- /* dhcpsLib.c - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server library */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01v,16nov01,spm fixed modification history
- 01u,29oct01,wap Correct typo in documentation (SPR #34808)
- 01t,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01x, base 01p (VIRTUAL_STACK)
- 01s,17nov00,spm added support for BSD Ethernet devices
- 01r,24oct00,spm fixed modification history after merge from tor3_0_x branch;
- corrected pathname in library description
- 01q,23oct00,niq merged from version 01t of tor3_0_x branch (base version 01p);
- upgrade to BPF replaces tagged frames support
- 01p,17jan98,kbw removed NOMANUAL restriction from init function
- 01o,17dec97,spm fixed byte order of address-based loop boundaries (SPR #20056)
- 01n,14dec97,kbw made minor man page fixes
- 01m,10dec97,kbw made minor man page fixes
- 01l,04dec97,spm added code review modifications
- 01k,25oct97,kbw made minor man page fixes
- 01j,06oct97,spm removed reference to deleted endDriver global; replaced with
- support for dynamic driver type detection
- 01i,25sep97,gnn SENS beta feedback fixes
- 01h,26aug97,spm added code review fixes and support for UDP port selection
- 01g,12aug97,gnn changes necessitated by MUX/END update.
- 01f,30jul97,kbw fixed man page problems found in beta review
- 01e,15jul97,spm allowed startup without lease storage; changed module title
- 01d,02jun97,spm updated man pages and added ERRNO entries
- 01c,06may97,spm changed memory access to align IP header on four byte
- boundary and corrected cleanup routine
- 01b,17apr97,kbw fixed man page format, changed wording, spell checked doc
- 01a,07apr97,spm created by modifying WIDE project DHCP implementation
- */
- /*
- This library implements the server side of the Dynamic Host Configuration
- Protocol (DHCP). DHCP is an extension of BOOTP. Like BOOTP, it allows a
- target to configure itself dynamically by using the network to get
- its IP address, a boot file name, and the DHCP server's address. Additionally,
- DHCP provides for automatic reuse of network addresses by specifying
- individual leases as well as many additional options. The compatible
- message format allows DHCP participants to interoperate with BOOTP
- participants. The dhcpsInit() routine links this library into the VxWorks
- image. This happens automatically if INCLUDE_DHCPS is defined when the image
- is built.
- The dhcpsInit() routine initializes the server. It reads the hard-coded server
- configuration data that is stored in three separate tables.
- The first table contains entries as follows:
- .CS
- DHCPS_LEASE_DESC dhcpsLeaseTbl [] =
- {
- {"sample1", "", "", "clid=e"1:0x08003D21FE90e""},
- {"sample2", "", "", "maxl=90:dfll=60"},
- {"sample3", "", "", "maxl=0xffffffff:file=/vxWorks"},
- {"sample4", "", "", "albp=true:file=/vxWorks"}
- };
- .CE
- Each entry contains a name of up to eight characters, the starting and ending
- IP addresses of a range, and the parameters associated with the lease. The
- four samples shown demonstrate the four types of leases.
- Manual leases contain a specific client ID, and are issued only to that client,
- with an infinite duration. The example shown specifies a MAC address, which is
- the identifier type used by the VxWorks DHCP client.
- Dynamic leases specify a finite maximum length, and can be issued to any
- requesting client. These leases allow later re-use of the assigned IP address.
- If not explicitly specified in the parameters field, these leases use the
- values of DHCPS_MAX_LEASE and DHCPS_DFLT_LEASE to determine the lease length.
- Automatic leases are implied by the infinite maximum length. Their IP addresses
- are assigned permanently to any requesting client.
- The last sample demonstrates a lease that is also available to BOOTP clients.
- The infinite maximum length is implied, and any timing-related parameters are
- ignored.
- The DHCP server supplies leases to DHCP clients according to the lease type in
- the order shown above. Manual leases have the highest priority and leases
- available to BOOTP clients the lowest.
- Entries in the parameters field may be one of these types:
- .IP `bool' 8
- Takes values of "true" or "false", for example, ipfd=true. Unrecognized
- values default to false.
- .IP 'str'
- Takes a character string as a value, for example, hstn="clapton".
- If the string includes a delimiter character, such as a colon, it
- should be enclosed in quotation marks.
- .IP 'octet'
- Takes an 8-bit integer in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal, for example,
- 8, 070, 0xff.
- .IP 'short'
- Takes a 16-bit integer.
- .IP 'long'
- Takes a 32-bit integer.
- .IP 'ip'
- Takes a string that is interpreted
- as a 32-bit IP address. One of the following formats is
- expected: a.b.c.d, a.b.c or a.b. In the second
- format, c is interpreted as a 16-bit value. In
- the third format, b is interpreted as a 24-bit
- value, for example siad=
- .IP 'iplist'
- Takes a list of IP addresses, separated by
- white space, for example, rout=
- .IP 'ippairs'
- Takes a list of IP address pairs. Each IP
- address is separated by white space and grouped
- in pairs, for example, strt=
- .IP 'mtpt'
- Takes a list of 16 bit integers,
- separated by white space, for example, mtpt=1 2 3 4 6 8.
- .IP 'clid'
- Takes a client identifier as a value.
- Client identifiers are represented by the quoted
- string "<type>:<data>", where <type> is an
- integer from 0 to 255, as defined by the IANA,
- and <data> is a sequence of 8-bit values in hexadecimal.
- The client ID is usually a MAC address, for example,
- clid="1:0x08004600e5d5".
