- /* netShow.c - network information display routines */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 03v,25jun02,ann making a temporary change to the 64 bit counter lookups
- 03u,10may02,kbw making man page edits
- 03t,22apr02,rae inetstatShow warns if TCP or UDP show routine absent
- (SPR #72838)
- 03s,28mar02,vvv fixed problem with route show routines executed over the
- network (SPR #69286/73759)
- 03r,07dec01,rae merge from synth ver 03z (SPR #67790)
- 03q,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 03x, base 03j (SPRs 69550,
- 67790, 67148, 65788 etc.)
- 03p,07feb01,spm added internal documentation for parallel host shell routines
- 03o,15jan01,zhu SPR#63298
- 03x,15aug01,vvv added entries for all interface types in pIfTypes
- array (SPR #69550)
- 03w,13jul01,ann eliminated the global mibStyle flag by incorporating it in
- the END object's flags
- 03v,27jun01,spm consolidated and updated route show routines; replaced use
- of visibility flag for duplicate routes
- 03u,19jun01,rae merged venus changes from tor3_x ver 03t
- SPRs 67790 67148 65788
- 03t,01may01,niq Correcting the mod history
- 03s,01may01,niq Merging Fastpath changes from tor2_0.open_stack branch
- version 04i (netShow.c@@/main/tor2_0_x/tor2_0_0.sustaining/
- tor2_0.open_stack/26)
- 03r,29mar01,spm merged changes from version 04h of tor2_0.open_stack
- branch (wpwr VOB, base 03q) for unified code base
- 03q,13mar01,rae merged from 03p of tor2_0.barney branch (base: 03h)
- SPR#63298, SPR#27395, RFC2233, etc.
- 03p,09mar01,ham fixed output format in rtEntryPrint() routine (SPR #64321)
- 03o,24feb01,ham fixed S_objLib_OBJ_ID_ERROR return (SPR 64383).
- 03n,20feb01,ham fixed printf's format in rtEntryPrint() (SPR #63298).
- 03m,03nov00,ham doc: added an example in netPoolShow.
- 03l,25oct00,ham doc: cleanup for vxWorks AE 1.0.
- 03k,19apr00,ham merged TOR2_0-NPT-FCS(03j,08nov99,pul).
- fixed incorrect printf (SPR #26699).
- 03j,08nov99,pul T2 cumulative patch 2
- 03i,10may99,spm fixed arpShow routine to display proxy entries (SPR #24397)
- 03h,26aug98,fle doc : added .CS in EXAMPLE of arpShow header
- 03g,14dec97,jdi doc: cleanup.
- 03f,10dec97,kbw minor man page fixes
- 03e,03dec97,vin added netStackDataPoolShow() netStackSysPoolShow().
- 03d,26oct97,kbw minor man page fixes
- 03c,26sep97,rjc fix for SPR 9326
- 03b,26aug97,spm removed compiler warnings (SPR #7866)
- 03a,12aug97,vin added netpool specific stuff for mbufShow.
- 02z,12aug97,rjc added if type to ifShow SPR7555.
- 02y,11aug97,vin changed clPoolShow.
- 02x,01aug97,kbw fix man page problems found in beta review
- 02w,07jul97,rjc modifications for newer version of rtentry.
- 02v,30jun97,rjc restored old rtentry structure size.
- 02u,03jun97,rjc stopped converting all 0 mask to all 1.
- 02t,02jun97,spm corrected modification history entry
- 02s,29may97,rjc fixed mRouteShow byte order in mask.
- 02r,08mar97,vin added changes to accomodate changes in pcb structure.
- moved out igmp, icmp, udp, tcp code to igmpShow, icmpShow,
- udpShow, tcpShow.
- 02q,07apr97,spm removed DHCP client dependencies
- 02p,13feb97,rjc added mRouteShow
- 02o,31jan97,vin fixed a bug in clPoolShow().
- 02n,31jan97,spm moved DHCP client show routines to dhcpShowLib.c
- 02m,29jan97,spm made global variables for DHCP client unique.
- 02l,29jan97,spm removed conditional includes from DHCP client code.
- 02k,07jan97,vin added unknown protocol in ipstatShow.
- 02j,05dec96,vin added new mbufTypes MT_IPMADDR,MT_IFMADDR,MT_MRTABLE.
- 02i,03dec96,spm correcting errors in DHCP client show routines.
- 02h,27nov96,spm added show routines for DHCP client.
- 02g,17nov96,vin modified show routines to include new clusters.
- deleted cluster related fields from mbufShow().
- 02f,11sep96,vin modified for BSD4.4.
- 02e,13mar95,dzb changed tcpDebugShow() to call tcpReportRtn (SPR #3928).
- 02d,18jan95,rhp add pointers to literature in library man page (SPR#3591)
- 02c,18jan95,jdi doc cleanup for tcpDebugShow().
- 02b,11aug94,dzb added tcpDebugShow() to get at tcp_debug.c:tcp_report().
- warning cleanup.
- 02a,11aug93,jmm Changed ioctl.h and socket.h to sys/ioctl.h and sys/socket.h
- 01z,02feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01y,13nov92,dnw added include of semLibP.h
- 01x,12oct92,jdi fixed mangen problem in routestatShow().
- 01w,04sep92,jmm fixed typo in printf in inpcbPrint()
- changed field width in inetPrint() to 15 from 12 (spr 1470)
- 01v,29jul92,smb changed putchar() to printf().
- 01u,27jul92,elh Moved routeShow and hostShow here.
- 01t,04jul92,smb added include vxWorks.h
- 01s,26jun92,wmd modified inetPrint() to always print port address.
- 01r,11jun92,elh moved arpShow here from arpLib.
- 01q,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- 01p,26may92,kdl changed ifShow() to more robustly avoid dereferencing
- null ptr (SPR #1389).
- 01o,01jan92,elh changed arptabShow to call arpShow.
- 01n,13dec91,gae ANSI fixes.
- 01m,17nov91,elh added routestatShow().
- 01l,07nov91,elh changed calls to inet_ntoa to inet_ntoa_b, so memory isn't lost.
- 01k,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01j,14aug91,jrb (intel) improved instrumentation for udp in udpstatShow command
- with the following fields: udptotal - total packets,
- ipackets - input, opackets - output, fullsock - socket
- overflows, noportbcast - broadcast port messages with no
- listener. Taken from latest BSD reno udp.
- 01i,17jun91,del added include of strLib.h.
- 01h,07may91,jdi documentation tweaks.
