- /* dhcps.c - WIDE project DHCP server routines */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01n,23apr02,wap use dhcpTime() instead of time() (SPR #68900), also use
- BPF_WORDALIGN() when traversing multiple packets in BPF
- buffers (SPR #74215)
- 01m,08mar02,wap Return sane lease renewal times for clients that request
- leases without specifying their own lease times (SPR #73243)
- 01l,31oct01,vvv allow low-priority tasks to run while server waits for
- ICMP reply (SPR #33132)
- 01k,12oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01s, base 01h
- SPRs 70184, 69547, 34799, 66808
- 01j,24oct00,spm fixed modification history after tor3_x merge; fixed invalid
- socket reference (SPR #27246)
- 01i,23oct00,niq merged from version 01j of tor3_x branch (base version 01h)
- 01h,01mar99,spm corrected checksum calculation for ICMP requests (SPR #24745)
- 01g,06oct97,spm removed reference to deleted endDriver global; replaced with
- support for dynamic driver type detection; split interface
- name into device name and unit number
- 01f,26aug97,spm rearranged functions to consolidate lease selection routines
- 01e,02jun97,spm changed DHCP option tags to prevent name conflicts (SPR #8667)
- and updated man pages
- 01d,06may97,spm changed memory access to align IP header on four byte
- boundary and corrected format of lease record
- 01c,28apr97,spm allowed user to change DHCP_MAX_HOPS setting
- 01b,18apr97,spm added conditional include DHCPS_DEBUG for displayed output
- 01a,07apr97,spm created by modifying WIDE project DHCP implementation
- */
- /*
- This library implements the server side of the Dynamic Host Configuration
- Protocol (DHCP). DHCP is an extension of BOOTP. Like BOOTP, it allows a
- target to configure itself dynamically by obtaining its IP address, a
- boot file name, and the DHCP server's address over the network. Additionally,
- DHCP provides for automatic reuse of network addresses by specifying
- individual leases as well as many additional options. The compatible
- message format allows DHCP participants to interoperate with BOOTP
- participants.
- INCLUDE FILES: dhcpsLib.h
- SEE ALSO: RFC 1541, RFC 1533
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "dhcp/copyright_dhcp.h"
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "net/bpf.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "vxLib.h" /* checksum() declaration */
- #include "inetLib.h"
- #include "sockLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "muxLib.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "netinet/in_systm.h"
- #include "netinet/ip_icmp.h"
- #include <time.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "dhcp/dhcp.h"
- #include "dhcp/common.h"
- #include "dhcp/hash.h"
- #include "dhcp/dhcps.h"
- #include "dhcpsLib.h"
- #include "dhcp/common_subr.h"
- /* defines */
- #define MEMORIZE 90 /* Seconds of delay before re-using offered lease. */
- #define E_NOMORE -2 /* Error code: no more space in options field. */
- /* globals */
- int nbind; /* Number of active or pending lease records. */
- struct msg dhcpsMsgIn; /* Pointers to components of incoming message. */
- struct msg dhcpsMsgOut; /* Pointers to outgoing message parts. */
- char *dhcpsSendBuf; /* Transmit buffer for outgoing messages. */
- char *dhcpsOverflowBuf; /* Extra space (for larger messages) starts here. */
- IMPORT struct if_info *dhcpsIntfaceList; /* Interfaces to monitor. */
- struct iovec sbufvec[2]; /* Socket access to outgoing message.
- * sbufvec[0] is standard message.
- * sbufvec[1] contains message extensions if
- * client accepts longer messages.
- */
- IMPORT int dhcpsMaxSize; /* Size of transmit buffer. */
- IMPORT int dhcpsBufSize; /* Size of receive buffer. */
- IMPORT u_short dhcps_port;
- IMPORT u_short dhcpc_port;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL unsigned char dhcpCookie[] = RFC1048_MAGIC; /* DHCP message indicator. */
- LOCAL int rdhcplen; /* Size of received DHCP message. */
- LOCAL int overload; /* Options in sname or file fields? */
- LOCAL int off_options; /* Index into options field. */
- LOCAL int off_extopt; /* Index into any options in sbufvec[1]. */
- LOCAL int maxoptlen; /* Space available for options. */
- LOCAL int off_file; /* Index into any options within file field. */
- LOCAL int off_sname; /* Index into any options in sname field. */
- #else
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsDhcps.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL int icmp_check (int, struct in_addr *);
- IMPORT STATUS dhcpsSend (struct ifnet *, char *, int,
- struct sockaddr_in *, char *, int, BOOL);
- IMPORT void dhcpServerRelay (struct if_info *);
- IMPORT void dhcpClientRelay (struct if_info *, int, char *);
- IMPORT void delarp (struct in_addr *, int);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcpsStart - execute the DHCP server
- *
- * This routine receives DHCP requests from clients and generates replies. If
- * configured to do so, it may also act as a relay agent and forward these
- * requests to other servers or transfer replies to clients. It is the entry
- * point for the DHCP server task and should only be called internally.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int dhcpsStart
- (
- void
- #else
- int stackNum
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- )
- {
- struct if_info *ifp; /* pointer to receiving interface descriptor */
- int n = 0; /* number of bytes received */
- int msgtype; /* DHCP message type, or BOOTP indicator */
- char *option = NULL; /* pointer to access message options */
- struct bpf_hdr * pMsgHdr;
- char * pMsgData;
- int msglen;
- int curlen;
- int totlen; /* Amount of data in BPF buffer. */
- if (virtualStackNumTaskIdSet (stackNum) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* Main loop - read and process incoming messages. */
- {
- garbage_collect (); /* remove expired leases from hash table. */
- /* select and read from interfaces */
- ifp = read_interfaces (dhcpsIntfaceList, &n, dhcpsBufSize);
- if (ifp == NULL)
- continue;
- /* Divide each DHCP message in buffer into protocol sections. */
- msglen = curlen = 0;
- totlen = n;
- pMsgHdr = (struct bpf_hdr *)ifp->buf;
- pMsgData = ifp->buf;
- while (curlen < totlen)
- {
- msglen = BPF_WORDALIGN(pMsgHdr->bh_hdrlen + pMsgHdr->bh_caplen);
- curlen += msglen;
- /* Set the IP pointer to skip the BPF and link level headers. */
- dhcpsMsgIn.ip = (struct ip *) (pMsgData + pMsgHdr->bh_hdrlen +
- pMsgHdr->bh_linklen);
- if ( (dhcpsMsgIn.ip->ip_dst.s_addr == 0xffffffff ||
- dhcpsMsgIn.ip->ip_dst.s_addr == ifp->ipaddr.s_addr) &&
- check_ipsum (dhcpsMsgIn.ip))
- dhcpsMsgIn.udp =
- (struct udphdr *)( (UCHAR *)dhcpsMsgIn.ip +
- dhcpsMsgIn.ip->ip_hl * WORD);
- else
- {
- /* Invalid IP header: ignore. */
- pMsgData = pMsgData + msglen;
- pMsgHdr = (struct bpf_hdr *)pMsgData;
- continue;
- }
- if (check_udpsum (dhcpsMsgIn.ip, dhcpsMsgIn.udp))
- dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp =
- (struct dhcp *)( (UCHAR *)dhcpsMsgIn.udp + UDPHL);
- else
- {
- /* Invalid UDP header: ignore. */
- pMsgData = pMsgData + msglen;
- pMsgHdr = (struct bpf_hdr *)pMsgData;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Perform function of relay agent for received server replies.
- * (Changes contents of input message IP and UDP headers while
- * sending to client).
- */
- dhcpMsgIn.ip = dhcpsMsgIn.ip;
- dhcpMsgIn.udp = dhcpsMsgIn.udp;
- dhcpMsgIn.dhcp = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp;
- if (dhcpMsgIn.dhcp->op == BOOTREPLY)
- dhcpClientRelay (dhcpsIntfaceList, DHCPLEN (dhcpsMsgIn.udp),
- dhcpsSendBuf);
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->op != BOOTREQUEST)
- {
- pMsgData = pMsgData + msglen;
- pMsgHdr = (struct bpf_hdr *)pMsgData;
- continue;
- }
- /* Process DHCP client message received at server port. */
- rdhcplen = DHCPLEN (dhcpsMsgIn.udp);
- msgtype = BOOTP;
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- msgtype = (int) *OPTBODY(option);
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- if (msgtype < BOOTP || msgtype > DHCPRELEASE)
- logMsg ("dhcps: unknown message received.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- if (msgtype >= BOOTP && msgtype <= DHCPRELEASE)
- if ( (process_msg [msgtype]) != NULL)
- (*process_msg [msgtype]) (ifp);
- /*
- * Relay received client messages if target addresses available.
- * (Changes contents of input DHCP message when sending to
- * server or relay agent - must process first).
- */
- dhcpMsgIn.udp = dhcpsMsgIn.udp;
- dhcpMsgIn.dhcp = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp;
- if (pDhcpTargetList != NULL)
- dhcpServerRelay (ifp);
- pMsgData = pMsgData + msglen;
- pMsgHdr = (struct bpf_hdr *)pMsgData;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * haddrtos - convert hardware address to cache format
- *
- * This routine converts the given hardware address to the <type>:<value> pair
- * used when adding lease record entries to permanent storage.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to converted string
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- char * haddrtos
- (
- struct chaddr *haddr /* pointer to parsed hardware address */
- )
- {
- int i;
- int fin;
- char tmp[3];
- static char result [MAX_HLEN * 2 + 8]; /* it seems enough */
- bzero (result, sizeof (result));
- fin = haddr->hlen;
- if (fin > MAX_HLEN)
- fin = MAX_HLEN;
- sprintf (result, "%d:0x", haddr->htype);
- for (i = 0; i < fin; i++)
- {
- sprintf(tmp, "%.2x", haddr->haddr[i] & 0xff);
- strcat(result, tmp);
- }
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cidtos - convert client identifier to cache format
- *
- * This routine converts the given client identifier to the <type>:<value> pair
- * used when adding lease record entries to permanent storage. It also
- * adds the current subnet number so that the server can deny inaccurate
- * leases caused by a client changing subnets. When used for user output, the
- * subnet is not included in the converted string.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to converted string
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- char * cidtos
- (
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to parsed client ID */
- int withsubnet /* flag for adding subnet to output string */
- )
- {
- int i = 0;
- static char result [MAXOPT * 2 + sizeof ("") + 3];
- char tmp [sizeof ("") + 1];
- sprintf (result, "%d:0x", cid->idtype);
- for (i = 0; i < cid->idlen; i++)
- {
- sprintf (tmp, "%.2x", cid->id[i] & 0xff);
- strcat (result, tmp);
- }
- if (withsubnet)
- {
- inet_ntoa_b (cid->subnet, tmp);
- strcat (result, ":");
- strcat (result, tmp);
- }
- return (result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * get_reqlease - Retrieve requested lease value
- *
- * This routine extracts the desired lease duration from the options field of
- * the DHCP client request and converts it to host byte order.