- .LP
- The following table lists the option specifiers and descriptions for
- every possible entry in the parameter list. When available, the option
- code from RFC 2132 is included.
- .TS
- tab(|);
- lf3 lf3 lf3 lf3
- l l l l.
- Name | Code | Type | Description
- _
- snam | - | str | Optional server name.
- file | - | str | Name of file containing the boot image.
- siad | - | ip | Address of server that offers the boot image.
- albp | - | bool | If true, this entry is also available
- | | | to BOOTP clients. For entries using
- | | | static allocation, this value becomes
- | | | true by default and <maxl> becomes
- | | | infinity.
- maxl | - | long | Maximum lease duration in seconds.
- dfll | - | long | Default lease duration in seconds. If a
- | | | client does not request a specific lease
- | | | duration, the server uses this value.
- clid | - | clid | This specifies a client identifier for
- | | | manual leases. The VxWorks client uses
- | | | a MAC address as the client identifier.
- pmid | - | clid | This specifies a client identifier for
- | | | client-specific parameters to be included
- | | | in a lease. It should be present in separate
- | | | entries without IP addresses.
- clas | - | str | This specifies a class identifier for
- | | | class-specific parameters to be included in
- | | | a lease. It should be present in separate entries
- | | | without IP addresses.
- snmk | 1 | ip | Subnet mask of the IP address to be
- | | | allocated. The default is a natural mask
- | | | corresponding to the IP address. The
- | | | server will not issue IP addresses to
- | | | clients on different subnets.
- tmof | 2 | long | Time offset from UTC in seconds.
- rout | 3 | iplist | A list of routers on the same subnet as
- | | | the client.
- tmsv | 4 | iplist | A list of time servers (RFC 868).
- nmsv | 5 | iplist | A list of name servers (IEN 116).
- dnsv | 6 | iplist | A list of DNS servers (RFC 1035).
- lgsv | 7 | iplist | A list of MIT-LCS UDP log servers.
- cksv | 8 | iplist | A list of Cookie servers (RFC 865).
- lpsv | 9 | iplist | A list of LPR servers (RFC 1179).
- imsv | 10 | iplist | A list of Imagen Impress servers.
- rlsv | 11 | iplist | A list of Resource Location servers (RFC 887).
- hstn | 12 | str | Hostname of the client.
- btsz | 13 | short | Size of boot image.
- mdmp | 14 | str | Path name to which client dumps core.
- dnsd | 15 | str | Domain name for DNS.
- swsv | 16 | ip | IP address of swap server.
- rpth | 17 | str | Path name of root disk of the client.
- epth | 18 | str | Extensions Path (See RFC 1533).
- ipfd | 19 | bool | If true, the client performs IP
- | | | forwarding.
- nlsr | 20 | bool | If true, the client can perform non-local
- | | | source routing.
- plcy | 21 | ippairs | Policy filter for non-local source
- | | | routing. A list of pairs of
- | | | (Destination IP, Subnet mask).
- mdgs | 22 | short | Maximum size of IP datagram that the
- | | | client should be able to reassemble.
- ditl | 23 | octet | Default IP TTL.
- mtat | 24 | long | Aging timeout (in seconds) to be used
- | | | with Path MTU discovery (RFC 1191).
- mtpt | 25 | mtpt | A table of MTU sizes to be used with
- | | | Path MTU Discovery.
- ifmt | 26 | short | MTU to be used on an interface.
- asnl | 27 | bool | If true, the client assumes that all
- | | | subnets to which the client is connected
- | | | use the same MTU.
- brda | 28 | ip | Broadcast address in use on the client's
- | | | subnet. The default is calculated from
- | | | the subnet mask and the IP address.
- mskd | 29 | bool | If true, the client should perform subnet
- | | | mask discovery using ICMP.
- msks | 30 | bool | If true, the client should respond to
- | | | subnet mask requests using ICMP.
- rtrd | 31 | bool | If true, the client should solicit
- | | | routers using Router Discovery defined
- | | | in RFC 1256.
- rtsl | 32 | ip | Destination IP address to which the
- | | | client sends router solicitation
- | | | requests.
- strt | 33 | ippairs | A table of static routes for the client,
- | | | which are pairs of (Destination, Router).
- | | | It is illegal to specify default route
- | | | as a destination.
- trlr | 34 | bool | If true, the client should negotiate
- | | | the use of trailers with ARP (RFC 893).
- arpt | 35 | long | Timeout in seconds for ARP cache.
- encp | 36 | bool | If false, the client uses RFC 894
- | | | encapsulation. If true, it uses
- | | | RFC 1042 (IEEE 802.3) encapsulation.
- dttl | 37 | octet | Default TTL of TCP.
- kain | 38 | long | Interval of the client's TCP keepalive
- | | | in seconds.
- kagb | 39 | bool | If true, the client should send TCP
- | | | keepalive messages with a octet of
- | | | garbage for compatibility.
- nisd | 40 | str | Domain name for NIS.
- nisv | 41 | iplist | A list of NIS servers.
- ntsv | 42 | iplist | A list of NTP servers.
- nnsv | 44 | iplist | A list of NetBIOS name server.
- | | | (RFC 1001, 1002)
- ndsv | 45 | iplist | A list of NetBIOS datagram distribution
- | | | servers (RFC 1001, 1002).
- nbnt | 46 | octet | NetBIOS node type (RFC 1001, 1002).
