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资源名称:unzip540.zip [点击查看]
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- zipinfo.c Greg Roelofs et al.
- This file contains all of the ZipInfo-specific listing routines for UnZip.
- Contains: zi_opts()
- zi_end_central()
- zipinfo()
- zi_long()
- zi_short()
- zi_time()
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "unzip.h"
- #ifndef NO_ZIPINFO /* strings use up too much space in small-memory systems */
- /* Define OS-specific attributes for use on ALL platforms--the S_xxxx
- * versions of these are defined differently (or not defined) by different
- * compilers and operating systems. */
- #define UNX_IFMT 0170000 /* Unix file type mask */
- #define UNX_IFDIR 0040000 /* Unix directory */
- #define UNX_IFREG 0100000 /* Unix regular file */
- #define UNX_IFSOCK 0140000 /* Unix socket (BSD, not SysV or Amiga) */
- #define UNX_IFLNK 0120000 /* Unix symbolic link (not SysV, Amiga) */
- #define UNX_IFBLK 0060000 /* Unix block special (not Amiga) */
- #define UNX_IFCHR 0020000 /* Unix character special (not Amiga) */
- #define UNX_IFIFO 0010000 /* Unix fifo (BCC, not MSC or Amiga) */
- #define UNX_ISUID 04000 /* Unix set user id on execution */
- #define UNX_ISGID 02000 /* Unix set group id on execution */
- #define UNX_ISVTX 01000 /* Unix directory permissions control */
- #define UNX_ENFMT UNX_ISGID /* Unix record locking enforcement flag */
- #define UNX_IRWXU 00700 /* Unix read, write, execute: owner */
- #define UNX_IRUSR 00400 /* Unix read permission: owner */
- #define UNX_IWUSR 00200 /* Unix write permission: owner */
- #define UNX_IXUSR 00100 /* Unix execute permission: owner */
- #define UNX_IRWXG 00070 /* Unix read, write, execute: group */
- #define UNX_IRGRP 00040 /* Unix read permission: group */
- #define UNX_IWGRP 00020 /* Unix write permission: group */
- #define UNX_IXGRP 00010 /* Unix execute permission: group */
- #define UNX_IRWXO 00007 /* Unix read, write, execute: other */
- #define UNX_IROTH 00004 /* Unix read permission: other */
- #define UNX_IWOTH 00002 /* Unix write permission: other */
- #define UNX_IXOTH 00001 /* Unix execute permission: other */
- #define VMS_IRUSR UNX_IRUSR /* VMS read/owner */
- #define VMS_IWUSR UNX_IWUSR /* VMS write/owner */
- #define VMS_IXUSR UNX_IXUSR /* VMS execute/owner */
- #define VMS_IRGRP UNX_IRGRP /* VMS read/group */
- #define VMS_IWGRP UNX_IWGRP /* VMS write/group */
- #define VMS_IXGRP UNX_IXGRP /* VMS execute/group */
- #define VMS_IROTH UNX_IROTH /* VMS read/other */
- #define VMS_IWOTH UNX_IWOTH /* VMS write/other */
- #define VMS_IXOTH UNX_IXOTH /* VMS execute/other */
- #define AMI_IFMT 06000 /* Amiga file type mask */
- #define AMI_IFDIR 04000 /* Amiga directory */
- #define AMI_IFREG 02000 /* Amiga regular file */
- #define AMI_IHIDDEN 00200 /* to be supported in AmigaDOS 3.x */
- #define AMI_ISCRIPT 00100 /* executable script (text command file) */
- #define AMI_IPURE 00040 /* allow loading into resident memory */
- #define AMI_IARCHIVE 00020 /* not modified since bit was last set */
- #define AMI_IREAD 00010 /* can be opened for reading */
- #define AMI_IWRITE 00004 /* can be opened for writing */
- #define AMI_IEXECUTE 00002 /* executable image, a loadable runfile */
- #define AMI_IDELETE 00001 /* can be deleted */
- #define LFLAG 3 /* short "ls -l" type listing */
- static int zi_long OF((__GPRO__ ulg *pEndprev));
- static int zi_short OF((__GPRO));
- static void zi_showMacTypeCreator
- OF((__GPRO__ uch *ebfield));
- static char *zi_time OF((__GPRO__ ZCONST ulg *datetimez,
- ZCONST time_t *modtimez, char *d_t_str));
- /**********************************************/
- /* Strings used in zipinfo.c (ZipInfo half) */
- /**********************************************/
- static char nullStr[] = "";
- static ZCONST char Far LongHeader[] = "Archive: %s %ld bytes %d file%sn";
- static ZCONST char Far ShortHeader[] = "Archive: %s %ld %dn";
- static ZCONST char Far EndCentDirRec[] = "nEnd-of-central-directory record:n";
- static ZCONST char Far LineSeparators[] = "-------------------------------nn";
- static ZCONST char Far ActOffsetCentDir[] = "
- Actual offset of end-of-central-dir record: %9ld (%.8lXh)n
- Expected offset of end-of-central-dir record: %9ld (%.8lXh)n
- (based on the length of the central directory and its expected offset)nn";
- static ZCONST char Far SinglePartArchive1[] = "
- This zipfile constitutes the sole disk of a single-part archive; itsn
- central directory contains %u %s. The central directory is %lun
- (%.8lXh) bytes long, and its (expected) offset in bytes from then";
- static ZCONST char Far SinglePartArchive2[] = "
- beginning of the zipfile is %lu (%.8lXh).nn";
- static ZCONST char Far MultiPartArchive1[] = "
- This zipfile constitutes disk %u of a multi-part archive. The centraln
- directory starts on disk %u; %u of its entries %s contained withinn";
- static ZCONST char Far MultiPartArchive2[] = "
- this zipfile, out of a total of %u %s. The entire centraln
- directory is %lu (%.8lXh) bytes long, and its offset in bytes fromn";
- static ZCONST char Far MultiPartArchive3[] = "
- the beginning of the zipfile in which it begins is %lu (%.8lXh).nn";
- static ZCONST char Far NoZipfileComment[] = " There is no zipfile comment.n";
- static ZCONST char Far ZipfileCommentDesc[] =
- " The zipfile comment is %u bytes long and contains the following text:nn";
- static ZCONST char Far ZipfileCommBegin[] =
- "======================== zipfile comment begins ==========================n";
- static ZCONST char Far ZipfileCommEnd[] =
- "========================= zipfile comment ends ===========================n";
- static ZCONST char Far ZipfileCommTrunc2[] = "n The zipfile comment is truncated.n";
- static ZCONST char Far ZipfileCommTruncMsg[] =
- "ncaution: zipfile comment truncatedn";
- static ZCONST char Far CentralDirEntry[] =
- "nCentral directory entry #%d:n---------------------------nn";
- static ZCONST char Far ZipfileStats[] =
- "%d file%s, %lu bytes uncompressed, %lu bytes compressed: %s%d.%d%%n";
- /* zi_long() strings */
- static ZCONST char Far OS_FAT[] = "MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_Amiga[] = "Amiga";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_VMS[] = "VMS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_Unix[] = "Unix";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_VMCMS[] = "VM/CMS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_AtariST[] = "Atari ST";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_HPFS[] = "OS/2 or NT HPFS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_Macintosh[] = "Macintosh HFS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_ZSystem[] = "Z-System";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_CPM[] = "CP/M";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_TOPS20[] = "TOPS-20";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_NTFS[] = "NTFS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_QDOS[] = "SMS/QDOS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_Acorn[] = "Acorn RISC OS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_MVS[] = "MVS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_VFAT[] = "Win32 VFAT";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_BeOS[] = "BeOS";
- static ZCONST char Far OS_Tandem[] = "Tandem NSK";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdNone[] = "none (stored)";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdShrunk[] = "shrunk";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdRedF1[] = "reduced (factor 1)";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdRedF2[] = "reduced (factor 2)";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdRedF3[] = "reduced (factor 3)";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdRedF4[] = "reduced (factor 4)";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdImplode[] = "imploded";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdToken[] = "tokenized";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdDeflate[] = "deflated";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdEnDeflate[] = "deflated (enhanced)";
- static ZCONST char Far MthdDCLImplode[] = "imploded (PK DCL)";
- static ZCONST char Far DeflNorm[] = "normal";
- static ZCONST char Far DeflMax[] = "maximum";
- static ZCONST char Far DeflFast[] = "fast";
- static ZCONST char Far DeflSFast[] = "superfast";
- static ZCONST char Far ExtraBytesPreceding[] =
- " There are an extra %ld bytes preceding this file.nn";
- static ZCONST char Far UnknownNo[] = "unknown (%d)";
- static ZCONST char Far LocalHeaderOffset[] =
- "n offset of local header from start of archive: %lu (%.8lXh) bytesn";
- static ZCONST char Far HostOS[] =
- " file system or operating system of origin: %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far EncodeSWVer[] =
- " version of encoding software: %d.%dn";
- static ZCONST char Far MinOSCompReq[] =
- " minimum file system compatibility required: %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far MinSWVerReq[] =
- " minimum software version required to extract: %d.%dn";
- static ZCONST char Far CompressMethod[] =
- " compression method: %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far SlideWindowSizeImplode[] =
- " size of sliding dictionary (implosion): %cKn";
- static ZCONST char Far ShannonFanoTrees[] =
- " number of Shannon-Fano trees (implosion): %cn";
- static ZCONST char Far CompressSubtype[] =
- " compression sub-type (deflation): %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far FileSecurity[] =
- " file security status: %sencryptedn";
- static ZCONST char Far ExtendedLocalHdr[] =
- " extended local header: %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far FileModDate[] =
- " file last modified on (DOS date/time): %sn";
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- static ZCONST char Far UT_FileModDate[] =
- " file last modified on (UT extra field modtime): %s %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far LocalTime[] = "local";
- #ifndef NO_GMTIME
- static ZCONST char Far GMTime[] = "UTC";
- #endif
- #endif /* USE_EF_UT_TIME */
- static ZCONST char Far CRC32Value[] =
- " 32-bit CRC value (hex): %.8lxn";
- static ZCONST char Far CompressedFileSize[] =
- " compressed size: %lu bytesn";
- static ZCONST char Far UncompressedFileSize[] =
- " uncompressed size: %lu bytesn";
- static ZCONST char Far FilenameLength[] =
- " length of filename: %u charactersn";
- static ZCONST char Far ExtraFieldLength[] =
- " length of extra field: %u bytesn";
- static ZCONST char Far FileCommentLength[] =
- " length of file comment: %u charactersn";
- static ZCONST char Far FileDiskNum[] =
- " disk number on which file begins: disk %un";
- static ZCONST char Far ApparentFileType[] =
- " apparent file type: %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far VMSFileAttributes[] =
- " VMS file attributes (%06o octal): %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far AmigaFileAttributes[] =
- " Amiga file attributes (%06o octal): %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far UnixFileAttributes[] =
- " Unix file attributes (%06o octal): %sn";
- static ZCONST char Far NonMSDOSFileAttributes[] =
- " non-MSDOS external file attributes: %06lX hexn";
- static ZCONST char Far MSDOSFileAttributes[] =
- " MS-DOS file attributes (%02X hex): nonen";
- static ZCONST char Far MSDOSFileAttributesRO[] =
- " MS-DOS file attributes (%02X hex): read-onlyn";
- static ZCONST char Far MSDOSFileAttributesAlpha[] =
- " MS-DOS file attributes (%02X hex): %s%s%s%s%s%sn";
- static ZCONST char Far ExtraFieldTrunc[] = "n
- error: EF data block (type 0x%04x) size %u exceeds remaining extra fieldn
- space %u; block length has been truncated.n";
- static ZCONST char Far ExtraFields[] = "n
- The central-directory extra field contains:";
- static ZCONST char Far ExtraFieldType[] = "n
- - A subfield with ID 0x%04x (%s) and %u data bytes";
- static ZCONST char Far efAV[] = "PKWARE AV";
- static ZCONST char Far efOS2[] = "OS/2";
- static ZCONST char Far efPKVMS[] = "PKWARE VMS";
- static ZCONST char Far efPKWin32[] = "PKWARE Win32";
- static ZCONST char Far efPKUnix[] = "PKWARE Unix";
- static ZCONST char Far efIZVMS[] = "Info-ZIP VMS";
- static ZCONST char Far efIZUnix[] = "old Info-ZIP Unix/OS2/NT";
- static ZCONST char Far efIZUnix2[] = "Unix UID/GID";
- static ZCONST char Far efTime[] = "universal time";
- static ZCONST char Far efJLMac[] = "old Info-ZIP Macintosh";
- static ZCONST char Far efMac3[] = "new Info-ZIP Macintosh";
- static ZCONST char Far efZipIt[] = "ZipIt Macintosh";
- static ZCONST char Far efZipIt2[] = "ZipIt Macintosh (short)";
- static ZCONST char Far efVMCMS[] = "VM/CMS";
- static ZCONST char Far efMVS[] = "MVS";
- static ZCONST char Far efACL[] = "OS/2 ACL";
- static ZCONST char Far efNTSD[] = "Security Descriptor";
- static ZCONST char Far efBeOS[] = "BeOS";
- static ZCONST char Far efQDOS[] = "SMS/QDOS";
- static ZCONST char Far efAOSVS[] = "AOS/VS";
- static ZCONST char Far efSpark[] = "Acorn SparkFS";
- static ZCONST char Far efMD5[] = "Fred Kantor MD5";
- static ZCONST char Far efASiUnix[] = "ASi Unix";
- static ZCONST char Far efUnknown[] = "unknown";
- static ZCONST char Far OS2EAs[] = ".n
- The local extra field has %lu bytes of OS/2 extended attributes.n
- (May not match OS/2 "dir" amount due to storage method)";
- static ZCONST char Far izVMSdata[] = ". The extran
- field is %s and has %lu bytes of VMS %s information%s";
- static ZCONST char Far izVMSstored[] = "stored";
- static ZCONST char Far izVMSrleenc[] = "run-length encoded";
- static ZCONST char Far izVMSdeflat[] = "deflated";
- static ZCONST char Far izVMScunknw[] = "compressed(?)";
- static ZCONST char Far *izVMScomp[4] =
- {izVMSstored, izVMSrleenc, izVMSdeflat, izVMScunknw};
- static ZCONST char Far ACLdata[] = ".n
- The local extra field has %lu bytes of access control list information";
- static ZCONST char Far NTSDData[] = ".n
- The local extra field has %lu bytes of NT security descriptor data";
- static ZCONST char Far UTdata[] = ".n
- The local extra field has UTC/GMT %s time%s";
- static ZCONST char Far UTmodification[] = "modification";
- static ZCONST char Far UTaccess[] = "access";
- static ZCONST char Far UTcreation[] = "creation";
- static ZCONST char Far ZipItFname[] = ".n
- The Mac long filename is %s.n";
- static ZCONST char Far Mac3data[] = ".n
- The local extra field has %lu bytes of %scompressed Macintoshn
- finder attributes";
- /* MacOSdata[] is used by EF_MAC3, EF_ZIPIT, EF_ZIPIT2 and EF_JLEE e. f. */
- static ZCONST char Far MacOSdata[] = ".n
- The associated file has type code `%c%c%c%c' and creator code `%c%c%c%c'";
- static ZCONST char Far MacOSdata1[] = ".n
- The associated file has type code `0x%lx' and creator code `0x%lx'";
- static ZCONST char Far MacOSJLEEflags[] = "n File is marked as %s";
- static ZCONST char Far MacOS_RF[] = "Resource-fork";
- static ZCONST char Far MacOS_DF[] = "Data-fork";
- static ZCONST char Far MacOSMAC3flags[] = ".n
- File is marked as %s, File Dates are in %d Bit";
- static ZCONST char Far BeOSdata[] = ".n
- The local extra field has %lu bytes of %scompressed BeOS file attributes";
- /* The associated file has type code `%c%c%c%c' and creator code `%c%c%c%c'" */
- static ZCONST char Far QDOSdata[] = ".n
- The QDOS extra field subtype is `%c%c%c%c'";
- static ZCONST char Far AOSVSdata[] = ".n
- The AOS/VS extra field revision is %d.%d";
- static ZCONST char Far MD5data[] = ".n
- The 128-bit MD5 signature is %s";
- #ifdef CMS_MVS
- static ZCONST char Far VmMvsExtraField[] = ".n
- The stored file open mode (FLDATA TYPE) is "%s"";
- static ZCONST char Far VmMvsInvalid[] = "[invalid]";
- #endif /* CMS_MVS */
- static ZCONST char Far First20[] = ". The firstn 20 are: ";
- static ZCONST char Far ColonIndent[] = ":n ";
- static ZCONST char Far efFormat[] = " %02x";
- static ZCONST char Far lExtraFieldType[] = "n
- There %s a local extra field with ID 0x%04x (%s) andn
- %u data bytes (%s).n";
- static ZCONST char Far efIZuid[] =
- "GMT modification/access times and Unix UID/GID";
- static ZCONST char Far efIZnouid[] = "GMT modification/access times only";
- static ZCONST char Far NoFileComment[] = "n There is no file comment.n";
- static ZCONST char Far FileCommBegin[] = "n
- ------------------------- file comment begins ----------------------------n";
- static ZCONST char Far FileCommEnd[] = "
- -------------------------- file comment ends -----------------------------n";
- /* zi_time() strings */
- static ZCONST char Far BogusFmt[] = "%03d";
- static ZCONST char Far DMYHMTime[] = "%2u-%s-%02u %02u:%02u";
- static ZCONST char Far YMDHMSTime[] = "%u %s %u %02u:%02u:%02u";