- *
- * RETURNS: Requested lease duration, or 0 if none.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static u_long get_reqlease
- (
- struct dhcp *msg, /* pointer to incoming message */
- int length /* length of incoming message */
- )
- {
- char *option = NULL;
- u_long retval = 0;
- if ( (option = pickup_opt (msg, length, _DHCP_LEASE_TIME_TAG)) != NULL)
- retval = GETHL (OPTBODY (option));
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * get_cid - Retrieve client identifier
- *
- * This routine extracts the client identifier from the options field of the
- * DHCP client request and stores the <type>:<value> pair in the given
- * structure. If no explicit client ID is given, the routine uses the hardware
- * address, as specified by RFC 1541.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void get_cid
- (
- struct dhcp *msg, /* pointer to incoming message */
- int length, /* length of incoming message */
- struct client_id *cid /* pointer to storage for parsed data */
- )
- {
- char *option = NULL;
- option = pickup_opt (msg, length, _DHCP_CLIENT_ID_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- {
- cid->idlen = ( (int)DHCPOPTLEN (option)) - 1; /* -1 for ID type */
- bcopy (OPTBODY (option) + 1, cid->id, cid->idlen);
- cid->idtype = *OPTBODY (option);
- }
- else
- {
- /* haddr is used to substitute for client identifier */
- cid->idlen = msg->hlen;
- cid->idtype = msg->htype;
- bcopy (msg->chaddr, cid->id, msg->hlen);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * get_maxoptlen - Calculate size of options field
- *
- * This routine determines the number of bytes available for DHCP options
- * without overloading. For standard length messages of 548 bytes, it returns
- * the default length of 312 bytes. For longer messages, it returns 312 bytes
- * plus the excess bytes (beyond 548), unless the DHCP message length exceeds
- * the MTU size. In that case, it returns the number of bytes in the MTU not
- * needed for the IP header, UDP header, and the fixed-length portion of the
- * DHCP messages, which require 264 bytes total.
- *
- * RETURNS: Size of variable-length options field
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int get_maxoptlen
- (
- struct dhcp *msg, /* pointer to incoming message */
- int length /* length of incoming message */
- )
- {
- char *option = NULL;
- int retval = DFLTOPTLEN;
- /* Calculate length of options field from maximum message size. */
- if ( (option = pickup_opt (msg, length, _DHCP_MAXMSGSIZE_TAG)) != NULL)
- retval = GETHS (OPTBODY (option)) - IPHL - UDPHL - DFLTDHCPLEN
- /*
- * If requested maximum size exceeds largest supported value, return
- * value equal to portion of buffer not required for message headers
- * or fixed-size portion of DHCP message.
- */
- if (retval - DFLTOPTLEN + DFLTDHCPLEN + UDPHL + IPHL > dhcpsMaxSize)
- retval = dhcpsMaxSize - IPHL - UDPHL - DFLTDHCPLEN + DFLTOPTLEN;
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * get_subnet - Retrieve subnet number
- *
- * This routine determines the subnet number of the requesting client and
- * stores it in the given structure. This value is determined using the
- * subnet mask specified by the client, if present. Otherwise, it is formed
- * from the last known subnet mask, if available, or the subnet mask of the
- * receiving interface. The server will only issue leases for IP addresses
- * with the same subnet number as the requesting client.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if subnet number determined, or -1 otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int get_subnet
- (
- struct dhcp *msg, /* pointer to incoming message */
- int length, /* length of incoming message */
- struct in_addr *subn, /* pointer to storage for parsed data */
- struct if_info *ifp /* pointer to receiving interface descriptor */
- )
- {
- char *option = NULL;
- struct relay_acl *acl = NULL;
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- #endif
- if (msg->ciaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- if ( (option = pickup_opt (msg, length, _DHCP_SUBNET_MASK_TAG))
- != NULL)
- {
- subn->s_addr =
- msg->ciaddr.s_addr & htonl (GETHL (OPTBODY (option)));
- return (0);
- }
- else
- {
- res = (struct dhcp_resource *)
- hash_find (&iphashtable, (char *)&msg->ciaddr.s_addr,
- sizeof (u_long), resipcmp, &msg->ciaddr);
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- if (res == NULL)
- logMsg ("get_subnet can't find IP address in hash table.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- if (res != NULL)
- {
- subn->s_addr = msg->ciaddr.s_addr & res->subnet_mask.s_addr;
- return (0);
- }
- }
- }
- if (msg->giaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- if ( (option = pickup_opt (msg, length, _DHCP_SUBNET_MASK_TAG))
- != NULL)
- {
- subn->s_addr =
- msg->giaddr.s_addr & htonl (GETHL (OPTBODY (option)));
- return (0);
- }
- else if ( (acl = (struct relay_acl *)
- hash_find (&relayhashtable, (char *)&msg->giaddr,
- sizeof (struct in_addr), relayipcmp,
- &msg->giaddr)) == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (msg->giaddr, output);
- logMsg ("DHCP message sent from invalid relay agent(%s).n",
- output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- else
- {
- subn->s_addr = (acl->relay.s_addr & acl->subnet_mask.s_addr);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /* Client doesn't have IP address - form from received interface. */
- subn->s_addr = ifp->ipaddr.s_addr & ifp->subnetmask.s_addr;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * get_snmk - Retrieve subnet mask
- *
- * This routine determines the subnet mask for the requesting client and
- * stores it in the given structure. This value is determined from the
- * value specified for the relay agent, if the message was forwarded, or
- * the subnet mask of the receiving interface.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int get_snmk
- (
- struct dhcp *msg, /* pointer to incoming message */
- int length, /* length of incoming message */
- struct in_addr *subn, /* pointer to storage for parsed data */
- struct if_info *ifp /* pointer to interface descriptor */
- )
- {
- struct relay_acl *acl = NULL;
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- #endif
- if (msg->giaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- acl = (struct relay_acl *)hash_find(&relayhashtable,
- (char *) &msg->giaddr,
- sizeof (struct in_addr),
- relayipcmp, &msg->giaddr);
- if (acl == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (msg->giaddr, output);
- logMsg ("packet received from invalid relay agent(%s).n", output,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- else
- {
- subn->s_addr = acl->subnet_mask.s_addr;
- return (0);
- }
- }
- subn->s_addr = ifp->subnetmask.s_addr;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * available_res - Check resource availability
- *
- * This routine determines if the resource selected by the server may
- * be offered to the client. The resource is available if it has not been
- * assigned or offered to any client (res->binding == NULL), or the lease has
- * expired (expire_epoch < curr_epoch), or an outstanding offer was not
- * acknowledged within the time allotted (temp_epoch < curr_epoch). The
- * resource is also available if it was manually assigned to the given
- * client (binding->cid matches given client ID).
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if resource available, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int available_res
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to client ID */
- time_t curr_epoch /* current time, in seconds */
- )
- {
- return (res->binding == NULL ||
- (res->binding->expire_epoch != 0xffffffff &&
- res->binding->expire_epoch < curr_epoch &&
- res->binding->temp_epoch < curr_epoch) ||
- cidcmp (&res->binding->cid, cid));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cidcopy - copy client identifier
- *
- * This routine copies the <type>:<value> client identifier pair from the
- * source structure to the destination.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int cidcopy
- (
- struct client_id *src, /* source client identifier */
- struct client_id *dst /* destiniation client identifier */
- )
- {
- dst->subnet.s_addr = src->subnet.s_addr;
- dst->idtype = src->idtype;
- dst->idlen = src->idlen;
- bzero (dst->id, src->idlen);
- bcopy (src->id, dst->id, src->idlen);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * choose_lease - determine lease duration
- *
- * This routine selects the lease duration for the offer to the client. If
- * the resource is client-specific, the lease duration is infinite. Otherwise,
- * the server provides the duration requested by the client, if available, or
- * the maximum available lease, whichever is less. If the client does not
- * request a lease duration, and has no active lease, the default lease value
- * is returned. For lease renewals or rebinding attempts, or if the lease
- * has expired, the default lease value is also returned.
- *
- * RETURNS: Selected lease duration.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int choose_lease
- (
- int reqlease, /* requested lease duration (sec) */
- time_t curr_epoch, /* current time, in seconds */
- struct dhcp_resource *offer_res /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- u_long offer_lease = 0;
- /* Manual allocation - give an infinite lease to client. */
- if (ISSET (offer_res->valid, S_CLIENT_ID))
- offer_lease = 0xffffffff;
- /* Give requested lease, or maximum lease if request exceeds that value. */
- else if (reqlease != 0)
- {
- if (reqlease <= offer_res->max_lease)
- offer_lease = reqlease;
- else
- offer_lease = offer_res->max_lease;
- }
- /* Initial request - give default lease. */
- else if (offer_res->binding == NULL)
- offer_lease = offer_res->default_lease;
- /* Lease renewal or rebinding. */
- else
- {
- /* "Renew" infinite lease. */
- if (offer_res->binding->expire_epoch == 0xffffffff)
- offer_lease = 0xffffffff;
- /*
- * Lease expired (or being renewed) - give new lease
- * of default duration.
- */
- else
- offer_lease = offer_res->default_lease;
- }
- return (offer_lease);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * select_wcid - retrieve manually allocated leases
- *
- * This routine retrieves the dhcp_resource structure which holds the parameters
- * from the address pool database specifically allocated to the client with
- * the given client identifier, if any. These lease types have the highest
- * priority when the server is selecting a lease for a client in response to
- * a DHCP discover message.
- *
- * RETURNS: Manually allocated resource, or NULL if none or not available.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static struct dhcp_resource * select_wcid
- (
- int msgtype, /* DHCP message type */
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to client ID */
- time_t curr_epoch /* current time, in seconds */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_binding *binding = NULL;
- binding = (struct dhcp_binding *)hash_find (&cidhashtable, cid->id,
- cid->idlen, bindcidcmp, cid);
- if (binding != NULL)
- {
- /*
- * Is the resource used ?
- */
- if (available_res (binding->res, cid, curr_epoch))
- {
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &binding->res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- {
- return (binding->res);
- }
- else
- {
- turnoff_bind (binding);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * select_wreqip - retrieve resource matching IP address
- *
- * This routine retrieves the dhcp_resource structure which provides the IP
- * address requested by the client. The requested IP address must be on the
- * same subnet as the requesting client. The client must also provide a
- * matching client identifier, if included in the server's database entry.
- *
- * RETURNS: Matching resource, or NULL if none or not available.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static struct dhcp_resource * select_wreqip
- (
- int msgtype, /* DHCP message type */
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to client ID */
- time_t curr_epoch /* current time, in seconds */
- )
- {
- char *option = NULL; /* pointer to access options field */
- char tmp [INET_ADDR_LEN]; /* temp IP address storage */
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL; /* access to lease descriptor data */
- struct in_addr reqip; /* value of desired IP address */
- bzero (tmp, sizeof (tmp));
- bzero ( (char *)&reqip, sizeof (reqip));
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_REQUEST_IPADDR_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- {
- reqip.s_addr = htonl (GETHL (OPTBODY (option)));
- res = (struct dhcp_resource *)hash_find (&iphashtable,
- (char *)&reqip.s_addr,
- sizeof (u_long), resipcmp,
- &reqip);
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (reqip, tmp);
- logMsg ("IP address %s is not in address pool", tmp,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- /* check the subnet number */
- if (cid->subnet.s_addr !=
- (res->ip_addr.s_addr & res->subnet_mask.s_addr))
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (reqip, tmp);
- logMsg (
- "DHCP%s(cid:"%s"): subnet mismatch for requested IP address %s.n",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPDISCOVER) ? "DISCOVER" : "REQUEST"),
- (int)cidtos (cid, 1), (int)tmp, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* is it manual allocation ? */
- if (ISSET (res->valid, S_CLIENT_ID))
- {
- /* is there corresponding binding ? */
- if (res->binding == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (reqip, tmp);
- logMsg (
- "DHCP%s(cid:"%s"): No corresponding binding for %s",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPDISCOVER) ? "DISCOVER" : "REQUEST"),
- (int)cidtos (cid, 1), (int)tmp, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Check for matching client identifiers. */
- if (cidcmp (&res->binding->cid, cid) != TRUE)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (reqip, tmp);
- logMsg (
- "DHCP%s(cid:"%s"): Client ID mismatch for requested IP address %s.n",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPDISCOVER) ? "DISCOVER" : "REQUEST"),
- (int)cidtos (cid, 1), (int)tmp, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Check if the address is already in use. */
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- return (res);
- else
- {
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- /* If not manual allocation, is the requested lease available? */
- else if (available_res (res, cid, curr_epoch))
- {
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- return (res);
- else
- {
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return (NULL); /* No requested IP address present in option list. */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * select_newone - choose an entry from the available resources
- *
- * This routine retrieves a dhcp_resource structure for a client if no entry
- * was found based on the requested IP address, if any, or the client
- * identifier. No addresses which are in use or on a different subnet than
- * the client are considered. For the remaining entries, it uses the following
- * criteria:
- *
- * First, select entries which were never used in preference to used ones.
- *
- * If not found, select the least recently used entry.
- *
- * Next, give preference to entries which are unavailable to BOOTP clients.
- *
- * Among unused or equally old entries, select the smallest possible
- * maximum which exceeds the requested lease length. If not found,
- * choose the resource with the largest maximum lease length.
- *
- * The previous condition excludes resources with an infinite maximum
- * lease whenever possible, unless specifically requested by the client.
- *
- * If not found (i.e. - all entries have same maximum lease length),
- * select the first available entry in the database.
- *
- * RETURNS: Matching resource, or NULL if none or not available.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static struct dhcp_resource * select_newone
- (
- int msgtype, /* DHCP message type */
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to client ID */
- time_t curr_epoch, /* current time, in seconds */
- u_long reqlease /* requested lease duration (seconds) */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- struct dhcp_resource *best = NULL;
- struct hash_member *resptr = NULL;
- /* Examine each resource in list constructed from database. */
- resptr = reslist;
- while (resptr != NULL)
- {
- res = (struct dhcp_resource *)resptr->data;
- if (res->ip_addr.s_addr == 0) /* Skip dummy entries. */
- {
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Check the resource subnet and availability. Skip entries which
- * are not available or would change the subnet of the client.
- */
- if (cid->subnet.s_addr ==
- (res->ip_addr.s_addr & res->subnet_mask.s_addr) &&
- available_res (res, cid, curr_epoch))
- {
- /*
- * choose the best entry from available resources on the same
- * subnet. The criteria are listed in inverse priority order.
- */
- /* Lowest priority - take first available entry. */
- if (best == NULL)
- {
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- best = res;
- else
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* Select unused entries in preference to used ones. */
- if (best->binding == NULL && res->binding != NULL)
- {
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- else if (best->binding != NULL && res->binding == NULL)
- {
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- best = res;
- else
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* Give preference to entries not available to BOOTP clients. */
- if (best->allow_bootp == FALSE && res->allow_bootp == TRUE)
- {
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- else if (best->allow_bootp == TRUE && res->allow_bootp == FALSE)
- {
- if (icmp_check(msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- best = res;
- else
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Tiebreaker conditionals for preferred entries (either both
- * unused or which both qualify as least recently used).
- * Overall, these conditionals select the resource whose maximum
- * lease exceeds the threshold of the requested lease length by
- * the minimum amount. If there is no resource whose maximum lease
- * exceeds the requested lease length, the resource with the
- * largest maximum lease is chosen.
- *
- * NOTE: These conditionals also implement a preference for resource
- * entries which do not provide an infinite lease, unless
- * specifically requested by the client.
- */
- if ( (best->binding == NULL && res->binding == NULL) ||
- (best->binding != NULL && res->binding != NULL &&
- best->binding->expire_epoch == res->binding->expire_epoch))
- {
- /*
- * Select resource with larger maximum lease,
- * even if shorter than the requested lease length.
- * Combined with the third conditional, the maximum value
- * of the maximum lease will be selected, if the lease length
- * threshold is not exceeded.
- */
- if (reqlease >= res->max_lease &&
- res->max_lease > best->max_lease)
- {
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- best = res;
- else
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Among resources whose maximum lease exceeds
- * the requested value, select the minimum.
- * This condition is never true until either the
- * previous or next condition evaluated to true.
- */
- if (reqlease != INFINITY && reqlease <= res->max_lease &&
- res->max_lease < best->max_lease)
- {
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- best = res;
- else
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Accept entries longer than both the requested value
- * and the current maximum. This condition evaluates to
- * true at most once. Once it does, neither it or the
- * first conditional will ever evaluate to true again.
- */
- if (reqlease != INFINITY && res->max_lease >= reqlease &&
- reqlease > best->max_lease)
- {
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- best = res;
- else
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Among previously used entries, select those which expired
- * earlier. (In the aggregate, implements a LRU algorithm).
- */
- if (best->binding != NULL && res->binding != NULL &&
- best->binding->expire_epoch > res->binding->expire_epoch)
- {
- if (icmp_check (msgtype, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- best = res;
- else
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- }
- resptr = resptr->next;
- }
- return (best);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * choose_res - select a resource for DHCP client
- *
- * This routine chooses a resource in response to an incoming DHCP discover
- * message. If the server database contains a manual entry matching the
- * client identifier, the corresponding resource is returned. Otherwise,
- * the database entry which provides the requested IP address, if any, is
- * chosen. If the discover message does not require a specific entry, the
- * server selects a new entry using its own internal criteria, or NULL if
- * no entry is available.
- *
- * RETURNS: Matching resource, or NULL if none available.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static struct dhcp_resource * choose_res
- (
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to client ID */
- time_t curr_epoch, /* current time, in seconds */
- u_long reqlease /* requested lease duration (seconds) */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- /* 1. select with client identifier, if found. */
- if ( (res = select_wcid (DHCPDISCOVER, cid, curr_epoch)) != NULL)
- return (res);
- /* 2. select with requested IP address, if any. */
- if ( (res = select_wreqip (DHCPDISCOVER, cid, curr_epoch)) != NULL)
- return (res);
- /* 3. select an entry using internal criteria. */
- res = select_newone (DHCPDISCOVER, cid, curr_epoch, reqlease);
- if (res != NULL)
- return (res);
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: DHCPDISCOVER - No available addresses in the pool.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * update_db - add entries to internal data structures to reflect client state
- *
- * This routine updates the binding list and corresponding hash tables when
- * the server receives a DHCP discover message, or a DHCP or BOOTP request
- * message from a client. The binding entry for the resource is marked
- * unavailable for a short interval (for DHCP discover) or until the expiration
- * of the lease.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if update completed, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int update_db
- (
- int msgtype, /* DHCP message type */
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to client ID */
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- time_t curr_epoch /* current time, in seconds */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_binding *binding = NULL;
- /*
- * Ignore lease descriptors already offered (res->binding != NULL)
- * if also reserved to specific clients (STATIC_ENTRY flag set).
- */
- if (res->binding != NULL && (res->binding->flag & STATIC_ENTRY) != 0)
- return (0);
- /* Remove old client identifier association from prior lease record. */
- if (res->binding != NULL)
- hash_del (&cidhashtable, res->binding->cid.id, res->binding->cid.idlen,
- bindcidcmp, &res->binding->cid, free_bind);
- /* Create and assign new lease record entry. */
- binding = (struct dhcp_binding *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct dhcp_binding));
- if (binding == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: memory allocation error updating database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- if (cidcopy (cid, &binding->cid) != 0)
- return (-1);
- if (msgtype == DHCPDISCOVER)
- binding->temp_epoch = curr_epoch + MEMORIZE;
- else if (lease == 0xffffffff)
- binding->expire_epoch = 0xffffffff;
- else
- binding->expire_epoch = curr_epoch + lease;
- /* Link lease record and lease descriptor. */
- binding->res = res;
- bcopy (res->entryname, binding->res_name, strlen (res->entryname));
- binding->res_name [strlen (res->entryname)] = '';
- res->binding = binding;
- /* Record client hardware address. */
- binding->haddr.htype = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->htype;
- binding->haddr.hlen = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen;
- if (binding->haddr.hlen > MAX_HLEN)
- binding->haddr.hlen = MAX_HLEN;
- bcopy (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->chaddr, binding->haddr.haddr, binding->haddr.hlen);
- /* Add association of lease record and client identifier. */
- if ( (hash_ins (&cidhashtable, binding->cid.id, binding->cid.idlen,
- bindcidcmp, &binding->cid, binding) < 0))
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: hash table insertion with client ID failed.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Store record of lease. */
- if (add_bind (binding) != 0)
- return (-1);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * turnoff_bind - mark resource entry as unavailable
- *
- * This routine updates the binding list and corresponding hash tables when
- * the server discovers (through an ICMP check or client decline) that an IP
- * address is unexpectedly in use. The corresponding resource is marked as an
- * active lease for the next half-hour.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void turnoff_bind
- (
- struct dhcp_binding *binding /* unavailable lease record */
- )
- {
- time_t curr_epoch = 0;
- int result;
- if (binding == NULL)
- return;
- if (dhcpTime (&curr_epoch) == -1)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: turnoff_bind() can't retrieve current time.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- /* Remove client ID from hash table entry for address in use. */
- binding->expire_epoch = binding->temp_epoch = curr_epoch + 1800;
- hash_del (&cidhashtable, binding->cid.id, binding->cid.idlen, bindcidcmp,
- &binding->cid, free_fake);
- bzero (binding->cid.id, binding->cid.idlen);
- result = hash_ins (&cidhashtable, binding->cid.id, binding->cid.idlen,
- bindcidcmp, &binding->cid, binding);
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- if (result < 0)
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't alter hash table in turnoff_bind()",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- binding->flag &= ~COMPLETE_ENTRY;
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * clean_sbuf - clean the message transmission buffers
- *
- * This routine clears the vectored buffers used to store outgoing DHCP
- * messages. The first buffer contains the Ethernet, IP and UDP headers, as well
- * as the fixed-length portion of the DHCP message and the options which fit
- * within the default (312 byte) option field. The second buffer contains
- * overflow options, if any, for clients capable of receiving DHCP messages
- * longer than the default 548 bytes.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void clean_sbuf (void)
- {
- bzero (sbufvec[0].iov_base, sbufvec[0].iov_len);
- bzero (sbufvec[1].iov_base, sbufvec[1].iov_len);
- sbufvec[1].iov_len = 0;
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * construct_msg - make an outgoing DHCP message
- *
- * This routine creates all DHCP server responses to client requests, according
- * to the behavior specified in RFC 1541. The message type parameter indicates
- * whether to build a DHCP offer message, a DHCP ACK message, or a NAK reply.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void construct_msg
- (
- u_char msgtype, /* type of DHCP message to construct */
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* lease descriptor describing contents */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- struct if_info *ifp /* descriptor of receiving interface */
- )
- {
- int i = 0;
- int reqoptlen = 0;
- u_long tmp = 0;
- char *reqopt = NULL;
- char inserted[32];
- char *option = NULL;
- struct client_id paramId; /* Key for additional parameters. */
- struct dhcp_resource * params; /* Client- or class-specific options. */
- int result;
- bzero (inserted, sizeof (inserted));
- clean_sbuf (); /* Zero out outgoing message buffer. */
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->op = BOOTREPLY;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->htype = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->htype;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->hlen = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->hops = 0;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->xid = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->xid;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->secs = 0;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->flags = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->flags;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr;
- bcopy (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->chaddr, dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr,
- dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen);
- if (msgtype == DHCPACK) /* ciaddr stays zero for all other types. */
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr;
- if (msgtype != DHCPNAK)
- {
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr = res->ip_addr.s_addr;
- if (ISSET (res->valid, S_SIADDR))
- {
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->siaddr.s_addr = res->siaddr.s_addr;
- }
- else
- {
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->siaddr.s_addr = 0;
- }
- overload = BOTH_AREOPT;
- if (ISSET (res->valid, S_SNAME))
- {
- strncpy (dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->sname, res->sname, MAX_SNAME);
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->sname [MAX_SNAME - 1] = '';
- overload -= SNAME_ISOPT;
- }
- if (ISSET (res->valid, S_FILE))
- {
- strncpy (dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->file, res->file, MAX_FILE);
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->file [MAX_FILE - 1] = '';
- overload -= FILE_ISOPT;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr = 0;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->siaddr.s_addr = 0;
- /* Refinement for draft RFC. */
- /* if (dhcpsMsgIn.giaddr.s_addr != 0)
- SETBRDCAST (dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->flags); */
- }
- /* insert magic cookie */
- bcopy ((char *)dhcpCookie, dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options, MAGIC_LEN);
- off_options = MAGIC_LEN;
- off_extopt = 0;
- /* insert dhcp message type option */
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = 1;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = msgtype;
- /* Insert client ID when permitted. (Only allowed under draft RFC). */
- if (msgtype == DHCPNAK)
- {
- SETBRDCST (dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->flags);
- /* option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_CLIENT_ID_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- {
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = _DHCP_CLIENT_ID_TAG;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = DHCPOPTLEN(option);
- bcopy (option, &dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options],
- DHCPOPTLEN (option));
- off_options += DHCPOPTLEN (option);
- } */
- return;
- }
- /* insert "server identifier" (required). */
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = _DHCP_SERVER_ID_TAG;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)&ifp->ipaddr.s_addr,
- &dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options], 4);
- off_options += 4;
- /* insert "subnet mask" (permitted). */
- result = insert_opt (res, lease, _DHCP_SUBNET_MASK_TAG, inserted, PASSIVE);
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- if (result == E_NOMORE)
- logMsg ("No space left in options field for DHCP%s",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPOFFER) ? "OFFER" : "ACK"),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- /* insert "lease duration" (required). */
- tmp = htonl (lease);
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = _DHCP_LEASE_TIME_TAG;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options++] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)&tmp, &dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options],
- sizeof (u_long));
- off_options += 4;
- /* Insert "option overload" tag, if needed. */
- if (overload != 0)
- {
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options[off_options++] = _DHCP_OPT_OVERLOAD_TAG;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options[off_options++] = 1;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options[off_options++] = overload;
- }
- /* insert the requested options */
- option = pickup_opt(dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_REQ_LIST_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- {
- reqopt = OPTBODY (option);
- reqoptlen = DHCPOPTLEN (option);
- /*
- * Handle requested parameters. The PASSIVE flag only inserts options
- * explicity configured into the resource entry. (Rule 1 of RFC 1541).
- * Because the implementation used "tblc=dflt" to force inclusion of
- * any missing parameters defined in the Host Requirements Document,
- * the PASSIVE flag will also include those settings if not already
- * present. (Rule 2 of RFC 1541).
- */
- for (i = 0; i < reqoptlen; i++)
- if (ISCLR (inserted, * (reqopt + i)))
- {
- result = insert_opt (res, lease, * (reqopt + i), inserted,
- if (result == E_NOMORE)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("No space left in options field for DHCP%s",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPOFFER) ? "OFFER" : "ACK"),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Insert parameters which differ from the Host Requirements RFC defaults.
- * (The tags for these parameters are preceded by "!" in the server
- * configuration table).
- */
- for (i = 0; i < _DHCP_LAST_OPTION; i++)
- if (ISCLR (inserted, i))
- if (insert_opt (res, lease, i, inserted, ACTIVE) == E_NOMORE)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("No space left in options field for DHCP%s",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPOFFER) ? "OFFER" : "ACK"),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- /* Insert any client-specific options. */
- /* Insert any parameters associated with explicit client identifier. */
- tmp = 0;
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_CLIENT_ID_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- {
- paramId.idlen = DHCPOPTLEN (option) - 1;
- paramId.idtype = *(char *)OPTBODY (option);
- bcopy (OPTBODY (option) + sizeof (char), paramId.id, paramId.idlen);
- params = hash_find (¶mhashtable,
- paramId.id, paramId.idlen, paramcidcmp, ¶mId);
- /* Insert options from matching resource entry not already present. */
- if (params != NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < _DHCP_LAST_OPTION; i++)
- if (ISCLR (inserted, i))
- if (insert_opt (params, lease, i, inserted, PASSIVE)
- == E_NOMORE)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("No space left in options field for DHCP%s",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPOFFER) ? "OFFER" : "ACK"),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- tmp = 1; /* Client-specific options found. */
- }
- }
- /*
- * If no client ID included, or no associated options found, check
- * hardware address.
- */
- if (tmp == 0)
- {
- paramId.idlen = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen;
- paramId.idtype = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->htype;
- bcopy (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->chaddr, paramId.id, dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen);
- params = hash_find (¶mhashtable,
- paramId.id, paramId.idlen, paramcidcmp, ¶mId);
- /* Insert options from matching resource entry not already present. */
- if (params != NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < _DHCP_LAST_OPTION; i++)
- if (ISCLR (inserted, i))
- if (insert_opt (params, lease, i, inserted, PASSIVE)
- == E_NOMORE)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("No space left in options field for DHCP%s",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPOFFER) ? "OFFER" : "ACK"),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Insert any class-specific options. */
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_CLASS_ID_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- {
- paramId.idlen = DHCPOPTLEN (option);
- paramId.idtype = 0; /* Unused for class identifiers. */
- bcopy (OPTBODY (option), paramId.id, paramId.idlen);
- params = hash_find (¶mhashtable,
- paramId.id, paramId.idlen, paramcidcmp, ¶mId);
- /* Insert options from matching resource entry not already present. */
- if (params != NULL)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < _DHCP_LAST_OPTION; i++)
- if (ISCLR (inserted, i))
- if (insert_opt (params, lease, i, inserted, PASSIVE)
- == E_NOMORE)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("No space left in options field for DHCP%s",
- (int)((msgtype == DHCPOFFER) ? "OFFER" : "ACK"),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * select_wciaddr - retrieve resource with matching IP address
- *
- * This routine attempts to find an address pool entry whose IP address matches
- * the value requested by the client. If the matching IP address is part of a
- * manual lease, it also verifies that the client ID matches the required value.
- * Otherwise, it checks if the requesting client received an offer from the
- * server.
- *
- * RETURNS: Matching resource, or NULL if none or not available.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- /*
- * choose resource with ciaddr
- */
- static struct dhcp_resource * select_wciaddr
- (
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to identifier of request client */
- time_t curr_epoch, /* current time, in seconds */
- int *nosuchaddr /* flag indicating if address foun in table */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- char tmp [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- #endif
- *nosuchaddr = FALSE;
- res = (struct dhcp_resource *)hash_find (&iphashtable,
- (char *)&dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr,
- sizeof (u_long), resipcmp,
- &dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr);
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- *nosuchaddr = TRUE; /* Fatal error - expected entry not found. */
- return (NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Check for subnet match. */
- if (cid->subnet.s_addr !=
- (res->ip_addr.s_addr & res->subnet_mask.s_addr))
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr, tmp);
- logMsg ("Subnet mismatch for DHCPREQUEST (cid: %s, ciaddr: %s).n",
- (int)cidtos (cid, 1), (int)tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- else if (ISSET(res->valid, S_CLIENT_ID)) /* Manual allocation. */
- {
- /* Fatal error if no binding present for manual allocation. */
- if (res->binding == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr, tmp);
- logMsg ("DHCPREQUEST(cid:"%s"): No binding for %s",
- (int)cidtos(cid, 1), (int)tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- *nosuchaddr = TRUE;
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Check that client ID of binding matches requesting client. */
- else if (res->binding->cid.idtype != cid->idtype ||
- res->binding->cid.idlen != cid->idlen ||
- bcmp (res->binding->cid.id, cid->id, cid->idlen) != 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr, tmp);
- logMsg (
- "DHCPREQUEST(cid:"%s", ciaddr:%s) - client ID mismatch.n",
- (int)cidtos(cid, 1), (int)tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- /* Dynamic or automatic allocation. Fails if no binding present
- * (i.e. - unknown request), or lease has expired (i.e. - late
- * request), or if client ID doesn't match expected value from
- * the DHCP offer message.
- */
- else if (res->binding == NULL ||
- (res->binding->expire_epoch != 0xffffffff &&
- res->binding->expire_epoch <= curr_epoch) ||
- res->binding->cid.idtype != cid->idtype ||
- res->binding->cid.idlen != cid->idlen ||
- bcmp (res->binding->cid.id, cid->id, cid->idlen) != 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr, tmp);
- logMsg ("DHCPREQUEST(cid:"%s",ciaddr:%s): is unavailable.n",
- (int)cidtos(cid, 1), (int)tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- return (res);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * discover - handle client discover messages
- *
- * This routine examines client discover messages, selects an available
- * resource (if any), calculates the length of the lease, and sends the
- * appropriate offer to the client.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processing successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int discover
- (
- struct if_info *ifp /* pointer to descriptor of receiving interface */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *offer_res = NULL; /* lease descriptor chosen */
- struct client_id cid; /* ID of requesting client */
- u_long offer_lease = 0; /* offered lease duration */
- u_long reqlease = 0; /* requested lease duration */
- time_t curr_epoch = 0; /* current time, in seconds */
- int result; /* error value, if any */
- bzero ((char *)&cid, sizeof (cid));
- if (dhcpTime (&curr_epoch) == -1)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: discover() couldn't retrieve current time.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Extract requested lease from DHCP message. */
- reqlease = get_reqlease (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen);
- /* Determine maximum length available in DHCP message for options. */
- maxoptlen = get_maxoptlen (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen);
- /* Set pointers to access client ID within DHCP message options field. */
- get_cid (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &cid);
- /* Critical section with dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd(). */
- semTake (dhcpsMutexSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Retrieve subnet for incoming message. */
- if (get_subnet (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &cid.subnet, ifp) != 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Select an available lease descriptor. */
- if ( (offer_res = choose_res (&cid, curr_epoch, reqlease)) == NULL)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Select a lease duration. */
- offer_lease = choose_lease (reqlease, curr_epoch, offer_res);
- /* Record lease offer in data structures. */
- result = update_db (DHCPDISCOVER, &cid, offer_res, offer_lease, curr_epoch);
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- if (result != 0)
- return (-1);
- /* Create outgoing DHCP offer message. */
- construct_msg (DHCPOFFER, offer_res, offer_lease, ifp);
- /*
- * xxx must be able to handle the fragments, but currently not implemented
- */
- /* Transfer message to receiving interface. */
- send_dhcp (ifp, DHCPOFFER);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * request - handle client request messages
- *
- * This routine responds to request messages sent by clients in response
- * to an offer from a DHCP server. If the server generated the offer, it
- * sends the appropriate ACK or NAK message. Otherwise, it updates the
- * internal data structure to reflect the implicit decline from the client.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processing successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int request
- (
- struct if_info *ifp /* pointer to descriptor of receiving interface */
- )
- {
- BOOL reqforme = FALSE;
- BOOL nosuchaddr = FALSE;
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- struct client_id cid;
- struct in_addr reqip;
- struct in_addr netmask;
- unsigned long offer_lease = 0; /* offering lease */
- unsigned long reqlease = 0; /* requested lease duration */
- char *option = NULL;
- int response; /* Accept request? */
- #define EPOCH "Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970n"
- #define BRDCSTSTR ""
- char datestr [sizeof (EPOCH)];
- char addrstr [sizeof (BRDCSTSTR)];
- time_t curr_epoch = 0; /* current epoch */
- bzero ((char *)&cid, sizeof (cid));
- bcopy (EPOCH, datestr, sizeof (EPOCH));
- bcopy (BRDCSTSTR, addrstr, sizeof (BRDCSTSTR));
- response = 2; /* Response not determined. */
- if (dhcpTime (&curr_epoch) == -1)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Couldn't get timestamp when processing request.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- reqlease = get_reqlease (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen);
- maxoptlen = get_maxoptlen (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen);
- get_cid (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &cid);
- /* Critical section with dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd(). */
- semTake (dhcpsMutexSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (get_subnet (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &cid.subnet, ifp) != 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- /*
- * Check if this DHCP server is the request destination.
