- using System;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
- using UtilityLibrary.Win32;
- namespace UtilityLibrary.General
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Summary description for GDIUtil.
- /// </summary>
- public class GDIUtil
- {
- #region Constructors
- // We won't instatiate any object
- private GDIUtil()
- {
- }
- #endregion
- #region Methods
- static public void Draw3DRect(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, Color topLeft, Color bottomRight)
- {
- Draw3DRect(g, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width, rc.Height, topLeft, bottomRight);
- }
- static public void Draw3DRect(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color topLeft, Color bottomRight)
- {
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(topLeft), x, y, width - 1, 1);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(topLeft), x, y, 1, height - 1);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(bottomRight), x + width, y, -1, height);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(bottomRight), x, y + height, width, -1);
- }
- static public void StrechBitmap(Graphics gDest, Rectangle rcDest, Bitmap bitmap)
- {
- // Draw From bitmap
- IntPtr hDCTo = gDest.GetHdc();
- WindowsAPI.SetStretchBltMode(hDCTo, StrechModeFlags.HALFTONE);
- IntPtr hDCFrom = WindowsAPI.CreateCompatibleDC(hDCTo);
- IntPtr hOldFromBitmap = WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCFrom, bitmap.GetHbitmap());
- WindowsAPI.StretchBlt(hDCTo, rcDest.Left , rcDest.Top, rcDest.Width, rcDest.Height, hDCFrom,
- 0 , 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, PatBltTypes.SRCCOPY);
- // Cleanup
- WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCFrom, hOldFromBitmap);
- gDest.ReleaseHdc(hDCTo);
- }
- static public void StrechBitmap(Graphics gDest, Rectangle rcDest, Rectangle rcSource, Bitmap bitmap)
- {
- // Draw From bitmap
- IntPtr hDCTo = gDest.GetHdc();
- WindowsAPI.SetStretchBltMode(hDCTo, StrechModeFlags.COLORONCOLOR);
- IntPtr hDCFrom = WindowsAPI.CreateCompatibleDC(hDCTo);
- IntPtr hOldFromBitmap = WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCFrom, bitmap.GetHbitmap());
- WindowsAPI.StretchBlt(hDCTo, rcDest.Left , rcDest.Top, rcDest.Width, rcDest.Height, hDCFrom,
- rcSource.Left , rcSource.Top, rcSource.Width, rcSource.Height, PatBltTypes.SRCCOPY);
- // Cleanup
- WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCFrom, hOldFromBitmap);
- WindowsAPI.DeleteDC(hDCFrom);
- gDest.ReleaseHdc(hDCTo);
- }
- static public Bitmap GetStrechedBitmap(Graphics gDest, Rectangle rcDest, Bitmap bitmap)
- {
- // Draw To bitmap
- Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(rcDest.Width, rcDest.Height);
- Graphics gBitmap = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap);
- IntPtr hDCTo = gBitmap.GetHdc();
- WindowsAPI.SetStretchBltMode(hDCTo, StrechModeFlags.COLORONCOLOR);
- IntPtr hDCFrom = WindowsAPI.CreateCompatibleDC(hDCTo);
- IntPtr hOldFromBitmap = WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCFrom, bitmap.GetHbitmap());
- WindowsAPI.StretchBlt(hDCTo, rcDest.Left , rcDest.Top, rcDest.Width, rcDest.Height, hDCFrom,
- 0 , 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, PatBltTypes.SRCCOPY);
- // Cleanup
- WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCFrom, hOldFromBitmap);
- WindowsAPI.DeleteDC(hDCFrom);
- gBitmap.ReleaseHdc(hDCTo);
- return newBitmap;
- }
- static public Bitmap GetTileBitmap(Rectangle rcDest, Bitmap bitmap)
- {
- Bitmap tiledBitmap = new Bitmap(rcDest.Width, rcDest.Height);
- using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tiledBitmap) )
- {
- for ( int i = 0; i < tiledBitmap.Width; i += bitmap.Width )
- {
- for ( int j = 0; j < tiledBitmap.Height; j += bitmap.Height )
- {
- g.DrawImage(bitmap, new Point(i, j));
- }
- }
- }
- return tiledBitmap;
- }
- static public void BlitBitmap(Graphics gDest, Rectangle rcDest, int xSrc, int ySrc, IntPtr handleBitmap)
- {
- // Use this function when you want faster painting of a image. Specially
- // if that image is being painting many time in a short period of time
- // --like when dragging the thumb of a scrollbar and painting an image in
- // real time-- Having the handle of the bitmap saved somewhere avoids
- // recreating the handle every time the image is drawn as GDI+ does it
- // every time it paints the image
- IntPtr hDCTo = gDest.GetHdc();
- IntPtr hDCSrc = WindowsAPI.CreateCompatibleDC(hDCTo);
- IntPtr hOldFromBitmap = WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCSrc, handleBitmap);
- WindowsAPI.BitBlt(hDCTo, rcDest.Left, rcDest.Top, rcDest.Width, rcDest.Height, hDCSrc, xSrc, ySrc, PatBltTypes.SRCCOPY);
- // Cleanup
- WindowsAPI.SelectObject(hDCSrc, hOldFromBitmap);
- WindowsAPI.DeleteDC(hDCSrc);
- gDest.ReleaseHdc(hDCTo);
- }
- static public void DrawArrowGlyph(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, ArrowGlyph arrowGlyph, Brush brush)
- {
- // Draw arrow glyph with the default
- // size of 5 pixel wide and 3 pixel high
- DrawArrowGlyph(g, rc, 5, 3, arrowGlyph, brush);
- }
- static public void DrawArrowGlyph(Graphics g, Rectangle rc, int arrowWidth, int arrowHeight, ArrowGlyph arrowGlyph, Brush brush)
- {
- // Tip: use an odd number for the arrowWidth and
- // arrowWidth/2+1 for the arrowHeight
- // so that the arrow gets the same pixel number
- // on the left and on the right and get symetrically painted
- Point[] pts = new Point[3];
- int yMiddle = rc.Top + rc.Height/2-arrowHeight/2+1;
- int xMiddle = rc.Left + rc.Width/2;
- if ( arrowGlyph == ArrowGlyph.Up )
- {
- pts[0] = new Point(xMiddle, yMiddle-2);
- pts[1] = new Point(xMiddle-arrowWidth/2-1, yMiddle+arrowHeight-1);
- pts[2] = new Point(xMiddle+arrowWidth/2+1, yMiddle+arrowHeight-1);
- }
- else if ( arrowGlyph == ArrowGlyph.Down )
- {
- //yMiddle -= 1;
- pts[0] = new Point(xMiddle-arrowWidth/2, yMiddle);
- pts[1] = new Point(xMiddle+arrowWidth/2+1, yMiddle);
- pts[2] = new Point(xMiddle, yMiddle+arrowHeight);
- }
- else if ( arrowGlyph == ArrowGlyph.Left )
- {
- yMiddle = rc.Top + rc.Height/2;
- pts[0] = new Point(xMiddle-arrowHeight/2, yMiddle);
- pts[1] = new Point(pts[0].X+arrowHeight, yMiddle-arrowWidth/2-1);
- pts[2] = new Point(pts[0].X+arrowHeight, yMiddle+arrowWidth/2+1);
- }
- else if ( arrowGlyph == ArrowGlyph.Right )
- {
- yMiddle = rc.Top + rc.Height/2;
- pts[0] = new Point(xMiddle+arrowHeight/2+1, yMiddle);
- pts[1] = new Point(pts[0].X-arrowHeight, yMiddle-arrowWidth/2-1);
- pts[2] = new Point(pts[0].X-arrowHeight, yMiddle+arrowWidth/2+1);
- }
- g.FillPolygon(brush, pts);
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }