- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
- using System.Data;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using UtilityLibrary.Win32;
- using UtilityLibrary.General;
- namespace UtilityLibrary.WinControls
- {
- #region Enumerations
- public enum ProgressBarProperty
- {
- BackgroundColor,
- ForegroundColor,
- BorderColor,
- Border3D,
- Enable3DBorder,
- Value,
- Step,
- Minimun,
- Maximun,
- Smooth,
- ShowProgressText,
- ProgressText,
- BackgroundBitmap,
- ForegroundBitmap,
- ProgressTextHiglightColor,
- ProgressTextColor,
- GradientStartColor,
- GradientMiddleColor,
- GradientEndColor,
- WaitingGradientSize,
- WaitingSpeed,
- WaitingStep,
- Orientation
- }
- #endregion
- #region Delegates
- // I put the delegate outside the class so that the user does not have
- // to prefix the progressbar class name to use this delegate
- // Putting them inside the class just make them hard to use
- // Declare the property change event signature
- public delegate void ProgressBarPropertyChangedHandler(ProgressBarEx pogressBar, ProgressBarProperty prop);
- #endregion
- /// <summary>
- /// Summary description for FlatProgressBar.
- /// </summary>
- [ToolboxItem(false)]
- public class ProgressBarEx : System.Windows.Forms.Control
- {
- #region Enumerations
- // We need to know how we are going to draw the progress bar
- // this won't come from the user setting as a flag but how the
- // progress bar is constructed
- private enum ProgressBarType
- {
- Standard,
- Bitmap,
- Gradient,
- WaitingGradient,
- GradientTube,
- WaitingGradientTube
- }
- #endregion
- #region Events
- public event ProgressBarPropertyChangedHandler PropertyChanged;
- #endregion
- #region Class Variables
- // Standard progress bar
- Color backgroundColor;
- Color foregroundColor;
- Color borderColor;
- // Property backers
- int _value = 0;
- int step = 1;
- int min = 0;
- int max = 100;
- bool smooth = false;
- Border3DStyle border3D = Border3DStyle.Flat;
- bool enable3DBorder = false;
- // Text related
- bool showProgressText = false;
- string progressText = string.Empty;
- Color progressTextHiglightColor = Color.Empty;
- Color progressTextColor = Color.Empty;
- // Progress Bar type
- ProgressBarType barType = ProgressBarType.Standard;
- // Bitmap progress Bar
- Bitmap foregroundBitmap = null;
- Bitmap backgroundBitmap = null;
- // Gradient progress bar
- Color gradientStartColor = Color.Empty;
- Color gradientMiddleColor = Color.Empty;
- Color gradientEndColor = Color.Empty;
- // Waiting progress bar
- System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
- int waitingGradientSize = 30;
- int waitingSpeed = 25;
- int waitingStep = 5;
- int waitingPos = 0;
- const int TUBE_WIDTH = 20;
- int tubeOffset = 0;
- // Gradient tube helpers
- Color lightColor = Color.Empty;
- Color lighterColor = Color.Empty;
- Color lightestColor = Color.Empty;
- Color darkColor = Color.Empty;
- Color darkerColor = Color.Empty;
- // Vertical/Horizontal progress bar
- Orientation orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
- #endregion
- #region Constructors
- // Default contructor to draw a "Standard" progress Bar
- public ProgressBarEx()
- {
- InitializeProgressControl(ProgressBarType.Standard, ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor,
- ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor, ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor, null, null, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty);
- }
- public ProgressBarEx(Bitmap foregroundBitmap, Bitmap backgroundBitmap)
- {
- InitializeProgressControl(ProgressBarType.Bitmap, ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor,
- ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor, ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor,
- foregroundBitmap, backgroundBitmap, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty);
- }
- public ProgressBarEx(Bitmap foregroundBitmap)
- {
- InitializeProgressControl(ProgressBarType.Bitmap, ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor,
- ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor,ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor,
- foregroundBitmap, null, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, Color.Empty);
- }
- public ProgressBarEx(Color gradientStartColor)
- {
- InitializeProgressControl(ProgressBarType.GradientTube, ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor,
- ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor, ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor,
- foregroundBitmap, null, gradientStartColor, Color.Empty, Color.Empty);
- // Initialize helper colors
- InitializeGradientTubeColors(gradientStartColor);
- }
- public ProgressBarEx(Color gradientStartColor, bool waiting)
- {
- ProgressBarType type = ProgressBarType.GradientTube;
- if ( waiting == true )
- {
- type = ProgressBarType.WaitingGradientTube;
- // Initialize timer callback
- timer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnWaitingTick);
- timer.Interval = waitingSpeed;
- }
- InitializeProgressControl(type, ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor,
- ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor, ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor,
- foregroundBitmap, null, gradientStartColor, Color.Empty, Color.Empty);
- // Initialize helper colors
- InitializeGradientTubeColors(gradientStartColor);
- }
- public ProgressBarEx(Color gradientStartColor, Color gradientEndColor)
- {
- InitializeProgressControl(ProgressBarType.Gradient, ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor,
- ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor, ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor,
- foregroundBitmap, null, gradientStartColor, Color.Empty, gradientEndColor);
- }
- public ProgressBarEx(Color gradientStartColor, Color gradientEndColor, bool waiting)
- {
- ProgressBarType type = ProgressBarType.Gradient;
- if ( waiting == true )
- {
- type = ProgressBarType.WaitingGradient;
- // Initialize timer callback
- timer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnWaitingTick);
- timer.Interval = waitingSpeed;
- }
- InitializeProgressControl(type, ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor,
- ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor, ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor,
- foregroundBitmap, null, gradientStartColor, Color.Empty, gradientEndColor);
- }
- public ProgressBarEx(Color gradientStartColor, Color gradientMiddleColor, Color gradientEndColor)
- {
- InitializeProgressControl(ProgressBarType.Gradient, ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor,
- ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor, ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor,
- foregroundBitmap, null, gradientStartColor, gradientMiddleColor, gradientEndColor);
- }
- void InitializeProgressControl(ProgressBarType barType, Color backgroundColor,
- Color foregroundColor, Color borderColor, Bitmap foregroundBitmap, Bitmap backgroundBitmap, Color gradientStartColor,
- Color gradientMiddleColor, Color gradientEndColor)
- {
- // Setup Double buffering
- SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw
- |ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint|ControlStyles.UserPaint|ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
- this.barType = barType;
- this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
- this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
- this.borderColor = borderColor;
- this.foregroundBitmap = foregroundBitmap;
- this.backgroundBitmap = backgroundBitmap;
- this.gradientStartColor = gradientStartColor;
- this.gradientMiddleColor = gradientMiddleColor;
- this.gradientEndColor = gradientEndColor;
- }
- #endregion
- #region Overrides
- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnPaint(e);
- // Get window area
- Win32.RECT rc = new Win32.RECT();
- WindowsAPI.GetWindowRect(Handle, ref rc);
- // Convert to a client size rectangle
- Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -;
- Graphics g = e.Graphics;
- Rectangle workRect = WorkRect;
- DrawBackground(g, workRect);
- DrawBorder(g, rect);
- if ( _value != 0 )