- * (Option not present unless client is in SELECTING state).
- */
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_SERVER_ID_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- if (htonl (GETHL (OPTBODY (option))) == ifp->ipaddr.s_addr)
- reqforme = TRUE;
- /*
- * Check the previously allocated network address sent by client
- * (i.e. - client is in RENEWING or REBINDING state).
- */
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- /* For client in RENEWING state, no relay agents are used. */
- if (get_snmk (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &netmask, ifp) == 0)
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr != 0)
- /* REBINDING state - check network of client. */
- if ( (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr & netmask.s_addr) !=
- (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr & netmask.s_addr))
- /* goto nak; */ /* Different subnet. */
- response = 0; /* Send NAK to client. */
- if (response != 0) /* Response still not determined. */
- {
- res = select_wciaddr (&cid, curr_epoch, &nosuchaddr);
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * If no entry present or manual entry present without a
- * matching binding the request is meant for another server
- * (for renewal request) or cannot be satisfied (for rebinding).
- */
- if (nosuchaddr == TRUE)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* deny request for subnet mismatch, client ID mismatch,
- * expired lease, or missing binding for non-manual allocation.
- * (Missing binding means no DISCOVER received for request).
- */
- else
- response = 0;
- }
- else
- /* goto ack; */
- response = 1; /* Send ACK to client. */
- }
- }
- if (response == 2) /* Response still undetermined. */
- {
- /* Requesting client has no IP address (i.e. - initial request
- * from SELECTING state or verification of cached lease from
- * INIT-REBOOT state).
- */
- reqip.s_addr = 0;
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen,
- if (option != NULL)
- reqip.s_addr = htonl (GETHL (OPTBODY (option)));
- if (reqip.s_addr != 0)
- {
- if (get_snmk (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &netmask, ifp) == 0)
- {
- /*
- * Deny request received if client is on the wrong network.
- * (Suggested behavior from RFC 1541).
- */
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- /* Deny request received from relay agent if requested IP
- * address is not on agent's subnet.
- */
- if ( (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr & netmask.s_addr) !=
- (reqip.s_addr & netmask.s_addr))
- response = 0; /* Send NAK to client. */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Deny request received directly if requested IP address
- * on different subnet from receiving interface.
- */
- if ( (ifp->ipaddr.s_addr & netmask.s_addr) !=
- (reqip.s_addr & netmask.s_addr))
- response = 0; /* Send NAK to client. */
- }
- }
- if (response == 2) /* Response still undetermined. */
- {
- /* Subnets match - look for entry in address pool. */
- res = NULL;
- res = select_wcid (DHCPREQUEST, &cid, curr_epoch);
- if (res != NULL && res->ip_addr.s_addr != 0 &&
- res->ip_addr.s_addr == reqip.s_addr)
- response = 1; /* Send ACK to client. */
- /*
- * Deny request if offered address is no longer available,
- * or if requested address doesn't match offered address.
- */
- else if (reqforme == TRUE)
- /*
- * Client's notion of IP address is incorrect -
- * deny the request. (Follows suggested behavior
- * of RFC 1541 for client in SELECTING state).
- */
- response = 0; /* Send NAK to client. */
- else
- /*
- * No record of client, or another server was
- * selected - ignore request message.
- * Implements mandatory behavior from RFC 1541
- * for client in INIT-REBOOT state.
- */
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Ignore message if needed IP address not present. */
- if (response == 2) /* Don't exit if response determined. */
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- if (response == 1) /* A DHCP server will send ACK to client. */
- {
- offer_lease = choose_lease (reqlease, curr_epoch, res);
- if (update_db (DHCPREQUEST, &cid, res, offer_lease, curr_epoch) != 0)
- {
- if (reqforme == TRUE) /* Error in selected server's database. */
- response = 0;
- else
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- if (response == 1) /* Lease selected and stored in database. */
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- construct_msg (DHCPACK, res, offer_lease, ifp);
- /* send DHCPACK from the interface
- * xxx must be able to handle the fragments, but currently not
- * implemented.
- */
- send_dhcp (ifp, DHCPACK);
- res->binding->flag |= COMPLETE_ENTRY; /* binding is complete. */
- strcpy (datestr, ctime (&res->binding->expire_epoch));
- datestr [strlen (datestr) - 1] = '';
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (res->ip_addr, addrstr);
- logMsg ("Address %s assigned to client(cid: "%s") till "%s".",
- (int)addrstr, (int)cidtos (&res->binding->cid, 1),
- (int)datestr, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* Deny request with NAK if client or server error occurred. */
- if (response == 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- construct_msg (DHCPNAK, NULL, offer_lease, ifp);
- /*
- * send DHCPNAK from the interface
- * xxx must be able to handle fragments, but currently not implemented
- */
- send_dhcp (ifp, DHCPNAK);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * decline - handle client decline messages
- *
- * This routine responds to optional decline messages sent by clients which
- * have selected a different offer or detected that an offered address is
- * already in use. If the server generated the corresponding offer, it
- * updates the internal data structure to indicate the address is unavailable.
- * Otherwise, the decline message is ignored.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processing successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int decline
- (
- struct if_info *ifp /* pointer to descriptor of receiving interface */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_binding *binding = NULL;
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- struct client_id cid;
- char *option = NULL;
- char msg [255];
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- #endif
- bzero ((char *)&cid, sizeof (cid));
- /* DECLINE for another server */
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_SERVER_ID_TAG);
- if (option == NULL ||
- htonl (GETHL (OPTBODY (option))) != ifp->ipaddr.s_addr)
- return (0);
- get_cid (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &cid);
- /* Critical section with dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd(). */
- semTake (dhcpsMutexSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (get_subnet (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &cid.subnet, ifp) != 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* search with haddr (haddr has same format as client identifier) */
- binding = (struct dhcp_binding *)hash_find (&cidhashtable, cid.id,
- cid.idlen, bindcidcmp, &cid);
- if (binding == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("DHCPDECLINE received from unknown client.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- else
- res = binding->res;
- /* Remove link between lease descriptor and record of (declined) offer. */
- if (binding->res != NULL)
- turnoff_bind (binding);
- else
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Received invalid DHCPDECLINE.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (0);
- }
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (binding->res->ip_addr, output);
- logMsg ("Received DHCP decline for entry %s (IP=%s).n",
- (int)binding->res->entryname,
- output, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_ERRMSG_TAG);
- if (option != NULL)
- {
- nvttostr (OPTBODY (option), msg, (int)DHCPOPTLEN (option));
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- if (msg[0] != '')
- logMsg ("Client decline message: "%s".n", (int)msg,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * release - handle client release messages
- *
- * This routine responds to release messages sent by clients to relinquish
- * their lease before it expires. If the server holds a dynamic (i.e. - finite)
- * lease for the originating client, it updates the internal data structure
- * to mark the corresponding address pool entry as available.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processing successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int release
- (
- struct if_info *ifp /* pointer to descriptor of receiving interface */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_binding *binding = NULL;
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- char *option = NULL;
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- #endif
- /* release for another server */
- option = pickup_opt (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, _DHCP_SERVER_ID_TAG);
- if (option == NULL ||
- htonl (GETHL (OPTBODY (option))) != ifp->ipaddr.s_addr)
- return (0);
- /* Critical section with dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd(). */
- semTake (dhcpsMutexSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* search with ciaddr */
- res = (struct dhcp_resource *)hash_find (&iphashtable,
- (char *)&dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr,
- sizeof (u_long), resipcmp,
- &dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr);
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr, output);
- logMsg ("Received DHCPRELEASE from unknown client (IP:%s).n",
- (int)output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- else
- binding = res->binding;
- /* Verify retrieved entry matches requesting non-manual client. */
- if (binding != NULL && binding->res != NULL && binding->res == res &&
- ISCLR (binding->res->valid, S_CLIENT_ID) &&
- binding->haddr.htype == dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->htype &&
- binding->haddr.hlen == dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen &&
- bcmp (binding->haddr.haddr, dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->chaddr,
- dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen) == 0)
- binding->expire_epoch = 0;
- else
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- /* CLIENT_ID option is only present for manual (infinite) leases. */
- inet_ntoa_b (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr, output);
- if (binding != NULL && binding->res != NULL &&
- ISSET (binding->res->valid, S_CLIENT_ID))
- logMsg ("DHCPRELEASE received for static entry(IP:%s).n",
- (int)output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- /* Hardware address mismatch with requesting client. */
- logMsg ("Received invalid DHCPRELEASE from client(IP:%s).n",
- (int)output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (0);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * send_dhcp - transmit a server response
- *
- * This routine sends messages formulated by an earlier construct_msg() call
- * directly to the destination address, if available, or as a broadcast to
- * the client's subnet.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if message sent, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int send_dhcp
- (
- struct if_info *ifp, /* descriptor of transmission interface */
- int msgtype /* type of DHCP message */
- )
- {
- int msglen = 0;
- char devName [10];
- struct iovec bufvec[2];
- struct sockaddr_in dst;
- BOOL bcastFlag;
- int result;
- struct msghdr msg;
- struct ifnet *pIf;
- bzero ((char *)&dst, sizeof (dst));
- dst.sin_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- dst.sin_family = AF_INET;
- if (overload & FILE_ISOPT)
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->file[off_file] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- if (overload & SNAME_ISOPT)
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->sname[off_sname] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- if (off_options < DFLTOPTLEN)
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options[off_options] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- else if (off_extopt > 0 && off_extopt < maxoptlen - DFLTOPTLEN)
- sbufvec[1].iov_base[off_extopt++] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- if (off_extopt < sbufvec[1].iov_len)
- sbufvec[1].iov_len = off_extopt;
- /*
- * Send message through socket if received from relay agent or client
- * on a different subnet than the receiving network interface.
