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- package antlr;
- /* ANTLR Translator Generator
- * Project led by Terence Parr at http://www.jGuru.com
- * Software rights: http://www.antlr.org/RIGHTS.html
- *
- * $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.0/antlr/DefaultToolErrorHandler.java#1 $
- */
- import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;
- class DefaultToolErrorHandler implements ToolErrorHandler {
- CharFormatter javaCharFormatter = new JavaCharFormatter();
- /** Dump token/character sets to System.out
- * @param lexicalAnalysis true for lexical rule
- * @param depth The depth of the ambiguity
- * @param sets An array of bitsets containing the ambiguities
- */
- private void dumpSets(Grammar grammar,
- boolean lexicalAnalysis,
- int depth,
- Lookahead[] sets,
- String linePrefix)
- {
- for (int i = 1; i <= depth; i++) {
- System.out.print(linePrefix+"tk==" + i + ":");
- if (lexicalAnalysis) {
- String bits = sets[i].fset.toStringWithRanges(",", javaCharFormatter);
- if ( sets[i].containsEpsilon() ) {
- System.out.print("<end-of-token>");
- if ( bits.length()>0 ) {
- System.out.print(",");
- }
- }
- System.out.println(bits);
- }
- else {
- System.out.println(sets[i].fset.toString(",", grammar.tokenManager.getVocabulary()));
- }
- }
- }
- /** Issue a warning about ambiguity between a alternates
- * @param blk The block being analyzed
- * @param lexicalAnalysis true for lexical rule
- * @param depth The depth of the ambiguity
- * @param sets An array of bitsets containing the ambiguities
- * @param altIdx1 The zero-based index of the first ambiguous alternative
- * @param altIdx2 The zero-based index of the second ambiguous alternative
- */
- public void warnAltAmbiguity(Grammar grammar,
- AlternativeBlock blk,
- boolean lexicalAnalysis,
- int depth,
- Lookahead[] sets,
- int altIdx1,
- int altIdx2)
- {
- String fileline = Tool.getFileLineString(grammar.getFilename(),blk.getLine());
- if ( blk instanceof RuleBlock && ((RuleBlock)blk).isLexerAutoGenRule() ) {
- System.out.print("warning: lexical nondeterminism between rules ");
- Alternative ai = blk.getAlternativeAt(altIdx1);
- Alternative aj = blk.getAlternativeAt(altIdx2);
- RuleRefElement rri = (RuleRefElement)ai.head;
- RuleRefElement rrj = (RuleRefElement)aj.head;
- String ri = CodeGenerator.reverseLexerRuleName(rri.targetRule);
- String rj = CodeGenerator.reverseLexerRuleName(rrj.targetRule);
- System.out.println(ri+" and "+rj+" upon");
- dumpSets(grammar, lexicalAnalysis, depth, sets, fileline);
- return;
- }
- System.out.println(
- // "warning: line " + blk.getLine() + ": " +
- fileline+"warning: "+
- (lexicalAnalysis ? "lexical " : "") + "nondeterminism upon"
- );
- dumpSets(grammar, lexicalAnalysis, depth, sets, fileline);
- System.out.println(fileline+"tbetween alts " + (altIdx1+1) + " and " + (altIdx2+1) + " of block");
- }
- /** Issue a warning about ambiguity between an alternate and exit path.
- * @param blk The block being analyzed
- * @param lexicalAnalysis true for lexical rule
- * @param depth The depth of the ambiguity
- * @param sets An array of bitsets containing the ambiguities
- * @param altIdx The zero-based index of the ambiguous alternative
- */
- public void warnAltExitAmbiguity(Grammar grammar,
- BlockWithImpliedExitPath blk,
- boolean lexicalAnalysis,
- int depth,
- Lookahead[] sets,
- int altIdx
- )
- {
- String fileline = Tool.getFileLineString(grammar.getFilename(),blk.getLine());
- System.out.println(
- // "warning: line " + blk.getLine() + ": " +
- fileline+"warning: "+
- (lexicalAnalysis ? "lexical " : "") + "nondeterminism upon"
- );
- dumpSets(grammar, lexicalAnalysis, depth, sets, fileline);
- System.out.println(fileline+"tbetween alt " + (altIdx+1) + " and exit branch of block");
- }
- }