- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * copyright : (C) 2002 by Zhang Yong *
- * email : *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #if !defined(AFX_MYICQCTRL_H__EB8DBF55_4F3E_41D2_8726_515944D25531__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_MYICQCTRL_H__EB8DBF55_4F3E_41D2_8726_515944D25531__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- // MyICQCtrl.h : header file
- //
- #include "OutBarCtrl.h"
- #include "icqdb.h"
- class IcqContact;
- class DBInStream;
- class DBOutStream;
- class IcqSkin;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // MyICQCtrl window
- class MyICQCtrl : public OutBarCtrl, public DBSerialize {
- // Construction
- public:
- MyICQCtrl();
- // Attributes
- public:
- BOOL showOnlineOnly() {
- return onlineOnly;
- }
- void setShowOnlineOnly(int b) {
- onlineOnly = b;
- repaintInsideRect();
- }
- IcqContact *contact(int item) {
- return contact(selFolder, item);
- }
- IcqContact *contact(int folder, int item);
- void setSkin(IcqSkin *skin) {
- this->skin = skin;
- }
- // Operations
- public:
- void update(uint32 uin, BOOL move = FALSE);
- void addContact(int folder, IcqContact *c);
- void removeContact(uint32 uin);
- void blinkText(uint32 uin);
- void blinkImage(uint32 uin, BOOL blink = TRUE);
- void load(DBInStream &in);
- void save(DBOutStream &out);
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- // Implementation
- public:
- virtual ~MyICQCtrl();
- private:
- class BlinkInfo {
- public:
- BlinkInfo(uint32 uin, int frame) {
- this->uin = uin;
- this->frame = frame;
- }
- uint32 uin;
- int frame;
- };
- typedef list<BlinkInfo> BlinkList;
- virtual int getMaxVisibleItem();
- virtual void drawBackground(CDC *pDC, CRect &rc);
- virtual void drawItemText(CDC *pDC, int i, COLORREF color);
- virtual void drawFolder(CDC *pDC, int i, BOOL pressed, BOOL hilight);
- virtual void drawScroll(CDC *pDC, int i, BOOL pressed);
- BOOL findItem(uint32 uin, int &folder, int &item);
- void doBlinkText();
- void doBlinkImage();
- BOOL onlineOnly;
- BlinkList blinkTextList;
- BlinkList blinkImageList;
- IcqSkin *skin;
- // Generated message map functions
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(MyICQCtrl)
- afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // !defined(AFX_MYICQCTRL_H__EB8DBF55_4F3E_41D2_8726_515944D25531__INCLUDED_)