- #ifndef IEEE_802_11
- #define IEEE_802_11
- #include <linux/types.h>
- enum ieee_802_11_link_status_failure_reason {
- reserved0, Unspecified=1, Previous_not_valid,
- Sender_Quits_ESS_or_IBSS,
- Due_Inactivity, AP_Overload,
- Class_2_from_NonAuth,
- Class_3_from_NonAuth,
- Sender_Quits_BSS,
- Association_requester_not_authenticated,
- Reserved10
- };
- {
- {reserved0, 0xff," Reserved reason "},
- {Unspecified, 0xff," Unspecified Reason "},
- {Previous_not_valid, 0xff," Previous Authentication no longer valid "},
- {Sender_Quits_ESS_or_IBSS,0xff," Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (has left) IBSS or ESS "},
- {Due_Inactivity, 0xff," Disassociated due to inactivity "},
- {AP_Overload, 0xff," Disassociated because AP is unable to handle all currently associated stations "},
- {Class_2_from_NonAuth, 0xff," Class 2 frame received from non-Authenticated station"},
- {Class_3_from_NonAuth, 0xff," Class 3 frame received from non瑼ssociated station"},
- {Sender_Quits_BSS, 0xff," Disassociated because sending station is leaving (has left) BSS"},
- {Association_requester_not_authenticated,0xff," Station requesting (Re)Association is not Authenticated with responding station"},
- {Reserved10, 0xff," Reserved"},
- {0,0,NULL}
- };
- struct ieee_802_11_header {
- u16 frame_control;// needs to be subtyped
- u16 duration;
- u8 mac1[6];
- u8 mac2[6];
- u8 mac3[6];
- u16 SeqCtl;
- u8 mac4[6];
- u16 gapLen;
- u8 gap[8];
- };
- struct ieee_802_3_header {
- u16 status;
- u16 payload_length;
- u8 dst_mac[6];
- u8 src_mac[6];
- };
- #define P80211_OUI_LEN 3
- struct ieee_802_11_snap_header {
- u8 dsap; /* always 0xAA */
- u8 ssap; /* always 0xAA */
- u8 ctrl; /* always 0x03 */
- u8 oui[P80211_OUI_LEN]; /* organizational universal id */
- } __attribute__ ((packed));
- #define P80211_LLC_OUI_LEN 3
- struct ieee_802_11_802_1H_header {
- u8 dsap;
- u8 ssap; /* always 0xAA */
- u8 ctrl; /* always 0x03 */
- u8 oui[P80211_OUI_LEN]; /* organizational universal id */
- u16 unknown1; /* packet type ID fields */
- u16 unknown2; /* here is something like length in some cases */
- } __attribute__ ((packed));
- struct ieee_802_11_802_2_header {
- u8 dsap;
- u8 ssap; /* always 0xAA */
- u8 ctrl; /* always 0x03 */
- u8 oui[P80211_OUI_LEN]; /* organizational universal id */
- u8 type; /* packet type ID field. i guess, */
- } __attribute__ ((packed));
- // following is incoplete and may be incorrect and need reorganization
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management 0x00
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_type_Control 0x01
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data 0x10
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_type_Reserved 0x11
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Association_Req 0x0 // Association Request
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Association_Resp 0x1 // Association Response
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Reassociation_Req 0x2 // Reassociation Request
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Reassociation_Resp 0x3 // Reassociation Response
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Probe_Req 0x4 // Probe Request
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Probe_Resp 0x5 // Probe Response
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Beacon 0x8 // Beacon
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_ATIM 0x9 // ATIM
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Disassociation 0xA // Disassociation
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Authentication 0xB // Authentication
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Deauthentication 0xC // Deauthentication
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_PS_Poll 0xA // PS-Poll
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_RTS 0xB // RTS
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CTS 0xC // CTS
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_ACK 0xD // ACK
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFEnd 0xE // CF-End
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFEnd_CFAck 0xF // CF-End + CF-Ack
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data 0x0 // Data
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CFAck 0x1 // Data + CF-Ack
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CF_Poll 0x2 // Data + CF-Poll
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CF_AckCF_Poll 0x3 // Data + CF-Ack + CF-Poll
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_NullFunction 0x4 // Null Function (no data)
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CF_Ack 0x5 // CF-Ack (no data)
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CF_Poll 0x6 // CF-Poll (no data)
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CF_AckCF_Poll 0x7 // CF-Ack + CF-Poll (no data)
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_strings {
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Association_Req, 0xF,"f Association Request"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Association_Resp, 0xF,"1 Association Response"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Reassociation_Req, 0xF,"2 Reassociation Request"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Reassociation_Resp, 0xF,"3 Reassociation Response"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Probe_Req , 0xF,"4 Probe Request"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Probe_Resp , 0xF,"5 Probe Response"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Beacon , 0xF,"8 Beacon"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_ATIM , 0xF,"9 ATIM"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Disassociation, 0xF,"A Disassociation"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Authentication, 0xF,"B Authentication"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Deauthentication, 0xF,"C Deauthentication"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_PS_Poll , 0xF,"A PS-Poll"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_RTS , 0xF,"B RTS"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CTS , 0xF,"C CTS"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_ACK , 0xF,"D ACK"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFEnd , 0xF,"E CF-End"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFEnd_CFAck , 0xF,"F CF-End + CF-Ack"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data , 0xF,"0 Data"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CFAck , 0xF,"1 Data + CF-Ack"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CFPoll , 0xF,"2 Data + CF-Poll"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CFAck_CFPoll, 0xF,"3 Data + CF-Ack + CF-Poll"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Null_Function , 0xF,"4 Null Function (no data)"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFAck , 0xF,"5 CF-Ack (no data)"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFPoll , 0xF,"6 CF-Poll (no data)"},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFAck_CFPoll, 0xF,"y7 CF-Ack + CF-Poll (no data)"},
- { 0,0,NULL}
- }
- struct ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_class {
- u8 subtype;
- u8 mask;
- u8 class;
- u8 type;
- };
- #define ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_classes {
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Association_Req, 0xF,2,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Association_Resp, 0xF,2,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Reassociation_Req, 0xF,2,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Reassociation_Resp, 0xF,2,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Probe_Req , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Probe_Resp , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Beacon , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_ATIM , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Disassociation, 0xF,2,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Authentication, 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Deauthentication, 0xF,3,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Management},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_PS-Poll , 0xF,3,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Control},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_RTS , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Control},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CTS , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Control},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_ACK , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Control},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFEnd , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Control},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CFEnd_CFAck , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Control},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data , 0xF,3,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CFAck , 0xF,3,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CF_Poll 0xF,3,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_Data_CF_AckCF_Poll, 0xF,3,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_NullFunction 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CF_Ack , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CF_Poll , 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data},
- { ieee_802_11_frame_subtype_CF_AckCF_Poll, 0xF,1,ieee_802_11_frame_type_Data},
- { 0,0,NULL}
- }
- #endif