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资源名称:酒店管理系统源代码.rar [点击查看]
- /***************************************************************************
- // This is a part of the SkinMagic SDK library.
- // Copyright (C) 2003-2002 Appspeed Inc.
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // SkinMagic SDK Reference and related electronic documentation
- // provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // SkinMagic SDK product.
- // SkinMagicLib SDK is a library designed for C/C++ programmer,
- // you can add the most popular function of changing skin to your
- // application with the API supplied by this library. SkinMagic
- // is picture-based skin system, you can power your application
- // with skin-changeable with simple call of several functions.
- // And with the skin editor of SkinMagicBuilder, you can customize
- // your own skin.
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _SKINMAGICLIB_H__
- #define _SKINMAGICLIB_H__
- #include <windows.h>
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: InitSkinMagicLib(HINSTANCE hInstance, char* szApplication ,
- // char* szReserved1,
- // char* szReserved2
- //
- //Parameters:
- // hInstance
- // [in] Handle of application instance.
- // szApplication
- // [in] Application defined in skin file. If you set this parameter the
- // library can only load the skin file which application object named
- // match szApplication.
- // szReserved1
- // [in] Reserved.
- // szReserved2
- // [in] Reserved.
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // InitSkinMagicLib function should be the first API called in SkinMagicLib SDK,
- // followed by other APIs.
- // For multithreaded applications, you must call InitSkinMagicLib in every thread.
- //
- int InitSkinMagicLib( HINSTANCE hInstance, char* szApplication ,
- char* szReserved1,
- char* szReserved2 );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: LoadSkinFile( char* SkinFile )
- // Load skin from file.
- //Parameters:
- // SkinFile
- // [in] Specifies the skin file name.
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // ExitSkinMagicLib function should be the last API called in SkinMagicLib SDK.
- // For multithreaded applications, you must call InitSkinMagicLib in every thread.
- void ExitSkinMagicLib();
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: LoadSkinFile( char* SkinFile )
- // Load skin from file.
- //Parameters:
- // SkinFile
- // [in] Specifies the skin file name.
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Load skin from file.
- int LoadSkinFile( char* SkinFile );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: LoadSkinFromResource(HMODULE hModule, char* lpSkinName ,char* lpType)
- // Use this function to load skin from resource.
- //Parameters:
- // hModule
- // [in] Handle to the module whose executable file contains the resource.
- // A value of NULL specifies the module handle associated with the image
- // file that the operating system used to create the current process.
- // lpSkinName
- // [in] Specifies the name of the skin resource.
- // lpType
- // [in] Specifies the resource type.
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // The application can use skin defined in resource.
- int LoadSkinFromResource(HMODULE hModule, char* lpSkinName ,char* lpType);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: SetWindowSkin( HWND hWnd , char* SkinName )
- // Use SetWindowSkin to skin the standard windows - with rectangular
- // opaque client area and region-based non-client area, menu bar,
- // system/maximize/minimize/close buttons, caption and sizing edges
- // and corners.
- //
- //Parameters:
- // hWnd
- // [in]Handle to the window to be remove skin.
- // SkinName
- // [in]Specifies the name of FrameWnd object which defined in skin file.
- //
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Use SetWindowSkin to skin the standard windows - with rectangular
- // opaque client area and region-based non-client area, menu bar,
- // system/maximize/minimize/close buttons, caption and sizing edges
- // and corners.
- int SetWindowSkin( HWND hWnd , char* SkinName );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: SetShapeWindowSkin( HWND hWnd , char* SkinName )
- // Use SetShapeWindowSkin to skin application-specific windows
- // without non-client area and menu bar. These windows can have
- // absolutely any shape or even be translucent.
- //
- //Parameters:
- // hWnd
- // [in]Handle to the window to be remove skin.
- // SkinName
- // [in]Specifies the name of ShapeWnd object which defined in skin file.
- //
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Use SetShapeWindowSkin to skin application-specific windows
- // without non-client area and menu bar. These windows can have
- // absolutely any shape or even be translucent.
- //
- int SetShapeWindowSkin( HWND hWnd , char* SkinName );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: RemoveWindowSkin( HWND hWnd )
- // set skin of new create dialog
- //
- //Parameters:
- // hWnd
- // [in]Handle to the window to be remove skin.
- //
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Use this function to remove window skin.
