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- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // VCKBASE -- August 2000
- // Compiles with Visual C++ 6.0, runs on Windows 98 and probably NT too.
- //
- #pragma once
- #include "subclass.h"
- //////////////////
- // Generic auto-completion object you can use to do auto-completion
- // for edit and combobox controls
- //
- // To use:
- // - instantiate one of these for each edit/combobox you want to hook
- // - add some strings to the string array
- // - call Init
- //
- class CAutoComplete : public CSubclassWnd {
- protected:
- CStringArray m_arStrings; // list (array) of strings
- CString m_sPrevious; // previous content
- int m_bIgnoreChangeMsg; // ignore EN_CHANGE message?
- UINT m_idMyControl; // ID of control I am subclassing
- int m_iType; // type of control (edit/combo)
- int m_iCurString; // index to current string
- enum { Edit=1,ComboBox };
- // hook fn
- virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
- // helper fns you can override but shouldn't need to
- virtual UINT GetMatches(LPCTSTR pszText, CStringArray& arMatches,
- BOOL bFirstOnly=FALSE);
- virtual void OnFirstString();
- virtual BOOL OnNextString(CString& sNext);
- virtual BOOL OnMatchString(const CString& s, const CString& sMatch);
- virtual BOOL IgnoreCompletion(CString s);
- virtual void OnComplete(CWnd* pWnd, CString s);
- virtual void DoCompletion(CWnd* pWnd, CString s,
- const CStringArray& arMatches);
- public:
- CAutoComplete();
- ~CAutoComplete();
- void Init(CWnd* pWnd);
- CStringArray& GetStringList() { return m_arStrings; }
- };