = "INVALID";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_TS_KILLED = "TS_KILLED";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_EVTPT_ADDED = "EVTPT_ADDED";
- static const char * WTX_EVT_EVTPT_DELETED = "EVTPT_DELETED";
- #if !defined (_DEBUG) && defined (NO_LICENSE)
- static BOOL envVarChecked = FALSE; /* do we checked NO_LICENSE env. var? */
- #endif /* NO_LICENSE */
- #if defined (HOST) && !defined (_DEBUG)
- static BOOL licenseCheck = TRUE; /* do check for license ? */
- LOCAL int gotLicense = 0; /* Do we own a license ? */
- #endif /* HOST */
- /* XXX : fle : put in comment as it was not used anywhere */
- /* static const char * WTX_EVT_CALL_GOT_EXC= "CALL_GOT_EXC"; */
- /* Externals */
- /* globals */
- static BOOL internalLoadCall; /* states if it is an internal load */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL WTX_ERROR_T exchange
- (
- HWTX hWtx,
- UINT32 svcNum,
- void * pIn,
- void * pOut
- );
- LOCAL WTX_ERROR_T registryConnect /* establish a connection with regd */
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX session handler */
- );
- LOCAL void registryDisconnect
- (
- HWTX hWtx
- );
- STATUS wtxFreeAdd /* adds elt in wtxResultFree() list */
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* wtx session handler */
- void * pToFree, /* pointer to be freed */
- FUNCPTR pFreeFunc, /* routine to use to free pToFree */
- void * pMsgToFree, /* message to free if needed */
- WTX_REQUEST svcNum, /* service num to free if needed */
- WTX_XID server, /* RPC server to connect to */
- WTX_SVR_TYPE svrType /* connected server type */
- );
- LOCAL STATUS wtxMemDisassembleFree /* free disassembled insts. */
- (
- WTX_DASM_INST_LIST * pDasmInstList /* disassembled list to free */
- );
- #if 0
- /* XXX : fle : for SRP#67326 */
- #ifdef HOST
- LOCAL STATUS wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReportFree /* free a status report */
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX session handler */
- WTX_LOAD_REPORT_INFO * pToFree /* pointer to free */
- );
- #endif /* HOST */
- #endif /* 0 */
- LOCAL BOOL wtxResultFreeListTerminate /* empty the wtxResultFree ptrs list */
- (
- WTX_FREE_NODE * pWtxFreeNode, /* element in singaly linked list */
- HWTX * hWtx /* WTX session handler */
- );
- LOCAL BOOL wtxResultFreeServerListTerminate /* empty tgtsvr pointers list */
- (
- WTX_FREE_NODE * pWtxFreeNode, /* element in singaly linked list */
- HWTX * hWtx /* WTX session handler */
- );
- #if 0
- /* XXX : fle : for SRP#67326 */
- #ifdef HOST
- LOCAL STATUS wtxAsyncResultFree_2 /* frees async event list */
- (
- WTX_EVENT_DESC * eventDesc /* pointer to structure to free */
- );
- #endif /* HOST */
- #endif /* 0 */
- LOCAL BOOL wtxPtrMatch /* matches a pointer value */
- (
- WTX_FREE_NODE * pWtxFreeNode, /* element in singaly linked list */
- void * pToMatch /* pointer value to find */
- );
- LOCAL void wtxDescFree /* free a WTX_DESC structure */
- (
- WTX_DESC * pDescToFree /* WTX_DESC pointer to free */
- );
- LOCAL WTX_DESC * wtxDescDuplicate /* duplicates a WTX_DESC */
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* current WTX session handler */
- WTX_DESC * pDesc /* WTX_DESC to duplicate */
- );
- LOCAL void toolCleanup /* cleanups when a tool detaches */
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handler */
- );
- LOCAL void serverDescFree /* frees server description item */
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handler */
- );
- #ifndef HOST
- LOCAL char * stringDup /* duplicates a string */
- (
- const char * strToDup /* string to duplicate */
- );
- #define strdup stringDup
- #endif /* ! HOST */
- /*
- * NOTE: This is a list of WTX protocol calls not accessible from the
- * WTX C API and is based on the service numbers in wtxmsg.h
- *
- * WTX_VIO_READ - not implemented in server (obsolete?)
- * WTX_SYM_TBL_LIST - to do
- * WTX_WTX_SERVICE_LIST - not implemented in server - undefined
- * WTX_WDB_SERVICE_LIST - not implemented in server - undefined
- * WTX_OBJ_KILL - (currently TS kill only) Enough ?
- * WTX_OBJ_RESTART - undefined (obsolete ?)
- */
- #if defined (HOST) && !defined (_DEBUG)
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxLmDeauthorize - Check-in a license
- *
- * This routine releases a license previously checked-out by wtxLmAuthorize ().
- * Typically, it is called when the process exits.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxLmAuthorize ()
- *
- */
- void wtxLmDeauthorize (void)
- {
- /* if we own a license, release it. */
- if (gotLicense)
- {
- flexlmDeauthorize ();
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxLmAuthorize - Check-out a license
- *
- * This routine establishes a connection to the license server, and tries to
- * Check out a license.
- * Currently, we check a license upon first call to this routine. Once we get a
- * license, we always return OK to any subsequent call to this routine.
- * We register a handle to release the license when the tool exits.
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the check-out fails.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxLmDeauthorize ()
- *
- */
- STATUS wtxLmAuthorize (void)
- {
- /* If we already got a license return OK */
- if (gotLicense)
- return OK;
- /* First time: check for a valid license */
- if (flexlmAuthorize (FEATURE_TORNADO_2_2, VERSION_TORNADO_2_2, 1) != OK)
- return ERROR;
- gotLicense = 1; /* we got one! */
- /* Record a handler to release the license when the process exits */
- atexit (wtxLmDeauthorize);
- return OK; /* Return sucess */
- }
- #endif
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxToolAttach - connect a WTX client to the target server
- *
- * This routine establishes a connection to the target server
- * called <serverName> and announces the client as a WTX tool called
- * <toolName>. If <serverName> does not contain an `@' character, it is
- * used as a regular expression; if it matches more than one (registered)
- * target server name, an error is returned. If <serverName> contains
- * an `@' character then it must be an exact match for a valid target
- * server name.
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the attach fails.
- *
- * The handle is already connected to a target server.
- * <serverName> does not match a target server name using the above criteria.
- * <serverName> matches more than one target server name.
- * <serverName> is dead : no RPC connection can be achieved
- * <serverName> is dead : server has been found dead
- * No license could be checked-out for this tool.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_TOOL_ATTACH, wtxToolDetach(), wtxToolConnected(), wtxInfoQ()
- */
- STATUS wtxToolAttach
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- const char * serverName, /* Target Server name */
- const char * toolName /* tool name */
- )
- {
- WTX_MSG_TOOL_DESC in; /* WTX param */
- WTX_MSG_TOOL_DESC * pOut = NULL; /* WTX result */
- WTX_DESC_Q * pTsDescQ = NULL; /* Q Info about Target Server */
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat; /* status of WTX call */
- WTX_ERROR_T errCode=WTX_ERR_NONE; /* connection init status */
- WTX_DESC * pSaveDesc = NULL; /* saved server desc */
- WTX_DESC * pTsDesc = NULL; /* Info about Target Server */
- WTX_DESC * pNewDesc = NULL; /* for updated tgtsvr entry */
- char * envUser = NULL; /* result of getenv(USER) */
- char * oldKey = NULL; /* for multi adapters tgtsvrs */
- char * tmpKey = NULL; /* for multi adapters tgtsvrs */
- BOOL usePMap = FALSE; /* do we use port mapper ? */
- char userName [256]; /* to format "user@host" */
- char serverAtHost [256]; /* serverName@host */
- char hostNameBuf [32]; /* for gethostname () */
- int ipNum = 0; /* number of IP addr in list */
- #ifdef WIN32
- char usrName [256]; /* holds name for Win32 */
- #endif
- if (wtxToolConnected (hWtx))
- if (hWtx->pServerDesc)
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, hWtx->pServerDesc);
- hWtx->pServerDesc = NULL;
- }
- if (toolName == NULL)
- #if defined (HOST) && !defined (_DEBUG)
- /*
- * License check (HOST side, release version only):
- * if NO_LICENSE if defined for this module, we'll look if NO_LICENSE is
- * defined in the process' environment. If this is the case, we skip
- * license check.
- * In all cases, GDB won't be checked for license.
