- /* uncompress.c - uncompression module */
- /* Copyright 1990-1992 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02h,04nov93,caf fixed two more variables that were not being initialized
- during the R3000 bootstrap.
- 02g,07sep93,caf modified not to rely on initialized data, to work around
- a.out assumption in current bootstrap.
- 02f,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 02e,14nov91,rrr shut up some warnings
- 02d,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -fixed #else and #endif
- -changed copyright notice
- 02c,25jul91,yao restore previous version 02a.
- 02b,06jul91,yao made it work with little endian mode. added forward
- declaration.
- 02a,16may90,gae revised initial bootrom uncompression scheme --
- ROM startup in separate module.
- 01a,21apr90,rdc modified from compress source.
- */
- /*
- This is a modified version of the Public Domain uncompress program.
- It is used to uncompress the VxWorks bootrom executable linked with it.
- Compressing object code typically achieves a 40% compression factor.
- compress(1), romInit(1)
- The original compress program was written by:
- Spencer W. Thomas, Jim McKie, Steve Davies, Ken Turkowski,
- James A. Woods, Joe Orost.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- /* Set USERMEM to the maximum amount of physical user memory available
- * in bytes. USERMEM is used to determine the maximum BITS that can be used
- * for compression. If USERMEM is big enough, use fast compression algorithm.
- *
- * SACREDMEM is the amount of physical memory saved for others; compress
- * will hog the rest.
- */
- #define USERMEM 500000 /* .5M for uncompression data structures */
- #define SACREDMEM 0
- /*
- * Define FBITS for machines with several MB of physical memory, to use
- * table lookup for (b <= FBITS). If FBITS is made too large, performance
- * will decrease due to increased swapping/paging. Since the program minus
- * the fast lookup table is about a half Meg, we can allocate the rest of
- * available physical memory to the fast lookup table.
- *
- * If FBITS is set to 12, a 2 MB array is allocated, but only 1 MB is
- * addressed for parity-free input (i.e. text).
- *
- * FBITS=10 yields 1/2 meg lookup table + 4K code memory
- * FBITS=11 yields 1 meg lookup table + 8K code memory
- * FBITS=12 yields 2 meg lookup table + 16K code memory
- * FBITS=13 yields 4 meg lookup table + 32K code memory
- *
- */
- #ifdef USERMEM
- # if USERMEM >= (2621440+SACREDMEM)
- # if USERMEM >= (4718592+SACREDMEM)
- # define FBITS 13
- # define PBITS 16
- #else /* 2.5M <= USERMEM < 4.5M */
- # define FBITS 12
- # define PBITS 16
- #endif /* USERMEM <=> 4.5M */
- #else /* USERMEM < 2.5M */
- # if USERMEM >= (1572864+SACREDMEM)
- # define FBITS 11
- # define PBITS 16
- #else /* USERMEM < 1.5M */
- # if USERMEM >= (1048576+SACREDMEM)
- # define FBITS 10
- # define PBITS 16
- #else /* USERMEM < 1M */
- # if USERMEM >= (631808+SACREDMEM)
- # define PBITS 16
- # else
- # if USERMEM >= (329728+SACREDMEM)
- # define PBITS 15
- # else
- # if USERMEM >= (178176+SACREDMEM)
- # define PBITS 14
- # else
- # if USERMEM >= (99328+SACREDMEM)
- # define PBITS 13
- # else
- # define PBITS 12
- # endif
- # endif
- # endif
- # endif
- # undef USERMEM
- #endif /* USERMEM <=> 1M */
- #endif /* USERMEM <=> 1.5M */
- #endif /* USERMEM <=> 2.5M */
- #endif /* USERMEM */
- #ifdef PBITS /* Preferred BITS for this memory size */
- # ifndef BITS
- # define BITS PBITS
- #endif /* BITS */
- #endif /* PBITS */
- #if BITS == 16
- # define HSIZE 69001 /* 95% occupancy */
- #endif /* BITS */
- #if BITS == 15
- # define HSIZE 35023 /* 94% occupancy */
- #endif /* BITS */
- #if BITS == 14
- # define HSIZE 18013 /* 91% occupancy */
- #endif /* BITS */
- #if BITS == 13
- # define HSIZE 9001 /* 91% occupancy */
- #endif /* BITS */
- #if BITS == 12
- # define HSIZE 5003 /* 80% occupancy */
- #endif /* BITS */
- #if BITS == 11
- # define HSIZE 2591 /* 79% occupancy */
- #endif /* BITS */
- #if BITS == 10
- # define HSIZE 1291 /* 79% occupancy */
- #endif /* BITS */
- #if BITS == 9
- # define HSIZE 691 /* 74% occupancy */
- #endif /* BITS */
- /* BITS < 9 will cause an error */
- /*
- * a code_int must be able to hold 2**BITS values of type int, and also -1
- */
- #if BITS > 15
- typedef long int code_int;
- #else
- typedef int code_int;
- #endif /* BITS */
- typedef long int count_int;
- typedef unsigned char char_type;
- /* defines for magic number {"37235"} */
- #define MAGIC_HEADER_0 0x1f
- #define MAGIC_HEADER_1 0x9d
- /* Defines for third byte of header */
- #define BIT_MASK 0x1f
- #define BLOCK_MASK 0x80
- /* Masks 0x40 and 0x20 are free. I think 0x20 should mean that there is
- a fourth header byte (for expansion).
- */
- #define INIT_BITS 9 /* initial number of bits/code */
- LOCAL int n_bits; /* number of bits/code */
- LOCAL int maxbits;
- LOCAL code_int maxcode; /* maximum code, given n_bits */
- LOCAL code_int maxmaxcode; /* should NEVER generate this code */
- #define MAXCODE(n_bits) ((1 << (n_bits)) - 1)
- /*
- * One code could conceivably represent (1<<BITS) characters, but
- * to get a code of length N requires an input string of at least
- * N*(N-1)/2 characters. With 5000 chars in the stack, an input
- * file would have to contain a 25Mb string of a single character.
- * This seems unlikely.
- */
- #define MAXSTACK 8000 /* size of output stack */
- LOCAL unsigned short codetab[HSIZE];
- LOCAL code_int hsize; /* for dynamic table sizing */
- LOCAL count_int fsize;
- #define tab_prefix codetab /* prefix code for this entry */
- LOCAL char_type tab_suffix[1 << BITS]; /* last char in this entry */
- LOCAL code_int free_ent; /* first unused entry */
- #define NOMAGIC 0 /* use 2 byte magic number header, unless old file */
- /*
- * block compression parameters -- after all codes are used up,
- * and compression rate changes, start over.
- */
- LOCAL int block_compress;
- LOCAL int clear_flg;
- LOCAL char_type rmask[9]; /* initialize in uncompress() */
- /* The next two codes should not be changed lightly, as they must not
- * lie within the contiguous general code space.
- */
- #define FIRST 257 /* first free entry */
- #define CLEAR 256 /* table clear output code */
- LOCAL UCHAR *binEnd;
- LOCAL UCHAR *binArray;
- LOCAL int offset; /* zero'd by uncompress(), used by getcode() */
- LOCAL int size; /* zero'd by uncompress(), used by getcode() */
- /* forward static functions */
- static code_int getcode (void);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * uncompress - uncompress `source' to `destination'
- *
- * This routine uncompresses the image found at `source' to the `destination'
- * address, where the source is `len' bytes long.
- */
- STATUS uncompress
- (
- UCHAR *source, /* start of compressed image */
- FAST UCHAR *destination, /* destination for uncompressed result */
- int len /* length of compressed image */
- )
- {
- static char stack [MAXSTACK];
- FAST int stack_top = MAXSTACK;
- FAST code_int code;
- FAST code_int oldcode;
- FAST code_int incode;
- FAST int finchar;
- binEnd = &source [len];
- binArray = source;
- /* initialize */
- offset = 0; /* used by getcode() */
- size = 0; /* used by getcode() */
- block_compress = BLOCK_MASK;
- fsize = 200000;
- clear_flg = 0;
- maxbits = BITS;
- if (maxbits < INIT_BITS)
- maxbits = INIT_BITS;
- if (maxbits > BITS)
- maxbits = BITS;
- maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
- rmask[0] = 0x00;
- rmask[1] = 0x01;
- rmask[2] = 0x03;
- rmask[3] = 0x07;
- rmask[4] = 0x0f;
- rmask[5] = 0x1f;
- rmask[6] = 0x3f;
- rmask[7] = 0x7f;
- rmask[8] = 0xff;
- /* check the magic number */
- if (NOMAGIC == 0)
- {
- if ((*binArray++) != (MAGIC_HEADER_0) ||
- (*binArray++) != (MAGIC_HEADER_1))
- {
- return (ERROR); /* bad magic number */
- }
- maxbits = *binArray++; /* set -b from file */
- block_compress = maxbits & BLOCK_MASK;
- maxbits &= BIT_MASK;
- maxmaxcode = (1 << maxbits);
- if (maxbits > BITS)
- return (ERROR); /* compressed with too many bits per code */
- }
- /* tune hash table size for small files -- ad hoc */
- #if HSIZE > 5003
- if (fsize < (1 << 12))
