- /*
- * Mostly platform independent upcall operations to Venus:
- * -- upcalls
- * -- upcall routines
- *
- * Linux 2.0 version
- * Copyright (C) 1996 Peter J. Braam <braam@maths.ox.ac.uk>,
- * Michael Callahan <callahan@maths.ox.ac.uk>
- *
- * Redone for Linux 2.1
- * Copyright (C) 1997 Carnegie Mellon University
- *
- * Carnegie Mellon University encourages users of this code to contribute
- * improvements to the Coda project. Contact Peter Braam <coda@cs.cmu.edu>.
- */
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/signal.h>
- #include <linux/signal.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/file.h>
- #include <linux/stat.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/locks.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
- #include <linux/coda.h>
- #include <linux/coda_linux.h>
- #include <linux/coda_psdev.h>
- #include <linux/coda_fs_i.h>
- #include <linux/coda_cache.h>
- #include <linux/coda_proc.h>
- #define upc_alloc() kmalloc(sizeof(struct upc_req), GFP_KERNEL)
- #define upc_free(r) kfree(r)
- static int coda_upcall(struct coda_sb_info *mntinfo, int inSize, int *outSize,
- union inputArgs *buffer);
- static void *alloc_upcall(int opcode, int size)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- CODA_ALLOC(inp, union inputArgs *, size);
- if (!inp)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- inp->ih.opcode = opcode;
- inp->ih.pid = current->pid;
- inp->ih.pgid = current->pgrp;
- coda_load_creds(&(inp->ih.cred));
- return (void*)inp;
- }
- #define UPARG(op)
- do {
- inp = (union inputArgs *)alloc_upcall(op, insize);
- if (IS_ERR(inp)) { return PTR_ERR(inp); }
- outp = (union outputArgs *)(inp);
- outsize = insize;
- } while (0)
- #define INSIZE(tag) sizeof(struct coda_ ## tag ## _in)
- #define OUTSIZE(tag) sizeof(struct coda_ ## tag ## _out)
- #define SIZE(tag) max_t(unsigned int, INSIZE(tag), OUTSIZE(tag))
- /* the upcalls */
- int venus_rootfid(struct super_block *sb, ViceFid *fidp)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = SIZE(root);
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- if (error) {
- printk("coda_get_rootfid: error %dn", error);
- } else {
- *fidp = (ViceFid) outp->coda_root.VFid;
- CDEBUG(D_SUPER, "VolumeId: %lx, VnodeId: %lx.n",
- fidp->Volume, fidp->Vnode);
- }
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_getattr(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid,
- struct coda_vattr *attr)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = SIZE(getattr);
- inp->coda_getattr.VFid = *fid;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- *attr = outp->coda_getattr.attr;
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_setattr(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid,
- struct coda_vattr *vattr)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = SIZE(setattr);
- inp->coda_setattr.VFid = *fid;
- inp->coda_setattr.attr = *vattr;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CDEBUG(D_SUPER, " result %dn", error);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_lookup(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid,
- const char *name, int length, int * type,
- struct ViceFid *resfid)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int offset;
- offset = INSIZE(lookup);
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, offset + length +1, OUTSIZE(lookup));
- inp->coda_lookup.VFid = *fid;
- inp->coda_lookup.name = offset;
- inp->coda_lookup.flags = CLU_CASE_SENSITIVE;
- /* send Venus a null terminated string */
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, name, length);
- *((char *)inp + offset + length) = '';
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- *resfid = outp->coda_lookup.VFid;
- *type = outp->coda_lookup.vtype;
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_store(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid, int flags,
- struct coda_cred *cred)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = SIZE(store);
- memcpy(&(inp->ih.cred), cred, sizeof(*cred));
- inp->coda_store.VFid = *fid;
- inp->coda_store.flags = flags;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_release(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid, int flags)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = SIZE(release);
- inp->coda_release.VFid = *fid;
- inp->coda_release.flags = flags;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_close(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid, int flags,
- struct coda_cred *cred)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = SIZE(release);
- memcpy(&(inp->ih.cred), cred, sizeof(*cred));
- inp->coda_close.VFid = *fid;
- inp->coda_close.flags = flags;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_open(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid,