- nbsc | 47 | str | NetBIOS scope (RFC 1001, 1002).
- xfsv | 48 | iplist | A list of font servers of X Window system.
- xdmn | 49 | iplist | A list of display managers of X Window
- | | | system.
- dht1 | 58 | short | This value specifies when the client should
- | | | start RENEWING. The default of 500 means
- | | | the client starts RENEWING after 50% of the
- | | | lease duration passes.
- dht2 | 59 | short | This value specifies when the client should
- | | | start REBINDING. The default of 875 means
- | | | the client starts REBINDING after 87.5% of
- | | | the lease duration passes.
- .TE
- .LP
- Finally, to function correctly, the DHCP server requires access to some form
- of permanent storage. The DHCPS_LEASE_HOOK constant specifies the name of a
- storage routine with the following interface:
- .CS
- STATUS dhcpsStorageHook (int op, char *buffer, int datalen);
- .CE
- The storage routine is installed by a call to the dhcpsLeaseHookAdd() routine
- The manual pages for dhcpsLeaseHookAdd() describe the parameters and required
- operation of the storage routine.
- In addition to the hard-coded entries, address entries may be added after the
- server has started by calling the following routine:
- .CS
- STATUS dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd (char *name, char *start, char *end, char *config);
- .CE
- The parameters specify an entry name, starting and ending values for a block
- of IP addresses, and additional configuration information in the same format
- as shown above for the hard-coded entries. Each parameter must be formatted
- as a NULL-terminated string.
- The DHCPS_ADDRESS_HOOK constant specifies the name of a storage routine, used
- to preserve address entries added after startup, which has the following
- prototype:
- .CS
- STATUS dhcpsAddressStorageHook (int op,
- char *name, char *start, char *end,
- char *params);
- .CE
- The storage routine is installed with the dhcpsAddressHookAdd() routine, and
- is fully described in the manual pages for that function.
- The DHCP server can also receive messages forwarded from different subnets
- by a relay agent. To provide addresses to clients on different subnets, the
- appropriate relay agents must be listed in the provided table in usrNetwork.c.
- A sample configuration is:
- .CS
- DHCPS_RELAY_DESC dhcpsRelayTbl [] =
- {
- {"", ""}
- };
- .CE
- Each entry in the table specifies the address of a relay agent that will
- transmit the request and the corresponding subnet number. To issue leases
- successfully, the address pool must also contain IP addresses for the
- monitored subnets.
- The following table allows a DHCP server to act as a relay agent in
- addition to its default function of processing messages. It consists of
- a list of IP addresses.
- .CS
- DHCP_TARGET_DESC dhcpTargetTbl [] =
- {
- {""},
- {""}
- };
- .CE
- Each IP address in this list receives a copy of any client messages
- generated on the subnets monitored by the server.
- This library provides a wrapper for the WIDE project DHCP code found in the
- directory .../target/src/dhcp, which contains all the message
- processing functions. This module uses the Berkeley Packet Filter services
- to intercept incoming DHCP messages and signals their arrival to the WIDE
- project code using a shared semaphore.
- INCLUDE FILES: dhcpsLib.h
- SEE ALSO: RFC 1541, RFC 1533
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "dhcp/copyright_dhcp.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "netinet/if_ether.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "netinet/udp.h"
- #include "sys/ioctl.h"
- #include "inetLib.h"
- #include "end.h"
- #include "ipProto.h"
- #include "ioLib.h" /* close() declaration. */
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "rngLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "sockLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "muxLib.h"
- #include "dhcp/dhcp.h"
- #include "dhcp/common.h"
- #include "dhcp/hash.h"
- #include "dhcp/common_subr.h"
- #include "dhcpsLib.h"
- #include "bpfDrv.h"
- /* defines */
- #define _DHCPS_MAX_DEVNAME 26 /* "/bpf/dhcps" + max unit number + vs num */
- /* globals for both the regular and virtual stacks */
- /* globals */
- DHCPS_RELAY_DESC * pDhcpsRelaySourceTbl;
- DHCPS_LEASE_DESC * pDhcpsLeasePool;
- long dhcps_dflt_lease; /* Default for default lease length */
- long dhcps_max_lease; /* Default maximum lease length */
- SEM_ID dhcpsMutexSem; /* Synchronization for lease entry adds. */
- FUNCPTR dhcpsLeaseHookRtn = NULL; /* Accesses storage for lease bindings. */
- FUNCPTR dhcpsAddressHookRtn = NULL; /* Preserves additional address entries. */
- int dhcpsMaxSize; /* Transmit buffer size & largest supported message. */
- int dhcpsBufSize; /* Size of buffer for BPF devices */
- IMPORT struct iovec sbufvec[2]; /* send buffer */
- IMPORT struct msg dhcpsMsgOut;
- IMPORT struct hash_member *reslist;
- IMPORT struct hash_member *bindlist;
- IMPORT struct hash_tbl nmhashtable;
- IMPORT struct hash_tbl iphashtable;
- IMPORT struct hash_tbl cidhashtable;
- IMPORT struct hash_tbl relayhashtable;
- IMPORT struct hash_tbl paramhashtable;
- IMPORT char *dhcpsSendBuf;
- IMPORT char *dhcpsOverflowBuf;
- IMPORT u_short dhcps_port;
- IMPORT u_short dhcpc_port;
- /* locals */
- struct if_info *dhcpsIntfaceList = NULL;
- LOCAL BOOL dhcpsInitialized = FALSE;
- /* Berkeley Packet Filter instructions for catching DHCP messages. */
- LOCAL struct bpf_insn dhcpfilter[] = DHCPS_FILTER_DEFINE;
- LOCAL struct bpf_program dhcpread = {
- sizeof (dhcpfilter) / sizeof (struct bpf_insn),
- dhcpfilter
- };
- #else
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsDhcps.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS alloc_sbuf (int);
- void dhcpsCleanup (int);
- void dhcpsFreeResource (struct dhcp_resource *);
- IMPORT int resnmcmp();
- IMPORT int resipcmp();
- IMPORT int eval_symbol (void *, void *);
- IMPORT int open_if();
- IMPORT STATUS read_addrpool_file (void);
- IMPORT void read_server_db (int);
- IMPORT int process_entry (struct dhcp_resource *, DHCPS_ENTRY_DESC *);
- IMPORT void set_default (struct dhcp_resource *);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcpsInit - set up the DHCP server parameters and data structures
- *
- * This routine creates the necessary data structures, builds the
- * server address pool, retrieves any lease or address information from
- * permanent storage through the user-provided hooks, and initializes the
- * network interfaces for monitoring. It is called at system startup if
- * INCLUDE_DHCPS is defined at the time the VxWorks image is built.
