- /* dbgArchLib.c - architecture-dependent debugger library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01p,05jun02,wsl remove references to SPARC and i960
- 01o,26nov01,hdn updated the x86 section
- 01n,22nov01,hbh Updated for simulatorrs.
- 01m,16nov01,tlc Update for MIPS architecture.
- 01l,30oct01,zl corrected arch names in library description, updated SH
- section.
- 01k,03mar00,zl merged SH support into T2
- 01j,27feb97,jpd Added ARM-specific documentation.
- 01i,25nov95,jdi removed 29k stuff.
- 01h,10oct95,jdi doc: changed .tG Shell back to .pG "Target Shell".
- 01g,06oct95,jdi changed Debugging .pG's to .tG Shell.
- 01f,12mar95,dvs changed sr() to srShow() for am29k (SPR #4084) and gr() ->
- grShow() for consistancy.
- 01e,10feb95,jdi changed 80960 to i960; synchronized with ../<arch>/dbgArchLibs.
- 01d,27jan95,rhp added MIPS R3000/R4000 and Intel i386/i486;
- minor doc cleanup on Am29K.
- 01c,02dec93,pme added Am29K family support.
- 01b,14mar93,jdi changed underscores in fsrShow() and psrShow() examples to
- dashes, for aesthetics and compatibility with pretroff.
- 01a,13feb93,jdi written, based on dbgArchLib.c for mc68k, sparc, and i960.
- */
- /*
- This module provides architecture-specific support functions for dbgLib.
- It also includes user-callable functions for accessing the contents of
- registers in a task's TCB (task control block). These routines include:
- .TS
- tab(|);
- l0 l0 l.
- &`MC680x0':
- | a0() - a7() | - address registers (`a0' - `a7')
- | d0() - d7() | - data registers (`d0' - `d7')
- | sr() | - status register (`sr')
- &`MIPS':
- | dbgBpTypeBind() | - bind a breakpoint handler to a breakpoint type
- &`x86/SimNT':
- | edi() - eax() | - named register values
- | eflags() | - status register value
- &`SH':
- | r0() - r15() | - general registers (`r0' - `r15')
- | sr() | - status register (`sr')
- | gbr() | - global base register (`gbr')
- | vbr() | - vector base register (`vbr')
- | mach() | - multiply and accumulate register high (`mach')
- | macl() | - multiply and accumulate register low (`macl')
- | pr() | - procedure register (`pr')
- &`ARM':
- | r0() - r14() | - general-purpose registers (`r0' - `r14')
- | cpsr() | - current processor status reg (`cpsr')
- | psrShow() | - `psr' value, symbolically
- &`SimSolaris':
- | g0() - g7() | - global registers (`g0' - `g7')
- | o0() - o7() | - out registers (`o0' - `o7', note lower-case "o")
- | l0() - l7() | - local registers (`l0' - `l7', note lower-case "l")
- | i0() - i7() | - in registers (`i0' - `i7')
- | npc() | - next program counter (`npc')
- | psr() | - processor status register (`psr')
- | wim() | - window invalid mask (`wim')
- | y() | - `y' register
- .TE
- NOTE: The routine pc(), for accessing the program counter, is found
- in usrLib.
- SEE ALSO: dbgLib,
- .pG "Target Shell"
- Note that the program counter (pc) is handled by a non-architecture-specific
- routine in usrLib.
- This module is created by cat'ing together the following files AFTER the
- first entry below - sr(), g0().
- mc68k/dbgArchLib.c
- XX sparc/dbgArchLib.c
- XX i960/dbgArchLib.c
- mips/dbgArchLib.c
- i86/dbgArchLib.c
- sh/dbgArchLib.c
- arm/dbgArchLib.c
- simsolaris/dbgArchLib.c
- simnt/dbgArchLib.c
- */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * g0 - return the contents of register `g0', also `g1' - `g7' (SPARC) and `g1' - `g14' (i960)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of global register `g0' from the TCB of a
- * specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is
- * assumed.
- *
- * Routines are provided for all global registers:
- * .TS
- * tab(|);
- * l l l.
- * &`SPARC': | g0() - g7() | (`g0' - `g7')
- * &`i960': | g0() - g14() | (`g0' - `g14')
- * &`SimSolaris': | g0() - g7() | (`g0' - `g7')
- * .TE
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of register `g0' (or the requested register).
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int g0
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- { ... }
- /* cat arch libraries after here */
- /* dbgArchLib.c - MC680x0-dependent debugger library */
- /* Copyright 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01h,10feb95,jdi doc cleanup for 5.2.
- 01g,13feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1; added discrete entry for d0().
- 01f,22sep92,kdl added single-register display routines, from 5.0 usrLib.
- 01e,19sep92,kdl made dbgRegsAdjust() clear padding bytes before SR in reg set.
- 01d,23aug92,jcf changed filename.
- 01c,06jul92,yao removed dbgCacheClear(). made user uncallable globals
- started with '_'.
- 01b,03jul92,jwt first pass at converting cache calls to 5.1 cache library.
- 01a,18jun92,yao written based on mc68k/dbgLib.c ver08g.
- */
- /*
- This module provides the Motorola 680x0 specific support functions for dbgLib.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "private/dbgLibP.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "taskArchLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "iv.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "dsmLib.h"
- #include "vxLib.h"
- #include "usrLib.h"
- /* externals */
- /* interrupt driver routines from dbgALib.s */
- IMPORT dbgBpStub (); /* breakpoint interrupt driver */
- IMPORT dbgTraceStub (); /* trace interrupt driver */
- IMPORT int dsmNbytes ();
- IMPORT int dsmInst ();
- /* globals */
- extern char * _archHelp_msg = "";
- LOCAL USHORT interruptSR; /* old SR value before interrupt break */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgArchInit - architecture dependent initialization routine
- *
- * This routine initialize global function pointers that are architecture
- * specific.
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgArchInit (void)
- {
- _dbgDsmInstRtn = (FUNCPTR) dsmInst;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgVecInit - insert new breakpoint and trace vectors
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgVecInit (void)
- {
- /* insert the new breakpoint and trace vectors */
- intVecSet ((FUNCPTR *) TRAPNUM_TO_IVEC (DBG_TRAP_NUM), dbgBpStub);
- intVecSet ((FUNCPTR *) IV_TRACE, dbgTraceStub);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgInstSizeGet - set up breakpoint instruction
- *
- * RETURNS: size of the instruction at specified location.
- *
- */
- int _dbgInstSizeGet
- (
- INSTR * pBrkInst /* pointer to hold breakpoint instruction */
- )
- {
- return (dsmNbytes (pBrkInst) / sizeof (INSTR));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgRetAdrsGet - get return address for current routine
- *
- * RETURNS: return address for current routine.
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgRetAdrsGet
- (
- REG_SET * pRegSet /* pointer to register set */
- )
- {
- /* if next instruction is a LINK or RTS, return address is on top of stack;
- * otherwise it follows saved frame pointer */
- if (INST_CMP(pRegSet->pc,LINK,LINK_MASK) ||
- return (*(INSTR **)pRegSet->spReg);
- else
- return (*((INSTR **)pRegSet->fpReg + 1));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgSStepClear - clear single step mode
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgSStepClear (void)
- {
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgSStepSet - set single step mode
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgSStepSet
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pInfo /* pointer to info saved on stack */
- )
- {
- pInfo->sr |= TRACE_BIT | 0x700; /* set trace bit and lock interrupts */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskSStepSet - set single step mode of task
- *
- * Set the `pcw' and `tcw' of the given task for trace (instruction) break
- * mode, so that when the task is switched in, it will execute the
- * next instruction and break.
- *
- * NOTE
- * Interrupts are locked out for this task, until single stepping
- * for the task is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if invalid <tid>.
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskSStepSet
- (
- int tid /* task's id */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet;
- taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set);
- taskSRSet (tid, regSet.sr | TRACE_BIT);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskBPModeSet - set breakpoint mode of task
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskBPModeSet
- (
- int tid /* task's id */
- )
- {
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskBPModeClear - clear breakpoint mode of task
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskBPModeClear
- (
- int tid
- )
- {
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgFuncCallCheck - check next instruction
- *
- * This routine checks to see if the next instruction is a JSR or BSR.