- int flags, struct file **fh)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = SIZE(open_by_fd);
- inp->coda_open.VFid = *fid;
- inp->coda_open.flags = flags;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- *fh = outp->coda_open_by_fd.fh;
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_mkdir(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *dirfid,
- const char *name, int length,
- struct ViceFid *newfid, struct coda_vattr *attrs)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int offset;
- offset = INSIZE(mkdir);
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, offset + length + 1, OUTSIZE(mkdir));
- inp->coda_mkdir.VFid = *dirfid;
- inp->coda_mkdir.attr = *attrs;
- inp->coda_mkdir.name = offset;
- /* Venus must get null terminated string */
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, name, length);
- *((char *)inp + offset + length) = '';
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- *attrs = outp->coda_mkdir.attr;
- *newfid = outp->coda_mkdir.VFid;
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_rename(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *old_fid,
- struct ViceFid *new_fid, size_t old_length,
- size_t new_length, const char *old_name,
- const char *new_name)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int offset, s;
- offset = INSIZE(rename);
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, offset + new_length + old_length + 8,
- OUTSIZE(rename));
- inp->coda_rename.sourceFid = *old_fid;
- inp->coda_rename.destFid = *new_fid;
- inp->coda_rename.srcname = offset;
- /* Venus must receive an null terminated string */
- s = ( old_length & ~0x3) +4; /* round up to word boundary */
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, old_name, old_length);
- *((char *)inp + offset + old_length) = '';
- /* another null terminated string for Venus */
- offset += s;
- inp->coda_rename.destname = offset;
- s = ( new_length & ~0x3) +4; /* round up to word boundary */
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, new_name, new_length);
- *((char *)inp + offset + new_length) = '';
- CDEBUG(D_INODE, "destname in packet: %sn",
- (char *)inp + (int) inp->coda_rename.destname);
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_create(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *dirfid,
- const char *name, int length, int excl, int mode, int rdev,
- struct ViceFid *newfid, struct coda_vattr *attrs)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int offset;
- offset = INSIZE(create);
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, offset + length + 1, OUTSIZE(create));
- inp->coda_create.VFid = *dirfid;
- inp->coda_create.attr.va_mode = mode;
- inp->coda_create.attr.va_rdev = rdev;
- inp->coda_create.excl = excl;
- inp->coda_create.mode = mode;
- inp->coda_create.name = offset;
- /* Venus must get null terminated string */
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, name, length);
- *((char *)inp + offset + length) = '';
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- *attrs = outp->coda_create.attr;
- *newfid = outp->coda_create.VFid;
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_rmdir(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *dirfid,
- const char *name, int length)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int offset;
- offset = INSIZE(rmdir);
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, offset + length + 1, OUTSIZE(rmdir));
- inp->coda_rmdir.VFid = *dirfid;
- inp->coda_rmdir.name = offset;
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, name, length);
- *((char *)inp + offset + length) = '';
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_remove(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *dirfid,
- const char *name, int length)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int error=0, insize, outsize, offset;
- offset = INSIZE(remove);
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, offset + length + 1, OUTSIZE(remove));
- inp->coda_remove.VFid = *dirfid;
- inp->coda_remove.name = offset;
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, name, length);
- *((char *)inp + offset + length) = '';
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_readlink(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid,
- char *buffer, int *length)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int retlen;
- char *result;
- insize = max_t(unsigned int,
- INSIZE(readlink), OUTSIZE(readlink)+ *length + 1);
- inp->coda_readlink.VFid = *fid;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- if (! error) {
- retlen = outp->coda_readlink.count;
- if ( retlen > *length )
- retlen = *length;
- *length = retlen;
- result = (char *)outp + (long)outp->coda_readlink.data;
- memcpy(buffer, result, retlen);
- *(buffer + retlen) = '';
