- /* dhcpc_subr.c - DHCP client general subroutines */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01u,25apr02,wap transmit DHCPDECLINEs as broadcasts, not unicasts (SPR
- #75119)
- 01t,23apr02,wap use dhcpTime() instead of time() (SPR #68900)
- 01s,06dec01,vvv fixed arp_check again (SPR #69731)
- 01r,12oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01x, base 01n
- SPRs 65352, 65264, 70116, 69731, 27426
- 01q,26oct00,spm fixed byte order of transaction identifier
- 01p,26oct00,spm fixed modification history after tor3_x merge
- 01o,23oct00,niq merged from version 01q of tor3_x branch (base version 01n);
- upgrade to BPF replaces tagged frame support
- 01n,01mar99,spm eliminated creation of invalid route (SPR #24266)
- 01m,04dec97,spm added code review modifications
- 01l,04dec97,spm replaced muxDevExists call with test of predefined flag;
- enabled ARP test of intended IP address
- 01k,06oct97,spm removed reference to deleted endDriver global; replaced with
- support for dynamic driver type detection
- 01j,26aug97,spm major overhaul: reorganized code and changed user interface
- to support multiple leases at runtime
- 01i,06aug97,spm renamed class field of dhcp_reqspec structure to prevent C++
- compilation errors (SPR #9079)
- 01h,15jul97,spm set sa_len and reordered ioctl calls in configuration routine,
- changed to raw sockets to avoid memPartFree error (SPR #8650);
- replaced floating point to prevent ss5 exception (SPR #8738)
- 01g,10jun97,spm corrected load exception (SPR #8724) and memalign() parameter;
- isolated incoming messages in state machine from input hooks
- 01f,02jun97,spm changed DHCP option tags to prevent name conflicts (SPR #8667)
- and updated man pages
- 01e,09may97,spm changed memory access to align IP header on four byte boundary
- 01d,18apr97,spm added conditional include DHCPC_DEBUG for displayed output,
- shut down interface when changing address/netmask
- 01c,07apr97,spm corrected bugs extracting options, added safety checks and
- memory cleanup code, rewrote documentation
- 01b,27jan97,spm added little-endian support and modified to coding standards
- 01a,03oct96,spm created by modifying WIDE Project DHCP Implementation
- */
- /*
- This library contains subroutines which implement several utilities for the
- Wide project DHCP client, modified for vxWorks compatibility.
- The routines in this module are called by both portions of the runtime state
- machine, in the dhcpcState1 and dhcpcState2 modules, which execute before and
- after a lease is established.
- INCLUDE_FILES: dhcpcLib.h
- */
- /*
- * WIDE Project DHCP Implementation
- * Copyright (c) 1995 Akihiro Tominaga
- * Copyright (c) 1995 WIDE Project
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
- * documentation is hereby granted, provided only with the following
- * conditions are satisfied:
- *
- * 1. Both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software, derivative works or modified versions,
- * and any portions thereof, and that both notices appear in
- * supporting documentation.
- * 2. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by WIDE Project and
- * its contributors.
- * 3. Neither the name of WIDE Project nor the names of its contributors
- * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- * without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Feedback of the results generated from any improvements or
- * extensions made to this software would be much appreciated.
- * Any such feedback should be sent to:
- *
- * Akihiro Tominaga
- * WIDE Project
- * Keio University, Endo 5322, Kanagawa, Japan
- * (E-mail: dhcp-dist@wide.ad.jp)
- *
- * WIDE project has the rights to redistribute these changes.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <net/if.h>
- #include <net/route.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
- #include <netinet/if_ether.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
- #include <netinet/udp.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <inetLib.h>
- #include <sysLib.h>
- #include <logLib.h>
- #include <sockLib.h>
- #include <ioLib.h>
- #include <semLib.h>
- #include <vxLib.h>
- #include "muxLib.h"
- #include "dhcp/dhcp.h"
- #include "dhcp/dhcpcStateLib.h"
- #include "dhcp/dhcpcCommonLib.h"
- #include "dhcp/dhcpcInternal.h"
- #include "bpfDrv.h"
- /* globals */
- /* Berkeley Packet Filter instructions for catching ARP messages. */
- LOCAL struct bpf_insn arpfilter[] = {
- BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_TYPE, 0), /* Save lltype in accumulator */
- /*
- * The remaining statements use the (new) BPF_HLEN alias to avoid
- * any link-layer dependencies.
- */
- BPF_STMT(BPF_LDX+BPF_HLEN, 0), /* X <- frame data offset */
- BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_B+BPF_IND, 4), /* A <- hardware size */
- BPF_STMT(BPF_ALU+BPF_ADD+BPF_X, 0), /* A <- sum of variable offsets */
- BPF_STMT(BPF_MISC+BPF_TAX, 0), /* X <- sum of variable offsets */
- BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_IND, 8), /* A <- sender IP address */
- BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, -1, 0, 1), /* -1 replaced with real IP */
- BPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_K, -1), /* copy entire frame */
- BPF_STMT(BPF_RET+BPF_K, 0) /* unrecognized message: ignore frame */
- };
- LOCAL struct bpf_program arpread = {
- sizeof (arpfilter) / sizeof (struct bpf_insn),
- arpfilter
- };
- IMPORT struct bpf_insn dhcpfilter[]; /* For updating xid test */
- IMPORT struct bpf_program dhcpread;
- IMPORT int dhcpcDataSock; /* For sending release and renewal messages */
- IMPORT int flushroutes (void);
- struct msg dhcpcMsgOut;
- struct msg dhcpcMsgIn;
- struct ps_udph spudph;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL int bpfArpDev; /* Gets any replies to ARP probes. */
- LOCAL u_short dhcps_port; /* Server port, in network byte order. */
- LOCAL u_short dhcpc_port; /* Client port, in network byte order. */
- /* forward declarations */
- int config_if();
- void set_route();
- int make_decline (struct dhcp_reqspec *, struct if_info *);
- int make_release (struct dhcp_reqspec *, struct if_info *, BOOL);
- long generate_xid (struct if_info *);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * generate_xid - generate a transaction identifier
- *
- * This routine forms a transaction identifier which is used by the lease
- * for transmissions over the interface described by <pIfData>. The routine
- * is called from multiple locations after the initialization routines have
- * retrieved the network interface hardware address.
- *
- * RETURNS: 32-bit transaction identifier in host byte order.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- long generate_xid
- (
- struct if_info * pIfData /* interface used by lease */
- )
- {
- time_t current = 0;
- u_short result1 = 0;
- u_short result2 = 0;
- u_short result3 = 0;
- u_short tmp[6];
- bcopy (pIfData->haddr.haddr, (char *)tmp, 6);
- dhcpTime (¤t);
- result1 = checksum (tmp, 6);
- result2 = checksum ( (u_short *)¤t, 2);
- /*
- * Although unlikely, it is possible that separate leases which are using
- * the same network interface calculate a checksum at the same time. To
- * guarantee uniqueness, include the value of the lease-specific pointer
- * to the interface descriptor.
- */
- tmp [0] = ((long)pIfData) >> 16;
- tmp [1] = ((long)pIfData) & 0xffff;
- result3 = checksum (tmp, 4);
- return ( (result1 << 16) + result2 + result3);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * arp_check - use ARP to check if given address is in use
- *
- * This routine broadcasts an ARP request and waits for a reply to determine if
- * an IP address offered by a DHCP server is already in use.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if ARP indicates client in use, or OK otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int arp_check
- (
- struct in_addr *target,
- struct if_info *pIfData /* interface used by lease */
- )
- {
- int i = 0;
- int tmp;
- char inbuf [MAX_ARPLEN];
- char *pField1;
- char *pField2;
- struct arphdr * pArpHdr = NULL;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct timeval timeout;
- fd_set readFds;
- bzero (inbuf, MAX_ARPLEN);
- pArpHdr = (struct arphdr *) inbuf;
- pArpHdr->ar_hrd = htons (pIfData->haddr.htype);
- pArpHdr->ar_pro = htons (ETHERTYPE_IP);
- pArpHdr->ar_hln = pIfData->haddr.hlen;
- pArpHdr->ar_pln = 4;
- pArpHdr->ar_op = htons (ARPOP_REQUEST);
- /* Set sender H/W address to your address for ARP requests. (RFC 1541). */
- pField1 = &inbuf [ARPHL]; /* Source hardware address. */
- pField2 = pField1 + pArpHdr->ar_hln + 4; /* Target hardware address. */
- for (i = 0; i < pIfData->haddr.hlen; i++)
- {
- pField1[i] = pIfData->haddr.haddr[i];
- pField2[i] = 0;
- }
- /* Set sender IP address to 0 for ARP requests as per RFC 1541. */
- pField1 += pArpHdr->ar_hln; /* Source IP address. */
- pField2 += pArpHdr->ar_hln; /* Target IP address. */
- tmp = 0;
- bcopy ( (char *)&tmp, pField1, pArpHdr->ar_pln);
- bcopy ( (char *)&target->s_addr, pField2, pArpHdr->ar_pln);
- /* Update BPF filter to check for ARP reply from target IP address. */
- arpfilter [9].k = htonl (target->s_addr);
- if (ioctl (bpfArpDev, BIOCSETF, (int)&arpread) != 0)
- return (OK); /* Ignore errors (permits use of IP address). */
- tmp = ARPHL + 2 * (pArpHdr->ar_hln + 4); /* Size of ARP message. */
- /* Set BPF to monitor interface for reply. */
- bzero ( (char *)&ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq));
- sprintf (ifr.ifr_name, "%s%d", pIfData->iface->if_name,
- pIfData->iface->if_unit);
- if (ioctl (bpfArpDev, BIOCSETIF, (int)&ifr) != 0)
- return (OK); /* Ignore errors (permits use of IP address). */
- /*
- * Moved dhcpcArpSend after SETIF so that a valid reply received before
- * BPF device activation is not missed.
- */
- dhcpcArpSend (pIfData->iface, inbuf, tmp);
- /* Wait one-half second for (unexpected) reply from target IP address. */
- timeout.tv_sec = 0;
- timeout.tv_usec = 500000;
- FD_ZERO (&readFds);
- FD_SET (bpfArpDev, &readFds);
- tmp = select (bpfArpDev + 1, &readFds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
- /* Disconnect BPF device from input stream until next ARP probe. */
- ioctl (bpfArpDev, BIOCSTOP, 0);
- if (tmp) /* ARP reply received? Duplicate IP address. */
- return (ERROR);
- else /* Timeout occurred - no ARP reply. Probe succeeded. */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * arp_reply - use ARP to notify other hosts of new address in use
- *
- * This routine broadcasts an ARP reply when the DHCP client changes addresses
- * to a new value retrieved from a DHCP server.
- *
- * RETURNS: -1 if ARP indicates client in use, or 0 otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int arp_reply
- (
- struct in_addr *ipaddr,
- struct if_info *pIfData /* interface used by lease */
- )
- {
- int i = 0;
- char inbuf [MAX_ARPLEN];
- char *pField1;
- char *pField2;
- struct arphdr * pArpHdr = NULL;
- bzero (inbuf, MAX_ARPLEN);
- pArpHdr = (struct arphdr *) inbuf;
- pArpHdr->ar_hrd = htons (pIfData->haddr.htype);
- pArpHdr->ar_pro = htons (ETHERTYPE_IP);
- pArpHdr->ar_hln = pIfData->haddr.hlen;
- pArpHdr->ar_pln = 4;
- pArpHdr->ar_op = htons (ARPOP_REPLY);
- /*
- * Set sender and target H/W addresses to your address
- * for sending an unsolicited reply.
- */
- pField1 = &inbuf [ARPHL]; /* Source hardware address. */
- pField2 = pField1 + pArpHdr->ar_hln + 4; /* Target hardware address. */
- for (i = 0; i < pIfData->haddr.hlen; i++)
- {
- pField1[i] = pField2[i] = pIfData->haddr.haddr[i];
- }
- /*
- * Set sender and target IP address to given value
- * to announce new IP address usage.
- */
- pField1 += pArpHdr->ar_hln; /* Source IP address. */
- pField2 += pArpHdr->ar_hln; /* Target IP address. */
- bcopy ( (char *)&ipaddr->s_addr, pField1, pArpHdr->ar_pln);
- bcopy ( (char *)&ipaddr->s_addr, pField2, pArpHdr->ar_pln);
- /* Broadcast unsolicited reply to notify all hosts of new IP address. */
- i = ARPHL + 2 * (pArpHdr->ar_hln + 4); /* Size of ARP message. */
- dhcpcArpSend (pIfData->iface, inbuf, i);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * nvttostr - convert NVT ASCII to strings
- *
- * This routine implements a limited NVT conversion which removes any embedded
- * NULL characters from the input string.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int nvttostr
- (
- char * nvt,
- char * str,
- int length
- )
- {
- FAST int i = 0;
- FAST char *tmp = NULL;
- tmp = str;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
- {
- if (nvt[i] != '')
- {
- *tmp = nvt[i];
- tmp++;
- }
- }
- str [length] = '';
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * align_msg - set the buffer pointers to access message components
- *
- * This routine sets the pointers in the given message descriptor
- * structure to access the various components of a received DHCP
- * message. It is used internally by the state machine for incoming
- * data stored from the BPF device.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void align_msg
- (
- struct msg * rmsg, /* Components of received message */
- char * rbuf /* Received IP packet */
- )
- {
- rmsg->ip = (struct ip *) rbuf;
- if ( (ntohs (rmsg->ip->ip_off) & 0x1fff) == 0 &&
- ntohs (rmsg->ip->ip_len) >= (DFLTDHCPLEN - DFLTOPTLEN + 4) + UDPHL
- + IPHL)
- {
- #if BSD<44
- rmsg->udp = (struct udphdr *)&rbuf [ (rmsg->ip->ip_v_hl & 0xf) * WORD];
- rmsg->dhcp = (struct dhcp *)&rbuf [ (rmsg->ip->ip_v_hl & 0xf) * WORD +
- #else
- rmsg->udp = (struct udphdr *) &rbuf [rmsg->ip->ip_hl * WORD];
- rmsg->dhcp = (struct dhcp *) &rbuf [rmsg->ip->ip_hl * WORD +
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- rmsg->udp = NULL;
- rmsg->dhcp = NULL;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcp_msgtoparam - expand DHCP message into data structure
- *
- * This routine converts a DHCP message from the transmission format into the
- * dhcp_param structure. It copies the core fields directly and multiplexes
- * the options to the appropriate handle_* functions.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if conversion successful, or -1 otherwise
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- *
- * When calculating the values for the lease timers, floating-point calculations
- * can't be used because some boards (notably the SPARC architectures) disable
- * software floating point by default to speed up context switching. These
- * boards abort with an exception when floating point operations are
- * encountered. The error introduced by the integer approximations is not
- * significant.
- *
- */
- int dhcp_msgtoparam
- (
- struct dhcp *msg,
- int msglen,
- struct dhcp_param *parameter
- )
- {
- FAST char *optp = NULL;
- char tag = 0;
- BOOL sname_is_opt = FALSE;
- BOOL file_is_opt = FALSE;
- int err = 0;
- char *endofopt;
- endofopt = &msg->options [msglen - DFLTDHCPLEN + DFLTOPTLEN];
- bzero (parameter->got_option, OPTMASKSIZE);
- for (optp = &msg->options [MAGIC_LEN]; optp <= endofopt; optp++)
- {
- tag = *optp;
- /* skip the PAD option */
- if (tag == _DHCP_PAD_TAG)
- continue;
- /* stop processing when the END option is encountered */
- if (tag == _DHCP_END_TAG)
- break;
- /* handle the "Option Overload" */
- if (tag == _DHCP_OPT_OVERLOAD_TAG)
- {
- optp += 2;
- switch (*optp)
- {
- case FILE_ISOPT:
- file_is_opt = TRUE;
- break;
- sname_is_opt = TRUE;
- break;
- file_is_opt = sname_is_opt = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ((tag > 0) && (tag < MAXTAGNUM) && (handle_param [(int)tag] != NULL))
- {
- if ( (err = (*handle_param [ (int)tag]) (optp, parameter)) != 0)
- return (err);
- else
- SETBIT (parameter->got_option, tag);
- }
- /* Set the message type tag to distinguish DHCP and BOOTP messages. */
- else if (tag == _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG)
- SETBIT (parameter->got_option, tag);
- optp++;
- optp += *optp;
- }
- if (file_is_opt)
- {
- endofopt = &msg->file [MAX_FILE];
- for (optp = msg->file; optp <= endofopt; optp++)
- {
- tag = *optp;
- /* skip the PAD option */
- if (tag == _DHCP_PAD_TAG)
- continue;
- /* stop processing when the END option is reached */
- if (tag == _DHCP_END_TAG)
- break;
- if (handle_param [ (int)tag] != NULL)
- {
- if ( (err = (*handle_param [ (int)tag]) (optp, parameter)) != 0)
- return (err);
- else
- SETBIT(parameter->got_option, tag);
- }
- /* Set the message type to distinguish DHCP and BOOTP messages. */
- else if (tag == _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG)
- SETBIT (parameter->got_option, tag);
- optp++;
- optp += *optp;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( (parameter->file = calloc (1, strlen (msg->file) + 1)) == NULL)
- return (-1);
- strcpy (parameter->file, msg->file);
- }
- if (sname_is_opt)
- {
- endofopt = &msg->sname [MAX_SNAME];
- for (optp = msg->sname; optp <= endofopt; optp++)
- {
- tag = *optp;
- /* skip the PAD option */
- if (tag == _DHCP_PAD_TAG)
- continue;
- /* stop processing when the END option is reached */
- if (tag == _DHCP_END_TAG)
- break;
- if (handle_param [ (int)tag] != NULL)
- {
- if ( (err = (*handle_param [ (int)tag]) (optp, parameter)) != 0)
- return(err);
- else
- SETBIT (parameter->got_option, tag);
- }
- /* Set the message type to distinguish DHCP and BOOTP messages. */
- else if (tag == _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG)
- SETBIT (parameter->got_option, tag);
- optp++;
- optp += *optp;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( (parameter->sname = calloc (1, strlen (msg->sname) + 1)) == NULL)
- return (-1);
- strcpy(parameter->sname, msg->sname);
- }
- parameter->ciaddr.s_addr = msg->ciaddr.s_addr;
- parameter->yiaddr.s_addr = msg->yiaddr.s_addr;
- parameter->siaddr.s_addr = msg->siaddr.s_addr;
- parameter->giaddr.s_addr = msg->giaddr.s_addr;
- if (ISSET (parameter->got_option, _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG))
- parameter->msgtype = DHCP_NATIVE;
- else
- parameter->msgtype = DHCP_BOOTP;
- /* Set lease duration to infinite for BOOTP replies. */
- if (parameter->msgtype == DHCP_BOOTP)
- {
- parameter->lease_duration = ~0;
- return (0);
- }
- /* Assign any server name provided if 'sname' used for options. */
- if (sname_is_opt)
- {
- parameter->sname = parameter->temp_sname;
- parameter->temp_sname = NULL;
- }
- /* Assign any bootfile provided if 'file' used for options. */
- if (file_is_opt)
- {
- if (ISSET (parameter->got_option, _DHCP_BOOTFILE_TAG))
- {
- parameter->file = parameter->temp_file;
- parameter->temp_file = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (parameter->dhcp_t1 == 0)
- {
- /* Timer t1 is half the lease duration - but don't divide. */
- parameter->dhcp_t1 = (parameter->lease_duration) >> 1;
- SETBIT (parameter->got_option, _DHCP_T1_TAG);
- }
- if (parameter->dhcp_t2 == 0)
- {
- /* Timer T2 is .875 of the lease - but don't use floating point. */
- int tmp = (parameter->lease_duration * 7) >> 3;
- parameter->dhcp_t2 = (unsigned long) tmp;
- SETBIT(parameter->got_option, _DHCP_T2_TAG);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * clean_param - clean the parameters data structure
- *
- * This routine frees all the memory allocated for the storage of parameters
- * received from a DHCP server. It is called to remove the unselected offers
- * or if an error occurs in the state machine after offers have been received.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int clean_param
- (
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- if (param == NULL)
- return(0);
- if (param->sname != NULL)
- free (param->sname);
- if (param->temp_sname != NULL)
- free (param->temp_sname);
- if (param->file != NULL)
- free (param->file);
- if (param->temp_file != NULL)
- free (param->temp_file);
- if (param->hostname != NULL)
- free (param->hostname);
- if (param->merit_dump != NULL)
- free (param->merit_dump);
- if (param->dns_domain != NULL)
- free (param->dns_domain);
- if (param->root_path != NULL)
- free (param->root_path);
- if (param->extensions_path != NULL)
- free (param->extensions_path);
- if (param->nis_domain != NULL)
- free (param->nis_domain);
- if (param->nb_scope != NULL)
- free (param->nb_scope);
- if (param->errmsg != NULL)
- free (param->errmsg);
- if (param->nisp_domain != NULL)
- free (param->nisp_domain);
- if (param->mtu_plateau_table != NULL)
- {
- if (param->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum != NULL)
- free (param->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum);
- free (param->mtu_plateau_table);
- }
- if (param->subnet_mask != NULL)
- free (param->subnet_mask);
- if (param->swap_server != NULL)
- free (param->swap_server);
- if (param->brdcast_addr != NULL)
- free (param->brdcast_addr);
- if (param->router != NULL)
- {
- if (param->router->addr != NULL)
- free (param->router->addr);
- free (param->router);
- }
- if (param->time_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->time_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->time_server->addr);
- free (param->time_server);
- }
- if (param->name_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->name_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->name_server->addr);
- free (param->name_server);
- }
- if (param->dns_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->dns_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->dns_server->addr);
- free (param->dns_server);
- }
- if (param->log_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->log_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->log_server->addr);
- free (param->log_server);
- }
- if (param->cookie_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->cookie_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->cookie_server->addr);
- free (param->cookie_server);
- }
- if (param->lpr_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->lpr_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->lpr_server->addr);
- free (param->lpr_server);
- }
- if (param->impress_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->impress_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->impress_server->addr);
- free (param->impress_server);
- }
- if (param->rls_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->rls_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->rls_server->addr);
- free (param->rls_server);
- }
- if (param->policy_filter != NULL)
- {
- if (param->policy_filter->addr != NULL)
- free (param->policy_filter->addr);
- free (param->policy_filter);
- }
- if (param->static_route != NULL)
- {
- if (param->static_route->addr != NULL)
- free (param->static_route->addr);
- free (param->static_route);
- }
- if (param->nis_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nis_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nis_server->addr);
- free (param->nis_server);
- }
- if (param->ntp_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->ntp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->ntp_server->addr);
- free (param->ntp_server);
- }
- if (param->nbn_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nbn_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nbn_server->addr);
- free (param->nbn_server);
- }
- if (param->nbdd_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nbdd_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nbdd_server->addr);
- free (param->nbdd_server);
- }
- if (param->xfont_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->xfont_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->xfont_server->addr);
- free (param->xfont_server);
- }
- if (param->xdisplay_manager != NULL)
- {
- if (param->xdisplay_manager->addr != NULL)
- free (param->xdisplay_manager->addr);
- free (param->xdisplay_manager);
- }
- if (param->nisp_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nisp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nisp_server->addr);
- free (param->nisp_server);
- }
- if (param->mobileip_ha != NULL)
- {
- if (param->mobileip_ha->addr != NULL)
- free (param->mobileip_ha->addr);
- free (param->mobileip_ha);
- }
- if (param->smtp_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->smtp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->smtp_server->addr);
- free (param->smtp_server);
- }
- if (param->pop3_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->pop3_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->pop3_server->addr);
- free (param->pop3_server);
- }
- if (param->nntp_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nntp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nntp_server->addr);
- free (param->nntp_server);
- }
- if (param->dflt_www_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->dflt_www_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->dflt_www_server->addr);
- free (param->dflt_www_server);
- }
- if (param->dflt_finger_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->dflt_finger_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->dflt_finger_server->addr);
- free (param->dflt_finger_server);
- }
- if (param->dflt_irc_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->dflt_irc_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->dflt_irc_server->addr);
- free (param->dflt_irc_server);
- }
- if (param->streettalk_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->streettalk_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->streettalk_server->addr);
- free (param->streettalk_server);
- }
- if (param->stda_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->stda_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->stda_server->addr);
- free (param->stda_server);
- }
- if (param->vendlist != NULL)
- free (param->vendlist);
- bzero ( (char *)param, sizeof (struct dhcp_param));
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * merge_param - combine the parameters from DHCP server responses
- *
- * This routine copies any parameters from an initial lease offer which were not
- * supplied in the later acknowledgement from the server. If the acknowledgement
- * from the server duplicates parameters from the offer, then the memory
- * allocated for those parameters in the offer is released.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- /*
- * if there is no information in newp but oldp, copy it to newp
- * else free the appropriate memory of oldp
- */
- int merge_param
- (
- struct dhcp_param *oldp, /* Parameters from lease offer. */
- struct dhcp_param *newp /* Parameters from lease acknowledgement. */
- )
- {
- if (oldp == NULL || newp == NULL)
- return (0);
- if (newp->sname == NULL && oldp->sname != NULL)
- newp->sname = oldp->sname;
- else if (oldp->sname != NULL)
- free (oldp->sname);
- if (newp->file == NULL && oldp->file != NULL)
- newp->file = oldp->file;
- else if (oldp->file != NULL)
- free (oldp->file);
- if (newp->hostname == NULL && oldp->hostname != NULL)
- newp->hostname = oldp->hostname;
- else if (oldp->hostname != NULL)
- free (oldp->hostname);
- if (newp->merit_dump == NULL && oldp->merit_dump != NULL)
- newp->merit_dump = oldp->merit_dump;
- else if (oldp->merit_dump != NULL)
- free (oldp->merit_dump);
- if (newp->dns_domain == NULL && oldp->dns_domain != NULL)
- newp->dns_domain = oldp->dns_domain;
- else if (oldp->dns_domain != NULL)
- free (oldp->dns_domain);
- if (newp->root_path == NULL && oldp->root_path != NULL)
- newp->root_path = oldp->root_path;
- else if (oldp->root_path != NULL)
- free (oldp->root_path);
- if (newp->extensions_path == NULL && oldp->extensions_path != NULL)
- newp->extensions_path = oldp->extensions_path;
- else if (oldp->extensions_path != NULL)
- free (oldp->extensions_path);
- if (newp->nis_domain == NULL && oldp->nis_domain != NULL)
- newp->nis_domain = oldp->nis_domain;
- else if (oldp->nis_domain != NULL)
- free (oldp->nis_domain);
- if (newp->nb_scope == NULL && oldp->nb_scope != NULL)
- newp->nb_scope = oldp->nb_scope;
- else if (oldp->nb_scope != NULL)
- free (oldp->nb_scope);
- if (newp->errmsg == NULL && oldp->errmsg != NULL)
- newp->errmsg = oldp->errmsg;
- else if (oldp->errmsg != NULL)
- free (oldp->errmsg);
- if (newp->nisp_domain == NULL && oldp->nisp_domain != NULL)
- newp->nisp_domain = oldp->nisp_domain;
- else if (oldp->nisp_domain != NULL)
- free (oldp->nisp_domain);
- if (newp->mtu_plateau_table == NULL && oldp->mtu_plateau_table != NULL)
- newp->mtu_plateau_table = oldp->mtu_plateau_table;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->mtu_plateau_table != NULL)
- {
- if (oldp->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum != NULL)
- free (oldp->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum);
- free (oldp->mtu_plateau_table);
- }
- }
- if (newp->subnet_mask == NULL && oldp->subnet_mask != NULL)
- newp->subnet_mask = oldp->subnet_mask;
- else if (oldp->subnet_mask != NULL)
- free (oldp->subnet_mask);
- if (newp->swap_server == NULL && oldp->swap_server != NULL)
- newp->swap_server = oldp->swap_server;
- else if (oldp->swap_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->swap_server);
- if (newp->brdcast_addr == NULL && oldp->brdcast_addr != NULL)
- newp->brdcast_addr = oldp->brdcast_addr;
- else if (oldp->brdcast_addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->brdcast_addr);
- if (newp->router_solicit.s_addr == 0 && oldp->router_solicit.s_addr != 0)
- bcopy ( (char *)&oldp->router_solicit,
- (char *)&newp->router_solicit, sizeof (u_long));
- if (newp->router == NULL && oldp->router != NULL)
- newp->router = oldp->router;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->router != NULL && oldp->router->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->router->addr);
- if (oldp->router != NULL)
- free (oldp->router);
- }
- if (newp->time_server == NULL && oldp->time_server != NULL)
- newp->time_server = oldp->time_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->time_server != NULL && oldp->time_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->time_server->addr);
- if (oldp->time_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->time_server);
- }
- if (newp->name_server == NULL && oldp->name_server != NULL)
- newp->name_server = oldp->name_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->name_server != NULL && oldp->name_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->name_server->addr);
- if (oldp->name_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->name_server);
- }
- if (newp->dns_server == NULL && oldp->dns_server != NULL)
- newp->dns_server = oldp->dns_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->dns_server != NULL && oldp->dns_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->dns_server->addr);
- if (oldp->dns_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->dns_server);
- }
- if (newp->log_server == NULL && oldp->log_server != NULL)
- newp->log_server = oldp->log_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->log_server != NULL && oldp->log_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->log_server->addr);
- if (oldp->log_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->log_server);
- }
- if (newp->cookie_server == NULL && oldp->cookie_server != NULL)
- newp->cookie_server = oldp->cookie_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->cookie_server != NULL && oldp->cookie_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->cookie_server->addr);
- if (oldp->cookie_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->cookie_server);
- }
- if (newp->lpr_server == NULL && oldp->lpr_server != NULL)
- newp->lpr_server = oldp->lpr_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->lpr_server != NULL && oldp->lpr_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->lpr_server->addr);
- if (oldp->lpr_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->lpr_server);
- }
- if (newp->impress_server == NULL && oldp->impress_server != NULL)
- newp->impress_server = oldp->impress_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->impress_server != NULL && oldp->impress_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->impress_server->addr);
- if (oldp->impress_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->impress_server);
- }
- if (newp->rls_server == NULL && oldp->rls_server != NULL)
- newp->rls_server = oldp->rls_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->rls_server != NULL && oldp->rls_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->rls_server->addr);
- if (oldp->rls_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->rls_server);
- }
- if (newp->policy_filter == NULL && oldp->policy_filter != NULL)
- newp->policy_filter = oldp->policy_filter;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->policy_filter != NULL && oldp->policy_filter->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->policy_filter->addr);
- if (oldp->policy_filter != NULL)
- free (oldp->policy_filter);
- }
- if (newp->static_route == NULL && oldp->static_route != NULL)
- newp->static_route = oldp->static_route;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->static_route != NULL && oldp->static_route->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->static_route->addr);
- if (oldp->static_route != NULL)
- free (oldp->static_route);
- }
- if (newp->nis_server == NULL && oldp->nis_server != NULL)
- newp->nis_server = oldp->nis_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->nis_server != NULL && oldp->nis_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->nis_server->addr);
- if (oldp->nis_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->nis_server);
- }
- if (newp->ntp_server == NULL && oldp->ntp_server != NULL)
- newp->ntp_server = oldp->ntp_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->ntp_server != NULL && oldp->ntp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->ntp_server->addr);
- if (oldp->ntp_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->ntp_server);
- }
- if (newp->nbn_server == NULL && oldp->nbn_server != NULL)
- newp->nbn_server = oldp->nbn_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->nbn_server != NULL && oldp->nbn_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->nbn_server->addr);
- if (oldp->nbn_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->nbn_server);
- }
- if (newp->nbdd_server == NULL && oldp->nbdd_server != NULL)
- newp->nbdd_server = oldp->nbdd_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->nbdd_server != NULL && oldp->nbdd_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->nbdd_server->addr);
- if (oldp->nbdd_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->nbdd_server);
- }
- if (newp->xfont_server == NULL && oldp->xfont_server != NULL)
- newp->xfont_server = oldp->xfont_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->xfont_server != NULL && oldp->xfont_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->xfont_server->addr);
- if (oldp->xfont_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->xfont_server);
- }
- if (newp->xdisplay_manager == NULL && oldp->xdisplay_manager != NULL)
- newp->xdisplay_manager = oldp->xdisplay_manager;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->xdisplay_manager != NULL &&
- oldp->xdisplay_manager->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->xdisplay_manager->addr);
- if (oldp->xdisplay_manager != NULL)
- free (oldp->xdisplay_manager);
- }
- if (newp->nisp_server == NULL && oldp->nisp_server != NULL)
- newp->nisp_server = oldp->nisp_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->nisp_server != NULL && oldp->nisp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->nisp_server->addr);
- if (oldp->nisp_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->nisp_server);
- }
- if (newp->mobileip_ha == NULL && oldp->mobileip_ha != NULL)
- newp->mobileip_ha = oldp->mobileip_ha;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->mobileip_ha != NULL && oldp->mobileip_ha->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->mobileip_ha->addr);
- if (oldp->mobileip_ha != NULL)
- free (oldp->mobileip_ha);
- }
- if (newp->smtp_server == NULL && oldp->smtp_server != NULL)
- newp->smtp_server = oldp->smtp_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->smtp_server != NULL && oldp->smtp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->smtp_server->addr);
- if (oldp->smtp_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->smtp_server);
- }
- if (newp->pop3_server == NULL && oldp->pop3_server != NULL)
- newp->pop3_server = oldp->pop3_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->pop3_server != NULL && oldp->pop3_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->pop3_server->addr);
- if (oldp->pop3_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->pop3_server);
- }
- if (newp->nntp_server == NULL && oldp->nntp_server != NULL)
- newp->nntp_server = oldp->nntp_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->nntp_server != NULL && oldp->nntp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->nntp_server->addr);
- if (oldp->nntp_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->nntp_server);
- }
- if (newp->dflt_www_server == NULL && oldp->dflt_www_server != NULL)
- newp->dflt_www_server = oldp->dflt_www_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->dflt_www_server != NULL &&
- oldp->dflt_www_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->dflt_www_server->addr);
- if (oldp->dflt_www_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->dflt_www_server);
- }
- if (newp->dflt_finger_server == NULL && oldp->dflt_finger_server != NULL)
- newp->dflt_finger_server = oldp->dflt_finger_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->dflt_finger_server != NULL &&
- oldp->dflt_finger_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->dflt_finger_server->addr);
- if (oldp->dflt_finger_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->dflt_finger_server);
- }
- if (newp->dflt_irc_server == NULL && oldp->dflt_irc_server != NULL)
- newp->dflt_irc_server = oldp->dflt_irc_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->dflt_irc_server != NULL &&
- oldp->dflt_irc_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->dflt_irc_server->addr);
- if (oldp->dflt_irc_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->dflt_irc_server);
- }
- if (newp->streettalk_server == NULL && oldp->streettalk_server != NULL)
- newp->streettalk_server = oldp->streettalk_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->streettalk_server != NULL &&
- oldp->streettalk_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->streettalk_server->addr);
- if (oldp->streettalk_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->streettalk_server);
- }
- if (newp->stda_server == NULL && oldp->stda_server != NULL)
- newp->stda_server = oldp->stda_server;
- else
- {
- if (oldp->stda_server != NULL && oldp->stda_server->addr != NULL)
- free (oldp->stda_server->addr);
- if (oldp->stda_server != NULL)
- free (oldp->stda_server);
- }
- /* Remove any vendor-specific information from an earlier response. */
- if (oldp->vendlist != NULL)
- free (oldp->vendlist);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * initialize - initialize data structures for network message transfer
- *
- * This routine sets the DHCP ports, resets the network interface, and allocates
- * storage for incoming messages. It is called from the dhcp_client_setup()
- * routine during the overall initialization of the DHCP client library.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if initialization successful, or -1 otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int initialize
- (
- int serverPort, /* port monitored by DHCP servers */
- int clientPort, /* port monitored by DHCP client */
- int bufSize /* required size for transmit buffer */
- )
- {
- char * sbufp;
- int arpSize; /* Maximum size for ARP reply. */
- int result;
- /* Create BPF device for performing ARP probes. */
- arpSize = bufSize - DFLTDHCPLEN - UDPHL - IPHL; /* Max. link header */
- arpSize += MAX_ARPLEN + sizeof (struct bpf_hdr);
- if (bpfDevCreate ("/bpf/dhcpc-arp", 1, arpSize) == ERROR)
- {
- return (-1);
- }
- bpfArpDev = open ("/bpf/dhcpc-arp0", 0, 0);
- if (bpfArpDev < 0)
- {
- bpfDevDelete ("/bpf/dhcpc-arp0");
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Enable immediate mode for reading messages */
- result = 1;
- result = ioctl (bpfArpDev, BIOCIMMEDIATE, (int)&result);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- close (bpfArpDev);
- bpfDevDelete ("/bpf/dhcpc-arp0");
- return (-1);
- }
- /*
- * Set filter to accept ARP replies when the arp_check() routine
- * attaches the BPF device to a network interface.
- */
- if (ioctl (bpfArpDev, BIOCSETF, (int)&arpread) != 0)
- {
- close (bpfArpDev);
- bpfDevDelete ("/bpf/dhcpc-arp0");
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Always use default ports for client and server. */
- dhcps_port = htons (serverPort);
- dhcpc_port = htons (clientPort);
- sbuf.size = bufSize; /* Maximum message size, provided by user. */
- if ( (sbuf.buf = (char *)memalign (4, bufSize)) == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPC_DEBUG
- logMsg ("allocation error for sbuf in initializen", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- close (bpfArpDev);
- bpfDevDelete ("/bpf/dhcpc-arp0");
- return(-1);
- }
- bzero (sbuf.buf, sbuf.size);
- sbufp = sbuf.buf;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip = (struct ip *)sbufp;
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp = (struct udphdr *)&sbufp [IPHL];
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp = (struct dhcp *)&sbufp [IPHL + UDPHL];
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * reset_if - halt the network and reset the network interface
- *
- * This routine sets the IP address of the network interface to a random
- * value of 10.x.x.x, which is an old ARPA debugging address, resets the
- * broadcast address and subnet mask, and flushes the routing tables.
- * It is called before initiating a lease negotiation if no event notification
- * hook is present. It is also always called for a lease established at boot
- * time, whether or not an event hook is registered for that lease.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void reset_if
- (
- struct if_info * pIfData /* interface used by lease */
- )
- {
- struct in_addr addr;
- struct in_addr mask;
- struct in_addr brdaddr;
- addr.s_addr = htonl ( (generate_xid (pIfData) & 0xfff) | 0x0a000000);
- mask.s_addr = htonl (0xff000000);
- brdaddr.s_addr = inet_addr ("");
- config_if (pIfData, &addr, &mask, &brdaddr);
- flushroutes ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * down_if - change network interface flags
- *
- * This routine clears the IFF_UP flag of the network interface. It is called
- * when a lease is manually terminated with a dhcpcRelease() or dhcpcShutdown()
- * call if no event hook is present for the lease. It is always called when
- * removing a lease established at boot time.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void down_if
- (
- struct if_info *ifp
- )
- {
- int sockfd;
- struct ifreq ridreq;
- reset_if (ifp);
- if ( (sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0)) < 0)
- return;
- bzero ( (char *)&ridreq, sizeof (struct ifreq));
- sprintf (ridreq.ifr_name, "%s%d", ifp->name, ifp->unit);
- ridreq.ifr_addr.sa_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- /* down interface */
- ioctl (sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (int) (caddr_t) &ridreq);
- ridreq.ifr_flags &= (~IFF_UP);
- ioctl (sockfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (int) (caddr_t) &ridreq);
- close (sockfd);
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * config_if - configure network interface
- *
- * This routine sets one or more of the current address, broadcast address, and
- * subnet mask, depending on whether or not the corresponding parameters are
- * NULL. It is called when a lease is obtained or the network is reset. When a
- * new lease is obtained, a successful return value is used to cause assignment
- * of new routing tables.
- *
- * RETURNS: -1 on error, 0 if new settings assigned, 1 otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int config_if
- (
- struct if_info *ifp,
- struct in_addr *addr,
- struct in_addr *mask,
- struct in_addr *brdcst
- )
- {
- int sockfd = 0;
- int status;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct in_addr current_addr;
- struct in_addr current_mask;
- struct in_addr current_brdcst;
- if ( (sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0)) < 0)
- return (-1);
- bzero ( (char *)¤t_addr, sizeof (current_addr));
- bzero ( (char *)¤t_mask, sizeof (current_mask));
- bzero ( (char *)¤t_brdcst, sizeof (current_brdcst));
- bzero ( (char *)&ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq));
- sprintf (ifr.ifr_name, "%s%d", ifp->name, ifp->unit);
- ifr.ifr_addr.sa_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- status = ioctl (sockfd, SIOCGIFADDR, (int)&ifr);
- current_addr.s_addr =
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
- status = ioctl (sockfd, SIOCGIFNETMASK, (int)&ifr);
- current_mask.s_addr =
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
- status = ioctl (sockfd, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, (int)&ifr);
- current_brdcst.s_addr =
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_broadaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
- if (current_addr.s_addr == addr->s_addr &&
- (mask == NULL || current_mask.s_addr == mask->s_addr) &&
- (brdcst == NULL || current_brdcst.s_addr == brdcst->s_addr))
- {
- close (sockfd);
- return (1);
- }
- flushroutes ();
- /* down interface */
- ioctl (sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (int)&ifr);
- ifr.ifr_flags &= (~IFF_UP);
- ioctl (sockfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (int)&ifr);
- /*
- * Deleting the interface address is required to correctly scrub the
- * routing table based on the current netmask.
- */
- bzero ( (char *)&ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq));
- sprintf (ifr.ifr_name, "%s%d", ifp->name, ifp->unit);
- ifr.ifr_addr.sa_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr =
- current_addr.s_addr;
- status = ioctl (sockfd, SIOCDIFADDR, (int)&ifr);
- if (status < 0)
- {
- /* Sometimes no address has been set, so ignore that error. */
- if (errno != EADDRNOTAVAIL)
- {
- close (sockfd);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- if (mask != NULL)
- {
- bzero ( (char *)&ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq));
- sprintf (ifr.ifr_name, "%s%d", ifp->name, ifp->unit);
- ifr.ifr_addr.sa_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr =
- mask->s_addr;
- status = ioctl (sockfd, SIOCSIFNETMASK, (int)&ifr);
- if (status < 0)
- {
- close (sockfd);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- if (brdcst != NULL)
- {
- bzero ( (char *)&ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq));
- sprintf (ifr.ifr_name, "%s%d", ifp->name, ifp->unit);
- ifr.ifr_addr.sa_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_broadaddr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_broadaddr)->sin_addr.s_addr =
- brdcst->s_addr;
- status = ioctl (sockfd, SIOCSIFBRDADDR, (int)&ifr);
- if (status < 0)
- {
- close (sockfd);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- if (addr != NULL)
- {
- bzero ( (char *)&ifr, sizeof (struct ifreq));
- sprintf (ifr.ifr_name, "%s%d", ifp->name, ifp->unit);
- ifr.ifr_addr.sa_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr =
- addr->s_addr;
- status = ioctl (sockfd, SIOCSIFADDR, (int)&ifr);
- if (status < 0)
- {
- close (sockfd);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- /* bring interface back up */
- ioctl (sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, (int)&ifr);
- ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP;
- ioctl (sockfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (int)&ifr);
- close (sockfd);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * set_route - set network routing table
- *
- * This routine is called when config_if() assigns new address information.
- * It sets the default route for a new lease if the DHCP server provided the
- * router IP address.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void set_route
- (
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- int sockfd = 0;
- #if BSD<44
- struct rtentry rt;
- #else
- struct ortentry rt;
- #endif
- struct sockaddr dst, gateway;
- if (param == NULL)
- return;
- sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0);
- if (sockfd < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPC_DEBUG
- logMsg("socket() error in set_route()n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- /* set default route, if router IP address is available. */
- if (ISSET(param->got_option, _DHCP_ROUTER_TAG) && param->router != NULL &&
- param->router->addr != NULL)
- {
- #if BSD<44
- bzero ( (char *)&rt, sizeof (struct rtentry));
- #else
- bzero ( (char *)&rt, sizeof (struct ortentry));
- #endif
- bzero ( (char *)&dst, sizeof (struct sockaddr));
- bzero ( (char *)&gateway, sizeof (struct sockaddr));
- rt.rt_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY;
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&dst)->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&dst)->sin_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&dst)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&gateway)->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&gateway)->sin_len =
- sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- ( (struct sockaddr_in *)&gateway)->sin_addr.s_addr =
- param->router->addr->s_addr;
- rt.rt_dst = dst;
- rt.rt_gateway = gateway;
- if (ioctl (sockfd, SIOCADDRT, (int)&rt) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPC_DEBUG
- logMsg ("SIOCADDRT (default route)n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- close (sockfd);
- }
- }
- close (sockfd);
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * make_decline - construct a DHCP decline message
- *
- * This routine constructs an outgoing UDP/IP message containing the values
- * required to decline an offered IP address.
- *
- * RETURNS: size of decline message, or 0 if error
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int make_decline
- (
- struct dhcp_reqspec *pReqSpec,
- struct if_info * pIfData /* interface used by lease */
- )
- {
- int offopt = 0; /* offset in options field */
- int msgsize; /* total size of DHCP message */
- u_long tmpul = 0;
- struct ps_udph pudph;
- bzero ( (char *)&pudph, sizeof (pudph));
- /* construct dhcp part */
- bzero (sbuf.buf, sbuf.size);
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->op = BOOTREQUEST;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->htype = pIfData->haddr.htype;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->hlen = pIfData->haddr.hlen;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->xid = htonl (generate_xid (pIfData));
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->giaddr = dhcpcMsgIn.dhcp->giaddr;
- bcopy (pIfData->haddr.haddr, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr,
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->hlen);
- /* insert magic cookie */
- bcopy ( (char *)dhcpCookie, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options, MAGIC_LEN);
- offopt = MAGIC_LEN;
- /* insert message type */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 1;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = DHCPDECLINE;
- /* insert requested IP */
- if (pReqSpec->ipaddr.s_addr == 0)
- return (0);
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_REQUEST_IPADDR_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)&pReqSpec->ipaddr, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt], 4);
- offopt += 4;
- /* insert client identifier */
- if (pReqSpec->clid != NULL)
- {
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_CLIENT_ID_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = pReqSpec->clid->len;
- bcopy (pReqSpec->clid->id, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt],
- pReqSpec->clid->len);
- offopt += pReqSpec->clid->len;
- }
- /* insert server identifier */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_SERVER_ID_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)&pReqSpec->srvaddr, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt], 4);
- offopt += 4;
- /* Insert error message, if available. */
- if (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg != NULL)
- {
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_ERRMSG_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = strlen (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg);
- bcopy (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt],
- strlen (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg));
- offopt += strlen (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg);
- }
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- /*
- * For backward compatibility with earlier DHCP servers, set the
- * reported message size to be at least as large as a BOOTP message.
- */
- msgsize = (DFLTDHCPLEN - DFLTOPTLEN) + offopt + 1;
- if (msgsize < DFLTBOOTPLEN)
- msgsize = DFLTBOOTPLEN;
- /* construct udp part */
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_sport = dhcpc_port;
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_dport = dhcps_port;
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_ulen = htons (msgsize + UDPHL);
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_sum = 0;
- /* fill pseudo udp header */
- pudph.srcip.s_addr = 0;
- pudph.dstip.s_addr = pReqSpec->srvaddr.s_addr;
- pudph.zero = 0;
- pudph.prto = IPPROTO_UDP;
- pudph.ulen = dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_ulen;
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_sum = udp_cksum (&pudph, (char *)dhcpcMsgOut.udp,
- ntohs (pudph.ulen));
- /* construct ip part */
- #if BSD<44
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl = IPVERSION << 4;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl |= IPHL >> 2;
- #else
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_hl = IPHL >> 2;
- #endif
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_tos = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_len = htons (msgsize + UDPHL + IPHL);
- tmpul = generate_xid (pIfData);
- tmpul += (tmpul >> 16);
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_id = (u_short) (~tmpul);
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_off = htons(IP_DF); /* XXX */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_ttl = 0x20; /* XXX */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
- msgsize += UDPHL + IPHL;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_src.s_addr = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = 0;
- #if BSD<44
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = checksum ( (u_short *)dhcpcMsgOut.ip,
- (dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl & 0xf) << 2);
- #else
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = checksum ( (u_short *)dhcpcMsgOut.ip,
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_hl << 2);
- #endif
- return (msgsize);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * make_release - construct a DHCP release message
- *
- * This routine constructs an outgoing UDP/IP message containing the values
- * required to relinquish the active lease.
- *
- * RETURNS: Size of DHCP message, in bytes
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int make_release
- (
- struct dhcp_reqspec *pReqSpec,
- struct if_info * pIfData, /* interface used by lease */
- BOOL oldFlag /* Use older (padded) DHCP message format? */
- )
- {
- int offopt = 0; /* offset in options field */
- int msgsize;
- /* construct dhcp part */
- bzero (sbuf.buf, sbuf.size);
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->op = BOOTREQUEST;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->htype = pIfData->haddr.htype;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->hlen = pIfData->haddr.hlen;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->xid = htonl (generate_xid (pIfData));
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->ciaddr = pReqSpec->ipaddr;
- bcopy (pIfData->haddr.haddr, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr,
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->hlen);
- /* insert magic cookie */
- bcopy ( (char *)dhcpCookie, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options, MAGIC_LEN);
- offopt = MAGIC_LEN;
- /* insert message type */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 1;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = DHCPRELEASE;
- /* insert client identifier */
- if (pReqSpec->clid != NULL)
- {
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_CLIENT_ID_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = pReqSpec->clid->len;
- bcopy (pReqSpec->clid->id, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt],
- pReqSpec->clid->len);
- offopt += pReqSpec->clid->len;
- }
- /* insert server identifier */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_SERVER_ID_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)&pReqSpec->srvaddr, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt], 4);
- offopt += 4;
- /* Insert error message, if available. */
- if (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg != NULL)
- {
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_ERRMSG_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = strlen (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg);
- bcopy (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt],
- strlen (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg));
- offopt += strlen (pReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg);
- }
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- msgsize = (DFLTDHCPLEN - DFLTOPTLEN) + offopt + 1;
- if (oldFlag)
- {
- /*
- * This flag indicates that the client did not receive a response
- * to the initial set of discover messages but did receive one
- * using the older message format. The (older) responding server
- * ignores messages less than the minimum length obtained with a
- * fixed options field, so pad the message to reach that length.
- */
- if (msgsize < DFLTDHCPLEN)
- msgsize = DFLTDHCPLEN;
- }
- return (msgsize);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcp_decline - send a DHCP decline message
- *
- * This routine constructs a message declining an offered IP address and sends
- * it directly to the responding server. It is called when an ARP request
- * detects that the offered address is already in use.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if message sent, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int dhcp_decline
- (
- struct dhcp_reqspec * pDhcpcReqSpec,
- struct if_info * pIfData /* interface used by lease */
- )
- {
- struct sockaddr_in dest; /* Server's destination address */
- struct ifnet * pIf; /* Transmit device */
- int length; /* Amount of data in message */
- #ifdef DHCPC_DEBUG
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- #endif
- if (pDhcpcReqSpec->srvaddr.s_addr == 0)
- return(-1);
- length = make_decline (pDhcpcReqSpec, pIfData);
- if (length == 0)
- return (-1);
- bzero ( (char *)&dest, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
- dest.sin_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
- dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
- dest.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
- pIf = pIfData->iface;
- if (dhcpSend (pIf, &dest, sbuf.buf, length, TRUE) == ERROR)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPC_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Can't send DHCPDECLINE.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- #ifdef DHCPC_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (pDhcpcReqSpec->ipaddr, output);
- logMsg ("send DHCPDECLINE(%s)n", (int)output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcp_release - send a DHCP release message
- *
- * This routine constructs a message declining an offered IP address and sends
- * it directly to the responding server. It is called when an error prevents
- * the use of an acquired lease, or when the lease is relinquished manually
- * by a dhcpcRelease() or dhcpcShutdown() call. The message is sent directly to
- * the responding DHCP server.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if message sent, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int dhcp_release
- (
- struct dhcp_reqspec *pDhcpcReqSpec,
- struct if_info * pIfData, /* interface used by lease */
- BOOL oldFlag /* Use older (padded) DHCP message format? */
- )
- {
- #ifdef DHCPC_DEBUG
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- #endif
- int length;
- if (pDhcpcReqSpec->srvaddr.s_addr == 0)
- return (-1);
- /* send DHCP message */
- length = make_release (pDhcpcReqSpec, pIfData, oldFlag);
- if (send_unicast (&pDhcpcReqSpec->srvaddr, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp, length) < 0)
- return (-1);
- #ifdef DHCPC_DEBUG
- inet_ntoa_b (pDhcpcReqSpec->ipaddr, output);
- logMsg("send DHCPRELEASE(%s)n", (int)output, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return(0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcpcPrivateCleanup - remove data structures from client library
- *
- * The dhcpcCleanup routine uses this routine to release the locally
- * allocated data structures which the initialize() call creates. It is
- * part of the shutdown process for the DHCP client library. The routine
- * executes after all leases are inactive and their data is released.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void dhcpcPrivateCleanup (void)
- {
- /* Close open file and remove BPF device for ARP probe. */
- close (bpfArpDev);
- bpfDevDelete ("/bpf/dhcpc-arp");
- /* Release transmission buffer. */
- free (sbuf.buf);
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * set_declinfo - initialize request specification for decline message
- *
- * This routine assigns the fields in the request specifier used to construct
- * messages to the appropriate values for a DHCP decline message according to
- * the parameters of the currently active lease.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void set_declinfo
- (
- struct dhcp_reqspec *pDhcpcReqSpec,
- LEASE_DATA * pLeaseData,
- char *errmsg,
- int arpans
- )
- {
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- struct dhcp_param * paramp;
- paramp = pLeaseData->dhcpcParam;
- pDhcpcReqSpec->ipaddr = paramp->yiaddr;
- pDhcpcReqSpec->srvaddr = paramp->server_id;
- if (pLeaseData->leaseReqSpec.clid != NULL)
- pDhcpcReqSpec->clid = pLeaseData->leaseReqSpec.clid;
- else
- pDhcpcReqSpec->clid = NULL;
- if (errmsg[0] == 0)
- {
- inet_ntoa_b (paramp->yiaddr, output);
- if (arpans != OK)
- sprintf (errmsg, "IP address (%s) is already in use.", output);
- else
- sprintf (errmsg, "IP address (%s) doesn't match requested value.",
- output);
- }
- pDhcpcReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg = errmsg;
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * set_relinfo - initialize request specification for release message
- *
- * This routine assigns the fields in the request specifier used to construct
- * messages to the appropriate values for a DHCP release message according to
- * the parameters of the currently active lease.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void set_relinfo
- (
- struct dhcp_reqspec *pDhcpcReqSpec,
- LEASE_DATA * pLeaseData,
- char *errmsg
- )
- {
- char output [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- struct dhcp_param *paramp;
- paramp = pLeaseData->dhcpcParam;
- pDhcpcReqSpec->ipaddr.s_addr = paramp->yiaddr.s_addr;
- pDhcpcReqSpec->srvaddr.s_addr = paramp->server_id.s_addr;
- if (pLeaseData->leaseReqSpec.clid != NULL)
- pDhcpcReqSpec->clid = pLeaseData->leaseReqSpec.clid;
- else
- pDhcpcReqSpec->clid = NULL;
- if (pLeaseData->leaseReqSpec.dhcp_errmsg != NULL)
- pDhcpcReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg = pLeaseData->leaseReqSpec.dhcp_errmsg;
- else
- {
- inet_ntoa_b (paramp->yiaddr, output);
- sprintf (errmsg, "Releasing the current IP address (%s).", output);
- pDhcpcReqSpec->dhcp_errmsg = errmsg;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * make_discover - construct a DHCP discover message
- *
- * This routine constructs an outgoing UDP/IP message containing the values
- * required to broadcast a lease request. The <xidFlag> indicates whether
- * a transaction ID should be generated. Because multiple leases are supported,
- * the contents of the transmit buffer are not guaranteed to remain unchanged.
- * Therefore, each message must be rebuilt before it is sent. However, the
- * transaction ID must not be changed after the initial transmission.
- *
- * RETURNS: Size of discover message, in bytes
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int make_discover
- (
- LEASE_DATA * pLeaseData, /* lease-specific data structures */
- BOOL xidFlag /* generate a new transaction ID? */
- )
- {
- int offopt = 0; /* offset in options field */
- int msgsize; /* total size of DHCP message */
- u_long tmpul = 0;
- u_short tmpus = 0;
- struct dhcp_reqspec * pReqSpec;
- pReqSpec = &pLeaseData->leaseReqSpec;
- /* construct dhcp part */
- bzero (sbuf.buf, sbuf.size);
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->op = BOOTREQUEST;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->htype = pLeaseData->ifData.haddr.htype;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->hlen = pLeaseData->ifData.haddr.hlen;
- if (xidFlag)
- {
- pLeaseData->xid = generate_xid (&pLeaseData->ifData);
- /* Update BPF filter to check for new transaction ID. */
- dhcpfilter [20].k = pLeaseData->xid;
- ioctl (pLeaseData->ifData.bpfDev, BIOCSETF, (u_int)&dhcpread);
- }
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->xid = htonl (pLeaseData->xid);
- bcopy (pLeaseData->ifData.haddr.haddr, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr,
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->hlen);
- /* insert magic cookie */
- bcopy ( (char *)dhcpCookie, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options, MAGIC_LEN);
- offopt = MAGIC_LEN;
- /* insert message type */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 1;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = DHCPDISCOVER;
- /* Insert requested IP address, if any. */
- if (pReqSpec->ipaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_REQUEST_IPADDR_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)&pReqSpec->ipaddr.s_addr,
- &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt], 4);
- offopt += 4;
- }
- /* insert Maximum DHCP message size */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_MAXMSGSIZE_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 2;
- tmpus = htons (pReqSpec->maxlen);
- bcopy ( (char *)&tmpus, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt], 2);
- offopt += 2;
- /* Insert request list, if any. */
- if (pReqSpec->reqlist.len != 0)
- {
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_REQ_LIST_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = pReqSpec->reqlist.len;
- bcopy (pReqSpec->reqlist.list, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt],
- pReqSpec->reqlist.len);
- offopt += pReqSpec->reqlist.len;
- }
- /* Insert all other entries from custom options field, if any. */
- if (pReqSpec->pOptions != NULL)
- {
- bcopy (pReqSpec->pOptions, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt],
- pReqSpec->optlen);
- offopt += pReqSpec->optlen;
- }
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options[offopt] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- msgsize = (DFLTDHCPLEN - DFLTOPTLEN) + offopt + 1;
- if (pLeaseData->oldFlag)
- {
- /*
- * This flag indicates that the client did not receive a response
- * to the initial set of discover messages. Older servers might
- * ignore messages less than the minimum length obtained with a
- * fixed options field, so pad the message to reach that length.
- */
- if (msgsize < DFLTDHCPLEN)
- msgsize = DFLTDHCPLEN;
- }
- /* make udp part */
- /* fill udp header */
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_sport = dhcpc_port;
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_dport = dhcps_port;
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_ulen = htons (msgsize + UDPHL);
- /* fill pseudo udp header */
- spudph.srcip.s_addr = 0;
- spudph.dstip.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- spudph.zero = 0;
- spudph.prto = IPPROTO_UDP;
- spudph.ulen = dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_ulen;
- /* make ip part */
- /* fill ip header */
- #if BSD<44
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl = IPVERSION << 4;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl |= IPHL >> 2;
- #else
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_hl = IPHL >> 2;
- #endif
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_tos = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_len = htons (msgsize + UDPHL + IPHL);
- tmpul = generate_xid (&pLeaseData->ifData);
- tmpul += (tmpul >> 16);
- /* dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_id = htons ( (u_short) (~tmpul));*/
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_id = (u_short) (~tmpul);
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_off = htons (IP_DF); /* XXX */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_ttl = 0x20; /* XXX */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_src.s_addr = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = 0;
- msgsize += UDPHL + IPHL;
- #if BSD<44
- /* tmpus = checksum ( (u_short *)snd.ip, (snd.ip->ip_v_hl & 0xf) << 2);
- snd.ip->ip_sum = htons (tmpus); */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = checksum ( (u_short *)dhcpcMsgOut.ip,
- (dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl & 0xf) << 2);
- #else
- /* tmpus = checksum ( (u_short *)snd.ip, snd.ip->ip_hl << 2);
- snd.ip->ip_sum = htons (tmpus); */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = checksum ( (u_short *)dhcpcMsgOut.ip,
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_hl << 2);
- #endif
- return (msgsize);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * make_request - construct a DHCP request message
- *
- * This routine constructs an outgoing UDP/IP message containing the values
- * required to request a lease. There is some variation in contents depending
- * on whether the request is meant to establish a lease, renew a lease, or
- * verify an existing lease. Also, when constructing a lease renewal message,
- * the routine exits before any headers are are added so that the message may
- * be sent with send_unicast().
- *
- * Besides the five types of lease request messages, this routine constructs
- * the DHCPINFORM messages added in RFC 2131 when the <type> argument is
- * INFORMING. Those messages enable a host to obtain additional configuration
- * parameters even though it has an externally configured address.
- *
- * .IP
- * The <xidFlag> indicates whether a transaction ID should be generated.
- * Because multiple leases are supported, the contents of the transmit buffer
- * are not guaranteed to remain unchanged. Therefore, each message must be
- * rebuilt before it is sent. However, the transaction ID must not be changed
- * after the initial transmission.
- *
- * RETURNS: size of message if constructed succesfully, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int make_request
- (
- LEASE_DATA * pLeaseData, /* lease-specific data structures */
- int type,
- BOOL xidFlag /* generate a new transaction ID? */
- )
- {
- int offopt = 0; /* offset in options field */
- int msgsize; /* total size of DHCP message */
- int discoverSecs; /* 'secs' field from DHCP discover message */
- u_long tmpul = 0;
- u_short tmpus = 0;
- struct dhcp_reqspec * pReqSpec = NULL;
- struct dhcp_param * paramp = NULL;
- pReqSpec = &pLeaseData->leaseReqSpec;
- paramp = pLeaseData->dhcpcParam;
- /*
- * save value of 'secs' field from the previous DISCOVER message
- * before dhcpcMsgOut is cleared. The 'secs' value is required for
- * the outgoing REQUEST message (RFC 2131).
- */
- discoverSecs = dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->secs;
- /* construct dhcp part */
- bzero (sbuf.buf, sbuf.size);
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->op = BOOTREQUEST;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->htype = pLeaseData->ifData.haddr.htype;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->hlen = pLeaseData->ifData.haddr.hlen;
- if (xidFlag)
- {
- pLeaseData->xid = generate_xid (&pLeaseData->ifData);
- /* Update BPF filter to check for new transaction ID. */
- dhcpfilter [20].k = pLeaseData->xid;
- ioctl (pLeaseData->ifData.bpfDev, BIOCSETF, (u_int)&dhcpread);
- }
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->xid = htonl (pLeaseData->xid);
- /* set it to 'secs' value from DISCOVER message */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->secs = discoverSecs;
- if (type == INFORMING)
- {
- /* Set externally assigned IP address. */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr = pReqSpec->ipaddr.s_addr;
- }
- else if (type == REQUESTING || type == REBOOTING)
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr = 0;
- else
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->ciaddr.s_addr = paramp->yiaddr.s_addr;
- bcopy (pLeaseData->ifData.haddr.haddr, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->chaddr,
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->hlen);
- /* insert magic cookie */
- bcopy ( (char *)dhcpCookie, dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options, MAGIC_LEN);
- offopt = MAGIC_LEN;
- /* insert message type */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_MSGTYPE_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 1;
- if (type == INFORMING)
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = DHCPINFORM;
- else
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = DHCPREQUEST;
- /* Insert requesting IP address when required. Omit when forbidden. */
- if (type == REQUESTING || type == REBOOTING)
- {
- if (paramp->yiaddr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options[offopt++] = _DHCP_REQUEST_IPADDR_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options[offopt++] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)¶mp->yiaddr.s_addr,
- &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt], 4);
- offopt += 4;
- }
- else
- return (-1);
- }
- /* Insert server identifier when required. Omit when forbidden. */
- if (type == REQUESTING)
- {
- if (paramp->server_id.s_addr == 0)
- {
- return(-1);
- }
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options[offopt++] = _DHCP_SERVER_ID_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options[offopt++] = 4;
- bcopy ( (char *)¶mp->server_id.s_addr,
- &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt], 4);
- offopt += 4;
- }
- /* insert Maximum DHCP message size */
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_MAXMSGSIZE_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = 2;
- tmpus = htons (pReqSpec->maxlen);
- bcopy ( (char *)&tmpus, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt], 2);
- offopt += 2;
- /* Insert request list, if any. */
- if (pReqSpec->reqlist.len != 0)
- {
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = _DHCP_REQ_LIST_TAG;
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt++] = pReqSpec->reqlist.len;
- bcopy (pReqSpec->reqlist.list, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt],
- pReqSpec->reqlist.len);
- offopt += pReqSpec->reqlist.len;
- }
- /* Insert all other entries from custom options field, if any. */
- if (pReqSpec->pOptions != NULL)
- {
- bcopy (pReqSpec->pOptions, &dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options [offopt],
- pReqSpec->optlen);
- offopt += pReqSpec->optlen;
- }
- dhcpcMsgOut.dhcp->options[offopt] = _DHCP_END_TAG;
- msgsize = (DFLTDHCPLEN - DFLTOPTLEN) + offopt + 1;
- if (pLeaseData->oldFlag)
- {
- /*
- * This flag indicates that the client did not receive a response
- * to the initial set of discover messages but did receive one
- * using the older message format. The (older) responding server
- * ignores messages less than the minimum length obtained with a
- * fixed options field, so pad the message to reach that length.
- */
- if (msgsize < DFLTDHCPLEN)
- msgsize = DFLTDHCPLEN;
- }
- if (type == RENEWING) /* RENEWING is unicast with the normal socket */
- return (msgsize);
- /* make udp part */
- /* fill udp header */
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_sport = dhcpc_port;
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_dport = dhcps_port;
- dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_ulen = htons (msgsize + UDPHL);
- /* fill pseudo udp header */
- spudph.zero = 0;
- spudph.prto = IPPROTO_UDP;
- spudph.ulen = dhcpcMsgOut.udp->uh_ulen;
- /* make ip part */
- /* fill ip header */
- #if BSD<44
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl = IPVERSION << 4;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl |= IPHL >> 2;
- #else
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v = IPVERSION;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_hl = IPHL >> 2;
- #endif
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_tos = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_len = htons (msgsize + UDPHL + IPHL);
- tmpul = generate_xid (&pLeaseData->ifData);
- tmpul += (tmpul >> 16);
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_id = (u_short) (~tmpul);
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_off = htons (IP_DF); /* XXX */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_ttl = 0x20; /* XXX */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
- msgsize += UDPHL + IPHL;
- switch (type)
- {
- case REQUESTING: /* fall-through */
- case REBOOTING: /* fall-through */
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_src.s_addr = spudph.srcip.s_addr = 0;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = spudph.dstip.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- break;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_src.s_addr = spudph.srcip.s_addr =
- paramp->yiaddr.s_addr;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = spudph.dstip.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- break;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_src.s_addr = spudph.srcip.s_addr =
- pReqSpec->ipaddr.s_addr;
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_dst.s_addr = spudph.dstip.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- break;
- }
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = 0;
- #if BSD<44
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = checksum ( (u_short *)dhcpcMsgOut.ip,
- (dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_v_hl & 0xf) << 2);
- #else
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_sum = checksum ( (u_short *)dhcpcMsgOut.ip,
- dhcpcMsgOut.ip->ip_hl << 2);
- #endif
- return (msgsize);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * send_unicast - send a DHCP message via unicast
- *
- * This routine sends a previously constructed DHCP message to the DHCP
- * server port on the specified IP address. It is used to send a request
- * for lease renewal or a DHCP release message to the appropriate DHCP server.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if message sent, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int send_unicast
- (
- struct in_addr *dstip,
- struct dhcp *sdhcp,
- int length /* length of DHCP message */
- )
- {
- struct sockaddr_in dst;
- struct msghdr msg;
- struct iovec bufvec[1];
- int bufsize = length;
- int status;
- status = setsockopt (dhcpcDataSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *)&bufsize,
- sizeof (bufsize));
- if (status < 0)
- {
- printf ("setsockopt error %d (%x).n", status, errno);
- return (-1);
- }
- bzero ( (char *)&dst, sizeof (dst));
- dst.sin_family = AF_INET;
- dst.sin_addr.s_addr = dstip->s_addr;
- dst.sin_port = dhcps_port;
- bufvec[0].iov_base = (char *)sdhcp;
- bufvec[0].iov_len = bufsize;
- bzero ( (char *)&msg, sizeof (msg));
- msg.msg_name = (caddr_t)&dst;
- msg.msg_namelen = sizeof (dst);
- msg.msg_iov = bufvec;
- msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
- status = sendmsg (dhcpcDataSock, &msg, 0);
- if (status < 0)
- {
- printf ("sendmsg error %d (%x).n", status, errno);
- return (-1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * handle_ip - process DHCP options containing a single IP address
- *
- * This routine extracts the IP address from the given option body and
- * copies it to the appropriate field in the parameters structure. It is
- * called by the dhcp_msgtoparam() conversion routine when specified by
- * the handle_param[] global array.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if extraction successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int handle_ip
- (
- char *buf,
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- struct in_addr *addr = NULL;
- char option;
- option = *buf;
- /* Set the appropriate pointers to access allocated memory. */
- if (option == _DHCP_SERVER_ID_TAG)
- {
- addr = ¶m->server_id;
- }
- else if (option == _DHCP_ROUTER_SOLICIT_TAG)
- addr = ¶m->router_solicit;
- else
- {
- addr = (struct in_addr *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (addr == NULL)
- return (-1);
- switch (option)
- {
- if (param->subnet_mask != NULL)
- free (param->subnet_mask);
- param->subnet_mask = addr;
- break;
- if (param->swap_server != NULL)
- free (param->swap_server);
- param->swap_server = addr;
- break;
- if (param->brdcast_addr != NULL)
- free (param->brdcast_addr);
- param->brdcast_addr = addr;
- break;
- default:
- free (addr);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- }
- bcopy (OPTBODY (buf), (char *)addr, DHCPOPTLEN (buf));
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * handle_num - process DHCP options containing a single numeric value
- *
- * This routine extracts the numeric value from the given option body and
- * stores it in the appropriate field in the parameters structure. It is
- * called by the dhcp_msgtoparam() conversion routine when specified by
- * the handle_param[] global array.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if extraction successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int handle_num
- (
- char *buf,
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- char charnum = 0;
- short shortnum = 0;
- long longnum = 0;
- switch (DHCPOPTLEN (buf))
- {
- case 1:
- charnum = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- case 2:
- shortnum = GETHS (OPTBODY (buf));
- break;
- case 4:
- longnum = GETHL (OPTBODY (buf));
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- switch (*buf)
- {
- param->time_offset = longnum;
- break;
- param->bootsize = (unsigned short)shortnum;
- break;
- param->max_dgram_size = (unsigned short)shortnum;
- break;
- param->default_ip_ttl = (unsigned char)charnum;
- break;
- param->mtu_aging_timeout = (unsigned long)longnum;
- break;
- case _DHCP_IF_MTU_TAG:
- param->intf_mtu = (unsigned short)shortnum;
- break;
- param->arp_cache_timeout = (unsigned long)longnum;
- break;
- param->default_tcp_ttl = (unsigned char)charnum;
- break;
- param->keepalive_inter = (unsigned long)longnum;
- break;
- param->nb_nodetype = (unsigned)charnum;
- break;
- param->lease_duration = (unsigned long)longnum;
- break;
- case _DHCP_T1_TAG:
- param->dhcp_t1 = (unsigned long)longnum;
- break;
- case _DHCP_T2_TAG:
- param->dhcp_t2 = (unsigned long)longnum;
- break;
- default:
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * handle_ips - process DHCP options containing multiple IP addresses
- *
- * This routine extracts the IP addresses from the given option body and
- * copies them to the appropriate field in the parameters structure. It is
- * called by the dhcp_msgtoparam() conversion routine when specified by
- * the handle_param[] global array.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if extraction successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int handle_ips
- (
- char *buf,
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- struct in_addr *addr = NULL;
- struct in_addrs *addrs = NULL;
- unsigned char num = 0;
- num = DHCPOPTLEN (buf) / 4;
- addr = (struct in_addr *)calloc ( (int)num, sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (addr == NULL)
- return(-1);
- addrs = (struct in_addrs *)calloc (1, sizeof(struct in_addrs));
- if (addrs == NULL)
- {
- free (addr);
- return (-1);
- }
- switch (*buf)
- {
- if (param->router != NULL)
- {
- if (param->router->addr != NULL)
- free (param->router->addr);
- free (param->router);
- }
- param->router = addrs;
- param->router->num = num;
- param->router->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->time_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->time_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->time_server->addr);
- free (param->time_server);
- }
- param->time_server = addrs;
- param->time_server->num = num;
- param->time_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->name_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->name_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->name_server->addr);
- free (param->name_server);
- }
- param->name_server = addrs;
- param->name_server->num = num;
- param->name_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->dns_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->dns_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->dns_server->addr);
- free (param->dns_server);
- }
- param->dns_server = addrs;
- param->dns_server->num = num;
- param->dns_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->log_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->log_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->log_server->addr);
- free (param->log_server);
- }
- param->log_server = addrs;
- param->log_server->num = num;
- param->log_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->cookie_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->cookie_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->cookie_server->addr);
- free (param->cookie_server);
- }
- param->cookie_server = addrs;
- param->cookie_server->num = num;
- param->cookie_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->lpr_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->lpr_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->lpr_server->addr);
- free (param->lpr_server);
- }
- param->lpr_server = addrs;
- param->lpr_server->num = num;
- param->lpr_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->impress_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->impress_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->impress_server->addr);
- free (param->impress_server);
- }
- param->impress_server = addrs;
- param->impress_server->num = num;
- param->impress_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->rls_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->rls_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->rls_server->addr);
- free (param->rls_server);
- }
- param->rls_server = addrs;
- param->rls_server->num = num;
- param->rls_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->nis_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nis_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nis_server->addr);
- free (param->nis_server);
- }
- param->nis_server = addrs;
- param->nis_server->num = num;
- param->nis_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->ntp_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->ntp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->ntp_server->addr);
- free (param->ntp_server);
- }
- param->ntp_server = addrs;
- param->ntp_server->num = num;
- param->ntp_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->nbn_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nbn_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nbn_server->addr);
- free (param->nbn_server);
- }
- param->nbn_server = addrs;
- param->nbn_server->num = num;
- param->nbn_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->nbdd_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nbdd_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nbdd_server->addr);
- free (param->nbdd_server);
- }
- param->nbdd_server = addrs;
- param->nbdd_server->num = num;
- param->nbdd_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->xfont_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->xfont_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->xfont_server->addr);
- free (param->xfont_server);
- }
- param->xfont_server = addrs;
- param->xfont_server->num = num;
- param->xfont_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->xdisplay_manager != NULL)
- {
- if (param->xdisplay_manager->addr != NULL)
- free (param->xdisplay_manager->addr);
- free (param->xdisplay_manager);
- }
- param->xdisplay_manager = addrs;
- param->xdisplay_manager->num = num;
- param->xdisplay_manager->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->nisp_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nisp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nisp_server->addr);
- free (param->nisp_server);
- }
- param->nisp_server = addrs;
- param->nisp_server->num = num;
- param->nisp_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->mobileip_ha != NULL)
- {
- if (param->mobileip_ha->addr != NULL)
- free (param->mobileip_ha->addr);
- free (param->mobileip_ha);
- }
- param->mobileip_ha = addrs;
- param->mobileip_ha->num = num;
- param->mobileip_ha->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->smtp_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->smtp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->smtp_server->addr);
- free (param->smtp_server);
- }
- param->smtp_server = addrs;
- param->smtp_server->num = num;
- param->smtp_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->pop3_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->pop3_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->pop3_server->addr);
- free (param->pop3_server);
- }
- param->pop3_server = addrs;
- param->pop3_server->num = num;
- param->pop3_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->nntp_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->nntp_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->nntp_server->addr);
- free (param->nntp_server);
- }
- param->nntp_server = addrs;
- param->nntp_server->num = num;
- param->nntp_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->dflt_www_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->dflt_www_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->dflt_www_server->addr);
- free (param->dflt_www_server);
- }
- param->dflt_www_server = addrs;
- param->dflt_www_server->num = num;
- param->dflt_www_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->dflt_finger_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->dflt_finger_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->dflt_finger_server->addr);
- free (param->dflt_finger_server);
- }
- param->dflt_finger_server = addrs;
- param->dflt_finger_server->num = num;
- param->dflt_finger_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->dflt_irc_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->dflt_irc_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->dflt_irc_server->addr);
- free (param->dflt_irc_server);
- }
- param->dflt_irc_server = addrs;
- param->dflt_irc_server->num = num;
- param->dflt_irc_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->streettalk_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->streettalk_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->streettalk_server->addr);
- free (param->streettalk_server);
- }
- param->streettalk_server = addrs;
- param->streettalk_server->num = num;
- param->streettalk_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- if (param->stda_server != NULL)
- {
- if (param->stda_server->addr != NULL)
- free (param->stda_server->addr);
- free (param->stda_server);
- }
- param->stda_server = addrs;
- param->stda_server->num = num;
- param->stda_server->addr = addr;
- break;
- default:
- free (addr);
- free (addrs);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- bcopy (OPTBODY (buf), (char *)addr, DHCPOPTLEN (buf));
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * handle_str - process DHCP options containing NVT ASCII strings
- *
- * This routine extracts the NVT ASCII string from the given option body and
- * copies it to the appropriate field in the parameters structure. It is
- * called by the dhcp_msgtoparam() conversion routine when specified by
- * the handle_param[] global array.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if extraction successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int handle_str
- (
- char *buf,
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- char *str = NULL;
- str = calloc (1, (DHCPOPTLEN (buf) + 1)); /* +1 for null terminator. */
- if (str == NULL)
- return (-1);
- switch (*buf)
- {
- if (param->hostname != NULL)
- free (param->hostname);
- param->hostname = str;
- break;
- if (param->merit_dump != NULL)
- free (param->merit_dump);
- param->merit_dump = str;
- break;
- if (param->dns_domain != NULL)
- free (param->dns_domain);
- param->dns_domain = str;
- break;
- if (param->root_path != NULL)
- free (param->root_path);
- param->root_path = str;
- break;
- if (param->extensions_path != NULL)
- free (param->extensions_path);
- param->extensions_path = str;
- break;
- if (param->nis_domain != NULL)
- free (param->nis_domain);
- param->nis_domain = str;
- break;
- if (param->nb_scope != NULL)
- free (param->nb_scope);
- param->nb_scope = str;
- break;
- if (param->errmsg != NULL)
- free (param->errmsg);
- param->errmsg = str;
- break;
- if (param->nisp_domain != NULL)
- free (param->nisp_domain);
- param->nisp_domain = str;
- break;
- if (param->temp_sname != NULL)
- free (param->temp_sname);
- param->temp_sname = str;
- break;
- if (param->temp_file != NULL)
- free (param->temp_file);
- param->temp_file = str;
- break;
- default:
- free (str);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- bcopy (OPTBODY (buf), str, DHCPOPTLEN (buf));
- str [DHCPOPTLEN (buf)] = '';
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * handle_bool - process DHCP options containing boolean values
- *
- * This routine extracts the boolean value from the given option body and
- * stores it in the appropriate field in the parameters structure. It is
- * called by the dhcp_msgtoparam() conversion routine when specified by
- * the handle_param[] global array.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if extraction successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int handle_bool
- (
- char *buf,
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- switch (*buf)
- {
- param->ip_forward = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- param->nonlocal_srcroute = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- param->all_subnet_local = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- param->mask_discover = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- param->mask_supplier = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- param->router_discover = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- param->trailer = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- param->ether_encap = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- param->keepalive_garba = *OPTBODY (buf);
- break;
- default:
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * handle_ippairs - process DHCP options containing multiple IP value pairs
- *
- * This routine extracts the IP pairs from the given option body and
- * stores them in the appropriate field in the parameters structure. It is
- * called by the dhcp_msgtoparam() conversion routine when specified by
- * the handle_param[] global array.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if extraction successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int handle_ippairs
- (
- char *buf,
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- struct in_addr *addr = NULL;
- struct in_addrs *addrs = NULL;
- unsigned char num = 0;
- num = DHCPOPTLEN(buf) / 4;
- addr = (struct in_addr *)calloc ( (int) num, sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (addr == NULL)
- return(-1);
- addrs = (struct in_addrs *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct in_addrs));
- if (addrs == NULL)
- {
- free (addr);
- return (-1);
- }
- switch (*buf)
- {
- case _DHCP_POLICY_FILTER_TAG: /* IP address followed by subnet mask. */
- if (param->policy_filter != NULL)
- {
- if (param->policy_filter->addr != NULL)
- free (param->policy_filter->addr);
- free (param->policy_filter);
- }
- param->policy_filter = addrs;
- param->policy_filter->num = num / 2;
- param->policy_filter->addr = addr;
- break;
- case _DHCP_STATIC_ROUTE_TAG: /* Destination IP followed by router. */
- if (param->static_route != NULL)
- {
- if (param->static_route->addr != NULL)
- free (param->static_route->addr);
- free (param->static_route);
- }
- param->static_route = addrs;
- param->static_route->num = num / 2;
- param->static_route->addr = addr;
- break;
- default:
- free (addr);
- free (addrs);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- bcopy (OPTBODY (buf), (char *)addr, DHCPOPTLEN (buf));
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * handle_nums - process DHCP options containing multiple numeric values
- *
- * This routine extracts the numbers from the given option body and
- * stores them in the appropriate field in the parameters structure. It is
- * called by the dhcp_msgtoparam() conversion routine when specified by
- * the handle_param[] global array.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if extraction successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int handle_nums
- (
- char *buf,
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- int i = 0;
- int max = 0;
- return (EINVAL);
- else
- {
- if (param->mtu_plateau_table != NULL)
- {
- if (param->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum != NULL)
- free (param->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum);
- free (param->mtu_plateau_table);
- }
- param->mtu_plateau_table =
- (struct u_shorts *)calloc(1, sizeof (struct u_shorts));
- if (param->mtu_plateau_table == NULL)
- return(-1);
- max = param->mtu_plateau_table->num = DHCPOPTLEN (buf) / 2;
- param->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum =
- (u_short *)calloc (max, sizeof (unsigned short));
- if (param->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum == NULL)
- {
- free (param->mtu_plateau_table);
- return(-1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
- param->mtu_plateau_table->shortnum[i] = GETHS (&buf [i * 2 + 2]);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * handle_list - process the DHCP option containing vendor specific data
- *
- * This routine extracts the list of vendor-specific information from the
- * given option body and stores it in the appropriate field in the parameters
- * structure. It is called by the dhcp_msgtoparam() conversion routine when
- * specified by the handle_param[] global array.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if extraction successful, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int handle_list
- (
- char *buf,
- struct dhcp_param *param
- )
- {
- if (*buf != _DHCP_VENDOR_SPEC_TAG)
- return (EINVAL);
- if (param->vendlist != NULL)
- free (param->vendlist);
- param->vendlist = calloc (1, sizeof (struct vendor_list));
- if (param->vendlist == NULL)
- return (-1);
- bcopy (OPTBODY (buf), param->vendlist->list, DHCPOPTLEN (buf));
- param->vendlist->len = DHCPOPTLEN (buf);
- return (0);
- }