- /* tarLib.c - UNIX tar compatible library */
- /* Copyright 1993-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /* Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 RST Software Industries Ltd. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01i,20sep01,jkf SPR#69031, common code for both AE & 5.x.
- 01h,26dec99,jkf T3 KHEAP_ALLOC
- 03g,11nov99,jkf need to fill all eight bytes with 0x20 for the checksum
- calc correct for MKS toolkit 6.2 generated tar file.
- 03f,31jul99,jkf T2 merge, tidiness & spelling.
- 03e,30jul98,lrn partial doc cleanup
- 03b,24jun98,lrn fixed bug causing 0-size files to be extracted as dirs,
- improved tarHelp to list parameters
- 03a,07jun98,lrn derived from RST usrTapeLib.c, cleaned all tape related stuff
- 02f,15jan95,rst adding TarToc functionality
- 02d,28mar94,rst added Tar utilities.
- */
- /*
- This library implements functions for archiving, extracting and listing
- of UNIX-compatible "tar" file archives.
- It can be used to archive and extract entire file hierarchies
- to/from archive files on local or remote disks, or directly to/from
- magnetic tapes.
- SEE ALSO: dosFsLib
- This Tar utility does not handle MS-DOS file attributes,
- when used in conjunction with the MS-DOS file system.
- The maximum subdirectory depth supported by this library is 16,
- while the total maximum path name that can be handled by
- tar is limited at 100 characters.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "private/dosFsVerP.h"
- #include "dosFsLib.h"
- #include "dirent.h"
- #include "stat.h"
- #include "tarLib.h"
- /* data types */
- /*
- * VxWorks Tar Utility, part of usrTapeLib (for now).
- * UNIX tar(1) tape format - header definition
- */
- #define TBLOCK 512 /* TAR Tape block size, part of TAR format */
- #define NAMSIZ 100 /* size of file name in TAR tape header */
- #define MAXLEVEL 16 /* max. # of subdirectory levels, arbitrary */
- #define NULLDEV "/null" /* data sink */
- typedef union hblock
- {
- char dummy[TBLOCK];
- struct header
- {
- char name[NAMSIZ];
- char mode[8];
- char uid[8];
- char gid[8];
- char size[12];
- char mtime[12];
- char chksum[8];
- char linkflag;
- char linkname[NAMSIZ];
- }
- dbuf;
- /* Control structure used internally for reentrancy etc. */
- typedef struct
- {
- int fd ; /* current tape file descriptor */
- int bFactor; /* current blocking factor */
- int bValid; /* number of valid blocks in buffer */
- int recurseCnt; /* recusrion counter */
- MT_HBLOCK * pBuf; /* working buffer */
- MT_HBLOCK * pBnext; /* ptr to next block to return */
- /* globals */
- char *TAPE = "/archive0.tar" ; /* default archive name */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL char bZero[ TBLOCK ] ; /* zeroed block */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarHelp - print help information about TAR archive functions.
