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资源名称:unzip540.zip [点击查看]
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- match.c
- The match() routine recursively compares a string to a "pattern" (regular
- expression), returning TRUE if a match is found or FALSE if not. This
- version is specifically for use with unzip.c: as did the previous match()
- routines from SEA and J. Kercheval, it leaves the case (upper, lower, or
- mixed) of the string alone, but converts any uppercase characters in the
- pattern to lowercase if indicated by the global var pInfo->lcflag (which
- is to say, string is assumed to have been converted to lowercase already,
- if such was necessary).
- GRR: reversed order of text, pattern in matche() (now same as match());
- added ignore_case/ic flags, Case() macro.
- PaulK: replaced matche() with recmatch() from Zip, modified to have an
- ignore_case argument; replaced test frame with simpler one.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright on recmatch() from Zip's util.c (although recmatch() was almost
- certainly written by Mark Adler...ask me how I can tell :-) ):
- Copyright (C) 1990-1992 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup Gailly,
- Kai Uwe Rommel and Igor Mandrichenko.
- Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy,
- or redistribute this software so long as all of the original files are
- included unmodified, that it is not sold for profit, and that this copy-
- right notice is retained.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Match the pattern (wildcard) against the string (fixed):
- match(string, pattern, ignore_case);
- returns TRUE if string matches pattern, FALSE otherwise. In the pattern:
- `*' matches any sequence of characters (zero or more)
- `?' matches any single character
- [SET] matches any character in the specified set,
- [!SET] or [^SET] matches any character not in the specified set.
- A set is composed of characters or ranges; a range looks like ``character
- hyphen character'' (as in 0-9 or A-Z). [0-9a-zA-Z_] is the minimal set of
- characters allowed in the [..] pattern construct. Other characters are
- allowed (i.e., 8-bit characters) if your system will support them.
- To suppress the special syntactic significance of any of ``[]*?!^-'', in-
- side or outside a [..] construct, and match the character exactly, precede
- it with a ``'' (backslash).
- Note that "*.*" and "*." are treated specially under MS-DOS if DOSWILD is
- defined. See the DOSWILD section below for an explanation. Note also
- that with VMSWILD defined, '%' is used instead of '?', and sets (ranges)
- are delimited by () instead of [].
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* define ToLower() in here (for Unix, define ToLower to be macro (using
- * isupper()); otherwise just use tolower() */
- #include "unzip.h"
- #if 0 /* this is not useful until it matches Amiga names insensitively */
- #ifdef AMIGA /* some other platforms might also want to use this */
- #endif
- #endif /* 0 */
- # ifdef ToLower
- # undef ToLower
- # endif
- /* uppercase letters are values 41 thru 5A, C0 thru D6, and D8 thru DE */
- # define IsUpper(c) (c>=0xC0 ? c<=0xDE && c!=0xD7 : c>=0x41 && c<=0x5A)
- # define ToLower(c) (IsUpper((uch) c) ? (unsigned) c | 0x20 : (unsigned) c)
- #endif
- #define Case(x) (ic? ToLower(x) : (x))
- #ifdef VMSWILD
- # define WILDCHAR '%'
- # define BEG_RANGE '('
- # define END_RANGE ')'
- #else
- # define WILDCHAR '?'
- # define BEG_RANGE '['
- # define END_RANGE ']'
- #endif
- #if 0 /* GRR: add this to unzip.h someday... */
- #if !(defined(MSDOS) && defined(DOSWILD))
- #define match(s,p,ic) (recmatch((ZCONST uch *)p,(ZCONST uch *)s,ic) == 1)
- int recmatch OF((ZCONST uch *pattern, ZCONST uch *string, int ignore_case));
- #endif
- #endif /* 0 */
- static int recmatch OF((ZCONST uch *pattern, ZCONST uch *string,
- int ignore_case));
- /* match() is a shell to recmatch() to return only Boolean values. */
- int match(string, pattern, ignore_case)
- ZCONST char *string, *pattern;
- int ignore_case;
- {
- #if (defined(MSDOS) && defined(DOSWILD))
- char *dospattern;
- int j = strlen(pattern);
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Optional MS-DOS preprocessing section: compare last three chars of the
- wildcard to "*.*" and translate to "*" if found; else compare the last
- two characters to "*." and, if found, scan the non-wild string for dots.
- If in the latter case a dot is found, return failure; else translate the
- "*." to "*". In either case, continue with the normal (Unix-like) match
- procedure after translation. (If not enough memory, default to normal
- match.) This causes "a*.*" and "a*." to behave as MS-DOS users expect.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- if ((dospattern = (char *)malloc(j+1)) != NULL) {
- strcpy(dospattern, pattern);
- if (!strcmp(dospattern+j-3, "*.*")) {
- dospattern[j-2] = ''; /* nuke the ".*" */
- } else if (!strcmp(dospattern+j-2, "*.")) {
- char *p = strchr(string, '.');
- if (p) { /* found a dot: match fails */
- free(dospattern);
- return 0;
- }
- dospattern[j-1] = ''; /* nuke the end "." */
- }
- j = recmatch((uch *)dospattern, (uch *)string, ignore_case);
- free(dospattern);
- return j == 1;
- } else
- #endif /* MSDOS && DOSWILD */
- return recmatch((uch *)pattern, (uch *)string, ignore_case) == 1;
- }
- static int recmatch(p, s, ic)
- ZCONST uch *p; /* sh pattern to match */
- ZCONST uch *s; /* string to which to match it */
- int ic; /* true for case insensitivity */
- /* Recursively compare the sh pattern p with the string s and return 1 if
- * they match, and 0 or 2 if they don't or if there is a syntax error in the
- * pattern. This routine recurses on itself no more deeply than the number
- * of characters in the pattern. */
- {
- unsigned int c; /* pattern char or start of range in [-] loop */
- /* Get first character, the pattern for new recmatch calls follows */
- c = *p++;
- /* If that was the end of the pattern, match if string empty too */
- if (c == 0)
- return *s == 0;
- /* '?' (or '%') matches any character (but not an empty string) */
- if (c == WILDCHAR)
- return *s ? recmatch(p, s + 1, ic) : 0;
- /* '*' matches any number of characters, including zero */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- if (c == '#' && *p == '?') /* "#?" is Amiga-ese for "*" */
- c = '*', p++;
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- if (c == '*') {
- if (*p == 0)
- return 1;
- for (; *s; s++)
- if ((c = recmatch(p, s, ic)) != 0)
- return (int)c;
- return 2; /* 2 means give up--match will return false */
- }
- /* Parse and process the list of characters and ranges in brackets */
- if (c == BEG_RANGE) {
- int e; /* flag true if next char to be taken literally */
- ZCONST uch *q; /* pointer to end of [-] group */
- int r; /* flag true to match anything but the range */
- if (*s == 0) /* need a character to match */
- return 0;
- p += (r = (*p == '!' || *p == '^')); /* see if reverse */
- for (q = p, e = 0; *q; q++) /* find closing bracket */
- if (e)
- e = 0;
- else
- if (*q == '\') /* GRR: change to ^ for MS-DOS, OS/2? */
- e = 1;
- else if (*q == END_RANGE)
- break;
- if (*q != END_RANGE) /* nothing matches if bad syntax */
- return 0;
- for (c = 0, e = *p == '-'; p < q; p++) { /* go through the list */
- if (e == 0 && *p == '\') /* set escape flag if */
- e = 1;
- else if (e == 0 && *p == '-') /* set start of range if - */
- c = *(p-1);
- else {
- unsigned int cc = Case(*s);
- if (*(p+1) != '-')
- for (c = c ? c : *p; c <= *p; c++) /* compare range */
- if ((unsigned)Case(c) == cc) /* typecast for MSC bug */
- return r ? 0 : recmatch(q + 1, s + 1, ic);
- c = e = 0; /* clear range, escape flags */
- }
- }
- return r ? recmatch(q + 1, s + 1, ic) : 0; /* bracket match failed */
- }
- /* if escape (''), just compare next character */
- if (c == '\' && (c = *p++) == 0) /* if at end, then syntax error */
- return 0;
- /* just a character--compare it */
- #ifdef QDOS
- return QMatch(Case((uch)c), Case(*s)) ? recmatch(p, ++s, ic) : 0;
- #else
- return Case((uch)c) == Case(*s) ? recmatch(p, ++s, ic) : 0;
- #endif
- } /* end function recmatch() */
- int iswild(p) /* originally only used for stat()-bug workaround in */
- ZCONST char *p; /* VAX C, Turbo/Borland C, Watcom C, Atari MiNT libs; */
- { /* now used in process_zipfiles() as well */
- for (; *p; ++p)
- if (*p == '\' && *(p+1))
- ++p;
- #ifdef VMS
- else if (*p == '%' || *p == '*')
- #else /* !VMS */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- else if (*p == '?' || *p == '*' || (*p=='#' && p[1]=='?') || *p == '[')
- #else /* !AMIGA */
- else if (*p == '?' || *p == '*' || *p == '[')
- #endif /* ?AMIGA */
- #endif /* ?VMS */
- #ifdef QDOS
- return (int)p;
- #else
- return TRUE;
- #endif
- return FALSE;
- } /* end function iswild() */
- #ifdef TEST_MATCH
- #define put(s) {fputs(s,stdout); fflush(stdout);}
- void main()
- {
- char pat[256], str[256];
- for (;;) {
- put("Pattern (return to exit): ");
- gets(pat);
- if (!pat[0])
- break;
- for (;;) {
- put("String (return for new pattern): ");
- gets(str);
- if (!str[0])
- break;
- printf("Case sensitive: %s insensitive: %sn",
- match(str, pat, 0) ? "YES" : "NO",
- match(str, pat, 1) ? "YES" : "NO");
- }
- }
- EXIT(0);
- }
- #endif /* TEST_MATCH */