- static ZCONST char Far DecimalTime[] = "%04u%02u%02u.%02u%02u%02u";
- static ZCONST char Far YMDHMSTimeError[] = "???? ??? ?? ??:??:??";
- #ifndef WINDLL
- /************************/
- /* Function zi_opts() */
- /************************/
- int zi_opts(__G__ pargc, pargv)
- int *pargc;
- char ***pargv;
- __GDEF
- {
- char **argv, *s;
- int argc, c, error=FALSE, negative=0;
- int hflag_slmv=TRUE, hflag_2=FALSE; /* diff options => diff defaults */
- int tflag_slm=TRUE, tflag_2v=FALSE;
- int explicit_h=FALSE, explicit_t=FALSE;
- #ifdef MACOS
- uO.lflag = LFLAG; /* reset default on each call */
- #endif
- G.extract_flag = FALSE; /* zipinfo does not extract to disk */
- argc = *pargc;
- argv = *pargv;
- while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') {
- s = argv[0] + 1;
- while ((c = *s++) != 0) { /* "!= 0": prevent Turbo C warning */
- switch (c) {
- case '-':
- ++negative;
- break;
- case '1': /* shortest listing: JUST filenames */
- if (negative)
- uO.lflag = -2, negative = 0;
- else
- uO.lflag = 1;
- break;
- case '2': /* just filenames, plus headers if specified */
- if (negative)
- uO.lflag = -2, negative = 0;
- else
- uO.lflag = 2;
- break;
- #ifndef CMS_MVS
- case ('C'): /* -C: match filenames case-insensitively */
- if (negative)
- uO.C_flag = FALSE, negative = 0;
- else
- uO.C_flag = TRUE;
- break;
- #endif /* !CMS_MVS */
- case 'h': /* header line */
- if (negative)
- hflag_2 = hflag_slmv = FALSE, negative = 0;
- else {
- hflag_2 = hflag_slmv = explicit_h = TRUE;
- if (uO.lflag == -1)
- uO.lflag = 0;
- }
- break;
- case 'l': /* longer form of "ls -l" type listing */
- if (negative)
- uO.lflag = -2, negative = 0;
- else
- uO.lflag = 5;
- break;
- case 'm': /* medium form of "ls -l" type listing */
- if (negative)
- uO.lflag = -2, negative = 0;
- else
- uO.lflag = 4;
- break;
- #ifdef MORE
- case 'M': /* send output through built-in "more" */
- if (negative)
- G.M_flag = FALSE, negative = 0;
- else
- G.M_flag = TRUE;
- break;
- #endif
- case 's': /* default: shorter "ls -l" type listing */
- if (negative)
- uO.lflag = -2, negative = 0;
- else
- uO.lflag = 3;
- break;
- case 't': /* totals line */
- if (negative)
- tflag_2v = tflag_slm = FALSE, negative = 0;
- else {
- tflag_2v = tflag_slm = explicit_t = TRUE;
- if (uO.lflag == -1)
- uO.lflag = 0;
- }
- break;
- case ('T'): /* use (sortable) decimal time format */
- if (negative)
- uO.T_flag = FALSE, negative = 0;
- else
- uO.T_flag = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'v': /* turbo-verbose listing */
- if (negative)
- uO.lflag = -2, negative = 0;
- else
- uO.lflag = 10;
- break;
- case 'z': /* print zipfile comment */
- if (negative)
- uO.zflag = negative = 0;
- else
- uO.zflag = 1;
- break;
- case 'Z': /* ZipInfo mode: ignore */
- break;
- default:
- error = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((argc-- == 0) || error) {
- *pargc = argc;
- *pargv = argv;
- return USAGE(error);
- }
- #ifdef MORE
- if (G.M_flag && !isatty(1)) /* stdout redirected: "more" func useless */
- G.M_flag = 0;
- #endif
- /* if no listing options given (or all negated), or if only -h/-t given
- * with individual files specified, use default listing format */
- if ((uO.lflag < 0) || ((argc > 0) && (uO.lflag == 0)))
- uO.lflag = LFLAG;
- /* set header and totals flags to default or specified values */
- switch (uO.lflag) {
- case 0: /* 0: can only occur if either -t or -h explicitly given; */
- case 2: /* therefore set both flags equal to normally false value */
- uO.hflag = hflag_2;
- uO.tflag = tflag_2v;
- break;
- case 1: /* only filenames, *always* */
- uO.hflag = FALSE;
- uO.tflag = FALSE;
- uO.zflag = FALSE;
- break;
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- uO.hflag = ((argc > 0) && !explicit_h)? FALSE : hflag_slmv;
- uO.tflag = ((argc > 0) && !explicit_t)? FALSE : tflag_slm;
- break;
- case 10:
- uO.hflag = hflag_slmv;
- uO.tflag = tflag_2v;
- break;
- }
- *pargc = argc;
- *pargv = argv;
- return 0;
- } /* end function zi_opts() */
- #endif /* !WINDLL */
- /*******************************/
- /* Function zi_end_central() */
- /*******************************/
- int zi_end_central(__G) /* return PK-type error code */
- __GDEF
- {
- int error = PK_COOL;
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Print out various interesting things about the zipfile.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* header fits on one line, for anything up to 10GB and 10000 files: */
- if (uO.hflag)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, ((int)strlen(G.zipfn) < 39)?
- LoadFarString(LongHeader) : LoadFarString(ShortHeader), G.zipfn,
- (long)G.ziplen, G.ecrec.total_entries_central_dir,
- (G.ecrec.total_entries_central_dir==1)?
- nullStr : "s"));
- /* verbose format */
- if (uO.lflag > 9) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(EndCentDirRec)));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(LineSeparators)));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ActOffsetCentDir),
- (long)G.real_ecrec_offset, (long)G.real_ecrec_offset,
- (long)G.expect_ecrec_offset, (long)G.expect_ecrec_offset));
- if (G.ecrec.number_this_disk == 0) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(SinglePartArchive1),
- G.ecrec.total_entries_central_dir,
- (G.ecrec.total_entries_central_dir == 1)? "entry" : "entries",
- G.ecrec.size_central_directory,
- G.ecrec.size_central_directory));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(SinglePartArchive2),
- G.ecrec.offset_start_central_directory,
- G.ecrec.offset_start_central_directory));
- } else {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MultiPartArchive1),
- G.ecrec.number_this_disk + 1,
- G.ecrec.num_disk_start_cdir + 1,
- G.ecrec.num_entries_centrl_dir_ths_disk,
- (G.ecrec.num_entries_centrl_dir_ths_disk == 1)? "is" : "are"));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MultiPartArchive2),
- G.ecrec.total_entries_central_dir,
- (G.ecrec.total_entries_central_dir == 1) ? "entry" : "entries",
- G.ecrec.size_central_directory,
- G.ecrec.size_central_directory));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MultiPartArchive3),
- G.ecrec.offset_start_central_directory,
- G.ecrec.offset_start_central_directory));
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the zipfile comment, if any, and print it out. (Comment may be
- up to 64KB long. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the arm-
- pits of anyone who actually takes advantage of this fact.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (!G.ecrec.zipfile_comment_length)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(NoZipfileComment)));
- else {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ZipfileCommentDesc),
- G.ecrec.zipfile_comment_length));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ZipfileCommBegin)));
- if (do_string(__G__ G.ecrec.zipfile_comment_length, DISPLAY))
- error = PK_WARN;
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ZipfileCommEnd)));
- if (error)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(ZipfileCommTrunc2)));
- } /* endif (comment exists) */
- /* non-verbose mode: print zipfile comment only if requested */
- } else if (uO.zflag && G.ecrec.zipfile_comment_length) {
- if (do_string(__G__ G.ecrec.zipfile_comment_length, DISPLAY)) {
- Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(ZipfileCommTruncMsg)));
- error = PK_WARN;
- }
- } /* endif (verbose) */
- return error;
- } /* end function zi_end_central() */
- /************************/
- /* Function zipinfo() */
- /************************/
- int zipinfo(__G) /* return PK-type error code */
- __GDEF
- {
- int do_this_file=FALSE, error, error_in_archive=PK_COOL;
- int *fn_matched=NULL, *xn_matched=NULL;
- unsigned j, members=0;
- ulg tot_csize=0L, tot_ucsize=0L;
- ulg endprev; /* buffers end of previous entry for zi_long()'s check
- * of extra bytes */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Malloc space for check on unmatched filespecs (no big deal if one or both
- are NULL).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (G.filespecs > 0 &&
- (fn_matched=(int *)malloc(G.filespecs*sizeof(int))) != NULL)
- for (j = 0; j < G.filespecs; ++j)
- fn_matched[j] = FALSE;
- if (G.xfilespecs > 0 &&
- (xn_matched=(int *)malloc(G.xfilespecs*sizeof(int))) != NULL)
- for (j = 0; j < G.xfilespecs; ++j)
- xn_matched[j] = FALSE;