- *
- */
- void tarHelp
- (
- void
- )
- {
- int i ;
- const char * help_msg[] = {
- "Help information on TAR archival functions:n",
- "n",
- " Archive any directory: n",
- " tarArchive( archFile, bfactor, verbose, dirName )n",
- " Extract from TAR archive into current directory:n",
- " tarExtract( archFile, bfactor, verbose )n",
- " List contents of TAR archiven",
- " tarToc( archFile, bfactor)n",
- " if <dirName> is NULL, archive current directoryn",
- "n", NULL
- };
- for(i = 0; help_msg[i] != NULL ; i++ )
- printf(help_msg[i]);
- printf(" if <archFile> is NULL,n"
- "current default archive file "%s" will be used,n", TAPE);
- printf(" change the TAPE variable to set a different name.nn");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mtChecksum - calculate checksums for tar header blocks
- *
- * RETURNS: the checksum value
- */
- LOCAL int mtChecksum
- (
- void * pBuf,
- unsigned size
- )
- {
- register int sum = 0 ;
- register unsigned char *p = pBuf ;
- while( size > 0 )
- {
- sum += *p++;
- size -= sizeof(*p);
- }
- return(sum);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarRdBlks - read <nBlocks> blocks from tape
- *
- * RETURNS: number of blocks actually got, or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL int tarRdBlks
- (
- MT_TAR_SOFT *pCtrl, /* control structure */
- MT_HBLOCK **ppBlk, /* where to return buffer address */
- unsigned int nBlocks /* how many blocks to get */
- )
- {
- register int rc ;
- if (pCtrl->bValid <= 0)
- {
- /* buffer empty, read more blocks from tape */
- rc = read(pCtrl->fd, pCtrl->pBuf->dummy, pCtrl->bFactor * TBLOCK);
- if ( rc == ERROR )
- return ERROR ;
- else if( rc == 0 )
- return 0 ;
- else if( (rc % TBLOCK) != 0 )
- {
- printErr("tarRdBlks: tape block not multiple of %dn", TBLOCK);
- return ERROR;
- }
- pCtrl->bValid = rc / TBLOCK ;
- pCtrl->pBnext = pCtrl->pBuf ;
- }
- rc = min((ULONG)pCtrl->bValid, nBlocks) ;
- *ppBlk = pCtrl->pBnext ;
- pCtrl->bValid -= rc ;
- pCtrl->pBnext += rc ;
- return( rc ) ;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mtAccess - check existence of path for a new file or directory <name>
- *
- */
- (
- const char *name
- )
- {
- char tmpName [ NAMSIZ ] ;
- struct stat st ;
- int i ;
- static char slash = '/' ;
- register char *pSlash ;
- strncpy( tmpName, name, NAMSIZ ) ;
- pSlash = tmpName ;
- for(i=0; i<MAXLEVEL; i++)
- {
- if ( (pSlash = strchr(pSlash, slash)) == NULL )
- return OK;
- *pSlash = '' ;
- if ( stat( tmpName, &st ) == OK )
- {
- if( S_ISDIR(st.st_mode ) == 0)
- {
- printErr("Path %s is not a directoryn", tmpName);
- return ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- mkdir( tmpName );
- }
- *pSlash = slash ; /* restore slash position */
- pSlash++;
- }
- printErr("Path too long %sn", name );
- return ERROR;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarExtractFile - extract one file or directory from tar tape
- *
- * Called from tarExtract for every file/dir found on tape.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS tarExtractFile
- (
- MT_TAR_SOFT *pCtrl, /* control structure */
- MT_HBLOCK *pBlk, /* header block */
- BOOL verbose /* verbose */
- )
- {
- register int rc, fd ;
- int sum = -1 ; /* checksum */
- int size = 0 ; /* file size in bytes */
- int nblks = 0; /* file size in TBLOCKs */
- int mode ;
- char * fn ; /* file/dir name */
- /* Check the checksum of this header */
- rc = sscanf( pBlk->dbuf.chksum, "%o", &sum ) ; /* extract checksum */
- bfill( pBlk->dbuf.chksum, 8, ' '); /* fill blanks */
- if( mtChecksum( pBlk->dummy, TBLOCK ) != sum )
- {
- printErr("bad checksum %d != %dn", mtChecksum(
- pBlk->dummy, TBLOCK), sum );
- return ERROR;
- }
- /* Parse all fields of header that we need, and store them safely */