- }
- CDEBUG(D_INODE, " result %dn",error);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_link(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid,
- struct ViceFid *dirfid, const char *name, int len )
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int offset;
- offset = INSIZE(link);
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, offset + len + 1, OUTSIZE(link));
- inp->coda_link.sourceFid = *fid;
- inp->coda_link.destFid = *dirfid;
- inp->coda_link.tname = offset;
- /* make sure strings are null terminated */
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, name, len);
- *((char *)inp + offset + len) = '';
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CDEBUG(D_INODE, " result %dn",error);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_symlink(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid,
- const char *name, int len,
- const char *symname, int symlen)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int offset, s;
- offset = INSIZE(symlink);
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, offset + len + symlen + 8, OUTSIZE(symlink));
- /* inp->coda_symlink.attr = *tva; XXXXXX */
- inp->coda_symlink.VFid = *fid;
- /* Round up to word boundary and null terminate */
- inp->coda_symlink.srcname = offset;
- s = ( symlen & ~0x3 ) + 4;
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, symname, symlen);
- *((char *)inp + offset + symlen) = '';
- /* Round up to word boundary and null terminate */
- offset += s;
- inp->coda_symlink.tname = offset;
- s = (len & ~0x3) + 4;
- memcpy((char *)(inp) + offset, name, len);
- *((char *)inp + offset + len) = '';
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CDEBUG(D_INODE, " result %dn",error);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_fsync(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize=SIZE(fsync);
- inp->coda_fsync.VFid = *fid;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), sizeof(union inputArgs),
- &outsize, inp);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_access(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid, int mask)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = SIZE(access);
- inp->coda_access.VFid = *fid;
- inp->coda_access.flags = mask;
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_pioctl(struct super_block *sb, struct ViceFid *fid,
- unsigned int cmd, struct PioctlData *data)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- int iocsize;
- insize = VC_MAXMSGSIZE;
- /* build packet for Venus */
- if (data->vi.in_size > VC_MAXDATASIZE) {
- error = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- inp->coda_ioctl.VFid = *fid;
- /* the cmd field was mutated by increasing its size field to
- * reflect the path and follow args. We need to subtract that
- * out before sending the command to Venus. */
- inp->coda_ioctl.cmd = (cmd & ~(PIOCPARM_MASK << 16));
- iocsize = ((cmd >> 16) & PIOCPARM_MASK) - sizeof(char *) - sizeof(int);
- inp->coda_ioctl.cmd |= (iocsize & PIOCPARM_MASK) << 16;
- /* in->coda_ioctl.rwflag = flag; */
- inp->coda_ioctl.len = data->vi.in_size;
- inp->coda_ioctl.data = (char *)(INSIZE(ioctl));
- /* get the data out of user space */
- if ( copy_from_user((char*)inp + (long)inp->coda_ioctl.data,
- data->vi.in, data->vi.in_size) ) {
- error = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), SIZE(ioctl) + data->vi.in_size,
- &outsize, inp);
- if (error) {
- printk("coda_pioctl: Venus returns: %d for %sn",
- error, coda_f2s(fid));
- goto exit;
- }
- /* Copy out the OUT buffer. */
- if (outp->coda_ioctl.len > data->vi.out_size) {
- CDEBUG(D_FILE, "return len %d <= request len %dn",
- outp->coda_ioctl.len,
- data->vi.out_size);
- error = -EINVAL;
- } else {
- error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, data->vi.out,
- data->vi.out_size);
- if ( error ) goto exit;
- if (copy_to_user(data->vi.out,
- (char *)outp + (long)outp->coda_ioctl.data,
- data->vi.out_size)) {
- error = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- exit:
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- int venus_statfs(struct super_block *sb, struct statfs *sfs)
- {
- union inputArgs *inp;
- union outputArgs *outp;
- int insize, outsize, error;
- insize = max_t(unsigned int, INSIZE(statfs), OUTSIZE(statfs));
- error = coda_upcall(coda_sbp(sb), insize, &outsize, inp);
- if (!error) {
- sfs->f_blocks = outp->coda_statfs.stat.f_blocks;
- sfs->f_bfree = outp->coda_statfs.stat.f_bfree;
- sfs->f_bavail = outp->coda_statfs.stat.f_bavail;
- sfs->f_files = outp->coda_statfs.stat.f_files;
- sfs->f_ffree = outp->coda_statfs.stat.f_ffree;
- } else {
- printk("coda_statfs: Venus returns: %dn", error);
- }
- CDEBUG(D_INODE, " result %dn",error);
- CODA_FREE(inp, insize);
- return error;
- }
- /*
- * coda_upcall and coda_downcall routines.
