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资源名称:unzip540.zip [点击查看]
- #ifndef _MACSTUFF_H
- #define _MACSTUFF_H 1
- /*
- These Functions are part of MoreFiles version 1.4.8
- More Files fixes many of the broken or underfunctional
- parts of the file system.
- MoreFiles
- A collection of File Manager and related routines
- by Jim Luther (Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support Emeritus)
- with significant code contributions by Nitin Ganatra
- (Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support Emeritus)
- Copyright 1992-1998 Apple Computer, Inc.
- Portions copyright 1995 Jim Luther
- All rights reserved.
- More Files can be found on the MetroWerks CD and Developer CD from
- Apple. You can also down load the latest version from:
- http://members.aol.com/JumpLong/MoreFiles_1.4.7.sit.hqx
- Jim Luther's Home-page:
- http://members.aol.com/JumpLong/
- I'm including the files in the Info-Zip project directly.
- (see macstuff.c / macstuff.h)
- */
- #include <Errors.h>
- #include <Files.h>
- /*
- * Like the MoreFiles routines these fix problems in the standard
- * Mac calls.
- */
- int FSpLocationFromPath (int length,const char *path, FSSpecPtr theSpec);
- OSErr FSpPathFromLocation (FSSpecPtr theSpec,int *length, Handle *fullPath);
- #define hasDesktopMgr(volParms) (((volParms).vMAttrib & (1L << bHasDesktopMgr)) != 0)
- /*
- * The following routines are utility functions. They are exported
- * here because they are needed and they are not officially supported,
- * however. The first set are from the MoreFiles package.
- */
- int FSpGetDefaultDir (FSSpecPtr theSpec);
- int FSpSetDefaultDir (FSSpecPtr dirSpec);
- pascal OSErr FSpGetDirectoryID(const FSSpec *spec,long *theDirID,
- Boolean *isDirectory);
- pascal short FSpOpenResFileCompat(const FSSpec *spec, SignedByte permission);
- pascal void FSpCreateResFileCompat(const FSSpec *spec,OSType creator,
- OSType fileType,
- ScriptCode scriptTag);
- OSErr FSpFindFolder (short vRefNum, OSType folderType,
- Boolean createFolder,
- FSSpec *spec);
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr GetVolumeInfoNoName(ConstStr255Param pathname,
- short vRefNum,
- HParmBlkPtr pb);
- /* Call PBHGetVInfoSync ignoring returned name.
- GetVolumeInfoNoName uses pathname and vRefNum to call PBHGetVInfoSync
- in cases where the returned volume name is not needed by the caller.
- The pathname and vRefNum parameters are not touched, and the pb
- parameter is initialized by PBHGetVInfoSync except that ioNamePtr in
- the parameter block is always returned as NULL (since it might point
- to GetVolumeInfoNoName's local variable tempPathname).
- I noticed using this code in several places, so here it is once.
- This reduces the code size of MoreFiles.
- pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you pass in a
- partial pathname, it is ignored. A full pathname to a
- volume must end with a colon character (:).
- vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number, working
- directory number, drive number, or 0).
- pb input: A pointer to HParamBlockRec.
- output: The parameter block as filled in by PBHGetVInfoSync
- except that ioNamePtr will always be NULL.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- paramErr -50 No default volume, or pb was NULL
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr GetFilenameFromPathname(ConstStr255Param pathname,
- Str255 filename);
- /* Get the object name from the end of a full or partial pathname.
- The GetFilenameFromPathname function gets the file (or directory) name
- from the end of a full or partial pathname. Returns notAFileErr if the
- pathname is nil, the pathname is empty, or the pathname cannot refer to
- a filename (with a noErr result, the pathname could still refer to a
- directory).
- pathname input: A full or partial pathname.
- filename output: The file (or directory) name.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- notAFileErr -1302 The pathname is nil, the pathname
- is empty, or the pathname cannot refer
- to a filename
- __________
- See also: GetObjectLocation.
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr FSMakeFSSpecCompat(short vRefNum, long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param fileName,
- FSSpec *spec);
- /* Initialize a FSSpec record.
- The FSMakeFSSpecCompat function fills in the fields of an FSSpec record.
- If the file system can't create the FSSpec, then the compatibility code
- creates a FSSpec that is exactly like an FSSpec except that spec.name
- for a file may not have the same capitalization as the file's catalog
- entry on the disk volume. That is because fileName is parsed to get the
- name instead of getting the name back from the file system. This works
- fine with System 6 where FSMakeSpec isn't available.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- fileName input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
- a directory that's the object.
- spec output: A file system specification to be filled in by
- FSMakeFSSpecCompat.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 Volume doesnt exist
- fnfErr -43 File or directory does not exist
- (FSSpec is still valid)
- */
- #if !SystemSevenOrLater
- static Boolean FSHasFSSpecCalls(void);
- static Boolean QTHasFSSpecCalls(void);
- #endif /* !SystemSevenOrLater */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr GetObjectLocation(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param pathname,
- short *realVRefNum,
- long *realParID,
- Str255 realName,
- Boolean *isDirectory);
- /* Get a file system object's location.
- The GetObjectLocation function gets a file system object's location -
- that is, its real volume reference number, real parent directory ID,
- and name. While we're at it, determine if the object is a file or directory.
- If GetObjectLocation returns fnfErr, then the location information
- returned is valid, but it describes an object that doesn't exist.
- You can use the location information for another operation, such as
- creating a file or directory.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- pathname input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
- a directory that's the object.
- realVRefNum output: The real volume reference number.
- realParID output: The parent directory ID of the specified object.
- realName output: The name of the specified object (the case of the
- object name may not be the same as the object's
- catalog entry on disk - since the Macintosh file
- system is not case sensitive, it shouldn't matter).
- isDirectory output: True if object is a directory; false if object
- is a file.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- notAFileErr -1302 The pathname is nil, the pathname
- is empty, or the pathname cannot refer
- to a filename
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- See also: FSMakeFSSpecCompat
- */
- pascal OSErr FSpGetDirectoryID(const FSSpec *spec, long *theDirID,
- Boolean *isDirectory);
- pascal OSErr GetDirectoryID(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param name,
- long *theDirID,Boolean *isDirectory);
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr GetCatInfoNoName(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param name,
- CInfoPBPtr pb);
- /* Call PBGetCatInfoSync ignoring returned name.
- GetCatInfoNoName uses vRefNum, dirID and name to call PBGetCatInfoSync
- in cases where the returned object is not needed by the caller.
- The vRefNum, dirID and name parameters are not touched, and the pb
- parameter is initialized by PBGetCatInfoSync except that ioNamePtr in
- the parameter block is always returned as NULL (since it might point
- to GetCatInfoNoName's local variable tempName).
- I noticed using this code in several places, so here it is once.
- This reduces the code size of MoreFiles.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
- specifies a directory that's the object.
- pb input: A pointer to CInfoPBRec.
- output: The parameter block as filled in by
- PBGetCatInfoSync except that ioNamePtr will
- always be NULL.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr DetermineVRefNum(ConstStr255Param pathname,
- short vRefNum,
- short *realVRefNum);
- /* Determine the real volume reference number.
- The DetermineVRefNum function determines the volume reference number of
- a volume from a pathname, a volume specification, or a combination
- of the two.
- WARNING: Volume names on the Macintosh are *not* unique -- Multiple
- mounted volumes can have the same name. For this reason, the use of a
- volume name or full pathname to identify a specific volume may not
- produce the results you expect. If more than one volume has the same
- name and a volume name or full pathname is used, the File Manager
- currently uses the first volume it finds with a matching name in the
- volume queue.
- pathName input: Pointer to a full pathname or nil. If you pass in a
- partial pathname, it is ignored. A full pathname to a
- volume must end with a colon character (:).
- vRefNum input: Volume specification (volume reference number, working
- directory number, drive number, or 0).
- realVRefNum output: The real volume reference number.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr FSpGetFullPath(const FSSpec *spec,
- short *fullPathLength,
- Handle *fullPath);
- /* Get a full pathname to a volume, directory or file.
- The GetFullPath function builds a full pathname to the specified
- object. The full pathname is returned in the newly created handle
- fullPath and the length of the full pathname is returned in
- fullPathLength. Your program is responsible for disposing of the
- fullPath handle.
- spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
- fullPathLength output: The number of characters in the full pathname.
- If the function fails to create a full pathname,
- it sets fullPathLength to 0.
- fullPath output: A handle to the newly created full pathname
- buffer. If the function fails to create a
- full pathname, it sets fullPath to NULL.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File or directory does not exist
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- memFullErr -108 Not enough memory
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- See also: GetFullPath
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr FSpLocationFromFullPath(short fullPathLength,
- const void *fullPath,
- FSSpec *spec);
- /* Get a FSSpec from a full pathname.
- The FSpLocationFromFullPath function returns a FSSpec to the object
- specified by full pathname. This function requires the Alias Manager.
- fullPathLength input: The number of characters in the full pathname
- of the target.
- fullPath input: A pointer to a buffer that contains the full
- pathname of the target. The full pathname
- starts with the name of the volume, includes
- all of the directory names in the path to the
- target, and ends with the target name.
- spec output: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 The volume is not mounted
- fnfErr -43 Target not found, but volume and parent
- directory found
- paramErr -50 Parameter error
- usrCanceledErr -128 The user canceled the operation
- __________
- See also: LocationFromFullPath
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr GetFullPath(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param name,
- short *fullPathLength,
- Handle *fullPath);
- /* Get a full pathname to a volume, directory or file.
- The GetFullPath function builds a full pathname to the specified
- object. The full pathname is returned in the newly created handle
- fullPath and the length of the full pathname is returned in
- fullPathLength. Your program is responsible for disposing of the
- fullPath handle.
- Note that a full pathname can be made to a file/directory that does not
- yet exist if all directories up to that file/directory exist. In this case,
- GetFullPath will return a fnfErr.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
- specifies a directory that's the object.
- fullPathLength output: The number of characters in the full pathname.
- If the function fails to create a full
- pathname, it sets fullPathLength to 0.
- fullPath output: A handle to the newly created full pathname
- buffer. If the function fails to create a
- full pathname, it sets fullPath to NULL.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File or directory does not exist (fullPath
- and fullPathLength are still valid)
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- memFullErr -108 Not enough memory
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- See also: FSpGetFullPath
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr ChangeCreatorType(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param name,
- OSType creator,
- OSType fileType);
- /* Change the creator or file type of a file.
- The ChangeCreatorType function changes the creator or file type of a file.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name input: The name of the file.
- creator input: The new creator type or 0x00000000 to leave
- the creator type alone.
- fileType input: The new file type or 0x00000000 to leave the
- file type alone.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- fLckdErr -45 File is locked
- vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- notAFileErr -1302 Name was not a file
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- See also: FSpChangeCreatorType
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr FSpChangeCreatorType(const FSSpec *spec,
- OSType creator,
- OSType fileType);
- /* Change the creator or file type of a file.
- The FSpChangeCreatorType function changes the creator or file type of a file.
- spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the file.
- creator input: The new creator type or 0x00000000 to leave
- the creator type alone.
- fileType input: The new file type or 0x00000000 to leave the
- file type alone.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- fLckdErr -45 File is locked
- vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- notAFileErr -1302 Name was not a file
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- See also: ChangeCreatorType
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr BumpDate(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param name);
- /* Update the modification date of a file or directory.
- The BumpDate function changes the modification date of a file or
- directory to the current date/time. If the modification date is already
- equal to the current date/time, then add one second to the
- modification date.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID specifies
- a directory that's the object.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- fLckdErr -45 File is locked
- vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- See also: FSpBumpDate
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr FSpBumpDate(const FSSpec *spec);
- /* Update the modification date of a file or directory.
- The FSpBumpDate function changes the modification date of a file or
- directory to the current date/time. If the modification date is already
- equal to the current date/time, then add one second to the
- modification date.
- spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the object.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- fLckdErr -45 File is locked
- vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked or read-only
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- See also: BumpDate
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr OnLine(FSSpecPtr volumes,
- short reqVolCount,
- short *actVolCount,
- short *volIndex);
- /* Return the list of volumes currently mounted.
- The OnLine function returns the list of volumes currently mounted in
- an array of FSSpec records.
- A noErr result indicates that the volumes array was filled
- (actVolCount == reqVolCount) and there may be additional volumes
- mounted. A nsvErr result indicates that the end of the volume list
- was found and actVolCount volumes were actually found this time.
- volumes input: Pointer to array of FSSpec where the volume list
- is returned.
- reqVolCount input: Maximum number of volumes to return (the number of
- elements in the volumes array).
- actVolCount output: The number of volumes actually returned.
- volIndex input: The current volume index position. Set to 1 to
- start with the first volume.
- output: The volume index position to get the next volume.
- Pass this value the next time you call OnLine to
- start where you left off.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error, but there are more volumes
- to list
- nsvErr -35 No more volumes to be listed
- paramErr -50 volIndex was <= 0
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr DTGetComment(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param name,
- Str255 comment);
- /* Get a file or directory's Finder comment field (if any).
- The DTGetComment function gets a file or directory's Finder comment
- field (if any) from the Desktop Manager or if the Desktop Manager is
- not available, from the Finder's Desktop file.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Inside Macintosh says that comments are up to
- 200 characters. While that may be correct for the HFS file system's
- Desktop Manager, other file systems (such as Apple Photo Access) return
- up to 255 characters. Make sure the comment buffer is a Str255 or you'll
- regret it.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
- specifies a directory that's the object.
- comment output: A Str255 where the comment is to be returned.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 Volume not found
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function
- rfNumErr -51 Reference number invalid
- extFSErr -58 External file system error - no file
- system claimed this call.
- desktopDamagedErr -1305 The desktop database has become corrupted -
- the Finder will fix this, but if your
- application is not running with the
- Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
- afpItemNotFound -5012 Information not found
- __________
- Also see: DTCopyComment, FSpDTCopyComment, DTSetComment, FSpDTSetComment,
- FSpDTGetComment
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr FSpDTGetComment(const FSSpec *spec,
- Str255 comment);
- /* Get a file or directory's Finder comment field (if any).
- The FSpDTGetComment function gets a file or directory's Finder comment
- field (if any) from the Desktop Manager or if the Desktop Manager is
- not available, from the Finder's Desktop file.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Inside Macintosh says that comments are up to
- 200 characters. While that may be correct for the HFS file system's
- Desktop Manager, other file systems (such as Apple Photo Access) return
- up to 255 characters. Make sure the comment buffer is a Str255 or you'll
- regret it.
- spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the file or directory.
- comment output: A Str255 where the comment is to be returned.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 Volume not found
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function
- rfNumErr -51 Reference number invalid
- extFSErr -58 External file system error - no file
- system claimed this call.
- desktopDamagedErr -1305 The desktop database has become corrupted -
- the Finder will fix this, but if your
- application is not running with the
- Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
- afpItemNotFound -5012 Information not found
- __________
- Also see: DTCopyComment, FSpDTCopyComment, DTSetComment, FSpDTSetComment,
- DTGetComment
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr DTOpen(ConstStr255Param volName,
- short vRefNum,
- short *dtRefNum,
- Boolean *newDTDatabase);
- /* Open a volume's desktop database and return the desktop database refNum.
- The DTOpen function opens a volume's desktop database. It returns
- the reference number of the desktop database and indicates if the
- desktop database was created as a result of this call (if it was created,
- then it is empty).
- volName input: A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
- or nil.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dtRefNum output: The reference number of Desktop Manager's
- desktop database on the specified volume.
- newDTDatabase output: true if the desktop database was created as a
- result of this call and thus empty.
- false if the desktop database was already created,
- or if it could not be determined if it was already
- created.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 Volume not found
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function
- extFSErr -58 External file system error - no file
- system claimed this call.
- desktopDamagedErr -1305 The desktop database has become corrupted -
- the Finder will fix this, but if your
- application is not running with the
- Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr HGetVolParms(ConstStr255Param volName,
- short vRefNum,
- GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo,
- long *infoSize);
- /* Determine the characteristics of a volume.
- The HGetVolParms function returns information about the characteristics
- of a volume. A result of paramErr usually just means the volume doesn't
- support PBHGetVolParms and the feature you were going to check
- for isn't available.
- volName input: A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
- or nil.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- volParmsInfo input: Pointer to GetVolParmsInfoBuffer where the
- volume attributes information is returned.
- output: Atributes information.
- infoSize input: Size of buffer pointed to by volParmsInfo.
- output: Size of data actually returned.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 Volume not found
- paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function
- __________
- Also see the macros for checking attribute bits in MoreFilesExtras.h
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr DeleteDirectoryContents(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param name);
- /* Delete the contents of a directory.
- The DeleteDirectoryContents function deletes the contents of a directory.
- All files and subdirectories in the specified directory are deleted.
- If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked and then
- deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered,
- DeleteDirectoryContents quits and returns to the caller.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name input: Pointer to directory name, or nil when dirID specifies
- a directory that's the object.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
- fLckdErr -45 File is locked
- vLckdErr -46 Software volume lock
- fBsyErr -47 File busy, directory not empty, or working
- directory control block open
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- Also see: DeleteDirectory
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr DeleteDirectory(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param name);
- /* Delete a directory and its contents.
- The DeleteDirectory function deletes a directory and its contents.
- All files and subdirectories in the specified directory are deleted.
- If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked and then
- deleted. After deleting the directories contents, the directory is
- deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered, DeleteDirectory
- quits and returns to the caller.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name input: Pointer to directory name, or nil when dirID specifies
- a directory that's the object.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- wPrErr -44 Hardware volume lock
- fLckdErr -45 File is locked
- vLckdErr -46 Software volume lock
- fBsyErr -47 File busy, directory not empty, or working
- directory control block open
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- __________
- Also see: DeleteDirectoryContents
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr DTSetComment(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- ConstStr255Param name,
- ConstStr255Param comment);
- /* Set a file or directory's Finder comment field.
- The DTSetComment function sets a file or directory's Finder comment
- field. The volume must support the Desktop Manager because you only
- have read access to the Desktop file.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name input: Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
- specifies a directory that's the object.
- comment input: The comment to add. Comments are limited to 200 characters;
- longer comments are truncated.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 Volume not found
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- fnfErr -43 File or directory doesnt exist
- paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function
- wPrErr -44 Volume is locked through hardware
- vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked through software
- rfNumErr -51 Reference number invalid
- extFSErr -58 External file system error - no file
- system claimed this call.
- desktopDamagedErr -1305 The desktop database has become corrupted -
- the Finder will fix this, but if your
- application is not running with the
- Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
- __________
- Also see: DTCopyComment, FSpDTCopyComment, FSpDTSetComment, DTGetComment,
- FSpDTGetComment
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr FSpDTSetComment(const FSSpec *spec,
- ConstStr255Param comment);
- /* Set a file or directory's Finder comment field.
- The FSpDTSetComment function sets a file or directory's Finder comment
- field. The volume must support the Desktop Manager because you only
- have read access to the Desktop file.
- spec input: An FSSpec record specifying the file or directory.
- comment input: The comment to add. Comments are limited to 200 characters;
- longer comments are truncated.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 Volume not found
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- fnfErr -43 File or directory doesnt exist
- wPrErr -44 Volume is locked through hardware
- vLckdErr -46 Volume is locked through software
- rfNumErr -51 Reference number invalid
- paramErr -50 Volume doesn't support this function
- extFSErr -58 External file system error - no file
- system claimed this call.
- desktopDamagedErr -1305 The desktop database has become corrupted -
- the Finder will fix this, but if your
- application is not running with the
- Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
- __________
- Also see: DTCopyComment, FSpDTCopyComment, DTSetComment, DTGetComment,
- FSpDTGetComment
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr XGetVInfo(short volReference,
- StringPtr volName,
- short *vRefNum,
- UnsignedWide *freeBytes,
- UnsignedWide *totalBytes);
- /* Get extended information about a mounted volume.
- The XGetVInfo function returns the name, volume reference number,
- available space (in bytes), and total space (in bytes) for the
- specified volume. You can specify the volume by providing its drive
- number, volume reference number, or 0 for the default volume.
- This routine is compatible with volumes up to 2 terabytes.
- volReference input: The drive number, volume reference number,
- or 0 for the default volume.
- volName input: A pointer to a buffer (minimum Str27) where
- the volume name is to be returned or must
- be nil.
- output: The volume name.
- vRefNum output: The volume reference number.
- freeBytes output: The number of free bytes on the volume.
- freeBytes is an UnsignedWide value.
- totalBytes output: The total number of bytes on the volume.
- totalBytes is an UnsignedWide value.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- __________
- Also see: HGetVInfo
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr HGetVInfo(short volReference,
- StringPtr volName,
- short *vRefNum,
- unsigned long *freeBytes,
- unsigned long *totalBytes);
- /* Get information about a mounted volume.
- The HGetVInfo function returns the name, volume reference number,
- available space (in bytes), and total space (in bytes) for the
- specified volume. You can specify the volume by providing its drive
- number, volume reference number, or 0 for the default volume.
- This routine is compatible with volumes up to 4 gigabytes.
- volReference input: The drive number, volume reference number,
- or 0 for the default volume.
- volName input: A pointer to a buffer (minimum Str27) where
- the volume name is to be returned or must
- be nil.
- output: The volume name.
- vRefNum output: The volume reference number.
- freeBytes output: The number of free bytes on the volume.
- freeBytes is an unsigned long value.
- totalBytes output: The total number of bytes on the volume.
- totalBytes is an unsigned long value.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- paramErr -50 No default volume
- __________
- Also see: XGetVInfo
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- pascal OSErr GetDirName(short vRefNum,
- long dirID,
- Str31 name);
- /* Get the name of a directory from its directory ID.
- The GetDirName function gets the name of a directory from its
- directory ID.
- vRefNum input: Volume specification.
- dirID input: Directory ID.
- name output: Points to a Str31 where the directory name is to be
- returned.
- Result Codes
- noErr 0 No error
- nsvErr -35 No such volume
- ioErr -36 I/O error
- bdNamErr -37 Bad filename
- fnfErr -43 File not found
- paramErr -50 No default volume or
- name parameter was NULL
- dirNFErr -120 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- afpAccessDenied -5000 User does not have the correct access
- afpObjectTypeErr -5025 Directory not found or incomplete pathname
- */
- #endif /* _MACSTUFF_H */