- /*
- * linux/fs/hfs/bdelete.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Paul H. Hargrove
- * This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- *
- * This file contains the code to delete records in a B-tree.
- *
- * "XXX" in a comment is a note to myself to consider changing something.
- *
- * In function preconditions the term "valid" applied to a pointer to
- * a structure means that the pointer is non-NULL and the structure it
- * points to has all fields initialized to consistent values.
- */
- #include "hfs_btree.h"
- /*================ Variable-like macros ================*/
- #define FULL (HFS_SECTOR_SIZE - sizeof(struct NodeDescriptor))
- /*================ File-local functions ================*/
- /*
- * bdelete_nonempty()
- *
- * Description:
- * Deletes a record from a given bnode without regard to it becoming empty.
- * Input Variable(s):
- * struct hfs_brec* brec: pointer to the brec for the deletion
- * struct hfs_belem* belem: which node in 'brec' to delete from
- * Output Variable(s):
- * NONE
- * Returns:
- * void
- * Preconditions:
- * 'brec' points to a valid (struct hfs_brec).
- * 'belem' points to a valid (struct hfs_belem) in 'brec'.
- * Postconditions:
- * The record has been inserted in the position indicated by 'brec'.
- */
- static void bdelete_nonempty(struct hfs_brec *brec, struct hfs_belem *belem)
- {
- int i, rec, nrecs, tomove;
- hfs_u16 size;
- hfs_u8 *start;
- struct hfs_bnode *bnode = belem->;
- rec = belem->record;
- nrecs = bnode->ndNRecs;
- size = bnode_rsize(bnode, rec);
- tomove = bnode_offset(bnode, nrecs+1) - bnode_offset(bnode, rec+1);
- /* adjust the record table */
- for (i = rec+1; i <= nrecs; ++i) {
- hfs_put_hs(bnode_offset(bnode,i+1) - size, RECTBL(bnode,i));
- }
- /* move it down */
- start = bnode_key(bnode, rec);
- memmove(start, start + size, tomove);
- /* update record count */
- --bnode->ndNRecs;
- }
- /*
- * del_root()
- *
- * Description:
- * Delete the current root bnode.
- * Input Variable(s):
- * struct hfs_bnode_ref *root: reference to the root bnode
- * Output Variable(s):
- * NONE
- * Returns:
- * int: 0 on success, error code on failure
- * Preconditions:
- * 'root' refers to the root bnode with HFS_LOCK_WRITE access.
- * None of 'root's children are held with HFS_LOCK_WRITE access.
- * Postconditions:
- * The current 'root' node is removed from the tree and the depth
- * of the tree is reduced by one.
- * If 'root' is an index node with exactly one child, then that
- * child becomes the new root of the tree.
- * If 'root' is an empty leaf node the tree becomes empty.
- * Upon return access to 'root' is relinquished.
- */
- static int del_root(struct hfs_bnode_ref *root)
- {
- struct hfs_btree *tree = root->bn->tree;
- struct hfs_bnode_ref child;
- hfs_u32 node;
- if (root->bn->ndNRecs > 1) {
- return 0;
- } else if (root->bn->ndNRecs == 0) {
- /* tree is empty */
- tree->bthRoot = 0;
- tree->root = NULL;
- tree->bthRoot = 0;
- tree->bthFNode = 0;
- tree->bthLNode = 0;
- --tree->bthDepth;
- tree->dirt = 1;
- if (tree->bthDepth) {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: empty tree with bthDepth=%dn",
- tree->bthDepth);
- goto bail;
- }
- return hfs_bnode_free(root);
- } else if (root->bn->ndType == ndIndxNode) {
- /* tree is non-empty */
- node = hfs_get_hl(bkey_record(bnode_datastart(root->bn)));
- child = hfs_bnode_find(tree, node, HFS_LOCK_READ);
- if (! {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: can't read child node.n");
- goto bail;
- }
->sticky = HFS_STICKY;
- if (>next) {
->next->prev =>prev;
- }
- if (>prev) {
->prev->next =>next;
- }
- if (bhash(tree,>node) == {
- bhash(tree,>node) =>next;
- }
->next = NULL;
->prev = NULL;
- tree->bthRoot =>node;
- tree->root =;
- /* re-assign bthFNode and bthLNode if the new root is
- a leaf node. */
- if (>ndType == ndLeafNode) {
- tree->bthFNode = node;
- tree->bthLNode = node;
- }
- hfs_bnode_relse(&child);
- tree->bthRoot = node;
- --tree->bthDepth;
- tree->dirt = 1;
- if (!tree->bthDepth) {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: non-empty tree with "
- "bthDepth == 0n");
- goto bail;
- }
- return hfs_bnode_free(root); /* marks tree dirty */
- }
- hfs_bnode_relse(root);
- return 0;
- bail:
- hfs_bnode_relse(root);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /*
- * delete_empty_bnode()
- *
- * Description:
- * Removes an empty non-root bnode from between 'left' and 'right'
- * Input Variable(s):
- * hfs_u32 left_node: node number of 'left' or zero if 'left' is invalid
- * struct hfs_bnode_ref *left: reference to the left neighbor of the
- * bnode to remove, or invalid if no such neighbor exists.
- * struct hfs_bnode_ref *center: reference to the bnode to remove
- * hfs_u32 right_node: node number of 'right' or zero if 'right' is invalid
- * struct hfs_bnode_ref *right: reference to the right neighbor of the
- * bnode to remove, or invalid if no such neighbor exists.
- * Output Variable(s):
- * NONE
- * Returns:
- * void
- * Preconditions:
- * 'left_node' is as described above.
- * 'left' points to a valid (struct hfs_bnode_ref) having HFS_LOCK_WRITE
- * access and referring to the left neighbor of 'center' if such a
- * neighbor exists, or invalid if no such neighbor exists.
- * 'center' points to a valid (struct hfs_bnode_ref) having HFS_LOCK_WRITE
- * access and referring to the bnode to delete.
- * 'right_node' is as described above.
- * 'right' points to a valid (struct hfs_bnode_ref) having HFS_LOCK_WRITE
- * access and referring to the right neighbor of 'center' if such a
- * neighbor exists, or invalid if no such neighbor exists.
- * Postconditions:
- * If 'left' is valid its 'ndFLink' field becomes 'right_node'.
- * If 'right' is valid its 'ndBLink' field becomes 'left_node'.
- * If 'center' was the first leaf node then the tree's 'bthFNode'
- * field becomes 'right_node'
- * If 'center' was the last leaf node then the tree's 'bthLNode'
- * field becomes 'left_node'
- * 'center' is NOT freed and access to the nodes is NOT relinquished.
- */
- static void delete_empty_bnode(hfs_u32 left_node, struct hfs_bnode_ref *left,
- struct hfs_bnode_ref *center,
- hfs_u32 right_node, struct hfs_bnode_ref *right)
- {
- struct hfs_bnode *bnode = center->bn;
- if (left_node) {
- left->bn->ndFLink = right_node;
- } else if (bnode->ndType == ndLeafNode) {
- bnode->tree->bthFNode = right_node;
- bnode->tree->dirt = 1;
- }
- if (right_node) {
- right->bn->ndBLink = left_node;
- } else if (bnode->ndType == ndLeafNode) {
- bnode->tree->bthLNode = left_node;
- bnode->tree->dirt = 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * balance()
- *
- * Description:
- * Attempt to equalize space usage in neighboring bnodes.
- * Input Variable(s):
- * struct hfs_bnode *left: the left bnode.
- * struct hfs_bnode *right: the right bnode.
- * Output Variable(s):
- * NONE
- * Returns:
- * void
- * Preconditions:
- * 'left' and 'right' point to valid (struct hfs_bnode)s obtained
- * with HFS_LOCK_WRITE access, and are neighbors.
- * Postconditions:
- * Records are shifted either left or right to make the space usage
- * nearly equal. When exact equality is not possible the break
- * point is chosen to reduce data movement.
- * The key corresponding to 'right' in its parent is NOT updated.
- */
- static void balance(struct hfs_bnode *left, struct hfs_bnode *right)
- {
- int index, left_free, right_free, half;
- left_free = bnode_freespace(left);
- right_free = bnode_freespace(right);
- half = (left_free + right_free)/2;
- if (left_free < right_free) {
- /* shift right to balance */
- index = left->ndNRecs + 1;
- while (right_free >= half) {
- --index;
- right_free -= bnode_rsize(left,index)+sizeof(hfs_u16);
- }
- if (index < left->ndNRecs) {
- #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) || defined(DEBUG_BALANCE)
- hfs_warn("shifting %d of %d recs right to balance: ",
- left->ndNRecs - index, left->ndNRecs);
- #endif
- hfs_bnode_shift_right(left, right, index+1);
- #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) || defined(DEBUG_BALANCE)
- hfs_warn("%d,%dn", left->ndNRecs, right->ndNRecs);
- #endif
- }
- } else {
- /* shift left to balance */
- index = 0;
- while (left_free >= half) {
- ++index;
- left_free -= bnode_rsize(right,index)+sizeof(hfs_u16);
- }
- if (index > 1) {
- #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) || defined(DEBUG_BALANCE)
- hfs_warn("shifting %d of %d recs left to balance: ",
- index-1, right->ndNRecs);
- #endif
- hfs_bnode_shift_left(left, right, index-1);
- #if defined(DEBUG_ALL) || defined(DEBUG_BALANCE)
- hfs_warn("%d,%dn", left->ndNRecs, right->ndNRecs);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * bdelete()
- *
- * Delete the given record from a B-tree.