- 01g,05apr91,jdi documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
- doc review by elh.
- 01f,20feb91,jaa documentation.
- 01e,08oct90,hjb moved include of "ip.h" above "tcp.h" to avoid redefinition of
- 01d,02oct90,hjb deleted "netdb.h". made ipstatShow() void.
- 01c,12aug90,hjb added arptabShow().
- 01b,10aug90,kdl added forward declarations for functions returning void.
- 01a,26jun90,hjb created by moving Show routines out of various files.
- */
- /*
- This library provides routines to show various network-related
- statistics, such as configuration parameters for network interfaces,
- protocol statistics, socket statistics, and so on.
- Interpreting these statistics requires detailed knowledge of Internet
- network protocols. Information on these protocols can be found in
- the following books:
- .iP
- .I "Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume III,"
- by Douglas Comer and David Stevens
- .iP
- .I "UNIX Network Programming,"
- by Richard Stevens
- .iP
- .I "The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System,"
- by Leffler, McKusick, Karels and Quarterman
- .LP
- The netShowInit() routine links the network show facility into the VxWorks
- system. This is performed automatically if INCLUDE_NET_SHOW is defined.
- If you want inetstatShow() to display TCP socket status, then INCLUDE_TCP_SHOW
- needs to be included.
- Some routines within this module are preempted by parallel versions
- built in to the Tornado shell source code in the $WIND_BASE/host/src/windsh
- directory. Changes to these routines must be duplicated within the shell to
- maintain consistent output. The versions in this module can still be
- accessed by prepending an "@" sign to the routine name (e.g. "@ifShow").
- Currently, the following routines are preempted:
- ifShow, inetstatShow, ipstatShow, routestatShow, hostShow
- SEE ALSO: ifLib, icmpShow, igmpShow, tcpShow, udpShow
- Some routines within this module are preempted by parallel versions
- built in to the Tornado shell source code in the $WIND_BASE/host/src/windsh
- directory. Changes to these routines must be duplicated within the shell to
- maintain consistent output. The versions in this module can still be
- accessed by prepending an "@" sign to the routine name (e.g. "@ifShow").
- Currently, the following routines are preempted:
- ifShow, inetstatShow, ipstatShow, routestatShow, hostShow
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "sys/types.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "net/socketvar.h"
- #include "sys/socket.h"
- #include "netinet/in_systm.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "netinet/ip_var.h"
- #include "net/route.h"
- #include "net/radix.h"
- #include "netinet/in_pcb.h"
- #include "hostLib.h"
- #include "net/if.h"
- #include "net/if_dl.h"
- #include "netinet/if_ether.h"
- #include "netinet/in_var.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "net/mbuf.h"
- #include "inetLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "arpLib.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "routeEnhLib.h"
- #include "private/muxLibP.h"
- #include "private/memPartLibP.h"
- #include "end.h"
- #include "ipProto.h"
- #include "math.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsIp.h" /* for _in_ifaddr definition */
- #include "netinet/vsShow.h" /* for _pTcpPcbHead and _pUdpPcbHead */
- #include "netinet/vsHost.h" /* for hostList and hostListSem */
- #include "netinet/vsRadix.h" /* for rt_tables definition */
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* externs */
- IMPORT struct rtstat rtstat; /* routing statistics */
- IMPORT struct ifnet *ifnet; /* list of all network interfaces */
- IMPORT struct in_ifaddr *in_ifaddr; /* list of addr for net interfaces */
- IMPORT struct ipstat ipstat;
- IMPORT struct radix_node_head *rt_tables[]; /* table of radix nodes */
- IMPORT LIST hostList;
- IMPORT SEM_ID hostListSem;
- IMPORT BOOL bufferedRtShow; /* buffered route printing */
- IMPORT UINT rtMem; /* memory for route display */
- /* globals */
- struct inpcbhead * _pUdpPcbHead = NULL; /* initialized in udpShow.c */
- struct inpcbhead * _pTcpPcbHead = NULL; /* initialized in tcpShow.c */
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- VOIDFUNCPTR _pTcpPcbPrint = NULL; /* initialized in tcpShow.c */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL char * pIfTypes [] = /* interface types from mib-2 */
- {
- "OTHER",
- "REGULAR_1822",
- "HDH1822",
- "DDN_X25",
- "RFC877_X25",
- "ISO88023_CSMACD",
- "ISO88024_TOKENBUS",
- "ISO88026_MAN",
- "FDDI",
- "LAPB",
- "SDLC",
- "DS1",
- "E1",
- "PPP",
- "EON",
- "NSIP",
- "SLIP",
- "ULTRA",
- "DS3",
- "SIP",
- "RS232",
- "PARA",
- "ATM",
- "MIOX25",
- "SONET",
- "X25PLE",
- "ISO88022LLC",
- "V35",
- "HSSI",
- "HIPPI",
- "MODEM",
- "AAL5",
- "IEEE80212",
- "AFLANE8023",
- "AFLANE8025",
- "ISDN",
- "V11",
- "V36",
- "G703AT64K",
- "G703AT2MB",
- "QLLC",
- "IEEE80211",
- "ESCON",
- "DLSW",
- "ISDNS",
- "ISDNU",
- "LAPD",
- "RSRB",
- "DS0",
- "BSC",
- "ASYNC",
- "CNR",
- "ISO88025_DTR",
- "EPLRS",
- "ARAP",
- "X213",
- "ADSL",
- "RADSL",
- "SDSL",
- "VDSL",
- "ISO88025_CRFP_INT",
- "ATM_DXI",
- "ATM_IMA",
- "MPC",
- "ISO88025_FIBER",
- "TDLC",
- "HDLC",
- "LAPF",
- "V37",
- "X25MLP",
- "FAST",
- "IP",
- "CES",
- "L2VLAN",
- "DTM",
- "DCN",
- "MSDSL",
- "IEEE1394",
- "IF_GSN",
- "SRP",
- "IDSL",
- "PMP",
- };
- LOCAL int bufIndex; /* index into route buffer */
- LOCAL char *routeBuf; /* buffer to store routing table */
- /* forward static functions */
- static void ifAddrPrint (char *str, struct sockaddr *addr);
- static void ifFlagPrint (u_short flag);
- static void ifEtherPrint (u_char enaddr [ 6 ]);
- static void inetPrint (struct in_addr *in, u_short port);
- LOCAL BOOL routeEntryPrint (struct rtentry *, void *, BOOL);
- static void routeTableShow (int rtType);
- static void inpcbPrint (char *name, struct inpcb *pInpcb);
- static int routeNodeShow (struct radix_node* rn, void* w);
- #define RT_ENTRY_LEN 90
- #define plural(num) ((num) > 1 ? "s": "")
- #define RT_NET 0x001 /* print network route */
- #define RT_HST 0x010 /* print host route */
- #define RT_ARP 0x100 /* print arp route entry */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ifShow - display the attached network interfaces
- *
- * This routine displays the attached network interfaces for debugging and
- * diagnostic purposes. If <ifName> is given, only the interfaces belonging
- * to that group are displayed. If <ifName> is omitted, all attached
- * interfaces are displayed.
