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- (*
- ANTLR Translator Generator
- Project led by Terence Parr at http://www.jGuru.com
- Software rights: http://www.antlr.org/RIGHTS.html
- $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.0/lib/sather/Antlr/mismatched_char_exception.sa#1 $
- *)
- message -> super_message;
- -- Types of tokens
- const CHAR : INT := 1; -- will CHAR confilict with class CHAR? hmm...
- const NOT_CHAR : INT := 2;
- const RANGE : INT := 3;
- const NOT_RANGE : INT := 4;
- const SET : INT := 5;
- const NOT_SET : INT := 6;
- -- One of the above
- attr mismatch_type : INT;
- attr expecting : CHAR;
- -- For RANGE/NOT_RANGE (expecting is lower bound of range)
- attr upper : CHAR;
- -- For SET/NOT_SET
- attr set : CHAR_SET;
- -- what was found on the input stream
- attr found_char : CHAR;
- -- who knows...they may want to ask scanner questions
- attr scanner : $ANTLR_FILE_CURSOR;
- -- Expected range / not range
- create( c : CHAR,
- lower : CHAR,
- upper_ : CHAR,
- match_not : BOOL,
- scanner_ : $ANTLR_FILE_CURSOR ) : SAME is
- res : SAME := #SAME("Mismatched char");
- res.found_char := c;
- res.expecting := lower;
- res.upper := upper_;
- -- get instantaneous values of file/line/column
- res.line := scanner_.line;
- res.file_name := scanner_.file_name;
- res.column := scanner_.column;
- res.scanner := scanner_;
- if ( match_not ) then
- res.mismatch_type := NOT_RANGE;
- else
- res.mismatch_type := RANGE;
- end;
- return res;
- end;
- -- Expected char / not char
- create ( c : CHAR,
- expecting_ : CHAR,
- match_not : BOOL,
- scanner_ : $ANTLR_FILE_CURSOR ) : SAME is
- res : SAME := #SAME("Mismatched char");
- res.found_char := c;
- res.expecting := expecting_;
- -- get instantaneous values of file/line/column
- res.line := scanner_.line;
- res.file_name := scanner_.file_name;
- res.column := scanner_.column;
- res.scanner := scanner_;
- if ( match_not ) then
- res.mismatch_type := NOT_CHAR;
- else
- res.mismatch_type := CHAR;
- end;
- return res;
- end;
- -- Expected CHAR_SET / not CHAR_SET
- create ( c : CHAR,
- set_ : CHAR_SET,
- match_not : BOOL,
- scanner_ : $ANTLR_FILE_CURSOR ) : SAME is
- res ::= #SAME("Mismatched char");
- res.found_char := c;
- res.set := set_;
- -- get instantaneous values of file/line/column
- res.line := scanner_.line;
- res.file_name := scanner_.file_name;
- res.column := scanner_.column;
- res.scanner := scanner_;
- if ( match_not ) then
- res.mismatch_type := NOT_SET;
- else
- res.mismatch_type := SET;
- end;
- return res;
- end;
- -- Returns the error message that happened on the line/col given.
- -- Copied from str:STR.
- message : STR is
- sb : STR;
- case ( mismatch_type )
- when CHAR then
- sb := "expecting '" + expecting + "', found '" + found_char + "'";
- when NOT_CHAR then
- sb := "expecting anything but '" + expecting + "'; got it anyway";
- when RANGE then
- sb := "expecting token in range: '" + expecting + "'..'" + upper + "', found '" + found_char + "'";
- when NOT_RANGE then
- sb := "expecting token NOT in range: " + expecting + "'..'" + upper + "', found '" + found_char + "'";
- when SET, NOT_SET then
- sb := "expecting ";
- if ( mismatch_type = NOT_SET ) then
- sb := sb + "NOT ";
- end;
- sb := sb + "one of (";
- loop
- sb := sb + " '" + set.elt! + "'";
- end;
- sb := sb + "), found '" + found_char + "'";
- else
- sb := sb + super_message;
- end;
- return sb;
- end;
- end;