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- package antlr.preprocessor;
- /* ANTLR Translator Generator
- * Project led by Terence Parr at http://www.jGuru.com
- * Software rights: http://www.antlr.org/RIGHTS.html
- *
- * $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.0/antlr/preprocessor/Rule.java#1 $
- */
- import antlr.collections.impl.IndexedVector;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- class Rule {
- protected String name;
- protected String block;
- protected String args;
- protected String returnValue;
- protected String initAction;
- protected IndexedVector options;
- protected String visibility;
- protected Grammar enclosingGrammar;
- protected boolean bang = false;
- public Rule(String n, String b, IndexedVector options, Grammar gr) {
- name = n;
- block = b;
- this.options = options;
- setEnclosingGrammar(gr);
- }
- public String getArgs() { return args; }
- public boolean getBang() { return bang; }
- public String getName() { return name; }
- public String getReturnValue() { return returnValue; }
- public String getVisibility() { return visibility; }
- /** If 'rule' narrows the visible of 'this', return true;
- * For example, 'this' is public and 'rule' is private,
- * true is returned. You cannot narrow the vis. of
- * a rule.
- */
- public boolean narrowerVisibility(Rule rule) {
- if ( visibility.equals("public") ) {
- if ( !rule.equals("public") ) {
- return true; // everything narrower than public
- }
- return false;
- }
- else if ( visibility.equals("protected") ) {
- if ( rule.equals("private") ) {
- return true; // private narrower than protected
- }
- return false;
- }
- else if ( visibility.equals("private") ) {
- return false; // nothing is narrower than private
- }
- return false;
- }
- /** Two rules have the same signature if they have:
- * same name
- * same return value
- * same args
- * I do a simple string compare now, but later
- * the type could be pulled out so it is insensitive
- * to names of args etc...
- */
- public boolean sameSignature(Rule rule) {
- boolean nSame=true;
- boolean aSame=true;
- boolean rSame=true;
- nSame = name.equals(rule.getName());
- if ( args!=null ) {
- aSame = args.equals(rule.getArgs());
- }
- if ( returnValue!=null ) {
- rSame = returnValue.equals(rule.getReturnValue());
- }
- return nSame && aSame && rSame;
- }
- public void setArgs(String a) { args=a; }
- public void setBang() {bang=true;}
- public void setEnclosingGrammar(Grammar g) { enclosingGrammar=g; }
- public void setInitAction(String a) {initAction = a;}
- public void setOptions(IndexedVector options) {
- this.options = options;
- }
- public void setReturnValue(String ret) { returnValue=ret; }
- public void setVisibility(String v) { visibility=v; }
- public String toString() {
- String s="";
- String retString = returnValue==null ? "" : "returns "+returnValue;
- String argString = args==null ? "" : args;
- String bang = getBang() ? "!" : "";
- s += visibility==null ? "" : visibility+" ";
- s += name+bang+argString+" "+retString;
- if ( options!=null ) {
- s += System.getProperty("line.separator")+
- "options {"+
- System.getProperty("line.separator");
- for (Enumeration e = options.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
- s += (Option)e.nextElement()+System.getProperty("line.separator");
- }
- s += "}"+System.getProperty("line.separator");
- }
- if ( initAction!=null ) {
- s+=initAction+System.getProperty("line.separator");
- }
- s += block;
- return s;
- }
- }