- */
- #ifdef NO_LICENSE
- if (!envVarChecked)
- {
- licenseCheck = (wpwrGetEnv ("NO_LICENSE") != NULL)?FALSE:TRUE;
- envVarChecked = TRUE;
- }
- #endif /* NO_LICENSE */
- if (licenseCheck)
- licenseCheck = (strstr (toolName, "gdb") == NULL)?TRUE:FALSE;
- if ((licenseCheck) && (wtxLmAuthorize () != OK))
- {
- }
- #endif /* HOST */
- /* save current name in serverAtHost */
- strcpy (serverAtHost, serverName);
- if (!strchr (serverName, '@')) /* name: tgtsvr */
- {
- pTsDescQ = wtxInfoQ (hWtx, (char *)serverName, "tgtsvr", NULL);
- if (pTsDescQ == NULL)
- if (pTsDescQ->pNext != NULL)
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pTsDescQ);
- }
- /*
- * There is an @ in the target server name, let's see if it is really
- * in registry data base.
- */
- strcpy (serverAtHost, pTsDescQ->wpwrName);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, pTsDescQ);
- }
- pTsDesc = wtxInfo (hWtx, (char *)serverAtHost); /* name: tgtsvr@host */
- if (pTsDesc == NULL)
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, hWtx->errCode, WTX_ERROR);
- hWtx->pServerDesc = pTsDesc;
- /* allocate space to copy server information */
- if ( (pSaveDesc = (WTX_DESC *) malloc (sizeof (WTX_DESC))) == NULL)
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, hWtx->pServerDesc);
- }
- /* copy server information */
- memcpy ((void *) pSaveDesc, (void *) hWtx->pServerDesc, sizeof (WTX_DESC));
- if (hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrName != NULL)
- {
- if ((pSaveDesc->wpwrName = (char *) malloc (strlen
- (hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrName) + 1)) == NULL)
- {
- free (pSaveDesc);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, hWtx->pServerDesc);
- }
- strcpy (pSaveDesc->wpwrName, hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrName);
- }
- if (hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrKey != NULL)
- {
- if ((pSaveDesc->wpwrKey = (char *) malloc (strlen
- (hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrKey) + 1)) == NULL)
- {
- free (pSaveDesc->wpwrName);
- free (pSaveDesc);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, hWtx->pServerDesc);
- }
- strcpy (pSaveDesc->wpwrKey, hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrKey);
- }
- if (hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrType != NULL)
- {
- if ((pSaveDesc->wpwrType = (char *) malloc (strlen
- (hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrType) + 1)) == NULL)
- {
- free (pSaveDesc->wpwrKey);
- free (pSaveDesc->wpwrName);
- free (pSaveDesc);
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, hWtx->pServerDesc);
- }
- strcpy (pSaveDesc->wpwrType, hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrType);
- }
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, hWtx->pServerDesc);
- registryDisconnect (hWtx);
- hWtx->pServerDesc = pSaveDesc;
- /* first just initialise the connection */
- if (wtxExchangeInitialize (&hWtx->server) != WTX_OK ||
- wtxExchangeInstall (hWtx->server,
- wtxRpcExchangeCreate,
- wtxRpcExchangeDelete,
- wtxRpcExchange,
- wtxRpcExchangeFree,
- wtxRpcExchangeControl) != WTX_OK)
- {
- /* Record the error code */
- errCode = wtxExchangeErrGet ((WTX_XID) hWtx->server);
- /* free server descriptor */
- serverDescFree (hWtx);
- /* Cleanup the exchange */
- wtxExchangeTerminate ((WTX_XID) hWtx->server);
- hWtx->server = (WTX_XID) NULL;
- }
- use_pmap:
- if (wtxExchangeCreate ((WTX_XID) hWtx->server,
- hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrKey, usePMap) != WTX_OK)
- {
- /*
- * if the error comes from the wtxExchangeCreate() routine and if
- * it has to deal with the IP address, then let's try to see if we
- * can change the IP adapter
- */
- if (wtxExchangeErrGet (hWtx->server) == WTX_ERR_EXCHANGE_NO_SERVER)
- {
- /* if there are several adapter, let's try the next one */
- oldKey = hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrKey;
- while ((tmpKey = wtxRpcKeyIPListUpdate (hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrKey,
- ++ipNum)) != NULL)
- {
- if (wtxExchangeCreate ((WTX_XID) hWtx->server, tmpKey, usePMap)
- == WTX_OK)
- {
- HWTX regdHWtx; /* wtx handle for registry */
- /* this is the right key, save it and update registry */
- hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrKey = tmpKey;
- free (oldKey);
- /* init the registry session */
- wtxInitialize (®dHWtx);
- /* update registry entry */
- if (wtxUnregister (regdHWtx, hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrName)
- != WTX_OK)
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, regdHWtx->errCode, WTX_ERROR);
- if ( (pNewDesc = wtxRegister (regdHWtx,
- hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrName,
- hWtx->pServerDesc->wpwrType,
- tmpKey)) == NULL)
- {
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, regdHWtx->errCode, WTX_ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * end the registry session, wtxTerminate should free the
- * new description, no need to free it manuall.
- */
- wtxTerminate (regdHWtx);
- goto updated_key;
- }
- }
- /* ok, now try again with the port mapper then ... */
- if (!usePMap)
- {
- usePMap = TRUE;
- goto use_pmap;
- }
- }
- /* Record the error code */
- errCode = wtxExchangeErrGet ((WTX_XID) hWtx->server);
- /* free server descriptor */
- serverDescFree (hWtx);
- /* Cleanup the exchange */
- wtxExchangeTerminate ((WTX_XID) hWtx->server);
- hWtx->server = (WTX_XID) NULL;
- }
- updated_key:
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.wtxToolDesc.toolName = (char *) toolName;
- #ifdef HOST
- #ifdef WIN32
- {
- UINT32 size = sizeof (usrName);
- if(!GetUserName (usrName, &size))
- envUser = NULL;
- else
- envUser = usrName;
- }
- #else
- envUser = getenv ("USER");
- #endif /* WIN32 */
- gethostname (hostNameBuf, sizeof (hostNameBuf));
- #else
- envUser = sysBootParams.usr;
- strcpy (hostNameBuf, sysBootParams.targetName);
- #endif /* HOST */
- if (envUser == NULL)
- envUser = "unknown";
- if (hostNameBuf[0] == '')
- strcpy (hostNameBuf, "unknown");
- sprintf (userName, "%.24s@%.24s", envUser, hostNameBuf);
- in.wtxToolDesc.userName = userName;
- pOut = calloc (1, sizeof (WTX_MSG_TOOL_DESC));
- if (pOut == NULL)
- {
- /* Close the connection to the server */
- wtxExchangeDelete (hWtx->server);
- /* free server descriptor */
- serverDescFree (hWtx);
- /* Clean up the exchange */
- wtxExchangeTerminate (hWtx->server);
- hWtx->server = NULL;
- }
- /* Do the attach call */
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_TOOL_ATTACH, &in, pOut);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- {
- /* Close the connection to the server */
- wtxExchangeDelete (hWtx->server);
- /* free server descriptor */
- serverDescFree (hWtx);
- /* Clean up the exchange */
- wtxExchangeTerminate (hWtx->server);
- hWtx->server = NULL;
- }
- /* Set the msgToolId and pToolDesc filed in the HWTX for future use */
- hWtx->pToolDesc = &pOut->wtxToolDesc;
- hWtx->msgToolId.wtxCore.objId = pOut->wtxToolDesc.id;
- if (wtxFreeAdd (hWtx, (void *) &pOut->wtxToolDesc, NULL, pOut,
- {
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, wtxErrGet (hWtx), WTX_ERROR);
- }
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxToolConnected - check to see if a tool is connected to a target server
- *
- * This routine checks if the tool represented by <hWtx> is currently
- * connected to a target server.
- *
- * NOTE: If <hWtx> is an invalid handle then FALSE is returned.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if the tool is connected, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrClear(), wtxErrGet()
- */
- BOOL32 wtxToolConnected
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- return (hWtx->server != NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxToolDetach - detach from the target server
- *
- * This routine detaches from the target server.
- * The connection status for <hWtx> is cleared and any memory
- * allocated by the tool attach is freed.
- *
- * This routine cleans all the tools allocated pointers. All items that have been
- * allocated by `wtx' calls during the wtxToolAttach() are freed. All the
- * elements are freed calling for the wtxResultFree() routine. This makes
- * impossible to access data from previous `wtx' calls.
- *
- * NOTE: Even if the detach fails internally (for example, the server
- * it is attached to has died), the API still puts the handle into a
- * detached state and performs all necessary internal cleanup. In this
- * case the internal error is `not' reported since the tool is no longer
- * attached and the handle can subsequently be attached to another server.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_TOOL_DETACH, wtxToolAttach()
- */
- STATUS wtxToolDetach
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat; /* WTX call status */
- WTX_MSG_RESULT out; /* WTX result */
- if (! wtxToolConnected(hWtx))
- return (WTX_OK);
- #ifdef HOST
- /* close async. notif */
- wtxAsyncStop (&hWtx->asyncHandle);
- hWtx->asyncHandle = NULL;
- #endif /* HOST */
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_TOOL_DETACH, &hWtx->msgToolId, &out);
- /* Free allocated memory and close neatly the connection to the server */
- if (callStat == WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_TOOL_DETACH, &out);
- /*
- * free the server descriptor and the strings that were allocated in
- * wtxToolAttach().
- */
- serverDescFree (hWtx);
- toolCleanup(hWtx);
- /* Actively ignore any errors that may occur */
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxInitialize - initialization routine to be called by the WTX client
- *
- * This routine allocates a handle structure for the tool's use and
- * does any initialization required for use of the WTX interface. All
- * subsequent calls by the tool should use the handle returned in <phWtx>.
- * If WTX_ERROR is returned and the handle <phWtx> is zero, then the
- * initialization failed because the internal handle structure could
- * not be allocated. Otherwise use wtxErrMsgGet() to find the cause
- * of the error.
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the initialization fails.
- *
- * The pointer <phWtx> is NULL.
- * The handle cannot be allocated.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxTerminate(), wtxVerify()
- */
- STATUS wtxInitialize
- (
- HWTX * phWtx /* RETURN: handle to use in subsequent API calls */
- )
- {
- if (phWtx == NULL)
- *phWtx = calloc (1, sizeof (struct _wtx));
- if (*phWtx == NULL)
- /* Set the field that identifies this as a valid handle */
- (*phWtx)->self = *phWtx;
- (*phWtx)->pWtxFreeList = NULL;
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxTerminate - terminate the use of a WTX client handle
- *
- * This routine destroys the specified context handle so it may no
- * longer be used in WTX API calls. If the tool is attached to a
- * target server, it is first detached. (It is forcibly detached if
- * errors make a normal detach impossible.) Any memory allocated by
- * the handle is freed and the handle is invalidated; any subsequent
- * use causes an abort.
- *
- * This routine frees all the `wtx' pointers that have been allocated by `wtx'
- * calls during the session. Thus, it makes it impossible to address them anymore
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxInitialize(), wtxVerify()
- */
- STATUS wtxTerminate
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- wtxToolDetach (hWtx);
- /*
- * as we exit the WTX session, all the pointers from the wtxResultFree()
- * pointers list should be freed.
- */
- if (hWtx->pWtxFreeList != NULL)
- {
- if (sllCount (hWtx->pWtxFreeList) > 0)
- {
- sllEach (hWtx->pWtxFreeList, wtxResultFreeListTerminate,
- (int) &hWtx);
- }
- sllDelete (hWtx->pWtxFreeList);
- hWtx->pWtxFreeList = NULL;
- }
- if (hWtx->pServerDesc)
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, hWtx->pServerDesc);
- }
- if (hWtx->pSelfDesc)
- {
- wtxResultFree (hWtx, hWtx->pSelfDesc);
- }
- if (hWtx->registry)
- wtxExchangeDelete (hWtx->registry);
- wtxExchangeTerminate (hWtx->server);
- wtxExchangeTerminate (hWtx->registry);
- /* Invalidate this handle in case it is used after terminate */
- hWtx->self = NULL;
- /* Now free up the handle memory */
- free (hWtx);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrSet - set the error code for the handle
- *
- * This routine sets the error value <errCode> in the handle specified
- * by <hWtx> so that wtxErrGet() can return <errCode> as the error.
- *
- * NOTE: Error handlers for the handle are not called. To set the error
- * code and call the registered error handlers, use wtxErrDispatch().
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrGet(), wtxErrMsgGet(), wtxErrClear(), wtxErrDispatch().
- */
- STATUS wtxErrSet
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- UINT32 errCode /* error value to set */
- )
- {
- /* Ensure any allocated strings are freed up */
- wtxErrClear (hWtx);
- hWtx->errCode = errCode;
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrGet - return the last error for a handle
- *
- * This routine returns the last error that occurred for the <hWtx> handle.
- * The error code is only valid after an error is reported by one of the
- * API calls. To check for an error after a series of API calls use
- * wtxErrClear() to clear the error status at the start and call wtxErrGet()
- * at the end.
- *
- * RETURNS: The last error code or WTX_ERROR if the handle is invalid.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrMsgGet(), wtxErrSet(), wtxErrClear()
- */
- WTX_ERROR_T wtxErrGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- return (hWtx->errCode);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrHandlerAdd - add an error handler for the WTX handle
- *
- * This routine adds a new error handler to the list of registered handlers
- * for the handle <hWtx>. The last error handler added is the first one
- * called when an error occurs. The function <pFunc> is called with three
- * arguments, the handle on which the error occurred, the client data
- * <pClientData>, and a call data parameter which is the error code. If the
- * function returns the value TRUE then each previously registered handler
- * function is called in turn until all are called or one returns the
- * value FALSE.
- *
- * The following is a sample error handler:
- *
- * .CS
- * BOOL32 errorHandler
- * (
- * HWTX hWtx, /@ WTX API handle @/
- * void * pClientData, /@ client data from wtxErrHandlerAdd() call @/
- * void * errCode /@ error code passed from wtxErrDispatch() @/
- * )
- *
- * {
- * /@ print an error message @/
- *
- * fprintf (stderr,
- * "Error %s (%d) from server %sn",
- * wtxErrMsgGet (hWtx),
- * (WTX_ERROR_T) errCode, /@ or use wtxErrGet() @/
- * wtxTsNameGet (hWtx));
- *
- * /@ return TRUE allowing previously installed handlers to be called @/
- *
- * return TRUE;
- * }
- * .CE
- *
- * RETURNS: A new handler ID or NULL on failure.
- *
- * No memory is available to add the new handler.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrHandlerRemove(), wtxErrDispatch()
- */
- WTX_HANDLER_T wtxErrHandlerAdd
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_HANDLER_FUNC pFunc, /* function to call on error */
- void * pClientData /* data to pass function */
- )
- {
- WTX_HANDLER_T descNew;
- descNew = calloc (1, sizeof (_WTX_HANDLER_T));
- if (descNew == NULL)
- descNew->pFunc = pFunc;
- descNew->pClientData = pClientData;
- descNew->prev = hWtx->errHandler;
- hWtx->errHandler = descNew;
- return descNew;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrHandlerRemove - remove an error handler from the WTX handle
- *
- * This function removes the error handler referenced by <errHandler> from
- * the handler list for <hWtx>. The error handler ID <errHandler> must be a
- * valid error handler ID returned by a call of wtxErrHandlerAdd().
- *
- * NOTE: It is safe for wtxErrHandlerRemove() to be called from within an
- * error handler function, even if the call is to remove itself.
- *
- *
- * <errHandler> is not a valid handler ID.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrHandlerAdd(), wtxErrDispatch()
- */
- STATUS wtxErrHandlerRemove
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_HANDLER_T errHandler /* Error handler to remove */
- )
- {
- last = NULL;
- for (desc = hWtx->errHandler; desc; desc = desc->prev)
- {
- if (desc == errHandler)
- {
- /* Got the one to remove */
- if (last)
- last->prev = desc->prev;
- else
- hWtx->errHandler = desc->prev;
- free (desc);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- last = desc;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrDispatch - dispatch an error with supplied code for the given handle
- *
- * This function records the error <errCode> against the handle <hWtx> and
- * calls all the registered error handlers for it until one returns FALSE.
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the handle is invalid.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrHandlerAdd()
- */
- STATUS wtxErrDispatch
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_ERROR_T errCode /* error code to register */
- )
- {
- BOOL32 continueToDispatch;
- /* cannot use macro here as it will cause recursion via WTX_ERROR_RETURN */
- if (hWtx == NULL || hWtx->self != hWtx)
- {
- /* cannot do anything with the error */
- /* FIXME: should implement a global error handler */
- return WTX_ERROR;
- }
- /* Record the error code */
- hWtx->errCode = errCode;
- hWtx->errMsg = NULL;
- continueToDispatch = TRUE;
- desc = hWtx->errHandler;
- /* Dispatch the error to all the error handlers */
- while ((desc != NULL) && continueToDispatch)
- {
- /* Just in case the handler removes itself! */
- prev = desc->prev;
- /* Be sure the function is non-null */
- if (desc->pFunc)
- continueToDispatch = desc->pFunc (hWtx,
- desc->pClientData,
- (void *) errCode);
- desc = prev;
- }
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrMsgGet - fetch the last network WTX API error string
- *
- * This routine gets a meaningful string for the last WTX API call
- * that returned WTX_ERROR. The string is only valid after a WTX
- * call has returned an error.
- *
- * NOTE: The return value is a pointer to internal data and must
- * not be freed by the caller. Also the string is only valid until
- * the next error occurs or wtxErrClear() is called. It must
- * be copied by the caller if the value must be stored.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to a string or NULL if an error has occurred.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrClear(), wtxErrGet()
- */
- const char * wtxErrMsgGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- /* This allows for caching of previous values but is not yet implemented */
- if (hWtx->errMsg != NULL)
- return hWtx->errMsg;
- else
- {
- hWtx->errMsg = wtxErrToMsg (hWtx, hWtx->errCode);
- return hWtx->errMsg;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrToMsg - convert an WTX error code to a descriptive string
- *
- * This routine takes an error code which has been returned by a WTX API
- * call and returns a descriptive string. The value returned is a pointer
- * to a string in statically allocated memory. The string must be copied
- * if the value is to be stored and it must not be freed by the caller.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to an error string.
- */
- const char * wtxErrToMsg
- (
- HWTX hWtx,
- WTX_ERROR_T errCode
- )
- {
- static char buffer [256];
- if (errCode == WTX_ERR_NONE)
- return "No error";
- if ((errCode > WTXERR_BASE_NUM) && (errCode < WTX_ERR_LAST))
- {
- FILE * fp;
- #ifdef WIN32
- sprintf (buffer, "%s\host\resource\tcl\wtxerrdb.tcl",
- getenv ("WIND_BASE"));
- #else
- sprintf (buffer, "%s/host/resource/tcl/wtxerrdb.tcl",
- getenv ("WIND_BASE"));
- #endif
- fp = fopen (buffer, "r");
- while (fp != NULL && ! ferror (fp))
- {
- UINT32 errNum;
- char errStr[256];
- if (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp) == NULL)
- break;
- if (sscanf (buffer, "set wtxError(0x%x) %s", &errNum, errStr) == 2
- && (errNum == (UINT32)errCode))
- {
- sprintf (buffer, "%s", errStr);
- fclose (fp);
- return buffer;
- }
- }
- if (fp)
- fclose (fp);
- /* A WTX error we have no error text for */
- sprintf (buffer, "WTX error %#x", errCode);
- }
- #ifdef SUN4_SUNOS4
- /*
- * Avoid strerror() on SUNOS4, as this will pull libiberty.a into
- * the link, making it more difficult to bind this code into a
- * shared library.
- */
- else if (errCode > 0 && errCode < sys_nerr && sys_errlist [errCode] != NULL)
- {
- /* Probably a system error */
- sprintf (buffer, "%s (%d)", sys_errlist [errCode], errCode);
- }
- #else /* !SUN4_SUNOS4 */
- else if (strerror (errCode) != NULL)
- /* Probably a system error */
- sprintf (buffer, "%s (%d)", strerror (errCode), errCode);
- #endif /* SUN4_SUNOS4 */
- else
- /* Some other error we don't know about */
- sprintf (buffer, "error %d (%#x)", errCode, errCode);
- return buffer;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrClear - explicitly clear any error status for the tool
- *
- * This routine clears an error message already recorded. It can be
- * called before a WTX routine if you want to test for an error afterwards
- * by checking whether wtxErrGet() returns a non-zero value.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrGet(), wtxErrMsgGet(), wtxErrSet()
- */
- STATUS wtxErrClear
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- hWtx->errCode = WTX_ERR_NONE;
- hWtx->errMsg = NULL;
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxErrExceptionFunc - a function to handle an error using longjmp()
- *
- * This function is called as part of the error handling process shown in the
- * discussion of C++ style exception catching in the wtx library description
- * (f2WTX C LibraryfP). The WTX_TRY macro, which registers the error
- * handler wtxErrExceptionFunc(), is found in wtx.h. <pClientData> contains
- * the address of <jumpBuf> from WTX_TRY and <pCallData> is the error code
- * that is returned by WTX_TRY and should be cast to the type WTX_ERROR_T..
- *
- * RETURNS: FALSE if <pClientData> is NULL, otherwise it does not return.
- * It executes a longjmp() back to <jumpBuf> in the WTX_TRY macro, which
- * returns the error code passed back by <pCallData>.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxErrHandlerAdd(), wtxErrDispatch()
- */
- BOOL32 wtxErrExceptionFunc
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- void * pClientData, /* pointer to a jump buffer */
- void * pCallData /* error code to return via setjmp() */
- )
- {
- if (pClientData != NULL)
- longjmp (pClientData, (int) pCallData);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxClientDataGet - get the client data associated with the WTX handle
- *
- * This routine sets the pointer pointed at by <ppClientData> to the
- * value set by the last call to wtxClientDataSet() for the handle <hWtx>.
- *
- *
- * <ppClientData> is NULL.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxClientDataSet()
- */
- STATUS wtxClientDataGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- void ** ppClientData /* RETURN: pointer to client data pointer */
- )
- {
- if (ppClientData == NULL)
- *ppClientData = hWtx->pClientData;
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxClientDataSet - set the client data associated with the WTX handle
- *
- * This routine causes the value <pClientData> to be associated with the
- * WTX API handle <hWtx>. The client data can be used by the
- * caller in any way and, except when in the set and get routines,
- * is not used or altered in any way by the WTX API. The initial value
- * of the client data before it is set is always NULL.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxClientDataGet().
- */
- STATUS wtxClientDataSet
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- void * pClientData /* value to associate with handle */
- )
- {
- hWtx->pClientData = pClientData;
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxAgentModeGet - get the mode of the target agent
- *
- * This routine returns the running mode of the target agent that the
- * current target server is attached to.
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_AGENT_MODE_TYPE
- *
- * RETURNS: The current agent running mode or WTX_ERROR.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_AGENT_MODE_GET, wtxTsInfoGet(), wtxAgentModeSet()
- */
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat; /* client status */
- WTX_AGENT_MODE_TYPE result; /* debug agent mode */
- WTX_MSG_RESULT out; /* WTX result */
- /*
- * All API calls that require a connection to the target server
- * should use the WTX_CHECK_CONNECTED macro before doing anything else.
- * This macro also calls WTX_CHECK_HANDLE to validate the handle.
- */
- /* Always remember to initialize the out params */
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_AGENT_MODE_GET, &hWtx->msgToolId, &out);
- /*
- * If there is an error we don't need to free the result with
- * wtxExchangeFree() because wtxExchange() (called by exchange())
- * does this for us when there is an error.
- */
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- /*
- * On error the WTX_ERROR_RETURN macro calls wtxErrDispatch() for
- * us (which sets the error code in the API handle and calls any
- * registered error handlers). It then returns the last param as
- * the result. In the case where the out param was dynamically
- * allocated (see wtxEventGet() for example) is the API call fails
- * then we must call free() on the result before the error return.
- */
- /*
- * Here we extract any information we want from the out param, then
- * free it using wtxExchangeFree() so any exchange allocated memory is
- * released and then return the desired result value.
- */
- result = out.val.value_u.v_int32;
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_AGENT_MODE_GET, &out);
- return result;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxAgentModeSet - set the mode of the target agent
- *
- * This routine sets the mode of the target agent that the current target
- * server is attached to. A given agent may not support all the possible
- * modes.
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_AGENT_MODE_TYPE
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_AGENT_MODE_SET, wtxTsInfoGet(), wtxAgentModeGet()
- */
- STATUS wtxAgentModeSet
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_AGENT_MODE_TYPE agentMode /* debug agent mode */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat; /* client status */
- WTX_MSG_PARAM in; /* WTX param */
- WTX_MSG_RESULT out; /* WTX result */
- /*
- * All API calls that require a connection to the target server
- * should use the WTX_CHECK_CONNECTED macro before doing anything else.
- * This macro also calls WTX_CHECK_HANDLE to validate the handle.
- */
- /* Always remember to initialize the in and out params */
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- /* Fill in the relevant fields of the in params for the call */
- in.param.valueType = V_UINT32;
- in.param.value_u.v_uint32 = agentMode;
- /* Now make the call recording the result status */
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_AGENT_MODE_SET, &in, &out);
- /*
- * If there is an error we don't need to free the result with
- * wtxExchangeFree() because wtxExchange() (called by exchange())
- * does this for us when there is an error.
- */
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- /*
- * On error the WTX_ERROR_RETURN macro calls wtxErrDispatch() for
- * us (which sets the error code in the API handle and calls any
- * registered error handlers). It then returns the last param as
- * the result. In the case where the out param was dynamically
- * allocated (see wtxEventGet() for example) is the API call fails
- * then we must call free() on the result before the error return.
- */
- /*
- * Here we extract any information we want from the out param, then
- * free it using wtxExchangeFree() so any exchange allocated memory is
- * released and then return the desired result value.
- */
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_AGENT_MODE_SET, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxAsyncNotifyEnable - start the asynchronous event notification
- *
- * This function creates a socket-based link between the target server and
- * the client where events will be sent. If a user defined function
- * is given (pFunc != NULL) then this function is called each time an
- * event is received by the target server, this function must take
- * a WTX_EVENT_DESC as input parameter. If no user defined function is
- * given then received events are just stored in the asynchronous event
- * list, those events can be get using wtxAsyncEventGet().
- *
- * In conjunction with wtxAsyncNotifyEnable(), wtxRegisterForEvent() (or
- * wtxUnregisterForEvent()) must be used to specify which type of events must
- * be sent to the requester.
- *
- * Upon calling this function, the wtxEventGet() and wtxEventListGet()
- * routines will always return nothing.
