- /* semSmShow.c - shared memory semaphore show utility (VxMP Option) */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01j,06may02,mas cache flush and volatile fix (SPR 68334); bridge flush fix
- (SPR 68844)
- 01i,24oct01,mas doc update (SPR 71149)
- 01h,03feb93,jdi changed INCLUDE_SHOW_RTNS to ...ROUTINES.
- 01g,29jan93,pme added little endian support.
- 01f,13nov92,dnw added include of private/smObjLibP.h
- 01e,02oct92,pme added SPARC support. documentation cleanup.
- 01d,29sep92,pme fixed WARNING in printf calls.
- 01c,29jul92,pme changed module name to semSmShow in first line.
- 01b,28jul92,jcf changed semSmShowInit to call semLibInit.
- 01a,19jul92,pme written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides routines to show shared semaphore statistics, such as
- semaphore type, semaphore queueing method, tasks pended, and so forth.
- These routines are included automatically when the component INCLUDE_SM_OBJ
- is included.
- There are no user callable routines.
- This module is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- support option, VxMP.
- INCLUDE FILE: semSmLib.h
- SEE ALSO: semLib, semSmLib, smObjLib,
- tb VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Shared Memory Objects,
- tb VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Basic OS
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "qFifoGLib.h"
- #include "smObjLib.h"
- #include "smMemLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "private/semSmLibP.h"
- #include "private/smObjLibP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmShowInit - initialize shared semaphores show routine
- *
- * This routine links the shared memory semaphores show routine into the
- * VxWorks system.
- *
- *
- */
- void semSmShowInit (void)
- {
- if (semLibInit () == OK)
- {
- /*
- * Initialize info and show routine pointer to allow semShow and
- * semInfo to handle shared semaphores ids.
- */
- semSmShowRtn = (FUNCPTR) semSmShow;
- semSmInfoRtn = (FUNCPTR) semSmInfo;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmInfo - get list of shared TCB that are blocked on shared semaphore
- *
- * This routine reports the shared task control block of tasks that are
- * blocked on a specified shared semaphore.
- * Up to <maxTasks> shared TCBs are copied to the array specified by <idList>.
- * The array is unordered.
- *
- * There is no guarantee that all the tasks are still valid or that no new
- * tasks have blocked by the time semSmInfo() returns.
- * This routines locks interrupts while getting the list of pended
- * tasks thus increasing local CPU interupt latency.
- * This routine must be used for debug purpose only.
- *
- * RETURNS: The number of blocked tasks placed in <idList>.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semSmShow
- *
- */
- int semSmInfo
- (
- SM_SEM_ID smSemId, /* shared semaphore to summarize */
- int idList[], /* array of shared tcb to be filled in */
- int maxTasks /* max tasks idList can accommodate */
- )
- {
- Q_FIFO_G_HEAD pendQ; /* temporary queue to get info */
- int numBlk; /* current number of blocked tasks */
- int level;
- SM_SEM_ID volatile smSemIdv = (SM_SEM_ID volatile) smSemId;
- int tmp;
- kernelState = TRUE; /* KERNEL ENTER */
- tmp = smSemIdv->verify; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- if (SM_OBJ_VERIFY (smSemIdv) != OK) /* check semaphore */
- {
- windExit (); /* KERNEL EXIT */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (SM_OBJ_LOCK_TAKE (&smSemId->lock, &level) != OK)
- {
- smObjTimeoutLogMsg ("semInfo", (char *) &smSemId->lock);
- return (ERROR); /* can't take lock */
- }
- /* initialize pseudo multi-way Queue */
- pendQ.pLock = NULL; /* we already have the lock */
- pendQ.pFifoQ = &smSemId->smPendQ; /* address of actual queue */
- pendQ.pQClass = qFifoGClassId; /* global fifo multi way Q */
- numBlk = Q_INFO (&pendQ, idList, maxTasks);
- SM_OBJ_LOCK_GIVE (&smSemId->lock, level);
- windExit (); /* KERNEL EXIT */
- return (numBlk); /* return blocked task count */
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * semSmShow - displays list of task blocked on a shared semaphore
- *
- * This routine displays the task IDs and CPU number of tasks
- * blocked on a specified shared binary or counting semaphore.