- */
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr != 0 ||
- (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr != 0 &&
- (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr & ifp->subnetmask.s_addr) !=
- (ifp->ipaddr.s_addr & ifp->subnetmask.s_addr)))
- {
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- dst.sin_port = dhcpc_port;
- bcopy ( (char *)&dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr,
- (char *)&dst.sin_addr, sizeof (u_long));
- }
- else if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- dst.sin_port = dhcps_port;
- bcopy ( (char *)&dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr,
- (char *)&dst.sin_addr, sizeof (u_long));
- }
- bufvec[0].iov_base = (char *) dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp;
- msglen = bufvec[0].iov_len = DFLTDHCPLEN;
- if (sbufvec[1].iov_len == 0)
- bufvec[1].iov_base = NULL;
- else
- bufvec[1].iov_base = sbufvec[1].iov_base;
- bufvec[1].iov_len = sbufvec[1].iov_len;
- msglen += bufvec[1].iov_len;
- if (setsockopt (dhcpsIntfaceList->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF,
- (char *)&msglen, sizeof (msglen)) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Couldn't set transmit buffer size for DHCP.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- bzero ((char *)&msg, sizeof (msg));
- msg.msg_name = (caddr_t) &dst;
- msg.msg_namelen = sizeof (dst);
- msg.msg_iov = bufvec;
- if (bufvec[1].iov_base == NULL)
- msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
- else
- msg.msg_iovlen = 2;
- if (sendmsg (dhcpsIntfaceList->fd, &msg, 0) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Couldn't send DHCP message.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Message sent by client on same subnet as receiving interface.
- * The destination may not respond to ARP requests, so the
- * socket interface is unusable. Build and send the reply within
- * a complete link-level frame instead.
- */
- /* Set destination address and fill pseudo header to calculate checksum */
- bcopy ( (char *)&ifp->ipaddr.s_addr,
- (char *)&dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_src, sizeof (u_long));
- if (dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr != 0 &&
- !ISBRDCST (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->flags))
- {
- /* Send DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the client via unicast. */
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr;
- dst.sin_addr.s_addr = dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr;
- bcastFlag = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Broadcast DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages if needed by the client.
- * Also broadcast all DHCPNAK messages with a non-zero 'giaddr'
- * field (because the 'yiaddr' field is always zero in this case).
- */
- dst.sin_addr.s_addr = dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- bcastFlag = TRUE;
- }
- dst.sin_port = dhcpc_port;
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_sport = dhcps_port;
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_dport = dhcpc_port;
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_ulen = htons (off_extopt + DFLTDHCPLEN + UDPHL);
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_sum = get_udpsum (dhcpsMsgOut.ip, dhcpsMsgOut.udp);
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_hl = IPHL >> 2;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_tos = 0;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_len = htons (off_extopt + DFLTDHCPLEN + UDPHL + IPHL);
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_id = dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_sum;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_off = htons (IP_DF); /* XXX */
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_ttl = 0x20; /* XXX */
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = get_ipsum (dhcpsMsgOut.ip);
- sprintf (devName, "%s%d", ifp->name, ifp->unit);
- pIf = ifunit (devName);
- if (pIf == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't access network interface %s.n",
- (int)devName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- if (sbufvec[1].iov_len == 0)
- {
- result = dhcpsSend (pIf,
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr, dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->hlen,
- &dst, (char *)dhcpsMsgOut.ip, sbufvec[0].iov_len,
- bcastFlag);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't send DHCP message.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Send message which includes extra options (exceeds default size). */
- msglen = sbufvec[0].iov_len + sbufvec[1].iov_len;
- result = dhcpsSend (pIf,
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr, dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->hlen,
- &dst, (char *)dhcpsMsgOut.ip, msglen, bcastFlag);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't send DHCP message.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * available_forbootp - check resource for issuance to BOOTP client
- *
- * This routine determines if a resource entry may be granted to a BOOTP
- * client. Only entries which are specifically marked as available for
- * BOOTP (with "albp=true") will be granted. Among those entries, they
- * must be unused, expired, or manually assigned to the BOOTP client.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if resource available, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int available_forbootp
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to client identifier */
- time_t curr_epoch /* current time, in seconds */
- )
- {
- if (res->allow_bootp == FALSE)
- return (FALSE);
- /*
- * Allow resource use if currently unused, or in use by requesting client,
- * or if previous lease has expired.
- */
- if (res->binding == NULL ||
- cidcmp (&res->binding->cid, cid) ||
- (res->binding->expire_epoch != 0xffffffff &&
- res->binding->expire_epoch < curr_epoch))
- return (TRUE);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * choose_forbootp - select resource for BOOTP client
- *
- * This routine retrieves a dhcp_resource structure which may be used
- * for a BOOTP client. The corresponding IP address must be on the
- * same subnet as the requesting client. The client must also provide a
- * matching client identifier, if included in the server's database entry.
- *
- * RETURNS: Matching resource, or NULL if none or not available.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- /*
- * choose a new address for a bootp client
- */
- static struct dhcp_resource * choose_forbootp
- (
- struct client_id *cid, /* pointer to client identifier */
- time_t curr_epoch /* current time, in seconds */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- struct dhcp_resource *offer = NULL;
- struct hash_member *resptr = NULL;
- resptr = reslist;
- while (resptr != NULL)
- {
- res = (struct dhcp_resource *) resptr->data;
- /* if it is dummy entry, skip it */
- if (res->ip_addr.s_addr == 0)
- {
- resptr = resptr->next;
- continue;
- }
- /* check the resource for valid subnet and availability. */
- if (cid->subnet.s_addr ==
- (res->ip_addr.s_addr & res->subnet_mask.s_addr) &&
- available_forbootp (res, cid, curr_epoch))
- {
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- offer = res;
- break;
- }
- /* Specify DHCPDISCOVER to force generation of ICMP request. */
- else if (icmp_check(DHCPDISCOVER, &res->ip_addr) == GOOD)
- {
- offer = res;
- break;
- }
- else
- turnoff_bind (res->binding);
- }
- resptr = resptr->next;
- }
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- if (offer == NULL)
- logMsg ("Warning: BOOTP - No available addresses in the pool.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (offer);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * construct_bootp - make an outgoing BOOTP message
- *
- * This routine creates a BOOTP reply if an address pool entry is found for
- * a requesting BOOTP client. The corresponding resource is granted with an
- * infinite lease, since BOOTP clients require statically configured
- * parameters.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void construct_bootp
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res /* pointer to lease descriptor for offer */
- )
- {
- int i = 0;
- char inserted [32];
- int result;
- bzero (inserted, sizeof (inserted));
- clean_sbuf ();
- overload = 0;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->op = BOOTREPLY;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->htype = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->htype;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->hlen = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->hops = 0;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->xid = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->xid;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->secs = 0;
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr != 0)
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->flags = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->flags;
- else
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->flags = 0;
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr = dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr;
- bcopy (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->chaddr, dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr,
- dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->hlen);
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr = res->ip_addr.s_addr;
- if (ISSET (res->valid, S_SIADDR))
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->siaddr.s_addr = res->siaddr.s_addr;
- else
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->siaddr.s_addr = 0;
- if (ISSET (res->valid, S_SNAME))
- {
- strncpy (dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->sname, res->sname, MAX_SNAME);
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->sname [MAX_SNAME - 1] = '';
- }
- if (ISSET (res->valid, S_FILE))
- {
- strncpy (dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->file, res->file, MAX_FILE);
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->file [MAX_FILE - 1] = '';
- }
- /* insert magic cookie */
- bcopy ((char *)dhcpCookie, dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options, MAGIC_LEN);
- off_options = MAGIC_LEN;
- off_extopt = 0;
- /* insert subnet mask */
- result = insert_opt (res, 0xffffffff, _DHCP_SUBNET_MASK_TAG, inserted,
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- if (result == E_NOMORE)
- logMsg ("No space left in BOOTP options field.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- /*
- * insert any binding options that differ from "Host requirement RFC"
- * defaults
- */
- for (i = 0; i < _DHCP_LAST_OPTION; i++)
- {
- if (ISCLR (inserted, i))
- if (insert_opt (res, 0xffffffff, i, inserted, PASSIVE) == E_NOMORE)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("No space left in BOOTP options field.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * bootp - handle BOOTP requests
- *
- * This routine examines requests from BOOTP clients, selects an available
- * resource (if any), calculates the length of the lease, and sends the
- * appropriate offer BOOTP reply to the client.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processing successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int bootp
- (
- struct if_info *ifp /* pointer to descriptor of receiving interface */
- )
- {
- char addrstr [sizeof (BRDCSTSTR)];
- struct client_id cid;
- struct dhcp_binding *binding = NULL;
- struct dhcp_resource *res = NULL;
- time_t curr_epoch = 0;
- bzero ( (char *)&cid, sizeof (cid));
- bcopy (BRDCSTSTR, addrstr, sizeof (BRDCSTSTR));
- #ifdef NOBOOTP
- return (0);
- #endif
- if (dhcpTime (&curr_epoch) == -1)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't get timestamp processing bootp message.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- get_cid (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &cid);
- /* Critical section with dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd(). */
- semTake (dhcpsMutexSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (get_subnet (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp, rdhcplen, &cid.subnet, ifp) != 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- maxoptlen = BOOTPOPTLEN;
- /* search with haddr (haddr is same as client identfier) */
- binding = (struct dhcp_binding *)hash_find (&cidhashtable, cid.id,
- cid.idlen, bindcidcmp, &cid);
- if (binding != NULL)
- {
- if (cidcmp (&binding->cid, &cid))
- res = binding->res;
- }
- if (res == NULL && (res = choose_forbootp(&cid, curr_epoch)) == NULL)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- if (update_db (BOOTP, &cid, res, 0xffffffff, curr_epoch) != 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (-1);
- }
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- /* binding is complete. Update entry flags. */
- res->binding->flag |= (COMPLETE_ENTRY | BOOTP_ENTRY);
- construct_bootp (res);
- send_bootp (ifp);
- inet_ntoa_b (res->ip_addr,addrstr);
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Sending BOOTP reply to client(IP:%s, cid:"%s").n",
- (int)addrstr, (int)cidtos (&res->binding->cid, 1), 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * send_bootp - transmit a BOOTP reply
- *
- * This routine sends messages formulated by an earlier construct_bootp() call
- * directly to the destination address, if available, or as a link layeri
- * broadcast on the client's subnet.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if message sent, or -1 otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int send_bootp
- (
- struct if_info *ifp /* descriptor for transmission interface */
- )
- {
- int buflen = 0;
- char devName [10];
- struct sockaddr_in srcaddr;
- struct sockaddr_in dstaddr;
- struct ifnet *pIf;
- BOOL bcastFlag;
- int result;
- bzero ((char *)&srcaddr, sizeof (srcaddr));
- bzero ((char *)&dstaddr, sizeof (dstaddr));
- dstaddr.sin_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- dstaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- if (off_options < BOOTPOPTLEN)
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- /* if received message was relayed from relay agent,
- send reply from normal socket */
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- if (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr == 0 ||
- dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr != dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr)
- {
- dstaddr.sin_port = dhcps_port;
- bcopy( (char *)&dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr,
- (char *)&dstaddr.sin_addr, sizeof (u_long));
- }
- else
- {
- dstaddr.sin_port = dhcpc_port;
- bcopy ( (char *)&dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr,
- (char *)&dstaddr.sin_addr, sizeof (u_long));
- }
- buflen = DFLTBOOTPLEN;
- if (setsockopt (dhcpsIntfaceList->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF,
- (char *)&buflen, sizeof (buflen)) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Couldn't set transmit buffer size for BOOTP.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- /*
- * This will send to any network interface,
- * independent of the local address it is bound to.