- *
- */
- static inline unsigned long coda_waitfor_upcall(struct upc_req *vmp,
- struct venus_comm *vcommp)
- {
- DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
- struct timeval begin = { 0, 0 }, end = { 0, 0 };
- vmp->uc_posttime = jiffies;
- if (coda_upcall_timestamping)
- do_gettimeofday(&begin);
- add_wait_queue(&vmp->uc_sleep, &wait);
- for (;;) {
- if ( !coda_hard && vmp->uc_opcode != CODA_CLOSE )
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- else
- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
- /* venus died */
- if ( !vcommp->vc_inuse )
- break;
- /* got a reply */
- if ( vmp->uc_flags & ( REQ_WRITE | REQ_ABORT ) )
- break;
- if ( !coda_hard && vmp->uc_opcode != CODA_CLOSE && signal_pending(current) ) {
- /* if this process really wants to die, let it go */
- if ( sigismember(&(current->pending.signal), SIGKILL) ||
- sigismember(&(current->pending.signal), SIGINT) )
- break;
- /* signal is present: after timeout always return
- really smart idea, probably useless ... */
- if ( jiffies - vmp->uc_posttime > coda_timeout * HZ )
- break;
- }
- schedule();
- }
- remove_wait_queue(&vmp->uc_sleep, &wait);
- set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
- if (coda_upcall_timestamping && begin.tv_sec != 0) {
- do_gettimeofday(&end);
- if (end.tv_usec < begin.tv_usec) {
- end.tv_usec += 1000000; end.tv_sec--;
- }
- end.tv_sec -= begin.tv_sec;
- end.tv_usec -= begin.tv_usec;
- }
- CDEBUG(D_SPECIAL, "begin: %ld.%06ld, elapsed: %ld.%06ldn",
- begin.tv_sec, (unsigned long)begin.tv_usec,
- end.tv_sec, (unsigned long)end.tv_usec);
- return ((end.tv_sec * 1000000) + end.tv_usec);
- }
- /*
- * coda_upcall will return an error in the case of
- * failed communication with Venus _or_ will peek at Venus
- * reply and return Venus' error.
- *
- * As venus has 2 types of errors, normal errors (positive) and internal
- * errors (negative), normal errors are negated, while internal errors
- * are all mapped to -EINTR, while showing a nice warning message. (jh)
- *
- */
- static int coda_upcall(struct coda_sb_info *sbi,
- int inSize, int *outSize,
- union inputArgs *buffer)
- {
- unsigned long runtime;
- struct venus_comm *vcommp;
- union outputArgs *out;
- struct upc_req *req;
- int error = 0;
- vcommp = sbi->sbi_vcomm;
- if ( !vcommp->vc_inuse ) {
- printk("No pseudo device in upcall comms at %pn", vcommp);
- return -ENXIO;
- }
- /* Format the request message. */
- req = upc_alloc();
- if (!req) {
- printk("Failed to allocate upc_req structuren");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- req->uc_data = (void *)buffer;
- req->uc_flags = 0;
- req->uc_inSize = inSize;
- req->uc_outSize = *outSize ? *outSize : inSize;
- req->uc_opcode = ((union inputArgs *)buffer)->ih.opcode;
- req->uc_unique = ++vcommp->vc_seq;
- init_waitqueue_head(&req->uc_sleep);
- /* Fill in the common input args. */
- ((union inputArgs *)buffer)->ih.unique = req->uc_unique;
- /* Append msg to pending queue and poke Venus. */
- list_add(&(req->uc_chain), vcommp->vc_pending.prev);
- "Proc %d wake Venus for(opc,uniq) =(%d,%d) msg at %p.zzz.n",
- current->pid, req->uc_opcode, req->uc_unique, req);
- wake_up_interruptible(&vcommp->vc_waitq);
- /* We can be interrupted while we wait for Venus to process