- sscanf( pBlk->dbuf.mode, "%o", &mode );
- sscanf( pBlk->dbuf.size, "%12o", &size );
- fn = pBlk->dbuf.name ;
- /* Handle directory */
- if( (size == 0) && ( fn[ strlen(fn) - 1 ] == '/' ) )
- {
- if( strcmp(fn, "./") == 0)
- return OK;
- if ( fn[ strlen(fn) - 1 ] == '/' ) /* cut the slash */
- fn[ strlen(fn) - 1 ] = '' ;
- /* Must make sure that parent exists for this new directory */
- if ( mtAccess(fn) == ERROR )
- {
- return ERROR;
- }
- fd = open (fn, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, FSTAT_DIR | (mode & 0777) );
- if (( fd == ERROR ) && (errnoGet() == S_dosFsLib_FILE_EXISTS))
- {
- printErr("Warning: directory %s already existsn", fn );
- return OK;
- }
- else if (fd == ERROR)
- {
- printErr("failed to create directory %s, %s, continuingn",
- fn, strerror(errnoGet()));
- return OK;
- }
- if(verbose)
- printErr("created directory %s.n", fn );
- return (close (fd));
- }
- /* non-empty file has a trailing slash, we better treat it as file and */
- if ( fn[ strlen(fn) - 1 ] == '/' ) /* cut a trailing slash */
- fn[ strlen(fn) - 1 ] = '' ;
- /* Filter out links etc */
- if ((pBlk->dbuf.linkflag != '') &&
- (pBlk->dbuf.linkflag != '0') &&
- (pBlk->dbuf.linkflag != ' '))
- {
- printErr("we do not support links, %s skippedn", fn );
- return OK;
- }
- /* Handle Regular File - calculate number of blocks */
- if( size > 0 )
- nblks = ( size / TBLOCK ) + ((size % TBLOCK)? 1 : 0 ) ;
- /* Must make sure that directory exists for this new file */
- if ( mtAccess(fn) == ERROR )
- {
- return ERROR;
- }
- /* Create file */
- fd = open( fn, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, mode & 0777 ) ;
- if( fd == ERROR )
- {
- printErr("failed to create file %s, %s, skipping!n",
- fn, strerror(errnoGet()));
- fd = open( NULLDEV, O_RDWR, 0) ;
- }
- if(verbose)
- printErr("extracting file %s, size %d bytes, %d blocksn",
- fn, size, nblks );
- /* Loop until entire file extracted */
- while (size > 0)
- {
- MT_HBLOCK *pBuf;
- register int wc ;
- rc = tarRdBlks( pCtrl, &pBuf, nblks) ;
- if ( rc < 0 )
- {
- printErr("error reading tapen");
- close(fd);
- return ERROR;
- }
- wc = write( fd, pBuf->dummy, min( rc*TBLOCK, size ) ) ;
- if( wc == ERROR )
- {
- printErr("error writing filen");
- break;
- }
- size -= rc*TBLOCK ;
- nblks -= rc ;
- }
- /* Close the newly created file */
- return( close(fd) ) ;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarExtract - extract all files from a tar formatted tape
- *
- * This is a UNIX-tar compatible utility that extracts entire
- * file hierarchies from tar-formatted archive.
- * The files are extracted with their original names and modes.
- * In some cases a file cannot be created on disk, for example if
- * the name is too long for regular DOS file name conventions,
- * in such cases entire files are skipped, and this program will
- * continue with the next file. Directories are created in order
- * to be able to create all files on tape.
- *
- * The <tape> argument may be any tape device name or file name
- * that contains a tar formatted archive. If <tape> is equal "-",
- * standard input is used. If <tape> is NULL (or unspecified from Shell)
- * the default archive file name stored in global variable <TAPE> is used.
- *
- * The <bfactor> dictates the blocking factor the tape was written with.
- * If 0, or unspecified from the shell, a default of 20 is used.
- *
- * The <verbose> argument is a boolean, if set to 1, will cause informative
- * messages to be printed to standard error whenever an action is taken,
- * otherwise, only errors are reported.
- *
- * All informative and error message are printed to standard error.
- *
- * There is no way to selectively extract tar archives with this
- * utility. It extracts entire archives.