- *
- * The <maxSize> parameter specifies the maximum length supported for any
- * DHCP message, including the UDP and IP headers and the largest link
- * level header for all supported devices. The smallest valid value is
- * 576 bytes, corresponding to the minimum IP datagram a host must accept.
- * Larger values will allow the server to handle longer DHCP messages.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if could not initialize.
- *
- */
- STATUS dhcpsInit
- (
- DHCPS_CFG_PARAMS *pDhcpsCfg /* configuration parameters */
- )
- {
- struct if_info *pIf = NULL; /* pointer to interface */
- struct ifnet *pCIf = NULL; /* pointer to current interface */
- char bpfDevName [_DHCPS_MAX_DEVNAME]; /* "/bpf/dhcps" + max unit number */
- char temp [_DHCPS_MAX_DEVNAME];
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- int bpfDev;
- struct ifreq ifreq;
- struct sockaddr_in send_addr;
- int loop;
- int result;
- STATUS status;
- if (pDhcpsCfg == (DHCPS_CFG_PARAMS *)NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (dhcpsVsInit () == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* It must return error, if it is already initialized */
- if (dhcpsInitialized)
- return (ERROR);
- if (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpMaxMsgSize < DFLTDHCPLEN + UDPHL + IPHL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (bpfDrv () == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- dhcpsMaxSize = pDhcpsCfg->dhcpMaxMsgSize;
- dhcpsBufSize = pDhcpsCfg->dhcpMaxMsgSize + sizeof (struct bpf_hdr);
- dhcps_dflt_lease = pDhcpsCfg->dhcpsDfltLease;
- dhcps_max_lease = pDhcpsCfg->dhcpsMaxLease;
- dhcpsLeaseHookAdd (pDhcpsCfg->pDhcpsLeaseFunc);
- dhcpsAddressHookAdd (pDhcpsCfg->pDhcpsAddrFunc);
- sprintf(temp, "/bpf/vs%d_dhcps", myStackNum );
- if (bpfDevCreate (temp, pDhcpsCfg->numDev, dhcpsBufSize) == ERROR)
- #else
- if (bpfDevCreate ("/bpf/dhcps", pDhcpsCfg->numDev, dhcpsBufSize) == ERROR)
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- return (ERROR);
- dhcpsMutexSem = semBCreate (SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_FULL);
- if (dhcpsMutexSem == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- bzero ( (char *)&ifreq, sizeof (ifreq));
- srand (taskIdSelf ());
- /* Validate the MTU size. */
- for (loop = 0; loop < pDhcpsCfg->numDev; loop++)
- {
- pCIf = ifunit (pDhcpsCfg->pDhcpsIfTbl[loop].ifName);
- if (pCIf == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (pCIf->if_mtu == 0) /* No MTU size given: not attached? */
- return (ERROR);
- if (pCIf->if_mtu < DHCP_MSG_SIZE)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Alter the filter program to check for the correct length values and
- * use the specified UDP destination port and maximum hop count.
- */
- /* IP length must at least equal a DHCP message with 4 option bytes. */
- dhcpfilter [6].k = (DFLTDHCPLEN - DFLTOPTLEN + 4) + UDPHL + IPHL;
- dhcpfilter [14].k = pDhcpsCfg->dhcpSPort; /* Use actual destination port in test. */
- /* UDP length must at least equal a DHCP message with 4 option bytes. */
- dhcpfilter [16].k = (DFLTDHCPLEN - DFLTOPTLEN + 4) + UDPHL;
- dhcpfilter [18].k = pDhcpsCfg->dhcpMaxHops; /* Use real maximum hop count. */
- /* Store the interface control information and get each BPF device. */
- for (loop = 0; loop < pDhcpsCfg->numDev; loop++)
- {
- pCIf = ifunit (pDhcpsCfg->pDhcpsIfTbl[loop].ifName);
- pIf = (struct if_info *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct if_info));
- if (pIf == NULL)
- {
- logMsg ("Memory allocation error.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsCleanup (1);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pIf->buf = (char *)memalign (4, dhcpsBufSize);
- if (pIf->buf == NULL)
- {
- logMsg ("Memory allocation error.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsCleanup (1);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- bzero (pIf->buf, dhcpsBufSize);
- sprintf (bpfDevName, "/bpf/vs%d_dhcps%d", myStackNum, loop);
- #else
- sprintf (bpfDevName, "/bpf/dhcps%d", loop);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- bpfDev = open (bpfDevName, 0, 0);
- if (bpfDev < 0)
- {
- logMsg ("BPF device creation error.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsCleanup (1);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Enable immediate mode for reading messages. */
- result = 1;
- result = ioctl (bpfDev, BIOCIMMEDIATE, (int)&result);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- logMsg ("BPF device creation error.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsCleanup (1);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- result = ioctl (bpfDev, BIOCSETF, (int)&dhcpread);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- logMsg ("BPF filter assignment error.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsCleanup (1);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- sprintf (ifreq.ifr_name, "%s", pDhcpsCfg->pDhcpsIfTbl[loop].ifName );
- result = ioctl (bpfDev, BIOCSETIF, (int)&ifreq);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- logMsg ("BPF interface attachment error.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsCleanup (1);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pIf->next = dhcpsIntfaceList;
- dhcpsIntfaceList = pIf;
- /*
- * Fill in device name and hardware address using the information
- * set when the driver attached to the IP network protocol.
- */
- sprintf (pIf->name, "%s", pCIf->if_name);
- pIf->unit = pCIf->if_unit;
- pIf->bpfDev = bpfDev;
- if (muxDevExists (pCIf->if_name, pCIf->if_unit) == FALSE)
- pIf->htype = ETHER;
- else
- pIf->htype = dhcpConvert (pCIf->if_type);
- pIf->hlen = pCIf->if_addrlen;
- bcopy ((char *) ((struct arpcom *)pCIf)->ac_enaddr,
- (char *)&pIf->haddr, pIf->hlen);
- }
- pDhcpsLeasePool = pDhcpsCfg->pDhcpsLeaseTbl;
- pDhcpsRelaySourceTbl = pDhcpsCfg->pDhcpsRelayTbl;
- pDhcpRelayTargetTbl = pDhcpsCfg->pDhcpsTargetTbl;
- /* read address pool databasae */
- status = read_addrpool_db (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpsLeaseTblSize);
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- dhcpsCleanup (2);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- status = read_addrpool_file (); /* retrieve additional address entries */
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- dhcpsCleanup (2);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- status = read_bind_db (); /* read binding database */
- if (status == ERROR)
- {
- dhcpsCleanup (3);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* read database of relay agents */
- if (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpsRelayTblSize != 0)
- read_relay_db (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpsRelayTblSize);
- /* read database of DHCP servers */
- if (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpTargetTblSize != 0)
- read_server_db (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpTargetTblSize);
- /* Always use default ports for client and server. */
- dhcps_port = htons (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpSPort);
- dhcpc_port = htons (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpCPort);
- /* Create a normal socket for sending messages across networks. */
- dhcpsIntfaceList->fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (dhcpsIntfaceList->fd < 0)
- {
- dhcpsCleanup (4);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Read-only socket: disable receives to prevent buffer exhaustion. */
- result = 0;
- if (setsockopt (dhcpsIntfaceList->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
- (char *)&result, sizeof (result)) != 0)
- {
- dhcpsCleanup (5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- bzero ( (char *)&send_addr, sizeof (send_addr));
- send_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- send_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);
- send_addr.sin_port = dhcps_port;
- status = bind (dhcpsIntfaceList->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &send_addr,
- sizeof (send_addr));
- if (status < 0)
- {
- dhcpsCleanup (5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Fill in subnet mask and IP address for each monitored interface. */
- pIf = dhcpsIntfaceList;
- while (pIf != NULL)
- {
- if (open_if (pIf) < 0)
- {
- dhcpsCleanup (5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pIf = pIf->next;
- }
- /* Create buffers for outgoing messages. */
- if (alloc_sbuf (pDhcpsCfg->dhcpMaxMsgSize) != OK)
- {
- logMsg ("Error: Couldn't allocate memory.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsCleanup (5);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- dhcpsInitialized = TRUE;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcpsVsInit - Initializes the Virtual Stack Portion of the code
- *
- * dhcpsVsInit is used to configure the VS specific portion of the DHCP server.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if it could not allocate the needed memory
- * OK otherwise
- *
- */
- STATUS dhcpsVsInit ()
- {
- struct bpf_insn mydhcpfilter[] = DHCPS_FILTER_DEFINE;
- unsigned char mydhcpsCookie[] = RFC1048_MAGIC;
- if (vsTbl[myStackNum]->pDhcpsGlobals && (dhcpsInitialized == TRUE))
- return (OK);
- /* Allocate memory to the dhcps globals in this virtual stack */
- vsTbl[myStackNum]->pDhcpsGlobals = (VS_DHCPS *) KHEAP_ALLOC (sizeof (VS_DHCPS));
- if (vsTbl[myStackNum]->pDhcpsGlobals == (VS_DHCPS *) NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- bzero ((char *)vsTbl[myStackNum]->pDhcpsGlobals, sizeof (VS_DHCPS));
- /* Copy over filter variables */
- memcpy (dhcpfilter, mydhcpfilter, MAX_DHCPFILTERS * sizeof (struct bpf_insn));
- dhcpread.bf_len = MAX_DHCPFILTERS;
- dhcpread.bf_insns = dhcpfilter;
- /* Copy over the magic cookie */
- memcpy (dhcpCookie, mydhcpsCookie, MAGIC_LEN * sizeof (unsigned char));
- return (OK);
- }
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcpsCleanup - remove data structures
- *
- * This routine frees all dynamically allocated memory obtained by the DHCP
- * server. It is called at multiple points before the program exits due to
- * an error occurring or manual shutdown. The checkpoint parameter indicates
- * which data structures have been created.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void dhcpsCleanup
- (
- int checkpoint /* Progress identifier indicating created resources */
- )
- {
- int current = 0;
- struct if_info *pIf;
- struct dhcp_resource * pResData;
- struct hash_member * pListElem;
- struct hash_member * pHashElem;
- struct hash_tbl * pHashTbl;
- struct dhcp_binding * pBindData;
- struct relay_acl * pRelayData;
- int loop;
- semDelete (dhcpsMutexSem); /* Checkpoint 0 */
- current++;
- if (current > checkpoint)
- return;
- /* Checkpoint 1 */
- if (checkpoint >= 5) /* Close socket descriptor if present. */
- close (dhcpsIntfaceList->fd);
- while (dhcpsIntfaceList != NULL)
- {
- pIf = dhcpsIntfaceList;
- if (pIf->buf != NULL)
- {
- if (pIf->bpfDev >= 0)
- close (pIf->bpfDev);
- free (pIf->buf);
- }
- dhcpsIntfaceList = dhcpsIntfaceList->next;
- free (pIf);
- }
- current++;
- if (current > checkpoint)
- return;
- while (reslist != NULL) /* Checkpoint 2 */
- {
- pListElem = reslist;
- pResData = pListElem->data;
- reslist = reslist->next;
- dhcpsFreeResource (pResData);
- free (pListElem);
- }
- pHashTbl = &nmhashtable;
- for (loop = 0; loop < HASHTBL_SIZE; loop++)
- {
- pHashElem = (pHashTbl->head) [loop];
- while (pHashElem != NULL)
- {
- pListElem = pHashElem;
- pHashElem = pHashElem->next;
- free (pListElem);
- }
- }
- pHashTbl = &iphashtable;
- for (loop = 0; loop < HASHTBL_SIZE; loop++)
- {
- pHashElem = (pHashTbl->head) [loop];
- while (pHashElem != NULL)
- {
- pListElem = pHashElem;
- pHashElem = pHashElem->next;
- free (pListElem);
- }
- }
- /*
- * For the hash table holding additional parameters, also remove ID
- * records (i.e. bindings), since these are not added to the bindlist.
- */
- pHashTbl = ¶mhashtable;
- for (loop = 0; loop < HASHTBL_SIZE; loop++)
- {
- pHashElem = (pHashTbl->head) [loop];
- while (pHashElem != NULL)
- {
- pListElem = pHashElem;
- if (pHashElem->data != NULL)
- free (pHashElem->data);
- pHashElem = pHashElem->next;
- free (pListElem);
- }
- }
- current++;
- if (current > checkpoint)
- return;
- /* Checkpoint 3 */
- if (dhcpsAddressHookRtn != NULL)
- (* dhcpsAddressHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_STOP, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- while (bindlist != NULL)
- {
- pListElem = bindlist;
- pBindData = bindlist->data;
- bindlist = bindlist->next;
- free (pBindData);
- free (pListElem);
- }
- pHashTbl = &cidhashtable;
- for (loop = 0; loop < HASHTBL_SIZE; loop++)
- {
- pHashElem = (pHashTbl->head) [loop];
- while (pHashElem != NULL)
- {
- pListElem = pHashElem;
- pHashElem = pHashElem->next;
- free (pListElem);
- }
- }
- current++;
- if (current > checkpoint)
- return;
- pHashTbl = &relayhashtable; /* Checkpoint 4 */
- for (loop = 0; loop < HASHTBL_SIZE; loop++)
- {
- pHashElem = (pHashTbl->head) [loop];
- while (pHashElem != NULL)
- {
- pListElem = pHashElem;
- pRelayData = pHashElem->data;
- pHashElem = pHashElem->next;
- free (pRelayData);
- free (pListElem);
- }
- }
- /* Remove elements of circular list created by read_server_db(). */
- pSrvData = pDhcpTargetList;
- for (loop = 0; loop < dhcpNumTargets; loop++)
- {
- pDhcpTargetList = pDhcpTargetList->next;
- free (pSrvData);
- }
- current++;
- if (current > checkpoint)
- return;
- /* Checkpoint 5 (close socket) contained in checkpoint 1. */
- current++;
- if (current > checkpoint)
- return;
- free (dhcpsSendBuf); /* Checkpoint 6 */
- current++;
- if (current > checkpoint)
- return;
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * void dhcpsFreeResource - remove allocated memory for resource entry
- *
- * This routine removes any dynamically allocated memory used by the given
- * lease descriptor. It is called during cleanup before the server shuts down.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void dhcpsFreeResource
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *pTarget /* Pointer to resource to remove */
- )
- {
- if (pTarget->mtu_plateau_table.shorts != NULL)
- free (pTarget->mtu_plateau_table.shorts);
- if (pTarget->router.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->router.addr);
- if (pTarget->time_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->time_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->name_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->name_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->dns_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->dns_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->log_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->log_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->cookie_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->cookie_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->lpr_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->lpr_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->impress_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->impress_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->rls_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->rls_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->nis_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->nis_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->ntp_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->ntp_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->nbn_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->nbn_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->nbdd_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->nbdd_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->xfont_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->xfont_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->xdisplay_manager.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->xdisplay_manager.addr);
- if (pTarget->nisp_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->nisp_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->mobileip_ha.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->mobileip_ha.addr);
- if (pTarget->smtp_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->smtp_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->pop3_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->pop3_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->nntp_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->nntp_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->dflt_www_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->dflt_www_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->dflt_finger_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->dflt_finger_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->dflt_irc_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->dflt_irc_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->streettalk_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->streettalk_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->stda_server.addr != NULL)
- free (pTarget->stda_server.addr);
- if (pTarget->policy_filter.addr1 != NULL)
- free (pTarget->policy_filter.addr1);
- if (pTarget->policy_filter.addr2 != NULL)
- free (pTarget->policy_filter.addr2);
- if (pTarget->static_route.addr1 != NULL)
- free (pTarget->static_route.addr1);
- if (pTarget->static_route.addr2 != NULL)
- free (pTarget->static_route.addr2);
- free (pTarget);
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd - add another entry to the address pool
- *
- * This routine allows the user to add new entries to the address pool without
- * rebuilding the VxWorks image. The routine requires a unique entry name of up
- * to eight characters, starting and ending IP addresses, and a colon-separated
- * list of parameters. Possible values for the parameters are listed in the
- * reference entry for dhcpsLib. The parameters also determine the type of
- * lease, which the server uses to determine priority when assigning lease
- * addresses. For examples of the possible lease types, see the reference
- * entry for dhcpsLib.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if entry read successfully, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- STATUS dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd
- (
- char * pName, /* name of lease entry */
- char * pStartIp, /* first IP address to assign */
- char * pEndIp, /* last IP address in assignment range */
- char * pParams /* formatted string of lease parameters */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *pResData = NULL;
- struct hash_member *pListElem = NULL;
- int result;
- char tmp [10]; /* sizeof ("tblc=dlft") for host requirements defaults. */
- char entryName [BASE_NAME + 1]; /* User-given name for address range. */
- char newName [MAX_NAME + 1]; /* Unique name for each entry in range. */
- char newAddress [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- struct in_addr nextAddr;
- int len;
- char *pTmp;
- u_long start = 0;
- u_long end = 0;
- u_long loop;
- u_long limit;
- /* Ignore bad values for range. */
- if (pStartIp != NULL && pEndIp == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (pStartIp == NULL && pEndIp != NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* If no address specified, just process parameters once. */
- if (pStartIp == NULL && pEndIp == NULL)
- {
- start = 0;
- end = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- start = inet_addr (pStartIp);
- end = inet_addr (pEndIp);
- if (start == ERROR || end == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- entryData.pName = newName;
- entryData.pAddress = newAddress;
- entryData.pParams = pParams;
- len = strlen (pName);
- if (len > BASE_NAME)
- {
- bcopy (pName, entryName, BASE_NAME);
- entryName [BASE_NAME] = '';
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy (pName, entryName, len);
- entryName [len] = '';
- }
- limit = ntohl (end);
- for (loop = ntohl (start); loop <= limit; loop++)
- {
- pResData = (struct dhcp_resource *)calloc (1,
- sizeof (struct dhcp_resource));
- if (pResData == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Generate a unique name by appending IP address value. */
- sprintf (entryData.pName, "%s%lx", entryName, loop);
- /* Assign current IP address in range. */
- nextAddr.s_addr = htonl (loop);
- inet_ntoa_b (nextAddr, entryData.pAddress);
- /* Critical section with message processing routines. */
- semTake (dhcpsMutexSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (process_entry (pResData, &entryData) < 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- dhcpsFreeResource (pResData);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Add Host Requirements defaults to resource entry. Do not add
- * to entries containing client-specific or class-specific
- * parameters.
- */
- if (ISCLR (pResData->valid, S_PARAM_ID) &&
- ISCLR (pResData->valid, S_CLASS_ID))
- {
- sprintf (tmp, "%s", "tblc=dflt");
- pTmp = tmp;
- eval_symbol (&pTmp, pResData);
- }
- /* Set default values for entry, if not already assigned. */
- if (ISSET (pResData->valid, S_IP_ADDR))
- set_default (pResData);
- /*
- * Append entries to lease descriptor list. Exclude entries which
- * specify additional client- or class-specific parameters.
- */
- if (ISCLR (pResData->valid, S_PARAM_ID) &&
- ISCLR (pResData->valid, S_CLASS_ID))
- {
- pListElem = reslist;
- while (pListElem->next != NULL)
- pListElem = pListElem->next;
- pListElem->next =
- (struct hash_member *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct hash_member));
- if (pListElem->next == NULL)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- dhcpsFreeResource (pResData);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pListElem = pListElem->next;
- pListElem->next = NULL;
- pListElem->data = (void *)pResData;
- /* Add entryname to appropriate hash table. */
- result = hash_ins (&nmhashtable, pResData->entryname,
- strlen (pResData->entryname), resnmcmp,
- pResData->entryname, pResData);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (ISSET (pResData->valid, S_IP_ADDR))
- if (hash_ins (&iphashtable, (char *)&pResData->ip_addr.s_addr,
- sizeof (u_long), resipcmp, &pResData->ip_addr,
- pResData) < 0)
- {
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- semGive (dhcpsMutexSem);
- }
- /* Save entry in permanent storage, if hook is provided. */
- if (dhcpsAddressHookRtn != NULL)
- (* dhcpsAddressHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_WRITE, pName,
- pStartIp, pEndIp, pParams);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcpsLeaseHookAdd - assign a permanent lease storage hook for the server
- *
- * This routine allows the server to access some form of permanent storage
- * that it can use to store current lease information across restarts. The
- * only argument to dhcpsLeaseHookAdd() is a pointer to a storage routine
- * with the following interface:
- * .CS
- * STATUS dhcpsStorageHook (int op, char *buffer, int datalen);
- * .CE
- * The first parameter of the storage routine specifies one of the following
- * operations:
- *
- *
- * In response to START, the storage routine should prepare to return data or
- * overwrite data provided by earlier WRITEs. For a WRITE the storage routine
- * must save the contents of the buffer to permanent storage. For a READ, the
- * storage routine should copy data previously stored into the provided buffer
- * as a NULL-terminated string in FIFO order. For a CLEAR, the storage routine
- * should discard currently stored data. After a CLEAR, the READ operation
- * must return ERROR until additional data is stored. For a STOP, the storage
- * routine must handle cleanup. After a STOP, READ and WRITE operations must
- * return error until a START is received. Each of these operations must
- * return OK if successful, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * Before the server is initialized, VxWorks automatically calls
- * dhcpsLeaseHookAdd(), passing in the routine name defined by DHCPS_LEASE_HOOK.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if routine is NULL.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- STATUS dhcpsLeaseHookAdd
- (
- FUNCPTR pCacheHookRtn /* routine to store/retrieve lease records */
- )
- {
- if (pCacheHookRtn != NULL)
- {
- dhcpsLeaseHookRtn = pCacheHookRtn;
- return (OK);
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dhcpsAddressHookAdd - assign a permanent address storage hook for the server
- *
- * This routine allows the server to access some form of permanent storage
- * to preserve additional address entries across restarts. This routine is
- * not required, but leases using unsaved addresses are not renewed. The
- * only argument provided is the name of a function with the following interface:
- * .CS
- * STATUS dhcpsAddressStorageHook (int op,
- * char *name, char *start, char *end,
- * char *params);
- * .CE
- * The first parameter of this storage routine specifies one of the following
- * operations:
- *
- *
- * In response to a START, the storage routine should prepare to return
- * data or overwrite data provided by earlier WRITE operations. For a
- * WRITE, the storage routine must save the contents of the four buffers
- * to permanent storage. Those buffers contain the NULL-terminated
- * strings received by the dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd() routine. For a READ, the
- * storage routine should copy previously stored data (as NULL-terminated
- * strings) into the provided buffers in the order received by earlier WRITE
- * operations. For a STOP, the storage routine should do any necessary cleanup.
- * After a STOP, the storage routine should return an ERROR for all operations
- * except START. However, the STOP operation does not normally occur since
- * the server only deliberately exits following an unrecoverable error. This
- * storage routine must not rely on that operation to handle READ, WRITE, or
- * new START attempts.
- *
- * The storage routine should return OK if successful, ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * Note that, unlike the lease storage routine, there is no CLEAR operation.
- *
- * Before the server is initialized, VxWorks calls this routine automatically
- * passing in the function named in DHCPS_ADDRESS_HOOK.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if function pointer is NULL.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- */
- STATUS dhcpsAddressHookAdd
- (
- FUNCPTR pCacheHookRtn /* routine to store/retrieve lease entries */
- )
- {
- /*
- * The hook routine is deliberately assigned before testing for NULL
- * so that this routine can be used to delete an existing address hook.
- * In that case, the user would just ignore the return value of ERROR.
- */
- dhcpsAddressHookRtn = pCacheHookRtn;
- if (pCacheHookRtn == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * alloc_sbuf - create message transmission buffers
- *
- * This routine creates two transmission buffers for storing outgoing DHCP
- * messages. The first buffer has a fixed size equal to that of a standard
- * DHCP message as defined in the RFC. The second buffer contains the
- * remaining number of bytes needed to send the largest supported message.
- * That buffer is only used if additional space for DHCP options is needed
- * and if the requesting client accepts larger DHCP messages. The two buffers
- * are stored in a global "buffer vector" structure and are also accessible
- * through individual global variables.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS alloc_sbuf
- (
- int maxSize /* largest supported message size, in bytes */
- )
- {
- char *pSendBuf;
- int sbufsize;
- /*
- * Allocate transmission buffer using aligned memory to provide
- * IP header alignment needed by Sun BSP's.
- */
- sbufsize = IPHL + UDPHL + DFLTDHCPLEN;
- pSendBuf = (char *)memalign (4, maxSize);
- if (pSendBuf == NULL)
- return (-1);
- dhcpsSendBuf = pSendBuf; /* Buffer for default DHCP message. */
- bzero (dhcpsSendBuf, sbufsize);
- sbufvec[0].iov_len = IPHL + UDPHL + DFLTDHCPLEN;
- sbufvec[0].iov_base = dhcpsSendBuf;
- dhcpsMsgOut.ip = (struct ip *)dhcpsSendBuf;
- dhcpsMsgOut.udp = (struct udphdr *)&dhcpsSendBuf [IPHL];
- dhcpsMsgOut.dhcp = (struct dhcp *)&dhcpsSendBuf [IPHL + UDPHL];
- dhcpsOverflowBuf = &pSendBuf [sbufsize]; /* Buffer for larger messages */
- sbufvec[1].iov_base = dhcpsOverflowBuf;
- sbufvec[1].iov_len = 0; /* Contains length of bytes in use, not size. */
- return (OK);
- }