- /******************************************************************************
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- * Edison Design Group C++/C Front End - | ^/ | - *
- * / *
- * / | | *
- * Copyright 1996-1999 Edison Design Group Inc. [_] *
- * *
- ******************************************************************************/
- /*
- Copyright (c) 1996-1999, Edison Design Group, Inc.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- duplicated in all source code forms. The name of Edison Design
- Group, Inc. may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- from this software without specific prior written permission.
- Any use of this software is at the user's own risk.
- */
- /*
- edg-decode.c -- Name demangler for C++.
- The demangling is intended to work only on names of external entities.
- There is some name mangling done for internal entities, or by the
- C-generating back end, that this program does not try to decode.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- typedef size_t sizeof_t;
- typedef int a_boolean;
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- /*
- Block used to hold state variables. A block is used so that these routines
- will be reentrant.
- */
- typedef struct a_decode_control_block *a_decode_control_block_ptr;
- typedef struct a_decode_control_block {
- unsigned long
- input_id_len;
- /* Length of the input identifier, not counting the
- final null. */
- char *output_id;
- /* Pointer to buffer for demangled version of
- the current identifier. */
- sizeof_t output_id_len;
- /* Length of output_id, not counting the final
- null. */
- sizeof_t output_id_size;
- /* Allocated size of output_id. */
- a_boolean err_in_id;
- /* TRUE if any error was encountered in the current
- identifier. */
- a_boolean output_overflow_err;
- /* TRUE if the demangled output overflowed the
- output buffer. */
- unsigned long suppress_id_output;
- /* If > 0, demangled id output is suppressed. This
- might be because of an error or just as a way
- of avoiding output during some processing. */
- char *end_of_constant;
- /* While scanning a constant, this can be set to the
- character after the end of the constant as an
- aid to disambiguation. NULL otherwise. */
- sizeof_t uncompressed_length;
- /* If non-zero, the original name was compressed,
- and this indicates the length of the uncompressed
- (but still mangled) name. */
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- a_boolean suppress_function_params;
- /* TRUE if we do not want to see function parameters;
- used by GDB to compose a stack trace. */
- a_boolean suppress_return_types;
- /* TRUE if we should avoid printing return types
- (since they don't participate in overloading). */
- a_boolean sourcelike_template_params;
- /* TRUE if we should display template parameters so
- they look like a usage in program source code. */
- #endif
- } a_decode_control_block;
- /*
- Block that contains information used to control the output of template
- parameter lists.
- */
- typedef struct a_template_param_block *a_template_param_block_ptr;
- typedef struct a_template_param_block {
- unsigned long nesting_level;
- /* Number of levels of template nesting at this
- point (1 == top level). */
- char *final_specialization;
- /* Set to point to the mangled encoding for the final
- specialization encountered while working from
- outermost template to innermost. NULL if
- no specialization has been found yet. */
- a_boolean set_final_specialization;
- /* TRUE if final_specialization should be set while
- scanning. */
- a_boolean actual_template_args_until_final_specialization;
- /* TRUE if template parameter names should not be
- put out. Reset when the final_specialization
- position is reached. */
- a_boolean output_only_correspondences;
- /* TRUE if doing a post-pass to output only template
- parameter/argument correspondences and not
- anything else. suppress_id_output will have been
- incremented to suppress everything else, and
- gets decremented temporarily when correspondences
- are output. */
- a_boolean first_correspondence;
- /* TRUE until the first template parameter/argument
- correspondence is put out. */
- a_boolean use_old_form_for_template_output;
- /* TRUE if templates should be output in the old
- form that always puts actual argument values
- in template argument lists. */
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- a_boolean base_name_only;
- /* TRUE if we are printing a bare basename, without
- template parameters; this is used for printing the
- implicit names of Constructors and Destructors. */
- #endif
- } a_template_param_block;
- /*
- Declarations needed because of forward references:
- */
- static char *demangle_name(char *ptr,
- unsigned long nchars,
- a_boolean stop_on_underscores,
- char *mclass,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl);
- static char *demangle_name_with_preceding_length(
- char *ptr,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl);
- static char *demangle_operation(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl);
- static char *demangle_operator(char *ptr,
- int *mangled_length,
- a_boolean *takes_type);
- static char *demangle_type(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl);
- static char *full_demangle_type_name(char *ptr,
- a_boolean base_name_only,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl);
- static char *demangle_template_arguments(
- char *ptr,
- a_boolean partial_spec,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl);
- /*
- Interface to full_demangle_type_name for the simple case.
- */
- #define demangle_type_name(ptr, dctl)
- full_demangle_type_name((ptr), /*base_name_only=*/FALSE,
- /*temp_par_info=*/(a_template_param_block_ptr)NULL,
- (dctl))
- static char *full_demangle_identifier(char *ptr,
- unsigned long nchars,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl);
- /* Interface to full_demangle_identifier for the simple case. */
- #define demangle_identifier(ptr, dctl)
- full_demangle_identifier((ptr), (unsigned long)0, (dctl))
- static void write_id_ch(char ch,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Add the indicated character to the demangled version of the current identifier.
- */
- {
- if (!dctl->suppress_id_output) {
- if (!dctl->output_overflow_err) {
- /* Test for buffer overflow, leaving room for a terminating null. */
- if (dctl->output_id_len >= dctl->output_id_size-1) {
- /* There's no room for the character in the buffer. */
- dctl->output_overflow_err = TRUE;
- /* Make sure the (truncated) output is null-terminated. */
- dctl->output_id[dctl->output_id_size-1] = '';
- } else {
- /* No overflow; put the character in the buffer. */
- dctl->output_id[dctl->output_id_len] = ch;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- /* Keep track of the number of characters (even if output has overflowed
- the buffer). */
- dctl->output_id_len++;
- } /* if */
- } /* write_id_ch */
- static void write_id_str(char *str,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Add the indicated string to the demangled version of the current identifier.
- */
- {
- char *p = str;
- if (!dctl->suppress_id_output) {
- for (; *p != ''; p++) write_id_ch(*p, dctl);
- } /* if */
- } /* write_id_str */
- static void bad_mangled_name(a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- A bad name mangling has been encountered. Record an error.
- */
- {
- if (!dctl->err_in_id) {
- dctl->err_in_id = TRUE;
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- } /* if */
- } /* bad_mangled_name */
- static a_boolean start_of_id_is(char *str, char *id)
- /*
- Return TRUE if the identifier (at id) begins with the string str.
- */
- {
- a_boolean is_start = FALSE;
- for (;;) {
- char chs = *str++;
- if (chs == '') {
- is_start = TRUE;
- break;
- } /* if */
- if (chs != *id++) break;
- } /* for */
- return is_start;
- } /* start_of_id_is */
- static char *advance_past_underscore(char *p,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- An underscore is expected at *p. If it's there, advance past it. If
- not, call bad_mangled_name. In either case, return the updated value of p.
- */
- {
- if (*p == '_') {
- p++;
- } else {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- } /* if */
- return p;
- } /* advance_past_underscore */
- static char *get_length(char *p,
- unsigned long *num,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Accumulate a number indicating a length, starting at position p, and
- return its value in *num. Return a pointer to the character position
- following the number.
- */
- {
- unsigned long n = 0;
- if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- do {
- n = n*10 + (*p - '0');
- if (n > dctl->input_id_len) {
- /* Bad number. */
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- n = dctl->input_id_len;
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- p++;
- } while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p));
- end_of_routine:
- *num = n;
- return p;
- } /* get_length */
- static char *get_number(char *p,
- unsigned long *num,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Accumulate a number starting at position p and return its value in *num.
- Return a pointer to the character position following the number.
- */
- {
- unsigned long n = 0;
- if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- do {
- n = n*10 + (*p - '0');
- p++;
- } while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p));
- end_of_routine:
- *num = n;
- return p;
- } /* get_number */
- static char *get_single_digit_number(char *p,
- unsigned long *num,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Accumulate a number starting at position p and return its value in *num.
- The number is a single digit. Return a pointer to the character position
- following the number.
- */
- {
- *num = 0;
- if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- *num = (*p - '0');
- p++;
- end_of_routine:
- return p;
- } /* get_single_digit_number */
- static char *get_length_with_optional_underscore(
- char *p,
- unsigned long *num,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Accumulate a number starting at position p and return its value in *num.
- If the number has more than one digit, it is followed by an underscore.
- (Or, in a newer representation, surrounded by underscores.)
- Return a pointer to the character position following the number.
- */
- {
- if (*p == '_') {
- /* New encoding (not from cfront) -- the length is surrounded by
- underscores whether it's a single digit or several digits,
- e.g., "L_10_1234567890". */
- p++;
- /* Multi-digit number followed by underscore. */
- p = get_length(p, num, dctl);
- p = advance_past_underscore(p, dctl);
- } else if (isdigit((unsigned char)p[0]) && isdigit((unsigned char)p[1]) &&
- (dctl->end_of_constant == NULL || p+2 < dctl->end_of_constant) &&
- p[2] == '_') {
- /* The cfront version -- a multi-digit length is followed by an
- underscore, e.g., "L10_1234567890". This doesn't work well because
- something like "L11", intended to have a one-digit length, can
- be made ambiguous by following it by a "_" for some other reason.
- (That's resolved in most cases by the check against end_of_constant.)
- So this form is not used in new cases where that can come up, e.g.,
- nontype template arguments for functions. In any case, interpret
- "multi-digit" as "2-digit" and don't look further for the underscore. */
- /* Multi-digit number followed by underscore. */
- p = get_length(p, num, dctl);
- p = advance_past_underscore(p, dctl);
- } else {
- /* Single-digit number not followed by underscore. */
- p = get_single_digit_number(p, num, dctl);
- } /* if */
- return p;
- } /* get_length_with_optional_underscore */
- static a_boolean is_immediate_type_qualifier(char *p)
- /*
- Return TRUE if the encoding pointed to is one that indicates type
- qualification.