- *
- * When an event is coming to the client, the event is put in an
- * WTX_EVENT_DESC structure and passed to the user provided function
- * pointed to by <pFunc>.
- *
- * All strings contained in the WTX_EVENT_DESC structure must be copied
- * before to be used because their life duration is depending on the events
- * stream.
- *
- * The user defined function must take a WTX_EVENT_DESC * as input
- * parameter. It is called each time an event is received by the target
- * server.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * This service uses WTX_COMMAND_SEND request of the WTX protocol.
- *
- *
- * Declaration of a simple event handler.
- *
- * .CS
- * LOCAL void eventHookRtn /@ Hook routine used by the notification @/
- * (
- * WTX_EVENT_DESC * event /@ Event received from the target server @/
- * )
- * {
- * /@ Just print the event string and exit @/
- *
- * if (event->event != NULL)
- * printf ("Received event: %sn", event->event);
- * }
- * .CE
- *
- * Start of the asynchronous notification from the C API.
- *
- * .CS
- * /@ Initialization @/
- * .
- * .
- *
- * /@ Start the notification @/
- *
- * if (wtxAsyncNotifyEnable (wtxh, (FUNCPTR) eventHookRtn)
- * != (UINT32) WTX_OK)
- * return (WTX_ERROR);
- *
- * /@ core of the WTX application @/
- * .
- * .
- * .CE
- *
- * RETURN: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the request failed.
- *
- * An wtxAsyncNotifyDisable must be called before.
- * Socket creation, bind or listen failed.
- * Cannot get name of current host.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_COMMAND_SEND, wtxAsyncNotifyEnable(), wtxAsyncEventGet()
- */
- STATUS wtxAsyncNotifyEnable
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- FUNCPTR pFunc /* User defined function */
- )
- {
- #ifdef HOST
- WTX_MSG_PARAM in; /* Query parameters */
- WTX_MSG_RESULT out; /* Query result */
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat; /* Exchange result */
- int status; /* Return value */
- struct hostent * he; /* Host entries */
- char buf [128]; /* Input param. string */
- char bufPort [32]; /* String for port # */
- char hostName [32]; /* Host name */
- SOCK_DESC sockDesc; /* Socket descriptor */
- /*
- * All API calls that require a connection to the target server
- * should use the WTX_CHECK_CONNECTED macro before doing anything else.
- * This macro also calls WTX_CHECK_HANDLE to validate the handle.
- */
- /* Open a socket, create the event list and start the threads */
- status = wtxAsyncInitialize (&sockDesc, pFunc, &hWtx->asyncHandle);
- if (status != WTX_OK)
- {
- return (status);
- }
- /* Set input - ouput parameters for WTX_COMMAND_SEND */
- in.param.valueType = V_PCHAR;
- if (gethostname (hostName, sizeof (hostName)) != OK)
- {
- /* Tchao */
- }
- he = gethostbyname (hostName);
- memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf));
- strcat (buf, SEPARATOR);
- strcat (buf, (const char *) inet_ntoa (*((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr)));
- strcat (buf, SEPARATOR);
- sprintf (bufPort, "%d", sockDesc.portNumber);
- strcat (buf, bufPort);
- in.param.value_u.v_pchar = buf;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- /* Call WTX_COMMAND_SEND - wtxAsyncNotifyEnable service */
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- {
- /* Set off the asynchronous notification */
- wtxAsyncStop (&hWtx->asyncHandle);
- hWtx->asyncHandle = NULL;
- /* Tchao */
- }
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &out);
- #endif /* HOST */
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxAsyncNotifyDisable - stop the asynchronous event notification
- *
- * This function sends to the target server an order to stop the asynchronous
- * notification of events.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * This service uses WTX_COMMAND_SEND request of the WTX protocol.
- *
- * RETURN: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if exchange failed.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_COMMAND_SEND, wtxAsyncNotifyEnable(), wtxAsyncEventGet()
- */
- STATUS wtxAsyncNotifyDisable
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- #ifdef HOST
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat = WTX_OK; /* Exchange result */
- WTX_MSG_PARAM in; /* Query parameters */
- WTX_MSG_RESULT out; /* Query result */
- char buf [32]; /* Input buffer */
- /*
- * All API calls that require a connection to the target server
- * should use the WTX_CHECK_CONNECTED macro before doing anything else.
- * This macro also calls WTX_CHECK_HANDLE to validate the handle.
- */
- /* Set input - ouput parameters for WTX_COMMAND_SEND */
- in.param.valueType = V_PCHAR;
- in.param.value_u.v_pchar = buf;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- /* Call WTX_COMMAND_SEND - wtxAsyncNotifyDisable service */
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &in, &out);
- if (callStat == WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &out);
- /* Free the event list and stop the async. notif. mechanism */
- wtxAsyncStop (&hWtx->asyncHandle);
- hWtx->asyncHandle = NULL;
- /* Tchao */
- #endif
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxBreakpointAdd - create a new WTX eventpoint of type breakpoint
- *
- * This routine creates a new eventpoint on the target to represent a
- * breakpoint at the address <tgtAddr> for the target context <contextId>.
- * The target server maintains a list of eventpoints created on the target
- * and this can be queried using wtxEventpointList(). When a context is
- * destroyed on the target or the target is reset, eventpoints are deleted
- * automatically without intervention from the creator.
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * When <contextType> is set to WTX_CONTEXT_SYSTEM, then only breakpoints
- * in system mode can be added. When <contextType> is set to WTX_CONTEXT_TASK,
- * then only breakpoints in context task can be added.
- *
- * RETURNS: The ID of the new breakpoint or WTX_ERROR if the add fails.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD, wtxEventpointAdd(), wtxEventpointDelete(),
- * wtxEventpointList()
- */
- UINT32 wtxBreakpointAdd
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE contextType, /* type of context to put bp in */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T contextId, /* associated context */
- TGT_ADDR_T tgtAddr /* breakpoint address */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- UINT32 bpId;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.wtxEvtpt.event.eventType = WTX_EVENT_TEXT_ACCESS;
- in.wtxEvtpt.event.eventArg = (TGT_ARG_T) tgtAddr;
- in.wtxEvtpt.context.contextType = contextType;
- in.wtxEvtpt.context.contextId = contextId;
- /* ??? Not used by target agent */
- in.wtxEvtpt.action.actionType = WTX_ACTION_STOP | WTX_ACTION_NOTIFY;
- in.wtxEvtpt.action.actionArg = 0; /* ??? Not used by target agent */
- in.wtxEvtpt.action.callRtn = 0; /* ??? Not used by target agent */
- in.wtxEvtpt.action.callArg = 0; /* ??? Not used by target agent */
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- bpId = out.val.value_u.v_uint32;
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD, &out);
- return bpId;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxCacheTextUpdate - synchronize the instruction and data caches.
- *
- * This function flushes the data chache, then invalidates the instruction cache.
- * This operation forces the instruction cache to fetch code that may have been
- * created via the data path.
- *
- * <nBytes> is invalid.
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if exchange failed.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CACHE_TEXT_UPDATE, wtxMemRead(), wtxMemWrite()
- */
- STATUS wtxCacheTextUpdate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- TGT_ADDR_T addr, /* remote addr to update */
- UINT32 nBytes /* number of bytes to update */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- if (nBytes == 0)
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- in.startAddr = addr;
- in.numBytes = nBytes;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CACHE_TEXT_UPDATE, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CACHE_TEXT_UPDATE, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxCommandSend - Pass a string to be interpreted by the target server
- *
- * This function is used to control the target server behavior.
- * Services availables are: wtxTsKill(), wtxTsRestart(), wtxLogging (),
- * wtxTsLock(), wtxTsUnlock(), wtxTargetReset(), wtxAsyncNotifyEnable(),
- * wtxAsyncNotifyDisable().
- *
- * This service sends a string to the target server which interprets it.
- * If the requested service is not known by tsWtxCommandSend(), then
- * the string is sent back to the client.
- *
- * The following is a sample of string
- *
- * .CS
- * commandString = "wtxTsLock_30"; /@ lock the target server for 30s @/
- * commandString = "wtxTsUnlock"; /@ Unlock the target server @/
- * commandString = "wtxLoggingOn_/folk/pascal/wtx.txt"; /@ wtx log started @/
- * .CE
- *
- * NOTE:
- * A separator is used ("_") and only some command strings can be
- * recognized by the target server (plus options if needed):
- * .iP "wdbLoggingOn"
- * Open the file and log all WDB requests.
- * .iP "wdbLoggingOff"
- * Close the file and stop the log.
- * .iP "wtxLoggingOn"
- * Open the file and log all WTX requests.
- * .iP "wtxLoggingOff"
- * Close the file and stop the log.
- * .iP "allLoggingOff"
- * Stop WDB and WTX log.
- * .iP "wtxAsyncNotifyEnable"
- * Start the asynchronous notification of events.
- * .iP "wtxAsyncNotifyDisable"
- * Stop the asynchronous notification of events.
- * .iP "wtxObjKillDestroy"
- * Kill the target server.
- * .iP "wtxObjKillRestart"
- * Restart the target server.
- * .iP "wtxTsLock"
- * Lock the target server.
- * .iP "wtxTsUnlock"
- * Unlock the target server.
- * .iP "wtxTargetReset"
- * Reset the target.
- * .iP "wtxTargetIpAddressGet"
- * Get the target's IP address (if applicable) in a.b.c.d form.
- * .iP "wtxTargetToolNameGet"
- * Get the name of the tool used to build target run-time (e.g. "gnu").
- *
- * RETURNS: string containing the command's result.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxTsKill(), wtxTsRestart(), wtxLogging(), wtxTsLock(),
- * wtxTsUnlock(), wtxTargetReset(), wtxAsyncNotifyEnable(),
- * wtxAsyncNotifyDisable(), wtxTargetToolNameGet(), wtxTargetIpAddressGet().
- */
- char * wtxCommandSend
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- char * commandString /* String to be interpreted */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.param.valueType = V_PCHAR;
- in.param.value_u.v_pchar = commandString;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, callStat, NULL);
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &out);
- return (out.val.value_u.v_pchar);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxTargetIpAddressGet - gets target IP address.
- *
- * This routine returns the target's IP address in network byte order. The
- * returned address is the one used by the target server to connect the target.
- *
- * On error (the target have no IP address), this value will be (UINT32) 0.
- *
- * RETURNS: the target's IP address in network byte order or 0 on error.
- */
- UINT32 wtxTargetIpAddressGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- WTX_MSG_RESULT out; /* output structure desc */
- WTX_MSG_PARAM in; /* input structure desc */
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat; /* WTX exchange result status */
- UINT32 targetIP = 0; /* returned target IP address */
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.param.valueType = V_PCHAR;
- in.param.value_u.v_pchar = WTX_TARGET_IP_ADDRESS_CMD;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, callStat, 0);
- targetIP = inet_addr (out.val.value_u.v_pchar);
- /* free the RPC buffers */
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &out);
- return (targetIP);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxTargetToolNameGet - get target tool name.
- *
- * This routine returns the name of the tool used to build the target run-time.
- *
- * On error (the target have no tool name), this value will be "Unknown".
- *
- * RETURNS: a string representing a tool name (like "gnu") or NULL
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxTsInfoGet
- */
- char * wtxTargetToolNameGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- #ifdef HOST
- WTX_MSG_RESULT out; /* output structure desc */
- WTX_MSG_PARAM in; /* input structure desc */
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat; /* WTX exchange result status */
- /* return cached name */
- if (hWtx->targetToolName != NULL)
- return hWtx->targetToolName;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.param.valueType = V_PCHAR;
- in.param.value_u.v_pchar = WTX_TARGET_TOOLNAME_GET_CMD;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, callStat, 0);
- hWtx->targetToolName = strdup (out.val.value_u.v_pchar);
- /* free the RPC buffers */
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_COMMAND_SEND, &out);
- #endif /* HOST*/
- return (hWtx->targetToolName);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxCpuInfoGet - gets cpu related information from architecturedb file
- *
- * This function allows to get target CPU related informations. <cpuNum>
- * specifies the CPU number in data base, while <cpuInfoType> specifies which
- * parameter to get.
- *
- * <cpuInfoType> can be from the following type
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtx.h CPU_INFO
- *
- * NOTE:
- * returned value if not NULL should be freed by caller through a call to free()
- *
- * RETURNS: a string containing parameter in string format or NULL.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wtxTsInfoGet()
- */
- char * wtxCpuInfoGet
- (
- int cpuNum, /* cpu number to get info on */
- CPU_INFO cpuInfoType /* cpu info type to get */
- )
- {
- char * cpuInfo = NULL; /* returned target cpu information */
- #ifdef HOST
- char * windBase = NULL; /* win base directory name */
- char * cpuFamilyName = NULL; /* family name of CPU num <cpuNum> */
- char section [100]; /* section number e.g. CPU ID */
- char paramBuf [100]; /* receiving parameter buffer */
- char configFile [PATH_MAX]; /* configuration file name */
- int ix = 0; /* loop counter */
- int nChar = 0; /* # of chars in returned value */
- CPU_INFO_TYPE targetCpuInfo[] = /* cpu data initialization */
- {
- /* param, string, section */
- {CPU_INFO_NONE, "none", NULL},
- {ARCH_DIR, "Architecture Directory", NULL},
- {LEADING_CHAR, "Leading Character", NULL},
- {DEMANGLER, "demangler", NULL},
- {CPU_NAME, "cpuname", NULL},
- {ARCH_OBJ_DIR, "Architecture Object Directory", NULL}
- };
- sprintf (section, "CPU_%d", cpuNum);
- /* setting architecture data base file name */
- windBase = wpwrGetEnv ("WIND_BASE");
- if (windBase == NULL)
- {
- goto error1;
- }
- strcpy (configFile, windBase);
- strcat (configFile, "/host/resource/target/architecturedb");
- #ifdef WIN32
- wpwrBackslashToSlash (configFile);
- #endif /* WIN32 */
- /* get CPU family name */
- nChar = GetPrivateProfileString (section, "cpuFamilyName", "unknown",
- paramBuf, sizeof (paramBuf), configFile);
- if ( (! strcmp (paramBuf, "unknown")) ||
- ( (cpuFamilyName = strdup (paramBuf)) == NULL))
- {
- goto error1;
- }
- /* section assignement for parameters */
- targetCpuInfo[1].section = cpuFamilyName;
- targetCpuInfo[2].section = cpuFamilyName;
- targetCpuInfo[3].section = "misc";
- targetCpuInfo[4].section = (char *) section;
- targetCpuInfo[5].section = cpuFamilyName;
- /* set searched string */
- for (ix = 1 ; ix < (int) NELEMENTS (targetCpuInfo) ; ix++)
- {
- if (targetCpuInfo[ix].param == cpuInfoType)
- {
- if ( (targetCpuInfo[ix].section != NULL) &&
- (targetCpuInfo[ix].string != NULL))
- {
- nChar = GetPrivateProfileString (targetCpuInfo[ix].section,
- targetCpuInfo[ix].string,
- "unknown", paramBuf,
- sizeof (paramBuf), configFile);
- }
- else
- {
- goto error2;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* allocate and verify returned value */
- if ( (! strcmp (paramBuf, "unknown")) ||
- ( (cpuInfo = strdup (paramBuf)) == NULL))
- {
- goto error2;
- }
- error2:
- free (cpuFamilyName);
- error1:
- #endif /* HOST */
- return cpuInfo;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxEventpointAdd - create a new WTX eventpoint
- *
- * This routine creates a new eventpoint on the target. This routine is a
- * generic facility for setting breakpoints. An eventpoint specifies the
- * context to which it applies, the type of event to detect (for example
- * breakpoint, context exit), and the action to be taken upon detection of
- * the event (for example, notify the target server of the event).
- *
- * The target server maintains a list of eventpoints created on the target
- * and this can be queried using wtxEventpointList(). When a context is
- * destroyed on the target or the target is reset, eventpoints are deleted
- * automatically without intervention from the creator.
- *
- * When <pEvtpt->context.contextType> is set to WTX_CONTEXT_SYSTEM, then
- * only eventpoints in system mode can be added.
- * When <pEvtpt->context.contextType> is set to WTX_CONTEXT_TASK, then only
- * eventpoints in context task can be added.
- *
- * The eventpoint parameters are grouped into the structure:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_EVTPT_2
- *
- * where WTX_EVENT_2 is:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_EVENT_2
- *
- * where WTX_CONTEXT is:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_CONTEXT
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * If contextType is set to WTX_CONTEXT_TASK and contextId set to 0,
- * then it is equivalent to contextType set to WTX_CONTEXT_ANY_TASK.
- *
- * where WTX_ACTION is:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_ACTION
- *
- * The action types are given by WTX_ACTION_TYPE and can be or'ed
- * together if multiple actions are needed:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_ACTION_TYPE
- *
- * RETURNS: The ID of the new eventpoint or WTX_ERROR if the add fails.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD_2, wtxEventpointDelete(), wtxEventpointList()
- */
- UINT32 wtxEventpointAdd
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_EVTPT_2 * pEvtpt /* eventpoint descriptor */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- UINT32 evtptId;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- /*
- * XXX - must have WTX_EVTPT_2 fields identical to those
- * WTX_MSG_EVTPT_DESC_2 from wtxEvtpt onwards. Awaits change to
- * message definitions on wtxmsg.h so this hack will go away.