- */
- static int bdelete(struct hfs_brec *brec)
- {
- struct hfs_btree *tree = brec->tree;
- struct hfs_belem *belem = brec->bottom;
- struct hfs_belem *parent = (belem-1);
- struct hfs_bnode *bnode;
- hfs_u32 left_node, right_node;
- struct hfs_bnode_ref left, right;
- int left_space, right_space, min_space;
- int fix_right_key;
- int fix_key;
- while ((belem > brec->top) &&
- (belem->flags & (HFS_BPATH_UNDERFLOW | HFS_BPATH_FIRST))) {
- bnode = belem->;
- fix_key = belem->flags & HFS_BPATH_FIRST;
- fix_right_key = 0;
- bdelete_nonempty(brec, belem);
- if (bnode->node == tree->root->node) {
- del_root(&belem->bnr);
- --brec->bottom;
- goto done;
- }
- /* check for btree corruption which could lead to deadlock */
- left_node = bnode->ndBLink;
- right_node = bnode->ndFLink;
- if ((left_node && hfs_bnode_in_brec(left_node, brec)) ||
- (right_node && hfs_bnode_in_brec(right_node, brec)) ||
- (left_node == right_node)) {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: corrupt btreen");
- hfs_brec_relse(brec, NULL);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* grab the left neighbor if it exists */
- if (left_node) {
- hfs_bnode_lock(&belem->bnr, HFS_LOCK_RESRV);
- left = hfs_bnode_find(tree,left_node,HFS_LOCK_WRITE);
- if (! {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: unable to read left "
- "neighbor.n");
- hfs_brec_relse(brec, NULL);
- return -EIO;
- }
- hfs_bnode_lock(&belem->bnr, HFS_LOCK_WRITE);
- if (parent->record != 1) {
- left_space = bnode_freespace(;
- } else {
- left_space = NO_SPACE;
- }
- } else {
- = NULL;
- left_space = NO_SPACE;
- }
- /* grab the right neighbor if it exists */
- if (right_node) {
- right = hfs_bnode_find(tree,right_node,HFS_LOCK_WRITE);
- if (! {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: unable to read right "
- "neighbor.n");
- hfs_bnode_relse(&left);
- hfs_brec_relse(brec, NULL);
- return -EIO;
- }
- if (parent->record < parent->>ndNRecs) {
- right_space = bnode_freespace(;
- } else {
- right_space = NO_SPACE;
- }
- } else {
- = NULL;
- right_space = NO_SPACE;
- }
- if (left_space < right_space) {
- min_space = left_space;
- } else {
- min_space = right_space;
- }
- if (min_space == NO_SPACE) {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: no siblings?n");
- hfs_brec_relse(brec, NULL);
- return -EIO;
- }
- if (bnode->ndNRecs == 0) {
- delete_empty_bnode(left_node, &left, &belem->bnr,
- right_node, &right);
- } else if (min_space + bnode_freespace(bnode) >= FULL) {
- if ((right_space == NO_SPACE) ||
- ((right_space == min_space) &&
- (left_space != NO_SPACE))) {
- hfs_bnode_shift_left(, bnode,
- bnode->ndNRecs);
- } else {
- hfs_bnode_shift_right(bnode,, 1);
- fix_right_key = 1;
- }
- delete_empty_bnode(left_node, &left, &belem->bnr,
- right_node, &right);
- } else if (min_space == right_space) {
- balance(bnode,;
- fix_right_key = 1;
- } else {
- balance(, bnode);
- fix_key = 1;
- }
- if (fix_right_key) {
- hfs_bnode_update_key(brec, belem,, 1);
- }
- hfs_bnode_relse(&left);
- hfs_bnode_relse(&right);
- if (bnode->ndNRecs) {
- if (fix_key) {
- hfs_bnode_update_key(brec, belem, bnode, 0);
- }
- goto done;
- }
- hfs_bnode_free(&belem->bnr);
- --brec->bottom;
- belem = parent;
- --parent;
- }
- if (belem < brec->top) {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: Missing parent.n");
- hfs_brec_relse(brec, NULL);
- return -EIO;
- }
- bdelete_nonempty(brec, belem);
- done:
- hfs_brec_relse(brec, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- /*================ Global functions ================*/
- /*
- * hfs_bdelete()
- *
- * Delete the requested record from a B-tree.
- */
- int hfs_bdelete(struct hfs_btree *tree, const struct hfs_bkey *key)
- {
- struct hfs_belem *belem;
- struct hfs_bnode *bnode;
- struct hfs_brec brec;
- int retval;
- if (!tree || (tree->magic != HFS_BTREE_MAGIC) || !key) {
- hfs_warn("hfs_bdelete: invalid arguments.n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- retval = hfs_bfind(&brec, tree, key, HFS_BFIND_DELETE);
- if (!retval) {
- belem = brec.bottom;
- bnode = belem->;
- belem->flags = 0;
- if ((bnode->ndNRecs * sizeof(hfs_u16) + bnode_end(bnode) -
- bnode_rsize(bnode, belem->record)) < FULL/2) {
- belem->flags |= HFS_BPATH_UNDERFLOW;
- }
- if (belem->record == 1) {
- belem->flags |= HFS_BPATH_FIRST;
- }
- if (!belem->flags) {
- hfs_brec_lock(&brec, brec.bottom);
- } else {
- hfs_brec_lock(&brec, NULL);
- }
- retval = bdelete(&brec);
- if (!retval) {
- --brec.tree->bthNRecs;
- brec.tree->dirt = 1;
- }
- hfs_brec_relse(&brec, NULL);
- }
- return retval;
- }