- */
- {
- a_boolean is_type_qual = FALSE;
- if (*p == 'C' || *p == 'V') {
- /* This is a type qualifier. */
- is_type_qual = TRUE;
- } /* if */
- return is_type_qual;
- } /* is_immediate_type_qualifier */
- static void write_template_parameter_name(unsigned long depth,
- unsigned long position,
- a_boolean nontype,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Output a representation of a template parameter with depth and position
- as indicated. It's a nontype parameter if nontype is TRUE.
- */
- {
- char buffer[100];
- char letter = '';
- if (nontype) {
- /* Nontype parameter. */
- /* Use a code letter for the first few levels, then the depth number. */
- if (depth == 1) {
- letter = 'N';
- } else if (depth == 2) {
- letter = 'O';
- } else if (depth == 3) {
- letter = 'P';
- } /* if */
- if (letter != '') {
- (void)sprintf(buffer, "%c%lu", letter, position);
- } else {
- (void)sprintf(buffer, "N_%lu_%lu", depth, position);
- } /* if */
- } else {
- /* Normal type parameter. */
- /* Use a code letter for the first few levels, then the depth number. */
- if (depth == 1) {
- letter = 'T';
- } else if (depth == 2) {
- letter = 'U';
- } else if (depth == 3) {
- letter = 'V';
- } /* if */
- if (letter != '') {
- (void)sprintf(buffer, "%c%lu", letter, position);
- } else {
- (void)sprintf(buffer, "T_%lu_%lu", depth, position);
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- write_id_str(buffer, dctl);
- } /* write_template_parameter_name */
- static char *demangle_template_parameter_name(
- char *ptr,
- a_boolean nontype,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle a template parameter name at the indicated location. The parameter
- is a nontype parameter if nontype is TRUE. Return a pointer to the character
- position following what was demangled.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr;
- unsigned long position, depth = 1;
- /* This comes up with the modern mangling for template functions.
- Form is "ZnZ" or "Zn_mZ", where n is the parameter number and m
- is the depth number (1 if not specified). */
- p++; /* Advance past the "Z". */
- /* Get the position number. */
- p = get_number(p, &position, dctl);
- if (*p == '_' && p[1] != '_') {
- /* Form including depth ("Zn_mZ"). */
- p++;
- p = get_number(p, &depth, dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Output the template parameter name. */
- write_template_parameter_name(depth, position, nontype, dctl);
- if (p[0] == '_' && p[1] == '_' && p[2] == 't' && p[3] == 'm' &&
- p[4] == '_' && p[5] == '_') {
- /* A template template parameter followed by a template
- argument list. */
- p = demangle_template_arguments(p+6, /*partial_spec=*/FALSE,
- (a_template_param_block_ptr)NULL, dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Check for the final "Z". This appears in the mangling to avoid
- ambiguities when the template parameter is followed by something whose
- encoding begins with a digit, e.g., a class name. */
- if (*p != 'Z') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- } else {
- p++;
- } /* if */
- return p;
- } /* demangle_template_parameter_name */
- static char *demangle_constant(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle a constant (e.g., a nontype template class argument) beginning at
- ptr, and output the demangled form. Return a pointer to the character
- position following what was demangled.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr, *type = NULL, *index;
- unsigned long nchars;
- /* A constant has a form like
- CiL15 <-- integer constant 5
- ^-- Literal constant representation.
- ^--- Length of literal constant.
- ^---- L indicates literal constant; c indicates address
- of variable, etc.
- ^^----- Type of template argument, with "const" added.
- A template parameter constant or a constant expression does not have
- the initial "C" and type.
- */
- if (*p == 'C') {
- /* Advance past the type. */
- type = p;
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- p = demangle_type(p, dctl);
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- } /* if */
- /* The next thing has one of the following forms:
- 3abc Address of "abc".
- L211 Literal constant; length ("2") followed by the characters of
- the constant ("11").
- LM0_L2n1_1j Pointer-to-member-function constant; the three parts
- correspond to the triplet of values in the __mptr
- data structure.
- Z1Z Template parameter.
- Opl2Z1ZZ2ZO Expression.
- */
- if (isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) {
- /* A name preceded by its length, e.g., "3abc". Put out "&name". */
- write_id_ch('&', dctl);
- /* Process the length and name. */
- p = demangle_name_with_preceding_length(p,
- (a_template_param_block_ptr)NULL,
- dctl);
- } else if (*p == 'L') {
- if (p[1] != 'M') {
- /* Normal literal constant. Form is something like
- L3n12 encoding for -12
- ^^^---- Characters of constant. Some characters get remapped:
- n --> -
- p --> +
- d --> .
- ^------- Length of constant.
- Output is
- (type)constant
- That is, the literal constant preceded by a cast to the right type.
- */
- /* See if the type is bool. */
- a_boolean is_bool = (type+2 == p && *(type+1) == 'b'), is_nonzero;
- /* If the type is bool, don't put out the cast. */
- if (!is_bool) {
- write_id_ch('(', dctl);
- /* Start at type+1 to avoid the "C" for const. */
- (void)demangle_type(type+1, dctl);
- write_id_ch(')', dctl);
- } /* if */
- p++; /* Advance past the "L". */
- /* Get the length of the constant. */
- p = get_length_with_optional_underscore(p, &nchars, dctl);
- /* Process the characters of the literal constant. */
- is_nonzero = FALSE;
- for (; nchars > 0; nchars--, p++) {
- /* Remap characters where necessary. */
- char ch = *p;
- switch (ch) {
- case '':
- case '_':
- /* Ran off end of string. */
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- case 'p':
- ch = '+';
- break;
- case 'n':
- ch = '-';
- break;
- case 'd':
- ch = '.';
- break;
- } /* switch */
- if (is_bool) {
- /* For the bool case, just keep track of whether the constant is
- non-zero; true or false will be output later. */
- if (ch != '0') is_nonzero = TRUE;
- } else {
- /* Normal (non-bool) case. Output the character of the constant. */
- write_id_ch(ch, dctl);
- } /* if */
- } /* for */
- if (is_bool) {
- /* For bool, output true or false. */
- write_id_str((char *)(is_nonzero ? "true" : "false"), dctl);
- } /* if */
- } else {
- /* Pointer-to-member-function. The form of the constant is
- LM0_L2n1_1j Non-virtual function
- LM0_L11_0 Virtual function
- LM0_L10_0 Null pointer
- The three parts match the three components of the __mptr structure:
- (delta, index, function or offset). The index is -1 for a non-virtual
- function, 0 for a null pointer, and greater than 0 for a virtual
- function. The index is represented like an integer constant (see
- above). For virtual functions, the last component is always "0"
- even if the offset is not zero. */
- /* Advance past the "LM". */
- p += 2;
- /* Advance over the first component, ignoring it. */
- while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
- p = advance_past_underscore(p, dctl);
- /* The index component should be next. */
- if (*p != 'L') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- p++;
- /* Get the index length. */
- /* Note that get_length_with_optional_underscore is not used because
- this is an ambiguous situation: an underscore follows the index
- value, and there's no way to tell if it's the multi-digit
- indicator for the length or the separator between fields. */
- if (*p == '_') {
- /* New-form encoding, no ambiguity. */
- p = get_length_with_optional_underscore(p, &nchars, dctl);
- } else {
- p = get_single_digit_number(p, &nchars, dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Remember the start of the index. */
- index = p;
- /* Skip the rest of the index. */
- while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p) || (*p == 'n')) p++;
- p = advance_past_underscore(p, dctl);
- /* If the index number starts with 'n', this is a non-virtual
- function. */
- if (*index == 'n') {
- /* Non-virtual function. */
- /* The third component is a name preceded by its length, e.g.,
- "1f". Put out "&A::f", where "A" is the class type retrieved
- from the type. */
- write_id_ch('&', dctl);
- /* Start at type+2 to skip the "C" for const and the "M" for
- pointer-to-member. */
- (void)demangle_type_name(type+2, dctl);
- write_id_str("::", dctl);
- /* Demangle the length and name. */
- p = demangle_name_with_preceding_length(p,
- (a_template_param_block_ptr)NULL,
- dctl);
- } else {
- /* Not a non-virtual function. The encoding for the third component
- should be simply "0". */
- if (*p != '0') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- p++;
- if (nchars == 1 && *index == '0') {
- /* Null pointer constant. Output "(type)0", that is, a zero cast
- to the pointer-to-member type. */
- write_id_ch('(', dctl);
- (void)demangle_type(type, dctl);
- write_id_str(")0", dctl);
- } else {
- /* Virtual function. This case can't really be demangled properly,
- because the mangled name doesn't have enough information.
- Output "&A::virtual-function-n". */
- write_id_ch('&', dctl);
- /* Start at type+2 to skip the "C" for const and the "M" for
- pointer-to-member. */
- (void)demangle_type_name(type+2, dctl);
- write_id_str("::", dctl);
- write_id_str("virtual-function-", dctl);
- /* Write the index number. */
- for (; nchars > 0; nchars--, index++) write_id_ch(*index, dctl);
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- } else if (*p == 'Z') {
- /* A template parameter. */
- p = demangle_template_parameter_name(p, /*nontype=*/TRUE, dctl);
- } else if (*p == 'O') {
- /* An operation. */
- p = demangle_operation(p, dctl);
- } else {
- /* The constant starts with something unexpected. */
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- } /* if */
- end_of_routine:
- return p;
- } /* demangle_constant */
- static char *demangle_operation(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle an operation in a constant expression (these come up in template
- arguments and array sizes, in template function parameter lists) beginning
- at ptr, and output the demangled form. Return a pointer to the character
- position following what was demangled.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr, *operator_str;
- int op_length;
- unsigned long num_operands;
- a_boolean takes_type;
- /* An operation has the form
- Opl2Z1ZZ2ZO <-- "Z1 + Z2", Z1/Z2 indicating nontype template parameters.