- *
- * For each interface selected, the following are shown: Internet
- * address, point-to-point peer address (if using SLIP), broadcast address,
- * netmask, subnet mask, Ethernet address, route metric, maximum transfer
- * unit, number of packets sent and received on this interface, number of
- * input and output errors, and flags (such as loopback, point-to-point,
- * broadcast, promiscuous, ARP, running, and debug).
- *
- * The following call displays all interfaces whose names begin with "ln",
- * (such as "ln0", "ln1", and "ln2"):
- * .CS
- * -> ifShow "ln"
- * .CE
- * The following call displays just the interface "ln0":
- * .CS
- * -> ifShow "ln0"
- * .CE
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: routeShow(), ifLib
- *
- * When using the Tornado shell, this routine is only available if an
- * "@" sign is prepended to the routine name. Otherwise, it is preempted
- * by a built-in version.
- */
- void ifShow
- (
- char *ifName /* name of the interface to show */
- )
- {
- FAST struct ifnet *ifp;
- FAST struct ifaddr *ifa;
- FAST struct in_ifaddr *ia = 0;
- FAST int nameLen;
- BOOL found;
- int ifUnit;
- IP_DRV_CTRL * pDrvCtrl = NULL;
- END_OBJ * pEnd;
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- found = FALSE;
- for (ifp = _ifnet; ifp != NULL; ifp = ifp->if_next)
- #else
- for (ifp = ifnet; ifp != NULL; ifp = ifp->if_next)
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- {
- nameLen = strlen (ifp->if_name);
- /*
- * If no name is specified, every interface is a match.
- */
- if (ifName != NULL) /* if a name was specified */
- {
- if (strncmp (ifName, ifp->if_name, nameLen) != 0)
- continue; /* no match - wrong name */
- /*
- * If the user specified unit ID in ifName compare the unit number
- */
- if (nameLen < strlen (ifName))
- {
- sscanf (&ifName [nameLen], "%d", &ifUnit);
- if (ifp->if_unit != ifUnit)
- continue; /* no match - wrong unit ID */
- }
- }
- found = TRUE;
- printf ("%s (unit number %d) (stack number %d):n", ifp->if_name,
- ifp->if_unit, ifp->vsNum);
- #else
- printf ("%s (unit number %d):n", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- ifFlagPrint (ifp->if_flags);
- printf (" Type: %sn", pIfTypes [ifp->if_type]);
- for (ifa = ifp->if_addrlist; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next)
- {
- if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
- {
- /*
- * Every element in the if_addrlist (type struct ifaddr) with
- * family AF_INET is actually the first part of a larger
- * in_ifaddr structure which includes the netmask and subnet
- * mask. Access that structure to display those values.
- */
- ia = (struct in_ifaddr *)ifa;
- ifAddrPrint ("Internet address", ifa->ifa_addr);
- if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)
- ifAddrPrint ("Destination Internet address",
- ifa->ifa_dstaddr);
- else if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST)
- ifAddrPrint ("Broadcast address", ifa->ifa_broadaddr);
- printf (" Netmask 0x%lx Subnetmask 0x%lxn",
- ia->ia_netmask, ia->ia_subnetmask);
- }
- }
- /*
- * if the interface is not LOOPBACK or SLIP, print the link
- * level address.
- */
- if (!(ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) &&
- !(ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK))
- ifEtherPrint (((struct arpcom *)ifp)->ac_enaddr);
- printf(" Metric is %lun", ifp->if_metric);
- printf(" Maximum Transfer Unit size is %lun", ifp->if_mtu);
- pDrvCtrl = (IP_DRV_CTRL *)ifp->pCookie;
- /*
- * If the ifnet does not have a cookie then this is
- * a BSD 4.x interface.
- */
- if (pDrvCtrl == NULL)
- {
- printf(" %lu packets received; %lu packets sentn",
- ifp->if_ipackets, ifp->if_opackets);
- printf(" %lu multicast packets receivedn", ifp->if_imcasts);
- printf(" %lu multicast packets sentn", ifp->if_omcasts);
- printf(" %lu input errors; %lu output errorsn",
- ifp->if_ierrors, ifp->if_oerrors);
- }
- else /* END style interface. */
- {
- M2_DATA *pIfMib;
- pEnd = PCOOKIE_TO_ENDOBJ(pDrvCtrl->pIpCookie);
- if (pEnd == NULL)
- continue;
- pIfMib = &pEnd->pMib2Tbl->m2Data;
- if (pEnd->flags & END_MIB_2233)
- {
- printf (" %lu octets receivedn", pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifInOctets);
- printf (" %lu octets sentn", pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifOutOctets);
- printf (" %lu unicast packets receivedn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifInUcastPkts);
- printf (" %lu unicast packets sentn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifOutUcastPkts);
- printf (" %lu non-unicast packets receivedn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifInNUcastPkts);
- printf (" %lu non-unicast packets sentn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifOutNUcastPkts);
- printf (" %lu multicast packets receivedn",
- pIfMib->mibXIfTbl.ifInMulticastPkts);
- printf (" %lu multicast packets sentn",
- pIfMib->mibXIfTbl.ifOutMulticastPkts);
- printf (" %lu broadcast packets receivedn",
- pIfMib->mibXIfTbl.ifInBroadcastPkts);
- printf (" %lu broadcast packets sentn",
- pIfMib->mibXIfTbl.ifOutBroadcastPkts);
- printf (" %lu incoming packets discardedn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifInDiscards);
- printf (" %lu outgoing packets discardedn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifOutDiscards);
- printf (" %lu incoming errorsn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifInErrors);
- printf (" %lu outgoing errorsn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifOutErrors);
- printf (" %lu unknown protosn",
- pIfMib->mibIfTbl.ifInUnknownProtos);
- }
- else /* (RFC1213 style counters supported) XXX */
- {
- /*
- * XXX This change was made in order to fix inconsistant
- * statistics between MIB2 and ifnet due to END currently
- * does not increment MIB2 statistics. However this is
- * temporary fix and should be rolled back when ifnet{}
- * gets obsolete eventually.