- */
- STATUS tarExtract
- (
- char * pTape, /* tape device name */
- int bfactor, /* requested blocking factor */
- BOOL verbose /* if TRUE print progress info */
- )
- {
- register int rc ; /* return codes */
- MT_TAR_SOFT ctrl ; /* control structure */
- STATUS retval = OK;
- /* Set defaults */
- if( pTape == NULL )
- pTape = TAPE ;
- if( bfactor == 0 )
- bfactor = 20 ;
- if( verbose )
- printErr("Extracting from %sn", pTape );
- bzero( (char *)&ctrl, sizeof(ctrl) );
- bzero( bZero, sizeof(bZero) ); /* not harmful for reentrancy */
- /* Open tape device and initialize control structure */
- if( strcmp(pTape, "-") == 0)
- ctrl.fd = STD_IN;
- else
- ctrl.fd = open( pTape, O_RDONLY, 0) ;
- if ( ctrl.fd < 0 )
- {
- printErr("Failed to open tape: %sn", strerror(errnoGet()) );
- return ERROR;
- }
- ctrl.bFactor = bfactor ;
- ctrl.pBuf = KHEAP_ALLOC( bfactor * TBLOCK ) ;
- if ( ctrl.pBuf == NULL )
- {
- printErr("Not enough memory, exiting.n" );
- if ( ctrl.fd != STD_IN )
- close( ctrl.fd );
- return ERROR ;
- }
- /* all exits from now via goto in order to free the buffer */
- /* Read the first block and adjust blocking factor */
- rc = read( ctrl.fd, ctrl.pBuf->dummy, ctrl.bFactor*TBLOCK ) ;
- if ( rc == ERROR )
- {
- printErr("read error at the beginning of tape, exiting.n" );
- retval = ERROR ;
- goto finish;
- }
- else if( rc == 0 )
- {
- printErr("empty tape file, exiting.n" );
- goto finish;
- }
- else if( (rc % TBLOCK) != 0 )
- {
- printErr("tape block not multiple of %d, exiting.n", TBLOCK);
- retval = ERROR ;
- goto finish;
- }
- ctrl.bValid = rc / TBLOCK ;
- ctrl.pBnext = ctrl.pBuf ;
- if ( ctrl.bFactor != ctrl.bValid )
- {
- if( verbose )
- printErr("adjusting blocking factor to %dn", ctrl.bValid );
- ctrl.bFactor = ctrl.bValid ;
- }
- /* End of overture, start processing files until end of tape */
- {
- MT_HBLOCK * pBlk ;
- if ( tarRdBlks( &ctrl, &pBlk, 1) != 1 )
- {
- retval = ERROR ;
- goto finish;
- }
- if ( bcmp( pBlk->dummy, bZero, TBLOCK) == 0 )
- {
- if(verbose)
- printErr("end of tape encountered, read until eof...n");
- while( tarRdBlks( &ctrl, &pBlk, 1) > 0) ;
- if(verbose)
- printErr("done.n");
- retval = OK ;
- goto finish;
- }
- if ( tarExtractFile( &ctrl, pBlk, verbose) == ERROR )
- {
- retval = ERROR;
- goto finish;
- }
- } /* end of FOREVER */
- finish:
- if ( ctrl.fd != STD_IN )
- close( ctrl.fd );
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)ctrl.pBuf );
- return( retval );
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarWrtBlks - write <nBlocks> blocks to tape
- *
- * Receives any number of blocks, and handles the blocking factor
- * mechanism using the pCtrl->pBuf internal buffer and associated
- * counters.
- *
- */
- (
- MT_TAR_SOFT *pCtrl, /* control structure */
- char *pBuf, /* data to write */
- unsigned int nBlocks /* how many blocks to get */
- )
- {
- register int rc ;
- while( nBlocks > 0 )
- {
- if ((pCtrl->bValid <= 0) && (nBlocks >= (unsigned int)pCtrl->bFactor))
- {
- /* internal buffer empty, write directly */
- rc = write( pCtrl->fd, pBuf, pCtrl->bFactor*TBLOCK ) ;
- if ( rc == ERROR )
- return ERROR ;
- /* adjust count and pointer */
- pBuf += TBLOCK * pCtrl->bFactor ;
- nBlocks -= pCtrl->bFactor ;
- }
- else
- {
- register int cnt ;
- /* internal buffer partially full, fill it up */
- cnt = pCtrl->bFactor - pCtrl->bValid ;
- cnt = min( (ULONG)cnt, nBlocks );
- bcopy( pBuf, (char *) (pCtrl->pBuf + pCtrl->bValid), cnt*TBLOCK );
- pBuf += cnt*TBLOCK;
- nBlocks -= cnt ;
- pCtrl->bValid += cnt ;
- }
- if( pCtrl->bValid == pCtrl->bFactor )
- {
- /* one full blocked buffer, write to tape */
- rc = write( pCtrl->fd, (char *) pCtrl->pBuf,
- pCtrl->bFactor*TBLOCK ) ;
- if ( rc == ERROR )
- return ERROR ;
- /* adjust count and pointer */
- pCtrl->bValid = 0 ;
- }
- } /* while */
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarCreateHdr - build a tar header block
- *
- * NOTE:
- * SunOS tar(5) man page is not accurate, this function
- * was built using empiric methods with that tar(1) command.