- hsize = 5003;
- #if HSIZE > 9001
- else if (fsize < (1 << 13))
- hsize = 9001;
- #if HSIZE > 18013
- else if (fsize < (1 << 14))
- hsize = 18013;
- #if HSIZE > 35023
- else if (fsize < (1 << 15))
- hsize = 35023;
- else if (fsize < 47000)
- hsize = 50021;
- #endif /* HSIZE > 35023 */
- #endif /* HSIZE > 18013 */
- #endif /* HSIZE > 9001 */
- else
- #endif /* HSIZE > 5003 */
- hsize = HSIZE;
- /* initialize the first 256 entries in the table */
- maxcode = MAXCODE (n_bits = INIT_BITS);
- for (code = 255; code >= 0; code--)
- {
- tab_prefix[code] = 0;
- tab_suffix[code] = (char_type) code;
- }
- free_ent = ((block_compress) ? FIRST : 256);
- finchar = oldcode = getcode ();
- *(destination++) = (char) finchar;
- while ((code = getcode ()) != -1)
- {
- if (code == CLEAR && block_compress)
- {
- for (code = 255; code > 0; code -= 4)
- {
- tab_prefix[code-3] = 0;
- tab_prefix[code-2] = 0;
- tab_prefix[code-1] = 0;
- tab_prefix[code] = 0;
- }
- clear_flg = 1;
- free_ent = FIRST - 1;
- if ((code = getcode ()) == -1) /* Oh, untimely death! */
- break;
- }
- incode = code;
- /* special case for KwKwK string */
- if (code >= free_ent)
- {
- stack[--stack_top] = finchar;
- code = oldcode;
- }
- /* generate output characters in reverse order */
- while (code >= 256)
- {
- stack[--stack_top] = tab_suffix[code];
- code = tab_prefix[code];
- }
- stack[--stack_top] = finchar = tab_suffix[code];
- /* and put them out in forward order */
- for (; stack_top < MAXSTACK; stack_top++)
- *(destination++) = stack[stack_top];
- stack_top = MAXSTACK;
- /* Generate the new entry */
- if ((code = free_ent) < maxmaxcode)
- {
- tab_prefix[code] = (unsigned short) oldcode;
- tab_suffix[code] = finchar;
- free_ent = code + 1;
- }
- oldcode = incode; /* remember previous code */
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * getcode - read one code from the compressed image
- *
- * RETURNS: Code or -1 at end of image.
- */
- LOCAL code_int getcode (void)
- {
- static char_type buf [BITS];
- FAST code_int code;
- FAST int r_off;
- FAST int bits;
- FAST char_type *bp;
- if (clear_flg > 0 || offset >= size || free_ent > maxcode)
- {
- /*
- * If the next entry will be too big for the current code size, then
- * we must increase the size. This implies reading a new buffer
- * full, too.
- */
- if (free_ent > maxcode)
- {
- n_bits++;
- if (n_bits == maxbits)
- maxcode = maxmaxcode; /* won't get any bigger now */
- else
- maxcode = MAXCODE (n_bits);
- }
- if (clear_flg > 0)
- {
- maxcode = MAXCODE (n_bits = INIT_BITS);
- clear_flg = 0;
- }
- if (&binArray [n_bits] > binEnd)
- size = binEnd - binArray;
- else
- size = n_bits;
- if (size <= 0)
- return (-1); /* end of file */
- bp = buf;
- while (bp < (char_type *) ((int)buf + size))
- *bp++ = *binArray++;
- offset = 0;
- /* Round size down to integral number of codes */
- size = (size << 3) - (n_bits - 1);
- }
- r_off = offset;
- bits = n_bits;
- /* get to the first byte */
- bp = buf + (r_off >> 3);
- r_off &= 7;
- /* get first part (low order bits) */
- code = (*bp++ >> r_off);
- bits -= (8 - r_off);
- r_off = 8 - r_off; /* now, offset into code word */
- /* get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits) */
- if (bits >= 8)
- {
- code |= *bp++ << r_off;
- r_off += 8;
- bits -= 8;
- }
- /* high order bits */
- code |= (*bp & rmask[bits]) << r_off;
- offset += n_bits;
- return (code);
- }