- */
- printf(" %lu octets receivedn",
- ifp->if_ipackets);
- printf(" %lu octets sentn",
- ifp->if_opackets);
- printf(" %lu packets receivedn",
- ifp->if_ipackets - ifp->if_ierrors);
- printf(" %lu packets sentn",
- ifp->if_opackets - ifp->if_oerrors);
- printf(" %lu non-unicast packets receivedn",
- ifp->if_imcasts);
- printf(" %lu non-unicast packets sentn",
- ifp->if_omcasts);
- printf(" %lu unicast packets receivedn",
- ifp->if_ipackets - ifp->if_imcasts);
- printf(" %lu unicast packets sentn",
- ifp->if_opackets - ifp->if_omcasts);
- printf(" %lu input discardsn",
- ifp->if_iqdrops);
- printf(" %lu input unknown protocolsn",
- ifp->if_noproto);
- printf(" %lu input errorsn",
- ifp->if_ierrors);
- printf(" %lu output errorsn",
- ifp->if_oerrors);
- }
- }
- /* print collisions and drops for old BSD or iso88023_csmacd
- * or ethernet_csmacd
- */
- if (pDrvCtrl == NULL
- || ifp->if_data.ifi_type==M2_ifType_iso88023_csmacd
- || ifp->if_data.ifi_type==M2_ifType_ethernet_csmacd )
- {
- printf(" %ld collisions; %ld droppedn",
- ifp->if_collisions, ifp->if_iqdrops);
- }
- }
- if (found == FALSE)
- {
- if (ifName != NULL)
- printErr(""%s" - No such interfacen", ifName);
- else
- printErr("No network interface active.n");
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ifAddrPrint - print Internet address for the interface
- *
- * Prints the Internet address (for the network interfaces)
- * in readable format.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ifAddrPrint
- (
- char *str, /* comment string to be printed */
- struct sockaddr *addr /* internet address for the interface */
- )
- {
- char addrString [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- inet_ntoa_b (((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr, addrString);
- printf(" %s: %sn", str, addrString);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ifFlagPrint - print flags for the network interface
- *
- * ifFlagPrint prints each of the flags specified for the network
- * interfaces in user-readable format.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ifFlagPrint
- (
- FAST ushort flag /* network interface flags */
- )
- {
- printf(" Flags: (0x%x) ", flag);
- if (flag & IFF_UP)
- printf ("UP ");
- else
- /* shouldn't happen if the interface is deleted properly */
- printf ("DOWN ");
- if (flag & IFF_LOOPBACK)
- printf ("LOOPBACK ");
- if (flag & IFF_POINTOPOINT)
- printf ("POINT-TO-POINT ");
- if (flag & IFF_BROADCAST)
- printf ("BROADCAST ");
- if (flag & IFF_MULTICAST)
- printf ("MULTICAST ");
- if (flag & IFF_PROMISC)
- printf ("PROMISCUOUS ");
- if (!(flag & IFF_NOTRAILERS))
- printf ("TRAILERS ");
- if (!(flag & IFF_NOARP))
- printf ("ARP ");
- if (flag & IFF_RUNNING)
- printf ("RUNNING ");
- if (flag & IFF_DEBUG)
- printf ("DEBUG ");
- if (flag & IFF_FP_ENABLE)
- printf ("FASTPATH ");
- printf ("n");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ifEtherPrint - print Ethernet address in ":" notation
- *
- */
- LOCAL void ifEtherPrint
- (
- u_char enaddr[6] /* ethernet address */
- )
- {
- unsigned char *en = (unsigned char *)enaddr;
- printf(" Ethernet address is %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02xn",
- en [0], en [1], en [2], en [3], en [4], en [5]);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * inetPrint - Pretty print an Internet address (net address + port).
- *
- */
- LOCAL void inetPrint
- (
- FAST struct in_addr *in,
- u_short port
- )
- {
- char line[80];
- char *cp;
- int width;
- char addrString [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- inet_ntoa_b ((*in), addrString);
- (void) sprintf (line, "%.*s.", 15, addrString);
- cp = index (line, '');
- (void) sprintf (cp, "%d", ntohs((u_short)port));
- width = 21;
- printf (" %-*.*s", width, width, line);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * inetstatShow - display all active connections for Internet protocol sockets
- *
- * This routine displays a list of all active Internet protocol sockets in a
- * format similar to the UNIX `netstat' command.
- *
- * If you want inetstatShow() to display TCP socket status, then
- * INCLUDE_TCP_SHOW needs to be included.
- *
- *
- * When using the Tornado shell, this routine is only available if an
- * "@" sign is prepended to the routine name. Otherwise, it is preempted
- * by a built-in version.
- */
- void inetstatShow (void)
- {
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf("Active Internet connections (including servers) (stack number %d)n", myStackNum);
- #else
- printf("Active Internet connections (including servers)n");
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- printf("%-8.8s %-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s %-18.18s %-18.18s %sn",
- "PCB", "Proto", "Recv-Q", "Send-Q",
- "Local Address", "Foreign Address", "(state)");
- printf("%-8.8s %-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s %-18.18s %-18.18s %sn",
- "--------", "-----", "------", "------", "------------------",
- "------------------", "-------");
- if (_pTcpPcbHead != NULL)
- inpcbPrint ("TCP", _pTcpPcbHead->lh_first);
- else
- printf("No TCP show routine included. TCP connections not shown.n");
- if (_pUdpPcbHead != NULL)
- inpcbPrint ("UDP", _pUdpPcbHead->lh_first);
- else
- printf("No UDP show routine included. UDP connections not shown.n");
- inpcbPrint ("RAW", ripcb.lh_first);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * inpcbPrint - print a list of protocol control blocks for an Internet protocol
- *
- * Prints a list of active protocol control blocks for the specified
- * Internet protocols in a nice and pretty format.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void inpcbPrint
- (
- char *name,
- struct inpcb *pInpcb
- )
- {
- FAST struct inpcb *inp;
- struct socket *pSock;
- BOOL isTcp = 0;
- if (strcmp (name, "TCP") == 0)
- isTcp = 1;
- for (inp = pInpcb; inp != NULL; inp = inp->inp_list.le_next)
- {
- pSock = inp->inp_socket;
- /*
- * Print "inp" here to allow manual deletion of the stale
- * PCB's by using in_pcbdetach (inp).