- * our request. If the interrupt occurs before Venus has read
- * the request, we dequeue and return. If it occurs after the
- * read but before the reply, we dequeue, send a signal
- * message, and return. If it occurs after the reply we ignore
- * it. In no case do we want to restart the syscall. If it
- * was interrupted by a venus shutdown (psdev_close), return
- * ENODEV. */
- /* Go to sleep. Wake up on signals only after the timeout. */
- runtime = coda_waitfor_upcall(req, vcommp);
- coda_upcall_stats(((union inputArgs *)buffer)->ih.opcode, runtime);
- CDEBUG(D_TIMING, "opc: %d time: %ld uniq: %d size: %dn",
- req->uc_opcode, jiffies - req->uc_posttime,
- req->uc_unique, req->uc_outSize);
- "..process %d woken up by Venus for req at %p, data at %pn",
- current->pid, req, req->uc_data);
- if (vcommp->vc_inuse) { /* i.e. Venus is still alive */
- /* Op went through, interrupt or not... */
- if (req->uc_flags & REQ_WRITE) {
- out = (union outputArgs *)req->uc_data;
- /* here we map positive Venus errors to kernel errors */
- error = -out->oh.result;
- "upcall: (u,o,r) (%ld, %ld, %ld) out at %pn",
- out->oh.unique, out->oh.opcode, out->oh.result, out);
- *outSize = req->uc_outSize;
- goto exit;
- }
- if ( !(req->uc_flags & REQ_READ) && signal_pending(current)) {
- /* Interrupted before venus read it. */
- "Interrupted before read:(op,un) (%d.%d), flags = %xn",
- req->uc_opcode, req->uc_unique, req->uc_flags);
- list_del(&(req->uc_chain));
- /* perhaps the best way to convince the app to
- give up? */
- error = -EINTR;
- goto exit;
- }
- if ( (req->uc_flags & REQ_READ) && signal_pending(current) ) {
- /* interrupted after Venus did its read, send signal */
- union inputArgs *sig_inputArgs;
- struct upc_req *sig_req;
- "Sending Venus a signal: op = %d.%d, flags = %xn",
- req->uc_opcode, req->uc_unique, req->uc_flags);
- list_del(&(req->uc_chain));
- error = -ENOMEM;
- sig_req = upc_alloc();
- if (!sig_req) goto exit;
- CODA_ALLOC((sig_req->uc_data), char *, sizeof(struct coda_in_hdr));
- if (!sig_req->uc_data) {
- upc_free(sig_req);
- goto exit;
- }
- error = -EINTR;
- sig_inputArgs = (union inputArgs *)sig_req->uc_data;
- sig_inputArgs->ih.opcode = CODA_SIGNAL;
- sig_inputArgs->ih.unique = req->uc_unique;
- sig_req->uc_flags = REQ_ASYNC;
- sig_req->uc_opcode = sig_inputArgs->ih.opcode;
- sig_req->uc_unique = sig_inputArgs->ih.unique;
- sig_req->uc_inSize = sizeof(struct coda_in_hdr);
- sig_req->uc_outSize = sizeof(struct coda_in_hdr);
- "coda_upcall: enqueing signal msg (%d, %d)n",
- sig_req->uc_opcode, sig_req->uc_unique);
- /* insert at head of queue! */
- list_add(&(sig_req->uc_chain), &vcommp->vc_pending);
- wake_up_interruptible(&vcommp->vc_waitq);
- } else {
- printk("Coda: Strange interruption..n");
- error = -EINTR;
- }
- } else { /* If venus died i.e. !VC_OPEN(vcommp) */
- printk("coda_upcall: Venus dead on (op,un) (%d.%d) flags %dn",
- req->uc_opcode, req->uc_unique, req->uc_flags);
- error = -ENODEV;
- }
- exit:
- upc_free(req);
- if (error)
- badclstats();
- return error;
- }
- /*
- The statements below are part of the Coda opportunistic
- programming -- taken from the Mach/BSD kernel code for Coda.
- You don't get correct semantics by stating what needs to be
- done without guaranteeing the invariants needed for it to happen.