- * If it is, it returns TRUE, otherwise, returns FALSE.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if next instruction is JSR or BSR, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- BOOL _dbgFuncCallCheck
- (
- INSTR * addr /* pointer to instruction */
- )
- {
- return (INST_CMP (addr, JSR, JSR_MASK) || INST_CMP (addr, BSR, BSR_MASK));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgRegsAdjust - set register set
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgRegsAdjust
- (
- FAST int tid, /* id of task that hit breakpoint */
- TRACE_ESF * pInfo, /* pointer to esf info saved on stack */
- int * regs, /* pointer to buf containing saved regs */
- BOOL stepBreakFlag /* TRUE if this was a trace exception */
- /* FALSE if this was a SO or CRET breakpoint */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet;
- int ix;
- for (ix = 0; ix < 8; ++ix)
- regSet.dataReg [ix] = regs[ix];
- for (ix =0; ix < 7; ++ix)
- regSet.addrReg [ix] = regs[ix+8];
- if (stepBreakFlag)
- regSet.spReg = (ULONG) ((char *)pInfo + sizeof (TRACE_ESF));
- else
- regSet.spReg = (ULONG) ((char *)pInfo + sizeof (BREAK_ESF));
- regSet.pc = pInfo->pc;
- regSet.pad = 0;
- regSet.sr = pInfo->sr;
- taskRegsSet (tid, ®Set);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgIntrInfoSave - restore register set
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgIntrInfoSave
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pInfo /* pointer to info saved on stack */
- )
- {
- interruptSR = pInfo->sr; /* save SR */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgIntrInfoRestore - restore the info saved by dbgIntrInfoSave
- *
- */
- void _dbgIntrInfoRestore
- (
- TRACE_ESF * pBrkInfo /* pointer to execption frame */
- )
- {
- pBrkInfo->sr = interruptSR;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgInstPtrAlign - align pointer to appropriate boundary
- *
- * REUTRNS: align given instruction pointer to appropriate boundary
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgInstPtrAlign
- (
- INSTR * addr /* instuction pointer */
- )
- {
- #if (CPU==MC68000 || CPU==MC68010 || CPU==CPU32)
- addr = (INSTR *) ((int)addr & ~(0x01)); /* force address even */
- #endif /* (CPU==MC68000 || CPU==MC68010 || CPU==CPU32) */
- return (addr);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgInfoPCGet - get pc
- *
- * RETURNS: value of pc saved on stack
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgInfoPCGet
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pInfo /* pointer to info saved on stack */
- )
- {
- return (pInfo->pc);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskPCSet - set task's pc
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskPCSet
- (
- int tid, /* task id */
- INSTR* pc, /* task's pc */
- INSTR* npc /* not supoorted on MC680X0 */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet; /* task's register set */
- taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set);
- regSet.pc = pc;
- taskRegsSet (tid, ®Set);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskPCGet - restore register set
- *
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgTaskPCGet
- (
- int tid /* task id */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet; /* task's register set */
- taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set);
- return (regSet.pc);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTraceDisable - disable trace mode
- *
- */
- void _dbgTraceDisable (void)
- {
- /* already disabled in dbgTraceStub */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * getOneReg - return the contents of one register
- *
- * Given a task's ID, this routine returns the contents of the register
- * specified by the register code. This routine is used by `a0', `d0', `sr',
- * etc. The register codes are defined in dbgMc68kLib.h.
- *
- * RETURNS: register contents, or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL int getOneReg (taskId, regCode)
- int taskId; /* task's id, 0 means default task */
- int regCode; /* code for specifying register */
- {
- REG_SET regSet; /* get task's regs into here */
- taskId = taskIdFigure (taskId); /* translate super name to id */
- if (taskId == ERROR) /* couldn't figure out super name */
- return (ERROR);
- taskId = taskIdDefault (taskId); /* set the default id */
- if (taskRegsGet (taskId, ®Set) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- switch (regCode)
- {
- case D0: return (regSet.dataReg [0]); /* data registers */
- case D1: return (regSet.dataReg [1]);
- case D2: return (regSet.dataReg [2]);
- case D3: return (regSet.dataReg [3]);
- case D4: return (regSet.dataReg [4]);
- case D5: return (regSet.dataReg [5]);
- case D6: return (regSet.dataReg [6]);
- case D7: return (regSet.dataReg [7]);
- case A0: return (regSet.addrReg [0]); /* address registers */
- case A1: return (regSet.addrReg [1]);
- case A2: return (regSet.addrReg [2]);
- case A3: return (regSet.addrReg [3]);
- case A4: return (regSet.addrReg [4]);
- case A5: return (regSet.addrReg [5]);
- case A6: return (regSet.addrReg [6]);
- case A7: return (regSet.addrReg [7]); /* a7 is the stack pointer */
- case SR: return (regSet.sr);
- }
- return (ERROR); /* unknown regCode */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * a0 - return the contents of register `a0' (also `a1' - `a7') (MC680x0)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of register `a0' from the TCB of a specified
- * task. If <taskId> is omitted or zero, the last task referenced is assumed.
- *
- * Similar routines are provided for all address registers (`a0' - `a7'):
- * a0() - a7().
- *
- * The stack pointer is accessed via a7().
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of register `a0' (or the requested register).
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- */
- int a0
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, A0));
- }
- int a1 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, A1)); }
- int a2 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, A2)); }
- int a3 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, A3)); }
- int a4 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, A4)); }
- int a5 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, A5)); }
- int a6 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, A6)); }
- int a7 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, A7)); }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * d0 - return the contents of register `d0' (also `d1' - `d7') (MC680x0)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of register `d0' from the TCB of a specified
- * task. If <taskId> is omitted or zero, the last task referenced is assumed.
- *
- * Similar routines are provided for all data registers (`d0' - `d7'):
- * d0() - d7().
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of register `d0' (or the requested register).
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- */
- int d0
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, D0));
- }
- int d1 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, D1)); }
- int d2 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, D2)); }
- int d3 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, D3)); }
- int d4 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, D4)); }
- int d5 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, D5)); }
- int d6 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, D6)); }
- int d7 (taskId) int taskId; { return (getOneReg (taskId, D7)); }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sr - return the contents of the status register (MC680x0, SH)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of the status register from the TCB of a
- * specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or zero, the last task referenced is
- * assumed.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the status register.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- */
- int sr
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, SR));
- }
- /* dbgArchLib.c - SPARC-dependent debugger library */
- /* Copyright 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01i,10feb95,jdi doc cleanup for 5.2.
- 01i,13feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1; created discrete entries for
- < register routines.
- 01h,09feb92,yao pulled in register show routines from 5.0.
- 01g,15oct92,jwt cleaned up ANSI compiler warnings.
- 01f,01oct92,yao removed redundant delcaration for _dbgStepAdd().
- changed to pass pointer to information and registers
- saved on stack to _dbgStepAdd().
- 01e,23aug92,jcf changed filename.
- 01d,15jul92,jwt moved fsrShow() to dbgSparcLib.c - scalable kernel.
- 01c,06jul92,yao removed dbgArchCacheClear(). made user uncallable globals
- started with '_'.
- 01b,03jul92,jwt converted to 5.1 cache library support; cleanup;
- added more Fujitsu chips to psrShow().
- 01a,18jun92,yao written based on sparc/dbgLib.c ver2f.
- */
- /*
- This module provides the SPARC specific support functions for dbgLib.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "private/dbgLibP.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "fppLib.h"
- #include "taskArchLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "arch/sparc/psl.h"
- #include "iv.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "dsmLib.h"
- #include "vxLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "usrLib.h"
- LOCAL void fsrExcShow ();
- void fsrShow ();
- /* interrupt driver routines from dbgALib.s */
- IMPORT dbgBpStub (); /* breakpoint interrupt driver */
- IMPORT int dsmNbytes ();
- IMPORT int dsmInst ();
- /* globals */
- char * _archHelp_msg =
- "i0-i7,l0-l7,o0-o7,g1-g7,n"
- "pc,npc,psr,wim,y [task] Display a register of a taskn"
- "psrShow value Display meaning of psr valuen";
- LOCAL oldIntLevel; /* old interrupt level */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgArchInit - architecture dependent initialization routine
- *
- * This routine initialize global function pointers that are architecture
- * specific.
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgArchInit (void)
- {
- _dbgDsmInstRtn = (FUNCPTR) dsmInst;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgVecInit - insert new breakpoint and trace vectors
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgVecInit (void)
- {
- /* insert the new breakpoint and trace vectors */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgInstSizeGet - set up breakpoint instruction
- *
- * RETURNS: size of the instruction at specified location.
- *
- */
- int _dbgInstSizeGet
- (
- INSTR * pBrkInst /* pointer to hold breakpoint instruction */
- )
- {
- return ((2 * sizeof (INSTR)) / sizeof (INSTR));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgRetAdrsGet - get return address for current routine
- *
- * RETURNS: return address for current routine.
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgRetAdrsGet
- (
- REG_SET * pRegSet /* pointer to register set */
- )
- {
- int* sp = (int *) pRegSet->spReg;
- {
- return ((INSTR *) (I7_CONTENTS(sp) + 2));
- }
- else
- return (NULL);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTraceDisable - disable trace mode
- *
- * Since trace mode is not supported on SPARC, this routine does nothing.
