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资源名称:VocPlay.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <mmsystem.h> // waveOutxxx
- #include <io.h> // fileLength
- #include "VocPlay.h"
- CVocPlayer::CVocPlayer()
- :pData(NULL), hWaveOut(0), boPlaying(false)
- {
- }
- CVocPlayer::~CVocPlayer()
- {
- if ( boPlaying )
- Clear();
- }
- void CVocPlayer::Play( const CString &rcFileName, CWnd *pCallbackWnd )
- {
- Clear();
- // Decode the file
- FILEINFO sFileInfo;
- Decode( rcFileName, &sFileInfo );
- // Prepare a WAVEFORMATEX required for opening the device driver
- sWaveFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
- sWaveFormat.nChannels = sFileInfo.ucChannels;
- sWaveFormat.nSamplesPerSec = sFileInfo.lSamplesPerSeconds;
- sWaveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = sFileInfo.lSamplesPerSeconds;
- sWaveFormat.nBlockAlign = 1;
- sWaveFormat.wBitsPerSample = sFileInfo.ucBitsPerSample;
- sWaveFormat.cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX);
- // Try to open the device driver
- MMRESULT Result = waveOutOpen( &hWaveOut, WAVE_MAPPER, &sWaveFormat,
- (ULONG)pCallbackWnd->m_hWnd, 0,
- if ( Result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR )
- {
- hWaveOut = 0;
- return;
- }
- // Prepare the header
- sWaveHdr.lpData = pData;
- sWaveHdr.dwBufferLength = sFileInfo.lTotalLength;
- sWaveHdr.dwFlags = 0;
- sWaveHdr.dwLoops = 0;
- waveOutPrepareHeader( hWaveOut, &sWaveHdr, sizeof(sWaveHdr) );
- // Play the file
- boPlaying = true;
- waveOutWrite( hWaveOut, &sWaveHdr, sizeof(sWaveHdr) );
- }
- void CVocPlayer::Clear()
- {
- if ( !boPlaying )
- return;
- waveOutUnprepareHeader( hWaveOut, &sWaveHdr, sizeof(sWaveHdr) );
- delete [] pData;
- pData = NULL;
- waveOutClose( hWaveOut );
- boPlaying = false;
- }
- void CVocPlayer::Decode( const CString &rcFileName, FILEINFO *psFileInfo )
- {
- // Open the file and allocate the memory
- FILE *pFile = fopen( rcFileName, "rb" );
- long lFileLength = _filelength( _fileno(pFile) );
- pData = new char[ lFileLength ];
- char *pDataPos = pData;
- // Place the file pointer at the beginning of the data
- fseek( pFile, 0x1A, SEEK_SET );
- BYTE bType;
- signed long int lLen;
- do
- {
- // Read the block type
- fread( &bType, sizeof(bType), 1, pFile );
- lLen = 0;
- switch( bType )
- {
- case 1:
- {
- fread( &lLen, 3, 1, pFile );
- lLen -= 2; // Remove Time Constant and File Format bytes
- fread( &psFileInfo->usTimeConstant, 1, 1, pFile );
- fread( &psFileInfo->usFileFormat, 1, 1, pFile );
- // For the moment, it's a plain 8-bit mono file
- psFileInfo->ucBitsPerSample = 8;
- psFileInfo->ucChannels = 1;
- psFileInfo->lSamplesPerSeconds = 1000000 /
- (256-(psFileInfo->usTimeConstant % 256));
- // Store this sample in memory
- fread( pDataPos, lLen, 1, pFile );
- pDataPos += lLen;
- break;
- }
- case 8:
- {
- fseek( pFile, 3, SEEK_CUR ); // Skip the length
- fread( &psFileInfo->usTimeConstant, 2, 1, pFile );
- fread( &psFileInfo->usFileFormat, 1, 1, pFile );
- fread( &psFileInfo->ucChannels, 1, 1, pFile );
- // Block of type 8 is always followed by a block of type 1
- fread( &bType, sizeof(bType), 1, pFile );
- fread( &lLen, 3, 1, pFile );
- lLen -= 2; // Remove Time Constant and File Format bytes
- fseek( pFile, 2, SEEK_CUR ); // Skip T.C. and F.F.
- psFileInfo->ucBitsPerSample = 8;
- psFileInfo->ucChannels++;
- psFileInfo->usTimeConstant >>= 8;
- psFileInfo->lSamplesPerSeconds = 1000000 /
- (256-(psFileInfo->usTimeConstant % 256));
- // Store this sample in memory
- fread( pDataPos, lLen, 1, pFile );
- pDataPos += lLen;
- break;
- }
- case 9:
- {
- fread( &lLen, 3, 1, pFile );
- lLen -= 12;
- fread( &psFileInfo->lSamplesPerSeconds, 4, 1, pFile );
- fread( &psFileInfo->ucBitsPerSample, 1, 1, pFile );
- fread( &psFileInfo->ucChannels, 1, 1, pFile );
- fread( &psFileInfo->usFileFormat, 2, 1, pFile );
- // Store this sample in memory
- fread( pDataPos, lLen, 1, pFile );
- pDataPos += lLen;
- break;
- }
- };
- } while ( bType != 0 );
- psFileInfo->lTotalLength = pDataPos-pData;
- fclose( pFile );
- }