- When will be have time to find out what exactly is going on? (pjb)
- */
- /*
- * There are 7 cases where cache invalidations occur. The semantics
- * of each is listed here:
- *
- * CODA_FLUSH -- flush all entries from the name cache and the cnode cache.
- * CODA_PURGEUSER -- flush all entries from the name cache for a specific user
- * This call is a result of token expiration.
- *
- * The next arise as the result of callbacks on a file or directory.
- * CODA_ZAPFILE -- flush the cached attributes for a file.
- * CODA_ZAPDIR -- flush the attributes for the dir and
- * force a new lookup for all the children
- of this dir.
- *
- * The next is a result of Venus detecting an inconsistent file.
- * CODA_PURGEFID -- flush the attribute for the file
- * purge it and its children from the dcache
- *
- * The last allows Venus to replace local fids with global ones
- * during reintegration.
- *
- * CODA_REPLACE -- replace one ViceFid with another throughout the name cache */
- int coda_downcall(int opcode, union outputArgs * out, struct super_block *sb)
- {
- /* Handle invalidation requests. */
- if ( !sb || !sb->s_root || !sb->s_root->d_inode) {
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "coda_downcall: opcode %d, no sb!n", opcode);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (opcode) {
- case CODA_FLUSH : {
- clstats(CODA_FLUSH);
- coda_cache_clear_all(sb, NULL);
- shrink_dcache_sb(sb);
- coda_flag_inode(sb->s_root->d_inode, C_FLUSH);
- return(0);
- }
- struct coda_cred *cred = &out->coda_purgeuser.cred;
- if ( !cred ) {
- printk("PURGEUSER: null cred!n");
- return 0;
- }
- clstats(CODA_PURGEUSER);
- coda_cache_clear_all(sb, cred);
- return(0);
- }
- case CODA_ZAPDIR : {
- struct inode *inode;
- ViceFid *fid = &out->coda_zapdir.CodaFid;
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "zapdir: fid = %s...n", coda_f2s(fid));
- clstats(CODA_ZAPDIR);
- inode = coda_fid_to_inode(fid, sb);
- if (inode) {
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "zapdir: inode = %ld children flaggedn",
- inode->i_ino);
- coda_flag_inode_children(inode, C_PURGE);
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "zapdir: inode = %ld cache clearedn", inode->i_ino);
- coda_flag_inode(inode, C_VATTR);
- iput(inode);
- } else
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "zapdir: no inoden");
- return(0);
- }
- case CODA_ZAPFILE : {
- struct inode *inode;
- struct ViceFid *fid = &out->coda_zapfile.CodaFid;
- clstats(CODA_ZAPFILE);
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "zapfile: fid = %sn", coda_f2s(fid));
- inode = coda_fid_to_inode(fid, sb);
- if ( inode ) {
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "zapfile: inode = %ldn",
- inode->i_ino);
- coda_flag_inode(inode, C_VATTR);
- iput(inode);
- } else
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "zapfile: no inoden");
- return 0;
- }
- case CODA_PURGEFID : {
- struct inode *inode;
- ViceFid *fid = &out->coda_purgefid.CodaFid;
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "purgefid: fid = %sn", coda_f2s(fid));
- clstats(CODA_PURGEFID);
- inode = coda_fid_to_inode(fid, sb);
- if ( inode ) {
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "purgefid: inode = %ldn",
- inode->i_ino);
- coda_flag_inode_children(inode, C_PURGE);
- /* catch the dentries later if some are still busy */
- coda_flag_inode(inode, C_PURGE);
- d_prune_aliases(inode);
- iput(inode);
- } else
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "purgefid: no inoden");
- return 0;
- }
- case CODA_REPLACE : {
- struct inode *inode;
- ViceFid *oldfid = &out->coda_replace.OldFid;
- ViceFid *newfid = &out->coda_replace.NewFid;
- clstats(CODA_REPLACE);
- inode = coda_fid_to_inode(oldfid, sb);
- if ( inode ) {
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "replacefid: inode = %ldn",
- inode->i_ino);
- coda_replace_fid(inode, oldfid, newfid);
- iput(inode);
- }else
- CDEBUG(D_DOWNCALL, "purgefid: no inoden");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }