- #include <asm/asm.h>
- #include <asm/mipsregs.h>
- #include <asm/regdef.h>
- #include <asm/stackframe.h>
- .text
- .set macro
- .set noat
- .align 5
- NESTED(it8172_IRQ, PT_SIZE, sp)
- CLI # Important: mark KERNEL mode !
- /* We're working with 'reorder' set at this point. */
- /*
- * Get pending interrupts
- */
- mfc0 t0,CP0_CAUSE # get pending interrupts
- mfc0 t1,CP0_STATUS # get enabled interrupts
- and t0,t1 # isolate allowed ones
- andi t0,0xff00 # isolate pending bits
- beqz t0, 3f # spurious interrupt
- andi a0, t0, CAUSEF_IP7
- beq a0, zero, 1f
- move a0, sp
- jal local_timer_interrupt
- j ret_from_irq
- nop
- 1:
- andi a0, t0, CAUSEF_IP2 # the only int we expect at this time
- beq a0, zero, 3f
- move a0,sp
- jal it8172_hw0_irqdispatch
- mfc0 t0,CP0_STATUS # disable interrupts
- ori t0,1
- xori t0,1
- mtc0 t0,CP0_STATUS
- nop
- nop
- nop
- la a1, ret_from_irq
- jr a1
- nop
- 3:
- move a0, sp
- jal mips_spurious_interrupt
- nop
- la a1, ret_from_irq
- jr a1
- nop
- END(it8172_IRQ)