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资源名称:unzip540.zip [点击查看]
- [Notes accompanying first beta of the MVS port; still mostly applicable
- to the UnZip 5.2 release. Somebody with an MVS system will have to
- update this file.]
- Thank you for trying this first port of UNZIP for VM/CMS and MVS!
- This is the first beta so there might be some bugs in it.
- Using under MVS:
- -------------------------
- 1. To use the Info-ZIP's UNZIP under MVS you need:
- - C/370 ver 2.1 compiler or another compatible compiler supporting
- long names for function/variable names.
- 2. To compile the program under MVS do :
- - unzip all the files from unz52vm.zip file. They are stored as
- ASCII format so you have to unzip them first on PC or other
- system that already have UNZIP, and then upload them to the
- mainframe with ASCII to EBCDIC conversion.
- - Copy all the .C files in the PDS called youruserid.UNZIP.C
- - Copy all the .H files in the PDS called youruserid.UNZIP.H
- - adjust the job UNZMVSC.JOB to work on your size. Change my
- userid - C888090 to yours
- - execute the job UNZMVSC to compile and link all the sources.
- - maybe you have to preallocate PDS datasets named:
- youruserid.UNZIP.OBJ and youruserid.UNZIP.LOAD
- - if everything is ok you will get an UNZIP MODULE
- 3. Using UNZIP
- - Just read the UNZIP.DOC
- - A few exceptions concerning MVS
- 3.0. There are different ways to invoke UNZIP.
- - allocating UNZIP.LOAD dataset to your ISPLLIB if you
- want to invoke UNZIP under ISPF.
- Then just type UNZIP ...parms... to get it work
- - You can also call it directly with :
- TSO CALL 'userid.UNZIP.LOAD(UNZIP)' '...parms...'
- (notice to quotes!)
- - You can even call it from a batch job like:
- //MYZIP JOB (account)
- //STEP1 EXEC PGM=UNZIP,PARM='-l mytestz.zip *.c'
- This will list all the .c files from the zip file mytestz.zip
- 3.1. If the ZIP file has been zipped on an ASCII based system
- it will be automatically translated to EBCDIC
- ( I hope I got all those translation tables OK :-)
- 3.2. The date/time of the output files is set to the
- current system date/time - not according the date/time in
- the zip file.
- 3.3. You can even unzip using TSO/E PIPELINES
- so unzip can be used as pipeline filter:
- 'pipe cms unzip -p test.zip george.test | count lines | cons'
- ( we do also a lot of pipethinking here ;-)
- 3.4. If you got also the ZIP program (see ZIP21VM.ZIP) you can
- do zipping and unzipping without translating to ASCII
- the ZIP also preserves the file informations (LRECL,BLKSIZE..)
- So when you UNZIP a file zipped with ZIP under MVS it
- restores the file info.
- There currently some problems with file with RECFM=V*
- I don't save the length of each record yet :-)
- 3.5. No wildcards are supported in the input zip name you have
- to give the real name (.zip is not necessary)
- So you CAN'T use things like: unzip -t *.zip
- 3.6. But you CAN use wildcards as filename selection like:
- unzip -t myzip *.c - OK or even
- unzip -t myzip *.c -x z*.c - to exclude all files matching
- z*.c
- 3.7. You can unzip to a PDS using the -d parameter after the zip name
- for example:
- UNZIP myzip *.c -dmyzip
- This will unzip all .c files that are in the zip file in a
- PDS directory called MYZIP.C
- BE AWARE that the extension of every files is being placed as
- last identifier on the PDS name, so if you have a file
- in the zipfile called 'testp.doc' and you use '-d mypds'
- the PDS name will become 'mypds.doc(testp)'
- 3.8. All text files under MVS are created with record length 133.
- This is due to a bug in the fopen that makes it always 1028
- 3.9. All '+','_' or '-' signs are skipped from the filenames
- Please repport all bugs and problems to :
- Zip-Bugs@lists.wku.edu
- That's all for now.
- Have fun!
- George Petrov
- e-mail: c888090@nlevdpsb.snads.philips.nl
- tel: +31-40-781155
- Philips C&P
- Eindhoven
- The Netherlands