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资源名称:unzip540.zip [点击查看]
- #define module_name VMS_UNZIP_CMDLINE
- #define module_ident "02-007"
- /*
- **
- ** Facility: UNZIP
- **
- **
- ** Author: Hunter Goatley <goathunter@MadGoat.com>
- **
- ** Date: 25 Apr 97 (orig. Zip version, 30 Jul 93)
- **
- ** Abstract: Routines to handle a VMS CLI interface for UnZip. The CLI
- ** command line is parsed and a new argc/argv are built and
- ** returned to UnZip.
- **
- ** Modified by:
- **
- ** 02-007 Onno van der Linden 02-Jul-1998 19:07
- ** Modified to support GNU CC 2.8 on Alpha; version unchanged.
- ** 02-007 Johnny Lee 25-Jun-1998 07:38
- ** Fixed typo (superfluous ';'); no version num change.
- ** 02-007 Hunter Goatley 11-NOV-1997 10:38
- ** Fixed "zip" vs. "unzip" typo; no version num change.
- ** 02-007 Christian Spieler 14-SEP-1997 22:43
- ** Cosmetic mods to stay in sync with Zip; no version num change.
- ** 02-007 Christian Spieler 12-JUL-1997 02:05
- ** Revised argv vector construction for better handling of quoted
- ** arguments (e.g.: embedded white space); no version num change.
- ** 02-007 Christian Spieler 04-MAR-1997 22:25
- ** Made /CASE_INSENSITIVE common to UnZip and ZipInfo mode;
- ** added support for /PASSWORD="decryption_key" argument.
- ** 02-006 Christian Spieler 11-MAY-1996 22:40
- ** Added SFX version of VMSCLI_usage().
- ** 02-005 Patrick Ellis 09-MAY-1996 22:25
- ** Show UNIX style usage screen when UNIX style options are used.
- ** 02-004 Christian Spieler 06-FEB-1996 02:20
- ** Added /HELP qualifier.
- ** 02-003 Christian Spieler 23-DEC-1995 17:20
- ** Adapted to UnZip 5.2.
- ** 02-002 Hunter Goatley 16-JUL-1994 10:20
- ** Fixed some typos.
- ** 02-001 Cave Newt 14-JUL-1994 15:18
- ** Removed obsolete /EXTRACT option; fixed /*TEXT options;
- ** wrote VMSCLI usage() function
- ** 02-000 Hunter Goatley 12-JUL-1994 00:00
- ** Original UnZip version (v5.11).
- ** 01-000 Hunter Goatley 30-JUL-1993 07:54
- ** Original version (for Zip v1.9p1).
- **
- */
- #if defined(__DECC) || defined(__GNUC__)
- #pragma module module_name module_ident
- #else
- #module module_name module_ident
- #endif
- #include "unzip.h"
- #ifndef TEST
- # include "version.h" /* for VMSCLI_usage() */
- #endif /* !TEST */
- #include <ssdef.h>
- #include <descrip.h>
- #include <climsgdef.h>
- #include <clidef.h>
- #include <lib$routines.h>
- #include <str$routines.h>
- #ifndef CLI$_COMMA
- globalvalue CLI$_COMMA;
- #endif
- /*
- ** "Macro" to initialize a dynamic string descriptor.
- */
- #define init_dyndesc(dsc) {
- dsc.dsc$w_length = 0;
- dsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
- dsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_D;
- dsc.dsc$a_pointer = NULL;}
- /*
- ** Memory allocation step for argv string buffer.
- */
- #define ARGBSIZE_UNIT 256
- /*
- ** Memory reallocation macro for argv string buffer.
- */
- #define CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(buf, reserved, requested) {
- if ((requested) > (reserved)) {
- char *save_buf = (buf);
- (reserved) += ARGBSIZE_UNIT;
- if (((buf) = (char *) realloc((buf), (reserved))) == NULL) {
- if (save_buf != NULL) free(save_buf);
- return (SS$_INSFMEM);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Define descriptors for all of the CLI parameters and qualifiers.
- */
- #if 0
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_extract, "EXTRACT"); /* obsolete */
- #endif
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_text, "TEXT"); /* -a[a] */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_text_auto, "TEXT.AUTO"); /* -a */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_text_all, "TEXT.ALL"); /* -aa */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_text_none, "TEXT.NONE"); /* ---a */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_binary, "BINARY"); /* -b[b] */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_binary_auto, "BINARY.AUTO"); /* -b */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_binary_all, "BINARY.ALL"); /* -bb */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_binary_none, "BINARY.NONE"); /* ---b */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_case_insensitive,"CASE_INSENSITIVE"); /* -C */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_screen, "SCREEN"); /* -c */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_directory, "DIRECTORY"); /* -d */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_freshen, "FRESHEN"); /* -f */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_help, "HELP"); /* -h */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_junk, "JUNK"); /* -j */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_lowercase, "LOWERCASE"); /* -L */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_list, "LIST"); /* -l */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_brief, "BRIEF"); /* -l */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_full, "FULL"); /* -v */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_overwrite, "OVERWRITE"); /* -o, -n */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_quiet, "QUIET"); /* -q */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_super_quiet, "QUIET.SUPER"); /* -qq */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_test, "TEST"); /* -t */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_type, "TYPE"); /* -c */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_pipe, "PIPE"); /* -p */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_password, "PASSWORD"); /* -P */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_uppercase, "UPPERCASE"); /* -U */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_update, "UPDATE"); /* -u */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_version, "VERSION"); /* -V */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_restore, "RESTORE"); /* -X */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_comment, "COMMENT"); /* -z */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_exclude, "EXCLUDE"); /* -x */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_information, "ZIPINFO"); /* -Z */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_short, "SHORT"); /* -Zs */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_medium, "MEDIUM"); /* -Zm */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_long, "LONG"); /* -Zl */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_verbose, "VERBOSE"); /* -Zv */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_header, "HEADER"); /* -Zh */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_totals, "TOTALS"); /* -Zt */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_times, "TIMES"); /* -ZT */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_one_line, "ONE_LINE"); /* -Z2 */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_page, "PAGE"); /* -M , -ZM */
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_yyz, "YYZ_UNZIP");
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_zipfile, "ZIPFILE");
- $DESCRIPTOR(cli_infile, "INFILE");
- $DESCRIPTOR(unzip_command, "unzip ");
- static int show_VMSCLI_usage;
- #if defined(__DECC) || defined(__GNUC__)
- extern void *vms_unzip_cld;
- #else
- globalref void *vms_unzip_cld;
- #endif
- /* extern unsigned long LIB$GET_INPUT(void), LIB$SIG_TO_RET(void); */
- extern unsigned long cli$dcl_parse ();
- extern unsigned long cli$present ();
- extern unsigned long cli$get_value ();
- unsigned long vms_unzip_cmdline (int *, char ***);
- static unsigned long get_list (struct dsc$descriptor_s *,
- struct dsc$descriptor_d *, int,
- char **, unsigned long *, unsigned long *);
- static unsigned long check_cli (struct dsc$descriptor_s *);
- #ifdef TEST
- int
- main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- return (vms_unzip_cmdline(&argc, &argv));
- }
- #endif /* TEST */
- unsigned long
- vms_unzip_cmdline (int *argc_p, char ***argv_p)
- {
- /*
- ** Routine: vms_unzip_cmdline
- **
- ** Function:
- **
- ** Parse the DCL command line and create a fake argv array to be
- ** handed off to Zip.
- **
- ** NOTE: the argv[] is built as we go, so all the parameters are
- ** checked in the appropriate order!!
- **
- ** Formal parameters:
- **
- ** argc_p - Address of int to receive the new argc
- ** argv_p - Address of char ** to receive the argv address
- **
- ** Calling sequence:
- **
- ** status = vms_unzip_cmdline (&argc, &argv);
- **
- ** Returns:
- **
- ** SS$_NORMAL - Success.
- ** SS$_INSFMEM - A malloc() or realloc() failed
- ** SS$_ABORT - Bad time value
- **
- */
- register unsigned long status;
- char options[256];
- char *the_cmd_line; /* buffer for argv strings */
- unsigned long cmdl_size; /* allocated size of buffer */
- unsigned long cmdl_len; /* used size of buffer */
- char *ptr;
- int x, len, zipinfo, exclude_list;
- int new_argc;
- char **new_argv;
- struct dsc$descriptor_d work_str;
- struct dsc$descriptor_d foreign_cmdline;
- struct dsc$descriptor_d output_directory;
- struct dsc$descriptor_d password_arg;
- init_dyndesc(work_str);
- init_dyndesc(foreign_cmdline);
- init_dyndesc(output_directory);
- init_dyndesc(password_arg);
- /*
- ** See if the program was invoked by the CLI (SET COMMAND) or by
- ** a foreign command definition. Check for /YYZ_UNZIP, which is a
- ** valid default qualifier solely for this test.
- */
- show_VMSCLI_usage = TRUE;
- status = check_cli(&cli_yyz);
- if (!(status & 1)) {
- lib$get_foreign(&foreign_cmdline);
- /*
- ** If nothing was returned or the first character is a "-", then
- ** assume it's a UNIX-style command and return.
- */
- if (foreign_cmdline.dsc$w_length == 0)
- return (SS$_NORMAL);
- if ((*(foreign_cmdline.dsc$a_pointer) == '-') ||
- ((foreign_cmdline.dsc$w_length > 1) &&
- (*(foreign_cmdline.dsc$a_pointer) == '"') &&
- (*(foreign_cmdline.dsc$a_pointer + 1) == '-'))) {
- show_VMSCLI_usage = FALSE;
- return (SS$_NORMAL);
- }
- str$concat(&work_str, &unzip_command, &foreign_cmdline);
- status = cli$dcl_parse(&work_str, &vms_unzip_cld, lib$get_input,
- lib$get_input, 0);
- if (!(status & 1)) return (status);
- }
- /*
- ** There's always going to be a new_argv[] because of the image name.
- */
- if ((the_cmd_line = (char *) malloc(cmdl_size = ARGBSIZE_UNIT)) == NULL)
- return (SS$_INSFMEM);
- strcpy(the_cmd_line, "unzip");
- cmdl_len = sizeof("unzip");
- /*
- ** First, check to see if any of the regular options were specified.
- */
- options[0] = '-';
- ptr = &options[1]; /* Point to temporary buffer */
- /*
- ** Is it ZipInfo??
- */
- zipinfo = 0;
- status = cli$present(&cli_information);
- if (status & 1) {
- zipinfo = 1;
- *ptr++ = 'Z';
- if (cli$present(&cli_one_line) & 1)
- *ptr++ = '2';
- if (cli$present(&cli_short) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 's';
- if (cli$present(&cli_medium) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'm';
- if (cli$present(&cli_long) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'l';
- if (cli$present(&cli_verbose) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'v';
- if (cli$present(&cli_header) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'h';
- if (cli$present(&cli_comment) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'c';
- if (cli$present(&cli_totals) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 't';
- if (cli$present(&cli_times) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'T';
- }
- else {
- #if 0
- /*
- ** Extract files?
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_extract);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'x';
- #endif
- /*
- ** Write binary files in VMS binary (fixed-length, 512-byte records,
- ** record attributes: none) format
- ** (auto-convert, or force to convert all files)
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_binary);
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT) {
- *ptr++ = '-';
- *ptr++ = '-';
- *ptr++ = 'b';
- if ((status & 1) &&
- !((status = cli$present(&cli_binary_none)) & 1)) {
- *ptr++ = 'b';
- if ((status = cli$present(&cli_binary_all)) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'b';
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Convert files as text (CR LF -> LF, etc.)
- ** (auto-convert, or force to convert all files)
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_text);
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT) {
- *ptr++ = '-';
- *ptr++ = '-';
- *ptr++ = 'a';
- if ((status & 1) &&
- !((status = cli$present(&cli_text_none)) & 1)) {
- *ptr++ = 'a';
- if ((status = cli$present(&cli_text_all)) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'a';
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Extract files to screen?
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_screen);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'c';
- /*
- ** Re-create directory structure? (default)
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_directory);
- if (status == CLI$_PRESENT) {
- status = cli$get_value(&cli_directory, &output_directory);
- }
- /*
- ** Freshen existing files, create none
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_freshen);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'f';
- /*
- ** Show the help.
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_help);
- if (status & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'h';
- /*
- ** Junk stored directory names on unzip
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_junk);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'j';
- /*
- ** List contents (/BRIEF or /FULL (default))
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_list);
- if (status & 1) {
- if (cli$present(&cli_full) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'v';
- else
- *ptr++ = 'l';
- }
- /*
- ** Overwrite files?
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_overwrite);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = 'n';
- else if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'o';
- /*
- ** Decryption password from command line?
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_password);
- if (status == CLI$_PRESENT) {
- status = cli$get_value(&cli_password, &password_arg);
- }
- /*
- ** Pipe files to SYS$OUTPUT with no informationals?
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_pipe);
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'p';
- /*
- ** Quiet
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_quiet);
- if (status & 1) {
- *ptr++ = 'q';
- if ((status = cli$present(&cli_super_quiet)) & 1)
- *ptr++ = 'q';
- }
- /*
- ** Test archive integrity
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_test);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 't';
- /*
- ** Make (some) names lowercase
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_lowercase);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'L';
- /*
- ** Uppercase (don't convert to lower)
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_uppercase);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'U';
- /*
- ** Update (extract only new and newer files)
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_update);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'u';
- /*
- ** Version (retain VMS/DEC-20 file versions)
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_version);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'V';
- /*
- ** Restore owner/protection info
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_restore);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'X';
- /*
- ** Display only the archive comment
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_comment);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'z';
- } /* ZipInfo check way up there.... */
- /* The following options are common to both UnZip and ZipInfo mode. */
- /*
- ** Match filenames case-insensitively (-C)
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_case_insensitive);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'C';
- /*
- ** Use builtin pager for all screen output
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_page);
- if (status == CLI$_NEGATED)
- *ptr++ = '-';
- if (status != CLI$_ABSENT)
- *ptr++ = 'M';
- /*
- ** Check existence of a list of files to exclude, fetch is done later.
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_exclude);
- exclude_list = ((status & 1) != 0);
- /*
- ** If the user didn't give any DCL qualifier, assume he wants the
- ** Un*x interface.
- if ( (ptr == &options[1]) &&
- (output_directory.dsc$w_length == 0) &&
- (password_arg.dsc$w_length == 0) &&
- (!exclude_list) ) {
- free(the_cmd_line);
- return (SS$_NORMAL);
- }
- */
- /*
- ** Now copy the final options string to the_cmd_line.
- */
- len = ptr - &options[0];
- if (len > 1) {
- options[len] = '';
- x = cmdl_len;
- cmdl_len += len + 1;
- CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
- strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], options);
- }
- /*
- ** If specified, add the decryption password argument.
- **/
- if (password_arg.dsc$w_length != 0) {
- x = cmdl_len;
- cmdl_len += password_arg.dsc$w_length + 4;
- CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
- strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-P");
- strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x+3], password_arg.dsc$a_pointer,
- password_arg.dsc$w_length);
- the_cmd_line[cmdl_len-1] = '';
- }
- /*
- ** Now get the specified zip file name.
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_zipfile);
- if (status & 1) {
- status = cli$get_value(&cli_zipfile, &work_str);
- x = cmdl_len;
- cmdl_len += work_str.dsc$w_length + 1;
- CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
- strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x], work_str.dsc$a_pointer,
- work_str.dsc$w_length);
- the_cmd_line[cmdl_len-1] = '';
- }
- /*
- ** Get the output directory, for UnZip.
- **/
- if (output_directory.dsc$w_length != 0) {
- x = cmdl_len;
- cmdl_len += output_directory.dsc$w_length + 4;
- CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
- strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-d");
- strncpy(&the_cmd_line[x+3], output_directory.dsc$a_pointer,
- output_directory.dsc$w_length);
- the_cmd_line[cmdl_len-1] = '';
- }
- /*
- ** Run through the list of files to unzip.
- */
- status = cli$present(&cli_infile);
- if (status & 1) {
- status = get_list(&cli_infile, &foreign_cmdline, '',
- &the_cmd_line, &cmdl_size, &cmdl_len);
- if (!(status & 1)) return (status);
- }
- /*
- ** Get the list of files to exclude, if there are any.
- */
- if (exclude_list) {
- x = cmdl_len;
- cmdl_len += 3;
- CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(the_cmd_line, cmdl_size, cmdl_len)
- strcpy(&the_cmd_line[x], "-x");
- status = get_list(&cli_exclude, &foreign_cmdline, '',
- &the_cmd_line, &cmdl_size, &cmdl_len);
- if (!(status & 1)) return (status);
- }
- /*
- ** We have finished collecting the strings for the argv vector,
- ** release unused space.
- */
- if ((the_cmd_line = (char *) realloc(the_cmd_line, cmdl_len)) == NULL)
- return (SS$_INSFMEM);
- /*
- ** Now that we've built our new UNIX-like command line, count the
- ** number of args and build an argv array.
- */
- for (new_argc = 0, x = 0; x < cmdl_len; x++)
- if (the_cmd_line[x] == '')
- new_argc++;
- /*
- ** Allocate memory for the new argv[]. The last element of argv[]
- ** is supposed to be NULL, so allocate enough for new_argc+1.
- */
- if ((new_argv = (char **) calloc(new_argc+1, sizeof(char *))) == NULL)
- return (SS$_INSFMEM);
- /*
- ** For each option, store the address in new_argv[] and convert the
- ** separating blanks to nulls so each argv[] string is terminated.
- */
- for (ptr = the_cmd_line, x = 0; x < new_argc; x++) {
- new_argv[x] = ptr;
- ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1;
- }
- new_argv[new_argc] = NULL;
- #if defined(TEST) || defined(DEBUG)
- printf("new_argc = %dn", new_argc);
- for (x = 0; x < new_argc; x++)
- printf("new_argv[%d] = %sn", x, new_argv[x]);
- #endif /* TEST || DEBUG */
- /*
- ** All finished. Return the new argc and argv[] addresses to Zip.
- */
- *argc_p = new_argc;
- *argv_p = new_argv;
- return (SS$_NORMAL);
- }
- static unsigned long
- get_list (struct dsc$descriptor_s *qual, struct dsc$descriptor_d *rawtail,
- int delim, char **p_str, unsigned long *p_size, unsigned long *p_end)
- {
- /*
- ** Routine: get_list
- **
- ** Function: This routine runs through a comma-separated CLI list
- ** and copies the strings to the argv buffer. The
- ** specified separation character is used to separate
- ** the strings in the argv buffer.
- **
- ** All unquoted strings are converted to lower-case.
- **
- ** Formal parameters:
- **
- ** qual - Address of descriptor for the qualifier name
- ** rawtail - Address of descriptor for the full command line tail
- ** delim - Character to use to separate the list items
- ** p_str - Address of pointer pointing to output buffer (argv strings)
- ** p_size - Address of number containing allocated size for output string
- ** p_end - Address of number containing used length in output buf
- **
- */
- register unsigned long status;
- struct dsc$descriptor_d work_str;
- init_dyndesc(work_str);
- status = cli$present(qual);
- if (status & 1) {
- unsigned long len, old_len;
- long ind, sind;
- int keep_case;
- char *src, *dst; int x;
- /*
- ** Just in case the string doesn't exist yet, though it does.
- */
- if (*p_str == NULL) {
- *p_size = ARGBSIZE_UNIT;
- if ((*p_str = (char *) malloc(*p_size)) == NULL)
- return (SS$_INSFMEM);
- len = 0;
- } else {
- len = *p_end;
- }
- while ((status = cli$get_value(qual, &work_str)) & 1) {
- old_len = len;
- len += work_str.dsc$w_length + 1;
- CHECK_BUFFER_ALLOCATION(*p_str, *p_size, len)
- /*
- ** Look for the filename in the original foreign command
- ** line to see if it was originally quoted. If so, then
- ** don't convert it to lowercase.
- */
- keep_case = FALSE;
- str$find_first_substring(rawtail, &ind, &sind, &work_str);
- if ((ind > 1 && *(rawtail->dsc$a_pointer + ind - 2) == '"') ||
- (ind == 0))
- keep_case = TRUE;
- /*
- ** Copy the string to the buffer, converting to lowercase.
- */
- src = work_str.dsc$a_pointer;
- dst = *p_str+old_len;
- for (x = 0; x < work_str.dsc$w_length; x++) {
- if (!keep_case && ((*src >= 'A') && (*src <= 'Z')))
- *dst++ = *src++ + 32;
- else
- *dst++ = *src++;
- }
- if (status == CLI$_COMMA)
- (*p_str)[len-1] = (char)delim;
- else
- (*p_str)[len-1] = '';
- }
- *p_end = len;
- }
- return (SS$_NORMAL);
- }
- static unsigned long
- check_cli (struct dsc$descriptor_s *qual)
- {
- /*
- ** Routine: check_cli
- **
- ** Function: Check to see if a CLD was used to invoke the program.
- **
- ** Formal parameters:
- **
- ** qual - Address of descriptor for qualifier name to check.
- **
- */
- lib$establish(lib$sig_to_ret); /* Establish condition handler */
- return (cli$present(qual)); /* Just see if something was given */
- }
- #ifndef TEST
- #ifdef SFX
- #ifdef SFX_EXDIR
- # define SFXOPT_EXDIR "n and /DIRECTORY=exdir-spec"
- #else
- # define SFXOPT_EXDIR ""
- #endif
- #ifdef MORE
- # define SFXOPT1 "/PAGE, "
- #else
- # define SFXOPT1 ""
- #endif
- int VMSCLI_usage(__GPRO__ int error) /* returns PK-type error code */
- {
- extern char UnzipSFXBanner[];
- #ifdef BETA
- extern char BetaVersion[];
- #endif
- int flag;
- if (!show_VMSCLI_usage)
- return usage(__G__ error);
- flag = (error? 1 : 0);
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, UnzipSFXBanner,
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "
- Valid main options are /TEST, /FRESHEN, /UPDATE, /PIPE, /SCREEN, /COMMENT%s.n",
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "
- Modifying options are /TEXT, /BINARY, /JUNK, /[NO]OVERWRITE, /QUIET,n
- SFXOPT1));
- #ifdef BETA
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, BetaVersion, "n", "SFX"));
- #endif
- if (error)
- return PK_PARAM;
- else
- return PK_COOL; /* just wanted usage screen: no error */
- } /* end function usage() */
- #else /* !SFX */
- int VMSCLI_usage(__GPRO__ int error) /* returns PK-type error code */
- {
- extern char UnzipUsageLine1[];
- #ifdef BETA
- extern char BetaVersion[];
- #endif
- int flag;
- if (!show_VMSCLI_usage)
- return usage(__G__ error);
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If user requested usage, send it to stdout; else send to stderr.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- flag = (error? 1 : 0);
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Print either ZipInfo usage or UnZip usage, depending on incantation.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (uO.zipinfo_mode) {
- #ifndef NO_ZIPINFO
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "
- ZipInfo %d.%d%d%s %s, by Newtware and the fine folks at Info-ZIP.nn
- List name, date/time, attribute, size, compression method, etc., about filesn
- in list (excluding those in xlist) contained in the specified .zip archive(s).
- n"file[.zip]" may be a wildcard name containing * or % (e.g., "*font-%.zip
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "
- usage: zipinfo file[.zip] [list] [/EXCL=(xlist)] [/DIR=exdir] /optionsn
- or: unzip /ZIPINFO file[.zip] [list] [/EXCL=(xlist)] [/DIR=exdir] /options
- nnmain
- listing-format options: /SHORT short "ls -l" format (def.)n
- /ONE_LINE just filenames, one/line /MEDIUM medium Unix "ls -l" formatn
- /VERBOSE verbose, multi-page format /LONG long Unix "ls -l" formatn
- "));
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "
- miscellaneous options:n
- /HEADER print header line /TOTALS totals for listed files or for alln
- /COMMENT print zipfile comment /TIMES times in sortable decimal formatn
- /[NO]CASE_INSENSITIVE match filenames case-insensitivelyn
- /[NO]PAGE page output through built-in "more"n
- /EXCLUDE=(file-spec1,etc.) exclude file-specs from listingn"));
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "n
- Type unzip "-Z" for Unix style flagsn
- Remember that non-lowercase filespecs must be
- quoted in VMS (e.g., "Makefile").n"));
- #endif /* !NO_ZIPINFO */
- } else { /* UnZip mode */
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, UnzipUsageLine1,
- #ifdef BETA
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, BetaVersion, "", ""));
- #endif
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "
- Usage: unzip file[.zip] [list] [/EXCL=(xlist)] [/DIR=exdir] /options /modifiers
- n Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir
- ;n file[.zip] may be a wildcard. %snn",
- #ifdef NO_ZIPINFO
- "(ZipInfo mode is disabled in this version.)"
- #else
- "Type "unzip /ZIPINFO" for ZipInfo-mode usage."
- #endif
- ));
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "
- Major options include (type unzip -h for Unix style flags):n
- /[NO]COMMENT, /DIRECTORY=directory-spec, /EXCLUDE=(file-spec1,etc.)nn
- Modifiers include:n
- Info(slide, flag, ((char *)slide, "
- Examples (see unzip.doc or "HELP UNZIP" for more info):n
- unzip edit1 /EXCL=joe.jou /CASE_INSENSITIVE => extract all files exceptn
- joe.jou (or JOE.JOU, or any combination of case) from zipfile edit1.zipn
- unzip zip201 "Makefile.VMS" vms/*.[ch] => extract VMS Makefile andn
- *.c and *.h files; must quote uppercase names if /CASE_INSENS not usedn
- unzip foo /DIR=tmp:[.test] /JUNK /TEXT /OVER => extract all files to temp.
- n directory without paths, auto-converting text files and overwriting
- n"));
- } /* end if (zipinfo_mode) */
- if (error)
- return PK_PARAM;
- else
- return PK_COOL; /* just wanted usage screen: no error */
- } /* end function VMSCLI_usage() */
- #endif /* ?SFX */
- #endif /* !TEST */