- *
- */
- void _dbgTraceDisable (void)
- {
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskBPModeClear - clear breakpoint enable mode
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskBPModeClear
- (
- int tid /* task id */
- )
- {
- oldIntLevel = intLock ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgSStepClear - clear single step mode
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgSStepClear (void)
- {
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgSStepSet - set single step mode
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgSStepSet
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pInfo /* pointer to info saved on stack */
- )
- {
- int tid = taskIdSelf ();
- _dbgStepAdd (tid, BRK_TEMP, NULL, NULL);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskSStepSet - set single step mode of task
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskSStepSet
- (
- int tid /* task's id */
- )
- {
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskBPModeSet - set breakpoint mode of task
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskBPModeSet
- (
- int tid /* task's id */
- )
- {
- intUnlock (oldIntLevel);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgFuncCallCheck - check next instruction
- *
- * This routine checks to see if the next instruction is a JSR or BSR.
- * If it is, it returns TRUE, otherwise, returns FALSE.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if next instruction is JSR or BSR, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- BOOL _dbgFuncCallCheck
- (
- INSTR * addr /* pointer to instruction */
- )
- {
- return (INST_CMP (addr, INST_CALL, INST_CALL_MASK) ||
- INST_CMP (addr, JMPL_o7, JMPL_o7_MASK));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgRegsAdjust - set register set
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgRegsAdjust
- (
- FAST int tid, /* id of task that hit breakpoint */
- TRACE_ESF * pInfo, /* pointer to esf info saved on stack */
- int * pRegs, /* pointer to buf containing saved regs */
- BOOL stepBreakFlag /* TRUE if this was a trace exception */
- /* FALSE if this was a SO or CRET breakpoint */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet;
- int ix;
- ESF * pESF = (ESF *) pRegs;
- for (ix = 0; ix < 8; ++ix)
- regSet.global [ix] = pESF->esf.global[ix];
- for (ix =0; ix < 8; ++ix)
- regSet.out [ix] = pESF->esf.out[ix];
- for (ix =0; ix < 8; ++ix)
- regSet.local [ix] = pESF->esf.local[ix];
- for (ix =0; ix < 8; ++ix)
- regSet.in [ix] = pESF->esf.in[ix];
- regSet.pc = pESF->esf.pc;
- regSet.npc = pESF->esf.npc;
- regSet.psr = pESF->esf.psr;
- regSet.wim = pESF->esf.wim;
- regSet.tbr = pESF->esf.tbr;
- regSet.y = pESF->esf.y;
- taskRegsSet (tid, ®Set);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgIntrInfoSave - restore register set
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgIntrInfoSave
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pInfo /* pointer to info saved on stack */
- )
- {
- /* does nothing */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgIntrInfoRestore - restore the info saved by dbgIntrInfoSave
- *
- */
- void _dbgIntrInfoRestore
- (
- TRACE_ESF * pInfo /* pointer to execption frame */
- )
- {
- /* does nothing */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgInfoPCGet - get pc from stack
- *
- * RETURNS: value of pc saved on stack
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgInfoPCGet
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pInfo /* pointer to info saved on stack */
- )
- {
- return (pInfo->pc);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskPCSet - set task's pc
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskPCSet
- (
- int tid, /* task id */
- INSTR * pc, /* task's pc */
- INSTR * npc /* task's npc */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet; /* task's register set */
- taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set);
- regSet.pc = pc;
- if (npc == NULL)
- regSet.npc = pc + 1;
- else
- regSet.npc = npc;
- taskRegsSet (tid, ®Set);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskPCGet - get task's pc
- *
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgTaskPCGet
- (
- int tid /* task's id */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet;
- taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set);
- return ((INSTR *) regSet.pc);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgStepAdd - installs a break point of the given type at the next
- * executable address of the given task.
- *
- */
- STATUS _dbgStepAdd
- (
- int tid, /* task id */
- int breakType, /* breakpoint type */
- BREAK_ESF * pInfo, /* pointer to info saved on stack */
- int * pRegSet /* pointer to saved register set */
- )
- {
- INSTR machInstr; /* Machine instruction */
- INSTR * npc; /* next program counter */
- char branchCondition; /* Branch condition */
- REG_SET regSet; /* pointer to task registers */
- REG_SET * pRegs = ®Set; /* pointer to task registers */
- BRKENTRY * bp;
- UINT op2;
- if (taskRegsGet (tid, pRegs) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- npc = pRegs->npc; /* Default nPC */
- if ((bp = dbgBrkGet (pRegs->pc, tid, FALSE)) != NULL)
- machInstr = bp->code;
- else
- machInstr = *(pRegs->pc);
- /* Conditional branch instruction with annul bit set */
- if (((machInstr & 0xe0000000) == A_1) &&
- (((op2 = (machInstr >> 22) & 0x7) == 2) || (op2 == 6) || (op2 == 7)))
- {
- /* bits:25-28 common to all branch types */
- branchCondition = ( machInstr >> 25 ) & 0xF;
- /* Switch on the type of branch (Bicc, CBccc, FBfcc). No coprocessor
- * is defined at this time (CBccc). The location of status bits for
- * coprocessors is implementation specific
- */
- switch (op2)
- {
- case (2): /* Bicc - Integer Conditional Branch */
- {
- BOOL carryFlag;
- BOOL overflowFlag;
- BOOL zeroFlag;
- BOOL negativeFlag;
- carryFlag = ((pRegs -> psr) >> 20) & 1; /* Carry */
- overflowFlag = ((pRegs -> psr) >> 21) & 1; /* oVerflow */
- zeroFlag = ((pRegs -> psr) >> 22) & 1; /* Zero */
- negativeFlag = ((pRegs -> psr) >> 23) & 1; /* Negative */
- switch (branchCondition)
- {
- case (0): /* Branch Never */
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (1): /* Branch On equal */
- if ( !zeroFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (2): /* Branch On Less or Equal */
- if ( !(zeroFlag | ( negativeFlag ^ overflowFlag )))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (3): /* Branch on less than */
- if (!(negativeFlag ^ overflowFlag))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (4): /* Branch on less, or equal, unsigned */
- if (!(carryFlag | zeroFlag))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (5): /* Branch on carry set (less than, unsigned) */
- if (!carryFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (6): /* Branch on negative */
- if ( ! negativeFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (7): /* Branch on oVerflow */
- if ( ! overflowFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (8): /* Branch Always */
- if ((machInstr & DISP22_SIGN) == DISP22_SIGN)
- {
- /* Negative displacement - sign-extend,
- * two's complement
- */
- machInstr = ~DISP22 | (machInstr & DISP22);
- machInstr = ~machInstr + 1;
- npc = (INSTR *)((INSTR)pRegs->pc
- - (machInstr << DISP22_SHIFT_CT));
- }
- else
- {
- /* Positive displacement */
- machInstr &= DISP22;
- npc = (INSTR *)((INSTR)pRegs->pc
- + (machInstr << DISP22_SHIFT_CT));
- }
- break;
- case (9): /* Branch on Not Equal */
- if ( zeroFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xa): /* Branch on Greater */
- if ( ( zeroFlag | ( negativeFlag ^ overflowFlag )))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xb): /* Branch on Greater or Equal */
- if ( negativeFlag ^ overflowFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xc): /* Branch on Greater, Unsigned */
- if ( carryFlag | zeroFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xd): /* Branch on Carry Clear */
- if ( carryFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xe): /* Branch on Positive */
- if ( negativeFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xf): /* Branch on oVerflow Clear*/
- if ( overflowFlag )
- ++npc;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case (6): /* FBfcc - Floating-Point Conditional Branch */
- {
- BOOL equalState = FALSE;
- BOOL lessState = FALSE;
- BOOL greaterState = FALSE;
- BOOL unorderedState = FALSE;
- UINT state = (((struct fpContext *)
- ( taskTcb(tid) -> pFpContext ))
- -> fsr & 0xc00 ) >> 10;
- switch (state)
- {
- case (0):
- equalState = TRUE;
- break;
- case (1):
- lessState = TRUE;
- break;
- case (2):
- greaterState = TRUE;
- break;
- case (3):
- unorderedState = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- printf ("Impossible state:%dn", state);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- switch (branchCondition)
- {
- case (0): /* Branch Never */
- npc++;
- break;
- case (1): /* Branch On Not equal */
- if ( !( unorderedState | lessState | greaterState ))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (2): /* Branch On Less or Greater */
- if ( ! ( lessState | greaterState ))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (3): /* Branch on Unordered or Less */
- if ( ! ( unorderedState | lessState ))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (4): /* Branch on less */
- if ( !lessState )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (5): /* Branch on Unordered or Greater */
- if ( ! (unorderedState | greaterState ))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (6): /* Branch on Greater */
- if ( !greaterState )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (7): /* Branch on Unordered */
- if ( !unorderedState )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (8): /* Branch Always */
- if ((machInstr & DISP22_SIGN) == DISP22_SIGN)
- {
- /* Negative displacement - sign-extend,
- * two's complement
- */
- machInstr = ~DISP22 | (machInstr & DISP22);
- machInstr = ~machInstr + 1;
- npc = (INSTR *)((INSTR)pRegs->pc
- - (machInstr << DISP22_SHIFT_CT));
- }
- else
- {
- /* Positive displacement */
- machInstr &= DISP22;
- npc = (INSTR *)((INSTR)pRegs->pc
- + (machInstr << DISP22_SHIFT_CT));
- }
- break;
- case (9): /* Branch Equal */
- if ( !equalState )
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xa): /* Branch on Unordered or Equal */
- if ( !(unorderedState | equalState ))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xb): /* Branch on Greater or Equal */
- if (!(greaterState | equalState))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xc): /* Branch on Unordered or Greater, or Equal */
- if ( !( unorderedState | greaterState | equalState ))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xd): /* Branch on Less or Equal */
- if ( !(lessState | equalState))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xe): /* Branch on Unordered or Less or Equal */
- if ( !(unorderedState | lessState | equalState))
- ++npc;
- break;
- case (0xf): /* Branch on Unordered */
- if ( !(lessState | greaterState | equalState))
- ++npc;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case (7): /* CBccc - Coprocessor Conditional Branch */
- printf ("Coprocessor conditional branches not supportedn");
- return (ERROR);
- break;
- default:
- printf ("Invalid conditional branch instructionn");
- return (ERROR);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (dbgBrkAdd (npc, tid, 0, breakType) != OK)
- {
- printf ("error inserting breakpointn");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * psrShow - display the meaning of a specified `psr' value, symbolically (SPARC)
- *
- * This routine displays the meaning of all the fields in a specified `psr' value,
- * symbolically.
- *
- * Extracted from psl.h:
- * .CS
- * Definition of bits in the Sun-4 PSR (Processor Status Register)
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * | IMPL | VER | ICC | resvd | EC | EF | PIL | S | PS | ET | CWP |
- * | | | N | Z | V | C | | | | | | | | |
- * |------|-----|---|---|---|---|-------|----|----|-----|---|----|----|-----|
- * 31 28 27 24 23 22 21 20 19 14 13 12 11 8 7 6 5 4 0
- * .CE
- * For compatibility with future revisions, reserved bits are defined to be
- * initialized to zero and, if written, must be preserved.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> psrShow 0x00001FE7
- * Implementation 0, mask version 0:
- * Fujitsu MB86900 or LSI L64801, 7 windows
- * no SWAP, FSQRT, CP, extended fp instructions
- * Condition codes: . . . .
- * Coprocessor enables: . EF
- * Processor interrupt level: f
- * Flags: S PS ET
- * Current window pointer: 0x07
- * ->
- * .CE
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: psr(),
- * .I "SPARC Architecture Manual"
- *
- */
- void psrShow
- (
- ULONG psrValue /* psr value to show */
- )
- {
- printf ("Implementation %x, mask version %x:n",
- (psrValue & PSR_IMPL) >> 28,
- (psrValue & PSR_VER) >> 28);
- switch ((psrValue & PSR_IMPL) >> 28)
- {
- case (0x0):
- if (((psrValue & PSR_VER) >> 24) == 0)
- {
- printf ("Fujitsu MB86900 or LSI L64801, 7 windowsn");
- }
- else if (((psrValue & PSR_VER) >> 24) == 2)
- {
- printf ("Fujitsu MB86930, 8 windowsn");
- }
- break;
- case (0x1):
- printf ("Cypress CY7C601, 8 windows.n");
- printf (" no extended fp instructionsn");
- if (((psrValue & PSR_VER) >> 24) > 1)
- printf (" (or possibly a Cypress/Ross successor).n");
- break;
- case (0x2):
- printf ("BIT B5000, 7 windowsn");
- printf (" no extended fp instructionsn");
- printf (" 'some new hardware traps'n");
- if (((psrValue & PSR_VER) >> 24) > 0)
- printf (" (or possibly a BIT successor).n");
- break;
- case (0x9):
- if (((psrValue & PSR_VER) >> 24) == 0)
- {
- printf ("Fujitsu MB86903, 8 windowsn");
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- printf (" Condition codes: ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_N)
- printf ("N ");
- else
- printf (". ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_Z)
- printf ("Z ");
- else
- printf (". ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_V)
- printf ("V ");
- else
- printf (". ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_C)
- printf ("Cn");
- else
- printf (".n");
- printf (" Coprocessor enables: ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_EC)
- printf ("EC ");
- else
- printf (". ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_EF)
- printf ("EFn");
- else
- printf (".n");
- printf (" Processor interrupt level: %xn",
- (psrValue & PSR_PIL) >> 8);
- printf (" Flags: ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_S)
- printf ("S ");
- else
- printf (". ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_PS)
- printf ("PS ");
- else
- printf (". ");
- if (psrValue & PSR_ET)
- printf ("ETn");
- else
- printf (".n");
- printf (" Current window pointer: 0x%02xn",
- psrValue & PSR_CWP);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fsrShow - display the meaning of a specified fsr value, symbolically (SPARC)
- *
- * This routine displays the meaning of all the fields in a specified `fsr' value,
- * symbolically.
- *
- * Extracted from reg.h:
- * .CS
- * Definition of bits in the Sun-4 FSR (Floating-point Status Register)
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * | RD | RP | TEM | res | FTT | QNE | PR | FCC | AEXC | CEXC |
- * |-----|---- |-----|------|-----|-----|----|-----|------|------|
- * 31 30 29 28 27 23 22 17 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 5 4 0
- * .CE
- * For compatibility with future revisions, reserved bits are defined to be
- * initialized to zero and, if written, must be preserved.
- *
- * .CS
- * -> fsrShow 0x12345678
- * Rounding Direction: nearest or even if tie.
- * Rounding Precision: single.
- * Trap Enable Mask:
- * underflow.
- * Floating-point Trap Type: IEEE exception.
- * Queue Not Empty: FALSE;
- * Partial Remainder: TRUE;
- * Condition Codes: less than.
- * Accumulated exceptions:
- * inexact divide-by-zero invalid.
- * Current exceptions:
- * overflow invalid
- * .CE
- *
- *
- * .I "SPARC Architecture Manual"
- *
- */
- void fsrShow
- (
- UINT fsrValue /* fsr value to show */
- )
- {
- printf (" Rounding Direction: ");
- switch ((fsrValue & FSR_RD) >> FSR_RD_SHIFT)
- {
- case (RD_NEAR):
- printf ("nearest or even if tie.");
- break;
- case (RD_ZER0):
- printf ("to zero.");
- break;
- case (RD_POSINF):
- printf ("positive infinity.");
- break;
- case (RD_NEGINF):
- printf ("negative infinity.");
- break;
- }
- printf ("n Rounding Precision: ");
- switch ((fsrValue & FSR_RP) >> FSR_RP_SHIFT)
- {
- case (RP_DBLEXT):
- printf ("double-extended.");
- break;
- case (RP_SINGLE):
- printf ("single.");
- break;
- case (RP_DOUBLE):
- printf ("double.");
- break;
- case (RP_RESERVED):
- printf ("unused and reserved.");
- break;
- }
- printf (" Trap Enable Mask:");
- fsrExcShow ((fsrValue & FSR_TEM) >> FSR_TEM_SHIFT);
- printf (" Floating-point Trap Type: ");
- switch ((fsrValue & FSR_FTT) >> FSR_FTT_SHIFT)
- {
- case (FTT_NONE):
- printf ("none.");
- break;
- case (FTT_IEEE):
- printf ("IEEE exception.");
- break;
- case (FTT_UNFIN):
- printf ("unfinished fpop.");
- break;
- case (FTT_UNIMP):
- printf ("unimplemented fpop.");
- break;
- case (FTT_SEQ):
- printf ("sequence error.");
- break;
- case (FTT_ALIGN):
- printf ("alignment, by software convention.");
- break;
- case (FTT_DFAULT):
- printf ("data fault, by software convention.");
- break;
- default:
- printf ("unknown exception %x.",
- (fsrValue & FSR_FTT_SHIFT) >> FSR_FTT_SHIFT);
- }
- printf ("n Queue Not Empty: ");
- if (fsrValue & FSR_QNE)
- printf ("TRUE");
- else
- printf ("FALSE");
- printf ("n Partial Remainder: ");
- if (fsrValue & FSR_PR)
- printf ("TRUE");
- else
- printf ("FALSE");
- printf ("n Condition Codes: ");
- if ((fsrValue & FSR_FCC) == FSR_FCC_EQUAL)
- printf ("equal.");
- if ((fsrValue & FSR_FCC) == FSR_FCC_LT)
- printf ("less than.");
- if ((fsrValue & FSR_FCC) == FSR_FCC_GT)
- printf ("greater than.");
- if ((fsrValue & FSR_FCC) == FSR_FCC_UNORD)
- printf ("unordered.");
- printf ("n Accumulated exceptions:");
- fsrExcShow ((fsrValue & FSR_AEXC) >> FSR_AEXC_SHIFT);
- printf (" Current exceptions:");
- fsrExcShow (fsrValue & FSR_CEXC);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * fsrExcShow - display the meaning of a specified `fsr' exception field
- *
- * This routine displays the meaning of all the fields in a specified `fsr'
- * exception field, symbolically.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: SPARC Architecture manual.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void fsrExcShow (fsrExcField)
- UINT fsrExcField;
- {
- printf (" ");
- if ((fsrExcField & FSR_CEXC) == 0)
- printf ("none");
- else
- {
- if (fsrExcField & FSR_CEXC_NX)
- printf (" inexact");
- if (fsrExcField & FSR_CEXC_DZ)
- printf (" divide-by-zero");
- if (fsrExcField & FSR_CEXC_UF)
- printf (" underflow");
- if (fsrExcField & FSR_CEXC_OF)
- printf (" overflow");
- if (fsrExcField & FSR_CEXC_NV)
- printf (" invalid");
- }
- printf (".n");
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * getOneReg - return the contents of one register
- *
- * Given a task's ID, this routine returns the contents of the register
- * specified by the register code. This routine is used by g0(), i0(), psr(),
- * and so on.