- */
- if (sendto (dhcpsIntfaceList->fd, (caddr_t)dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp, buflen,
- 0, (struct sockaddr *)&dstaddr, sizeof (dstaddr)) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Couldn't send BOOTP message.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /* if directly received packet.... */
- /* Set destination address and fill pseudo header to calculate checksum */
- bcopy ( (char *)&ifp->ipaddr.s_addr,
- (char *)&dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_src, sizeof (u_long));
- if (ISBRDCST (dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->flags) ||
- dhcpsMsgIn.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr != dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr)
- {
- dstaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- bcastFlag = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr;
- dstaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->yiaddr.s_addr;
- bcastFlag = FALSE;
- }
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_sport = dhcps_port;
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_dport = dhcpc_port;
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_ulen = htons (DFLTBOOTPLEN + UDPHL);
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_sum = get_udpsum (dhcpsMsgOut.ip, dhcpsMsgOut.udp);
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_hl = IPHL >> 2;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_tos = 0;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_len = htons (DFLTBOOTPLEN + UDPHL + IPHL);
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_id = dhcpsMsgOut.udp->uh_sum;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_off = htons (IP_DF); /* XXX */
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_ttl = 0x20; /* XXX */
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = get_ipsum (dhcpsMsgOut.ip);
- sprintf (devName, "%s%d", ifp->name, ifp->unit);
- pIf = ifunit (devName);
- if (pIf == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't access network interface %s.n",
- (int)devName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- result = dhcpsSend (pIf,
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr, dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->hlen,
- &dstaddr, (char *)dhcpsMsgOut.ip, buflen, bcastFlag);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't send BOOTP message.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_ip - insert options containing a single IP address
- *
- * This routine inserts any available options in the selected resource which
- * consist of a single IP address as options in an outgoing DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int ins_ip
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- u_long *addr = 0;
- char option[6];
- int symbol = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- /* Access offset for appropriate data. */
- switch (tagnum)
- {
- symbol = S_SUBNET_MASK;
- addr = &res->subnet_mask.s_addr;
- break;
- symbol = S_SWAP_SERVER;
- addr = &res->swap_server.s_addr;
- break;
- symbol = S_BRDCAST_ADDR;
- addr = &res->brdcast_addr.s_addr;
- break;
- symbol = S_ROUTER_SOLICIT;
- addr = &res->router_solicit.s_addr;
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Copy data if valid. */
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, symbol)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, symbol)))
- {
- option[0] = tagnum;
- option[1] = 4; /* Length of option data, in bytes. */
- bcopy ( (char *)addr, &option[2], 4);
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT (inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_ips - insert options containing multiple IP addresses
- *
- * This routine inserts any available options in the selected resource which
- * consist of one or more IP addresses as options in an outgoing DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int ins_ips
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- struct in_addrs *addr = NULL;
- char option [254];
- int symbol = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- int i = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- switch(tagnum)
- {
- symbol = S_ROUTER;
- addr = &res->router;
- break;
- symbol = S_TIME_SERVER;
- addr = &res->time_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_NAME_SERVER;
- addr = &res->name_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_DNS_SERVER;
- addr = &res->dns_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_LOG_SERVER;
- addr = &res->log_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_COOKIE_SERVER;
- addr = &res->cookie_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_LPR_SERVER;
- addr = &res->lpr_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_IMPRESS_SERVER;
- addr = &res->impress_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_RLS_SERVER;
- addr = &res->rls_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_NIS_SERVER;
- addr = &res->nis_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_NTP_SERVER;
- addr = &res->ntp_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_NBN_SERVER;
- addr = &res->nbn_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_NBDD_SERVER;
- addr = &res->nbdd_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_XFONT_SERVER;
- addr = &res->xfont_server;
- break;
- addr = &res->xdisplay_manager;
- break;
- symbol = S_NISP_SERVER;
- addr = &res->nisp_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_MOBILEIP_HA;
- addr = &res->mobileip_ha;
- break;
- symbol = S_SMTP_SERVER;
- addr = &res->smtp_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_POP3_SERVER;
- addr = &res->pop3_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_NNTP_SERVER;
- addr = &res->nntp_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_DFLT_WWW_SERVER;
- addr = &res->dflt_www_server;
- break;
- addr = &res->dflt_finger_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_DFLT_IRC_SERVER;
- addr = &res->dflt_irc_server;
- break;
- addr = &res->streettalk_server;
- break;
- symbol = S_STDA_SERVER;
- addr = &res->stda_server;
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, symbol)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, symbol)))
- {
- option[0] = tagnum;
- option[1] = addr->num * 4; /* Length of data, in bytes. */
- for (i = 0; i < addr->num; i++)
- bcopy ((char *)&addr->addr[i].s_addr, &option [i * 4 + 2], 4);
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT (inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_ippairs - insert options containing multiple IP address pairs
- *
- * This routine inserts any available options in the selected resource which
- * consist of one or more pairs of IP addresses as options in an outgoing
- * DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int ins_ippairs
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- struct ip_pairs *pair = NULL;
- char option [254];
- int symbol = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- int i = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- switch (tagnum)
- {
- symbol = S_POLICY_FILTER;
- pair = &res->policy_filter;
- break;
- symbol = S_STATIC_ROUTE;
- pair = &res->static_route;
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, symbol)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, symbol)))
- {
- option[0] = tagnum;
- option[1] = pair->num * 8;
- for (i = 0; i < pair->num; i++)
- {
- bcopy ( (char *)&pair->addr1[i].s_addr, &option [i * 8 + 2], 4);
- bcopy ( (char *)&pair->addr2[i].s_addr, &option [i * 8 + 6], 4);
- }
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT (inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_long - insert options containing long integers
- *
- * This routine inserts any available options in the selected resource which
- * consist of a long (4 byte) value as options in an outgoing DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int ins_long
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- long *num = NULL;
- char option[6];
- int symbol = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- switch (tagnum)
- {
- symbol = S_TIME_OFFSET;
- num = &res->time_offset;
- break;
- num = (long *)&res->mtu_aging_timeout;
- break;
- num = (long *)&res->arp_cache_timeout;
- break;
- num = (long *)&res->keepalive_inter;
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, symbol)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, symbol)))
- {
- option [0] = tagnum;
- option [1] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)num, &option[2], 4);
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT (inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_short - insert options containing short integers
- *
- * This routine inserts any available options in the selected resource which
- * consist of a short (2 byte) value as options in an outgoing DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int ins_short
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- short *num = NULL;
- char option[4];
- int symbol = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- switch (tagnum)
- {
- symbol = S_BOOTSIZE;
- num = (short *)&res->bootsize;
- break;
- symbol = S_MAX_DGRAM_SIZE;
- num = (short *) &res->max_dgram_size;
- break;
- case _DHCP_IF_MTU_TAG:
- symbol = S_IF_MTU;
- num = (short *)&res->intf_mtu;
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, symbol)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, symbol)))
- {
- option[0] = tagnum;
- option[1] = 2;
- bcopy ((char *)num, &option[2], 2);
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT (inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_octet - insert options containing single bytes
- *
- * This routine inserts any available options in the selected resource which
- * consist of a 1 byte value as options in an outgoing DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int ins_octet
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- char num = 0;
- char option[3];
- int symbol = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- switch (tagnum)
- {
- symbol = S_IP_FORWARD;
- num = res->ip_forward;
- break;
- num = res->nonlocal_srcroute;
- break;
- symbol = S_DEFAULT_IP_TTL;
- num = res->default_ip_ttl;
- break;
- symbol = S_ALL_SUBNET_LOCAL;
- num = res->all_subnet_local;
- break;
- symbol = S_MASK_DISCOVER;
- num = res->mask_discover;
- break;
- symbol = S_MASK_SUPPLIER;
- num = res->mask_supplier;
- break;
- num = res->router_discover;
- break;
- symbol = S_TRAILER;
- num = res->trailer;
- break;
- symbol = S_ETHER_ENCAP;
- num = res->ether_encap;
- break;
- symbol = S_DEFAULT_TCP_TTL;
- num = res->default_tcp_ttl;
- break;
- num = res->keepalive_garba;
- break;
- symbol = S_NB_NODETYPE;
- num = res->nb_nodetype;
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, symbol)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, symbol)))
- {
- option[0] = tagnum;
- option[1] = 1;
- option[2] = num;
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT(inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_str - insert options containing strings
- *
- * This routine inserts any available options in the selected resource which
- * consist of a NULL terminated string as options in an outgoing DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- /*
- * insert string
- */
- /* ARGSUSED */
- static int ins_str
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- char *str = NULL;
- char option [258];
- int symbol = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- int i = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- switch (tagnum)
- {
- symbol = S_HOSTNAME;
- str = res->hostname;
- break;
- symbol = S_MERIT_DUMP;
- str = res->merit_dump;
- break;
- symbol = S_DNS_DOMAIN;
- str = res->dns_domain;
- break;
- symbol = S_ROOT_PATH;
- str = res->root_path;
- break;
- str = res->extensions_path;
- break;
- symbol = S_NIS_DOMAIN;
- str = res->nis_domain;
- break;
- symbol = S_NB_SCOPE;
- str = res->nb_scope;
- break;
- symbol = S_NISP_DOMAIN;
- str = res->nisp_domain;
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, symbol)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, symbol)))
- {
- option[0] = tagnum;
- option[1] = ( (i = strlen (str)) > MAXOPT) ? MAXOPT : i;
- bcopy (str, &option[2], option[1]);
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT (inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_dht - insert lease timers
- *
- * This routine inserts the values for T1 and T2 into the options of an
- * outgoing DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if options inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int ins_dht
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- char option[6];
- int symbol = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- long num = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- switch (tagnum)
- {
- case _DHCP_T1_TAG:
- symbol = S_DHCP_T1;
- num = htonl (lease * (res->dhcp_t1 + (rand () & 0x03)) / 1000);
- break;
- case _DHCP_T2_TAG:
- symbol = S_DHCP_T2;
- num = htonl (lease * (res->dhcp_t2 + (rand () & 0x03)) / 1000);
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, symbol)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, symbol)))
- {
- option[0] = tagnum;
- option[1] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)&num, &option[2], option[1]);