- */
- memcpy (&in.wtxEvtpt, pEvtpt, sizeof (WTX_EVTPT_2));
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD_2, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- evtptId = out.val.value_u.v_uint32;
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD_2, &out);
- return evtptId;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxEventpointDelete - delete an eventpoint from the target
- *
- * This routine deletes an existing eventpoint in the context given when it
- * was created. The eventpoint is identified by <evtptId> which is the
- * ID returned by wtxBreakpointAdd(), wtxContextExitNotifyAdd()... If the
- * eventpoint has already been deleted on the target (for example, because
- * the context associated with it no longer exists), then the first call of
- * wtxEventpointDelete() returns WTX_OK. (The target server ignores the
- * deletion of a valid eventpoint ID that no longer exists on the target.)
- * If the target server eventpoint list does not contain the <evtptId>, then
- * the error WTX_ERR_SVR_INVALID_EVENTPOINT occurs.
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the delete fails.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENTPOINT_DELETE, wtxBreakpointAdd(),
- * wtxContextExitNotifyAdd(), wtxEventpointAdd(), wtxHwBreakpointAdd(),
- * wtxEventpointList()
- */
- STATUS wtxEventpointDelete
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- UINT32 evtptId /* ID of eventpoint to delete */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- in.param.valueType = V_UINT32;
- in.param.value_u.v_uint32 = evtptId;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENTPOINT_DELETE, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_EVENTPOINT_DELETE, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxConsoleCreate - create a console window (UNIX only)
- *
- * This routine creates a new console window. The name passed in <name>
- * is used as the title for the new window. If <name> is NULL, a unique
- * name is assigned by the target server. When the target server is
- * running in an X-Window environment, the <display> parameter
- * identifies the X display device to create the window on. The number of
- * buffered lines (default 88) can be changed by setting the environment variable
- * `WTX_CONSOLE_LINES' to the number of desired buffered lines. Set this
- * variable before launching the target server. The <fdIn>
- * and <fdOut> parameters are pointers to INT32 variables in
- * which are stored the target server file descriptors for the
- * input and output of the new console. wtxVioCtl() can be used
- * to redirect VIO input and output to the console.
- *
- * On UNIX systems the returned ID is actually a process
- * ID of the new console running on the same host as the target server.
- *
- * This request is not implemented on Windows. Windows allows only one virtual
- * console and it must be started on the target server command line with the
- * `-c' option.
- *
- * RETURNS: The ID number of the new console or WTX_ERROR.
- *
- * Either <fdIn> or <fdOut> is NULL.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CONSOLE_CREATE, wtxConsoleKill(), wtxVioCtl()
- */
- INT32 wtxConsoleCreate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- const char *name, /* Name of console window */
- const char *display, /* Display name eg: host:0 */
- INT32 *fdIn, /* RETURN: input file descriptor */
- INT32 *fdOut /* RETURN: output file descriptor */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- INT32 pid;
- if (fdIn == 0 || fdOut == 0)
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- in.wtxConsDesc.name = (char *) name;
- in.wtxConsDesc.display = (char *) display;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONSOLE_CREATE, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- *fdIn = out.wtxConsDesc.fdIn;
- *fdOut = out.wtxConsDesc.fdOut;
- pid = out.wtxConsDesc.pid;
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONSOLE_CREATE, &out);
- return pid;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxConsoleKill - destroy a console (UNIX only)
- *
- * This routine destroys a console identified by <consoleId> and created by
- * a previous call to wtxConsoleCreate().
- * This request is not implemented on Windows. If issued, it returns an
- * error, but does not attempt to kill an existing console.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CONSOLE_KILL, wtxConsoleCreate()
- */
- STATUS wtxConsoleKill
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- INT32 consoleId /* id of console to destroy */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- in.param.valueType = V_INT32;
- in.param.value_u.v_int32 = consoleId;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONSOLE_KILL, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONSOLE_KILL, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxContextCont - continue execution of a target context
- *
- * This routine synchronously continues execution of the context <contextId>
- * on the target after it has stopped at a breakpoint. This routine should
- * be used instead of wtxContextResume() when debugging a task to prevent
- * the task hitting the breakpoint a second time.
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR on failure.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CONTEXT_CONT, wtxContextResume(), wtxBreakpointAdd()
- */
- STATUS wtxContextCont
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE contextType, /* type of context to continue */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T contextId /* id of context to continue */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.contextType = contextType;
- in.contextId = contextId;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONTEXT_CONT, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONTEXT_CONT, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxContextCreate - create a new context on the target
- *
- * This routine creates a new context using the information in the
- * context descriptor pointed to by <pContextDesc> which describes
- * parameters for a new task context or a system context. The caller is
- * responsible for freeing information supplied in the context
- * descriptor after the call.
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtx.h WTX_CONTEXT_DESC
- *
- * <pContextDesc> is invalid
- *
- * RETURNS: The ID of the new context or WTX_ERROR.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CONTEXT_CREATE, wtxContextKill()
- */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T wtxContextCreate
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_DESC * pContextDesc /* context descriptor */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- if (pContextDesc == NULL)
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- /* Fill in the context create descritor message. */
- /*
- * XXX - must have WTX_CONTEXT_DESC fields identical to those
- * WTX_MSG_CONTEXT_DESC from contextType onwards. Awaits change to
- * message definitions on wtxmsg.h so this hack will go away.
- */
- memcpy (&in.contextType, pContextDesc, sizeof (WTX_CONTEXT_DESC));
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONTEXT_CREATE, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- ctxId = out.contextId;
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONTEXT_CREATE, &out);
- return ctxId;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxContextResume - resume execution of a target context
- *
- * This routine synchronously resumes execution of the context <contextId>
- * on the target after it has been suspended, perhaps by wtxContextSuspend().
- * Use wtxContextCont() rather than this routine to continue a task from a
- * breakpoint; this routine causes the task to hit the breakpoint again.
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR on failure.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CONTEXT_RESUME, wtxContextSuspend()
- */
- STATUS wtxContextResume
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE contextType, /* type of context to resume */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T contextId /* id of context to resume */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.contextType = contextType;
- in.contextId = contextId;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONTEXT_RESUME, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONTEXT_RESUME, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxContextStatusGet - get the status of a context on the target
- *
- * This routine returns the status of the context <contextId> on the target.
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_STATUS
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * RETURNS: The status of the context or WTX_ERROR.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CONTEXT_STATUS_GET, wtxContextSuspend(), wtxContextResume()
- */
- WTX_CONTEXT_STATUS wtxContextStatusGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE contextType, /* type of context */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T contextId /* id of context */
- )
- {
- WTX_CONTEXT_STATUS result; /* context status */
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.contextType = contextType;
- in.contextId = contextId;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONTEXT_STATUS_GET, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- result = out.val.value_u.v_int32;
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONTEXT_STATUS_GET, &out);
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxContextExitNotifyAdd - add a context exit notification eventpoint
- *
- * This routine creates a new eventpoint that notifies the user when the
- * specified context exits by sending a WTX_EVT_CTX_EXIT event. The eventpoint
- * is removed automatically when the context exits or the routine
- * wtxEventpointDelete() can be used to remove the eventpoint before the
- * context exits.
- *
- * When <contextType> is set to WTX_CONTEXT_SYSTEM, then only eventpoints
- * in system mode can be added.
- * When <contextType> is set to WTX_CONTEXT_TASK, then only eventpoints in
- * context task can be added.
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * RETURNS: A unique identifier for the new eventpoint or WTX_ERROR.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD, wtxEventpointAdd(), wtxEventpointList(),
- * wtxEventpointDelete()
- */
- UINT32 wtxContextExitNotifyAdd
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE contextType, /* type of context */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T contextId /* associated context */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- UINT32 result;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.wtxEvtpt.event.eventType = WTX_EVENT_CTX_EXIT;
- in.wtxEvtpt.context.contextType = contextType;
- in.wtxEvtpt.context.contextId = contextId;
- in.wtxEvtpt.action.actionType = WTX_ACTION_NOTIFY;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- result = out.val.value_u.v_uint32;
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD, &out);
- return result;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxContextKill - kill a target context
- *
- * This routine synchronously kills the context specified by
- * <contextId> on the target.
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * NOTE: Killing the the system context may result in a reboot of the
- * target. However, the correct way to reboot the target system is by calling
- * wtxTargetReset().
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the context kill fails.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CONTEXT_KILL, wtxTargetReset()
- */
- STATUS wtxContextKill
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE contextType, /* type of context to kill */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T contextId /* id of context to kill */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.contextType = contextType;
- in.contextId = contextId;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONTEXT_KILL, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONTEXT_KILL, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxContextStep - single step execution of a target context
- *
- * This routine asynchronously single steps execution of a context on
- * the target. Stepping occurs while <stepStart> <= PC < <stepEnd>. If
- * stepStart == stepEnd == 0 then the context is single stepped one
- * machine instruction only. Note that <stepStart> does not set the
- * initial program counter; this must be done separately.
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * NOTE: Stepping is an asynchronous operation so the return of this
- * function does not signify completion of the stepping. After stepping
- * completes, a breakpoint event is generated at the address which
- * terminated the stepping operation.
