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资源名称:unzip540.zip [点击查看]
- This is the README file for the 28 November 1998 public release of the
- Info-ZIP group's portable UnZip zipfile-extraction program (and related
- utilities).
- unzip540.zip portable UnZip, version 5.4, source code distribution
- unzip540.tar.Z same as above, but compress'd tar format
- unzip540.tar.gz same as above, but gzip'd tar format
- __________________________________________________________________________
- BEFORE YOU ASK: UnZip, its companion utility Zip, and related utilities
- and support files can be found in many places; read the file "WHERE" for
- further details. To contact the authors with suggestions, bug reports,
- or fixes, continue reading this file (README) and, if this is part of a
- source distribution, the file "ZipPorts" in the proginfo directory. Also
- in source distributions: read "BUGS" for a list of known bugs, non-bugs
- and possible future bugs; INSTALL for instructions on how to build UnZip;
- and "Contents" for a commented listing of all the distributed files.
- __________________________________________________________________________
- ------------
- UnZip is an extraction utility for archives compressed in .zip format (also
- called "zipfiles"). Although highly compatible both with PKWARE's PKZIP
- and PKUNZIP utilities for MS-DOS and with Info-ZIP's own Zip program, our
- primary objectives have been portability and non-MSDOS functionality.
- This version of UnZip has been ported to a stupendous array of hardware--
- from micros to supercomputers--and operating systems: Unix (many flavors),
- VMS, OS/2 (including DLL version), Windows NT and Windows 95 (including DLL
- version), Windows CE (GUI version), Windows 3.x (including DLL version),
- MS-DOS, AmigaDOS, Atari TOS, Acorn RISC OS, BeOS, Macintosh (GUI version),
- SMS/QDOS, MVS, VM/CMS, FlexOS, Tandem NSK, Human68k (mostly), AOS/VS (partly)
- and TOPS-20 (partly). UnZip features not found in PKUNZIP include source
- code; default extraction of directory trees (with a switch to defeat this,
- rather than the reverse); system-specific extended file attributes; and, of
- course, the ability to run under most of your favorite operating systems.
- Plus, it's free. :-)
- For source distributions, see the main Contents file for a list of what's
- included, and read INSTALL for instructions on compiling (including OS-
- specific comments). The individual operating systems' Contents files (for
- example, vms/Contents) may list important compilation info in addition to
- explaining what files are what, so be sure to read them. Some of the ports
- have their own, special README files, so be sure to look for those, too.
- See unzip.1 or unzip.doc for usage (or the corresponding UnZipSFX, ZipInfo,
- fUnZip and ZipGrep docs). For VMS, unzip_def.rnh or unzip_cli.help may be
- compiled into unzip.hlp and installed as a normal VMS help entry; see
- vms/descrip.mms.
- ------------------------
- The 5.4 release adds new ports, again. Other important items are changes
- to the listing format, new supplemental features and several bug fixes
- (especially concerning time-stamp handling...):
- - new IBM OS/390 port, a UNIX derivate (POSIX with EBCDIC charset)
- - complete revision of the MacOS port
- - changed listing formats to enlarge the file size fields for more digits
- - added capability to restore directory attributes on MSDOS, OS/2, WIN32
- - enabled support of symbolic links on BeOS
- - Unix: optional Acorn filetype support, useful for volumes exported via NFS
- - several changes/additions to the DLL API
- - GUI SFX stub for Win16 (Windows 3.1) and Win32 (Windows 9x, Windows NT)
- - new free GCC compiler environments supported on WIN32
- - many time-zone handling bug fixes for WIN32, AMIGA, ...
- The 5.32 release adds two new ports and a fix for at least one relatively
- serious bug:
- - new FlexOS port
- - new Tandem NSK port
- - new Visual BASIC support (compatibility with the Windows DLLs)
- - new -T option (set zipfile timestamp) for virtually all ports
- - fix for timestamps beyond 2038 (e.g., 2097; crashed under DOS/Win95/NT)
- - fix for undetected "dangling" symbolic links (i.e., no pointee)
- - fix for VMS indexed-file extraction problem (stored with Zip 2.0 or 2.1)
- - further performance optimizations
- The 5.31 release included nothing but small bug-fixes and typo corrections,
- with the exception of some minor performance tweaks.
- The 5.3 release added still more ports and more cross-platform portability
- features:
- - new BeOS port
- - new SMS/QDOS port
- - new Windows CE graphical port
- - VM/CMS port fully updated and tested
- - MVS port fully updated and tested
- - updated Windows DLL port, with WiZ GUI spun off to a separate package
- - full Universal Time (UTC or GMT) support for trans-timezone consistency
- - cross-platform support for 8-bit characters (ISO Latin-1, OEM code pages)
- - support for NT security descriptors (ACLs)
- - support for overwriting OS/2 directory EAs if -o option given
- - updated Solaris/SVR4 package facility
- What is (still!) not added is multi-part archive support (a.k.a. "diskette
- spanning") and a unified and more powerful DLL interface. These are the
- two highest priorities for the 6.x releases. Work on the former is almost
- certain to have commenced by the time you read this. This time we mean it!