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT (inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ins_mtpt - insert MTU plateau table options
- *
- * This routine inserts the values specified for the MTU table as options in an
- * outgoing DHCP message.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- /*
- * insert mtu_plateau_table
- */
- static int ins_mtpt
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- char option [256];
- int retval = 0;
- int i = 0;
- bzero (option, sizeof (option));
- if (tagnum != _DHCP_MTU_PLATEAU_TABLE_TAG)
- return (-1);
- if ( (flag == PASSIVE && ISSET (res->valid, S_MTU_PLATEAU_TABLE)) ||
- (flag == ACTIVE && ISSET (res->active, S_MTU_PLATEAU_TABLE)))
- {
- option[0] = tagnum;
- option[1] = res->mtu_plateau_table.num * 2;
- for (i = 0; i < res->mtu_plateau_table.num; i++)
- bcopy ( (char *)&res->mtu_plateau_table.shorts[i],
- &option [i * 2 + 2], 2);
- if ( (retval = insert_it (option)) == 0)
- SETBIT (inserted, tagnum);
- }
- return (retval);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * insert_opt - add an option to a outgoing message
- *
- * This routine multiplexes on the option type, then calls the appropriate
- * insertion routine to store the given option in the outgoing message buffer.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option inserted, or negative value on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int insert_opt
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *res, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- u_long lease, /* lease duration, in seconds */
- int tagnum, /* tag value of option */
- char *inserted, /* bitmap of inserted options */
- char flag /* if ACTIVE, marks non-default options */
- )
- {
- if (tagnum < _DHCP_PAD_TAG || tagnum > _DHCP_LAST_OPTION ||
- ins_opt [tagnum] == NULL)
- return (-1);
- return ( (*ins_opt [tagnum]) (res, lease, tagnum, inserted, flag));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * insert_it - transfer data to outgoing message buffer
- *
- * This routine is called by all the type-specific insertion routines defined
- * above to store option data in the appropriate buffer for the outgoing
- * message. If possible, the message is added to the options field of the
- * standard DHCP message. If that field is full, the sname or file field are
- * used to store the option, if available. Otherwise, the option is stored in
- * an overflow buffer containing the excess bytes the client can receive, if
- * any.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if option stored, or E_NOMORE if buffers not available.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int insert_it
- (
- char *opt /* pointer to buffer containing option */
- )
- {
- char len = 0;
- int done = 0;
- len = opt[1] + 2; /* 2 == tag number and length field */
- if (off_options + len < maxoptlen && off_options + len < DFLTOPTLEN)
- {
- bcopy (opt, &dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options [off_options], len);
- off_options += len;
- return (0);
- }
- else if ( (overload & FILE_ISOPT) != 0 && off_file + len < MAX_FILE)
- {
- bcopy (opt, &dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->file [off_file], len);
- off_file += len;
- return (0);
- }
- else if ((overload & SNAME_ISOPT) != 0 && off_sname + len < MAX_SNAME)
- {
- bcopy (opt, &dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->sname [off_sname], len);
- off_sname += len;
- return (0);
- }
- else if (len < maxoptlen - off_options - off_extopt)
- {
- if (maxoptlen > DFLTOPTLEN)
- {
- sbufvec[1].iov_len = maxoptlen - DFLTOPTLEN;
- /* off_options never exceeds DFLTOPTLEN. */
- done = DFLTOPTLEN - off_options;
- if (done > 0) /* Only true for first overflow entry. */
- {
- bcopy (opt, &dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp->options[off_options], done);
- len -= done;
- off_options += done; /* off_options offset is now invalid. */
- }
- /* done = 0 for all but first overflow entries. */
- bcopy (&opt [done], &sbufvec[1].iov_base[off_extopt], len);
- off_extopt += len;
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /* Option not stored - no space found. */
- if ( (off_options + off_extopt >= maxoptlen) &&
- ((overload & FILE_ISOPT) == 0 || off_file >= MAX_FILE) &&
- ((overload & SNAME_ISOPT) == 0 || off_sname >= MAX_SNAME))
- return (E_NOMORE);
- return (-1);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * cidcmp - compare client identifiers
- *
- * This routine checks if two client identifiers match. It is used before
- * assigning manual lease entries. The test fails if the identifiers do not
- * match or if the client with the same identifier is on a new subnet.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if identifier and subnet matches, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int cidcmp
- (
- struct client_id *cid1, /* pointer to assigned client ID */
- struct client_id *cid2 /* pointer to requesting client ID */
- )
- {
- return (cid1->subnet.s_addr == cid2->subnet.s_addr &&
- cid1->idtype == cid2->idtype && cid1->idlen == cid2->idlen &&
- bcmp (cid1->id, cid2->id, cid1->idlen) == 0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * icmp_check - verify IP address not in use
- *
- * This routine attempts to verify a selected IP address is actually available
- * before sending an offer to a client. It generates an ICMP request and
- * waits 1/2 of a second for a reply. If no reply is received, the test is
- * passed. At other times (after offers are sent), the test is automatically
- * passed.
- *
- * RETURNS: GOOD if no response received or if test unneeded, or BAD otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int icmp_check
- (
- int msgtype, /* DHCP message type received */
- struct in_addr *ip /* IP address to test */
- )
- {
- struct sockaddr_in dst;
- struct sockaddr_in from;
- struct icmp * sicmp = NULL;
- struct icmp * ricmp = NULL;
- struct ip * ipp = NULL;
- char rcvbuf [1024];
- char sndbuf [ICMP_MINLEN];
- int rlen = 0;
- int fromlen = 0;
- int i = 0;
- int sockfd = 0;
- u_short pid = 0;
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- #endif
- #ifdef NOICMPCHK
- return (GOOD);
- #endif
- if (msgtype != DHCPDISCOVER)
- return (GOOD);
- bzero ( (char *)&dst, sizeof (dst));
- bzero ( (char *)&from, sizeof (from));
- bzero (sndbuf, sizeof (sndbuf));
- bzero (rcvbuf, sizeof (rcvbuf));
- sicmp = (struct icmp *) sndbuf;
- pid = (short)taskIdSelf () & 0xffff;
- if ( (sockfd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP)) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't open socket in icmp_check()n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (GOOD);
- }
- delarp (ip, sockfd);
- i = 1;
- if (ioctl (sockfd, FIONBIO, (int)&i) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: couldn't set non-blocking I/O in icmp_check()n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return(GOOD);
- }
- dst.sin_family = AF_INET;
- dst.sin_addr.s_addr = ip->s_addr;
- sicmp->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHO;
- sicmp->icmp_code = 0;
- sicmp->icmp_cksum = 0;
- sicmp->icmp_id = pid;
- sicmp->icmp_seq = 0;
- sicmp->icmp_cksum = checksum ( (u_short *)sndbuf, sizeof (sndbuf));
- fromlen = sizeof (from);
- i = sendto (sockfd, sndbuf, sizeof (sndbuf), 0,
- (struct sockaddr *) &dst, sizeof (dst));
- if (i < 0 || i != sizeof (sndbuf))
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Can't send icmp echo request.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (GOOD);
- }
- /* Wait half a second for an ICMP reply */
- taskDelay (sysClkRateGet () / 2);
- {
- rlen = recvfrom (sockfd, rcvbuf, sizeof (rcvbuf), 0,
- (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);
- if (rlen < 0)
- break;
- ipp = (struct ip *) rcvbuf;
- if (rlen < (ipp->ip_hl << 2) + ICMP_MINLEN)
- {
- continue;
- }
- ricmp = (struct icmp *) (rcvbuf + (ipp->ip_hl << 2));
- if (ricmp->icmp_type != ICMP_ECHOREPLY)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (ricmp->icmp_id == pid)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- close (sockfd);
- if (ricmp != NULL && ricmp->icmp_id == pid)
- {
- errno = 0;
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (*ip, output);
- logMsg ("Warning: IP address %s may be in use.n", (int)output,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (BAD);
- }
- return (GOOD);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * free_bind - remove DHCP binding
- *
- * This routine removes the record of a lease binding from the internal linked
- * list before either adding a new record (if an offer was accepted) or as a
- * result of garbage collection, if the lease has expired.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int free_bind
- (
- struct hash_member *hash_m /* hash table entry to delete */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_binding *bp = NULL;
- struct dhcp_binding *cbp = NULL;
- struct hash_member *current = NULL;
- struct hash_member *previous = NULL;
- bp = (struct dhcp_binding *)hash_m->data;
- previous = current = bindlist;
- /* Remove target element from binding database, if present. */
- while (current != NULL)
- {
- cbp = (struct dhcp_binding *)current->data;
- if (cbp != NULL && cidcmp (&bp->cid, &cbp->cid) == TRUE)
- break;
- else
- {
- previous = current;
- current = current->next;
- }
- }
- /* Mark end of list if given entry not found. */
- if (current == NULL)
- {
- if (previous != NULL)
- previous->next = NULL;
- }
- /* Reset list pointers if given entry found. */
- else
- {
- /* Set pointer for new head of list. */
- if (current == bindlist)
- bindlist = current->next;
- else
- /* Set pointer to skip target element within list. */
- if (previous != NULL)
- previous->next = current->next;
- free (current); /* Remove target element. */
- }
- /* Remove target element from hash table. */
- if (bp->res != NULL)
- {
- bp->res->binding = NULL;
- bp->res = NULL;
- }
- free (bp);
- free (hash_m);
- nbind--;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * free_fake - simulate removal of DHCP binding
- *
- * This routine decreases the number of identified active bindings when the
- * server detects an IP address is unexpectedly in use. However, the record of
- * the active lease is not removed.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int free_fake
- (
- struct hash_member *hash_m
- )
- {
- nbind--;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * garbage_collect - store a snapshot of known client states
- *
- * This timer-driven routine is called after each iteration of the
- * message-processing loop. If the time specified by GC_INTERVAL (currently
- * 10 minutes) has elapsed since the previous call, the routine updates the
- * server internal data structures. It accesses the user-supplied cache hook to
- * transfer a record of the active or offered leases to permanent storage. It
- * then removes all incomplete entries, and as many expired entries as necessary
- * to reduce the internal table size below the maximum number of entries
- * (currently 500).
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void garbage_collect (void)
- {
- #define MTOB(X) ((struct dhcp_binding *)((X)->data))
- struct hash_member *bindptr = NULL,
- *oldest = NULL;
- struct dhcp_binding *tmpptr;
- time_t curr_epoch = 0;
- static time_t prev_epoch = 0;
- if (dhcpTime (&curr_epoch) == -1)
- return;
- /* Exit if interval has not expired. (Currently ten minutes). */
- if (curr_epoch - prev_epoch < GC_INTERVAL)
- return;
- prev_epoch = curr_epoch;
- /* Critical section with dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd(). */
- semTake (dhcpsMutexSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- dump_bind_db (); /* Write current bindings to permanent storage. */
- bindptr = bindlist;
- while (bindptr != NULL)
- {
- tmpptr = MTOB (bindptr);
- if ((tmpptr->flag & COMPLETE_ENTRY) == 0 &&
- tmpptr->temp_epoch < curr_epoch)
- {
- hash_del (&cidhashtable, tmpptr->cid.id, tmpptr->cid.idlen,
- bindcidcmp, &tmpptr->cid, free_bind);
- }
- bindptr = bindptr->next;
- }
- /* Find and delete oldest expired entry if table exceeds size limit. */
- while (nbind > MAX_NBIND)
- {
- bindptr = bindlist;
- while (bindptr != NULL)
- {
- tmpptr = MTOB (bindptr);
- if ( (tmpptr->flag & COMPLETE_ENTRY) != 0 &&
- tmpptr->expire_epoch != 0xffffffff &&
- tmpptr->expire_epoch < curr_epoch &&
- (oldest == NULL ||
- tmpptr->expire_epoch < MTOB (oldest)->expire_epoch))
- oldest = bindptr;
- bindptr = bindptr->next;
- }
- if (oldest == NULL)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- tmpptr = MTOB (oldest);
- hash_del (&cidhashtable, tmpptr->cid.id, tmpptr->cid.idlen,
- bindcidcmp, &tmpptr->cid, free_bind);
- oldest = NULL;
- }
- }
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * nvttostr - convert NVT ASCII to strings
- *
- * This routine implements a limited NVT conversion which removes any embedded
- * NULL characters from the input string.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int nvttostr
- (
- char *nvtstr, /* input buffer, possibly has embedded NULLs */
- char *str, /* output buffer for converted string */
- int length /* number of characters in input buffer */
- )
- {
- FAST int i = 0;
- FAST char *tmp = NULL;
- tmp = str;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
- if (nvtstr[i] != (char)NULL)
- {
- *tmp = nvtstr[i];
- tmp++;
- }
- str [length] = '';
- return (0);
- }