- */
- printf ("%-8x ", (u_int) inp);
- printf("%-5.5s %6ld %6ld ", name, pSock->so_rcv.sb_cc,
- pSock->so_snd.sb_cc);
- inetPrint (&(inp->inp_laddr), inp->inp_lport);
- inetPrint (&(inp->inp_faddr), inp->inp_fport);
- /* if tcp is included then only print the tcp information */
- if (isTcp && (_pTcpPcbPrint != NULL))
- (*_pTcpPcbPrint) (inp);
- (void) printf ("n");
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * ipstatShow - display IP statistics
- *
- * This routine displays detailed statistics for the IP protocol.
- *
- *
- * When using the Tornado shell, this routine is only available if an
- * "@" sign is prepended to the routine name. Otherwise, it is preempted
- * by a built-in version.
- */
- void ipstatShow
- (
- BOOL zero /* TRUE = reset statistics to 0 */
- )
- {
- static char *ipstat_name[] =
- {
- "total", "badsum", "tooshort", "toosmall",
- "badhlen", "badlen", "infragments", "fragdropped",
- "fragtimeout", "forward", "cantforward", "redirectsent",
- "unknownprotocol", "nobuffers", "reassembled", "outfragments",
- "noroute"
- };
- char *fmt = "%20s %4dn";
- int ix = 0;
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf (fmt, "stack number",
- myStackNum); /* stack number */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_total); /* total packets received */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_badsum); /* checksum bad */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_tooshort); /* packet too short */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_toosmall); /* not enough data */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_badhlen); /* ip header length < data size */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_badlen); /* ip length < ip header length */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_fragments); /* fragments received */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_fragdropped); /* frags dropped (dups, out of space) */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_fragtimeout); /* fragments timed out */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_forward); /* packets forwarded */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_cantforward); /* packets rcvd for unreachable dest */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_redirectsent); /* packets forwarded on same net */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_noproto); /* pkts recieved with unknown protos */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_odropped); /* pkts dropped for no buffers */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_reassembled); /* total packets reassembled ok */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_ofragments); /* output fragments created */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- _ipstat.ips_noroute); /* packets discarded due to no route */
- printf ("n");
- if (zero)
- bzero ((char*)&_ipstat, sizeof (_ipstat));
- #else
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_total); /* total packets received */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_badsum); /* checksum bad */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_tooshort); /* packet too short */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_toosmall); /* not enough data */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_badhlen); /* ip header length < data size */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_badlen); /* ip length < ip header length */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_fragments); /* fragments received */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_fragdropped); /* frags dropped (dups, out of space) */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_fragtimeout); /* fragments timed out */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_forward); /* packets forwarded */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_cantforward); /* packets rcvd for unreachable dest */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_redirectsent); /* packets forwarded on same net */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_noproto); /* pkts recieved with unknown protos */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_odropped); /* pkts dropped for no buffers */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_reassembled); /* total packets reassembled ok */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_ofragments); /* output fragments created */
- printf (fmt, ipstat_name [ix++],
- ipstat.ips_noroute); /* packets discarded due to no route */
- printf ("n");
- if (zero)
- bzero ((char*)&ipstat, sizeof (ipstat));
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * clPoolShow - show cluster pool information
- *
- * This function shows cluster pool information.
- *
- *
- */
- LOCAL void clPoolShow
- (
- NET_POOL_ID pNetPool /* pointer the netPool */
- )
- {
- UCHAR clType;
- CL_POOL_ID pClPool;
- printf ("__________________n");
- printf ("CLUSTER POOL TABLEn");
- printf ("_______________________________________________________________________________n");
- printf ("size clusters free usagen");
- printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------n");
- for (clType = pNetPool->clLg2Min; clType <= pNetPool->clLg2Max; clType++)
- {
- if ((pClPool = netClPoolIdGet (pNetPool, CL_LOG2_TO_CL_SIZE(clType),
- TRUE)) != NULL)
- {
- printf ("%-9d", pClPool->clSize);
- printf ("%-10d", pClPool->clNum);
- printf ("%-10d", pClPool->clNumFree);
- printf ("%-14dn", pClPool->clUsage);
- }
- }
- printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------n");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netPoolShow - show pool statistics
- *
- * This routine displays the distribution of `mBlk's and clusters in a given
- * network pool ID.
- *
- *
- * .CS
- * void endPoolShow
- * (
- * char * devName, /@ The inteface name: "dc", "ln" ...@/
- * int unit /@ the unit number: usually 0 @/
- * )
- * {
- * END_OBJ * pEnd;
- *
- * if ((pEnd = endFindByName (devName, unit)) != NULL)
- * netPoolShow (pEnd->pNetPool);
- * else
- * printf ("Could not find device %sn", devName);
- * return;
- * }
- * .CE
- *
- */
- void netPoolShow
- (
- NET_POOL_ID pNetPool
- )
- {
- static int mt_types [NUM_MBLK_TYPES] =
- };
- static char mt_names [NUM_MBLK_TYPES][10] =
- };
- int totalMbufs = 0;
- FAST int ix;
- if (pNetPool == NULL || pNetPool->pPoolStat == NULL)
- return ;
- printf ("type numbern");
- printf ("--------- ------n");
- for (ix = 0; ix < NUM_MBLK_TYPES; ix++)
- {
- printf ("%-8s: %3ldn", mt_names [ix],
- pNetPool->pPoolStat->mTypes [mt_types [ix]]);
- totalMbufs += pNetPool->pPoolStat->m_mtypes [mt_types [ix]];
- }
- printf ("%-8s: %3dn", "TOTAL", totalMbufs);
- printf ("number of mbufs: %ldn", pNetPool->pPoolStat->mNum);
- printf ("number of times failed to find space: %ldn",
- pNetPool->pPoolStat->mDrops);
- printf ("number of times waited for space: %ldn",
- pNetPool->pPoolStat->mWait);
- printf ("number of times drained protocols for space: %ldn",
- pNetPool->pPoolStat->mDrain);
- clPoolShow (pNetPool);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netStackDataPoolShow - show network stack data pool statistics
- *
- * This routine displays the distribution of `mBlk's and clusters in a
- * the network data pool. The network data pool is used only for data
- * transfer through the network stack.
- *
- * The "clusters" column indicates the total number of clusters of that size
- * that have been allocated. The "free" column indicates the number of
- * available clusters of that size (the total number of clusters minus those
- * clusters that are in use). The "usage" column indicates the number of times
- * clusters have been allocated (not, as you might expect, the number of
- * clusters currently in use).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: netStackSysPoolShow(), netBufLib
- */
- void netStackDataPoolShow (void)
- {
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf("stack number %dn", myStackNum);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- netPoolShow (_pNetDpool);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * netStackSysPoolShow - show network stack system pool statistics
- *
- * This routine displays the distribution of `mBlk's and clusters in a
- * the network system pool. The network system pool is used only for system
- * structures such as sockets, routes, interface addresses, protocol control
- * blocks, multicast addresses, and multicast route entries.
- *
- * The "clusters" column indicates the total number of clusters of that size
- * that have been allocated. The "free" column indicates the number of
- * available clusters of that size (the total number of clusters minus those
- * clusters that are in use). The "usage" column indicates the number of times
- * clusters have been allocated (not, as you might expect, the number of
- * clusters currently in use).
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: netStackDataPoolShow(), netBufLib
- */
- void netStackSysPoolShow (void)
- {
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf("stack number %dn", myStackNum);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- netPoolShow (_pNetSysPool);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mbufShow - report mbuf statistics
- *
- * This routine displays the distribution of mbufs in the network.
- *
- */
- void mbufShow (void)
- {
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf("stack number %dn", myStackNum);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- netPoolShow (_pNetDpool);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * netShowInit - initialize network show routines
- *
- * This routine links the network show facility into the VxWorks system.
- * These routines are included automatically if INCLUDE_NET_SHOW
- * is defined.
- *
- */
- void netShowInit (void)
- {
- if (bufferedRtShow)
- routeBuf = KHEAP_ALLOC (rtMem);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * arpShow - display entries in the system ARP table
- *
- * This routine displays the current Internet-to-Ethernet address mappings
- * in the ARP table.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> arpShow
- *
- * Destination LL Address Flags Refcnt Use Interface
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * 08:00:3e:23:79:e7 0x405 0 82 lo0
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * .CE
- *
- * Some configuration is required when this routine is to be used remotely over
- * the network eg. through a telnet session or through the host shell using
- * WDB_COMM_NETWORK. If more than 5 entries are expected in the table the
- * parameter RT_BUFFERED_DISPLAY should be set to TRUE to prevent a possible
- * deadlock. This requires a buffer whose size can be set with RT_DISPLAY_MEMORY.
- * It will limit the number of entries that can be displayed (each entry requires
- * approx. 70 bytes).
- *
- */
- void arpShow (void)
- {
- char *dashLine = "---------------------------------------------------------------------n";
- char *topLine = "Destination LL Address Flags Refcnt Use Interfacen";
- printf("stack number %dn", myStackNum);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- printf ("nLINK LEVEL ARP TABLEn");
- printf ("%s", topLine);
- printf ("%s", dashLine);
- routeTableShow (RT_ARP); /* show ARP routes */
- printf ("%s", dashLine);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * arptabShow - display the known ARP entries
- *
- * This routine displays current Internet-to-Ethernet address mappings in the
- * ARP table.
- *
- *
- * This just calls arpShow. It is provided for compatablity.
- * Migrating to arpShow to be more compliant with WRS naming.
- */
- void arptabShow (void)
- {
- arpShow ();
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * routestatShow - display routing statistics
- *
- * This routine displays routing statistics.
- *
- *
- * When using the Tornado shell, this routine is only available if an
- * "@" sign is prepended to the routine name. Otherwise, it is preempted
- * by a built-in version.
- */
- void routestatShow (void)
- {
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf ("routing: (stack number %d)n", myStackNum);
- #else
- printf ("routing:n");
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- printf ("t%u bad routing redirect%sn", rtstat.rts_badredirect,
- plural (rtstat.rts_badredirect));
- printf ("t%u dynamically created route%sn", rtstat.rts_dynamic,
- plural (rtstat.rts_dynamic));
- printf ("t%u new gateway%s due to redirectsn", rtstat.rts_newgateway,
- plural (rtstat.rts_newgateway));
- printf ("t%u destination%s found unreachablen", rtstat.rts_unreach,
- plural (rtstat.rts_unreach));
- printf ("t%u use%s of a wildcard routen", rtstat.rts_wildcard,
- plural (rtstat.rts_wildcard));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * routeShow - display all IP routes (summary information)
- *
- * This routine displays the list of destinations in the routing table
- * along with the next-hop gateway and associated interface for each entry.
- * It separates the routes into network routes and host-specific entries,
- * but does not display the netmask for a route since it was created for
- * class-based routes which used predetermined values for that field.
- *
- * The IP forwarding process will only use the first route entry to a
- * destination. When multiple routes exist to the same destination with
- * the same netmask (which is not shown), the first route entry uses the
- * lowest administrative weight. The remaining entries (listed as additional
- * routes) use the same destination address. One of those entries will
- * replace the primary route if it is deleted.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> routeShow
- *
- * Destination Gateway Flags Refcnt Use Interface
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------
- * 0x1 1 142 enp0
- * 0x1 1 142 enp0
- * Additional routes to
- * 0x1 0 120 enp1
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Destination Gateway Flags Refcnt Use Interface
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------
- * 0x101 0 82 lo0
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------
- * .CE
- *
- * The flags field represents a decimal value of the flags specified
- * for a given route. The following is a list of currently available
- * flag values:
- *
- * .TS
- * tab(|);
- * l l .
- * 0x1 | - route is usable (that is, "up")
- * 0x2 | - destination is a gateway
- * 0x4 | - host specific routing entry
- * 0x8 | - host or net unreachable
- * 0x10 | - created dynamically (by redirect)
- * 0x20 | - modified dynamically (by redirect)
- * 0x40 | - message confirmed
- * 0x80 | - subnet mask present
- * 0x100 | - generate new routes on use
- * 0x200 | - external daemon resolves name
- * 0x400 | - generated by ARP
- * 0x800 | - manually added (static)
- * 0x1000 | - just discard packets (during updates)
- * 0x2000 | - modified by management protocol
- * 0x4000 | - protocol specific routing flag
- * 0x8000 | - protocol specific routing flag
- * .TE
- *
- * In the above display example, the entry in the ROUTE NET TABLE has a
- * flag value of 1, which indicates that this route is "up" and usable and
- * network specific (the 0x4 bit is turned off). The entry in the ROUTE
- * HOST TABLE has a flag value of 5 (0x1 OR'ed with 0x4), which indicates
- * that this route is "up" and usable and host-specific.
- *
- * Some configuration is required when this routine is to be used remotely over
- * the network eg. through a telnet session or through the host shell using
- * WDB_COMM_NETWORK. If more than 5 routes are expected in the table the
- * parameter RT_BUFFERED_DISPLAY should be set to TRUE to prevent a possible
- * deadlock. This requires a buffer whose size can be set with RT_DISPLAY_MEMORY.
- * It will limit the number of routes that can be displayed (each route requires
- * approx. 70 bytes).
- *
- */
- void routeShow (void)
- {
- char *dashLine = "--------------------------------------------------------------------n";
- char *topLine = "Destination Gateway Flags Refcnt Use Interfacen";
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf("stack number %dn", myStackNum);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- printf ("nROUTE NET TABLEn");
- printf ("%s", topLine);
- printf ("%s", dashLine);
- routeTableShow (RT_NET); /* show network routes */
- printf ("%s", dashLine);
- printf ("nROUTE HOST TABLEn");
- printf ("%s", topLine);
- printf ("%s", dashLine);
- routeTableShow (RT_HST); /* show host routes */
- printf ("%s", dashLine);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * routeNodeShow - print all route entries attached to a node in the tree
- *
- * This routine displays every route entry with a particular destination
- * and netmask. Only the initial entry attached to the tree is visible to
- * the IP forwarding process. The remaining entries are duplicates.
- *
- * The return value of 0 continues the tree traversal to access the next
- * element.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK on success and ERROR on failure
- */
- LOCAL int routeNodeShow
- (
- struct radix_node * pRoute,
- void* w
- )
- {
- ROUTE_ENTRY * pHead; /* Start of route list for a protocol. */
- ROUTE_ENTRY * pNext;
- BOOL printFlag; /* Available route actually displayed? */
- struct sockaddr * pAddress;
- char addressString [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- int len;
- pHead = (ROUTE_ENTRY *)pRoute;
- /* Print the route entry which is visible to IP. */
- printFlag = routeEntryPrint ( (struct rtentry *)pHead, w, TRUE);
- if (printFlag == FALSE)
- {
- /*
- * The primary route entry did not match the requested type. Ignore
- * any duplicate routes, which also will not meet the criteria.
- */
- return (OK);
- }
- /* Get the next entry to display, if any. */
- pNext = pHead->sameNode.pFrwd;
- if (pNext == NULL)
- {
- pHead = pNext = pHead->diffNode.pFrwd;
- }
- if (pNext != NULL)
- {
- /* Additional entries exist. Print the appropriate subheading. */
- pAddress = rt_key ( (struct rtentry *)pRoute);
- inet_ntoa_b ( ((struct sockaddr_in *)pAddress)->sin_addr,
- addressString);
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- printf (" Additional routes to %s:n", addressString);
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (routeBuf + bufIndex, " Additional routes to %s:n",
- addressString);
- bufIndex += len;
- }
- }
- /* Print any duplicate routes for the visible node. */
- while (pHead)
- {
- while (pNext)
- {
- /* check for buffer space */
- if (bufferedRtShow && (rtMem - bufIndex < RT_ENTRY_LEN))
- return (ERROR);
- routeEntryPrint ( (struct rtentry *)pNext, w, FALSE);
- pNext = pNext->sameNode.pFrwd;
- }
- pHead = pNext = pHead->diffNode.pFrwd;
- }
- /* check for buffer space */
- if (bufferedRtShow && (rtMem - bufIndex < RT_ENTRY_LEN))
- return (ERROR);
- return OK;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * routeEntryPrint - print one route entry
- *
- * This function executes (when walking the route tree) for each route entry,
- * including duplicate routes not visible to the IP forwarding process.
- * The public routines set the <type> argument to RT_NET, RT_HST, or RT_ARP
- * to select categories of route information from the routing table. The
- * RT_NET value only displays IP routes which can reach multiple hosts.
- * The RT_HST value only displays IP routes which can reach a specific host,
- * and the RT_ARP value displays host-specific routes which contain link-level
- * information in the gateway field.
- *
- * Older show routines only select one of the available route types. The
- * newer alternative sets both RT_NET and RT_HST to display all IP routes.
- * That routine supports classless routing, so it includes the netmask value
- * in the output. It also prints the new type-of-service field and the
- * protocol number which indicates the route's creator.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if entry printed, or FALSE for mismatched type
- */
- LOCAL BOOL routeEntryPrint
- (
- struct rtentry * pRt, /* pointer to the route entry */
- void * pRtType, /* pointer to the route type */
- BOOL ipRouteFlag /* visible to IP forwarding? */
- )
- {
- FAST struct sockaddr * destAddr = NULL;
- FAST struct sockaddr * gateAddr;
- FAST UCHAR * pChr;
- FAST int rtType;
- char aStr [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- ULONG mask;
- char buf [RT_ENTRY_LEN];
- int index = 0;
- int len;
- rtType = *((int *)pRtType);
- /*
- * Ignore host routes (including ARP entries) if only
- * network routes should be printed.
- */
- if ( (rtType == RT_NET) && (pRt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST))
- return (FALSE);
- destAddr = rt_key(pRt); /* get the destination address */
- gateAddr = pRt->rt_gateway; /* get the gateway address */
- /* if what we want is a host route and not an arp entry then return */
- if ((rtType & RT_HST) && (gateAddr->sa_family == AF_LINK) &&
- (pRt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST))
- return (FALSE);
- /* If only host routes are desired, skip any network route. */
- if ((rtType == RT_HST) && (!(pRt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST)))
- return (FALSE);
- /* if what we want is an arp entry and if it is not then return */
- if ((rtType & RT_ARP) && ((gateAddr->sa_family != AF_LINK) ||
- (((struct sockaddr_dl *)gateAddr)->sdl_alen == 0)
- ))
- return (FALSE);
- /* if what we want is a network route and the gateway family is AF_LINK */
- if ((rtType & RT_NET) && (gateAddr->sa_family == AF_LINK))
- gateAddr = pRt->rt_ifa->ifa_addr;
- /*
- * Print destination address for visible entries and whitespace
- * for duplicate routes.
- */
- if (ipRouteFlag)
- {
- inet_ntoa_b (((struct sockaddr_in *)destAddr)->sin_addr, aStr);
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- printf ("%-16s ", (destAddr->sa_family == AF_INET) ?
- aStr : "not AF_INET");
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (buf, "%-16s ", (destAddr->sa_family == AF_INET) ?
- aStr : "not AF_INET");
- index += len;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- printf (" ");
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (buf, " ");
- index += len;
- }
- }
- /*
- * When displaying all IP routes, print the netmask for the visible
- * route entry. Show the new TOS values and the value of the routing
- * protocol which created the entry for the primary routes and any
- * duplicates. Only one of these type flags is set when using the
- * older class-based show routines.
- */
- if ( (rtType & RT_NET) && (rtType & RT_HST))
- {
- /* Print the (common) netmask value with the primary route entry. */
- if (ipRouteFlag)
- {
- if (rt_mask (pRt) == NULL)
- {
- mask = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- mask = ((struct sockaddr_in *) rt_mask (pRt))->sin_addr.s_addr;
- mask = ntohl (mask);
- }
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- printf ("%#-10lx ", mask);
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (buf + index, "%#-10lx ", mask);
- index += len;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Print whitespace when displaying duplicate routes. */
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- printf (" "); /* 11 spaces: empty netmask field */
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (buf + index, " ");
- index += len;
- }
- }
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- {
- /* print routing protocol value */
- printf ("%-4d ", RT_PROTO_GET (destAddr));
- /* print type of service */
- printf ("%#-4x ", TOS_GET (destAddr));
- }
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (buf + index, "%-4d %#-4x ", RT_PROTO_GET (destAddr),
- TOS_GET (destAddr));
- index += len;
- }
- }
- /* print the gateway address which internet or linklevel */
- if (gateAddr->sa_family == AF_LINK)
- {
- pChr = (UCHAR *)(LLADDR((struct sockaddr_dl *)gateAddr));
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- printf ("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",
- pChr[0], pChr[1], pChr[2], pChr[3], pChr[4], pChr[5]);
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (buf + index, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",
- pChr[0], pChr[1], pChr[2], pChr[3], pChr[4], pChr[5]);
- index += len;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- inet_ntoa_b (((struct sockaddr_in *)gateAddr)->sin_addr, aStr);
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- printf ("%-16s ", (gateAddr->sa_family == AF_INET) ?
- aStr :"not AF_INET");
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (buf + index, "%-16s ",
- (gateAddr->sa_family == AF_INET) ? aStr :
- "not AF_INET");
- index += len;
- }
- }
- if (!bufferedRtShow)
- {
- printf ("%#-6hx ", pRt->rt_flags);
- printf ("%-5d ", pRt->rt_refcnt);
- printf ("%-10ld ", pRt->rt_use);
- printf ("%s%dn", pRt->rt_ifp->if_name, pRt->rt_ifp->if_unit);
- }
- else
- {
- len = sprintf (buf + index, "%#-6hx %-5d %-10ld %s%dn", pRt->rt_flags,
- pRt->rt_refcnt, pRt->rt_use, pRt->rt_ifp->if_name,
- pRt->rt_ifp->if_unit);
- index += len;
- bcopy (buf, (char *) (routeBuf + bufIndex), index);
- bufIndex += index;
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * routeTableShow - print a subset of entries in the routing table
- *
- * This routine uses internal interfaces to walk the internal tree which
- * contains all route information and display particular types of route
- * entries. It provides a common entry point for three individual routines
- * which print the ARP information, route entries assuming class-based
- * netmasks (further separated into network and host categories), and routes
- * which can use arbitrary netmasks.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void routeTableShow
- (
- int rtType /* route type network, host or arp */
- )
- {
- int s;
- struct radix_node_head * rnh;
- int type;
- type = rtType;
- rnh = rt_tables[AF_INET];
- if (rnh)
- {
- if (bufferedRtShow)
- {
- if (routeBuf == NULL)
- return;
- bufIndex = 0;
- }
- s = splnet ();
- rn_walktree(rnh, routeNodeShow, &type);
- splx (s);
- if (bufferedRtShow)
- {
- routeBuf [bufIndex] = '';
- printf ("%s", routeBuf);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * hostShow - display the host table
- *
- * This routine prints a list of remote hosts, along with their Internet
- * addresses and aliases.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: hostAdd()
- *
- * When using the Tornado shell, this routine is only available if an
- * "@" sign is prepended to the routine name. Otherwise, it is preempted
- * by a built-in version.
- *
- * This just calls arpShow. It is provided for compatablity.
- * Migrating to arpShow to be more compliant with WRS naming.
- */
- void hostShow (void)
- {
- char inetBuf [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf("stack number %dn", myStackNum);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- printf ("hostname inet address aliasesn");
- printf ("-------- ------------ -------n");
- semTake (hostListSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- for (pHostEntry = (HOSTENTRY *)lstFirst (&hostList);
- pHostEntry != NULL;
- pHostEntry = (HOSTENTRY *)lstNext (&pHostEntry->node))
- {
- inet_ntoa_b (pHostEntry->netAddr, inetBuf);
- printf ("%-16s %-18s", pHostEntry->, inetBuf);
- for (pHostName = pHostEntry->;
- pHostName != NULL;
- pHostName = pHostName->link)
- {
- printf ("%s ", pHostName->name);
- }
- printf ("n");
- }
- semGive (hostListSem);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * mRouteShow - display all IP routes (verbose information)
- *
- * This routine displays the list of destinations in the routing table
- * along with the next-hop gateway and associated interface. It also
- * displays the netmask for a route (to handle classless routes which
- * use arbitrary values for that field) and the value which indicates
- * the route's creator, as well as any type-of-service information.
- *
- * When multiple routes exist to the same destination with the same netmask,
- * the IP forwarding process only uses the first route entry with the lowest
- * administrative weight. The remaining entries (listed as additional routes)
- * use the same address and netmask. One of those entries will replace the
- * primary route if it is deleted.
- *
- * Some configuration is required when this routine is to be used remotely over
- * the network eg. through a telnet session or through the host shell using
- * WDB_COMM_NETWORK. If more than 5 routes are expected in the table the
- * parameter RT_BUFFERED_DISPLAY should be set to TRUE to prevent a possible
- * deadlock. This requires a buffer whose size can be set with RT_DISPLAY_MEMORY.
- * It will limit the number of routes that can be displayed (each route requires
- * approx. 90 bytes).
- *
- */
- void mRouteShow (void)
- {
- int type = RT_HST | RT_NET; /* print all IP route entries */
- virtualStackIdCheck();
- printf("stack number %dn", myStackNum);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- printf ("%-16s %-10s %-6s%-4s", "Destination", "Mask", "Proto", "TOS");
- printf ("%-16s %-6s %-7s%-11s", "Gateway", "Flags", "RefCnt", "Use");
- printf ("%sn", "Interface");
- printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------");
- printf ("----------------------------n");
- routeTableShow (type);
- }