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the step fails.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_CONTEXT_STEP, wtxContextCont(), wtxContextSuspend()
- */
- STATUS wtxContextStep
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE contextType, /* type of context to resume */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T contextId, /* id of context to step */
- TGT_ADDR_T stepStart, /* stepStart pc value */
- TGT_ADDR_T stepEnd /* stepEnd PC vale */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.context.contextType = contextType;
- in.context.contextId = contextId;
- in.startAddr = stepStart;
- in.endAddr = stepEnd;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONTEXT_STEP, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONTEXT_STEP, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxContextSuspend - suspend a target context
- *
- * This routine synchronously suspends execution of a context on the
- * target.
- *
- * The context types are given by:
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxtypes.h WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE
- *
- * RETURNS: WTX_OK or WTX_ERROR if the suspend fails.
- *
- */
- STATUS wtxContextSuspend
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE contextType, /* type of context to suspend */
- WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T contextId /* id of context being suspended */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.contextType = contextType;
- in.contextId = contextId;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_CONTEXT_SUSPEND, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- wtxExchangeFree (hWtx->server, WTX_CONTEXT_SUSPEND, &out);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxEventAdd - send an event to the target server
- *
- * This routine sends an event to the target server. The target server adds
- * it to the event list of any attached tool that has selected that event
- * by using wtxRegisterForEvent() with a suitable event pattern. The
- * event is not sent back to the tool that generated it.
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_MSG_EVENT_DESC
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_EVENT_DESC
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENT_ADD, wtxEventGet(), wtxEventListGet(),
- * wtxRegisterForEvent(), wtxUnregisterForEvent().
- */
- STATUS wtxEventAdd
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- const char * event, /* event string to send */
- UINT32 addlDataLen, /* length of addl data block in bytes */
- const void * pAddlData /* pointer to additional data */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- if (addlDataLen != 0 && pAddlData == NULL)
- if (event == NULL)
- memset (&out, 0, sizeof (out));
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- if ((in.eventDesc.event = (char *) malloc (strlen (event) + 1)) == NULL)
- strcpy (in.eventDesc.event, event);
- in.eventDesc.addlDataLen = (INT32) addlDataLen;
- if (addlDataLen != 0)
- {
- if ((in.eventDesc.addlData = (char *) malloc (addlDataLen)) == NULL)
- {
- free (in.eventDesc.event);
- }
- memcpy (in.eventDesc.addlData, pAddlData, addlDataLen);
- }
- else
- in.eventDesc.addlData = NULL;
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENT_ADD, &in, &out);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- {
- if (in.eventDesc.addlDataLen != 0)
- free (in.eventDesc.addlData);
- free (in.eventDesc.event);
- }
- if (in.eventDesc.addlDataLen != 0)
- free (in.eventDesc.addlData);
- free (in.eventDesc.event);
- return (WTX_OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxEventGet - get an event from the target
- *
- * This routine polls the target server for any events sent to this
- * client tool. It only returns one event at a time. The event
- * descriptor returned is a string containing the primary event
- * data, a length count of additional binary data and a pointer to the
- * additional data. The memory allocated for the event-descriptor
- * result must be freed by the user using wtxResultFree(). Note that an
- * event descriptor is always returned even when no real event is ready
- * for the tool. In this case the event descriptor is WTX_EVENT_OTHER,
- * `addlDataLen' is 0, and `addlData' is NULL.
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_EVENT_DESC
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to the descriptor for the event received or NULL.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENT_GET, wtxEventAdd(), wtxEventListGet(),
- * wtxResultFree(), wtxStrToEventType(), wtxStrToInt(), wtxStrToTgtAddr()
- */
- WTX_EVENT_DESC * wtxEventGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- pOut = calloc (1, sizeof (WTX_MSG_EVENT_DESC));
- if (pOut == NULL)
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENT_GET, &hWtx->msgToolId, pOut);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- {
- free (pOut); /* Free allocated message */
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, callStat, NULL);
- }
- /* add pointer to the wtxResultFree () list */
- if (wtxFreeAdd (hWtx, (void *) &pOut->eventDesc, NULL, pOut, WTX_EVENT_GET,
- hWtx->server, WTX_SVR_SERVER) != WTX_OK)
- {
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, wtxErrGet (hWtx), NULL);
- }
- return (&pOut->eventDesc);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxEventListGet - get all the events in one call.
- *
- * This function flushes the target server events queue. If more than one
- * event is found, WTX_EVENT_NODE structure is filled with the events found
- * up to the limit fixed by <nEvents>. If <nEvents> is equal to 1, then this
- * function is equivalent to wtxEventGet(). If all the events will have to be
- * flushed, then <nEvents> must be equal to WTX_ALL_EVENTS.
- *
- * WTX_EVENT_NODE contains a WTX_EVENT_DESC structure and a pointer to the
- * next WTX_EVENT_NODE (or NULL if it is the last event).
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_EVENT_NODE
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtxmsg.h WTX_EVENT_DESC
- *
- * NOTE : The result of the wtxEventListGet() call should be freed by a call to
- * wtxResultFree ().
- *
- * RETURN: A pointer to the event list or NULL if there's no events or if
- * something failed (errCode must be checked).
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENT_LIST_GET, wtxEventGet(), wtxEventAdd(),
- * wtxRegisterForEvent(), wtxUnregisterForEvent(), wtxResultFree()
- */
- WTX_EVENT_NODE * wtxEventListGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx, /* WTX API handle */
- UINT32 nEvents /* Number of events to return */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- memset (&in, 0, sizeof (in));
- in.param.valueType = V_UINT32;
- in.param.value_u.v_uint32 = nEvents;
- /* Output parameter location */
- pOut = calloc (1, sizeof (WTX_MSG_EVENT_LIST));
- if (pOut == NULL)
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENT_LIST_GET, &in, pOut);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- {
- free (pOut); /* Free allocated message */
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, callStat, NULL);
- }
- /* Output parameter */
- /* add pointer to the wtxResultFree () list */
- if (wtxFreeAdd (hWtx, (void *) pOut->pEventList, NULL, pOut,
- {
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, wtxErrGet (hWtx), NULL);
- }
- return (pOut->pEventList);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxEventpointList - list eventpoints on the target server
- *
- * This routine returns a pointer to a list of all eventpoints managed
- * by the target server. These include breakpoints and context exit
- * notifications. The list returned is dynamically allocated and should
- * be freed by calling wtxResultFree()
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtx.h WTX_EVTPT_LIST
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to a list of eventpoints or NULL on error.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENTPOINT_LIST, wtxEventpointAdd(), wtxBreakpointAdd(),
- * wtxContextExitNotifyAdd()
- */
- WTX_EVTPT_LIST * wtxEventpointList
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- pOut = calloc (1, sizeof (WTX_MSG_EVTPT_LIST));
- if (pOut == NULL)
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENTPOINT_LIST, &hWtx->msgToolId, pOut);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- {
- free (pOut);
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, callStat, NULL);
- }
- /* add pointer to the wtxResultFree () list */
- if (wtxFreeAdd (hWtx, (void *) &pOut->nEvtpt, NULL, pOut,
- != WTX_OK)
- {
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, wtxErrGet (hWtx), NULL);
- }
- return (WTX_EVTPT_LIST *) &pOut->nEvtpt;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wtxEventpointListGet - list eventpoints on the target server
- *
- * This routine returns a pointer to a list of eventpoints info: eventpoints
- * managed by the target server, the tool identifier and the eventpoint
- * identifier.
- *
- * EXPAND ../../../include/wtx.h WTX_EVTPT_LIST_2
- *
- * NOTE : The result of a call to wtxEventpointListGet() should be freed via
- * wtxResultFree()
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to an eventpoints info list or NULL on error.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: WTX_EVENTPOINT_LIST_GET, wtxEventpointList(), wtxBreakpointAdd(),
- * wtxContextExitNotifyAdd(), wtxHwBreakpointAdd(), wtxEventpointAdd(),
- * wtxResultFree()
- */
- WTX_EVTPT_LIST_2 * wtxEventpointListGet
- (
- HWTX hWtx /* WTX API handle */
- )
- {
- WTX_ERROR_T callStat;
- pOut = calloc (1, sizeof (WTX_MSG_EVTPT_LIST_2));
- if (pOut == NULL)
- callStat = exchange (hWtx, WTX_EVENTPOINT_LIST_GET, &hWtx->msgToolId, pOut);
- if (callStat != WTX_ERR_NONE)
- {
- free (pOut);
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, callStat, NULL);
- }
- /* add pointer to the wtxResultFree () list */
- if (wtxFreeAdd (hWtx, (void *) &pOut->nEvtpt, NULL, pOut,
- != WTX_OK)
- {
- WTX_ERROR_RETURN (hWtx, wtxErrGet (hWtx), NULL);
- }