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- /*
- * ItLpPaca.h
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Mike Corrigan IBM Corporation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- //=============================================================================
- //
- // This control block contains the data that is shared between the
- // hypervisor (PLIC) and the OS.
- //
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _PPC_TYPES_H
- #include <asm/types.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef _ITLPPACA_H
- #define _ITLPPACA_H
- struct ItLpPaca
- {
- //=============================================================================
- // CACHE_LINE_1 0x0000 - 0x007F Contains read-only data
- // NOTE: The xDynXyz fields are fields that will be dynamically changed by
- // PLIC when preparing to bring a processor online or when dispatching a
- // virtual processor!
- //=============================================================================
- u32 xDesc; // Eye catcher 0xD397D781 x00-x03
- u16 xSize; // Size of this struct x04-x05
- u16 xRsvd1_0; // Reserved x06-x07
- u16 xRsvd1_1:14; // Reserved x08-x09
- u8 xSharedProc:1; // Shared processor indicator ...
- u8 xSecondaryThread:1; // Secondary thread indicator ...
- volatile u8 xDynProcStatus:8; // Dynamic Status of this proc x0A-x0A
- u8 xSecondaryThreadCnt; // Secondary thread count x0B-x0B
- volatile u16 xDynHvPhysicalProcIndex;// Dynamic HV Physical Proc Index0C-x0D
- volatile u16 xDynHvLogicalProcIndex;// Dynamic HV Logical Proc Indexx0E-x0F
- u32 xDecrVal; // Value for Decr programming x10-x13
- u32 xPMCVal; // Value for PMC regs x14-x17
- volatile u32 xDynHwNodeId; // Dynamic Hardware Node id x18-x1B
- volatile u32 xDynHwProcId; // Dynamic Hardware Proc Id x1C-x1F
- volatile u32 xDynPIR; // Dynamic ProcIdReg value x20-x23
- u32 xDseiData; // DSEI data x24-x27
- u64 xSPRG3; // SPRG3 value x28-x2F
- u8 xRsvd1_3[80]; // Reserved x30-x7F
- //=============================================================================
- // CACHE_LINE_2 0x0080 - 0x00FF Contains local read-write data
- //=============================================================================
- // This Dword contains a byte for each type of interrupt that can occur.
- // The IPI is a count while the others are just a binary 1 or 0.
- union {
- u64 xAnyInt;
- struct {
- u16 xRsvd; // Reserved - cleared by #mpasmbl
- u8 xXirrInt; // Indicates xXirrValue is valid or Immed IO
- u8 xIpiCnt; // IPI Count
- u8 xDecrInt; // DECR interrupt occurred
- u8 xPdcInt; // PDC interrupt occurred
- u8 xQuantumInt; // Interrupt quantum reached
- u8 xOldPlicDeferredExtInt; // Old PLIC has a deferred XIRR pending
- } xFields;
- } xIntDword;
- // Whenever any fields in this Dword are set then PLIC will defer the
- // processing of external interrupts. Note that PLIC will store the
- // XIRR directly into the xXirrValue field so that another XIRR will
- // not be presented until this one clears. The layout of the low
- // 4-bytes of this Dword is upto SLIC - PLIC just checks whether the
- // entire Dword is zero or not. A non-zero value in the low order
- // 2-bytes will result in SLIC being granted the highest thread
- // priority upon return. A 0 will return to SLIC as medium priority.
- u64 xPlicDeferIntsArea; // Entire Dword
- // Used to pass the real SRR0/1 from PLIC to SLIC as well as to
- // pass the target SRR0/1 from SLIC to PLIC on a SetAsrAndRfid.
- u64 xSavedSrr0; // Saved SRR0 x10-x17
- u64 xSavedSrr1; // Saved SRR1 x18-x1F
- // Used to pass parms from the OS to PLIC for SetAsrAndRfid
- u64 xSavedGpr3; // Saved GPR3 x20-x27
- u64 xSavedGpr4; // Saved GPR4 x28-x2F
- u64 xSavedGpr5; // Saved GPR5 x30-x37
- u8 xRsvd2_1; // Reserved x38-x38
- u8 xCpuCtlsTaskAttributes; // Task attributes for cpuctls x39-x39
- u8 xFPRegsInUse; // FP regs in use x3A-x3A
- u8 xPMCRegsInUse; // PMC regs in use x3B-x3B
- volatile u32 xSavedDecr; // Saved Decr Value x3C-x3F
- volatile u64 xEmulatedTimeBase;// Emulated TB for this thread x40-x47
- volatile u64 xCurPLICLatency; // Unaccounted PLIC latency x48-x4F
- u64 xTotPLICLatency; // Accumulated PLIC latency x50-x57
- u64 xWaitStateCycles; // Wait cycles for this proc x58-x5F
- u64 xEndOfQuantum; // TB at end of quantum x60-x67
- u64 xPDCSavedSPRG1; // Saved SPRG1 for PMC int x68-x6F
- u64 xPDCSavedSRR0; // Saved SRR0 for PMC int x70-x77
- volatile u32 xVirtualDecr; // Virtual DECR for shared procsx78-x7B
- u32 xRsvd2_2; // Reserved x7C-x7F
- //=============================================================================
- // CACHE_LINE_3 0x0100 - 0x007F: This line is shared with other processors
- //=============================================================================
- // This is the xYieldCount. An "odd" value (low bit on) means that
- // the processor is yielded (either because of an OS yield or a PLIC
- // preempt). An even value implies that the processor is currently
- // executing.
- // NOTE: This value will ALWAYS be zero for dedicated processors and
- // will NEVER be zero for shared processors (ie, initialized to a 1).
- volatile u32 xYieldCount; // PLIC increments each dispatchx00-x03
- u8 xRsvd3_0[124]; // Reserved x04-x7F
- //=============================================================================
- // CACHE_LINE_4-5 0x0100 - 0x01FF Contains PMC interrupt data
- //=============================================================================
- u8 xPmcSaveArea[256]; // PMC interrupt Area x00-xFF
- };
- #endif // _ITLPPACA_H