- *
- * There is no guarantee that all the tasks are still valid or that no new
- * tasks have blocked by the time semSmShow() returns.
- * Interrupts are locked while getting the list of tasks pending
- * on the shared semaphore.
- *
- * Informations will be displayed as follows:
- *
- * cs
- *
- * Semaphore Id : 0x585f2
- * Semaphore Type : SHARED BINARY
- * Task Queuing : PRIORITY
- * Pended Tasks : 1
- * State : EMPTY {Count if COUNTING}
- *
- * ce
- *
- * If <level> is 1, then more detailed information will be displayed.
- * If tasks are blocked on the queue, they will be displayed in the order
- * they will unblock as follows:
- *
- * cs
- *
- * TID CPU number shared TCB
- * ---------- ---------- ----------
- * 0xc7854 0 0xaa580
- * 0x97028 0 0xaa59c
- * 0x920a8 0 0xaa5b8
- * 0x8d128 0 0xaa5d4
- *
- * value = 4 = 0x4
- *
- * ce
- *
- * RETURNS: The number of blocked tasks, or ERROR if semaphore is not shared.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: semSmInfoGet
- *
- */
- int semSmShow
- (
- SM_SEM_ID smSemId, /* shared semaphore to display info on */
- int level /* 0 = summary, 1 = details */
- )
- {
- SM_OBJ_TCB * pSmObjTcb; /* shared tcb */
- int * smObjTcbList; /* shared tcb list */
- int * pList; /* shared tcb list pointer */
- int numTasks; /* current # of blocked tasks */
- int ix;
- int maxTasks = 100; /* absolute max# of tasks displayed */
- SM_SEM_ID volatile smSemIdv = (SM_SEM_ID volatile) smSemId;
- int tmp;
- char * semTypeMsg [MAX_SEM_TYPE] =
- {
- };
- tmp = smSemIdv->verify; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- if (SM_OBJ_VERIFY (smSemIdv) != OK) /* check semaphore */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* allocate shared tcb list */
- smObjTcbList = (int *) malloc (maxTasks * sizeof (int));
- if (smObjTcbList == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get list of shared TCBs blocked on smSemId */
- numTasks = semSmInfo (smSemId, smObjTcbList, maxTasks);
- if (numTasks == ERROR)
- {
- free (smObjTcbList);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* show summary information */
- printf ("n");
- printf ("%-20s: 0x%-10xn", "Semaphore Id", SM_OBJ_ADRS_TO_ID (smSemId));
- printf ("%-20s: %-10sn", "Semaphore Type",
- semTypeMsg[ntohl (smSemId->objType)]);
- printf ("%-20s: %-10sn", "Task Queuing", "FIFO");
- printf ("%-20s: %-10dn", "Pended Tasks", numTasks);
- switch (ntohl (smSemId->objType))
- {
- if (smSemId->state.flag == htonl (SEM_EMPTY))
- {
- printf ("%-20s: %-10sn", "State", "EMPTY");
- }
- else
- {
- printf ("%-20s: %-10sn", "State", "FULL");
- }
- break;
- printf ("%-20s: %-10dn", "Count", ntohl (smSemId->state.count));
- break;
- default :
- break;
- }
- if (level == 0) /* no more info required */
- {
- free (smObjTcbList);
- return (numTasks);
- }
- /* print list of TCB and CPU number if required */
- if (numTasks == 0)
- {
- free (smObjTcbList);
- printf ("nNo Pended Task.nn");
- return (numTasks);
- }
- printf ("n");
- printf (" TID CPU Number Shared TCBn");
- printf ("---------- ---------- ----------n");
- pList = smObjTcbList; /* go to first shared TCB */
- for (ix = 0; ix < numTasks; ix++)
- {
- pSmObjTcb = (SM_OBJ_TCB *) *pList; /* get shared TCB */
- printf ("%#-10x %2d %#-10xn", ntohl ((int)pSmObjTcb->localTcb),
- ntohl (pSmObjTcb->ownerCpu), (int) pSmObjTcb);
- pList++; /* go to next shared TCB */
- }
- printf ("n");
- free (smObjTcbList);
- return (numTasks);
- }