- * RETURNS: file size in bytes
- */
- LOCAL int tarCreateHdr
- (
- MT_TAR_SOFT *pCtrl, /* control structure */
- const char *name, /* file/dir name */
- struct stat *pStat, /* file stats */
- MT_HBLOCK * pBlk /* block buffer for header */
- )
- {
- int chksum;
- strncpy( pBlk->dbuf.name, name, NAMSIZ );
- if( S_ISDIR(pStat->st_mode) )
- {
- pStat->st_mode |= 0200 ;
- pStat->st_size = 0 ;
- }
- sprintf( pBlk->dbuf.mode, "%6o ", pStat->st_mode );
- sprintf( pBlk->dbuf.uid, "%6o ", pStat->st_uid );
- sprintf( pBlk->dbuf.gid, "%6o ", pStat->st_gid );
- sprintf( pBlk->dbuf.size, "%11lo ", pStat->st_size );
- sprintf( pBlk->dbuf.mtime, "%11lo ", pStat->st_mtime );
- pBlk->dbuf.linkflag = '0';
- bfill( pBlk->dbuf.chksum, 8, ' '); /* fill blanks */
- chksum = mtChecksum( pBlk->dummy, TBLOCK ) ;
- sprintf( pBlk->dbuf.chksum, "%6o", chksum);
- return( pStat->st_size );
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarArchDo - archive a file/dir onto tape (recursive)
- *
- * Handle one file or one directory, in case of directory,
- * write the dir entry and recurse.
- *
- */
- (
- MT_TAR_SOFT *pCtrl, /* control structure */
- BOOL verbose, /* verbosity flag */
- char * name /* file/dir name */
- )
- {
- MT_HBLOCK hblock; /* header block */
- struct stat st; /* file/dir stat */
- register int rc;
- bzero ( (char *) &hblock, sizeof( MT_HBLOCK ) );
- if( strlen( name ) >= (NAMSIZ-1))
- {
- printErr("tar: name too long %s, skip.n", name );
- return ERROR;
- }
- rc = stat( name, &st );
- if ( rc == ERROR)
- {
- perror("tar: stat error ");
- return ERROR ;
- }
- if ( pCtrl->recurseCnt++ > MAXLEVEL )
- {
- printErr("tar: nesting too deep, skipping %sn", name);
- goto abort ;
- }
- if( S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) )
- {
- char fn [ NAMSIZ ]; /* subdir name */
- register DIR * pDir;
- struct dirent * pDirEnt ;
- /* handle directory */
- strncpy( fn, name, NAMSIZ-2 );
- strcat( fn, "/" );
- /* write directory header block to tape */
- tarCreateHdr( pCtrl, fn, &st, &hblock ) ;
- if( verbose )
- printErr("tar: writing directory %sn", name );
- if (tarWrtBlks( pCtrl, (char *) &hblock, 1 ) == ERROR )
- {
- perror("tar: error writing header to tape ");
- goto abort;
- }
- /* recurse on every directory member */
- pDir = opendir( name ) ;
- if( pDir == NULL )
- {
- perror((sprintf(fn,"tar: error opening directory %s ", name),fn));
- goto abort;
- }
- for( pDirEnt = readdir(pDir); pDirEnt != NULL ;
- pDirEnt = readdir(pDir))
- {
- /* Skip the "." and ".." entries */
- if ( strcmp( pDirEnt->d_name, ".") == 0)
- continue ;
- if ( strcmp( pDirEnt->d_name, "..") == 0)
- continue ;
- /* build the new name by concatenating */
- strncpy( fn, name, NAMSIZ-2 );
- strcat( fn, "/" );
- strcat( fn, pDirEnt->d_name );
- /* recurse ! nesting level of MAXLEVEL maximum */
- (void )tarArchDo( pCtrl, verbose, fn ) ;
- }
- closedir( pDir );
- }
- else if( S_ISREG(st.st_mode) )
- {
- int fileFd = -1 ;
- register int fileSize ;
- register int rc ;
- register char * pFileBuf ;
- unsigned bufSize = pCtrl->bFactor*TBLOCK;
- unsigned nBlocks = 0 ;
- /* handle plain file */
- /* write file header to tape */
- fileSize = tarCreateHdr( pCtrl, name, &st, &hblock ) ;
- /* write the file itself to tape */
- pFileBuf = KHEAP_ALLOC( bufSize );
- if( pFileBuf == NULL )
- {
- printErr("tar: not enough memoryn" );
- goto abort;
- }
- fileFd = open( name, O_RDONLY, 0);
- if( fileFd == ERROR )
- {
- perror((sprintf(pFileBuf,"tar: file open error %s, ", name),
- pFileBuf));
- KHEAP_FREE(((char *) pFileBuf) );
- goto abort;
- }
- /* Handle Regular File - calculate number of blocks */
- if( fileSize > 0 )
- nBlocks = ( fileSize / TBLOCK ) + ((fileSize % TBLOCK)? 1 : 0 ) ;
- if( verbose )
- printErr("tar: writing file %s, size %d bytes, %d blocksn",
- name, fileSize, nBlocks );
- if (tarWrtBlks( pCtrl, (char *) &hblock, 1 ) == ERROR )
- {
- perror("tar: error writing header to tape ");
- KHEAP_FREE(((char *) pFileBuf) );
- goto abort;
- }
- while( nBlocks > 0 )
- {
- /* try to optimize into direct tape writing here */
- rc = read( fileFd, pFileBuf,
- bufSize - (pCtrl->bValid*TBLOCK) ) ;
- if( rc == ERROR )
- {
- perror((sprintf(pFileBuf,"tar: file read error %s, ", name),
- pFileBuf));
- rc = 1;
- }
- else if( rc == 0 )
- {
- printErr("tar: file changed size!n");
- rc = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* recalculate read count in blocks */
- rc = ( rc / TBLOCK ) + ((rc % TBLOCK)? 1 : 0 ) ;
- }
- /* Now write the file blocks to tape */
- tarWrtBlks( pCtrl, pFileBuf, rc );
- nBlocks -= rc ;
- }/*while*/
- close( fileFd );
- KHEAP_FREE(((char *) pFileBuf));
- } /* end of regular file handling */
- else
- {
- printErr("tar: not a regular file nor a directory %s, skippedn",
- name );
- goto abort;
- }
- pCtrl->recurseCnt --;
- return OK;
- abort:
- pCtrl->recurseCnt --;
- return ERROR;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarArchive - archive named file/dir onto tape in tar format
- *
- * This function creates a UNIX compatible tar formatted archives
- * which contain entire file hierarchies from disk file systems.
- * Files and directories are archived with mode and time information
- * as returned by stat().
- *
- * The <tape> argument can be any tape drive device name or a name of any
- * file that will be created if necessary, and will contain the archive.
- * If <tape> is set to "-", standard output will be used.
- * If <tape> is NULL (unspecified from Shell), the default archive file
- * name stored in global variable <TAPE> will be used.
- *
- * Each write() of the archive file will be exactly <bfactor>*512 bytes
- * long, hence on tapes in variable mode, this will be the physical
- * block size on the tape. With Fixed Mode tapes this is only a performance
- * matter. If <bfactor> is 0, or unspecified from Shell, it will be set
- * to the default value of 20.
- *
- * The <verbose> argument is a boolean, if set to 1, will cause informative
- * messages to be printed to standard error whenever an action is taken,
- * otherwise, only errors are reported.
- *
- * The <name> argument is the path of the hierarchy to be archived.
- * if NULL (or unspecified from the Shell), the current directory path "."
- * will be used. This is the path as seen from the target, not from
- * the Tornado host.
- *
- * All informative and error message are printed to standard error.
- *
- * NOTE
- * Refrain from specifying absolute path names in <path>, such archives
- * tend to be either difficult to extract or can cause unexpected
- * damage to existing files if such exist under the same absolute name.
- *
- * There is no way of specifying a number of hierarchies to dump.
