- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * copyright : (C) 2002 by Zhang Yong *
- * email : z-yong163@163.com *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _ICQ_LINK_H
- #define _ICQ_LINK_H
- #include "icqclient.h"
- #include "icqlinkbase.h"
- class IcqSession;
- class IcqWindow;
- class IcqPlugin;
- class TcpSession;
- class IcqLink : public IcqLinkBase {
- public:
- IcqLink();
- virtual ~IcqLink();
- bool isProxyType(int type) {
- return (options.flags.test(UF_USE_PROXY) && (options.proxyType == type));
- }
- void checkSendQueue();
- IcqSession *createSession(const char *name, uint32 uin);
- TcpSession *acceptSession(int listenSock, const char *name);
- uint32 sendMessage(uint8 type, uint32 to, const char *text);
- void onRecvMessage(uint8 type, uint32 from, uint32 when, const char *text, bool relay);
- uint32 sendTcpRequest(const char *name, IcqContact *c, const char *text);
- void acceptTcpRequest(const char *name, IcqContact *c, uint16 port);
- virtual void onNewUINReply(uint32 uin) = 0;
- virtual void onContactListReply(UinList &l) = 0;
- virtual void onLoginReply(uint16 error) = 0;
- virtual void onUpdateContactReply(IcqContact *info);
- virtual void onUpdateUserReply() = 0;
- virtual void onUserOnline(uint32 uin, uint32 status, uint32 ip, uint16 port, uint32 realIP, bool multi = false) = 0;
- virtual void onUserOffline(uint32 uin);
- virtual void onStatusChanged(uint32 uin, uint32 status) = 0;
- virtual void onUserFound(PtrList *l) = 0;
- virtual void onAddFriendReply(uint32 uin, uint8 result) = 0;
- virtual void onRecvMessage(IcqMsg *msg) = 0;
- virtual void onConnect(bool success) = 0;
- virtual ContactInfo *getContactInfo(uint32 uin);
- virtual TcpSessionBase *createTcpSession(TcpSessionListener *l, uint32 ip, uint16 port);
- virtual void destroySession(const char *name, uint32 uin);
- virtual void onSendError(uint32 seq);
- void onAck(uint32 seq);
- void addPendingMsg(IcqMsg *msg);
- IcqContact *findContact(uint32 uin, int type = -1);
- IcqWindow *findWindow(int type, uint32 uin = 0, uint32 seq = 0);
- IcqWindow *findWindowSeq(uint32 seq);
- IcqSession *findSession(const char *name, uint32 uin);
- IcqMsg *findPendingMsg(uint32 uin);
- uint32 socksIP;
- IcqUser myInfo;
- IcqOption options;
- PtrList sessionList;
- PtrList windowList;
- PtrList msgList;
- protected:
- void logout();
- void destroyUser();
- uint16 createListenSession(const char *name);
- void destroySession(uint32 uin);
- void destroySession();
- void destroyContact(uint32 uin);
- PtrList contactList;
- };
- extern IcqLink *icqLink;
- class ServerSession;
- inline ServerSession *serverSession()
- {
- return (ServerSession *) icqLink->sessionList.front();
- }
- #endif