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- options {
- language = "Sather";
- }
- class P_PARSER extends Parser;
- {
- println( s : STR ) is
- OUT::create + s + 'n';
- end;
- }
- startRule
- : ( decl )+
- ;
- decl: INT a:ID { println("decl " + a.text ); }
- ( COMMA b:ID { println("decl " + b.text ); } )*
- ;
- class P_LEXER extends Lexer;
- options {
- charVocabulary = '3'..'377';
- k=2;
- }
- tokens {
- INT="int";
- }
- {
- upon_eof is
- if ( ~SYS::is_eq( M::selector.current_stream, M::main_lexer ) ) then
- -- // don't allow EOF until main lexer. Force the
- -- // selector to retry for another token.
- M::selector.pop; -- // return to old lexer/stream
- M::selector.retry;
- else
- OUT::create + "Hit EOF of main filen";
- end;
- end;
- }
- SEMI: ';'
- ;
- : ','
- ;
- ID
- : ('a'..'z')+
- ;
- : "#include" (WS)? f:STRING
- {
- -- // create lexer to handle include
- name : STR := f.text;
- input ::= IFSTREAM::open_for_read( name );
- if ( void(input) ) then
- raise "cannot find file " + name;
- end;
- sublexer ::= P_LEXER{TOKEN}::create(input);
- -- // make sure errors are reported in right file
- sublexer.file_name(name);
- M::parser.file_name(name);
- -- // you can't just call nextToken of sublexer
- -- // because you need a stream of tokens to
- -- // head to the parser. The only way is
- -- // to blast out of this lexer and reenter
- -- // the nextToken of the sublexer instance
- -- // of this class.
- M::selector.push(sublexer);
- -- // ignore this as whitespace; ask selector to try
- -- // to get another token. It will call nextToken()
- -- // of the new instance of this lexer.
- M::selector.retry; -- // throws TokenStreamRetryException
- }
- ;
- : '"'! ( ~'"' )* '"'!
- ;
- WS : ( ' '
- | 't'
- | 'f'
- // handle newlines
- | ( options {generateAmbigWarnings=false;}
- : "rn" // Evil DOS
- | 'r' // Macintosh
- | 'n' // Unix (the right way)
- )
- { newline; }
- )+
- ;