- */
- STATUS tarArchive
- (
- char * pTape, /* tape device name */
- int bfactor, /* requested blocking factor */
- BOOL verbose, /* if TRUE print progress info */
- char * pName /* file/dir name to archive */
- )
- {
- MT_TAR_SOFT ctrl; /* control structure */
- STATUS retval = OK;
- /* Set defaults */
- if( pTape == NULL )
- pTape = TAPE ;
- if( bfactor == 0 )
- bfactor = 20 ;
- if( pName == NULL )
- pName = "." ;
- if( verbose )
- printErr("Archiving to %sn", pTape );
- bzero( (char *)&ctrl, sizeof(ctrl) );
- bzero( bZero, sizeof(bZero) ); /* not harmful for reentrancy */
- /* Open tape device and initialize control structure */
- if( strcmp(pTape, "-") == 0)
- ctrl.fd = STD_OUT;
- else
- ctrl.fd = open( pTape, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644) ;
- if ( ctrl.fd < 0 )
- {
- printErr("Failed to open tape: %sn", strerror(errnoGet()) );
- return ERROR;
- }
- ctrl.bValid = 0 ;
- ctrl.bFactor = bfactor ;
- ctrl.pBuf = KHEAP_ALLOC( bfactor * TBLOCK ) ;
- if ( ctrl.pBuf == NULL )
- {
- printErr("Not enough memory, exiting.n" );
- if ( ctrl.fd != STD_OUT)
- close( ctrl.fd );
- return ERROR ;
- }
- /* all exits from now via goto in order to free the buffer */
- retval = tarArchDo( &ctrl, verbose, pName ) ;
- /* at end of tape, write at least two zero blocks */
- if( verbose )
- printErr("tar: writing end of tape.n");
- tarWrtBlks( &ctrl, bZero, 1 );
- tarWrtBlks( &ctrl, bZero, 1 );
- /* and fill the last blocked block until written to tape */
- while( ctrl.bValid > 0 )
- tarWrtBlks( &ctrl, bZero, 1 );
- if( ctrl.fd != STD_OUT )
- close( ctrl.fd );
- KHEAP_FREE(((char *) ctrl.pBuf));
- return( retval );
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarTocFile - display one file or directory from tar tape
- *
- * Called from tarToc for every file/dir found on tape.
- *
- */
- (
- MT_TAR_SOFT *pCtrl, /* control structure */
- MT_HBLOCK *pBlk /* header block */
- )
- {
- register int rc ;
- int sum = -1 ; /* checksum */
- int size = 0 ; /* file size in bytes */
- int nblks = 0; /* file size in TBLOCKs */
- int mode ;
- char * fn ; /* file/dir name */
- /* Check the checksum of this header */
- rc = sscanf( pBlk->dbuf.chksum, "%o", &sum ) ; /* extract checksum */
- bfill( pBlk->dbuf.chksum, 8, ' '); /* fill blanks */
- if( mtChecksum( pBlk->dummy, TBLOCK ) != sum )
- {
- printErr("bad checksum %d != %dn",
- mtChecksum( pBlk->dummy, TBLOCK), sum );
- return ERROR;
- }
- /* Parse all fields of header that we need, and store them safely */
- sscanf( pBlk->dbuf.mode, "%o", &mode );
- sscanf( pBlk->dbuf.size, "%12o", &size );
- fn = pBlk->dbuf.name ;
- /* Handle directory */
- if( (size == 0) || ( fn[ strlen(fn) - 1 ] == '/' ) )
- {
- printErr("directory %s.n", fn );
- }
- /* Filter out links etc */
- if ((pBlk->dbuf.linkflag != '') &&
- (pBlk->dbuf.linkflag != '0') &&
- (pBlk->dbuf.linkflag != ' '))
- {
- printErr("we do not support links, %s skippedn", fn );
- return OK;
- }
- /* Handle Regular File - calculate number of blocks */
- if( size > 0 )
- nblks = ( size / TBLOCK ) + ((size % TBLOCK)? 1 : 0 ) ;
- printErr("file %s, size %d bytes, %d blocksn",
- fn, size, nblks );
- /* Loop until entire file skipped */
- while (size > 0)
- {
- MT_HBLOCK *pBuf;
- rc = tarRdBlks( pCtrl, &pBuf, nblks) ;
- if ( rc < 0 )
- {
- printErr("error reading tapen");
- return ERROR;
- }
- size -= rc*TBLOCK ;
- nblks -= rc ;
- }
- return( OK );
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tarToc - display all contents of a tar formatted tape
- *
- * This is a UNIX-tar compatible utility that displays entire
- * file hierarchies from tar-formatted media, e.g. tape.