- DrawForeground(g, workRect);
- }
- protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
- {
- base.OnHandleCreated(e);
- // Initialize waitingPos
- Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- waitingPos = rc.Width/2;
- else
- waitingPos = rc.Height/2;
- }
- #endregion
- #region Properties
- public Color BackgroundColor
- {
- set
- {
- if ( backgroundColor != value )
- {
- backgroundColor = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.BackgroundColor);
- }
- }
- get { return backgroundColor; }
- }
- public Color ForegroundColor
- {
- set
- {
- if ( foregroundColor != value )
- {
- foregroundColor = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.ForegroundColor);
- }
- }
- get { return foregroundColor; }
- }
- public Color BorderColor
- {
- set
- {
- if ( borderColor != value )
- {
- borderColor = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.BorderColor);
- }
- }
- get { return borderColor; }
- }
- public int Value
- {
- set
- {
- if ( _value != value )
- {
- if ( !(value <= max && value >= min) )
- {
- // Throw exception to indicate out of range condition
- string message = "ProgressBarEx Value: " + value.ToString()
- + " is out of range. It needs to be between " +
- min.ToString() + " and " + max.ToString();
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException outRangeException = new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Value", message);
- throw(outRangeException);
- }
- _value = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Value);
- }
- }
- get { return _value; }
- }
- public new Size Size
- {
- set
- {
- // Make sure width and height dimensions are always
- // an even number so that we can do round math
- // when we draw the progress bar segments
- Size newSize = value;
- if ( newSize.Width % 2 != 0) newSize.Width++;
- if ( newSize.Height % 2 != 0) newSize.Height++;
- base.Size = newSize;
- }
- get { return base.Size; }
- }
- public int Step
- {
- set
- {
- if ( step != value )
- {
- step = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Step);
- }
- }
- get { return step; }
- }
- public int Minimum
- {
- set
- {
- if ( min != value )
- {
- if ( value >= max )
- {
- // Throw exception to indicate out of range condition
- string message = "ProgressBarEx Minimum Value: "
- + value.ToString() + " is out of range. It needs to be less than " +
- "Maximun value: " + max.ToString();
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException outRangeException = new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Value", message);
- throw(outRangeException);
- }
- min = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Minimun);
- }
- }
- get { return min; }
- }
- public int Maximum
- {
- set
- {
- if ( max != value )
- {
- if ( value <= min )
- {
- // Throw exception to indicate out of range condition
- string message = "ProgressBarEx Maximum Value: " + value.ToString()
- + " is out of range. It needs to be greater than " +
- "Minimum value: " + min.ToString();
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException outRangeException = new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Value", message);
- throw(outRangeException);
- }
- max = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Maximun);
- }
- }
- get { return max; }
- }
- public bool Smooth
- {
- set
- {
- if ( smooth != value )
- {
- smooth = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Smooth);
- }
- }
- get { return smooth; }
- }
- public Border3DStyle Border3D
- {
- set
- {
- if ( border3D != value )
- {
- border3D = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Border3D);
- }
- }
- get { return border3D; }
- }
- public bool Enable3DBorder
- {
- set
- {
- if ( enable3DBorder != value )
- {
- enable3DBorder = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Enable3DBorder);
- }
- }
- get { return enable3DBorder; }
- }
- public bool ShowProgressText
- {
- set
- {
- if ( showProgressText != value )
- {
- showProgressText = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.ShowProgressText);
- }
- }
- get { return showProgressText; }
- }
- public string ProgressText
- {
- set
- {
- if ( progressText != value )
- {
- progressText = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.ProgressText);
- }
- }
- get { return progressText; }
- }
- public Color ProgressTextHiglightColor
- {
- set
- {
- if ( progressTextHiglightColor != value )
- {
- progressTextHiglightColor = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.ProgressTextHiglightColor);
- }
- }
- get { return progressTextHiglightColor; }
- }
- public Color ProgressTextColor
- {
- set
- {
- if ( progressTextColor != value )
- {
- progressTextColor = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.ProgressTextColor);
- }
- }
- get { return progressTextColor; }
- }
- public Bitmap ForegroundBitmap
- {
- set
- {
- if ( foregroundBitmap != value )
- {
- foregroundBitmap = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.ForegroundBitmap);
- }
- }
- get { return foregroundBitmap; }
- }
- public Bitmap BackgroundBitmap
- {
- set
- {
- if ( backgroundBitmap != value )
- {
- backgroundBitmap = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.BackgroundBitmap);
- }
- }
- get { return backgroundBitmap; }
- }
- public Color GradientStartColor
- {
- set
- {
- if ( gradientStartColor != value )
- {
- gradientStartColor = value;
- if ( barType == ProgressBarType.GradientTube || barType == ProgressBarType.WaitingGradientTube )
- InitializeGradientTubeColors(value);
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.GradientStartColor);
- }
- }
- get { return gradientStartColor; }
- }
- public Color GradientMiddleColor
- {
- set
- {
- if ( gradientMiddleColor != value )
- {
- gradientMiddleColor = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.GradientMiddleColor);
- }
- }
- get { return gradientMiddleColor; }
- }
- public Color GradientEndColor
- {
- set
- {
- if ( gradientEndColor != value )
- {
- gradientEndColor = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.GradientEndColor);
- }
- }
- get { return gradientEndColor; }
- }
- public int WaitingGradientSize
- {
- set
- {
- if ( waitingGradientSize != value )
- {
- waitingGradientSize = value;
- // Keep the size between 0 and 100
- if ( waitingGradientSize < 0 )
- waitingGradientSize = 10;
- else if ( waitingGradientSize > 100 )
- waitingGradientSize = 80;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.WaitingGradientSize);
- }
- }
- get { return waitingGradientSize; }
- }
- public int WaitingSpeed
- {
- set
- {
- if ( waitingSpeed != value )
- {
- bool timerEnabled = timer.Enabled;
- if ( timerEnabled )
- timer.Stop();
- waitingSpeed = value;
- timer.Interval = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.WaitingSpeed);
- if ( timerEnabled )
- timer.Start();
- }
- }
- get { return waitingSpeed; }
- }
- public int WaitingStep
- {
- set
- {
- if ( waitingStep != value )
- {
- waitingStep = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.WaitingStep);
- }
- }
- get { return waitingStep; }
- }
- public Orientation Orientation
- {
- set
- {
- if ( orientation != value )
- {
- orientation = value;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Orientation);
- }
- }
- get { return orientation; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Methods
- public void PerformStep()
- {
- if ( _value < max )
- _value += step;
- if ( _value > max )
- _value = max;
- FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty.Step);
- }
- public void StartWaiting()
- {
- // Only if we have a waiting progress bar
- if ( barType != ProgressBarType.WaitingGradient && barType != ProgressBarType.WaitingGradientTube )
- return;
- timer.Start();
- }
- public void StopWaiting()
- {
- // Only if we have a waiting progress bar
- if ( barType != ProgressBarType.WaitingGradient && barType != ProgressBarType.WaitingGradientTube )
- return;
- timer.Stop();
- }
- #endregion
- #region Implementation
- // Methods
- void FirePropertyChange(ProgressBarProperty property)
- {
- // Fire event if we need to
- if (PropertyChanged != null)
- PropertyChanged(this, property);
- // Force a repaint of the control
- Invalidate();
- }
