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Visual C++
- /*#############################################################################
- #
- # SCA Software International S.A.
- # http://www.scasoftware.com
- # scaadmin@scasoftware.com
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1999 SCA Software International S.A.
- #
- # Date: 03.01.2000
- # Author: Zoran M.Todorovic
- #
- # This software is provided "AS IS", without a warranty of any kind.
- # You are free to use/modify this code but leave this header intact.
- #
- #############################################################################*/
- #ifndef __TABWINDOW_H__
- #define __TABWINDOW_H__
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma warning(disable: 4786)
- #ifndef __AFXEXT_H__
- #include <afxext.h>
- #endif
- #include <list>
- #include <map>
- using namespace std;
- //=============================================================================
- // class TTabItem
- //
- // This class holds a description of one tab
- //=============================================================================
- class TTabItem {
- private:
- CWnd *m_pWnd; // Window (view) associated with this tab
- CStatic *m_pCaption; // Caption of this tab
- BOOL m_bWndEnabled; // Is window enabled
- BOOL m_bEnabled; // Is tab enabled
- BOOL m_bVisible; // Is tab visible
- int m_nMinX; // Client left X coordinate
- int m_nMaxX; // Client right X coordinate
- public:
- TTabItem(CWnd *pParent, LPCTSTR label);
- TTabItem(const TTabItem& obj);
- TTabItem& operator=(const TTabItem& obj);
- virtual ~TTabItem();
- void SetRect(CRect& rect);
- void SetFont(CFont *pFont);
- CString GetText(void);
- void SetText(LPCTSTR szLabel);
- void Enable(BOOL bEnable);
- void EnableTab(BOOL bEnable);
- void ShowTab(BOOL nShow);
- int GetLength(void);
- CWnd *GetSafeWnd(void);
- friend class TTabWnd;
- };
- typedef list<TTabItem*> TTabItemList;
- //=============================================================================
- // class TTabWnd
- //
- //=============================================================================
- class TVisualFramework;
- class TTabWnd : public CWnd {
- public:
- enum TTabPos { TP_TOP, TP_BOTTOM };
- protected:
- CBrush m_BrushBlack, m_BrushLGray;
- CPen m_PenWhite, m_PenWhite2, m_PenBlack, m_PenLGray, m_PenDGray, m_PenDGray2;
- CFont m_Font;
- protected:
- int m_nSelectedTab;
- BOOL m_bLockFlag;
- TTabItemList m_TabList;
- TTabPos m_nTabPos;
- private:
- TTabItem *findTabItem(int nIndex);
- protected:
- void createFont();
- int drawTabTop(CDC *pDC, int x, CRect& client, TTabItem *pItem);
- int drawTabBottom(CDC *pDC, int x, CRect& client, TTabItem *pItem);
- int drawSelTabTop(CDC *pDC, int x, CRect& client, TTabItem *pItem);
- int drawSelTabBottom(CDC *pDC, int x, CRect& client, TTabItem *pItem);
- void drawClient(CDC *pDc, CRect& rect);
- void invalidateTabArea(void);
- TTabItem *addTab(CWnd *pWnd, LPCTSTR szLabel);
- BOOL updateFrame(CFrameWnd *pFrame, CWnd *pWnd);
- protected:
- // Following functions are protected since tab window cannot be created outside
- // of the visual framework. Otherwise, we have memory leaks.
- // Create a tab window
- virtual BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
- DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd,
- UINT nID=AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST, CCreateContext *pContext = NULL);
- // Resize tabs
- virtual void ResizeTab(int cx = -1, int cy = -1);
- // Create pane
- virtual TTabItem *CreatePane(LPCTSTR lpszLabel, CRuntimeClass *pViewClass,
- CCreateContext *pContext);
- // Create splitter
- virtual TTabItem *CreatePane(LPCTSTR lpszLabel, int nRows, int nCols,
- public:
- TTabWnd();
- virtual ~TTabWnd();
- int GetTabLength(void);
- int GetTabCount(void);
- CWnd *GetTabWnd(int nIndex);
- CString GetTabLabel(int nIndex);
- void SetTabLabel(int nIndex, LPCTSTR szLabel);
- int GetTabIndex(void);
- int GetTabIndex(CWnd *pWnd);
- void Enable(int nIndex, BOOL bEnable);
- void EnableTab(int nIndex, BOOL bEnable);
- void ShowTab(int nIndex, BOOL bShow);
- BOOL IsTabEnabled(int nIndex);
- BOOL IsTabVisible(int nIndex);
- void SetFont(CFont *pFont);
- void SetTabPos(TTabPos nTabPos);
- virtual int HitTest(int x, int y);
- virtual int HitTest(CPoint& point);
- // Change active pane
- virtual BOOL SetActivePane(int nIndex, BOOL bActivate = TRUE);
- // Empty functions (implement in derived classes)
- virtual BOOL CanSetActivePane(CWnd *pOldPane, CWnd *pNewPane);
- virtual void OnSetActivePane(CWnd *pOldPane, CWnd *pNewPane);
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(TTabWnd)
- afx_msg LRESULT OnSizeParent(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam);
- afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
- afx_msg void OnDestroy();
- afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
- afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- friend class TVisualFramework;
- };
- //=============================================================================
- // class TVisualObject
- //
- //=============================================================================
- class TVisualObject;
- class TVisualFramework;
- typedef list<TVisualObject*> TVisualObjectList;
- typedef map<DWORD,TVisualObject*> TVisualObjectMap;
- class TVisualObject {
- public:
- enum TObjectStyle {
- TOS_TABTOP = 0x00000001, // Tabs on top (tab window)
- TOS_TABBOTTOM = 0x00000002, // Tabs on bottom (tab window)
- TOS_SELECTED = 0x00000004 // This tab is active
- };
- private:
- enum TObjectType {
- OT_SPLITTER, // Splitter window
- OT_SPLITTERVIEW, // View within a splitter window
- OT_SPLITTERSPLITTER, // Nested splitter window
- OT_TAB, // Tab window
- OT_TABVIEW, // View within a tab window
- OT_VIEW, // Plain view
- };
- private:
- TObjectType m_nObjectType;
- DWORD m_dwId; // Unique identifier of this object
- CWnd *m_pWnd; // Window associated with this object
- CWnd *m_pParent; // Parent window
- CString m_strTitle; // Title of this window
- CString m_strDescription; // Optional description of this window
- int m_nRows; // Splitters: number of rows
- int m_nCols; // Splitters: number of columns
- int m_nRowIndex; // Splitter view: row index
- int m_nColIndex; // Splitter view: column index
- CCreateContext *m_pContext; // Context
- CRuntimeClass *m_pRuntimeClass; // Class of this window
- CSize m_Size; // Splitter: initial size
- BOOL m_bEnabled; // Enable state
- DWORD m_dwStyle; // Additonal style (for tab window)
- CHAR m_cHotKey; // Optional hot key (for example, '2' for ALT+2)
- private:
- TVisualObject *m_pOwner; // Owner of this child (or NULL for root level)
- TVisualFramework *m_pFramework; // Pointer to framework that owns this object
- TVisualObjectList m_ObjectList; // Child object list
- private:
- TVisualObject();
- void zeroAll(void);
- void checkStyle(void);
- public:
- // Create a plain view
- TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, CCreateContext *pContext,
- CRuntimeClass *pClass);
- // Create a tab window or a view within a tab window
- TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, LPCTSTR szTitle, CCreateContext *pContext,
- CRuntimeClass *pClass, DWORD dwStyle = 0);
- // Create a splitter window
- TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, LPCTSTR szTitle, int nRows, int nCols,
- CCreateContext *pContext, DWORD dwStyle = 0);
- // Create a nested splitter window
- TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, int nRow, int nCol, CCreateContext *pContext,
- CRuntimeClass *pClass, CSize size, DWORD dwStyle = 0);
- // Create a view within a splitter window
- TVisualObject(DWORD dwId, int nRow, int nCol, int nRows, int nCols,
- CCreateContext *pContext, DWORD dwStyle = 0);
- TVisualObject(const TVisualObject& obj);
- virtual ~TVisualObject();
- TVisualObject& operator=(const TVisualObject& obj);
- void Destroy(BOOL bDestroyWindow = FALSE);
- BOOL CanFocus(void);
- void SetHotKey(CHAR cHotKey);
- void SetDescription(LPCTSTR szDesc);
- BOOL SetActivePane(void);
- BOOL SetActiveTab(void);
- BOOL Enable(BOOL bEnable);
- BOOL EnableTab(BOOL bEnable);
- BOOL ShowTab(BOOL bShow);
- BOOL IsEnabled(BOOL& bEnabled);
- BOOL IsTabEnabled(BOOL& bEnabled);
- BOOL IsTabVisible(BOOL& bVisible);
- BOOL IsTabPane(void);
- BOOL IsTabWindow(void);
- BOOL IsSplitterPane(void);
- BOOL IsSplitterWindow(void);
- BOOL IsView(void);
- DWORD GetID(void);
- CWnd *GetWnd(void);
- CWnd *GetSafeWnd(void);
- CString GetTitle(void);
- CString GetDescription(void);
- CWnd *GetParentWnd(void);
- TVisualFramework *GetFramework(void);
- TVisualObject *GetOwner(void);
- friend class TVisualFramework;
- friend class TVisualFrameworkIterator;
- };
- #ifndef _DEBUG
- inline DWORD TVisualObject::GetID(void)
- { return m_dwId; }
- inline CWnd *TVisualObject::GetWnd(void)
- { return m_pWnd; }
- inline CWnd *TVisualObject::GetSafeWnd(void)
- { return ::IsWindow(m_pWnd->m_hWnd) ? m_pWnd : NULL;; }
- inline CString TVisualObject::GetTitle(void)
- { return m_strTitle; }
- inline CString TVisualObject::GetDescription(void)
- { return m_strDescription; }
- inline CWnd *TVisualObject::GetParentWnd(void)
- { return m_pParent; }
- inline TVisualFramework *TVisualObject::GetFramework(void)
- { return m_pFramework; }
- inline TVisualObject *TVisualObject::GetOwner(void)
- { return m_pOwner; }
- #endif
- //=============================================================================
- // class TVisualFramework
- //
- //=============================================================================
- class TVisualFrameworkIterator;
- class TVisualFramework : public CCmdTarget {
- private:
- CWnd *m_pOwner;
- TVisualObjectList m_ObjectList;
- TVisualObjectMap m_ObjectMap;
- private:
- BOOL m_bEnableCtrlTab;
- private:
- TVisualObject *findObject(DWORD dwId);
- TVisualObject *findObject(CWnd *pWnd);
- void execDestroy(TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL execCreate(CWnd *pWnd, TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL execCreateView(CWnd *pWnd, TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL execCreateTabView(CWnd *pWnd, TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL execCreateSplitter(CWnd *pWnd, TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL execCreateSplitterView(CWnd *pWnd, TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL execCreateSplitterSplitter(CWnd *pWnd, TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL execCreateTabWnd(CWnd *pWnd, TVisualObject *pObject);
- void setTabWndProperties(TVisualObject *pObject);
- public:
- TVisualFramework();
- virtual ~TVisualFramework();
- BOOL Add(TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL Add(TVisualObject *pOwner, TVisualObject *pObject);
- virtual BOOL Create(CWnd *pWnd = NULL);
- virtual void Destroy(void);
- CWnd *GetWnd(void);
- CWnd *GetSafeWnd(void);
- CWnd *GetObject(DWORD dwId);
- DWORD GetObject(CWnd *pWnd);
- TVisualObject *Get(DWORD dwId);
- TVisualObject *Get(CWnd *pWnd);
- BOOL IsTabPane(TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL IsTabWindow(TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL IsSplitterPane(TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL IsSplitterWindow(TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL IsView(TVisualObject *pObject);
- int GetCount(void);
- TVisualObject *GetActiveTab(TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL SetActiveTab(TVisualObject *pObject);
- BOOL SetActivePane(TVisualObject *pObject);
- TVisualObject *GetActivePane(void);
- BOOL Enable(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL bEnable);
- BOOL EnableTab(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL bEnable);
- BOOL ShowTab(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL bEnable);
- BOOL IsEnabled(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL& bEnabled);
- BOOL IsTabEnabled(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL& bEnabled);
- BOOL IsTabVisible(TVisualObject *pObject, BOOL& bVisible);
- void SetFont(CFont *pFont);
- void EnableCtrlTab(BOOL bEnable);
- virtual CSplitterWnd *CreateSplitter(DWORD dwId);
- virtual BOOL ProcessMessage(MSG *pMsg);
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(TVisualFramework)
- public:
- virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo);
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(TVisualFramework)
- //}}AFX_MSG
- friend class TVisualFrameworkIterator;
- };
- //=============================================================================
- // TVisualFrameworkIterator
- //
- // Iterates thru all visual objects in the framework (including objects that
- // cannot be focused like tab windows and splitters)
- //=============================================================================
- class TVisualFrameworkIterator {
- private:
- enum TIteratorType { IT_MAP, IT_LIST };
- TVisualObjectMap *m_pObjectMap;
- TVisualObjectMap::iterator m_MapIt;
- TVisualObjectList *m_pObjectList;
- TVisualObjectList::iterator m_ListIt;
- TIteratorType m_nType;
- public:
- TVisualFrameworkIterator(TVisualFramework& obj)
- :m_pObjectMap(&(obj.m_ObjectMap))
- {
- m_MapIt = m_pObjectMap->begin();
- m_nType = IT_MAP;
- }
- TVisualFrameworkIterator(TVisualObject& obj)
- :m_pObjectList(&(obj.m_ObjectList))
- {
- m_ListIt = m_pObjectList->begin();
- m_nType = IT_LIST;
- }
- TVisualObject *operator->()
- {
- return Get();
- }
- TVisualObject *Get(void)
- {
- switch (m_nType) {
- case IT_MAP: return m_MapIt->second;
- case IT_LIST: return *m_ListIt;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- int End(void)
- {
- switch (m_nType) {
- case IT_MAP: return (m_MapIt != m_pObjectMap->end()) ? 0 : 1;
- case IT_LIST: return (m_ListIt != m_pObjectList->end()) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int operator++(int)
- {
- switch (m_nType) {
- case IT_MAP: m_MapIt++; break;
- case IT_LIST: m_ListIt++; break;
- default: ASSERT(FALSE);
- }
- return End();
- }
- };
- //=============================================================================
- // class TVisualFormView
- //
- //=============================================================================
- class TVisualFormView : public CFormView {
- protected:
- TVisualFormView(LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName);
- TVisualFormView(UINT nIDTemplate);
- public:
- void SetFont(CFont *pFont);
- //{{AFX_MSG(TVisualFormView)
- afx_msg void OnEnable(BOOL bEnable);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- #endif
- /*#############################################################################
- # End of file VISUALFX.H
- #############################################################################*/