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Visual C++
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // = oooo oooo
- // = oooooo oooooo
- // = oo oo oo oo
- // = oo oo oo oo
- // = oooooo oooooo
- // = oooo oooo Copyright ( c ) The Old Ones 1998
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // Start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // General information section.
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // $Author:: $ User who last changed the file
- // $Date:: $ Date and time of last check in
- // $Revision:: $ Visual SourceSafe version number
- // $Workfile:: $ Filename
- // End =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // Start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // History section.
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // $History:: $
- // End =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // @doc
- // @module OOExToolBar.hpp |
- // This module include an improved tool bar.
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- // Start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // Definition to avoid multiple include.
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if !defined( _OOExToolBar_H_ )
- #define _OOExToolBar_H_
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- // Start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // Include file section.
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Extended bitmap class.
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- #define TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS 0x00000001
- #endif
- // Start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // Class declaration.
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define NB_POSSIBLE_MODE 6
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // @class: (FUNCTIONAL)
- // This class manage an extended toolbar.
- // @base public | CToolBar
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- class COOExToolBar : public CToolBar
- {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Macro definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Structure definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- public:
- enum ImageMode_ { SmallHot, SmallStandard, SmallDisable,
- LargeHot, LargeStandard, LargeDisable };
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Data definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- // @Access Other usefull needed flag.
- bool m_bOldFloating; // @CMember To patch the drawing when vertical.<nl>
- public:
- protected:
- // @Access ToolBar attribute.
- UINT m_nShowIconMode; // @CMember Small or large icon.
- bool m_bShowIconText; // @CMember To enable or disable the icon text.<nl>
- // @Access Size data.
- int m_nDropButtonSize; // @CMember The drop button width.
- int m_nTextHeight; // @CMember The text height.
- int m_nTextWidth; // @CMember The text width.
- CSize m_SmallIconSize; // @CMember The size of the icon in small mode.
- CSize m_LargeIconSize; // @CMember The size of the icon in large mode.<nl>
- // @Access The image list.
- CImageList m_ImageList[ NB_POSSIBLE_MODE ]; // @CMember The list of image.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Implementation Method definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- // @Access Usefull private method.
- // @CMember Method to calculate the current size of the button.
- CSize CalcButtonSize( void );
- public:
- // @Access Class Initialization method.
- COOExToolBar( void ); // @CMember Constructor.
- ~COOExToolBar( void ); // @CMember Destructor.<nl>
- void SizeToolBar(TBBUTTON* pData, int nCount, int nLength, BOOL bVert = FALSE);
- void GetButton(int nIndex, TBBUTTON* pButton) const;
- void SetButton(int nIndex, TBBUTTON* pButton);
- int WrapToolBar(TBBUTTON* pData, int nCount, int nWidth);
- CSize CalcSize(TBBUTTON* pData, int nCount);
- CSize CalcLayout(DWORD nMode, int nLength = -1);
- protected:
- // @Access Usefull protected method.
- void DrawGripper( CDC& dc ) const; // @CMember To draw the gripper.<nl>
- // @Access Protected method to set the image information.
- void SetDisableImageList( CImageList* pList ); // @CMember To set the disable image list.
- void SetHotImageList( CImageList* pList ); // @CMember To set the hoover image list.
- void SetStandardImageList( CImageList* pList ); // @CMember To set the normal image list.<nl>
- // @Access Image list initialization method.
- virtual void AssignImageList( void ); // @CMember Set the correct image list in the control.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Functionnal Method definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- public:
- // @Access Loading information.
- void ResizeToolBar( void ); // @CMember To set the size of the toolbar.
- virtual BOOL LoadToolBar( UINT _ResourceId ); // @CMember To load the toolbar information.
- // @Access To set the image information.
- void SetImageList( ImageMode_ _ImageMode, CImageList& _rList ); // @CMember To set the small disable image list.
- // @Access Image list initialization method.
- virtual void InitImageList( void ); // @CMember Set the correct image list in the control.
- // @Access Mode related method.
- void SetIconMode( UINT _nShowIconMode ); // @CMember To view large or small icon.
- UINT GetIconMode( void ) const; // @CMember To get the large or small icon mode.
- void SetTextMode( bool _bShowIconText ); // @CMember To set the text on or off.
- bool GetTextMode( void ) const; // @CMember To get the text on or off.<nl>
- // @Access Usefull button method.
- void SetButtonDropDown( int nID ); // @CMember To set a drop arrow for a given button.<nl>
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group MFC Definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL( COOExToolBar )
- public:
- virtual CSize CalcDynamicLayout(int nLength, DWORD dwMode);
- virtual CSize GetButtonSize(TBBUTTON* pData, int iButton);
- virtual CSize CalcFixedLayout(BOOL bStretch, BOOL bHorz);
- protected:
- virtual void OnUpdateCmdUI( CFrameWnd* pTarget, BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler );
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Generated message map functions.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG( COOExToolBar )
- afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct );
- afx_msg void OnNcCalcSize( BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS FAR* lpncsp );
- afx_msg void OnNcPaint( void );
- afx_msg void OnSysColorChange( void );
- afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging( WINDOWPOS* lpwndpos );
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // @class: (FUNCTIONAL)
- // This class manage an extended command ui.
- // @base public | CCmdUI
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- class CCoolCmdUI : public CCmdUI // class private to this file !
- {
- public: // re-implementations only
- virtual void Enable( BOOL bOn );
- virtual void SetCheck( int nCheck );
- };
- // Start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // Class declaration.
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // @class: (FUNCTIONAL)
- // This class manage an extended toolbar based on bitmap.
- // @base public | COOExToolbar
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- class COOBmpToolBar : public COOExToolBar
- {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Macro definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Structure definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- public:
- class CExBitmap
- {
- public:
- UINT m_nResourceId;
- COLORREF m_clrTransparent;
- };
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Data definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- // @Access The bitmap image.
- CExBitmap m_256Image[ NB_POSSIBLE_MODE ]; // @CMember The 256 color bitmap id list.
- CExBitmap m_16Image[ NB_POSSIBLE_MODE ]; // @CMember The 16 color bitmap id list.
- public:
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Implementation Method definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- // @Access Usefull private method.
- // @CMember Generic method to build an image list.
- void BuildImageList( CImageList& _rImageList, const CExBitmap& _rBitmap );
- public:
- // @Access Class Initialization method.
- COOBmpToolBar( void ); // @CMember Constructor.
- ~COOBmpToolBar( void ); // @CMember Destructor.<nl>
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Functionnal Method definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- public:
- // @Access Bitmap adding method.
- // @CMember To set the small disable bitmap.
- void SetBitmap( UINT _nBmpId, ImageMode_ _ImageMode, COLORREF _clrBk, bool _b256 = true );
- // @Access Image list initialization method.
- virtual void InitImageList( void ); // @CMember Set the correct image list in the control.
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group MFC Definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL( COOBmpToolBar )
- public:
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Generated message map functions.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG( COOBmpToolBar )
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- // Start =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // Class declaration.
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- // @class: (FUNCTIONAL)
- // This class manage an extended toolbar based on bitmap.
- // @base public | COOExToolbar
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- class COOIconToolBar : public COOExToolBar
- {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Macro definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Structure definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- public:
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Data definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- public:
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Implementation Method definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- // @Access Private usefull method.
- HICON ConvertIconToGrayScale( HICON _hIcon, CSize _sizeImage ); // @CMember To convert the given icon into a gray scale icon.
- public:
- // @Access Class Initialization method.
- COOIconToolBar( void ); // @CMember Constructor.
- ~COOIconToolBar( void ); // @CMember Destructor.<nl>
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Functionnal Method definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- public:
- // @Access Icon adding method.
- // @CMember To add icon.
- void SetIcon( UINT _nStandardIcon, UINT _nDisableIcon = 0, UINT _nHotIcon = 0 );
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group MFC Definition.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL( COOIconToolBar )
- public:
- protected:
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // @group Generated message map functions.
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG( COOIconToolBar )
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- // @end =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- #endif // #define _OOExToolBar_H_