- //
- int RemoveWindowSkin( HWND hWnd );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: SetDialogSkin( char* szSkinName )
- // set skin of new create dialog
- //
- //Parameters:
- // szSkinName
- // [in]Specifies the name of FrameWnd object which defined in skin file.
- //
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Use this function to set dialog skin. dialog will auto be skinned
- // after this function called.
- //
- int SetDialogSkin( char* szSkinName );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: SetSingleDialogSkin( HWND hWnd ,char* szSkinName )
- // Set the skin of an dialog
- //
- //Parameters:
- // hWnd
- // [in]Handle to the dialog to be set skin.
- // szSkinName
- // [in]Specifies the skin nanem.
- //
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Use this function to set single dialog skin.
- //
- int SetSingleDialogSkin( HWND hWnd , char* szSkinName );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: RemoveDialogSkin()
- // This function will stop auto skin dialog.
- // the function will not remove the dialog's
- // skin which already set. The new create dialog will have no skin.
- //
- //Parameters:
- // none.
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Use this function to stop auto skin dialog.
- //
- int RemoveDialogSkin();
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: EnableWindowScrollbarSkin( HWND hWnd ,int fnBar )
- // Initialize the skin scrollbars for a window
- //
- //Parameters:
- // hWnd
- // [in]Handle to the window to be set skin scrollbar.
- // fnBar
- // [in]Specifies the type of scroll bar for which to skin.
- // This parameter can be one of the following values
- // SB_HORZ for the window's standard horizontal scroll bar.
- // SB_VERT for the window's standard scroll bar.
- // SB_BOTH for both horizontal and vertical scroll bar.
- //
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Use this function to skin your window scrollbar
- //
- int EnableWindowScrollbarSkin( HWND hWnd ,int fnBar );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: DisableWindowScrollbarSkin( HWND hWnd )
- // disable the skin scrollbars for a window
- //
- //Parameters:
- // hWnd
- // [in]Handle to the window to be disable skin scrollbar.
- //
- //Return Values:
- // If the function success, the return value is nonzero
- // If the function fail, the return value is zero
- //Remarks:
- // Use this function to skin your window scrollbar
- //
- int DisableWindowScrollbarSkin( HWND hWnd );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Function: TrackSkinPopupMenu( HMENU hMenu,int x, int y, HWND hWnd )
- // The TrackSkinPopupMenu function displays a shortcut menu at the
- // specified location and tracks the selection of items on the menu.
- // The shortcut menu can appear anywhere on the screen.
- //
- //Parameters
- // hMenu
- // [in] Handle to the shortcut menu to be displayed.
- // The handle can be obtained by calling CreatePopupMenu
- // to create a new shortcut menu, or by calling GetSubMenu
- // to retrieve a handle to a submenu associated with an
- // existing menu item.
- //uFlags
- // [in] Use zero of more of these flags to specify function options.
- // Use one of the following flags to specify how the function positions
- // the shortcut menu horizontally.
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TPM_CENTERALIGN If this flag is set, the function centers the shortcut
- // menu horizontally relative to the coordinate specified
- // by the x parameter.
- // TPM_LEFTALIGN If this flag is set, the function positions the shortcut
- // menu so that its left side is aligned with the coordinate
- // specified by the x parameter.
- // TPM_RIGHTALIGN Positions the shortcut menu so that its right side is
- // aligned with the coordinate specified by the x parameter.
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Use one of the following flags to specify how the function positions the shortcut
- // menu vertically.
- // TPM_BOTTOMALIGN If this flag is set, the function positions the shortcut
- // menu so that its bottom side is aligned with the coordinate
- // specified by the y parameter.
- // TPM_TOPALIGN If this flag is set, the function positions the shortcut
- // menu so that its top side is aligned with the coordinate
- // specified by the y parameter.
- // TPM_VCENTERALIGN If this flag is set, the function centers the shortcut menu
- // vertically relative to the coordinate specified by the y parameter.
- //
- // x
- // [in] Specifies the horizontal location of the shortcut menu,
- // in screen coordinates.
- // y
- // [in] Specifies the vertical location of the shortcut menu,
- // in screen coordinates.
- // hWnd
- // [in] Handle to the window that owns the shortcut menu.
- // This window receives all messages from the menu.
- // The window does not receive a WM_COMMAND message from the
- // menu until the function returns.
- BOOL TrackSkinPopupMenu( HMENU hMenu, UINT uFlags, int x, int y, HWND hWnd );
- #endif