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- package antlr;
- /* ANTLR Translator Generator
- * Project led by Terence Parr at http://www.jGuru.com
- * Software rights: http://www.antlr.org/RIGHTS.html
- *
- * $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.0/antlr/DefineGrammarSymbols.java#1 $
- */
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;
- /**DefineGrammarSymbols is a behavior for the ANTLRParser that adds all
- * the token and rule symbols to the grammar symbol table.
- *
- * Token types are assigned to token symbols in this class also.
- * The token type for a token is done in the order seen (lexically).
- */
- public class DefineGrammarSymbols implements ANTLRGrammarParseBehavior {
- // Contains all of the defined parser and lexer Grammar's indexed by name
- protected Hashtable grammars = new Hashtable();
- // Contains all the TokenManagers indexed by name
- protected Hashtable tokenManagers = new Hashtable();
- // Current grammar (parser or lexer)
- protected Grammar grammar;
- // The tool under which this is invoked
- protected Tool tool;
- // The grammar analyzer object
- LLkAnalyzer analyzer;
- // The command-line arguments passed to the tool.
- // This allows each grammar to parse the arguments as it is created
- String[] args;
- // Name for default token manager does not match any valid name
- static final String DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME = "*default";
- // Header actions apply to all parsers unless redefined
- // Contains all of the header actions indexed by name
- protected Hashtable headerActions = new Hashtable();
- // Place where preamble is stored until a grammar is defined
- String thePreambleAction = null;
- // The target language
- String language = "Java";
- protected int numLexers = 0;
- protected int numParsers = 0;
- protected int numTreeParsers = 0;
- public DefineGrammarSymbols(Tool tool_, String[] args_, LLkAnalyzer analyzer_) {
- tool = tool_;
- args = args_;
- analyzer = analyzer_;
- }
- public void _refStringLiteral(Token lit, Token label, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- if (!(grammar instanceof LexerGrammar)) {
- // String literals are treated like tokens except by the lexer
- String str = lit.getText();
- if ( grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(str) != null ) {
- // string symbol is already defined
- return;
- }
- StringLiteralSymbol sl = new StringLiteralSymbol(str);
- int tt = grammar.tokenManager.nextTokenType();
- sl.setTokenType(tt);
- grammar.tokenManager.define(sl);
- }
- }
- /** Reference a token */
- public void _refToken(Token assignId,
- Token t,
- Token label,
- Token args,
- boolean inverted,
- int autoGenType,
- boolean lastInRule)
- {
- String id = t.getText();
- if (!grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(id)) {
- int tt = grammar.tokenManager.nextTokenType();
- TokenSymbol ts = new TokenSymbol(id);
- ts.setTokenType(tt);
- grammar.tokenManager.define(ts);
- }
- }
- /** Abort the processing of a grammar due to syntax errors */
- public void abortGrammar() {
- if (grammar != null && grammar.getClassName() != null) {
- grammars.remove(grammar.getClassName());
- }
- grammar = null;
- }
- public void beginAlt(boolean doAST_) {
- }
- public void beginChildList() {
- }
- // Exception handling
- public void beginExceptionGroup() {}
- public void beginExceptionSpec(Token label) {}
- public void beginSubRule(Token label, int line, boolean not) {
- }
- public void beginTree(int line) throws SemanticException {
- }
- /** Define a lexer or parser rule */
- public void defineRuleName(Token r,
- String access,
- boolean ruleAutoGen,
- String docComment)
- throws SemanticException
- {
- String id = r.getText();
- // if ( Character.isUpperCase(id.charAt(0)) ) {
- if ( r.type == ANTLRTokenTypes.TOKEN_REF ) {
- // lexer rule
- id = CodeGenerator.lexerRuleName(id);
- // make sure we define it as token identifier also
- if ( !grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(r.getText()) ) {
- int tt = grammar.tokenManager.nextTokenType();
- TokenSymbol ts = new TokenSymbol(r.getText());
- ts.setTokenType(tt);
- grammar.tokenManager.define(ts);
- }
- }
- RuleSymbol rs;
- if ( grammar.isDefined(id) ) { // symbol seen before?
- rs = (RuleSymbol) grammar.getSymbol(id);
- // rule just referenced or has it been defined yet?
- if ( rs.isDefined() ) {
- tool.error("redefinition of rule "+id, grammar.getFilename(), r.getLine());
- }
- }
- else {
- rs = new RuleSymbol(id);
- grammar.define(rs);
- }
- rs.setDefined();
- rs.access = access;
- rs.comment = docComment;
- }
- /** Define a token from tokens {...}.
- * Must be label and literal or just label or just a literal.
- */
- public void defineToken(Token tokname, Token tokliteral) {
- String name = null;
- String literal = null;
- if (tokname != null) {
- name = tokname.getText();
- }
- if (tokliteral != null) {
- literal = tokliteral.getText();
- }
- // System.out.println("defining " + name + " with literal " + literal);
- if (literal != null) {
- StringLiteralSymbol sl=(StringLiteralSymbol)grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(literal);
- if ( sl != null) {
- // This literal is known already.
- // If the literal has no label already, but we can provide
- // one here, then no problem, just map the label to the literal
- // and don't change anything else.
- // Otherwise, labels conflict: error.
- if ( name==null || sl.getLabel()!=null ) {
- tool.warning("Redefinition of literal in tokens {...}: " + literal, grammar.getFilename(), tokliteral.getLine());
- return;
- }
- else if ( name!=null ) {
- // The literal had no label, but new def does. Set it.
- sl.setLabel(name);
- // Also, map the label to the literal.
- grammar.tokenManager.mapToTokenSymbol(name, sl);
- }
- }
- // if they provide a name/label and that name/label already
- // exists, just hook this literal onto old token.
- if (name != null) {
- TokenSymbol ts = (TokenSymbol) grammar.tokenManager.getTokenSymbol(name);
- if (ts != null) {
- // watch out that the label is not more than just a token.
- // If it already has a literal attached, then: conflict.
- if ( ts instanceof StringLiteralSymbol ) {
- tool.warning("Redefinition of token in tokens {...}: " + name, grammar.getFilename(), tokliteral.getLine());
- return;
- }
- // a simple token symbol such as DECL is defined
- // must convert it to a StringLiteralSymbol with a
- // label by co-opting token type and killing old
- // TokenSymbol. Kill mapping and entry in vector
- // of token manager.
- // First, claim token type.
- int ttype = ts.getTokenType();
- // now, create string literal with label
- sl = new StringLiteralSymbol(literal);
- sl.setTokenType(ttype);
- sl.setLabel(name);
- // redefine this critter as a string literal
- grammar.tokenManager.define(sl);
- // make sure the label can be used also.
- grammar.tokenManager.mapToTokenSymbol(name, sl);
- return;
- }
- // here, literal was labeled but not by a known token symbol.
- }
- sl = new StringLiteralSymbol(literal);
- int tt = grammar.tokenManager.nextTokenType();
- sl.setTokenType(tt);
- sl.setLabel(name);
- grammar.tokenManager.define(sl);
- if (name != null) {
- // make the label point at token symbol too
- grammar.tokenManager.mapToTokenSymbol(name, sl);
- }
- }
- // create a token in the token manager not a literal
- else {
- if (grammar.tokenManager.tokenDefined(name)) {
- tool.warning("Redefinition of token in tokens {...}: " + name, grammar.getFilename(), tokname.getLine());
- return;
- }
- int tt = grammar.tokenManager.nextTokenType();
- TokenSymbol ts = new TokenSymbol(name);
- ts.setTokenType(tt);
- grammar.tokenManager.define(ts);
- }
- }
- public void endAlt() {
- }
- public void endChildList() {
- }
- public void endExceptionGroup() {}
- public void endExceptionSpec() {}
- public void endGrammar() {
- }
- /** Called after the optional options section, to compensate for
- * options that may not have been set.
- * This method is bigger than it needs to be, but is much more
- * clear if I delineate all the cases.
- */
- public void endOptions() {
- if ( grammar.exportVocab==null && grammar.importVocab==null ) {
- grammar.exportVocab = grammar.getClassName();
- // Can we get initial vocab from default shared vocab?
- if (tokenManagers.containsKey(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME)) {
- // Use the already-defined token manager
- grammar.exportVocab = DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME;
- TokenManager tm = (TokenManager) tokenManagers.get(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME);
- // System.out.println("No tokenVocabulary for '" + grammar.getClassName() + "', using default '" + tm.getName() + "'");
- grammar.setTokenManager(tm);
- return;
- }
- // no shared vocab for file, make new one
- // System.out.println("No exportVocab for '" + grammar.getClassName() + "', creating default '" + grammar.exportVocab + "'");
- TokenManager tm = new SimpleTokenManager(grammar.exportVocab, tool);
- grammar.setTokenManager(tm);
- // Add the token manager to the list of token managers
- tokenManagers.put(grammar.exportVocab, tm);
- // no default vocab, so make this the default vocab
- tokenManagers.put(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME, tm);
- return;
- }
- if ( grammar.exportVocab==null && grammar.importVocab!=null ) {
- grammar.exportVocab = grammar.getClassName();
- // first make sure input!=output
- if ( grammar.importVocab.equals(grammar.exportVocab) ) {
- tool.warning("Grammar " + grammar.getClassName() +
- " cannot have importVocab same as default output vocab (grammar name); ignored.");
- // kill importVocab option and try again: use default vocab
- grammar.importVocab = null;
- endOptions();
- return;
- }
- // check to see if the vocab is already in memory
- // (defined by another grammar in the file). Not normal situation.
- if (tokenManagers.containsKey(grammar.importVocab)) {
- // make a copy since we'll be generating a new output vocab
- // and we don't want to affect this one. Set the name to
- // the default output vocab==classname.
- TokenManager tm = (TokenManager) tokenManagers.get(grammar.importVocab);
- // System.out.println("Duping importVocab of " + grammar.importVocab);
- TokenManager dup = (TokenManager)tm.clone();
- dup.setName(grammar.exportVocab);
- // System.out.println("Setting name to " + grammar.exportVocab);
- dup.setReadOnly(false);
- grammar.setTokenManager(dup);
- tokenManagers.put(grammar.exportVocab, dup);
- return;
- }
- // System.out.println("reading in vocab "+grammar.importVocab);
- // Must be a file, go get it.
- ImportVocabTokenManager tm =
- new ImportVocabTokenManager(grammar,
- grammar.importVocab + CodeGenerator.TokenTypesFileSuffix + CodeGenerator.TokenTypesFileExt,
- grammar.exportVocab,
- tool);
- tm.setReadOnly(false); // since renamed, can write out
- // Add this token manager to the list so its tokens will be generated
- tokenManagers.put(grammar.exportVocab, tm);
- // System.out.println("vocab renamed to default output vocab of "+tm.getName());
- // Assign the token manager to this grammar.
- grammar.setTokenManager(tm);
- // set default vocab if none
- if (!tokenManagers.containsKey(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME)) {
- tokenManagers.put(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME, tm);
- }
- return;
- }
- if ( grammar.exportVocab!=null && grammar.importVocab==null ) {
- // share with previous vocab if it exists
- if (tokenManagers.containsKey(grammar.exportVocab)) {
- // Use the already-defined token manager
- TokenManager tm = (TokenManager) tokenManagers.get(grammar.exportVocab);
- // System.out.println("Sharing exportVocab of " + grammar.exportVocab);
- grammar.setTokenManager(tm);
- return;
- }
- // create new output vocab
- // System.out.println("Creating exportVocab " + grammar.exportVocab);
- TokenManager tm = new SimpleTokenManager(grammar.exportVocab, tool);
- grammar.setTokenManager(tm);
- // Add the token manager to the list of token managers
- tokenManagers.put(grammar.exportVocab, tm);
- // set default vocab if none
- if (!tokenManagers.containsKey(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME)) {
- tokenManagers.put(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME, tm);
- }
- return;
- }
- if ( grammar.exportVocab!=null && grammar.importVocab!=null ) {
- // don't want input==output
- if (grammar.importVocab.equals(grammar.exportVocab)) {
- tool.error("exportVocab of " + grammar.exportVocab + " same as importVocab; probably not what you want");
- }
- // does the input vocab already exist in memory?
- if (tokenManagers.containsKey(grammar.importVocab)) {
- // make a copy since we'll be generating a new output vocab
- // and we don't want to affect this one.
- TokenManager tm = (TokenManager) tokenManagers.get(grammar.importVocab);
- // System.out.println("Duping importVocab of " + grammar.importVocab);
- TokenManager dup = (TokenManager)tm.clone();
- dup.setName(grammar.exportVocab);
- // System.out.println("Setting name to " + grammar.exportVocab);
- dup.setReadOnly(false);
- grammar.setTokenManager(dup);
- tokenManagers.put(grammar.exportVocab, dup);
- return;
- }
- // Must be a file, go get it.
- ImportVocabTokenManager tm =
- new ImportVocabTokenManager(grammar,
- grammar.importVocab + CodeGenerator.TokenTypesFileSuffix + CodeGenerator.TokenTypesFileExt,
- grammar.exportVocab,
- tool);
- tm.setReadOnly(false); // write it out as we've changed name
- // Add this token manager to the list so its tokens will be generated
- tokenManagers.put(grammar.exportVocab, tm);
- // Assign the token manager to this grammar.
- grammar.setTokenManager(tm);
- // set default vocab if none
- if (!tokenManagers.containsKey(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME)) {
- tokenManagers.put(DEFAULT_TOKENMANAGER_NAME, tm);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- public void endRule(String r) {
- }
- public void endSubRule() {
- }
- public void endTree() {
- }
- public void hasError() {
- }
- public void noASTSubRule() {
- }
- public void oneOrMoreSubRule() {
- }
- public void optionalSubRule() {
- }
- public void refAction(Token action) {
- }
- public void refArgAction(Token action) {
- }
- public void refCharLiteral(Token lit, Token label, boolean inverted, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- }
- public void refCharRange(Token t1, Token t2, Token label, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- }
- public void refElementOption(Token option, Token value) {}
- public void refTokensSpecElementOption(Token tok, Token option, Token value) {}
- public void refExceptionHandler(Token exTypeAndName, String action) {}
- // Header action applies to all parsers and lexers.
- public void refHeaderAction(Token name,Token act) {
- headerActions.put((name==null) ? "" : Tool.stripFrontBack(name.getText(),""","""),
- act.getText());
- // headerAction = act.getText();
- }
- public void refInitAction(Token action) {
- }
- public void refMemberAction(Token act) {
- }
- public void refPreambleAction(Token act) {
- thePreambleAction = act.getText();
- }
- public void refReturnAction(Token returnAction) {
- }
- public void refRule(Token idAssign,
- Token r,
- Token label,
- Token args,
- int autoGenType)
- {
- String id = r.getText();
- // if ( Character.isUpperCase(id.charAt(0)) ) { // lexer rule?
- if ( r.type == ANTLRTokenTypes.TOKEN_REF ) { // lexer rule?
- id = CodeGenerator.lexerRuleName(id);
- }
- if ( !grammar.isDefined(id) ) {
- grammar.define(new RuleSymbol(id));
- }
- }
- public void refSemPred(Token pred) {
- }
- public void refStringLiteral(Token lit,
- Token label,
- int autoGenType,
- boolean lastInRule)
- {
- _refStringLiteral(lit, label, autoGenType, lastInRule);
- }
- /** Reference a token */
- public void refToken(Token assignId, Token t, Token label, Token args,
- boolean inverted, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule)
- {
- _refToken(assignId, t, label, args, inverted, autoGenType, lastInRule);
- }
- public void refTokenRange(Token t1, Token t2, Token label, int autoGenType, boolean lastInRule) {
- // ensure that the DefineGrammarSymbols methods are called; otherwise a range addes more
- // token refs to the alternative by calling MakeGrammar.refToken etc...
- if ( t1.getText().charAt(0) == '"' ) {
- refStringLiteral(t1, null, GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE, lastInRule);
- }
- else {
- _refToken(null, t1, null, null, false, GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE, lastInRule);
- }
- if ( t2.getText().charAt(0) == '"' ) {
- _refStringLiteral(t2, null, GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE, lastInRule);
- }
- else {
- _refToken(null, t2, null, null, false, GrammarElement.AUTO_GEN_NONE, lastInRule);
- }
- }
- public void refTreeSpecifier(Token treeSpec) {}
- public void refWildcard(Token t, Token label, int autoGenType) {
- }
- /** Get ready to process a new grammar */
- public void reset() {
- grammar = null;
- }
- public void setArgOfRuleRef(Token argaction) {
- }
- /** Set the character vocabulary for a lexer */
- public void setCharVocabulary(BitSet b) {
- // grammar should enforce that this is only called for lexer
- ((LexerGrammar)grammar).setCharVocabulary(b);
- }
- /** setFileOption: Associate an option value with a key.
- * This applies to options for an entire grammar file.
- * @param key The token containing the option name
- * @param value The token containing the option value.
- */
- public void setFileOption(Token key, Token value, String filename)
- {
- if (key.getText().equals("language")) {
- if (value.getType() == ANTLRParser.STRING_LITERAL) {
- language = Tool.stripBack(Tool.stripFront(value.getText(), '"'), '"');
- }
- else if (value.getType() == ANTLRParser.TOKEN_REF || value.getType() == ANTLRParser.RULE_REF) {
- language = value.getText();
- }
- else {
- tool.error("language option must be string or identifier", filename, value.getLine());
- }
- }
- else if (key.getText().equals("mangleLiteralPrefix")) {
- if (value.getType() == ANTLRParser.STRING_LITERAL) {
- tool.literalsPrefix = tool.stripFrontBack(value.getText(), """,""");
- }
- else {
- tool.error("mangleLiteralPrefix option must be string", filename, value.getLine());
- }
- }
- else if (key.getText().equals("upperCaseMangledLiterals")) {
- if (value.getText().equals("true")) {
- tool.upperCaseMangledLiterals = true;
- } else if (value.getText().equals("false")) {
- tool.upperCaseMangledLiterals = false;
- } else {
- grammar.tool.error("Value for upperCaseMangledLiterals must be true or false", filename, key.getLine());
- }
- }
- else if (key.getText().equals("namespace")) {
- if (language.equals("Cpp")) {
- if (value.getType() == ANTLRParser.STRING_LITERAL) {
- tool.nameSpace = tool.stripFrontBack(value.getText(), """,""");
- }
- else {
- tool.error("namespace option must be string", filename, value.getLine());
- }
- } else {
- tool.error("namespace option only valid for C++", filename, key.getLine());
- }
- }
- else {
- tool.error("Invalid file-level option: " + key.getText(), filename, key.getLine());
- }
- }
- /** setGrammarOption: Associate an option value with a key.
- * This function forwards to Grammar.setOption for some options.
- * @param key The token containing the option name
- * @param value The token containing the option value.
- */
- public void setGrammarOption(Token key, Token value)
- {
- if (key.getText().equals("tokdef")||key.getText().equals("tokenVocabulary")) {
- tool.error("tokdef/tokenVocabulary options are invalid >= ANTLR 2.6.0.n"+
- " Use importVocab/exportVocab instead. Please see the documentation.n"+
- " The previous options were so heinous that Terence changed the wholen"+
- " vocabulary mechanism; it was better to change the names rather thann"+
- " subtly change the functionality of the known options. Sorry!", grammar.getFilename(), value.getLine());
- }
- else if (key.getText().equals("literal") &&
- grammar instanceof LexerGrammar ) {
- tool.error("the literal option is invalid >= ANTLR 2.6.0.n"+
- " Use the "tokens {...}" mechanism instead.",
- grammar.getFilename(), value.getLine());
- }
- else if (key.getText().equals("exportVocab")) {
- // Set the token manager associated with the parser
- if (value.getType() == ANTLRParser.RULE_REF || value.getType() == ANTLRParser.TOKEN_REF) {
- grammar.exportVocab = value.getText();
- }
- else {
- tool.error("exportVocab must be an identifier", grammar.getFilename(), value.getLine());
- }
- }
- else if (key.getText().equals("importVocab")) {
- if (value.getType() == ANTLRParser.RULE_REF || value.getType() == ANTLRParser.TOKEN_REF) {
- grammar.importVocab = value.getText();
- } else {
- tool.error("importVocab must be an identifier", grammar.getFilename(), value.getLine());
- }
- }
- else {
- // Forward all unrecognized options to the grammar
- grammar.setOption(key.getText(), value);
- }
- }
- public void setRuleOption(Token key, Token value) {
- }
- public void setSubruleOption(Token key, Token value) {
- }
- /** Start a new lexer */
- public void startLexer(String file, Token name, String superClass, String doc)
- {
- if ( numLexers>0 ) {
- tool.panic("You may only have one lexer per grammar file: class "+ name.getText());
- }
- numLexers++;
- reset();
- //System.out.println("Processing lexer '" + name.getText() + "'");
- // Does the lexer already exist?
- Grammar g = (Grammar)grammars.get(name);
- if (g != null) {
- if (!(g instanceof LexerGrammar)) {
- tool.panic("'" + name.getText() + "' is already defined as a non-lexer");
- } else {
- tool.panic("Lexer '" + name.getText() + "' is already defined");
- }
- }
- else {
- // Create a new lexer grammar
- LexerGrammar lg = new LexerGrammar(name.getText(), tool, superClass);
- lg.comment = doc;
- lg.processArguments(args);
- lg.setFilename(file);
- grammars.put(lg.getClassName(), lg);
- // Use any preamble action
- lg.preambleAction = thePreambleAction;
- thePreambleAction = null;
- // This is now the current grammar
- grammar = lg;
- }
- }
- /** Start a new parser */
- public void startParser(String file, Token name, String superClass, String doc)
- {
- if ( numParsers>0 ) {
- tool.panic("You may only have one parser per grammar file: class "+ name.getText());
- }
- numParsers++;
- reset();
- //System.out.println("Processing parser '" + name.getText() + "'");
- // Is this grammar already defined?
- Grammar g = (Grammar)grammars.get(name);
- if (g != null) {
- if (!(g instanceof ParserGrammar)) {
- tool.panic("'" + name.getText() + "' is already defined as a non-parser");
- } else {
- tool.panic("Parser '" + name.getText() + "' is already defined");
- }
- }
- else {
- // Create a new grammar
- grammar = new ParserGrammar(name.getText(), tool, superClass);
- grammar.comment = doc;
- grammar.processArguments(args);
- grammar.setFilename(file);
- grammars.put(grammar.getClassName(), grammar);
- // Use any preamble action
- grammar.preambleAction = thePreambleAction;
- thePreambleAction = null;
- }
- }
- /** Start a new tree-walker */
- public void startTreeWalker(String file, Token name, String superClass, String doc)
- {
- if ( numTreeParsers>0 ) {
- tool.panic("You may only have one tree parser per grammar file: class "+ name.getText());
- }
- numTreeParsers++;
- reset();
- //System.out.println("Processing tree-walker '" + name.getText() + "'");
- // Is this grammar already defined?
- Grammar g = (Grammar)grammars.get(name);
- if (g != null) {
- if (!(g instanceof TreeWalkerGrammar)) {
- tool.panic("'" + name.getText() + "' is already defined as a non-tree-walker");
- } else {
- tool.panic("Tree-walker '" + name.getText() + "' is already defined");
- }
- }
- else {
- // Create a new grammar
- grammar = new TreeWalkerGrammar(name.getText(), tool, superClass);
- grammar.comment = doc;
- grammar.processArguments(args);
- grammar.setFilename(file);
- grammars.put(grammar.getClassName(), grammar);
- // Use any preamble action
- grammar.preambleAction = thePreambleAction;
- thePreambleAction = null;
- }
- }
- public void synPred() {
- }
- public void zeroOrMoreSubRule() {
- }
- }