- * The register codes are defined in regsSparc.h.
- *
- * RETURNS: register contents, or ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL int getOneReg
- (
- int taskId, /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- int regCode /* code for specifying register */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet; /* get task's regs into here */
- taskId = taskIdFigure (taskId); /* translate super name to ID */
- if (taskId == ERROR) /* couldn't figure out super name */
- return (ERROR);
- taskId = taskIdDefault (taskId); /* set the default ID */
- if (taskRegsGet (taskId, ®Set) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- return (*(int *)((int)®Set + regCode));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * g0 - return the contents of register `g0' (also `g1' - `g7') (SPARC)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of global register `g0' from the TCB of a
- * specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is
- * assumed.
- *
- * Similar routines are provided for all global registers (`g0' - `g7'):
- * g0() - g7().
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of register `g0' (or the requested register).
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- * Although this routine is hereby marked NOMANUAL, it actually gets
- * published, but from arch/doc/dbgArchLib.c.
- * ...not any more -- SPARC no longer supported.
- *
- */
- int g0
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_GLOBAL(0)));
- }
- int g1 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_GLOBAL(1))); }
- int g2 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_GLOBAL(2))); }
- int g3 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_GLOBAL(3))); }
- int g4 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_GLOBAL(4))); }
- int g5 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_GLOBAL(5))); }
- int g6 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_GLOBAL(6))); }
- int g7 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_GLOBAL(7))); }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * o0 - return the contents of register `o0' (also `o1' - `o7') (SPARC)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of out register `o0' from the TCB of a
- * specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is
- * assumed.
- *
- * Similar routines are provided for all out registers (`o0' - `o7'):
- * o0() - o7().
- *
- * The stack pointer is accessed via `o6'.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of register `o0' (or the requested register).
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int o0
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_OUT(0)));
- }
- int o1 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_OUT(1))); }
- int o2 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_OUT(2))); }
- int o3 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_OUT(3))); }
- int o4 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_OUT(4))); }
- int o5 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_OUT(5))); }
- int o6 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_OUT(6))); }
- int o7 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_OUT(7))); }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * l0 - return the contents of register `l0' (also `l1' - `l7') (SPARC)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of local register `l0' from the TCB of a
- * specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is
- * assumed.
- *
- * Similar routines are provided for all local registers (`l0' - `l7'):
- * l0() - l7().
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of register `l0' (or the requested register).
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int l0
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_LOCAL(0)));
- }
- int l1 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_LOCAL(1))); }
- int l2 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_LOCAL(2))); }
- int l3 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_LOCAL(3))); }
- int l4 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_LOCAL(4))); }
- int l5 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_LOCAL(5))); }
- int l6 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_LOCAL(6))); }
- int l7 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_LOCAL(7))); }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * i0 - return the contents of register `i0' (also `i1' - `i7') (SPARC)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of in register `i0' from the TCB of a
- * specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is
- * assumed.
- *
- * Similar routines are provided for all in registers (`i0' - `i7'):
- * i0() - i7().
- *
- * The frame pointer is accessed via `i6'.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of register `i0' (or the requested register).
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int i0
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_IN(0)));
- }
- int i1 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_IN(1))); }
- int i2 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_IN(2))); }
- int i3 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_IN(3))); }
- int i4 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_IN(4))); }
- int i5 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_IN(5))); }
- int i6 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_IN(6))); }
- int i7 (int taskId) { return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_IN(7))); }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * npc - return the contents of the next program counter (SPARC)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of the next program counter from the TCB
- * of a specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default
- * task is assumed.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the next program counter.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: ti()
- *
- */
- int npc
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_NPC));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * psr - return the contents of the processor status register (SPARC)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of the processor status register from
- * the TCB of a specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the default
- * task is assumed.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the processor status register.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: psrShow(),
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int psr
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_PSR));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wim - return the contents of the window invalid mask register (SPARC)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of the window invalid mask register from
- * the TCB of a specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the default
- * task is assumed.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the window invalid mask register.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int wim
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_WIM));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * y - return the contents of the `y' register (SPARC)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of the `y' register from the TCB of a
- * specified task. If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the default task is assumed.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the y register.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int y
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, REG_SET_Y));
- }
- /* dbgArchLib.c - Intel i960 architecture-dependent debugger library */
- /* Copyright 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01u,10feb95,jdi changed 80960 to i960; added missing parens to register names.
- 01t,13feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1; created discrete entries
- for register routines.
- 01s,10feb93,yao installed register display routines based on 5.0.6.
- 01r,25sep92,wmd fix ansi warnings.
- 01q,23aug92,jcf made filenames consistant.
- 01p,13aug92,yao fixed bug in dbgTraceFaultHandle() which restores register
- sets incorrectly.
- 01o,10jul92,yao changed reference of pTcb->pDbgState->pDbgSave->taskPCW
- to pTcb->dbgPCWSave.
- 01n,06jul92,yao removed dbgCacheClear(). made user uncallable globals
- started with '_'.
- 01m,04jul92,jcf scalable/ANSI/cleanup effort.
- 01l,09jun92,yao made dbgInterruptPCW LOCAL. added dbgInit(), dbgHwAdrsCheck().
- removed dbgDsmInst(), dbgBreakInstGet(), dbgHwBpFree(),
- dbgHwBpList, dbgCodeInsert(), dbgHwBpGet(), dbgHwBpInit(),
- dbgRegSetPCGet(), dbgTaskProcStatusSave(),dbgTaskPC{S,G}et().
- changed dbgTaskBPModeSet(), dbgTaskSStepSet() to void. added
- dbgArchHwBpFree().
- 01k,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01j,23apr92,wmd fixed ansi warnings.
- 01i,02mar92,wmd added conditionals for ICE support for i960KB.
- 01h,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -fixed #else and #endif
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01g,14aug91,del changes by intel to support KA/KB processors.
- 01f,12jul91,gae changed many sys{IMR,IPND,...} to vx{...} names;
- removal of 68k code comments left for reference.
- 01e,20apr91,del added code to dbgReturnAddrGet to deal with leaf procedures.
- 01d,19mar91,del redesigned hardware breakpoints.
- 01c,08jan91,del documentation.
- 01b,06jan91,del changed to work with new REG_SET structure. cleanup.
- 01a,21oct89,del written.
- */
- /*
- This module provides the Intel i960-specific support functions for dbgLib.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "private/taskLibP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/kernelLibP.h"
- #include "private/dbgLibP.h"
- #include "lstLib.h"
- #include "symLib.h"
- #include "sysSymTbl.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "vxLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "usrLib.h"
- #include "fppLib.h"
- #if CPU==I960CA
- #define REG_NUM_IPB0 0 /* instruction address breakpoint register 0 */
- #define REG_NUM_IPB1 1 /* instruction address breakpoint register 1 */
- #define REG_NUM_DAB0 2 /* data address breakpoint register 0 */
- #define REG_NUM_DAB1 3 /* data address breakpoint register 1 */
- #endif /* CPU==I960CA */
- #define MOV_G14_MASK 0xff87ffff /* mov g14, gx instruction mask */
- #define INST_MOV_G14 0x5c80161e /* mov g14, gx instruction */
- #define SRC_REG_MASK 0x00f80000 /* register mask */
- /* externals */
- IMPORT void dbgBreakpoint (); /* higher level of bp handling */
- IMPORT void dbgTrace (); /* higher level of trace handling */
- IMPORT void dbgBpStub (); /* lowest level of bp handling */
- IMPORT BRKENTRY * dbgBrkGet ();
- IMPORT int dsm960Inst (); /* 960 disassembler routine */
- IMPORT BOOL dsmMemInstrCheck ();
- IMPORT UINT32 dsmMEMInstrRefAddrGet ();
- IMPORT int dsmInstrSizeGet ();
- IMPORT UINT32 sysFaultVecSet ();
- IMPORT BOOL dsmFuncCallCheck ();
- IMPORT UINT32 sysCtrlTable[];
- IMPORT int ansiFix; /* fix ansi warnings */
- /* globals */
- extern char * _archHelp_msg = /* help message */
- "pfp, tsp, rip, fp [task] Display pfp, sp, rip, and fp of a taskn"
- "r3-r15, g0-g14 [task] Display a register of a taskn"
- #if CPU == I960CA
- "bh addr[,access[,task[,count[,quite]]]] Set hardware breakpointn"
- " 0 - store only 1 - load/storen"
- " 2 - data/inst fetch 3 - any accessn"
- " 4 - instructn"
- #endif /* CPU == I960CA */
- #if (CPU == I960KB)
- "fp0-fp3 [task] Display floating point register of a taskn"
- #endif /* CPU == I960KB */
- ;
- /* forward declaration */
- LOCAL int dbgInterruptPCW; /* used by dbgIntrInfoSave/Restore */
- LOCAL int dbgHwRegStatus; /* keep status of hardware regs being used */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgArchInit - architecture dependent initialization routine
- *
- * This routine initialize global function pointers that are architecture
- * specific.
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgArchInit (void)
- {
- _dbgDsmInstRtn = (FUNCPTR) dsm960Inst;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTraceDisable - disable trace mode
- *
- */
- void _dbgTraceDisable (void)
- {
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgFuncCallCheck - check if opcode is a function call
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if op code at the given addr is a subroutine call.
- *
- */
- BOOL _dbgFuncCallCheck
- (
- INSTR * pInst /* pointer to instruction to check */
- )
- {
- return (dsmFuncCallCheck (pInst));
- }
- #if (BRK_HW_BP != 0)
- /****************************************************************************** *
- * _dbgHwAdrsCheck - verify address is valid
- *
- * Checks to make sure the given adrs is on a 32-bit boundary, and
- * that it is accessable.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if address not on a 32-bit boundary or unaccessible.
- *
- */
- STATUS _dbgHwAdrsCheck
- (
- INSTR * adrs, /* address to check */
- int access /* access type */
- )
- {
- UINT32 val; /* dummy for vxMemProbe */
- if ((int) adrs & 0x03)
- return (ERROR);
- #if CPU==I960CA
- switch (access)
- {
- if (vxMemProbe ((char *)adrs, O_WRONLY, 4, (char *) &val) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- break;
- case HW_INST_BRK:
- if (vxMemProbe ((char *)adrs, O_RDONLY, 4, (char *) &val) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- break;
- if (vxMemProbe ((char *)adrs, O_RDONLY, 4, (char *) &val) != OK ||
- vxMemProbe ((char *)adrs, O_WRONLY, 4, (char *) &val) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- #endif /* CPU==I960CA */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgHwDisplay - display a hardware breakpoint
- *
- */
- void _dbgHwDisplay
- (
- BRKENTRY * bp /* breakpoint table entry */
- )
- {
- if ((bp->type & BRK_HW_BP) == 0)
- return;
- printf (" (hard-");
- #if CPU==I960CA
- switch (bp->pHwBp->hbAccess)
- {
- printf ("store only)");
- break;
- printf ("data only)");
- break;
- printf ("data/instr fetch)");
- break;
- printf ("any access)");
- break;
- case HW_INST_BRK:
- printf ("instruction)");
- break;
- default:
- printf ("unknown)");
- break;
- }
- #endif /* CPU==I960CA */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgHwBpSet - set a data breakpoint register
- *
- * Access is the type of access that will generate a breakpoint.
- * 000 - store only
- * 001 - data only (load or store)
- * 010 - data or instruction fetch
- * 011 - any access
- * 100 - instruction breakpoint
- *
- */
- void _dbgHwBpSet
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* address on which to break */
- HWBP * pHwBp /* hardware breakpoint */
- )
- {
- #if CPU==I960CA
- switch (pHwBp->hbRegNum)
- {
- case REG_NUM_DAB0:
- dbgDAB0Set ((char *) addr);
- dbgDAB0Enable (pHwBp->hbAccess);
- break;
- case REG_NUM_DAB1:
- dbgDAB1Set ((char *) addr);
- dbgDAB1Enable (pHwBp->hbAccess);
- break;
- case REG_NUM_IPB0:
- (void) dbgIPB0Set ((char *)addr);
- break;
- case REG_NUM_IPB1:
- (void) dbgIPB1Set ((char *)addr);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- #endif /* CPU==I960CA */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgHwBpCheck - check if instruction could have caused a data breakpoint
- *
- * Check to see if the instruction at the given address caused a
- * memory reference that matches one of the DAB registers.
- * Or if the address of the instruction itself caused a break.
- * This would be true if the access type was for instruction fetch.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if match, FALSE if no match.
- *
- */
- BOOL _dbgHwBpCheck
- (
- INSTR * pInstr, /* ptr to instruction to check */
- BRKENTRY * bp, /* pointer to breakpoint entry */
- int tid, /* task's id */
- volatile BOOL checkFlag /* flag to check if breakpoint hit */
- )
- {
- #if CPU==I960CA
- UINT32 addr1;
- REG_SET regSet;
- if ((bp->type & BRK_HW_BP) == 0)
- return (FALSE);
- /* check to see if instruction addr caused break */
- if (pInstr == bp->addr)
- return (TRUE);
- taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set);
- /* check to see if memory reference caused break */
- if (dsmMemInstrCheck(pInstr))
- {
- addr1 = dsmMEMInstrRefAddrGet(pInstr, (UINT32 *)®Set);
- if (bp->addr == (INSTR *) addr1)
- return (TRUE);
- }
- if ((UINT32)bp->addr == (sysCtrlTable[0]&0xfffffffc))
- return (TRUE);
- if ((UINT32)bp->addr == (sysCtrlTable[1]&0xfffffffc))
- return (TRUE);
- #endif /* CPU==I960CA */
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgHwBpClear - clear a data breakpoint
- *
- * Clears a data breakpoint based on given regiser number, but does not
- * free the resource. This is the mechanism used to clear disable
- * hardware breakpoints when a task is unbreakable.
- *
- */
- void _dbgHwBpClear
- (
- HWBP * pHwBp /* hardware breakpoint */
- )
- {
- #if CPU==I960CA
- switch (pHwBp->hbRegNum)
- {
- case REG_NUM_DAB0:
- dbgDAB0Set ((char *) -1);
- dbgDAB0Disable ();
- break;
- case REG_NUM_DAB1:
- dbgDAB1Set ((char *) -1);
- dbgDAB1Disable ();
- break;
- case REG_NUM_IPB0:
- (void) dbgIPB0Disable ();
- break;
- case REG_NUM_IPB1:
- (void) dbgIPB1Disable ();
- break;
- }
- #endif /* CPU==I960CA */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgArchHwBpFree - free hardware breakpoint data entry
- *
- */
- void _dbgArchHwBpFree
- (
- HWBP * pHwBp /* pointer to hardware breakpoint data structure */
- )
- {
- dbgHwRegStatus &= ~(1<< pHwBp->hbRegNum);
- }
- #endif /* (BRK_HW_BP != 0) */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgInfoPCGet - exception frame's PC/IP (program counter/instruction
- * pointer)
- *
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgInfoPCGet
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pBrkInfo /* pointer to exception frame */
- )
- {
- return ((INSTR *) pBrkInfo->faultIP);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgInstSizeGet - get size of instruction in sizeof(INSTR)'s
- *
- * RETURNS: The size of the instruction.
- *
- */
- int _dbgInstSizeGet
- (
- INSTR * pInst /* pointer to instruction to check */
- )
- {
- return (dsmNbytes (pInst) / sizeof (INSTR));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgIntrInfoRestore - restore the info saved by dbgIntrInfoSave
- *
- */
- void _dbgIntrInfoRestore
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pBrkInfo /* pointer to execption frame */
- )
- {
- pBrkInfo->procCtrl = dbgInterruptPCW;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgIntrInfoSave - save info when breakpoints are hit at interrupt level.
- *
- */
- void _dbgIntrInfoSave
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pBrkInfo /* pointer to breakpoint ESF */
- )
- {
- dbgInterruptPCW = pBrkInfo->procCtrl;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgRegsAdjust - adjust stack pointer
- *
- * Adjust the stack pointer of the given REG_SET to remove the
- * exception frame, caused by the TRACE FAULT.
- *
- */
- void _dbgRegsAdjust
- (
- int tid, /* task's id */
- TRACE_ESF * pBrkInfo, /* pointer to exception frame */
- int * pRegSet, /* pointer to tasks register set */
- volatile BOOL flag /* tells what type of ESF to use */
- )
- {
- ansiFix = (int)pBrkInfo->faultIP; /* fix ansi warning */
- /* NOP for 80960 because fault record (ESF) is
- * stuck in just before the stack frame for the
- * fault handler.