- *
- * The <tape> argument may be any tape device name or file name
- * that contains a tar formatted archive. If <tape> is equal "-",
- * standard input is used. If <tape> is NULL (or unspecified from Shell)
- * the default archive file name stored in global variable <TAPE> is used.
- *
- * The <bfactor> dictates the blocking factor the tape was written with.
- * If 0, or unspecified from Shell, default of 20 is used.
- *
- * Archive contents are displayed on standard output, while
- * all informative and eror message are printed to standard error.
- *
- */
- STATUS tarToc
- (
- char * tape, /* tape device name */
- int bfactor /* requested blocking factor */
- )
- {
- register int rc ; /* return codes */
- MT_TAR_SOFT ctrl ; /* control structure */
- STATUS retval = OK;
- /* Set defaults */
- if( tape == NULL )
- tape = TAPE ;
- if( bfactor == 0 )
- bfactor = 20 ;
- printErr("Contents from %sn", tape );
- bzero( (char *)&ctrl, sizeof(ctrl) );
- bzero( bZero, sizeof(bZero) ); /* not harmful for reentrancy */
- /* Open tape device and initialize control structure */
- if( strcmp(tape, "-") == 0)
- ctrl.fd = STD_IN;
- else
- ctrl.fd = open( tape, O_RDONLY, 0) ;
- if ( ctrl.fd < 0 )
- {
- printErr("Failed to open tape: %sn", strerror(errnoGet()) );
- return ERROR;
- }
- ctrl.bFactor = bfactor ;
- ctrl.pBuf = KHEAP_ALLOC( bfactor * TBLOCK ) ;
- if ( ctrl.pBuf == NULL )
- {
- printErr("Not enough memory, exiting.n" );
- if ( ctrl.fd != STD_IN )
- close( ctrl.fd );
- return ERROR ;
- }
- /* all exits from now via goto in order to free the buffer */
- /* Read the first block and adjust blocking factor */
- rc = read( ctrl.fd, ctrl.pBuf->dummy, ctrl.bFactor*TBLOCK ) ;
- if ( rc == ERROR )
- {
- printErr("read error at the beginning of tape, exiting.n" );
- retval = ERROR ;
- goto finish;
- }
- else if( rc == 0 )
- {
- printErr("empty tape file, exiting.n" );
- goto finish;
- }
- else if( (rc % TBLOCK) != 0 )
- {
- printErr("tape block not multiple of %d, exiting.n", TBLOCK);
- retval = ERROR ;
- goto finish;
- }
- ctrl.bValid = rc / TBLOCK ;
- ctrl.pBnext = ctrl.pBuf ;
- if ( ctrl.bFactor != ctrl.bValid )
- {
- printErr("adjusting blocking factor to %dn", ctrl.bValid );
- ctrl.bFactor = ctrl.bValid ;
- }
- /* End of overture, start processing files until end of tape */
- {
- MT_HBLOCK * pBlk ;
- if ( tarRdBlks( &ctrl, &pBlk, 1) != 1 )
- {
- retval = ERROR ;
- goto finish;
- }
- if ( bcmp( pBlk->dummy, bZero, TBLOCK) == 0 )
- {
- printErr("end of tape encountered, read until eof...n");
- while( tarRdBlks( &ctrl, &pBlk, 1) > 0) ;
- printErr("done.n");
- retval = OK ;
- goto finish;
- }
- if ( tarTocFile( &ctrl, pBlk) == ERROR )
- {
- retval = ERROR;
- goto finish;
- }
- } /* end of FOREVER */
- finish:
- if ( ctrl.fd != STD_IN )
- close( ctrl.fd );
- KHEAP_FREE((char *) ctrl.pBuf );
- return( retval );
- }
- /* End of File */