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资源名称:tanksrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Client.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Implements the client handling of network messages.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Tanks.h"
- #include "Client.h"
- #include "TanksDlg.h"
- CClient::CClient (CCommManager &CommManager) :
- m_CommManager(CommManager),
- m_IncomingMsgQ(TANKS_APP->m_gIncomingMsgQueue),
- m_GameManager(TANKS_APP->m_gGameManager),
- m_Message(CommManager.ExposeMessage())
- {
- m_hHostIDEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- m_hAddLocalTankEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- m_hAddBoardEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- }
- CClient::~CClient ()
- {
- CloseHandle (m_hHostIDEvent);
- CloseHandle (m_hAddLocalTankEvent);
- CloseHandle (m_hAddBoardEvent);
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: WaitForGameProperties
- Purpose: Called when the client begins a new game, to negotiate with the game
- host and retrieve the game properties - player's tank ID and game
- board properties.
- Input: None.
- Output: Return TRUE on success.
- Remarks: The DirectPlay::CreatePlayer method is send to the game host w/o
- knowing it's DirectPlay player ID. The "protocol" we are using to
- negotiate w/ the host for the game properties is also responsible
- for generating the host player ID (to be used when sending messages)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CClient::WaitForGameProperties()
- {
- // Wait for Host ID to arrive as response to our CreatePlayer msg:
- int nResponse = WaitForSingleObject(m_hHostIDEvent, COMM_TIME_OUT);
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != nResponse)
- return FALSE;
- // At this stage we know that m_idHost is valid.
- // Send Request for Tank ID
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- // Request new tank:
- UINT uTankID = TANKS_APP->GetStoredPreferedTankID();
- Params.TankRequestParam.bID = BYTE(uTankID);
- TANKS_APP->m_gOutgoingMsgQueue.Enqueue (CMessage::REQUEST_TANK, Params);
- // Wait for AddTank and AddBoard to arrive
- HANDLE aHandles[2] = { m_hAddLocalTankEvent, m_hAddBoardEvent };
- nResponse = WaitForMultipleObjects (2, aHandles, TRUE, COMM_TIME_OUT);
- return (WAIT_TIMEOUT != nResponse);
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: HandleMessage
- Purpose: Handles the messages send from the game host to our client.
- Input: None.
- Output: None.
- Remarks: 1. The message is stored in the CommManager to reduce stack
- operations.
- 2. We treat a client on the host machine the same as a remote
- client (thanks to the help of DirectPlay abstraction...)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CClient::HandleMessage()
- {
- // Check if that's our host saying ACK:
- if ((1==m_Message.m_dwLength) && (CCommManager::ACK==m_Message.m_aBuffer[0]))
- { // Notify our CommManager of the Host ID (current m_idFrom):
- m_CommManager.SetHostID();
- // We can release the WaitForGameProperties method from it's wait:
- SetEvent(m_hHostIDEvent);
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Client got ping from host"));
- // Nothing else left to do here, the rest is done in GetGameProperties:
- return;
- }
- if (CMessage::SET_MINES == m_Message.m_aBuffer[0])
- { // Special case: host sending mines per sector information - variable
- // lenght message that may be very big !!!
- int iSector;
- // Retrieve array of positions with the data of all the existing mines
- // in the given sector:
- DWORD dwMinesFound = CMessage::DecodeSectorMines (&(m_Message.m_aBuffer[1]),
- m_Message.m_dwLength - 1,
- iSector,
- AllMinesInSector);
- // Tell the local game manager the correct mines setting in the sector.
- // Do it now - don't use any queue: this message if it was put in a queue,
- // would get very big - we don't want to waste that space.
- m_GameManager.SetMinesInSector (iSector, dwMinesFound, AllMinesInSector);
- return;
- }
- CMessage *pMsg = new CMessage(m_Message.m_aBuffer,
- (BYTE)m_Message.m_dwLength, PLAYER_MSG);
- ASSERT(pMsg);
- if (!pMsg)
- {
- abort();
- }
- switch (pMsg->GetType())
- { // Catch special messages and handle accordingly:
- case CMessage::ADD_BOARD:
- // We should catch the 2 initializing messages,
- // to end GetGameProperties:
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Client got ADD_BOARD from host (game time = %d)",
- pMsg->GetTime ()));
- SetEvent(m_hAddBoardEvent);
- break;
- case CMessage::ADD_TANK:
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Client got ADD_TANK (%s) from host "
- "(game time = %d)",
- pMsg->m_UnionData.TankParam.Local ? "local" : "remote",
- pMsg->GetTime ()));
- if (pMsg->m_UnionData.TankParam.Local)
- SetEvent(m_hAddLocalTankEvent);
- break;
- case CMessage::MANOUVER_SET:
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Client got MANOUVER_SET from host"
- "(game time = %d)", pMsg->GetTime ()));
- // We should copy the manouver set of the sending tank to the
- // global array:
- CopyManouverSet();
- // We don't enqueue the message, so we have delete the
- // message manually:
- delete pMsg;
- // This message isn't handled by the game manager -
- // we should return before the enqueue:
- return;
- case CMessage::CHAT:
- // Update chat dialog
- ((CTanksDlg*)TANKS_APP->m_pMainWnd)->MarshalChatMsg(
- pMsg->m_UnionData.ChatParam.idFrom,
- pMsg->m_UnionData.ChatParam.TankID,
- pMsg->m_UnionData.ChatParam.Msg);
- delete pMsg;
- // This message isn't handled by the game manager -
- // we should return before the enqueue:
- return;
- default:
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Client got message %s from host "
- "(game time = %d)",
- pMsg->GetName(), pMsg->GetTime ()));
- break;
- }
- // At last, we put the message (as is) in the queue towards the
- // game manager:
- m_IncomingMsgQ.Enqueue(pMsg, TRUE);
- }
- void
- CClient::CopyManouverSet()
- {
- // Copy the manouver set from message to global manouver set array
- CMessage Msg (m_Message.m_aBuffer, (BYTE)m_Message.m_dwLength, PLAYER_MSG);
- // Set manouver set:
- TANKS_APP->m_gManouverSets[Msg.m_UnionData.ManouverSetParam.TankID].SetAll(
- Msg.m_UnionData.ManouverSetParam.ManouverSet);
- // Set last direction:
- TANKS_APP->m_guRemoteTanksDirs[Msg.m_UnionData.ManouverSetParam.TankID] =
- Msg.m_UnionData.ManouverSetParam.Direction;
- }