- */
- taskRegsSet (tid, (REG_SET *) pRegSet);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskPCSet - set task's pc
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskPCSet
- (
- int tid, /* task's id */
- INSTR * pc, /* pc to set */
- INSTR * npc /* npc to set (not supported by 960) */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet;
- ansiFix = (int)npc; /* fix ansi warning */
- if (taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set) ==OK)
- {
- regSet.rip = (UINT32) pc;
- taskRegsSet (tid, ®Set);
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskPCGet - get task's pc
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgTaskPCGet
- (
- int tid /* task's id */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet;
- taskRegsGet (tid, ®Set);
- return ((INSTR *) regSet.rip);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgRetAdrsGet - address of the subroutine in which has hit a breakpoint
- *
- * RETURNS: Address of the next instruction to be executed upon
- * return of the current subroutine.
- *
- * BAL instruction will need to be taken into account here.
- *
- */
- INSTR * _dbgRetAdrsGet
- (
- REG_SET * pRegSet /* reg set of broken task */
- )
- {
- #define MAX_NAME_LEN 80
- UINT32 retVal;
- UINT32 type = 0x00;
- UINT32 regNum;
- INT8 name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
- REG_SET * pPrevRegSet = (REG_SET *)pRegSet->pfp;
- INSTR * pInstr0 = (INSTR *)(pRegSet->rip & 0xfffffffc);
- INSTR * pInstr1 = pInstr0;
- /* from this address, find the symbol in the symbol table that
- * is closest yet lower than the address. If this symbol is a leaf-proc
- * entry, then get the return address either from gx or g14,
- * depending on whether or not the mov g14, gx instruction has been
- * executed. If the symbol is not a leaf_proc entry point,
- * it is a regular function entry. Get the return address from
- * the rip of the previous frame. Caveat: if an assembly language
- * symbol starts with an `_', this could fool this algo. into
- * thinking it is the start of a function.
- */
- strcpy (name, "");
- symFindByValue (sysSymTbl, (UINT) pInstr0, (char *) &name,
- (int *) &pInstr0, (SYM_TYPE *) &type);
- if (!strncmp (&name[strlen(name) - 3], ".lf", 3))
- {
- /* this is a leaf_proc. first we must check to see if we
- * are sitting on the mov g14, gx instruction If we are,
- * return the value in g14, otherwise, disect the instruction
- * and figure out what register is holding the return value */
- if ((*pInstr1 & MOV_G14_MASK) == INST_MOV_G14)
- retVal = pRegSet->g14;
- else
- {
- regNum = (*pInstr0 & SRC_REG_MASK) >> 0x13;
- retVal = *(((UINT32 *)pRegSet) + regNum);
- printf ("regNum: 0x%x, retVal: 0x%x 0x%x n",
- regNum, retVal, *pInstr0);
- }
- /* we still have to figure out if we got to this point in the leaf-proc
- * via a 'call' or 'bal' instruction. If we came via a call instruction,
- * the address 'retVal' will point to the 'ret' instruction at the
- * end of the function. Otherwise, it will be the address of the
- * instruction following the 'bal'. If 'retVal' does not point to a
- * 'ret' instruction, we can just return it.
- *
- * NOTE: We could still be fooled if caller's 'bal' or 'balx' is
- * followed by 'ret.' Perhaps we should also check to see if the
- * instruction preceding 'ret' is 'bx gx' and or some similar check.
- */
- if (((*(INSTR *)retVal) & 0xff000000) != 0x0a000000)
- return ((INSTR *)retVal);
- }
- /* non-leaf_proc function or 'called' leaf-proc */
- return ((INSTR *)(pPrevRegSet->rip & 0xfffffffc));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgSStepSet - set single step mode
- *
- * Function to set things up so that instruction trace mode (single step)
- * will occur when the 'broken' task is run.
- * This is done by setting the Trace Enable bit of the PCW in the
- * exception frame, and setting the TCW to Instruction Trace mode.
- *
- * NOTE
- * Trace mode is disabled in the process control word so that
- * we don't start instruction tracing until we return to the
- * the task that broke.
- *
- */
- void _dbgSStepSet
- (
- BREAK_ESF * pBrkInfo /* pointer to exception frame */
- )
- {
- #ifndef ICE960KB
- pBrkInfo->procCtrl |= PCW_TRACE_ENABLE_MASK;
- #endif
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgSStepClear - clear single step mode
- *
- * Turn off instruction trace mode (single stepping).
- *
- */
- void _dbgSStepClear (void)
- {
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskBPModeSet - set breakpoint mode of task
- *
- * Function to set the PCW and TCW in the given TCB so breakpoints will
- * be enabled when the task is switched in.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK or ERROR if invalid <tid>.
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskBPModeSet
- (
- int tid /* task's id */
- )
- {
- WIND_TCB* pTcb = taskTcb (tid);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return;
- #ifndef ICE960KB
- /* enable tracing in PCW of task */
- pTcb->regs.pcw |= PCW_TRACE_ENABLE_MASK;
- /* enable break point tracing in TCW of task */
- pTcb->regs.tcw |= TCW_MODE_BP_MASK;
- #endif
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskBPModeClear - clear breakpoint mode of task
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskBPModeClear
- (
- volatile int tid /* task's id */
- )
- {
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskSStepClear - clear single step mode in task
- *
- * Set the PCW and TCW of the given task for trace (instruction) break
- * mode, so that when the task is switched in, it will execute the
- * next instruction and break.
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskSStepClear
- (
- int tid /* id of task to set */
- )
- {
- WIND_TCB * pTcb = taskTcb (tid);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return;
- if (pTcb->regs.tcw & TCW_MODE_INSTR_MASK)
- {
- pTcb->regs.tcw &= ~TCW_MODE_INSTR_MASK;
- pTcb->regs.pcw = pTcb->dbgPCWSave;
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgTaskSStepSet - set single step mode of task
- *
- * Set the PCW and TCW of the given task for trace (instruction) break
- * mode, so that when the task is switched in, it will execute the
- * next instruction and break.
- *
- * NOTE
- * Interrupts are locked out for this task, until single stepping
- * for the task is cleared.
- *
- *
- */
- void _dbgTaskSStepSet
- (
- int tid /* id of task to set */
- )
- {
- WIND_TCB * pTcb = taskTcb (tid);
- if (pTcb == NULL)
- return;
- pTcb->dbgPCWSave = pTcb->regs.pcw;
- #ifdef ICE960KB
- pTcb->regs.pcw |= PCW_INT_LOCK;
- #else
- pTcb->regs.tcw |= TCW_MODE_INSTR_MASK;
- #endif
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgVecInit - initialize the trace fault handler vector
- *
- */
- void _dbgVecInit (void)
- {
- sysFaultVecSet (dbgBpStub, FT_TRACE, FTE_SYSTEM_CALL);
- }
- #if (BRK_HW_BP != 0)
- /*******************************************************************************
- * _dbgHwBrkExists - check if hardware breakpoint already exists
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if instuction pointer matches given hardware breakpoint entry
- * (always FALSE for KB).
- *
- */
- BOOL _dbgHwBrkExists
- (
- INSTR * addr, /* pointer to instruction hit break */
- BRKENTRY * pBrkEntry, /* pointer to breakpoint entry */
- int access, /* access type */
- void * pHwInfo /* pointer to hardware brkpoint info */
- )
- {
- ansiFix = (int)pHwInfo; /* fix ansi warning */
- #if CPU==I960CA
- if (pBrkEntry == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- else
- return((pBrkEntry->addr == addr) &&
- (pBrkEntry->pHwBp->hbAccess == access));
- #else
- return (FALSE);
- #endif /* CPU==I960CA */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * _dbgHwBpGet - get a free hardware breakpoint register
- *
- * Increment the count of data breakpoints in the system, and check for
- * max number reached.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to a free hardware breakpoint or NULL if out of resources.
- *
- */
- HWBP * _dbgHwBpGet
- (
- int access, /* access type */
- LIST * pDbgHwBpList /* hardware breakpoint list */
- )
- {
- HWBP * pHwBp;
- int regNum;
- switch (access)
- {
- /* data address breakpoint registers */
- if ((dbgHwRegStatus & (1 << REG_NUM_DAB0)) == 0)
- regNum = REG_NUM_DAB0;
- else if ((dbgHwRegStatus & (1 << REG_NUM_DAB1)) == 0)
- regNum = REG_NUM_DAB1;
- else
- regNum = -1;
- break;
- case HW_INST_BRK:
- /* instruction address breakpoint registers */
- if ((dbgHwRegStatus & (1 << REG_NUM_IPB0)) == 0)
- regNum = REG_NUM_IPB0;
- else if ((dbgHwRegStatus & (1 << REG_NUM_IPB1)) == 0)
- regNum = REG_NUM_IPB1;
- else
- regNum = -1;
- break;
- default:
- regNum = -1;
- }
- if (regNum < 0)
- return ((HWBP *) NULL);
- else
- {
- dbgHwRegStatus |= 1 << regNum;
- pHwBp = (HWBP *) lstGet (pDbgHwBpList);
- if (pHwBp != NULL)
- pHwBp->hbRegNum = regNum;
- }
- return (pHwBp);
- }
- #endif /* BRK_HW_BP */
- /* interrupt level stuff */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgLocalRegsToRegSet - save local registers to given register set
- *
- */
- void dbgLocalRegsToRegSet
- (
- int * pRegs, /* saved local registers */
- REG_SET * pRegSet /* pointer to register set to fill */
- )
- {
- bcopy ((char *) pRegs, (char *) &pRegSet->pfp, NUM_I960_LOCAL_REGS * 4);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgGlobalRegsToRegSet - save local registers to given register set
- *
- */
- void dbgGlobalRegsToRegSet
- (
- FAST int * pRegs, /* saved local registers */
- FAST REG_SET * pRegSet /* REG_SET to fill */
- )
- {
- bcopy ((char *) pRegs, (char *) &pRegSet->g0, NUM_I960_GLOBAL_REGS * 4);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgRegSetToLocalRegs - move local registers to memory
- *
- */
- void dbgRegSetToLocalRegs
- (
- FAST int * pRegs, /* location to put regs */
- FAST REG_SET * pRegSet /* pointer to reg set to copy */
- )
- {
- bcopy ((char *) &pRegSet->pfp, (char *) pRegs, NUM_I960_LOCAL_REGS * 4);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgRegSetToGlobalRegs - move global registers to memory
- *
- */
- void dbgRegSetToGlobalRegs
- (
- FAST int * pRegs, /* location to put regs */
- FAST REG_SET * pRegSet /* pointer reg set to copy */
- )
- {
- bcopy ((char *) &pRegSet->g0, (char *) pRegs, NUM_I960_GLOBAL_REGS * 4);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgRegSetFramePtrAdjust - adjust frame pointer
- *
- * Change the frame pointer in the given REG_SET to the given value.
- * Used to 'chain back' so the saved REG_SET reflects the exact values
- * of the task environment at the time of the trace fault.
- *
- */
- void dbgRegSetFramePtrAdjust
- (
- REG_SET * pRegSet, /* register set to modify */
- UINT32 * pFrame /* value to set REG_SET FP */
- )
- {
- pRegSet->fp = (UINT32)pFrame;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTraceFaultAck - clear trace fault pending bit according to fault subtype
- */
- LOCAL void dbgTraceFaultAck
- (
- UINT32 subType /* trace fault subtype */
- )
- {
- vxTCWClear (subType << 0x10);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * dbgTraceFaultHandle - interrupt level handling of trace fault
- *
- * Function to determine what type of trace fault has occured.
- * Trace fault subtypes are; breakpoint, instruction (ss), return,
- * prereturn, call, branch, supervisor.
- *
- */
- INSTR * dbgTraceFaultHandle
- (
- TRACE_ESF * pBrkInfo, /* trace fault exception frame */
- int * pLocalRegs, /* local registers */
- int * pGlobalRegs /* global registers */
- )
- {
- REG_SET dbgRegSet;
- WIND_TCB * pTcb = taskTcb (taskIdSelf ());
- /* save local and global regs to temporary REG_SET */
- dbgLocalRegsToRegSet (pLocalRegs, &dbgRegSet);
- dbgGlobalRegsToRegSet (pGlobalRegs, &dbgRegSet);
- dbgRegSetFramePtrAdjust ((REG_SET *) &dbgRegSet, (UINT32 *) pLocalRegs);
- switch (pBrkInfo->faultSubtype)
- {
- _dbgSStepClear (); /* make sure single stepping is off */
- _dbgTaskSStepClear (taskIdSelf ());
- dbgRegSet.pcw = pTcb->regs.pcw;
- dbgRegSet.acw = pBrkInfo->arithCtrl;
- dbgRegSet.tcw = vxTCWGet ();
- dbgTrace (pBrkInfo, &dbgRegSet);
- /* we come here when we single-stepped from a breakpoint. */
- dbgRegSetToLocalRegs ((int *) pLocalRegs, (REG_SET *) &dbgRegSet);
- dbgRegSetToGlobalRegs ((int *) pGlobalRegs, (REG_SET *) &dbgRegSet);
- taskRegsGet (taskIdSelf (), &dbgRegSet);
- pBrkInfo->procCtrl = dbgRegSet.pcw;
- return ((INSTR *)(((REG_SET *)pLocalRegs)->rip & 0xfffffffc));
- break;
- dbgTraceFaultAck (TRACE_FAULT_SUBTYPE_BP);
- dbgRegSet.pcw = pBrkInfo->procCtrl;
- dbgRegSet.acw = pBrkInfo->arithCtrl;
- dbgRegSet.tcw = vxTCWGet ();
- /* if we hit a breakpoint, we need to set the rip back to
- * the address of the fault */
- dbgRegSet.rip = ((UINT32) _dbgInfoPCGet (pBrkInfo) & 0xfffffffc)
- | (dbgRegSet.rip & 0x03);
- dbgBreakpoint (pBrkInfo, &dbgRegSet);
- /* we come here ONLY if bp was hit at interrupt level */
- dbgRegSetToLocalRegs ((int *) pLocalRegs, (REG_SET *) &dbgRegSet);
- dbgRegSetToGlobalRegs ((int *) pGlobalRegs, (REG_SET *) &dbgRegSet);
- return ((INSTR *)(((REG_SET *)pLocalRegs)->rip & 0xfffffffc));
- break;
- /* not implemented yet */
- /* not implemented yet */
- /* not implemented yet */
- /* not implemented yet */
- /* not implemented yet */
- default:
- logMsg ("faultSubtype: 0x%xn", pBrkInfo->faultSubtype, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- return ((INSTR *) -1);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * getOneReg - return the contents of one register
- *
- * Given a task's ID, this routine returns the contents of the register
- * specified by the register code. This routine is used by `a0', `d0', `sr', etc.
- * The register codes are defined in regsI960.h.
- *
- * RETURNS: register contents, or ERROR.
- *
- */
- static int getOneReg
- (
- int taskId, /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- int regOffset /* code for specifying register */
- )
- {
- REG_SET regSet; /* get task's regs into here */
- taskId = taskIdFigure (taskId); /* translate super name to ID */
- if (taskId == ERROR) /* couldn't figure out super name */
- return (ERROR);
- taskId = taskIdDefault (taskId); /* set the default ID */
- if (taskRegsGet (taskId, ®Set) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- return (*(int *)((int)®Set + regOffset));
- }
- #if CPU==I960KB
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * getOneFPReg - return the contents of an FP register
- *
- * Given a task's ID, this routine returns the contents of the FP register
- * specified by the register code. This routine is used by fp[0-3]. The
- * register codes are defined in fppI960Lib.h.
- *
- * RETURNS: register contents, or ERROR.
- *
- */
- static double getOneFPReg
- (
- volatile int taskId, /* task's ID, 0 means default task */
- int regOffset
- )
- {
- FPREG_SET fpregs; /* floating point data registers */
- taskId = taskIdFigure (taskId); /* translate super name to ID */
- if (taskId == ERROR) /* couldn't figure out super name */
- return ((double) ERROR);
- taskId = taskIdDefault (taskId); /* set the default ID */
- if (fppTaskRegsGet (taskId, (FPREG_SET *) &fpregs) != OK)
- {
- int status[] = { ERROR, ERROR };
- return (*((double *) status));
- }
- return (*(double *) ((int)&fpregs + regOffset));
- }
- #endif /* CPU == I960KB */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pfp - return the contents of register `pfp' (i960)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of register `pfp', the previous frame
- * pointer, from the TCB of a specified task.
- * If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is assumed.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the `pfp' register.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int pfp
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, PFP_OFFSET));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tsp - return the contents of register `sp' (i960)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of register `sp', the stack pointer,
- * from the TCB of a specified task.
- * If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is assumed.
- *
- * Note: The name tsp() is used because sp() (the logical name choice)
- * conflicts with the routine sp() for spawning a task with default parameters.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the `sp' register.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int tsp
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, SP_OFFSET));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rip - return the contents of register `rip' (i960)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of register `rip', the return
- * instruction pointer, from the TCB of a specified task.
- * If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is assumed.
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the `rip' register.
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int rip
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )
- {
- return (getOneReg (taskId, RIP_OFFSET));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * r3 - return the contents of register `r3' (also `r4' - `r15') (i960)
- *
- * This command extracts the contents of register `r3' from the TCB of a
- * specified task.
- * If <taskId> is omitted or 0, the current default task is assumed.
- *
- * Routines are provided for all local registers (`r3' - `r15'):
- * r3() - r15().
- *
- * RETURNS: The contents of the `r3' register (or the requested register).
- *
- * .pG "Target Shell"
- *
- */
- int r3
- (
- int taskId /* task ID, 0 means default task */
- )