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资源名称:酒店管理系统源代码.rar [点击查看]
- /*########################################################################
- Filename: tools.h
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Remarks: ...
- ----------------------------------------------------
- ########################################################################*/
- #if !defined(_ANYOU_COOLTOOLS_H)
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #define WM_UPDATEVIEW (WM_USER + 139)
- #define UnKnowWindowsVer 0x00000000
- #define Windows32s 0x00000001
- #define Windows95 0x00000E02
- #define Windows98 0x00000E03
- #define WindowsME 0x00000E04
- #define WindowsNT3 0x000E0005
- #define WindowsNT4 0x000E0006
- #define Windows2000 0x000E0007
- #define WindowsXP 0x000E0008
- #define Windows2003 0x000E0009
- #define Windows2004 0x000E000A
- DWORD WINAPI GetWinVersion();
- COLORREF WINAPI AlphaBlendColor(COLORREF color, BYTE byAlpha);
- #if !defined(WS_EX_LAYERED)
- #define WS_EX_LAYERED 0x00080000
- #define LWA_COLORKEY 0x00000001
- #define LWA_ALPHA 0x00000002
- #endif
- BOOL SetLayeredWindow(HWND hWnd, COLORREF crKey, BYTE bAlpha, DWORD dwFlags);
- #define SPI_GETDROPSHADOW 0x1024
- #endif
- BOOL WINAPI IsShadowEnabled();
- HBITMAP WINAPI GetScreenBitmap(LPCRECT pRect);
- BOOL WINAPI IsOwnerDrawMenu(HMENU hMenu);
- HBITMAP WINAPI CreateImage(HBITMAP hbitmap, int nstyle, BOOL bAlpha, COLORREF crBackColor, COLORREF crMarkColor, BOOL bFillMarkColor = TRUE);
- void FillGradient(CDC *pDC, CRect rect, const COLORREF& StartColor, const COLORREF& EndColor, BOOL bHor = FALSE);
- void DrawShadow(CDC *pDC, CRect rect);
- CString GetExFileName(CString strPathName);
- CString GetFileName(CString strPathName);
- CString GetPathText(CString strPathName);
- /*####################################################################
- ------------------------------------------------
- CMemDC class
- ------------------------------------------------
- ####################################################################*/
- class CMemDC : public CDC
- {
- private:
- CBitmap* m_bitmap;
- CBitmap* m_oldBitmap;
- CDC* m_pDC;
- CRect m_rcBounds;
- public:
- CMemDC(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcBounds= NULL) : CDC()
- {
- CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- m_bitmap = new CBitmap;
- m_bitmap->CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, rcBounds.Width(), rcBounds.Height());
- m_oldBitmap = SelectObject(m_bitmap);
- m_pDC = pDC;
- m_rcBounds = rcBounds;
- //For some reason the background color is not correct,
- //so we use the button face color.
- DWORD color = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
- CBrush bkg(color);
- FillRect(rcBounds, &bkg);
- }
- ~CMemDC()
- {
- m_pDC->BitBlt(m_rcBounds.left, m_rcBounds.top, m_rcBounds.Width(), m_rcBounds.Height(),
- this, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- SelectObject(m_oldBitmap);
- if (m_bitmap != NULL) delete m_bitmap;
- }
- CMemDC* operator->()
- {
- return this;
- }
- };
- #endif // !defined(_ANYOU_COOLTOOLS_H)