- void DrawBorder(Graphics g, Rectangle windowRect)
- {
- if ( enable3DBorder == false )
- {
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(borderColor) )
- {
- g.DrawRectangle(p, windowRect.Left, windowRect.Top,
- windowRect.Width-1, windowRect.Height-1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, windowRect, border3D);
- }
- }
- void DrawBackground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- if ( barType == ProgressBarType.Standard )
- {
- DrawStandardBackground(g, workRect);
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.Bitmap )
- {
- DrawBitmapBackground(g, workRect);
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.Gradient )
- {
- DrawGradientBackground(g, workRect);
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.GradientTube || barType == ProgressBarType.WaitingGradientTube )
- {
- DrawGradientTubeBackground(g, workRect);
- }
- }
- void DrawStandardBackground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(backgroundColor) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, workRect);
- }
- }
- void DrawBitmapBackground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- if ( backgroundBitmap != null )
- {
- // If we strech the bitmap most likely than not the bitmap
- // won't look good. I will draw the background bitmap just
- // by sampling a portion of the bitmap equal to the segment width
- // -- if we were drawing segments --- and draw this over and over
- // without leaving gaps
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- {
- int segmentWidth = (workRect.Height)*3/4;
- segmentWidth -= 2;
- Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left, workRect.Top, segmentWidth, workRect.Height);
- for ( int i = 0; i < workRect.Width; i += segmentWidth)
- {
- g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, drawingRect.Left + i, drawingRect.Top,
- segmentWidth, workRect.Height);
- // If last segment does not fit, just draw a portion of it
- if ( i + segmentWidth > workRect.Width )
- g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, drawingRect.Left + i + segmentWidth, drawingRect.Top,
- workRect.Width - (drawingRect.Left + i + segmentWidth), workRect.Height);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int segmentHeight = (workRect.Width)*3/4;
- segmentHeight -= 2;
- Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left, workRect.Top, workRect.Width, segmentHeight);
- for ( int i = 0; i < workRect.Height; i += segmentHeight)
- {
- g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, drawingRect.Left, drawingRect.Top + i,
- workRect.Width, segmentHeight);
- // If last segment does not fit, just draw a portion of it
- if ( i + segmentHeight > workRect.Height )
- g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, drawingRect.Left, drawingRect.Top + i + segmentHeight, workRect.Width,
- workRect.Height - (drawingRect.Top + i + segmentHeight));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(backgroundColor), workRect);
- }
- }
- void DrawGradientBackground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- // Same as the standard background
- using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(backgroundColor) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, workRect);
- }
- }
- void DrawGradientTubeBackground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- // Draw background using a lighter shade of the gradientStartColor
- using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(lightestColor) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, workRect);
- }
- }
- void DrawForeground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- if ( barType == ProgressBarType.Standard )
- {
- DrawStandardForeground(g, workRect);
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.Bitmap )
- {
- DrawBitmapForeground(g, workRect);
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.Gradient )
- {
- DrawGradientForeground(g, workRect);
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.WaitingGradient )
- {
- DrawWaitingGradientForeground(g, workRect);
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.GradientTube )
- {
- DrawGradientTubeForeground(g, workRect);
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.WaitingGradientTube )
- {
- DrawWaitingGradientTubeForeground(g, workRect);
- }
- }
- void DrawStandardForeground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- if ( smooth )
- DrawStandardForegroundSmooth(g, workRect);
- else
- DrawStandardForegroundSegmented(g, workRect);
- }
- void DrawBitmapForeground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- {
- // We should have a valid foreground bitmap if the type of
- // the progress bar is bitmap
- Debug.Assert(foregroundBitmap != null);
- // If we strech the bitmap most likely than not the bitmap
- // won't look good. I will draw the foreground bitmap just
- // by sampling a portion of the bitmap equal to the segment width
- // -- if we were drawing segments --- and draw this over and over
- // without leaving gaps
- int segmentWidth = (workRect.Height)*3/4;
- segmentWidth -= 2;
- int segmentTopGap = 1;
- int segmentLeftGap = 2;
- if ( smooth )
- segmentLeftGap = 0;
- Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left,
- workRect.Top, segmentWidth, workRect.Height);
- int progressWidth = (GetScaledValue());
- if ( progressWidth < 0 ) progressWidth = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < progressWidth; i += segmentRect.Width+segmentLeftGap )
- {
- if ( i+segmentRect.Width+segmentLeftGap > progressWidth
- && (i+segmentRect.Width+segmentLeftGap > WorkRect.Width) )
- {
- // if we are about to leave because next segment does not fit
- // draw the portion that fits
- int partialWidth = progressWidth-i;
- Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+i,
- segmentRect.Top+segmentTopGap, partialWidth, segmentRect.Height-(segmentTopGap*2));
- g.DrawImage(foregroundBitmap, drawingRect, 0, 0, drawingRect.Width, drawingRect.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
- break;
- }
- Rectangle completeSegment = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+i, segmentRect.Top+segmentTopGap,
- segmentRect.Width, segmentRect.Height-(segmentTopGap*2));
- g.DrawImage(foregroundBitmap, completeSegment, 0, 0,
- completeSegment.Width, completeSegment.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We should have a valid foreground bitmap if the type of
- // the progress bar is bitmap
- Debug.Assert(foregroundBitmap != null);
- // If we strech the bitmap most likely than not the bitmap
- // won't look good. I will draw the foreground bitmap just
- // by sampling a portion of the bitmap equal to the segment width
- // -- if we were drawing segments --- and draw this over and over
- // without leaving gaps
- int segmentHeight = (workRect.Width)*3/4;
- segmentHeight -= 2;
- int segmentTopGap = 2;
- int segmentLeftGap = 1;
- if ( smooth )
- segmentTopGap = 0;
- Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left,
- workRect.Top, workRect.Width, segmentHeight);
- int progressHeight = (GetScaledValue());
- if ( progressHeight < 0 ) progressHeight = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < progressHeight; i += segmentRect.Height+segmentTopGap )
- {
- int top = (workRect.Bottom - segmentRect.Height) - i;
- if ( top < workRect.Top )
- {
- // if we are about to leave because next segment does not fit
- // draw the portion that fits
- int partialHeight = progressHeight-i;
- Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+segmentLeftGap,
- workRect.Top, segmentRect.Width-(segmentLeftGap*2), partialHeight);
- g.DrawImage(foregroundBitmap, drawingRect, 0, 0, drawingRect.Width, drawingRect.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
- break;
- }
- Rectangle completeSegment = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+segmentLeftGap, top,
- segmentRect.Width-(segmentLeftGap*2), segmentRect.Height);
- g.DrawImage(foregroundBitmap, completeSegment, 0, 0,
- completeSegment.Width, completeSegment.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
- }
- }
- }
- void DrawGradientForeground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- // Three color gradient?
- bool useMiddleColor = false;
- if ( gradientMiddleColor != Color.Empty )
- useMiddleColor = true;
- if ( useMiddleColor )
- DrawThreeColorsGradient(g, workRect);
- else
- DrawTwoColorsGradient(g, workRect);
- }
- void DrawWaitingGradientForeground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- DrawWaitingGradientForegroundHorizontal(g, workRect);
- else
- DrawWaitingGradientForegroundVertical(g, workRect);
- }
- void DrawWaitingGradientForegroundHorizontal(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- Rectangle rc = workRect;
- Region oldRegion = g.Clip;
- g.Clip = new Region(rc);
- // Boolean helpers
- bool useLeftBrush = false;
- bool useRightBrush = false;
- // Initialize rectangles
- Rectangle left = rc;
- Rectangle right = rc;
- Rectangle leftFill = rc;
- Rectangle rightFill = rc;
- Rectangle partialLeft = rc;
- Rectangle partialRight = rc;
- int gradientSize = (int)((float)(waitingGradientSize/2)*((float)rc.Width/100));
- // Adjust rectangles using waiting bar type settings
- left.Width = gradientSize;
- left.X = waitingPos - gradientSize;
- right.X = waitingPos;
- right.Width = gradientSize;
- leftFill.Width = waitingPos - gradientSize;
- rightFill.X = waitingPos + gradientSize;
- rightFill.Width = ClientRectangle.Width - (waitingPos + gradientSize);
- if ( (waitingPos + gradientSize) > rc.Width )
- {
- useRightBrush = true;
- partialRight.X = -(rc.Width - waitingPos + rc.Left);
- partialRight.Width = gradientSize;
- leftFill.X = partialRight.X + gradientSize;
- leftFill.Width -= (partialRight.X + gradientSize);
- }
- if ( waitingPos < gradientSize )
- {
- useLeftBrush = true;
- partialLeft.X = (rc.Width - gradientSize) + waitingPos;
- partialLeft.Width = gradientSize;
- rightFill.X = right.X + gradientSize;
- rightFill.Width = partialLeft.X - rightFill.X;
- }
- // Paint partial right rectangle
- if ( useRightBrush )
- {
- using ( Brush b = new LinearGradientBrush(partialRight, gradientEndColor, gradientStartColor, 0, true) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, partialRight);
- // There is a bug in the LinearGradientBrush logic
- // that causes the first line in the gradient to use the EndColor of the gradient
- // instead of using the StartColor of the gradient
- // To compensate, draw a one pixel wide line using the start color
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(gradientEndColor) )
- {
- g.DrawLine(p, partialRight.Left, partialRight.Top, partialRight.Left, partialRight.Bottom);
- }
- }
- }
- // Partial left rectangle
- if ( useLeftBrush )
- {
- using ( Brush b = new LinearGradientBrush(partialLeft, gradientStartColor, gradientEndColor, 0, true) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, partialLeft);
- // Same bug fix as above
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(gradientStartColor) )
- {
- g.DrawLine(p, partialLeft.Left, partialLeft.Top, partialLeft.Left, partialLeft.Bottom);
- }
- }
- }
- // Paint left fill rectangle
- using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(gradientStartColor) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, leftFill);
- }
- // Paint left rectangle
- if ( left.Width > 0 )
- {
- using ( Brush b = new LinearGradientBrush(left, gradientStartColor, gradientEndColor, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, left);
- // Same bug fix as above
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(gradientStartColor) )
- {
- g.DrawLine(p, left.Left, left.Top, left.Left, left.Bottom);
- }
- }
- }
- // Paint right rectangle
- if ( right.Width > 0 )
- {
- using ( Brush b = new LinearGradientBrush(right, gradientEndColor, gradientStartColor, 0, true) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, right);
- // Same bug fix as above
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(gradientEndColor) )
- {
- g.DrawLine(p, right.Left, right.Top, right.Left, right.Bottom);
- }
- }
- }
- // Paint right fill rectangle
- using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(gradientStartColor) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, rightFill);
- }
- // Put back old region
- g.Clip = oldRegion;
- }
- void DrawWaitingGradientForegroundVertical(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- Rectangle rc = workRect;
- Region oldRegion = g.Clip;
- g.Clip = new Region(rc);
- // Boolean helpers
- bool useLeftBrush = false;
- bool useRightBrush = false;
- // Initialize rectangles
- Rectangle left = rc;
- Rectangle right = rc;
- Rectangle leftFill = rc;
- Rectangle rightFill = rc;
- Rectangle partialLeft = rc;
- Rectangle partialRight = rc;
- int gradientSize = (int)((float)(waitingGradientSize/2)*((float)rc.Height/100));
- // Adjust rectangles using waiting bar type settings
- left.Height = gradientSize;
- left.Y = waitingPos;
- right.Y = waitingPos - gradientSize;
- right.Height = gradientSize;
- leftFill.Y = waitingPos + gradientSize;
- leftFill.Height = rc.Bottom - (waitingPos + gradientSize);
- rightFill.Y = rc.Top;
- rightFill.Height = right.Y - rc.Top;
- if ( (waitingPos - gradientSize) < rc.Top )
- {
- useRightBrush = true;
- partialRight.Y = rc.Bottom - (gradientSize - waitingPos);
- partialRight.Height = gradientSize;
- leftFill.Height -= (gradientSize - waitingPos);
- }
- if ( waitingPos + gradientSize > rc.Bottom )
- {
- useLeftBrush = true;
- partialLeft.Y = rc.Top - (rc.Bottom - waitingPos);
- partialLeft.Height = gradientSize;
- rightFill.Height -= gradientSize - (rc.Bottom - waitingPos);
- rightFill.Y = right.Y - rightFill.Height;
- }
- // Paint partial right rectangle
- if ( useRightBrush )
- {
- using ( Brush b = new LinearGradientBrush(partialRight, gradientStartColor, gradientEndColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, partialRight);
- // To fix bug
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(gradientStartColor) )
- {
- g.DrawLine(p, partialRight.Left, partialRight.Top, partialRight.Right, partialRight.Top);
- }
- }
- }
- // Partial left rectangle
- if ( useLeftBrush )
- {
- using ( Brush b = new LinearGradientBrush(partialLeft, gradientEndColor, gradientStartColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, partialLeft);
- // To fix bug
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(gradientEndColor) )
- {
- g.DrawLine(p, partialLeft.Left, partialLeft.Top, partialLeft.Right, partialLeft.Top);
- }
- }
- }
- // Paint left fill rectangle
- using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(gradientStartColor) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, leftFill);
- }
- // Paint left rectangle
- if ( left.Width > 0 )
- {
- using ( Brush b = new LinearGradientBrush(left, gradientEndColor, gradientStartColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, left);
- }
- // To fix bug
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(gradientEndColor) )
- {
- g.DrawLine(p, left.Left, left.Top, left.Right, left.Top);
- }
- }
- // Paint right rectangle
- if ( right.Width > 0 )
- {
- using ( Brush b = new LinearGradientBrush(right, gradientStartColor, gradientEndColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, right);
- }
- // To fix bug
- using ( Pen p = new Pen(gradientStartColor) )
- {