- ^---- "O" to end the operation encoding.
- ^^^----- Second operand.
- ^^^-------- First operand.
- ^----------- Count of operands.
- ^^------------ Operation, using same encoding as for operator
- function names.
- ^-------------- "O" for operation.
- */
- p++; /* Advance past the "O". */
- /* Decode the operator name, e.g., "pl" is "+". */
- operator_str = demangle_operator(p, &op_length, &takes_type);
- if (operator_str == NULL) {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- } else {
- p += op_length;
- /* Put parentheses around the operation. */
- write_id_ch('(', dctl);
- /* For a cast, sizeof, or __ALIGNOF__, get the type. */
- if (takes_type) {
- if (strcmp(operator_str, "cast") == 0) {
- write_id_ch('(', dctl);
- operator_str = "";
- } else {
- write_id_str(operator_str, dctl);
- } /* if */
- p = demangle_type(p, dctl);
- write_id_ch(')', dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Get the count of operands. */
- p = get_single_digit_number(p, &num_operands, dctl);
- /* sizeof and __ALIGNOF__ take zero operands. */
- if (num_operands != 0) {
- if (num_operands == 1) {
- /* Unary operator -- operator comes first. */
- write_id_str(operator_str, dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Process the first operand. */
- p = demangle_constant(p, dctl);
- if (num_operands > 1) {
- /* Binary and ternary operators -- operator comes after first
- operand. */
- write_id_str(operator_str, dctl);
- /* Process the second operand. */
- p = demangle_constant(p, dctl);
- if (num_operands > 2) {
- /* Ternary operand -- "?". */
- write_id_ch(':', dctl);
- /* Process the third operand. */
- p = demangle_constant(p, dctl);
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- write_id_ch(')', dctl);
- /* Check for the final "O". */
- if (*p != 'O') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- } else {
- p++;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- return p;
- } /* demangle_operation */
- static void clear_template_param_block(a_template_param_block_ptr tpbp)
- /*
- Clear the fields of the indicated template parameter block.
- */
- {
- tpbp->nesting_level = 0;
- tpbp->final_specialization = NULL;
- tpbp->set_final_specialization = FALSE;
- tpbp->actual_template_args_until_final_specialization = FALSE;
- tpbp->output_only_correspondences = FALSE;
- tpbp->first_correspondence = FALSE;
- tpbp->use_old_form_for_template_output = FALSE;
- tpbp->base_name_only = FALSE;
- } /* clear_template_param_block */
- static char *demangle_template_arguments(
- char *ptr,
- a_boolean partial_spec,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the template class arguments beginning at ptr and output the
- demangled form. Return a pointer to the character position following what was
- demangled. ptr points to just past the "__tm__", "__ps__", or "__pt__"
- string. partial_spec is TRUE if this is a partial-specialization
- parameter list ("__ps__"). When temp_par_info != NULL, it points to a
- block that controls output of extra information on template parameters.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr, *arg_base;
- unsigned long nchars, position;
- a_boolean nontype, skipped, unskipped;
- if (temp_par_info != NULL && !partial_spec) temp_par_info->nesting_level++;
- /* A template argument list looks like
- __tm__3_ii
- ^^---- Argument types.
- ^------- Size of argument types, including the underscore.
- ^------- ptr points here.
- For the first argument list of a partial specialization, "__tm__" is
- replaced by "__ps__". For old-form mangling of templates, "__tm__"
- is replaced by "__pt__".
- */
- write_id_ch('<', dctl);
- /* Scan the size. */
- p = get_length(p, &nchars, dctl);
- arg_base = p;
- p = advance_past_underscore(p, dctl);
- /* Loop to process the arguments. */
- for (position = 1;; position++) {
- if (dctl->err_in_id) break; /* Avoid infinite loops on errors. */
- if (*p == '' || *p == '_') {
- /* We ran off the end of the string. */
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- break;
- } /* if */
- /* "X" identifies the beginning of a nontype argument. */
- nontype = (*p == 'X');
- skipped = unskipped = FALSE;
- if (!partial_spec && temp_par_info != NULL &&
- !temp_par_info->use_old_form_for_template_output &&
- !temp_par_info->actual_template_args_until_final_specialization) {
- /* Doing something special: writing out the template parameter name. */
- if (temp_par_info->output_only_correspondences) {
- /* This is the second pass, which writes out parameter/argument
- correspondences, e.g., "T1=int". Output has been suppressed
- in general, and is turned on briefly here. */
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- unskipped = TRUE;
- /* Put out a comma between entries and a left bracket preceding the
- first entry. */
- if (temp_par_info->first_correspondence) {
- write_id_str(" [with ", dctl);
- temp_par_info->first_correspondence = FALSE;
- } else {
- write_id_str(", ", dctl);
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- /* Write the template parameter name. */
- write_template_parameter_name(temp_par_info->nesting_level, position,
- nontype, dctl);
- if (temp_par_info->output_only_correspondences) {
- /* This is the second pass, to write out correspondences, so put the
- argument value out after the parameter name. */
- write_id_ch('=', dctl);
- } else {
- /* This is the first pass. The argument value is skipped. In
- the second pass, its value will be written out. */
- /* We still have to scan over the argument value, but suppress
- output. */
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- skipped = TRUE;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- /* Write the argument value. */
- if (nontype) {
- /* Nontype argument. */
- char *saved_end_of_constant = dctl->end_of_constant;
- p++; /* Advance past the "X". */
- /* Note the end position of the constant. This is used to decide
- that certain lengths are implausible as a way to resolve
- ambiguities. */
- dctl->end_of_constant = arg_base + nchars;
- p = demangle_constant(p, dctl);
- dctl->end_of_constant = saved_end_of_constant;
- } else {
- /* Type argument. */
- p = demangle_type(p, dctl);
- } /* if */
- if (skipped) dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- if (unskipped) dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- /* Stop after the last argument. */
- if ((p - arg_base) >= nchars) break;
- write_id_str(", ", dctl);
- } /* for */
- write_id_ch('>', dctl);
- return p;
- } /* demangle_template_arguments */
- static char *demangle_operator(char *ptr,
- int *mangled_length,
- a_boolean *takes_type)
- /*
- Examine the first few characters at ptr to see if they are an encoding for
- an operator (e.g., "pl" for plus). If so, return a pointer to a string for
- the operator (e.g., "+"), set *mangled_length to the number of characters
- in the encoding, and *takes_type to TRUE if the operator takes a type
- modifier (e.g., cast). If the first few characters are not an operator
- encoding, return NULL.
- */
- {
- char *s;
- int len = 2;
- *takes_type = FALSE;
- /* The length-3 codes are tested first to avoid taking their first two
- letters as one of the length-2 codes. */
- if (start_of_id_is("apl", ptr)) {
- s = "+=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("ami", ptr)) {
- s = "-=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("amu", ptr)) {
- s = "*=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("adv", ptr)) {
- s = "/=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("amd", ptr)) {
- s = "%=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("aer", ptr)) {
- s = "^=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("aad", ptr)) {
- s = "&=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("aor", ptr)) {
- s = "|=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("ars", ptr)) {
- s = ">>=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("als", ptr)) {
- s = "<<=";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("nwa", ptr)) {
- s = "new[]";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("dla", ptr)) {
- s = "delete[]";
- len = 3;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("nw", ptr)) {
- s = "new";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("dl", ptr)) {
- s = "delete";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("pl", ptr)) {
- s = "+";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("mi", ptr)) {
- s = "-";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("ml", ptr)) {
- s = "*";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("dv", ptr)) {
- s = "/";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("md", ptr)) {
- s = "%";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("er", ptr)) {
- s = "^";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("ad", ptr)) {
- s = "&";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("or", ptr)) {
- s = "|";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("co", ptr)) {
- s = "~";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("nt", ptr)) {
- s = "!";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("as", ptr)) {
- s = "=";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("lt", ptr)) {
- s = "<";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("gt", ptr)) {
- s = ">";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("ls", ptr)) {
- s = "<<";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("rs", ptr)) {
- s = ">>";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("eq", ptr)) {
- s = "==";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("ne", ptr)) {
- s = "!=";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("le", ptr)) {
- s = "<=";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("ge", ptr)) {
- s = ">=";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("aa", ptr)) {
- s = "&&";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("oo", ptr)) {
- s = "||";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("pp", ptr)) {
- s = "++";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("mm", ptr)) {
- s = "--";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("cm", ptr)) {
- s = ",";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("rm", ptr)) {
- s = "->*";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("rf", ptr)) {
- s = "->";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("cl", ptr)) {
- s = "()";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("vc", ptr)) {
- s = "[]";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("qs", ptr)) {
- s = "?";
- } else if (start_of_id_is("cs", ptr)) {
- s = "cast";
- *takes_type = TRUE;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("sz", ptr)) {
- s = "sizeof(";
- *takes_type = TRUE;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("af", ptr)) {
- s = "__ALIGNOF__(";
- *takes_type = TRUE;
- } else if (start_of_id_is("uu", ptr)) {
- s = "__uuidof(";
- *takes_type = TRUE;
- } else {
- s = NULL;
- } /* if */
- *mangled_length = len;
- return s;
- } /* demangle_operator */
- static a_boolean is_operator_function_name(char *ptr,
- char **demangled_name,
- int *mangled_length)
- /*
- Examine the string beginning at ptr to see if it is the mangled name for
- an operator function. If so, return TRUE and set *demangled_name to
- the demangled form, and *mangled_length to the length of the mangled form.
- */
- {
- char *s, *end_ptr;
- int len;
- a_boolean takes_type;
- /* Get the operator name.*/
- s = demangle_operator(ptr, &len, &takes_type);
- if (s != NULL) {
- /* Make sure we took the whole name and nothing more. */
- end_ptr = ptr + len;
- if (*end_ptr == '' || (end_ptr[0] == '_' && end_ptr[1] == '_')) {
- /* Okay. */
- } else {
- s = NULL;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- *demangled_name = s;
- *mangled_length = len;
- return (s != NULL);
- } /* demangle_operator_function_name */
- static void note_specialization(char *ptr,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info)
- /*
- Note the fact that a specialization indication has been encountered at ptr
- while scanning a mangled name. temp_par_info, if non-NULL, points to
- a block of information related to template parameter processing.
- */
- {
- if (temp_par_info != NULL) {
- if (temp_par_info->set_final_specialization) {
- /* Remember the location of the last specialization seen. */
- temp_par_info->final_specialization = ptr;
- } else if (temp_par_info->actual_template_args_until_final_specialization&&
- ptr == temp_par_info->final_specialization) {
- /* Stop doing the special processing for specializations when the
- final specialization is reached. */
- temp_par_info->actual_template_args_until_final_specialization = FALSE;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- } /* note_specialization */
- static char get_char(char *ptr,
- char *base_ptr,
- unsigned long nchars)
- /*
- Get and return the character pointed to by ptr. However, if nchars is
- non-zero, the string from which the character is to be extracted starts
- at base_ptr and has length nchars. An attempt to get a character past
- the end of the string returns a null character.
- */
- {
- char ch;
- if (nchars > 0 && ptr >= base_ptr+nchars) {
- ch = '';
- } else {
- ch = *ptr;
- } /* if */
- return ch;
- } /* get_char */
- static char *demangle_name(char *ptr,
- unsigned long nchars,
- a_boolean stop_on_underscores,
- char *mclass,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the name at ptr and output the demangled form. Return a pointer
- to the character position following what was demangled. A "name" is
- usually just a string of alphanumeric characters. However, names of
- constructors, destructors, and operator functions require special
- handling, as do template entity names. nchars indicates the number
- of characters in the name, or is zero if the name is open-ended
- (it's ended by a null or double underscore). A double underscore
- ends the name if stop_on_underscores is TRUE (though some sequences
- beginning with two underscores, e.g., "__pt", end the name even if
- stop_on_underscores is FALSE). mclass, when non-NULL, points to
- the mangled form of the class of which this name is a member.
- When it's non-NULL, constructor and destructor names will be put
- out in the proper form (otherwise, they are left in their original
- forms). When temp_par_info != NULL, it points to a block that
- controls output of extra information on template parameters.
- */
- {
- char *p, *end_ptr = NULL;
- a_boolean is_special_name = FALSE, is_pt, is_partial_spec = FALSE;
- a_boolean partial_spec_output_suppressed = FALSE;
- char *demangled_name;
- int mangled_length;
- /* See if the name is special in some way. */
- if ((nchars == 0 || nchars >= 4) && ptr[0] == '_' && ptr[1] == '_') {
- /* Name beginning with two underscores. */
- p = ptr + 2;
- if (start_of_id_is("ct", p)) {
- /* Constructor. */
- end_ptr = p + 2;
- if (mclass == NULL) {
- /* The mangled name for the class is not provided, so handle this as
- a normal name. */
- } else {
- /* Output the class name for the constructor name. */
- is_special_name = TRUE;
- (void)full_demangle_type_name(mclass, /*base_name_only=*/TRUE,
- /*temp_par_info=*/
- (a_template_param_block_ptr)NULL,
- dctl);
- } /* if */
- } else if (start_of_id_is("dt", p)) {
- /* Destructor. */
- end_ptr = p + 2;
- if (mclass == NULL) {
- /* The mangled name for the class is not provided, so handle this as
- a normal name. */
- } else {
- /* Output ~class-name for the destructor name. */
- is_special_name = TRUE;
- write_id_ch('~', dctl);
- (void)full_demangle_type_name(mclass, /*base_name_only=*/TRUE,
- /*temp_par_info=*/
- (a_template_param_block_ptr)NULL,
- dctl);
- } /* if */
- } else if (start_of_id_is("op", p)) {
- /* Conversion function. Name looks like __opi__... where the part
- after "op" encodes the type (e.g., "opi" is "operator int"). */
- is_special_name = TRUE;
- write_id_str("operator ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_type(p+2, dctl);
- } else if (is_operator_function_name(p, &demangled_name,
- &mangled_length)) {
- /* Operator function. */
- is_special_name = TRUE;
- write_id_str("operator ", dctl);
- write_id_str(demangled_name, dctl);
- end_ptr = p + mangled_length;
- } else if (nchars != 0 && start_of_id_is("N", p)) {
- /* __Nxxxx: unnamed namespace name. Put out "<unnamed>" and ignore
- the characters after "__N". */
- is_special_name = TRUE;
- write_id_str("<unnamed>", dctl);
- end_ptr = p + nchars - 2;
- } else {
- /* Something unrecognized. */
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- /* Here, end_ptr non-null means the end of the string has been found
- already (because the name is special in some way). */
- if (end_ptr == NULL) {
- /* Not a special name. Find the end of the string and set end_ptr.
- Also look for template-related things that terminate the name
- earlier. */
- for (p = ptr; ; p++) {
- char ch = get_char(p, ptr, nchars);
- /* Stop at the end of the string (real, or as indicated by nchars). */
- if (ch == '') break;
- /* Stop on a double underscore, but not one at the start of the string.
- More than 2 underscores in a row does not terminate the string,
- so that something like the name for "void f_()" (i.e., "f___Fv")
- can be demangled successfully. */
- if (ch == '_' && p != ptr &&
- get_char(p+1, ptr, nchars) == '_' &&
- get_char(p+2, ptr, nchars) != '_' &&
- /* When stop_on_underscores is FALSE, stop only on "__tm", "__ps",
- "__pt", or "__S". Double underscores can appear in the middle
- of some names, e.g., member names used as template arguments. */
- (stop_on_underscores ||
- (get_char(p+2, ptr, nchars) == 't' &&
- get_char(p+3, ptr, nchars) == 'm') ||
- (get_char(p+2, ptr, nchars) == 'p' &&
- get_char(p+3, ptr, nchars) == 's') ||
- (get_char(p+2, ptr, nchars) == 'p' &&
- get_char(p+3, ptr, nchars) == 't') ||
- get_char(p+2, ptr, nchars) == 'S')) {
- break;
- } /* if */
- } /* for */
- end_ptr = p;
- } /* if */
- /* Here, end_ptr indicates the character after the end of the initial
- part of the name. */
- if (!is_special_name) {
- /* Output the characters of the base name. */
- for (p = ptr; p < end_ptr; p++) write_id_ch(*p, dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* If there's a template argument list for a partial specialization
- (beginning with "__ps__"), process it. */
- if ((nchars == 0 || (end_ptr-ptr+6) < nchars) &&
- start_of_id_is("__ps__", end_ptr)) {
- /* Write the arguments. This first argument list gives the arguments
- that appear in the partial specialization declaration:
- template <class T, class U> struct A { ... };
- template <class T> struct A<T *, int> { ... };
- ^^^^^^^^this argument list
- This first argument list will be followed by another argument list
- that gives the arguments according to the partial specialization.
- For A<int *, int> according to the example above, the second
- argument list is <int>. The second argument list is scanned but
- not put out, except when argument correspondences are output. */
- end_ptr = demangle_template_arguments(end_ptr+6, /*partial_spec=*/TRUE,
- temp_par_info, dctl);
- note_specialization(end_ptr, temp_par_info);
- is_partial_spec = TRUE;
- } /* if */
- /* If there's a specialization indication ("__S"), ignore it. */
- if (get_char(end_ptr, ptr, nchars) == '_' &&
- get_char(end_ptr+1, ptr, nchars) == '_' &&
- get_char(end_ptr+2, ptr, nchars) == 'S') {
- note_specialization(end_ptr, temp_par_info);
- end_ptr += 3;
- } /* if */
- /* If there's a template argument list (beginning with "__pt__" or "__tm__"),
- process it. */
- if ((nchars == 0 || (end_ptr-ptr+6) < nchars) &&
- ((is_pt = start_of_id_is("__pt__", end_ptr)) ||
- start_of_id_is("__tm__", end_ptr))) {
- /* The "__pt__ form indicates an old-style mangled template name. */
- if (is_pt && temp_par_info != NULL ) {
- temp_par_info->use_old_form_for_template_output = TRUE;
- } /* if */
- /* For the second argument list of a partial specialization,
- process the argument list but suppress output. */
- if (is_partial_spec && temp_par_info != NULL &&
- !temp_par_info->output_only_correspondences) {
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- partial_spec_output_suppressed = TRUE;
- } /* if */
- /* Write the arguments. */
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- /* But not if we are printing an implicit Ctor/Dtor name! */
- if (temp_par_info != NULL && temp_par_info->base_name_only)
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- #endif
- end_ptr = demangle_template_arguments(end_ptr+6, /*partial_spec=*/FALSE,
- temp_par_info, dctl);
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- if (temp_par_info != NULL && temp_par_info->base_name_only)
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- #endif
- if (partial_spec_output_suppressed) dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- /* If there's a(nother) specialization indication ("__S"), ignore it. */
- if (get_char(end_ptr, ptr, nchars) == '_' &&
- get_char(end_ptr+1, ptr, nchars) == '_' &&
- get_char(end_ptr+2, ptr, nchars) == 'S') {
- note_specialization(end_ptr, temp_par_info);
- end_ptr += 3;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- /* Check that we took exactly the characters we should have. */
- if (((nchars != 0) ? (end_ptr-ptr == nchars) : (*end_ptr == '')) ||
- (stop_on_underscores &&
- get_char(end_ptr, ptr, nchars) == '_' &&
- get_char(end_ptr+1, ptr, nchars) == '_')) {
- /* Okay. */
- } else {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- } /* if */
- return end_ptr;
- } /* demangle_name */
- static char *demangle_function_local_indication(
- char *ptr,
- unsigned long nchars,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the function name and block number in a function-local indication:
- __L2__f__Fv
- ^-- returned pointer points here
- ^------- mangled function name
- ^---------- block number within function (ptr points here on entry)
- ptr points to the character after the "__L". If nchars is non-zero, it
- indicates the length of the string, starting from ptr. Return a pointer
- to the character following the mangled function name. Output a function
- indication like "f(void)::".
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr;
- unsigned long block_number;
- /* Get the block number. */
- p = get_number(ptr, &block_number, dctl);
- /* Check for the two underscores following the block number. */
- if (p[0] != '_' || p[1] != '_') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- } else {
- p += 2;
- } /* if */
- /* Put out the function name. */
- if (nchars != 0) nchars -= (p - ptr);
- p = full_demangle_identifier(p, nchars, dctl);
- /* Put out the block number if needed. Block 0 is the top-level block
- of the function, and need not be identified. */
- if (block_number != 0) {
- char buffer[30];
- write_id_str("[block ", dctl);
- (void)sprintf(buffer, "%lu", block_number);
- write_id_str(buffer, dctl);
- write_id_ch(']', dctl);
- } /* if */
- write_id_str("::", dctl);
- return p;
- } /* demangle_function_local_indication */
- static char *demangle_name_with_preceding_length(
- char *ptr,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle a name that is preceded by a length, e.g., "3abc" for the type
- name "abc". Return a pointer to the character position following what
- was demangled. When temp_par_info != NULL, it points to a block that
- controls output of extra information on template parameters.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr;
- char *p2;
- unsigned long nchars, nchars2;
- a_boolean has_function_local_info = FALSE;
- /* Get the length. */
- p = get_length(p, &nchars, dctl);
- if (nchars >= 8) {
- /* Look for a function-local indication, e.g., "__Ln__f" for block
- "n" of function "f". */
- for (p2 = p+1; p2+6 < p+nchars; p2++) {
- if (p2[0] == '_' && p2[1] == '_' && p2[2] == 'L') {
- has_function_local_info = TRUE;
- nchars2 = nchars;
- /* Set the length for the scan below to stop just before "__L". */
- nchars = p2 - p;
- p2 += 3; /* Points to block number after "__L". */
- nchars2 -= (p2 - p);
- /* Scan and output the block number and function name. */
- p2 = demangle_function_local_indication(p2, nchars2, dctl);
- break;
- } /* if */
- } /* for */
- } /* if */
- /* Demangle the name. */
- p = demangle_name(p, nchars, /*stop_on_underscores=*/FALSE,
- (char *)NULL, temp_par_info, dctl);
- if (has_function_local_info) p = p2;
- return p;
- } /* demangle_name_with_preceding_length */
- static char *demangle_simple_type_name(
- char *ptr,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle a type name (or namespace name) consisting of a length followed
- by the name. Return a pointer to the character position following what
- was demangled. The name is not a nested name, but it can have template
- arguments. When temp_par_info != NULL, it points to a block that
- controls output of extra information on template parameters.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr;
- if (*p == 'Z') {
- /* A template parameter name. */
- p = demangle_template_parameter_name(p, /*nontype=*/FALSE, dctl);
- } else {
- /* A simple mangled type name consists of digits indicating the length of
- the name followed by the name itself, e.g., "3abc". */
- p = demangle_name_with_preceding_length(p, temp_par_info, dctl);
- } /* if */
- return p;
- } /* demangle_simple_type_name */
- static char *full_demangle_type_name(char *ptr,
- a_boolean base_name_only,
- a_template_param_block_ptr temp_par_info,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the type name at ptr and output the demangled form. Return a pointer
- to the character position following what was demangled. The name can be
- a simple type name or a nested type name, or the name of a namespace.
- If base_name_only is TRUE, do not put out any nested type qualifiers,
- e.g., put out "A::x" as simply "x". When temp_par_info != NULL, it
- points to a block that controls output of extra information on template
- parameters. Note that this routine is called for namespaces too
- (the mangling is the same as for class names; you can't actually tell
- the difference in a mangled name). See demangle_type_name for an
- interface to this routine for the simple case.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr;
- unsigned long nquals;
- if (*p == 'Q') {
- /* A nested type name has the form
- Q2_5outer5inner (outer::inner)
- ^-----^--------Names from outermost to innermost
- ^----------------Number of levels of qualification.
- Note that the levels in the qualifier can be class names or namespace
- names. */
- p = get_number(p+1, &nquals, dctl);
- p = advance_past_underscore(p, dctl);
- /* Handle each level of qualification. */
- for (; nquals > 0; nquals--) {
- if (dctl->err_in_id) break; /* Avoid infinite loops on errors. */
- /* Do not put out the nested type qualifiers if base_name_only is
- TRUE. */
- if (base_name_only && nquals != 1) dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- p = demangle_simple_type_name(p, temp_par_info, dctl);
- if (nquals != 1) write_id_str("::", dctl);
- if (base_name_only && nquals != 1) dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- } /* for */
- } else {
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- a_template_param_block ctdt_temp_par_info;
- if (base_name_only)
- {
- /* Also need to suppress template parameters when printing these! */
- temp_par_info = &ctdt_temp_par_info;
- clear_template_param_block(temp_par_info);
- temp_par_info->base_name_only = TRUE;
- }
- /* N.B. when base_name_only is true, temp_par_info is also NULL.
- We need it to pass down base_name_only, so we create a blank one
- at this level. But note, we don't preserve temp_par_info so if you
- add code that needs the old one, also add code to save/restore it. */
- #endif
- /* A simple (non-nested) type name. */
- p = demangle_simple_type_name(p, temp_par_info, dctl);
- } /* if */
- return p;
- } /* full_demangle_type_name */
- static char *demangle_vtbl_class_name(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle a class or base class name that is one component of a virtual
- function table name. Such names are mangled mostly as types, but with
- a few special quirks.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr;
- a_boolean nested_name_case = FALSE;
- /* If the name begins with a number, "Q", and another number, assume
- it's a name with a form like "7Q2_1A1B", which is used to encode
- A::B as the complete object class name component of a virtual
- function table name. This doesn't have any particular sense to
- it; it's just what cfront does (and EDG's front end does the same
- at ABI versions >= 2.30 in cfront compatibility mode). This could
- fail if the user actually has a class with a name that begins
- like "Q2_", but there's not much we can do about that. */
- if (isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) {
- do { p++; } while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p));
- if (*p == 'Q') {
- char *save_p = p;
- p++;
- if (isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) {
- do { p++; } while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p));
- if (*p == '_') {
- /* Yes, this is the strange nested name case. Start the demangling
- at the "Q". */
- nested_name_case = TRUE;
- p = save_p;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- if (!nested_name_case) p = ptr;
- /* Now use the normal routine to demangle the class name. */
- p = demangle_type_name(p, dctl);
- return p;
- } /* demangle_vtbl_class_name */
- static char *demangle_type_qualifiers(
- char *ptr,
- a_boolean trailing_space,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle any type qualifiers (const/volatile) at the indicated location.
- Return a pointer to the character position following what was demangled.
- If trailing_space is TRUE, add a space at the end if any qualifiers were
- put out.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr;
- a_boolean any_quals = FALSE;
- for (;; p++) {
- if (*p == 'C') {
- if (any_quals) write_id_ch(' ', dctl);
- write_id_str("const", dctl);
- } else if (*p == 'V') {
- if (any_quals) write_id_ch(' ', dctl);
- write_id_str("volatile", dctl);
- } else {
- break;
- } /* if */
- any_quals = TRUE;
- } /* for */
- if (any_quals && trailing_space) write_id_ch(' ', dctl);
- return p;
- } /* demangle_type_qualifiers */
- static char *demangle_type_specifier(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the type at ptr and output the specifier part. Return a pointer
- to the character position following what was demangled.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr, *s;
- /* Process type qualifiers. */
- p = demangle_type_qualifiers(p, /*trailing_space=*/TRUE, dctl);
- if (isdigit((unsigned char)*p) || *p == 'Q' || *p == 'Z') {
- /* Named type, like class or enum, e.g., "3abc". */
- p = demangle_type_name(p, dctl);
- } else {
- /* Builtin type. */
- /* Handle signed and unsigned. */
- if (*p == 'S') {
- write_id_str("signed ", dctl);
- p++;
- } else if (*p == 'U') {
- write_id_str("unsigned ", dctl);
- p++;
- } /* if */
- switch (*p++) {
- case 'v':
- s = "void";
- break;
- case 'c':
- s = "char";
- break;
- case 'w':
- s = "wchar_t";
- break;
- case 'b':
- s = "bool";
- break;
- case 's':
- s = "short";
- break;
- case 'i':
- s = "int";
- break;
- case 'l':
- s = "long";
- break;
- case 'L':
- s = "long long";
- break;
- case 'f':
- s = "float";
- break;
- case 'd':
- s = "double";
- break;
- case 'r':
- s = "long double";
- break;
- case 'm':
- /* Microsoft intrinsic __intN types (Visual C++ 6.0 and later). */
- switch (*p++) {
- case '1':
- s = "__int8";
- break;
- case '2':
- s = "__int16";
- break;
- case '4':
- s = "__int32";
- break;
- case '8':
- s = "__int64";
- break;
- default:
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- s = "";
- } /* switch */
- break;
- default:
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- s = "";
- } /* switch */
- write_id_str(s, dctl);
- } /* if */
- return p;
- } /* demangle_type_specifier */
- static char *demangle_function_parameters(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the parameter list beginning at ptr and output the demangled form.
- Return a pointer to the character position following what was demangled.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr;
- char *param_pos[10];
- unsigned long curr_param_num, param_num, nreps;
- a_boolean any_params = FALSE;
- write_id_ch('(', dctl);
- if (*p == 'v') {
- /* Void parameter list. */
- p++;
- } else {
- any_params = TRUE;
- /* Loop for each parameter. */
- curr_param_num = 1;
- for (;;) {
- if (dctl->err_in_id) break; /* Avoid infinite loops on errors. */
- if (*p == 'T' || *p == 'N') {
- /* Tn means repeat the type of parameter "n". */
- /* Nmn means "m" repetitions of the type of parameter "n". "m"
- is a one-digit number. */
- /* "n" is also treated as a single-digit number; the front end enforces
- that (in non-cfront object code compatibility mode). cfront does
- not, which leads to some ambiguities when "n" is followed by
- a class name. */
- if (*p++ == 'N') {
- /* Get the number of repetitions. */
- p = get_single_digit_number(p, &nreps, dctl);
- } else {
- nreps = 1;
- } /* if */
- /* Get the parameter number. */
- p = get_single_digit_number(p, ¶m_num, dctl);
- if (param_num < 1 || param_num >= curr_param_num ||
- param_pos[param_num] == NULL) {
- /* Parameter number out of range. */
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- /* Produce "nreps" copies of parameter "param_num". */
- for (; nreps > 0; nreps--) {
- if (dctl->err_in_id) break; /* Avoid infinite loops on errors. */
- if (curr_param_num < 10) param_pos[curr_param_num] = NULL;
- (void)demangle_type(param_pos[param_num], dctl);
- if (nreps != 1) write_id_str(", ", dctl);
- curr_param_num++;
- } /* if */
- } else {
- /* A normal parameter. */
- if (curr_param_num < 10) param_pos[curr_param_num] = p;
- p = demangle_type(p, dctl);
- curr_param_num++;
- } /* if */
- /* Stop after the last parameter. */
- if (*p == '' || *p == 'e' || *p == '_') break;
- write_id_str(", ", dctl);
- } /* for */
- } /* if */
- if (*p == 'e') {
- /* Ellipsis. */
- if (any_params) write_id_str(", ", dctl);
- write_id_str("...", dctl);
- p++;
- } /* if */
- write_id_ch(')', dctl);
- end_of_routine:
- return p;
- } /* demangle_function_parameters */
- static char *skip_extern_C_indication(char *ptr)
- /*
- ptr points to the character after the "F" of a function type. Skip over
- and ignore an indication of extern "C" following the "F", if one is present.
- Return a pointer to the character following the extern "C" indication.
- There's no syntax for representing the extern "C" in the function type, so
- just ignore it.
- */
- {
- if (*ptr == 'K') ptr++;
- return ptr;
- } /* skip_extern_C_indication */
- static char *demangle_type_first_part(
- char *ptr,
- a_boolean under_lhs_declarator,
- a_boolean need_trailing_space,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the type at ptr and output the specifier part and the part of the
- declarator that precedes the name. Return a pointer to the character
- position following what was demangled. If under_lhs_declarator is TRUE,
- this type is directly under a type that uses a left-side declarator,
- e.g., a pointer type. (That's used to control use of parentheses around
- parts of the declarator.) If need_trailing_space is TRUE, put a space
- at the end of the specifiers part (needed if the declarator part is
- not empty, because it contains a name or a derived type).
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr, *qualp = p;
- char kind;
- /* Remove type qualifiers. */
- while (is_immediate_type_qualifier(p)) p++;
- kind = *p;
- if (kind == 'P' || kind == 'R') {
- /* Pointer or reference type, e.g., "Pc" is pointer to char. */
- p = demangle_type_first_part(p+1, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/TRUE,
- /*need_trailing_space=*/TRUE, dctl);
- /* Output "*" or "&" for pointer or reference. */
- if (kind == 'R') {
- write_id_ch('&', dctl);
- } else {
- write_id_ch('*', dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Output the type qualifiers on the pointer, if any. */
- (void)demangle_type_qualifiers(qualp, /*trailing_space=*/TRUE, dctl);
- } else if (kind == 'M') {
- /* Pointer-to-member type, e.g., "M1Ai" is pointer to member of A of
- type int. */
- char *classp = p+1;
- /* Skip over the class name. */
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- p = demangle_type_name(classp, dctl);
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- p = demangle_type_first_part(p, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/TRUE,
- /*need_trailing_space=*/TRUE, dctl);
- /* Output Classname::*. */
- (void)demangle_type_name(classp, dctl);
- write_id_str("::*", dctl);
- /* Output the type qualifiers on the pointer, if any. */
- (void)demangle_type_qualifiers(qualp, /*trailing_space=*/TRUE, dctl);
- } else if (kind == 'F') {
- /* Function type, e.g., "Fii_f" is function(int, int) returning float.
- The return type is not present for top-level function types (except
- for template functions). */
- p = skip_extern_C_indication(p+1);
- /* Skip over the parameter types without outputting anything. */
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- p = demangle_function_parameters(p, dctl);
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- if (*p == '_' && p[1] != '_') {
- /* The return type is present. */
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- if (dctl->suppress_return_types) dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- #endif
- p = demangle_type_first_part(p+1, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/FALSE,
- /*need_trailing_space=*/TRUE, dctl);
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- if (dctl->suppress_return_types) dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- #endif
- } /* if */
- /* This is a right-side declarator, so if it's under a left-side declarator
- parentheses are needed. */
- if (under_lhs_declarator) write_id_ch('(', dctl);
- } else if (kind == 'A') {
- /* Array type, e.g., "A10_i" is array[10] of int. */
- p++;
- if (*p == '_') {
- /* Length is specified by a constant expression based on template
- parameters. Ignore the expression. */
- p++;
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- p = demangle_constant(p, dctl);
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- } else {
- /* Normal constant number of elements. */
- /* Skip the array size. */
- while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
- } /* if */
- p = advance_past_underscore(p, dctl);
- /* Process the element type. */
- p = demangle_type_first_part(p, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/FALSE,
- /*need_trailing_space=*/TRUE, dctl);
- /* This is a right-side declarator, so if it's under a left-side declarator
- parentheses are needed. */
- if (under_lhs_declarator) write_id_ch('(', dctl);
- } else {
- /* No declarator part to process. Handle the specifier type. */
- p = demangle_type_specifier(qualp, dctl);
- if (need_trailing_space) write_id_ch(' ', dctl);
- } /* if */
- return p;
- } /* demangle_type_first_part */
- static void demangle_type_second_part(
- char *ptr,
- a_boolean under_lhs_declarator,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the type at ptr and output the part of the declarator that follows the
- name. This routine does not return a pointer to the character position
- following what was demangled; it is assumed that the caller will save
- that from the call of demangle_type_first_part, and it saves a lot of
- time if this routine can avoid scanning the specifiers again.
- If under_lhs_declarator is TRUE, this type is directly under a type that
- uses a left-side declarator, e.g., a pointer type. (That's used to control
- use of parentheses around parts of the declarator.)
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr, *qualp = p;
- char kind;
- /* Remove type qualifiers. */
- while (is_immediate_type_qualifier(p)) p++;
- kind = *p;
- if (kind == 'P' || kind == 'R') {
- /* Pointer or reference type, e.g., "Pc" is pointer to char. */
- demangle_type_second_part(p+1, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/TRUE, dctl);
- } else if (kind == 'M') {
- /* Pointer-to-member type, e.g., "M1Ai" is pointer to member of A of
- type int. */
- /* Advance over the class name. */
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- p = demangle_type_name(p+1, dctl);
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- demangle_type_second_part(p, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/TRUE, dctl);
- } else if (kind == 'F') {
- /* Function type, e.g., "Fii_f" is function(int, int) returning float.
- The return type is not present for top-level function types (except
- for template functions). */
- /* This is a right-side declarator, so if it's under a left-side declarator
- parentheses are needed. */
- if (under_lhs_declarator) write_id_ch(')', dctl);
- p = skip_extern_C_indication(p+1);
- /* Put out the parameter types. */
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- if (dctl->suppress_function_params) dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- #endif
- p = demangle_function_parameters(p, dctl);
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- if (dctl->suppress_function_params) dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- #endif
- /* Put out any cv-qualifiers (member functions). */
- /* Note that such things could come up on nonmember functions in the
- presence of typedefs. In such a case what we generate here will not
- be valid C, but it's a reasonable representation of the mangled
- type, and there's no way of getting the typedef name in there,
- so let it be. */
- if (*qualp != 'F') {
- write_id_ch(' ', dctl);
- (void)demangle_type_qualifiers(qualp, /*trailing_space=*/FALSE, dctl);
- } /* if */
- if (*p == '_' && p[1] != '_') {
- /* Process the return type. */
- demangle_type_second_part(p+1, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/FALSE, dctl);
- } /* if */
- } else if (kind == 'A') {
- /* Array type, e.g., "A10_i" is array[10] of int. */
- /* This is a right-side declarator, so if it's under a left-side declarator
- parentheses are needed. */
- if (under_lhs_declarator) write_id_ch(')', dctl);
- write_id_ch('[', dctl);
- p++;
- if (*p == '_') {
- /* Length is specified by a constant expression based on template
- parameters. */
- p++;
- p = demangle_constant(p, dctl);
- } else {
- /* Normal constant number of elements. */
- if (*p == '0' && p[1] == '_') {
- /* Size is zero, so do not put out a size (the result is "[]"). */
- p++;
- } else {
- /* Put out the array size. */
- while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) write_id_ch(*p++, dctl);
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- p = advance_past_underscore(p, dctl);
- write_id_ch(']', dctl);
- /* Process the element type. */
- demangle_type_second_part(p, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/FALSE, dctl);
- } else {
- /* No declarator part to process. No need to scan the specifiers type --
- it was done by demangle_type_first_part. */
- } /* if */
- } /* demangle_type_second_part */
- static char *demangle_type(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the type at ptr and output the demangled form. Return a pointer to
- the character position following what was demangled.
- */
- {
- char *p;
- /* Generate the specifier part of the type. */
- p = demangle_type_first_part(ptr, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/FALSE,
- /*need_trailing_space=*/FALSE, dctl);
- /* Generate the declarator part of the type. */
- demangle_type_second_part(ptr, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/FALSE, dctl);
- return p;
- } /* demangle_type */
- static char *full_demangle_identifier(char *ptr,
- unsigned long nchars,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the identifier at ptr and output the demangled form. Return
- a pointer to the character position following what was demangled.
- If nchars > 0, take no more than that many characters.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr, *pname, *end_ptr, *function_local_end_ptr = NULL;
- char *final_specialization, *end_ptr_first_scan;
- char ch;
- a_boolean member_function = TRUE;
- a_template_param_block
- temp_par_info;
- clear_template_param_block(&temp_par_info);
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- if (dctl->sourcelike_template_params)
- temp_par_info.use_old_form_for_template_output = TRUE;
- #endif
- /* Scan through the name (the first part of the mangled name) without
- generating output, to see what's beyond it. Special processing is
- necessary for names of constructors, conversion routines, etc. */
- /* If the name has a specialization indication in it (which can happen for
- function names), note that fact. */
- temp_par_info.set_final_specialization = TRUE;
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- p = demangle_name(ptr, nchars, /*stop_on_underscores=*/TRUE,
- (char *)NULL, &temp_par_info, dctl);
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- final_specialization = temp_par_info.final_specialization;
- clear_template_param_block(&temp_par_info);
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- if (dctl->sourcelike_template_params)
- temp_par_info.use_old_form_for_template_output = TRUE;
- #endif
- temp_par_info.final_specialization = final_specialization;
- if (get_char(p, ptr, nchars) == '') {
- /* There is no mangled part of the name. This happens for strange
- cases like
- extern "C" int operator +(A, A);
- which gets mangled as "__pl". Just write out the name and stop. */
- end_ptr = demangle_name(ptr, nchars,
- /*stop_on_underscores=*/TRUE,
- (char *)NULL,
- (a_template_param_block_ptr)NULL, dctl);
- } else {
- /* There's more. There should be a "__" between the name and the
- additional mangled information. */
- if (get_char(p, ptr, nchars) != '_' || get_char(p+1, ptr, nchars) != '_') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- end_ptr = p;
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- end_ptr = p + 2;
- /* Now ptr points to the original-name part of the mangled name, and
- end_ptr points to the mangled-name part at the end.
- f__1AFv
- ^---- end_ptr
- ^------- ptr
- The mangled-name part is
- (a) A class name for a static data member.
- (b) A class name followed by "F" followed by the encoding for the
- parameter types for a member function.
- (c) "F" followed by the encoding for the parameter types for a
- nonmember function.
- (d) "L" plus a local block number, followed by the mangled function
- name, for a function-local entity.
- Members of namespaces are encoded similarly. */
- p = end_ptr;
- pname = NULL;
- ch = get_char(end_ptr, ptr, nchars);
- if (ch == 'L') {
- unsigned long nchars2 = nchars;
- /* The name of an entity within a function, mangled on promotion out
- of the function. For example, "i__L1__f__Fv" for "i" from block 1
- of function "f(void)". Note that this is not the same mangling
- used by cfront (in the cfront scheme, the __L1 is at the end, and
- the number is different). */
- /* Set a length for the name without the function-local indication,
- for the processing in the rest of this routine. */
- nchars = (p - 2) - ptr;
- /* Demangle the function name and block number. */
- p++; /* Points to the block number following "__L". */
- if (nchars2 != 0) nchars2 -= (p - ptr);
- function_local_end_ptr =
- demangle_function_local_indication(p, nchars2, dctl);
- p = end_ptr = ptr + nchars;
- member_function = FALSE;
- /* Go on to demangle the name of the local entity. */
- } else if (ch != 'F') {
- /* A class (or namespace) name must be next. */
- /* Remember the location of the parent entity name. */
- pname = end_ptr;
- /* Scan over the class name, producing no output, and remembering the
- position of the final specialization, if any. If we already
- found a specialization on the function name, it's the final one
- and we shouldn't change it. */
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- if (temp_par_info.final_specialization == NULL) {
- temp_par_info.set_final_specialization = TRUE;
- } /* if */
- end_ptr = full_demangle_type_name(pname, /*base_name_only=*/FALSE,
- &temp_par_info, dctl);
- temp_par_info.set_final_specialization = FALSE;
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- /* If the name ends here, this is a simple member (e.g., a static
- data member). */
- ch = get_char(end_ptr, ptr, nchars);
- if (ch == '' ||
- (ch == '_' && get_char(end_ptr+1, ptr, nchars) == '_')) {
- member_function = FALSE;
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- if (member_function) {
- /* "S" here means a static member function (ignore). */
- if (get_char(end_ptr, ptr, nchars) == 'S') end_ptr++;
- /* Write the specifier part of the type. */
- end_ptr_first_scan =
- demangle_type_first_part(end_ptr,
- /*under_lhs_declarator=*/FALSE,
- /*need_trailing_space=*/TRUE, dctl);
- } /* if */
- temp_par_info.nesting_level = 0;
- if (pname != NULL) {
- /* Write the parent class or namespace qualifier. */
- if (temp_par_info.final_specialization != NULL) {
- /* Up to the final specialization, put out actual template arguments
- for specializations. */
- temp_par_info.actual_template_args_until_final_specialization = TRUE;
- } /* if */
- (void)full_demangle_type_name(pname, /*base_name_only=*/FALSE,
- &temp_par_info, dctl);
- /* Force template parameter information out on the function even if
- it is specialized. */
- temp_par_info.actual_template_args_until_final_specialization = FALSE;
- write_id_str("::", dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Write the name of the member. */
- (void)demangle_name(ptr, nchars, /*stop_on_underscores=*/TRUE,
- pname, &temp_par_info, dctl);
- if (member_function) {
- /* Write the declarator part of the type. */
- demangle_type_second_part(end_ptr, /*under_lhs_declarator=*/FALSE,
- dctl);
- end_ptr = end_ptr_first_scan;
- } /* if */
- if (!temp_par_info.use_old_form_for_template_output &&
- temp_par_info.nesting_level != 0) {
- /* Put out correspondences for template parameters, e.g, "T=int". */
- temp_par_info.nesting_level = 0;
- temp_par_info.first_correspondence = TRUE;
- temp_par_info.output_only_correspondences = TRUE;
- /* Output is suppressed in general, and turned on only where
- appropriate. */
- dctl->suppress_id_output++;
- if (pname != NULL) {
- /* Write the parent class or namespace qualifier. */
- if (temp_par_info.final_specialization != NULL) {
- /* Up to the final specialization, put out actual template arguments
- for specializations. */
- temp_par_info.actual_template_args_until_final_specialization = TRUE;
- } /* if */
- (void)full_demangle_type_name(pname, /*base_name_only=*/FALSE,
- &temp_par_info, dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Force template parameter information out on the function even if
- it is specialized. */
- temp_par_info.actual_template_args_until_final_specialization = FALSE;
- /* Write the name of the member. */
- (void)demangle_name(ptr, nchars, /*stop_on_underscores=*/TRUE,
- pname, &temp_par_info, dctl);
- dctl->suppress_id_output--;
- if (!temp_par_info.first_correspondence) {
- /* End the list of correspondences. */
- write_id_ch(']', dctl);
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- } /* if */
- end_of_routine:
- /* When a function-local indication is scanned, end_ptr has been set
- to the end of the local entity name, and needs to be set to after the
- function-local indication at the end of the whole name. */
- if (function_local_end_ptr != NULL) end_ptr = function_local_end_ptr;
- return end_ptr;
- } /* full_demangle_identifier */
- static char *demangle_static_variable_name(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the name of a static variable promoted to being external by
- addition of a prefix "__STV__" and a suffix of a module id. Just put out
- the part in the middle, which is the original name.
- */
- {
- char *start_ptr;
- ptr += 7; /* Move to after "__STV__". */
- /* Copy the name until "__". */
- start_ptr = ptr;
- while (*ptr != '_' || ptr[1] != '_' || ptr == start_ptr) {
- if (*ptr == '') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- break;
- } /* if */
- write_id_ch(*ptr, dctl);
- ptr++;
- } /* while */
- /* Advance over the module id part of the name. */
- while (*ptr != '') ptr++;
- return ptr;
- } /* demangle_static_variable_name */
- static char *demangle_static_function_name(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the name of a static function promoted to being external by
- addition of a prefix "__STF__" and a suffix of a module id. Just put out
- the part in the middle, which is the original mangled name.
- */
- {
- ptr += 7; /* Move to after "__STF__". */
- /* Demangle the function name. */
- ptr = demangle_identifier(ptr, dctl);
- /* Advance over the module id part of the name. */
- while (*ptr != '') ptr++;
- return ptr;
- } /* demangle_static_function_name */
- static char *demangle_local_name(char *ptr,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Demangle the local name at ptr and output the demangled form. Return
- a pointer to the character position following what was demangled.
- This demangles the "__nn_mm_name" form produced by the C-generating
- back end. This is not something visible unless the C-generating back end
- is used, and it's a local name, which is ordinarily outside the charter
- of these demangling routines, but it's an easy and common case, so...
- Also handles the cfront-style __nnName form.
- */
- {
- char *p = ptr+2;
- /* Check for the initial two numbers and underscores. The caller checked
- for the two initial underscores and the digit following that. */
- do { p++; } while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p));
- if (isalpha((unsigned char)*p)) {
- /* Cfront-style local name, like "__2name". */
- } else {
- if (*p != '_') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- p++;
- if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- do { p++; } while (isdigit((unsigned char)*p));
- if (*p != '_') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- p++;
- } /* if */
- /* Copy the rest of the string to output. */
- while (*p != '') {
- write_id_ch(*p, dctl);
- p++;
- } /* while */
- end_of_routine:
- return p;
- } /* demangle_local_name */
- static char *uncompress_mangled_name(char *id,
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl)
- /*
- Uncompress the compressed mangled name beginning at id. Return the
- address of the uncompressed name.
- */
- {
- char *uncompressed_name = id;
- unsigned long length;
- /* Advance past "__CPR". */
- id += 5;
- /* Accumulate the length of the uncompressed name. */
- if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*id)) {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- id = get_number(id, &length, dctl);
- /* Check for the two underscores following the length. */
- if (id[0] != '_' || id[1] != '_') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- /* Save the uncompressed length so it can be used later in telling the
- caller how big a buffer is required. */
- dctl->uncompressed_length = length;
- id += 2;
- if (length+1 >= dctl->output_id_size) {
- /* The buffer supplied by the caller is too small to contain the
- uncompressed name. */
- dctl->output_overflow_err = TRUE;
- goto end_of_routine;
- } else {
- char *src, *dst;
- /* Uncompress to the end of the buffer supplied by the caller, then
- do the demangling in the space remaining at the beginning. */
- uncompressed_name = dctl->output_id+dctl->output_id_size-(length+1);
- dctl->output_id_size -= length+1;
- /* Set the "input length" -- really the output size -- now. This
- is used for error checking on the numbers scanned in the decompression
- processing (which are positions in the uncompressed string, really,
- not in the input string). */
- dctl->input_id_len = length;
- dst = uncompressed_name;
- for (src = id; *src != '';) {
- char ch = *src++;
- if (ch != 'J') {
- /* Just copy this character. */
- *dst++ = ch;
- } else {
- if (*src == 'J') {
- /* "JJ" indicates a simple "J". */
- /* Simple "J". */
- *dst++ = 'J';
- } else {
- /* "JnnnJ" indicates a repetition of a string that appeared
- earlier, at position "nnn". */
- unsigned long pos, prev_len;
- char *prev_str, *prev_str2;
- src = get_length(src, &pos, dctl);
- if (*src != 'J') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- prev_str = uncompressed_name+pos;
- if (!isdigit(*prev_str)) {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- goto end_of_routine;
- } /* if */
- /* Get the length of the repeated string. */
- prev_str2 = get_length(prev_str, &prev_len, dctl);
- /* Copy the repeated string to the uncompressed output. */
- prev_str2 += prev_len;
- while (prev_str < prev_str2) *dst++ = *prev_str++;
- } /* if */
- /* Advance past the final "J". */
- src++;
- } /* if */
- } /* for */
- if (dst - uncompressed_name != length) {
- /* The length didn't come out right. */
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Add the final null. */
- *dst++ = '';
- } /* if */
- end_of_routine:;
- return uncompressed_name;
- } /* uncompress_mangled_name */
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- /* Forward decl to new enhanced entry point. */
- void decode_identifier_styled(char *id,
- int act_like_gnu,
- int suppress_function_params,
- char *output_buffer,
- sizeof_t output_buffer_size,
- a_boolean *err,
- a_boolean *buffer_overflow_err,
- sizeof_t *required_buffer_size);
- #endif
- void decode_identifier(char *id,
- char *output_buffer,
- sizeof_t output_buffer_size,
- a_boolean *err,
- a_boolean *buffer_overflow_err,
- sizeof_t *required_buffer_size)
- /*
- Demangle the identifier id (which is null-terminated), and put the demangled
- form (null-terminated) into the output_buffer provided by the caller.
- output_buffer_size gives the allocated size of output_buffer. If there
- is some error in the demangling process, *err will be returned TRUE.
- In addition, if the error is that the output buffer is too small,
- *buffer_overflow_err will (also) be returned TRUE, and *required_buffer_size
- is set to the size of buffer required to do the demangling. Note that
- if the mangled name is compressed, and the buffer size is smaller than
- the size of the uncompressed mangled name, the size returned will be
- enough to uncompress the name but not enough to produce the demangled form.
- The caller must be prepared in that case to loop a second time (the
- length returned the second time will be correct).
- */
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- {
- decode_identifier_styled(id, /* act_like_gnu= */ 0,
- /* suppress_function_params= */ 0,
- output_buffer, output_buffer_size,
- err, buffer_overflow_err, required_buffer_size);
- }
- void decode_identifier_styled(char *id,
- int act_like_gnu,
- int suppress_function_params,
- char *output_buffer,
- sizeof_t output_buffer_size,
- a_boolean *err,
- a_boolean *buffer_overflow_err,
- sizeof_t *required_buffer_size)
- #endif
- {
- char *end_ptr, *p;
- a_decode_control_block control_block;
- a_decode_control_block_ptr dctl = &control_block;
- /* Set global variables. */
- dctl->input_id_len = strlen(id);
- dctl->output_id = output_buffer;
- dctl->output_id_len = 0;
- dctl->output_id_size = output_buffer_size;
- dctl->err_in_id = FALSE;
- dctl->output_overflow_err = FALSE;
- dctl->suppress_id_output = 0;
- dctl->end_of_constant = NULL;
- dctl->uncompressed_length = 0;
- #ifndef WRS_ORIG /* WRS LOCAL */
- dctl->suppress_function_params = suppress_function_params ? TRUE : FALSE;
- dctl->suppress_return_types = act_like_gnu ? TRUE : FALSE;
- dctl->sourcelike_template_params = act_like_gnu ? TRUE : FALSE;
- #endif
- if (start_of_id_is("__CPR", id)) {
- /* Uncompress a compressed name. */
- id = uncompress_mangled_name(id, dctl);
- } /* if */
- /* Check for special cases. */
- if (dctl->output_overflow_err) {
- /* Previous error (not enough room in the buffer to uncompress). */
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__vtbl__", id)) {
- write_id_str("virtual function table for ", dctl);
- /* Note that if the first name is a base class name and it's not simple,
- this will produce output containing partially-mangled information.
- It's hard to do better given the cfront encoding form. */
- end_ptr = demangle_vtbl_class_name(id+8, dctl);
- if (start_of_id_is("__A", end_ptr)) {
- /* "__A" indicates an ambiguous base class. */
- write_id_str(" (ambiguous)", dctl);
- end_ptr += 3;
- } /* if */
- if (start_of_id_is("__", end_ptr)) {
- /* Virtual function table for base class in derived class. */
- end_ptr += 2;
- write_id_str(" in ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_vtbl_class_name(end_ptr, dctl);
- } /* if */
- if (start_of_id_is("__", end_ptr)) {
- /* Further derived class. */
- end_ptr += 2;
- write_id_str(" in ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_vtbl_class_name(end_ptr, dctl);
- } /* if */
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__CBI__", id)) {
- write_id_str("can-be-instantiated flag for ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_identifier(id+7, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__DNI__", id)) {
- write_id_str("do-not-instantiate flag for ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_identifier(id+7, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__TIR__", id)) {
- write_id_str("template-instantiation-request flag for ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_identifier(id+7, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__LSG__", id)) {
- write_id_str("initialization guard variable for ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_identifier(id+7, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__TID_", id)) {
- write_id_str("type identifier for ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_type(id+6, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__T_", id)) {
- write_id_str("typeinfo for ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_type(id+4, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__VFE__", id)) {
- write_id_str("surrogate in class ", dctl);
- p = demangle_type(id+7, dctl);
- if (p[0] != '_' || p[1] != '_') {
- bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- end_ptr = p;
- } else {
- write_id_str(" for ", dctl);
- end_ptr = demangle_identifier(p+2, dctl);
- } /* if */
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__Q", id)) {
- /* Nested class name. */
- end_ptr = demangle_type_name(id+2, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__STV__", id)) {
- /* Static variable made external by addition of prefix "__STV__" and
- suffix of module id. */
- end_ptr = demangle_static_variable_name(id, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__STF__", id)) {
- /* Static function made external by addition of prefix "__STF__" and
- suffix of module id. */
- end_ptr = demangle_static_function_name(id, dctl);
- } else if (start_of_id_is("__", id) && isdigit((unsigned char)id[2])) {
- /* Local variable mangled by the C-generating back end: __nn_mm_name,
- where "nn" and "mm" are decimal integers. */
- end_ptr = demangle_local_name(id, dctl);
- } else {
- /* Normal case: function name, static data member name, or
- name of type or variable promoted out of function. */
- end_ptr = demangle_identifier(id, dctl);
- } /* if */
- if (dctl->output_overflow_err) {
- dctl->err_in_id = TRUE;
- } else {
- /* Add a terminating null. */
- dctl->output_id[dctl->output_id_len] = 0;
- } /* if */
- /* Make sure the whole identifier was taken. */
- if (!dctl->err_in_id && *end_ptr != '') bad_mangled_name(dctl);
- *err = dctl->err_in_id;
- *buffer_overflow_err = dctl->output_overflow_err;
- *required_buffer_size = dctl->output_id_len + 1; /* +1 for final null. */
- /* If the name is compressed, we need room for the uncompressed
- form, and a null, in the buffer. */
- if (dctl->uncompressed_length != 0) {
- *required_buffer_size += dctl->uncompressed_length+1;
- } /* if */
- } /* decode_identifier */
- /******************************************************************************
- * ___ / *
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- * Edison Design Group C++/C Front End - | ^/ | - *
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- * Copyright 1996-1999 Edison Design Group Inc. [_] *
- * *
- ******************************************************************************/