- You betcha. :-)
- Although the DLLs are still basically a mess, the Windows DLLs (16- and 32-
- bit) now have some documentation and a small example application. Note that
- they should now be compatible with C/C++, Visual BASIC and Delphi. Weirder
- languages (FoxBase, etc.) are probably Right Out.
- Finally, note that support for unshrinking has now been turned OFF by default,
- although the source code is still available (as with unreducing). This was
- done for legal reasons, not technical ones, and no, we're not any happier
- about it than you are. :-( See the COPYING file for details.
- ------------------
- Info-ZIP's web site is at http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ and contains the
- most up-to-date information about coming releases, links to binaries, and
- common problems. (See http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/FAQ.html for the
- latter.) Files may also be retrieved via ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ .
- Thanks to Walnut Creek CD-ROM for hosting our primary site.
- ------------
- If you have a question regarding redistribution of Info-ZIP software, either
- as is, as packaging for a commercial product, or as an integral part of a
- commercial product, please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section
- of the included COPYING file.
- Insofar as C compilers are rare on some platforms and the authors only have
- direct access to a subset of the supported systems, others may wish to pro-
- vide ready-to-run executables for new systems. In general there is no prob-
- lem with this; we require only that such distributions include this README
- file, the WHERE file, the COPYING file (contains copyright/redistribution
- information), and the appropriate documentation files (unzip.doc and/or
- unzip.1 for UnZip, etc.). If the local system provides a way to make self-
- extracting archives in which both the executables and text files can be
- stored together, that's best (in particular, use UnZipSFX if at all possible,
- even if it's a few kilobytes bigger than the alternatives); otherwise we
- suggest a bare UnZip executable and a separate zipfile containing the re-
- maining text and binary files. If another archiving method is in common
- use on the target system (for example, Zoo or LHa), that may also be used.
- ----------------------------------------
- All bug reports and patches (context diffs only, please!) should go to
- Zip-Bugs@lists.wku.edu, which is the e-mail address for the Info-ZIP
- authors. (Note that a few rare systems require the Zip-Bugs part to be
- capitalized as shown; most systems work OK with lowercase "zip-bugs,"
- however.) DO NOT MAIL US LARGE BINARIES--EVER. If you need to send us
- a problem archive that happens to be large (> 20K), contact us first for
- instructions.
- "Dumb questions" that aren't adequately answered in the documentation
- should also be directed to Zip-Bugs rather than to a global forum such
- as Usenet. (Kindly make certain that your question *isn't* answered by
- the documentation, however--a great deal of effort has gone into making
- it clear and complete.)
- Suggestions for new features can be discussed on Info-ZIP@lists.wku.edu,
- a mailing list for Info-ZIP beta testers and interested parties; you need
- to subscribe first, however (see below). We make no promises to act on all
- suggestions or even all patches, but if it is something that is manifestly
- useful, sending the required patches to Zip-Bugs directly (as per the
- instructions in the ZipPorts file) is likely to produce a quicker response
- than asking us to do it--the authors are always ridiculously short on time.
- (Please do NOT send patches or encoded zipfiles to the Info-ZIP list.
- Please DO read the ZipPorts file before sending any large patch. It would
- be difficult to over-emphasize this point...)
- If you are considering a port, not only should you read the ZipPorts file,
- but also please check in with Zip-Bugs BEFORE getting started, since the
- code is constantly being updated behind the scenes. (For example, VxWorks,
- VMOS and Netware ports were once claimed to be under construction, although
- we have yet to see any up-to-date patches.) We will arrange to send you the
- latest sources. The alternative is the possibility that your hard work will
- be tucked away in a subdirectory and mostly ignored, or completely ignored
- if someone else has already done the port (and you'd be surprised how often
- this has happened).
- -------------------------------
- If you'd like to keep up to date with our UnZip (and companion Zip utility)
- development, join the ranks of beta testers, add your own thoughts and con-
- tributions, or simply lurk, send a two-line mail message containing the
- commands HELP and LIST (on separate lines in the body of the message, not
- on the subject line) to mxserver@lists.wku.edu. You'll receive two messages
- listing the various Info-ZIP mailing-list formats that are available (and
- also various unrelated lists) and instructions on how to subscribe to one
- or more of them (courtesy of Hunter Goatley). As of 1997, subscribing to
- the announcements list required a command of the form
- SUBSCRIBE Info-ZIP-announce "Joe Isuzu"
- The discussion list is called Info-ZIP; it can be set for either normal or
- digest-style delivery.
- -- Greg Roelofs (sometimes known as Cave Newt), principal UnZip developer
- guy, with inspiration from David Kirschbaum, was Author of this text.
- -- Christian Spieler (shorthand: SPC), current UnZip maintance coordinator,
- applied the most recent changes.