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Visual C++
- This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- Copyright (C) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- electronic documentation provided with the library.
- See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- MTMDI Sample Microsoft Foundation Classes Application
- -------------------------------------------------------
- The MTMDI sample illustrates an MFC user-interface thread, where user
- interface events are processed in a thread separate from the main
- application thread. This sample is a modified version of the single
- thread MDI sample.
- The MTMDI sample does not claim a strong rationale for putting the
- bouncing ball window in a separate thread. An end-user would not be
- able to detect the difference between the MDI and MTMDI samples on a
- single processor machine. Even on a multi-processor machine, the
- end-user would not be able to detect the difference given that the
- ball movement is based on a window timer.
- Further, the MTMDI sample does not claim a strong rationale for using
- an MFC worker thread instead of an MFC user-interface thread. MFC worker
- threads generally are easier to use and more appropriate than user-interface
- threads for tasks that do not involve processing of user interface events.
- The drawing of the bouncing ball could have been implemented in
- a worker thread instead of a user-interface thread, if some technique
- other than window timers were used to advance the ball. The use of the
- window timer in a separate thread requires a message pump; therefore
- the separate thread must be a user-interface thread instead of a worker
- thread. To add slightly more justification for using a user-interface
- thread, the MTMDI sample includes one additional user-interface feature
- not in the MDI sample: you can click anywhere in the bounce window to
- immediately change the position of the moving ball.
- Although the MDI sample does not claim a strong rationale for using
- threads, it nevertheless does illustrate techniques for implementing an
- MFC user-interface thread. The remainder of this readme describes
- the differences between the implementation of the single thread MDI
- application and the multiple thread MTMDI application. These differences
- illustrate that it is more difficult to implement an application with
- a user-interface thread than a corresponding application that executes
- in a single thread. This should be a warning that you should not use
- user-interface threads unless you have good reasons.
- The overall differences between the implementation of the MDI and MTMDI
- samples are these:
- 1. The CBounceWnd window runs in a separate user-interface thread
- in the MTMDI application.
- 2. In the MDI sample, CBounceWnd is derived from CMDIChildWnd. In the
- MTMDI sample, CBounceWnd is derived from CWnd, and a CBounceWnd
- window is a child of the MDI child window. In the MTMDI sample,
- the CBounceWnd child window fills exactly the client area of the
- parent MDI child window (a CMDIChildBounceWnd).
- 3. In the MDI sample, normal MFC command routing and command user-
- interface initialization are used for menu commands associated with
- the bounce window. In the MTMDI sample, the MDI child window's
- OnCmdMsg function is overridden in order to send the OnCmdMsg
- parameters via SendMessage to the CBounceWnd executing in the
- separate thread. In general, SendMessage typically needs to be
- used us to make calls from a window in one thread to a window in
- another thread in an MFC application.
- Note: The Hello window is left in the main application thread.
- Implementing the Bounce window in a separate thread is sufficient
- to illustrate the MFC multithread techniques.
- This MTMDI sample does not directly illustrate a view running in a separate
- thread, because MTMDI and the original MDI sample do not use MFC's
- document/view architecture. Still, the design of MTMDI can be applied
- to an application where you might want the view to run in a separate thread.
- In general, you cannot successfully implement member functions of a CView
- to run in a separate thread, because the MFC document/view architecture
- relies on thread local storage (TLC) for some of the data that coordinates
- documents and views. However, you can apply the design of MTMDI by
- implementing a child window of the CView window, and processing user-
- interface events of this child window in a separate thread.
- The design of MTMDI is summarized below. For additional details, see
- source code comments.
- =================
- CWinThread object
- =================
- The thread object for the bouncing ball window is implemented in
- a CWinThread-derived class, CBounceThread, in mtbounce.cpp.
- Beginning the user-interface thread
- -----------------------------------
- The overridden CMDIChildBounceWnd::OnCreate begins the thread for
- the bouncing ball. There are two ways to begin an MFC user-interface
- thread: (1) call AfxBeginThread, passing the CRuntimeClass of the
- CWinThread-derived class; or (2) implement two-stage construction of
- the CWinThread-derived object by new'ing it and then calling
- CWinThread::CreateThread. We use the second method because it offers
- the easiest way to pass the HWND of the CMainFrame window to the
- thread, which needs the parent HWND to create the child window.
- We simply pass the HWND to the CBounceThread constructor.
- An alternative method is:
- - call AfxBeginThread with a CREATE_SUSPENDED parameter;
- - pass the parent HWND via a new CBounceThread::SetParentWnd function;
- or make the CBounceThread::m_hwndParent member variable public and
- set it directly; and then
- - call CWinThread::ResumeThread.
- Thread instance initialization
- ------------------------------
- CWinThread::InitInstance is the only member function that must be
- overridden for a user-interface thread. The implementation of
- CBounceThread::InitInstance is typical in that it creates (using
- CWnd::Create) the window that processes messages in the separate thread.
- Terminating the user-interface thread
- -------------------------------------
- The easiest way to terminate a user-interface thread is to rely on
- automatic termination of the thread when the main window associated with
- the thread is destroyed. The only thing you need to do to implement
- such automatic thread termination is to set the CWinThread::m_pMainWnd
- to the main window. This is illustrated in CBounceThread::InitInstance.
- The default CWnd::OnNcDestroy handler checks whether the window being
- destroyed is the thread's m_pMainWnd and, if so, terminates the thread,
- provided it isn't the main application thread.
- Unless you change the default TRUE value of CWinThread::m_bAutoDelete,
- the framework will automatically delete the CWinThread object when the
- thread terminates.
- Avoiding memory leak detection of CWinThread object
- ---------------------------------------------------
- When the application terminates, it destroys each window in the window
- hierarchy, and then, in debug mode, checks for memory leaks.
- It is possible that the application will falsely detect a memory leak of the
- CWinThread object before the user-interface thread has had a chance to
- automatically terminate. The reported memory leak is false because
- eventually the CWinThread object will be automatically destroyed anyway.
- Nevertheless, the dumping of memory leak information can be disconcerting.
- To avoid this, we use a "bounce thread killed" event. The CBounceThread
- delete operator sets the event. The main application waits for this event
- before terminating. It is better to set the event in the delete operator
- rather than in the CBounceThread destructor, because it is remotely possible
- that the application might terminate (and report a memory leak) between
- the time the CBounceThread destructor completes and the time that the
- CBounceThread object is actually deleted.
- ================
- MDI child window
- ================
- In the original MDI sample, the CBounceWnd was a CMDIChildWnd. It
- handled the Color and Speed menu commands. In the MTMDI sample, the
- CBounceWnd is a CWnd; and the CBounceWnd window is a child of the
- MDI child window. There still needs to be a CMDIChildWnd class.
- It is named CMDIChildBounceWnd, and is implemented in bounce.cpp,
- where CBounceWnd is also implemented.
- Creation of the MDI child window
- --------------------------------
- As in the original MDI sample, the CMainFrame::OnBounce handler
- creates the CMDIChildWnd when the user requests a new bouncing ball
- window. The implementation of CMDIChildBounceWnd::Create borrows
- half of the implementation of the original MDI sample's
- CBounceWnd::Create. The half borrowed is the implementation of the
- shared menu. The other half, the window class registration, is
- left in the implementation of CBounceWnd::Create.
- The overridden CMDIChildBounce::Create also creates the bounce thread.
- Delegation of commands and command user-interface initialization
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- CMDIChildWnd delegates commands and command user-interface initialization
- to the child CBounceWnd. One laborious way to do this is delegate each
- command on a per command basis. An easier but more sophisticated way to
- do this is to override OnCmdMsg and pass the OnCmdMsg parameters to the
- CBounceWnd in a structure via SendMessage. For more details, see source
- code comments for CMDIChildBounceWnd::OnCmdMsg.
- ============================
- User-interface thread window
- ============================
- The bouncing ball window is implemented in a CWnd-derived class,
- CBounceWnd, in bounce.cpp. It reuses almost all of the CBounceWnd code
- in the original MDI sample, where the CBounceWnd was a CMDIChildWnd instead
- of a plain CWnd.
- Creation of the bouncing ball window
- ------------------------------------
- CBounceThread::InitInstance calls the CBounceWnd-override of CWnd::Create
- to create the window. The implementation of CBounceWnd::Create is borrowed
- from the original MDI sample's implementation, less the shared menu
- initialization code that is now in CMDIChildBounceWnd::Create.
- Command handling and command user-interface initialization
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- All commands and command user-interface initialization is delegated by
- the CMDIChildBounceWnd object to the CBounceWnd object.
- CMDIChildBounceWnd::OnCmdMsg sends a user-defined WM_USER_ONCMDMSG message
- to the CBounceWnd window. This message contains all of the information
- originally passed to CMDIChildBounceWnd::OnCmdMsg.
- The CBounceWnd handler for WM_USER_ONCMDMSG, named OnDelegatedCmdMsg,
- unpacks the COnCmdMsg struct passed via the lParam, and calls the default
- CWnd::OnCmdMsg for the CBounceWnd object.