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资源名称:tanksrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * GameManager.h
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Implements the manager of the game objects.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _GAME_MANAGER_H
- #define _GAME_MANAGER_H
- #include <WorkerThread.h>
- #include <GameObject.h>
- #include <GameObjectsList.h>
- #include <ManouverSet.h>
- #include <GameConsts.h>
- #include <Timer.h>
- #include <MsgQueue.h>
- #include <DrawDib.h>
- class CTankObj; // Pre-declaration
- class CBonus; // Pre-declaration
- class CCommManager; // Pre-declaration
- class CGameManager : public CWorkerThread
- {
- public:
- CGameManager (UINT uFreq = DEFAULT_RENDER_FREQ);
- virtual ~CGameManager ();
- void BeginGame ();
- void EndGame ();
- void AddObject (CGameObject *pGameObj);
- void RemoveObject (CGameObject *pGameObj);
- CGameObjectsList & ExposeObjects();
- void GetBonusState(CMessage::MessageData& MsgData);
- BOOL GetTankStatus(int iTankID, CMessage::MessageData& MsgData);
- BOOL GetTankStatusAndPos(int iTankID, CMessage::MessageData& MsgData);
- DWORD GetMinesInSector (UINT uSector, DWORD *pAllMinesInSector);
- void SetMinesInSector (UINT uSector, DWORD dwNumMines, DWORD *pAllMinesInSector);
- BOOL IsRectVacant (CRect&); // Check that the rectangle is vacant
- BOOL IsPositionValid (CGameObject*); // Check that the object's position is vacant
- // Frequency specifies frames per second
- UINT GetFrequency ();
- BOOL SetFrequency (UINT);
- void RefreshDisplay (); // Ask the game manager to refresh entire map display on next frame
- void FindVacantRect (CSize&, CPoint &); // Finds a point for a rect in the board which is vacant
- DWORD GetMinDistanceFromTanks (CPoint &); // Returns min distance from all active tanks
- BOOL IsAlive (UINT uTankID); // Returns TRUE if TankID appears in array
- int GetLocalTankID() const; // Return the ID of the local tank (-1 if none)
- CManouverSet m_ManouverSets [MAX_TANKS]; // The manouver set for each tank
- private:
- // Methods:
- UINT ThreadEntry (LPVOID lpParam=0); // main loop of the game
- BOOL EmptyMsgQ(DWORD);
- void DumpBackBufferToScreen ();
- void DestroyObjects();
- void AttemptToSendGameChecksum (); // If it is time to send the check sum, do so.
- /* The following two methods represent two different techniques to display images.
- SingleRectGameTechnique is a technique in which the board (constant terrain and obstacles)
- is fully copied to the back buffer in every game loop.
- The objects are then pasted (transparently) over the board and when all the objects
- are traversed (and if there was a change in the scene) the entire back-buffer is copied to
- the screen.
- MultiRectGameTechnique is a technique in which the board (constant terrain and obstacles)
- is copied to the back buffer in rectangles.
- The objects are traversed twice.
- One the first loop, the update rectangle of each object and its image ID are collected.
- For each object the board map is copied (only in the object's rectangle) to the
- back-buffer. The update rect and the image ID are stored in an array.
- The second loop traverses that array. The objects themselves are copied (transparently)
- to the back buffer.
- When the array is over, and if there was a change in the scene, the entire back-buffer
- is copied to the screen.
- The Threadentry function calls either one of these techniques.
- */
- //void SingleRectGameTechnique (); // Currently out of use for performance reasons !!!
- void MultiRectGameTechnique ();
- // Message handlers:
- void AddShell (CMessage &);
- void AddBullet (CMessage &);
- void AddMine (CMessage &);
- void AddBonus (CMessage &, DWORD);
- void AddTank (CMessage &);
- void RemoveTank (CMessage &);
- void AddBoard (CMessage &);
- void AddBomber (CMessage &, DWORD);
- void SetTankStatus (CMessage &);
- void SetTankPos (CMessage &);
- void SetTankZombie (CMessage &);
- // Members:
- CGameObjectsList m_GameObjsList; // dynamic list of participating game objects
- // aliases to global objects:
- TIMER_CLASS &m_Timer;
- CImageManager& m_ImageManager;
- CMsgQueue& m_MsgQueue;
- CCommManager &m_CommManager;
- HWND m_MapHWnd; // Window handle of map region (for DrawDIB)
- CRect m_UpdateRegionRect; // Update rectangle of last frame
- UINT m_uFreq, // Refresh frequency
- m_uMilliSleep; // Refresh wait time (time to sleep between frames).
- CDIB m_BackBuffer; // Back (off-screen) buffer
- BOOL m_bRefreshAll; // Refresh entire map on next frame ?
- CTankObj *m_pTanks[MAX_TANKS]; // Points to tank objects (for quick reference)
- int m_iLocalTankID; // ID of local tank
- int m_iNumTanks; // Counter of current number of tanks
- CCriticalSection m_TanksCS; // Enable safe pointer access to m_pTanks
- CBonus *m_pBonus; // Points to single bonus object (for quick reference)
- DWORD m_dwBonusTimeout; // Timeout until a new bonus is generated
- DWORD m_dwChkSumSignal; // If changed, a new checksum should be sent
- void TryToAddBonus (DWORD);
- BonusType m_LastBonusType; // Last type of bonus in use
- CCriticalSection m_BonusCS; // Enable safe pointer access to m_pBonus
- CCriticalSection m_MinesCS; // Enables safe multithreaded access to all the mines
- };
- #include <Tanks.h>
- // Inline sections:
- #include <GameManager.inl>
- #endif