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set file pointer to start of central directory, then loop through cen-
- tral directory entries. Check that directory-entry signature bytes are
- actually there (just a precaution), then process the entry. We know
- the entire central directory is on this disk: we wouldn't have any of
- this information unless the end-of-central-directory record was on this
- disk, and we wouldn't have gotten to this routine unless this is also
- the disk on which the central directory starts. In practice, this had
- better be the *only* disk in the archive, but maybe someday we'll add
- multi-disk support.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- uO.L_flag = FALSE; /* zipinfo mode: never convert name to lowercase */
- G.pInfo = G.info; /* (re-)initialize, (just to make sure) */
- G.pInfo->textmode = 0; /* so one can read on screen (is this ever used?) */
- /* reset endprev for new zipfile; account for multi-part archives (?) */
- endprev = (G.crec.relative_offset_local_header == 4L)? 4L : 0L;
- for (j = 0; j++ < (unsigned)G.ecrec.total_entries_central_dir;) {
- if (readbuf(__G__ G.sig, 4) == 0)
- return PK_EOF;
- if (strncmp(G.sig, central_hdr_sig, 4)) { /* just to make sure */
- Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CentSigMsg), j));
- return PK_BADERR; /* sig not found */
- }
- /* process_cdir_file_hdr() sets pInfo->hostnum, pInfo->lcflag, ...: */
- if ((error = process_cdir_file_hdr(__G)) != PK_COOL)
- return error; /* only PK_EOF defined */
- if ((error = do_string(__G__ G.crec.filename_length, DS_FN)) !=
- {
- error_in_archive = error; /* might be warning */
- if (error > PK_WARN) /* fatal */
- return error;
- }
- if (!G.process_all_files) { /* check if specified on command line */
- unsigned i;
- do_this_file = FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < G.filespecs; i++)
- if (match(G.filename, G.pfnames[i], uO.C_flag)) {
- do_this_file = TRUE;
- if (fn_matched)
- fn_matched[i] = TRUE;
- break; /* found match, so stop looping */
- }
- if (do_this_file) { /* check if this is an excluded file */
- for (i = 0; i < G.xfilespecs; i++)
- if (match(G.filename, G.pxnames[i], uO.C_flag)) {
- do_this_file = FALSE; /* ^-- ignore case in match */
- if (xn_matched)
- xn_matched[i] = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- If current file was specified on command line, or if no names were
- specified, do the listing for this file. Otherwise, get rid of the
- file comment and go back for the next file.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (G.process_all_files || do_this_file) {
- switch (uO.lflag) {
- case 1:
- case 2:
- fnprint(__G);
- SKIP_(G.crec.extra_field_length)
- SKIP_(G.crec.file_comment_length)
- break;
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- if ((error = zi_short(__G)) != PK_COOL) {
- error_in_archive = error; /* might be warning */
- if (error > PK_WARN) /* fatal */
- return error;
- }
- break;
- case 10:
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(CentralDirEntry), j));
- if ((error = zi_long(__G__ &endprev)) != PK_COOL) {
- error_in_archive = error; /* might be warning */
- if (error > PK_WARN) /* fatal */
- return error;
- }
- break;
- default:
- SKIP_(G.crec.extra_field_length)
- SKIP_(G.crec.file_comment_length)
- break;
- } /* end switch (lflag) */
- tot_csize += G.crec.csize;
- tot_ucsize += G.crec.ucsize;
- if (G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 1)
- tot_csize -= 12; /* don't count encryption header */
- ++members;
- #ifdef DLL
- if ((G.statreportcb != NULL) &&
- (*G.statreportcb)(__G__ UZ_ST_FINISH_MEMBER, G.zipfn,
- G.filename, NULL)) {
- if (fn_matched)
- free((zvoid *)fn_matched);
- if (xn_matched)
- free((zvoid *)xn_matched);
- return IZ_CTRLC; /* cancel operation by user request */
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef MACOS /* MacOS is no preemptive OS, thus call event-handling by hand */
- UserStop();
- #endif
- } else { /* not listing this file */
- SKIP_(G.crec.extra_field_length)
- SKIP_(G.crec.file_comment_length)
- } /* end if (list member?) */
- } /* end for-loop (j: member files) */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Check that we actually found requested files; if so, print totals.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (uO.tflag) {
- char *sgn = "";
- int cfactor = ratio(tot_ucsize, tot_csize);
- if (cfactor < 0) {
- sgn = "-";
- cfactor = -cfactor;
- }
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ZipfileStats),
- members, (members==1)? nullStr:"s", tot_ucsize,
- tot_csize, sgn, cfactor/10, cfactor%10));
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Check for unmatched filespecs on command line and print warning if any
- found.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (fn_matched) {
- for (j = 0; j < G.filespecs; ++j)
- if (!fn_matched[j])
- Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(FilenameNotMatched), G.pfnames[j]));
- free((zvoid *)fn_matched);
- }
- if (xn_matched) {
- for (j = 0; j < G.xfilespecs; ++j)
- if (!xn_matched[j])
- Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(ExclFilenameNotMatched), G.pxnames[j]));
- free((zvoid *)xn_matched);
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Double check that we're back at the end-of-central-directory record.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (readbuf(__G__ G.sig, 4) == 0) /* disk error? */
- return PK_EOF;
- if (strncmp(G.sig, end_central_sig, 4)) { /* just to make sure again */
- Info(slide, 0x401, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(EndSigMsg)));
- error_in_archive = PK_WARN; /* didn't find sig */
- }
- if (members == 0 && error_in_archive <= PK_WARN)
- error_in_archive = PK_FIND;
- if (uO.lflag >= 10)
- (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, (uch *)"n", 1L, 0);
- return error_in_archive;
- } /* end function zipinfo() */
- /************************/
- /* Function zi_long() */
- /************************/
- static int zi_long(__G__ pEndprev) /* return PK-type error code */
- __GDEF
- ulg *pEndprev; /* for zi_long() check of extra bytes */
- {
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- iztimes z_utime;
- #endif
- int error, error_in_archive=PK_COOL;
- ush hostnum, hostver, extnum, extver, methnum, xattr;
- char workspace[12], attribs[22];
- ZCONST char *varmsg_str;
- char unkn[16];
- static ZCONST char Far *os[NUM_HOSTS] = {
- OS_Macintosh, OS_ZSystem, OS_CPM, OS_TOPS20, OS_NTFS, OS_QDOS,
- OS_Acorn, OS_VFAT, OS_MVS, OS_BeOS, OS_Tandem
- };
- static ZCONST char Far *method[NUM_METHODS] = {
- MthdNone, MthdShrunk, MthdRedF1, MthdRedF2, MthdRedF3, MthdRedF4,
- MthdImplode, MthdToken, MthdDeflate, MthdEnDeflate, MthdDCLImplode
- };
- static ZCONST char Far *dtypelng[4] = {
- DeflNorm, DeflMax, DeflFast, DeflSFast
- };
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Check whether there's any extra space inside the zipfile. If *pEndprev is
- zero, it's probably a signal that OS/2 extra fields are involved (with
- unknown compressed size). We won't worry about prepended junk here...
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (G.crec.relative_offset_local_header != *pEndprev && *pEndprev > 0L) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- " [crec.relative_offset_local_header = %lu, endprev = %lu]n",
- G.crec.relative_offset_local_header, *pEndprev));
- */
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ExtraBytesPreceding),
- (long)G.crec.relative_offset_local_header - (long)(*pEndprev)));
- }
- /* calculate endprev for next time around (problem: extra fields may
- * differ in length between local and central-directory records) */
- *pEndprev = G.crec.relative_offset_local_header + 4L + LREC_SIZE +
- G.crec.filename_length + G.crec.extra_field_length +
- G.crec.file_comment_length + G.crec.csize;
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Read the extra field, if any. It may be used to get UNIX style modtime.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if ((error = do_string(__G__ G.crec.extra_field_length, EXTRA_FIELD)) != 0)
- {
- if (G.extra_field != NULL) {
- free(G.extra_field);
- G.extra_field = NULL;
- }
- error_in_archive = error;
- /* The premature return in case of a "fatal" error (PK_EOF) is
- * delayed until we analyze the extra field contents.
- * This allows us to display all the other info that has been
- * successfully read in.
- */
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Print out various interesting things about the compressed file.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- hostnum = (ush)(G.pInfo->hostnum);
- hostver = G.crec.version_made_by[0];
- extnum = (ush)MIN(G.crec.version_needed_to_extract[1], NUM_HOSTS);
- extver = G.crec.version_needed_to_extract[0];
- methnum = (ush)MIN(G.crec.compression_method, NUM_METHODS);
- (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, (uch *)" ", 2L, 0); fnprint(__G);
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(LocalHeaderOffset),
- G.crec.relative_offset_local_header,
- G.crec.relative_offset_local_header));
- if (hostnum >= NUM_HOSTS) {
- sprintf(unkn, LoadFarString(UnknownNo),
- (int)G.crec.version_made_by[1]);
- varmsg_str = unkn;
- } else {
- varmsg_str = LoadFarStringSmall(os[hostnum]);
- }
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(HostOS), varmsg_str));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(EncodeSWVer), hostver/10,
- hostver%10));
- if (extnum >= NUM_HOSTS) {
- sprintf(unkn, LoadFarString(UnknownNo),
- (int)G.crec.version_needed_to_extract[1]);
- varmsg_str = unkn;
- } else {
- varmsg_str = LoadFarStringSmall(os[extnum]);
- }
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MinOSCompReq), varmsg_str));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MinSWVerReq), extver/10,
- extver%10));
- if (methnum >= NUM_METHODS) {
- sprintf(unkn, LoadFarString(UnknownNo), G.crec.compression_method);
- varmsg_str = unkn;
- } else {
- varmsg_str = LoadFarStringSmall(method[methnum]);
- }
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CompressMethod), varmsg_str));
- if (methnum == IMPLODED) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(SlideWindowSizeImplode),
- (G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 2)? '8' : '4'));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ShannonFanoTrees),
- (G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 4)? '3' : '2'));
- } else if (methnum == DEFLATED) {
- ush dnum=(ush)((G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag>>1) & 3);
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CompressSubtype),
- LoadFarStringSmall(dtypelng[dnum])));
- }
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FileSecurity),
- (G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 1) ? nullStr : "not "));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ExtendedLocalHdr),
- (G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 8) ? "yes" : "no"));
- /* print upper 3 bits for amusement? */
- /* For printing of date & time, a "char d_t_buf[21]" is required.
- * To save stack space, we reuse the "char attribs[22]" buffer which
- * is not used yet.
- */
- # define d_t_buf attribs
- zi_time(__G__ &G.crec.last_mod_dos_datetime, NULL, d_t_buf);
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FileModDate), d_t_buf));
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- if (G.extra_field &&
- #ifdef IZ_CHECK_TZ
- G.tz_is_valid &&
- #endif
- (ef_scan_for_izux(G.extra_field, G.crec.extra_field_length, 1,
- G.crec.last_mod_dos_datetime, &z_utime, NULL)
- {
- TIMET_TO_NATIVE(z_utime.mtime) /* NOP unless MSC 7.0 or Macintosh */
- d_t_buf[0] = (char)0; /* signal "show local time" */
- zi_time(__G__ &G.crec.last_mod_dos_datetime, &(z_utime.mtime), d_t_buf);
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(UT_FileModDate),
- d_t_buf, LoadFarStringSmall(LocalTime)));
- #ifndef NO_GMTIME
- d_t_buf[0] = (char)1; /* signal "show UTC (GMT) time" */
- zi_time(__G__ &G.crec.last_mod_dos_datetime, &(z_utime.mtime), d_t_buf);
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(UT_FileModDate),
- d_t_buf, LoadFarStringSmall(GMTime)));
- #endif /* !NO_GMTIME */
- }
- #endif /* USE_EF_UT_TIME */
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CRC32Value), G.crec.crc32));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CompressedFileSize),
- G.crec.csize));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(UncompressedFileSize),
- G.crec.ucsize));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FilenameLength),
- G.crec.filename_length));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ExtraFieldLength),
- G.crec.extra_field_length));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FileCommentLength),
- G.crec.file_comment_length));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FileDiskNum),
- G.crec.disk_number_start + 1));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ApparentFileType),
- (G.crec.internal_file_attributes & 1)? "text"
- : (G.crec.internal_file_attributes & 2)? "ebcdic"
- : "binary")); /* changed to accept EBCDIC */
- #ifdef ATARI
- printf(" external file attributes (hex): %.8lxn",
- G.crec.external_file_attributes);
- #endif
- xattr = (ush)((G.crec.external_file_attributes >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
- if (hostnum == VMS_) {
- char *p=attribs, *q=attribs+1;
- int i, j, k;
- for (k = 0; k < 12; ++k)
- workspace[k] = 0;
- if (xattr & VMS_IRUSR)
- workspace[0] = 'R';
- if (xattr & VMS_IWUSR) {
- workspace[1] = 'W';
- workspace[3] = 'D';
- }
- if (xattr & VMS_IXUSR)
- workspace[2] = 'E';
- if (xattr & VMS_IRGRP)
- workspace[4] = 'R';
- if (xattr & VMS_IWGRP) {
- workspace[5] = 'W';
- workspace[7] = 'D';
- }
- if (xattr & VMS_IXGRP)
- workspace[6] = 'E';
- if (xattr & VMS_IROTH)
- workspace[8] = 'R';
- if (xattr & VMS_IWOTH) {
- workspace[9] = 'W';
- workspace[11] = 'D';
- }
- if (xattr & VMS_IXOTH)
- workspace[10] = 'E';
- *p++ = '(';
- for (k = j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { /* loop over groups of permissions */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++k) /* loop over perms within a group */
- if (workspace[k])
- *p++ = workspace[k];
- *p++ = ','; /* group separator */
- if (j == 0)
- while ((*p++ = *q++) != ',')
- ; /* system, owner perms are same */
- }
- *p-- = 0;
- *p = ')'; /* overwrite last comma */
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(VMSFileAttributes), xattr,
- attribs));
- } else if (hostnum == AMIGA_) {
- switch (xattr & AMI_IFMT) {
- case AMI_IFDIR: attribs[0] = 'd'; break;
- case AMI_IFREG: attribs[0] = '-'; break;
- default: attribs[0] = '?'; break;
- }
- attribs[1] = (xattr & AMI_IHIDDEN)? 'h' : '-';
- attribs[2] = (xattr & AMI_ISCRIPT)? 's' : '-';
- attribs[3] = (xattr & AMI_IPURE)? 'p' : '-';
- attribs[4] = (xattr & AMI_IARCHIVE)? 'a' : '-';
- attribs[5] = (xattr & AMI_IREAD)? 'r' : '-';
- attribs[6] = (xattr & AMI_IWRITE)? 'w' : '-';
- attribs[7] = (xattr & AMI_IEXECUTE)? 'e' : '-';
- attribs[8] = (xattr & AMI_IDELETE)? 'd' : '-';
- attribs[9] = 0; /* better dlm the string */
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(AmigaFileAttributes),
- xattr, attribs));
- } else if ((hostnum != FS_FAT_) && (hostnum != FS_HPFS_) &&
- (hostnum != FS_NTFS_) && (hostnum != FS_VFAT_) &&
- (hostnum != ACORN_) &&
- (hostnum != VM_CMS_) && (hostnum != MVS_))
- { /* assume Unix-like */
- switch ((unsigned)(xattr & UNX_IFMT)) {
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFDIR: attribs[0] = 'd'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFREG: attribs[0] = '-'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFLNK: attribs[0] = 'l'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFBLK: attribs[0] = 'b'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFCHR: attribs[0] = 'c'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFIFO: attribs[0] = 'p'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFSOCK: attribs[0] = 's'; break;
- default: attribs[0] = '?'; break;
- }
- attribs[1] = (xattr & UNX_IRUSR)? 'r' : '-';
- attribs[4] = (xattr & UNX_IRGRP)? 'r' : '-';
- attribs[7] = (xattr & UNX_IROTH)? 'r' : '-';
- attribs[2] = (xattr & UNX_IWUSR)? 'w' : '-';
- attribs[5] = (xattr & UNX_IWGRP)? 'w' : '-';
- attribs[8] = (xattr & UNX_IWOTH)? 'w' : '-';
- if (xattr & UNX_IXUSR)
- attribs[3] = (xattr & UNX_ISUID)? 's' : 'x';
- else
- attribs[3] = (xattr & UNX_ISUID)? 'S' : '-'; /* S = undefined */
- if (xattr & UNX_IXGRP)
- attribs[6] = (xattr & UNX_ISGID)? 's' : 'x'; /* == UNX_ENFMT */
- else
- attribs[6] = (xattr & UNX_ISGID)? 'l' : '-';
- if (xattr & UNX_IXOTH)
- attribs[9] = (xattr & UNX_ISVTX)? 't' : 'x'; /* "sticky bit" */
- else
- attribs[9] = (xattr & UNX_ISVTX)? 'T' : '-'; /* T = undefined */
- attribs[10] = 0;
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(UnixFileAttributes), xattr,
- attribs));
- } else {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(NonMSDOSFileAttributes),
- G.crec.external_file_attributes >> 8));
- } /* endif (hostnum: external attributes format) */
- if ((xattr=(ush)(G.crec.external_file_attributes & 0xFF)) == 0)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MSDOSFileAttributes),
- xattr));
- else if (xattr == 1)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MSDOSFileAttributesRO),
- xattr));
- else
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MSDOSFileAttributesAlpha),
- xattr, (xattr&1)? "rdo " : nullStr,
- (xattr&2)? "hid " : nullStr,
- (xattr&4)? "sys " : nullStr,
- (xattr&8)? "lab " : nullStr,
- (xattr&16)? "dir " : nullStr,
- (xattr&32)? "arc" : nullStr));
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Analyze the extra field, if any, and print the file comment, if any (the
- filename has already been printed, above). That finishes up this file
- entry...
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if (G.crec.extra_field_length > 0) {
- uch *ef_ptr = G.extra_field;
- ush ef_len = G.crec.extra_field_length;
- ush eb_id, eb_datalen;
- ZCONST char Far *ef_fieldname;
- if (error_in_archive > PK_WARN) /* fatal: can't continue */
- /* delayed "fatal error" return from extra field reading */
- return error;
- if (G.extra_field == (uch *)NULL)
- return PK_ERR; /* not consistent with crec length */
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ExtraFields)));
- while (ef_len >= EB_HEADSIZE) {
- eb_id = makeword(&ef_ptr[EB_ID]);
- eb_datalen = makeword(&ef_ptr[EB_LEN]);
- ef_ptr += EB_HEADSIZE;
- ef_len -= EB_HEADSIZE;
- if (eb_datalen > (ush)ef_len) {
- Info(slide, 0x421, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(ExtraFieldTrunc), eb_id, eb_datalen, ef_len));
- eb_datalen = ef_len;
- }
- switch (eb_id) {
- case EF_AV:
- ef_fieldname = efAV;
- break;
- case EF_OS2:
- ef_fieldname = efOS2;
- break;
- case EF_ACL:
- ef_fieldname = efACL;
- break;
- case EF_NTSD:
- ef_fieldname = efNTSD;
- break;
- case EF_PKVMS:
- ef_fieldname = efPKVMS;
- break;
- case EF_IZVMS:
- ef_fieldname = efIZVMS;
- break;
- case EF_PKW32:
- ef_fieldname = efPKWin32;
- break;
- case EF_PKUNIX:
- ef_fieldname = efPKUnix;
- break;
- case EF_IZUNIX:
- ef_fieldname = efIZUnix;
- if (G.crec.version_made_by[1] == UNIX_ && *pEndprev > 0L)
- *pEndprev += 4L; /* also have UID/GID in local copy */
- break;
- case EF_IZUNIX2:
- ef_fieldname = efIZUnix2;
- if (*pEndprev > 0L)
- *pEndprev += 4L; /* 4 byte UID/GID in local copy */
- break;
- case EF_TIME:
- ef_fieldname = efTime;
- break;
- case EF_MAC3:
- ef_fieldname = efMac3;
- break;
- case EF_JLMAC:
- ef_fieldname = efJLMac;
- break;
- case EF_ZIPIT:
- ef_fieldname = efZipIt;
- break;
- case EF_ZIPIT2:
- ef_fieldname = efZipIt2;
- break;
- case EF_VMCMS:
- ef_fieldname = efVMCMS;
- break;
- case EF_MVS:
- ef_fieldname = efMVS;
- break;
- case EF_BEOS:
- ef_fieldname = efBeOS;
- break;
- case EF_QDOS:
- ef_fieldname = efQDOS;
- break;
- case EF_AOSVS:
- ef_fieldname = efAOSVS;
- break;
- case EF_SPARK: /* from RISC OS */
- ef_fieldname = efSpark;
- break;
- case EF_MD5:
- ef_fieldname = efMD5;
- break;
- case EF_ASIUNIX:
- ef_fieldname = efASiUnix;
- break;
- default:
- ef_fieldname = efUnknown;
- break;
- }
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(ExtraFieldType),
- eb_id, LoadFarStringSmall(ef_fieldname), eb_datalen));
- /* additional, field-specific information: */
- switch (eb_id) {
- case EF_OS2:
- case EF_ACL:
- if (eb_datalen >= EB_OS2_HLEN) {
- if (eb_id == EF_OS2)
- ef_fieldname = OS2EAs;
- else
- ef_fieldname = ACLdata;
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(ef_fieldname), makelong(ef_ptr)));
- *pEndprev = 0L; /* no clue about csize of local */
- }
- break;
- case EF_NTSD:
- if (eb_datalen >= EB_NTSD_C_LEN) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(NTSDData),
- makelong(ef_ptr)));
- *pEndprev = 0L; /* no clue about csize of local */
- }
- break;
- case EF_IZVMS:
- if (eb_datalen >= 8) {
- char *p, q[8];
- int compr = makeword(ef_ptr+4) & 7;
- *q = '';
- if (compr > 3)
- compr = 3;
- if (strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "VFAB", 4) == 0)
- p = "FAB";
- else if (strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "VALL", 4) == 0)
- p = "XABALL";
- else if (strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "VFHC", 4) == 0)
- p = "XABFHC";
- else if (strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "VDAT", 4) == 0)
- p = "XABDAT";
- else if (strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "VRDT", 4) == 0)
- p = "XABRDT";
- else if (strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "VPRO", 4) == 0)
- p = "XABPRO";
- else if (strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "VKEY", 4) == 0)
- p = "XABKEY";
- else if (strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "VMSV", 4) == 0) {
- p = "version";
- if (eb_datalen >= 16) {
- q[0] = ' ';
- q[1] = '(';
- strncpy(q+2, (char *)ef_ptr+12, 4);
- q[6] = ')';
- q[7] = '';
- }
- } else
- p = "version";
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(izVMSdata),
- LoadFarStringSmall(izVMScomp[compr]),
- makeword(ef_ptr+6), p, q));
- }
- break;
- case EF_TIME:
- if (eb_datalen >= 1) {
- char types[80];
- int num = 0, len;
- *types = '';
- if (*ef_ptr & 1) {
- strcpy(types, LoadFarString(UTmodification));
- ++num;
- }
- if (*ef_ptr & 2) {
- len = strlen(types);
- if (num)
- types[len++] = '/';
- strcpy(types+len, LoadFarString(UTaccess));
- ++num;
- if (*pEndprev > 0L)
- *pEndprev += 4L;
- }
- if (*ef_ptr & 4) {
- len = strlen(types);
- if (num)
- types[len++] = '/';
- strcpy(types+len, LoadFarString(UTcreation));
- ++num;
- if (*pEndprev > 0L)
- *pEndprev += 4L;
- }
- if (num > 0)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(UTdata), types,
- num == 1? nullStr : "s"));
- }
- break;
- case EF_MAC3:
- if (eb_datalen >= EB_MAC3_HLEN) {
- ulg eb_uc = makelong(ef_ptr);
- unsigned mac3_flgs = makeword(ef_ptr+EB_FLGS_OFFS);
- unsigned eb_is_uc = mac3_flgs & EB_M3_FL_UNCMPR;
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(Mac3data),
- eb_uc, eb_is_uc ? "un" : nullStr));
- if (eb_is_uc) {
- if (*pEndprev > 0L)
- *pEndprev += makelong(ef_ptr);
- } else {
- *pEndprev = 0L; /* no clue about csize of local */
- }
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(MacOSMAC3flags),
- LoadFarStringSmall(mac3_flgs & EB_M3_FL_DATFRK ?
- MacOS_DF : MacOS_RF),
- (mac3_flgs & EB_M3_FL_TIME64 ? 64 : 32)));
- zi_showMacTypeCreator(__G__ &ef_ptr[6]);
- }
- break;
- case EF_ZIPIT2:
- if (eb_datalen >= 5 &&
- strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "ZPIT", 4) == 0) {
- if (eb_datalen >= 12) {
- zi_showMacTypeCreator(__G__ &ef_ptr[4]);
- }
- }
- case EF_ZIPIT:
- if (eb_datalen >= 5 &&
- strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "ZPIT", 4) == 0) {
- unsigned fnlen = ef_ptr[4];
- if (eb_datalen >= fnlen + (5 + 8)) {
- uch nullchar = ef_ptr[fnlen+5];
- ef_ptr[fnlen+5] = ''; /* terminate filename */
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(ZipItFname), (char *)ef_ptr+5));
- ef_ptr[fnlen+5] = nullchar;
- zi_showMacTypeCreator(__G__ &ef_ptr[fnlen+5]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case EF_JLMAC:
- if (eb_datalen >= 40 &&
- strncmp((char *)ef_ptr, "JLEE", 4) == 0)
- {
- zi_showMacTypeCreator(__G__ &ef_ptr[4]);
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(MacOSJLEEflags),
- LoadFarStringSmall(ef_ptr[31] & 1 ?
- MacOS_DF : MacOS_RF)));
- }
- break;
- #ifdef CMS_MVS
- case EF_VMCMS:
- case EF_MVS:
- {
- char type[100];
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(VmMvsExtraField),
- (getVMMVSexfield(type, ef_ptr-EB_HEADSIZE,
- (unsigned)eb_datalen) > 0)?
- type : LoadFarStringSmall(VmMvsInvalid)));
- }
- break;
- #endif /* CMS_MVS */
- case EF_BEOS:
- if (eb_datalen >= EB_BEOS_HLEN) {
- ulg eb_uc = makelong(ef_ptr);
- unsigned eb_is_uc =
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(BeOSdata),
- eb_uc, eb_is_uc ? "un" : nullStr));
- if (eb_is_uc) {
- if (*pEndprev > 0L)
- *pEndprev += makelong(ef_ptr);
- } else {
- *pEndprev = 0L; /* no clue about csize of local */
- }
- }
- break;
- case EF_QDOS:
- if (eb_datalen >= 4) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(QDOSdata),
- ef_ptr[0], ef_ptr[1], ef_ptr[2], ef_ptr[3]));
- }
- break;
- case EF_AOSVS:
- if (eb_datalen >= 5) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(AOSVSdata),
- ((int)(uch)ef_ptr[4])/10, ((int)(uch)ef_ptr[4])%10));
- }
- break;
- case EF_MD5:
- if (eb_datalen >= 19) {
- char md5[33];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
- sprintf(&md5[i<<1], "%02x", ef_ptr[15-i]);
- md5[32] = '';
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MD5data),
- md5));
- break;
- } /* else: fall through !! */
- default:
- if (eb_datalen > 0) {
- ush i, n;
- if (eb_datalen <= 24) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(ColonIndent)));
- n = eb_datalen;
- } else {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(First20)));
- n = 20;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
- LoadFarString(efFormat), ef_ptr[i]));
- }
- break;
- }
- (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, (uch *)".", 1L, 0);
- ef_ptr += eb_datalen;
- ef_len -= eb_datalen;
- }
- (*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, (uch *)"n", 1L, 0);
- }
- /* high bit == Unix/OS2/NT GMT times (mtime, atime); next bit == UID/GID */
- if ((xattr = (ush)((G.crec.external_file_attributes & 0xC000) >> 12)) & 8)
- {
- if (hostnum == UNIX_ || hostnum == FS_HPFS_ || hostnum == FS_NTFS_)
- {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(lExtraFieldType),
- "is", EF_IZUNIX, LoadFarStringSmall(efIZUnix),
- (unsigned)(xattr&12), (xattr&4)? efIZuid : efIZnouid));
- if (*pEndprev > 0L)
- *pEndprev += (ulg)(xattr&12);
- }
- else if (hostnum == FS_FAT_ && !(xattr&4))
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(lExtraFieldType),
- "may be", EF_IZUNIX, LoadFarStringSmall(efIZUnix), 8,
- efIZnouid));
- }
- if (!G.crec.file_comment_length)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(NoFileComment)));
- else {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FileCommBegin)));
- if ((error = do_string(__G__ G.crec.file_comment_length, DISPL_8)) !=
- {
- error_in_archive = error; /* might be warning */
- if (error > PK_WARN) /* fatal */
- return error;
- }
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(FileCommEnd)));
- }
- return error_in_archive;
- } /* end function zi_long() */
- /*************************/
- /* Function zi_short() */
- /*************************/
- static int zi_short(__G) /* return PK-type error code */
- __GDEF
- {
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- iztimes z_utime;
- time_t *z_modtim;
- #endif
- int k, error, error_in_archive=PK_COOL;
- ush methnum, hostnum, hostver, xattr;
- char *p, workspace[12], attribs[16];
- char methbuf[5];
- static ZCONST char dtype[5]="NXFS"; /* normal, maximum, fast, superfast */
- static ZCONST char Far os[NUM_HOSTS+1][4] = {
- "fat", "ami", "vms", "unx", "cms", "atr", "hpf", "mac", "zzz",
- "cpm", "t20", "ntf", "qds", "aco", "vft", "mvs", "be ", "nsk",
- "???"
- };
- static ZCONST char Far method[NUM_METHODS+1][5] = {
- "stor", "shrk", "re:1", "re:2", "re:3", "re:4", "i#:#", "tokn",
- "def#", "edef", "dcli", "u###"
- };
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Print out various interesting things about the compressed file.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- methnum = (ush)MIN(G.crec.compression_method, NUM_METHODS);
- hostnum = (ush)(G.pInfo->hostnum);
- hostver = G.crec.version_made_by[0];
- /*
- extnum = MIN(G.crec.version_needed_to_extract[1], NUM_HOSTS);
- extver = G.crec.version_needed_to_extract[0];
- */
- zfstrcpy(methbuf, method[methnum]);
- if (methnum == IMPLODED) {
- methbuf[1] = (char)((G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 2)? '8' : '4');
- methbuf[3] = (char)((G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 4)? '3' : '2');
- } else if (methnum == DEFLATED) {
- ush dnum=(ush)((G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag>>1) & 3);
- methbuf[3] = dtype[dnum];
- } else if (methnum >= NUM_METHODS) { /* unknown */
- sprintf(&methbuf[1], "%03u", G.crec.compression_method);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < 15; ++k)
- attribs[k] = ' ';
- attribs[15] = 0;
- xattr = (ush)((G.crec.external_file_attributes >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
- switch (hostnum) {
- case VMS_:
- { int i, j;
- for (k = 0; k < 12; ++k)
- workspace[k] = 0;
- if (xattr & VMS_IRUSR)
- workspace[0] = 'R';
- if (xattr & VMS_IWUSR) {
- workspace[1] = 'W';
- workspace[3] = 'D';
- }
- if (xattr & VMS_IXUSR)
- workspace[2] = 'E';
- if (xattr & VMS_IRGRP)
- workspace[4] = 'R';
- if (xattr & VMS_IWGRP) {
- workspace[5] = 'W';
- workspace[7] = 'D';
- }
- if (xattr & VMS_IXGRP)
- workspace[6] = 'E';
- if (xattr & VMS_IROTH)
- workspace[8] = 'R';
- if (xattr & VMS_IWOTH) {
- workspace[9] = 'W';
- workspace[11] = 'D';
- }
- if (xattr & VMS_IXOTH)
- workspace[10] = 'E';
- p = attribs;
- for (k = j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { /* groups of permissions */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++k) /* perms within a group */
- if (workspace[k])
- *p++ = workspace[k];
- *p++ = ','; /* group separator */
- }
- *--p = ' '; /* overwrite last comma */
- if ((p - attribs) < 12)
- sprintf(&attribs[12], "%d.%d", hostver/10, hostver%10);
- }
- break;
- case FS_FAT_:
- case FS_HPFS_:
- case FS_NTFS_:
- case VM_CMS_:
- case FS_VFAT_:
- case MVS_:
- case ACORN_:
- xattr = (ush)(G.crec.external_file_attributes & 0xFF);
- sprintf(attribs, ".r.-... %d.%d", hostver/10, hostver%10);
- attribs[2] = (xattr & 0x01)? '-' : 'w';
- attribs[5] = (xattr & 0x02)? 'h' : '-';
- attribs[6] = (xattr & 0x04)? 's' : '-';
- attribs[4] = (xattr & 0x20)? 'a' : '-';
- if (xattr & 0x10) {
- attribs[0] = 'd';
- attribs[3] = 'x';
- } else
- attribs[0] = '-';
- if (IS_VOLID(xattr))
- attribs[0] = 'V';
- else if ((p = strrchr(G.filename, '.')) != (char *)NULL) {
- ++p;
- if (STRNICMP(p, "com", 3) == 0 || STRNICMP(p, "exe", 3) == 0 ||
- STRNICMP(p, "btm", 3) == 0 || STRNICMP(p, "cmd", 3) == 0 ||
- STRNICMP(p, "bat", 3) == 0)
- attribs[3] = 'x';
- }
- break;
- case AMIGA_:
- switch (xattr & AMI_IFMT) {
- case AMI_IFDIR: attribs[0] = 'd'; break;
- case AMI_IFREG: attribs[0] = '-'; break;
- default: attribs[0] = '?'; break;
- }
- attribs[1] = (xattr & AMI_IHIDDEN)? 'h' : '-';
- attribs[2] = (xattr & AMI_ISCRIPT)? 's' : '-';
- attribs[3] = (xattr & AMI_IPURE)? 'p' : '-';
- attribs[4] = (xattr & AMI_IARCHIVE)? 'a' : '-';
- attribs[5] = (xattr & AMI_IREAD)? 'r' : '-';
- attribs[6] = (xattr & AMI_IWRITE)? 'w' : '-';
- attribs[7] = (xattr & AMI_IEXECUTE)? 'e' : '-';
- attribs[8] = (xattr & AMI_IDELETE)? 'd' : '-';
- sprintf(&attribs[12], "%d.%d", hostver/10, hostver%10);
- break;
- default: /* assume Unix-like */
- switch ((unsigned)(xattr & UNX_IFMT)) {
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFDIR: attribs[0] = 'd'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFREG: attribs[0] = '-'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFLNK: attribs[0] = 'l'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFBLK: attribs[0] = 'b'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFCHR: attribs[0] = 'c'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFIFO: attribs[0] = 'p'; break;
- case (unsigned)UNX_IFSOCK: attribs[0] = 's'; break;
- default: attribs[0] = '?'; break;
- }
- attribs[1] = (xattr & UNX_IRUSR)? 'r' : '-';
- attribs[4] = (xattr & UNX_IRGRP)? 'r' : '-';
- attribs[7] = (xattr & UNX_IROTH)? 'r' : '-';
- attribs[2] = (xattr & UNX_IWUSR)? 'w' : '-';
- attribs[5] = (xattr & UNX_IWGRP)? 'w' : '-';
- attribs[8] = (xattr & UNX_IWOTH)? 'w' : '-';
- if (xattr & UNX_IXUSR)
- attribs[3] = (xattr & UNX_ISUID)? 's' : 'x';
- else
- attribs[3] = (xattr & UNX_ISUID)? 'S' : '-'; /* S==undefined */
- if (xattr & UNX_IXGRP)
- attribs[6] = (xattr & UNX_ISGID)? 's' : 'x'; /* == UNX_ENFMT */
- else
- /* attribs[6] = (xattr & UNX_ISGID)? 'l' : '-'; real 4.3BSD */
- attribs[6] = (xattr & UNX_ISGID)? 'S' : '-'; /* SunOS 4.1.x */
- if (xattr & UNX_IXOTH)
- attribs[9] = (xattr & UNX_ISVTX)? 't' : 'x'; /* "sticky bit" */
- else
- attribs[9] = (xattr & UNX_ISVTX)? 'T' : '-'; /* T==undefined */
- sprintf(&attribs[12], "%d.%d", hostver/10, hostver%10);
- break;
- } /* end switch (hostnum: external attributes format) */
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "%s %s %8lu ", attribs,
- LoadFarStringSmall(os[hostnum]), G.crec.ucsize));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "%c",
- (G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 1)?
- ((G.crec.internal_file_attributes & 1)? 'T' : 'B') : /* encrypted */
- ((G.crec.internal_file_attributes & 1)? 't' : 'b'))); /* plaintext */
- k = (G.crec.extra_field_length ||
- /* a local-only "UX" (old Unix/OS2/NT GMT times "IZUNIX") e.f.? */
- ((G.crec.external_file_attributes & 0x8000) &&
- (hostnum == UNIX_ || hostnum == FS_HPFS_ || hostnum == FS_NTFS_)));
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "%c", k?
- ((G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 8)? 'X' : 'x') : /* extra field */
- ((G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 8)? 'l' : '-'))); /* no extra field */
- /* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ extended local header or not */
- if (uO.lflag == 4) {
- ulg csiz = G.crec.csize;
- if (G.crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 1)
- csiz -= 12; /* if encrypted, don't count encryption header */
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "%3d%%",
- (ratio(G.crec.ucsize,csiz)+5)/10));
- } else if (uO.lflag == 5)
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, " %8lu", G.crec.csize));
- /* Read the extra field, if any. The extra field info may be used
- * in the file modification time section, below.
- */
- if ((error = do_string(__G__ G.crec.extra_field_length, EXTRA_FIELD)) != 0)
- {
- if (G.extra_field != NULL) {
- free(G.extra_field);
- G.extra_field = NULL;
- }
- error_in_archive = error;
- /* We do not return prematurely in case of a "fatal" error (PK_EOF).
- * This does not hurt here, because we do not need to read from the
- * zipfile again before the end of this function.
- */
- }
- /* For printing of date & time, a "char d_t_buf[16]" is required.
- * To save stack space, we reuse the "char attribs[16]" buffer whose
- * content is no longer needed.
- */
- # define d_t_buf attribs
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- z_modtim = G.extra_field &&
- #ifdef IZ_CHECK_TZ
- G.tz_is_valid &&
- #endif
- (ef_scan_for_izux(G.extra_field, G.crec.extra_field_length, 1,
- G.crec.last_mod_dos_datetime, &z_utime, NULL)
- ? &z_utime.mtime : NULL;
- TIMET_TO_NATIVE(z_utime.mtime) /* NOP unless MSC 7.0 or Macintosh */
- d_t_buf[0] = (char)0; /* signal "show local time" */
- #else
- # define z_modtim NULL
- #endif
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, " %s %s ", methbuf,
- zi_time(__G__ &G.crec.last_mod_dos_datetime, z_modtim, d_t_buf)));
- fnprint(__G);
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Skip the file comment, if any (the filename has already been printed,
- above). That finishes up this file entry...
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- SKIP_(G.crec.file_comment_length)
- return error_in_archive;
- } /* end function zi_short() */
- /**************************************/
- /* Function zi_showMacTypeCreator() */
- /**************************************/
- static void zi_showMacTypeCreator(__G__ ebfield)
- __GDEF
- uch *ebfield;
- {
- /* not every Type / Creator character is printable */
- if (isprint(ebfield[0]) && isprint(ebfield[1]) &&
- isprint(ebfield[2]) && isprint(ebfield[3]) &&
- isprint(ebfield[4]) && isprint(ebfield[5]) &&
- isprint(ebfield[6]) && isprint(ebfield[7])) {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MacOSdata),
- ebfield[0], ebfield[1], ebfield[2], ebfield[3],
- ebfield[4], ebfield[5], ebfield[6], ebfield[7]));
- } else {
- Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, LoadFarString(MacOSdata1),
- (((ulg)ebfield[0]) << 24) +
- (((ulg)ebfield[1]) << 16) +
- (((ulg)ebfield[2]) << 8) +
- ((ulg)ebfield[3]),
- (((ulg)ebfield[4]) << 24) +
- (((ulg)ebfield[5]) << 16) +
- (((ulg)ebfield[6]) << 8) +
- ((ulg)ebfield[7])));
- }
- } /* end function zi_showMacTypeCreator() */
- /************************/
- /* Function zi_time() */
- /************************/
- static char *zi_time(__G__ datetimez, modtimez, d_t_str)
- __GDEF
- ZCONST ulg *datetimez;
- ZCONST time_t *modtimez;
- char *d_t_str;
- {
- unsigned yr, mo, dy, hh, mm, ss;
- char monthbuf[4];
- ZCONST char *monthstr;
- static ZCONST char Far month[12][4] = {
- "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
- };
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- struct tm *t;
- #endif
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Convert the file-modification date and time info to a string of the form
- "1991 Feb 23 17:15:00", "23-Feb-91 17:15" or "19910223.171500", depending
- on values of lflag and T_flag. If using Unix-time extra fields, convert
- to local time or not, depending on value of first character in d_t_str[].
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifdef USE_EF_UT_TIME
- if (modtimez != NULL) {
- #ifndef NO_GMTIME
- /* check for our secret message from above... */
- t = (d_t_str[0] == (char)1)? gmtime(modtimez) : localtime(modtimez);
- #else
- t = localtime(modtimez);
- #endif
- if (uO.lflag > 9 && t == (struct tm *)NULL)
- /* time conversion error in verbose listing format,
- * return string with '?' instead of data
- */
- return (strcpy(d_t_str, LoadFarString(YMDHMSTimeError)));
- } else
- t = (struct tm *)NULL;
- if (t != (struct tm *)NULL) {
- mo = (unsigned)(t->tm_mon + 1);
- dy = (unsigned)(t->tm_mday);
- yr = (unsigned)(t->tm_year);
- hh = (unsigned)(t->tm_hour);
- mm = (unsigned)(t->tm_min);
- ss = (unsigned)(t->tm_sec);
- } else
- #endif /* USE_EF_UT_TIME */
- {
- yr = ((unsigned)(*datetimez >> 25) & 0x7f) + 80;
- mo = ((unsigned)(*datetimez >> 21) & 0x0f);
- dy = ((unsigned)(*datetimez >> 16) & 0x1f);
- hh = (((unsigned)*datetimez >> 11) & 0x1f);
- mm = (((unsigned)*datetimez >> 5) & 0x3f);
- ss = (((unsigned)*datetimez << 1) & 0x3e);
- }
- if (mo == 0 || mo > 12) {
- sprintf(monthbuf, LoadFarString(BogusFmt), mo);
- monthstr = monthbuf;
- } else
- monthstr = LoadFarStringSmall(month[mo-1]);
- if (uO.lflag > 9) /* verbose listing format */
- sprintf(d_t_str, LoadFarString(YMDHMSTime), yr+1900, monthstr, dy, hh,
- mm, ss);
- else if (uO.T_flag)
- sprintf(d_t_str, LoadFarString(DecimalTime), yr+1900, mo, dy, hh, mm,
- ss);
- else /* was: if ((uO.lflag >= 3) && (uO.lflag <= 5)) */
- sprintf(d_t_str, LoadFarString(DMYHMTime), dy, monthstr, yr%100, hh,
- mm);
- return d_t_str;
- } /* end function zi_time() */
- #endif /* !NO_ZIPINFO */