- g.DrawLine(p, right.Left, right.Top, right.Right, right.Top);
- }
- }
- // Paint right fill rectangle
- using ( Brush b = new SolidBrush(gradientStartColor) )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(b, rightFill);
- }
- // Put back old region
- g.Clip = oldRegion;
- }
- void DrawGradientTubeForeground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- Pen colorPen = new Pen(gradientStartColor);
- Pen lightPen = new Pen(lightColor);
- Pen lighterPen = new Pen(lighterColor);
- Pen darkPen = new Pen(darkColor);
- Pen darkerPen = new Pen(darkerColor);
- int _value = GetScaledValue();
- Rectangle rc = Rectangle.Empty;
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- {
- rc = new Rectangle(workRect.Left, workRect.Top, _value, workRect.Height);
- // Set pixels
- IntPtr hDC = g.GetHdc();
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+1, rc.Top+1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(lightColor.R, lightColor.G, lightColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+1, rc.Bottom-3,
- ColorUtil.RGB(lightColor.R, lightColor.G, lightColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+1, rc.Top+2,
- ColorUtil.RGB(lighterColor.R, lighterColor.G, lighterColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+1, rc.Bottom-4,
- ColorUtil.RGB(lighterColor.R, lighterColor.G, lighterColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+1, rc.Top,
- ColorUtil.RGB(gradientStartColor.R, gradientStartColor.G, gradientStartColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+1, rc.Bottom-2,
- ColorUtil.RGB(gradientStartColor.R, gradientStartColor.G, gradientStartColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+1, rc.Bottom-1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(darkColor.R, darkColor.G, darkColor.B));
- g.ReleaseHdc(hDC);
- // Draw regular color lines
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Top+3, rc.Right-3, rc.Top+3);
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Bottom-5, rc.Right-3, rc.Bottom-5);
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, rc.Right-3, rc.Top+3, rc.Right-3, rc.Bottom-5);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Top+2, rc.Right-3, rc.Top+2);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Bottom-4, rc.Right-3, rc.Bottom-4);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Left, rc.Bottom-1);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Top+1, rc.Right-2, rc.Top+1);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Bottom-3, rc.Right-3, rc.Bottom-3);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Bottom-2, rc.Right-3, rc.Bottom-2);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, rc.Right-2, rc.Top+2, rc.Right-2, rc.Bottom-2);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Top, rc.Right-1, rc.Top);
- g.DrawLine(darkerPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Bottom-1, rc.Right-2, rc.Bottom-1);
- g.DrawLine(darkerPen, rc.Right-1, rc.Top+1, rc.Right-1, rc.Bottom-1);
- }
- else
- {
- int top = workRect.Top + workRect.Height - _value;
- rc = new Rectangle(workRect.Left, top, workRect.Width, _value);
- // Set pixels
- IntPtr hDC = g.GetHdc();
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left, rc.Top+1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(gradientStartColor.R,
- gradientStartColor.G, gradientStartColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Right-2, rc.Top+1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(gradientStartColor.R,
- gradientStartColor.G, gradientStartColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+1, rc.Top+1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(lightColor.R,
- lightColor.G, lightColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Right-3, rc.Top+1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(lightColor.R,
- lightColor.G, lightColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Left+2, rc.Top+1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(lighterColor.R,
- lighterColor.G, lighterColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Right-4, rc.Top+1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(lighterColor.R,
- lighterColor.G, lighterColor.B));
- WindowsAPI.SetPixel(hDC, rc.Right-1, rc.Top+1,
- ColorUtil.RGB(darkColor.R,
- darkColor.G, darkColor.B));
- g.ReleaseHdc(hDC);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, rc.Left, top, rc.Right-1, top);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, rc.Left+1, top+2, rc.Left+1, rc.Bottom-2);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, rc.Right-3, top+2, rc.Right-3, rc.Bottom-3);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, rc.Left+2, top+2, rc.Left+2, rc.Bottom-3);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, rc.Right-4, top+2, rc.Right-4, rc.Bottom-3);
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, rc.Left+3, top+2, rc.Left+3, rc.Bottom-3);
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, rc.Right-5, top+2, rc.Right-5, rc.Bottom-3);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, rc.Left, top+2, rc.Left, rc.Bottom-1);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, rc.Left+2, rc.Bottom-2, rc.Right-3, rc.Bottom-2);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, rc.Right-2, top+2, rc.Right-2, rc.Bottom-2);
- g.DrawLine(darkerPen, rc.Left+1, rc.Bottom-1, rc.Right-1, rc.Bottom-1);
- g.DrawLine(darkerPen, rc.Right-1, top+2, rc.Right-1, rc.Bottom-1);
- }
- // Cleanup
- colorPen.Dispose();
- lightPen.Dispose();
- lighterPen.Dispose();
- darkPen.Dispose();
- darkerPen.Dispose();
- }
- void DrawWaitingGradientTubeForeground(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- Rectangle rc = workRect;
- Pen colorPen = new Pen(gradientStartColor);
- Pen lightPen = new Pen(lightColor);
- Pen lighterPen = new Pen(lighterColor);
- Pen darkPen = new Pen(darkColor);
- Pen darkerPen = new Pen(darkerColor);
- Region oldRegion = g.Clip;
- g.Clip = new Region(rc);
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- {
- // Prepare helper settings
- int numOfBands = (rc.Width/TUBE_WIDTH) + 2;
- int adjust = rc.Left - TUBE_WIDTH + tubeOffset;
- int height = rc.Height;
- int bottom = rc.Bottom - 1;
- int xPos = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < numOfBands; i++ )
- {
- xPos = adjust + (i*TUBE_WIDTH);
- // Draw regular color lines
- g.DrawLine(darkerPen, xPos+1, rc.Top, xPos + height, bottom);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, xPos+2, rc.Top, xPos + height + 1, bottom);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, xPos+10, rc.Top, xPos + height + 9, bottom);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, xPos+3, rc.Top, xPos + height + 2, bottom);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, xPos+9, rc.Top, xPos + height + 8, bottom);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, xPos+4, rc.Top, xPos + height + 3, bottom);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, xPos+8, rc.Top, xPos + height + 7, bottom);
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, xPos+5, rc.Top, xPos + height + 4, bottom);
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, xPos+7, rc.Top, xPos + height + 6, bottom);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Prepare helper settings
- int numOfBands = (rc.Height/TUBE_WIDTH) + 2;
- int adjust = rc.Bottom - TUBE_WIDTH + tubeOffset;
- int height = rc.Width + 1;
- int xPos1 = rc.Left;
- int xPos2 = rc.Right + 1;
- int yPos = rc.Top + 1;
- for ( int i = 0; i < numOfBands; i++ )
- {
- yPos = adjust - (i*TUBE_WIDTH);
- // Draw regular color lines
- g.DrawLine(darkerPen, xPos1, yPos, xPos2, yPos + height);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, xPos1, yPos+1, xPos2, yPos + height+1);
- g.DrawLine(darkPen, xPos1, yPos+9, xPos2, yPos+height+9);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, xPos1, yPos+2, xPos2, yPos+height+2);
- g.DrawLine(colorPen, xPos1, yPos+8, xPos2, yPos+height+8);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, xPos1, yPos+3, xPos2, yPos+height+3);
- g.DrawLine(lightPen, xPos1, yPos+7, xPos2, yPos+height+7);
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, xPos1, yPos+4, xPos2, yPos+height+4);
- g.DrawLine(lighterPen, xPos1, yPos+6, xPos2, yPos+height+6);
- }
- }
- // Cleanup
- colorPen.Dispose();
- lightPen.Dispose();
- lighterPen.Dispose();
- darkPen.Dispose();
- darkerPen.Dispose();
- g.Clip = oldRegion;
- }
- void DrawTwoColorsGradient(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- // Calculate color distance
- int redStep = Math.Max(gradientEndColor.R, gradientStartColor.R)
- - Math.Min(gradientEndColor.R, gradientStartColor.R);
- int greenStep = Math.Max(gradientEndColor.G, gradientStartColor.G)
- - Math.Min(gradientEndColor.G, gradientStartColor.G);
- int blueStep = Math.Max(gradientEndColor.B, gradientStartColor.B)
- - Math.Min(gradientEndColor.B, gradientStartColor.B);
- // Do we need to increase or decrease
- int redDirection;
- if ( gradientEndColor.R > gradientStartColor.R )
- redDirection = 1;
- else
- redDirection = -1;
- int greenDirection;
- if ( gradientEndColor.G > gradientStartColor.G )
- greenDirection = 1;
- else
- greenDirection = -1;
- int blueDirection;
- if ( gradientEndColor.B > gradientStartColor.B )
- blueDirection = 1;
- else
- blueDirection = -1;
- // how many segements we need to draw
- int topGap = 1;
- int leftGap = 2;
- if ( smooth )
- {
- leftGap = 0;
- topGap = 0;
- }
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- {
- // The progress control won't allow its height to be anything other than
- // and even number since the width of the segment needs to be a perfect 3/4
- // of the control (height - 4) -- Four pixels are padding --
- int segmentWidth = (workRect.Height)*3/4;
- segmentWidth -= 2;
- int numOfSegments = (workRect.Width)/(segmentWidth + leftGap);
- // No point to continue if we don't have enough are for even one segment
- if ( numOfSegments == 0 )
- return;
- // calculate the actual RGB steps for every segment
- redStep /= numOfSegments;
- greenStep /= numOfSegments;
- blueStep /= numOfSegments;
- Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left,
- workRect.Top, segmentWidth, workRect.Height);
- int progressWidth = (GetScaledValue());
- if ( progressWidth < 0 ) progressWidth = 0;
- int counter = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < progressWidth; i += segmentRect.Width+leftGap )
- {
- // Check we stay within bounds
- int red = gradientStartColor.R+(redStep*counter*redDirection);
- int green = gradientStartColor.G+(greenStep*counter*greenDirection);
- int blue = gradientStartColor.B+(blueStep*counter*blueDirection);
- // Make gettting the current color safe
- CheckBounds(ref red, ref green, ref blue);
- Color currentColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
- if ( i+segmentRect.Width+leftGap > progressWidth
- && (i+segmentRect.Width+leftGap > workRect.Width-leftGap) )
- {
- // if we are about to leave because next segment does not fit
- // draw the portion that fits
- int partialWidth = progressWidth-i;
- Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+i,
- segmentRect.Top+topGap, partialWidth, segmentRect.Height-(topGap*2));
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(currentColor), drawingRect);
- break;
- }
- Rectangle completeSegment = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+i,
- segmentRect.Top+topGap, segmentRect.Width, segmentRect.Height-(topGap*2));
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(currentColor), completeSegment);
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- topGap = 2;
- leftGap = 1;
- if ( smooth )
- {
- leftGap = 0;
- topGap = 0;
- }
- // The progress control won't allow its height to be anything other than
- // and even number
- int segmentHeight = (workRect.Width)*3/4;
- segmentHeight -= 2;
- int numOfSegments = (workRect.Height)/(segmentHeight + topGap);
- // No point to continue if we don't have enough are for even one segment
- if ( numOfSegments == 0 )
- return;
- // calculate the actual RGB steps for every segment
- redStep /= numOfSegments;
- greenStep /= numOfSegments;
- blueStep /= numOfSegments;
- Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left,
- workRect.Top, workRect.Width, segmentHeight);
- int progressHeight = GetScaledValue();
- if ( progressHeight < 0 ) progressHeight = 0;
- int counter = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < progressHeight; i += segmentRect.Height+topGap )
- {
- // Check we stay within bounds
- int red = gradientStartColor.R+(redStep*counter*redDirection);
- int green = gradientStartColor.G+(greenStep*counter*greenDirection);
- int blue = gradientStartColor.B+(blueStep*counter*blueDirection);
- // Make gettting the current color safe
- CheckBounds(ref red, ref green, ref blue);
- Color currentColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
- int top = (workRect.Bottom - segmentRect.Height) - i;
- if ( top < workRect.Top )
- {
- // if we are about to leave because next segment does not fit
- // draw the portion that fits
- int partialHeight = progressHeight-i;
- Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+leftGap,
- workRect.Top, segmentRect.Width-(leftGap*2), partialHeight);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(currentColor), drawingRect);
- break;
- }
- Rectangle completeSegment = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+leftGap, top,
- segmentRect.Width-(leftGap*2), segmentRect.Height);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(currentColor), completeSegment);
- counter++;
- }
- }
- }
- void DrawThreeColorsGradient(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- // Calculate color distance for the first half
- int redStepFirst = Math.Max(gradientStartColor.R, gradientMiddleColor.R)
- - Math.Min(gradientStartColor.R, gradientMiddleColor.R);
- int greenStepFirst = Math.Max(gradientStartColor.G, gradientMiddleColor.G)
- - Math.Min(gradientStartColor.G, gradientMiddleColor.G);
- int blueStepFirst = Math.Max(gradientStartColor.B, gradientMiddleColor.B)
- - Math.Min(gradientStartColor.B, gradientMiddleColor.B);
- // Calculate color distance for the second half
- int redStepSecond = Math.Max(gradientEndColor.R, gradientMiddleColor.R)
- - Math.Min(gradientEndColor.R, gradientMiddleColor.R);
- int greenStepSecond = Math.Max(gradientEndColor.G, gradientMiddleColor.G)
- - Math.Min(gradientEndColor.G, gradientMiddleColor.G);
- int blueStepSecond = Math.Max(gradientEndColor.B, gradientMiddleColor.B)
- - Math.Min(gradientEndColor.B, gradientMiddleColor.B);
- // Do we need to increase or decrease for the first half
- int redDirectionFirst;
- if ( gradientStartColor.R < gradientMiddleColor.R )
- redDirectionFirst = 1;
- else
- redDirectionFirst = -1;
- int greenDirectionFirst;
- if ( gradientStartColor.G < gradientMiddleColor.G )
- greenDirectionFirst = 1;
- else
- greenDirectionFirst = -1;
- int blueDirectionFirst;
- if ( gradientStartColor.B < gradientMiddleColor.B )
- blueDirectionFirst = 1;
- else
- blueDirectionFirst = -1;
- // Do we need to increase or decrease for the second half
- int redDirectionSecond;
- if ( gradientMiddleColor.R < gradientEndColor.R )
- redDirectionSecond = 1;
- else
- redDirectionSecond = -1;
- int greenDirectionSecond;
- if ( gradientMiddleColor.G < gradientEndColor.G )
- greenDirectionSecond = 1;
- else
- greenDirectionSecond = -1;
- int blueDirectionSecond;
- if ( gradientMiddleColor.B < gradientEndColor.B )
- blueDirectionSecond = 1;
- else
- blueDirectionSecond = -1;
- // how many segements we need to draw
- int topGap = 1;
- int leftGap = 2;
- if ( smooth )
- {
- topGap = 0;
- leftGap = 0;
- }
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- {
- // The progress control won't allow its height to be anything other than
- // and even number since the width of the segment needs to be a perfect 3/4
- // of the control (height - 4) -- Four pixels are padding --
- int segmentWidth = (workRect.Height)*3/4;
- segmentWidth -= 2;
- int numOfSegments = (workRect.Width)/(segmentWidth + leftGap);
- // calculate the actual RGB step for every segment
- int segments = (numOfSegments/2);
- // Be safe
- if ( segments == 0 )
- segments = 1;
- redStepFirst /= segments;
- greenStepFirst /= segments;;
- blueStepFirst /= segments;
- redStepSecond /= segments;
- greenStepSecond /= segments;
- blueStepSecond /= segments;;
- Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left,
- workRect.Top, segmentWidth, workRect.Height);
- int progressWidth = GetScaledValue();
- if ( progressWidth < 0 ) progressWidth = 0;
- int counter = 0;
- bool counterReset = true;
- int red;
- int green;
- int blue;
- for ( int i = 0; i < progressWidth; i += segmentRect.Width+leftGap )
- {
- Color currentColor = Color.Empty;
- if ( i < (workRect.Width)/2 )
- {
- red = gradientStartColor.R+(redStepFirst*counter*redDirectionFirst);
- green = gradientStartColor.G+(greenStepFirst*counter*greenDirectionFirst);
- blue = gradientStartColor.B+(blueStepFirst*counter*blueDirectionFirst);
- // Check we stay within bounds
- CheckBounds(ref red, ref green, ref blue);
- currentColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
- }
- else
- {
- if ( counterReset )
- {
- counterReset = false;
- counter = 0;
- }
- red = gradientMiddleColor.R+(redStepSecond*counter*redDirectionSecond);
- green = gradientMiddleColor.G+(greenStepSecond*counter*greenDirectionSecond);
- blue = gradientMiddleColor.B+(blueStepSecond*counter*blueDirectionSecond);
- // Check we stay within bounds
- CheckBounds(ref red, ref green, ref blue);
- currentColor = Color.FromArgb(red,green, blue);
- }
- if ( i+segmentRect.Width+leftGap > progressWidth
- && (i+segmentRect.Width+leftGap > workRect.Width-leftGap) )
- {
- // if we are about to leave because next segment does not fit
- // draw the portion that fits
- int partialWidth = progressWidth-i;
- Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+i,
- segmentRect.Top+topGap, partialWidth, segmentRect.Height-(topGap*2));
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(currentColor), drawingRect);
- break;
- }
- Rectangle completeSegment = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+i,
- segmentRect.Top+topGap, segmentRect.Width, segmentRect.Height-(topGap*2));
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(currentColor), completeSegment);
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- topGap = 2;
- leftGap = 1;
- if ( smooth )
- {
- topGap = 0;
- leftGap = 0;
- }
- // The progress control won't allow its height to be anything other than
- // and even number since the width of the segment needs to be a perfect 3/4
- // of the control (height - 4) -- Four pixels are padding --
- int segmentHeight = (workRect.Width)*3/4;
- segmentHeight -= 2;
- int numOfSegments = (workRect.Height)/(segmentHeight + topGap);
- // calculate the actual RGB step for every segment
- int segments = (numOfSegments/2);
- // Be safe
- if ( segments == 0 )
- segments = 1;
- redStepFirst /= segments;
- greenStepFirst /= segments;;
- blueStepFirst /= segments;
- redStepSecond /= segments;
- greenStepSecond /= segments;
- blueStepSecond /= segments;;
- Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left,
- workRect.Top, workRect.Width, segmentHeight);
- int progressHeight = GetScaledValue();
- if ( progressHeight < 0 ) progressHeight = 0;
- int counter = 0;
- bool counterReset = true;
- int red;
- int green;
- int blue;
- for ( int i = 0; i < progressHeight; i += segmentRect.Height+topGap )
- {
- Color currentColor = Color.Empty;
- if ( i < (workRect.Height)/2 )
- {
- red = gradientStartColor.R+(redStepFirst*counter*redDirectionFirst);
- green = gradientStartColor.G+(greenStepFirst*counter*greenDirectionFirst);
- blue = gradientStartColor.B+(blueStepFirst*counter*blueDirectionFirst);
- // Check we stay within bounds
- CheckBounds(ref red, ref green, ref blue);
- currentColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
- }
- else
- {
- if ( counterReset )
- {
- counterReset = false;
- counter = 0;
- }
- red = gradientMiddleColor.R+(redStepSecond*counter*redDirectionSecond);
- green = gradientMiddleColor.G+(greenStepSecond*counter*greenDirectionSecond);
- blue = gradientMiddleColor.B+(blueStepSecond*counter*blueDirectionSecond);
- // Check we stay within bounds
- CheckBounds(ref red, ref green, ref blue);
- currentColor = Color.FromArgb(red,green, blue);
- }
- int top = (workRect.Bottom - segmentRect.Height) - i;
- if ( top < workRect.Top )
- {
- // if we are about to leave because next segment does not fit
- // draw the portion that fits
- int partialHeight = progressHeight-i;
- Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+leftGap,
- workRect.Top, segmentRect.Width-(leftGap*2), partialHeight);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(currentColor), drawingRect);
- break;
- }
- Rectangle completeSegment = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+leftGap, top,
- segmentRect.Width-(leftGap*2), segmentRect.Height);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(currentColor), completeSegment);
- counter++;
- }
- }
- }
- void CheckBounds(ref int red, ref int green, ref int blue)
- {
- // Make sure we stay in bounds
- if ( red < 0 ) red = 0;
- else if ( red > 255 ) red = 255;
- if ( green < 0 ) green = 0;
- else if ( green > 255 ) green = 255;
- if ( blue < 0 ) blue = 0;
- else if ( blue > 255 ) blue = 255;
- }
- void DrawStandardForegroundSegmented(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- {
- // The progress control won't allow its height to be anything other than
- // and even number since the width of the segment needs to be a perfect 3/4
- // of the control (height - 4) -- Four pixels are padding for the border--
- int segmentWidth = (workRect.Height)*3/4;
- int segmentTopGap = 1;
- int segmentLeftGap = 2;
- // One pixel gap of the sides
- segmentWidth -= 2;
- Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left,
- workRect.Top, segmentWidth, workRect.Height);
- int progressWidth = GetScaledValue();
- if ( progressWidth < 0 ) progressWidth = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < progressWidth; i += segmentRect.Width+segmentLeftGap )
- {
- if ( i+segmentRect.Width+segmentLeftGap > progressWidth && (i+segmentRect.Width+workRect.Left > workRect.Width) )
- {
- // if we are about to leave because next segment does not fit
- // draw the portion that fits
- int partialWidth = progressWidth-i;
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(foregroundColor),
- segmentRect.Left+i, segmentRect.Top+segmentTopGap, partialWidth, segmentRect.Height-(segmentTopGap*2));
- break;
- }
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(foregroundColor), segmentRect.Left+i, segmentRect.Top+segmentTopGap,
- segmentRect.Width, segmentRect.Height-(segmentTopGap*2));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int segmentHeight = (workRect.Width)*3/4;
- int segmentTopGap = 2;
- int segmentLeftGap = 1;
- // One pixel gap on the top and bottom
- segmentHeight -= 2;
- Rectangle segmentRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left,
- workRect.Top, workRect.Width, segmentHeight);
- int progressHeight = GetScaledValue();
- if ( progressHeight < 0 ) progressHeight = 0;
- for ( int i = 0; i < progressHeight; i += segmentRect.Height+segmentTopGap )
- {
- int top = (workRect.Bottom - segmentRect.Height) - i;
- if ( top < workRect.Top )
- {
- // if we are about to leave because next segment does not fit
- // draw the portion that fits
- int partialHeight = progressHeight-i;
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(foregroundColor),
- segmentRect.Left+segmentLeftGap, WorkRect.Top,
- segmentRect.Width-(segmentLeftGap*2), partialHeight);
- break;
- }
- Rectangle fillRect = new Rectangle(segmentRect.Left+segmentLeftGap, top,
- segmentRect.Width-(segmentLeftGap*2), segmentRect.Height);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(foregroundColor), fillRect);
- }
- }
- }
- void DrawStandardForegroundSmooth(Graphics g, Rectangle workRect)
- {
- int progressValue = GetScaledValue();
- bool horizontalOrientation = (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
- int top = 0;
- if ( horizontalOrientation )
- {
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(foregroundColor), workRect.Left, workRect.Top,
- progressValue, workRect.Height);
- }
- else
- {
- top = workRect.Top + (workRect.Height - progressValue);
- g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(foregroundColor), workRect.Left, top,
- workRect.Width, progressValue);
- }
- if ( ShowProgressText)
- {
- int percent = 0;
- if ( horizontalOrientation )
- percent = GetScaledValue()*100/workRect.Width;
- else
- percent = GetScaledValue()*100/workRect.Height;
- string text;
- if ( progressText == string.Empty )
- text = percent.ToString() + " " + "%";
- else
- text = progressText;
- Size size = TextUtil.GetTextSize(g, text, Font);
- // Draw first part of the text in hightlight color in case it needs to be
- Rectangle clipRect = Rectangle.Empty;
- Point pos = Point.Empty;
- int topGap = 0;
- if ( enable3DBorder == true )
- topGap = 1;
- if ( horizontalOrientation )
- {
- clipRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left, workRect.Top,
- progressValue, workRect.Height);
- pos = new Point((workRect.Width - size.Width)/2,
- (workRect.Height - size.Height)/2 + topGap);
- }
- else
- {
- clipRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left, top,
- workRect.Width, progressValue);
- pos = new Point((workRect.Width - size.Height)/2,
- (workRect.Height - size.Width)/2);
- }
- g.Clip = new Region(clipRect);
- Color textColor = progressTextHiglightColor;
- if ( textColor == Color.Empty )
- textColor = SystemColors.HighlightText;
- if ( horizontalOrientation )
- {
- g.DrawString(text, Font, new SolidBrush(textColor), pos);
- }
- else
- {
- StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
- format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical;
- g.DrawString(text, Font, new SolidBrush(textColor), pos, format);
- }
- // Draw rest in control text color if it needs to be
- if ( horizontalOrientation )
- {
- clipRect = new Rectangle(progressValue+workRect.Left, workRect.Top,
- workRect.Width, workRect.Height);
- }
- else
- {
- clipRect = new Rectangle(workRect.Left, workRect.Top,
- workRect.Width, workRect.Height - progressValue);
- }
- g.Clip = new Region(clipRect);
- textColor = progressTextColor;
- if ( textColor == Color.Empty )
- textColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
- if ( horizontalOrientation )
- {
- g.DrawString(text, Font, new SolidBrush(textColor), pos);
- }
- else
- {
- StringFormat format = new StringFormat();
- format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical;
- g.DrawString(text, Font, new SolidBrush(textColor), pos, format);
- }
- }
- }
- void OnWaitingTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- // Increase position
- if ( barType == ProgressBarType.WaitingGradient )
- {
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- waitingPos += waitingStep;
- else
- waitingPos -= waitingStep;
- // Reset
- Rectangle rc = WorkRect;
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal && waitingPos > rc.Width )
- {
- waitingPos = rc.Left;
- }
- else if ( orientation == Orientation.Vertical && waitingPos < rc.Top )
- {
- waitingPos = rc.Bottom;
- }
- }
- else if ( barType == ProgressBarType.WaitingGradientTube )
- {
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- {
- if ( ++tubeOffset > TUBE_WIDTH-1)
- tubeOffset = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (--tubeOffset < 0 )
- tubeOffset = TUBE_WIDTH;
- }
- }
- // Repaint control
- Invalidate();
- }
- int GetScaledValue()
- {
- int scaledValue = _value;
- Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
- if ( enable3DBorder )
- rc.Inflate(-2, -2);
- else
- rc.Inflate(-1,-1);
- if ( orientation == Orientation.Horizontal )
- scaledValue = (_value-min)*rc.Width/(max - min);
- else
- scaledValue = (_value-min)*rc.Height/(max - min);
- return scaledValue;
- }
- void InitializeGradientTubeColors(Color color)
- {
- // The ControlPaint class does not gives me the distribuition of color
- // that I am looking for
- lightColor = ColorUtil.LightColor(color, 51);
- lighterColor = ColorUtil.LightColor(lightColor, 51);
- lightestColor = ColorUtil.LightColor(lighterColor, 51);
- darkColor = ColorUtil.DarkColor(color, 51);
- darkerColor = ColorUtil.DarkColor(darkColor, 51);
- }
- // Properties
- internal Rectangle WorkRect
- {
- get
- {
- Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
- if ( enable3DBorder )
- rc.Inflate(-2, -2);
- else
- rc.Inflate(-1, -1);
- return rc;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }