- /*
- * arch/m68k/q40/config.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999 Richard Zidlicky
- *
- * originally based on:
- *
- * linux/bvme/config.c
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <linux/console.h>
- #include <linux/linkage.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/major.h>
- #include <linux/serial_reg.h>
- #include <linux/rtc.h>
- #include <linux/vt_kern.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/rtc.h>
- #include <asm/bootinfo.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
- #include <asm/setup.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
- #include <asm/traps.h>
- #include <asm/rtc.h>
- #include <asm/machdep.h>
- #include <asm/q40_master.h>
- #include <asm/keyboard.h>
- extern void floppy_setup(char *str, int *ints);
- extern int q40kbd_translate(unsigned char scancode, unsigned char *keycode,
- char raw_mode);
- extern void q40_process_int (int level, struct pt_regs *regs);
- extern void (*q40_sys_default_handler[]) (int, void *, struct pt_regs *); /* added just for debugging */
- extern void q40_init_IRQ (void);
- extern void q40_free_irq (unsigned int, void *);
- extern int q40_get_irq_list (char *);
- extern void q40_enable_irq (unsigned int);
- extern void q40_disable_irq (unsigned int);
- static void q40_get_model(char *model);
- static int q40_get_hardware_list(char *buffer);
- extern int q40_request_irq(unsigned int irq, void (*handler)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *), unsigned long flags, const char *devname, void *dev_id);
- extern void q40_sched_init(void (*handler)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *));
- extern unsigned long q40_gettimeoffset (void);
- extern void q40_gettod (int *year, int *mon, int *day, int *hour,
- int *min, int *sec);
- extern int q40_hwclk (int, struct rtc_time *);
- extern int q40_set_clock_mmss (unsigned long);
- extern void q40_reset (void);
- void q40_halt(void);
- extern void q40_waitbut(void);
- void q40_set_vectors (void);
- void q40_mksound(unsigned int /*freq*/, unsigned int /*ticks*/ );
- extern char *saved_command_line;
- extern char m68k_debug_device[];
- static void q40_mem_console_write(struct console *co, const char *b,
- unsigned int count);
- extern int ql_ticks;
- static struct console q40_console_driver = {
- name: "debug",
- index: -1,
- };
- /* early debugging function:*/
- extern char *q40_mem_cptr; /*=(char *)0xff020000;*/
- static int _cpleft;
- #if 0
- int q40_kbd_translate(unsigned char keycode, unsigned char *keycodep, char raw_mode)
- {
- *keycodep = keycode;
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- static void q40_mem_console_write(struct console *co, const char *s,
- unsigned int count)
- {
- char *p=(char *)s;
- if (count<_cpleft)
- while (count-- >0){
- *q40_mem_cptr=*p++;
- q40_mem_cptr+=4;
- _cpleft--;
- }
- }
- #if 0
- void printq40(char *str)
- {
- int l=strlen(str);
- char *p=q40_mem_cptr;
- while (l-- >0 && _cpleft-- >0)
- {
- *p=*str++;
- p+=4;
- }
- q40_mem_cptr=p;
- }
- #endif
- #if 0
- int q40_kbdrate (struct kbd_repeat *k)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- static int halted=0;
- static void q40_heartbeat(int on)
- {
- if (halted) return;
- if (on)
- Q40_LED_ON();
- else
- Q40_LED_OFF();
- }
- #endif
- void q40_reset()
- {
- halted=1;
- printk ("nn*******************************************n"
- "Called q40_reset : press the RESET button!! n"
- "*******************************************n");
- Q40_LED_ON();
- while(1) ;
- }
- void q40_halt()
- {
- halted=1;
- printk ("nn*******************n"
- " Called q40_haltn"
- "*******************n");
- Q40_LED_ON();
- while(1) ;
- }
- static void q40_get_model(char *model)
- {
- sprintf(model, "Q40");
- }
- /* No hardware options on Q40? */
- static int q40_get_hardware_list(char *buffer)
- {
- *buffer = '';
- return 0;
- }
- static unsigned int serports[]={0x3f8,0x2f8,0x3e8,0x2e8,0};
- void q40_disable_irqs(void)
- {
- unsigned i,j;
- j=0;
- while((i=serports[j++])) outb(0,i+UART_IER);
- master_outb(0,EXT_ENABLE_REG);
- master_outb(0,KEY_IRQ_ENABLE_REG);
- }
- void __init config_q40(void)
- {
- mach_sched_init = q40_sched_init;
- #ifdef CONFIG_VT
- mach_keyb_init = q40kbd_init_hw;
- mach_kbd_translate = q40kbd_translate;
- kd_mksound = q40_mksound;
- #endif
- mach_init_IRQ = q40_init_IRQ;
- mach_gettimeoffset = q40_gettimeoffset;
- mach_gettod = q40_gettod;
- mach_hwclk = q40_hwclk;
- mach_set_clock_mmss = q40_set_clock_mmss;
- mach_reset = q40_reset;
- mach_free_irq = q40_free_irq;
- mach_process_int = q40_process_int;
- mach_get_irq_list = q40_get_irq_list;
- mach_request_irq = q40_request_irq;
- enable_irq = q40_enable_irq;
- disable_irq = q40_disable_irq;
- mach_default_handler = &q40_sys_default_handler;
- mach_get_model = q40_get_model;
- mach_get_hardware_list = q40_get_hardware_list;
- mach_sysrq_key = 0x54;
- #endif
- mach_heartbeat = q40_heartbeat;
- #endif
- mach_halt = q40_halt;
- conswitchp = &dummy_con;
- #endif
- /* disable a few things that SMSQ might have left enabled */
- q40_disable_irqs();
- /* no DMA at all, but ide-scsi requires it.. make sure
- * all physical RAM fits into the boundary - otherwise
- * allocator may play costly and useless tricks */
- mach_max_dma_address = 1024*1024*1024;
- /* useful for early debugging stages - writes kernel messages into SRAM */
- if (!strncmp( m68k_debug_device,"mem",3 ))
- {
- /*printk("using NVRAM debug, q40_mem_cptr=%pn",q40_mem_cptr);*/
- _cpleft=2000-((long)q40_mem_cptr-0xff020000)/4;
- q40_console_driver.write = q40_mem_console_write;
- register_console(&q40_console_driver);
- }
- }
- int q40_parse_bootinfo(const struct bi_record *rec)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- static inline unsigned char bcd2bin (unsigned char b)
- {
- return ((b>>4)*10 + (b&15));
- }
- static inline unsigned char bin2bcd (unsigned char b)
- {
- return (((b/10)*16) + (b%10));
- }
- unsigned long q40_gettimeoffset (void)
- {
- return 5000*(ql_ticks!=0);
- }
- extern void q40_gettod (int *year, int *mon, int *day, int *hour,
- int *min, int *sec)
- {
- *year = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_YEAR);
- *mon = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_MNTH);
- *day = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_DATE);
- *hour = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_HOUR);
- *min = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_MINS);
- *sec = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_SECS);
- Q40_RTC_CTRL &= ~(Q40_RTC_READ);
- }
- /*
- * Looks like op is non-zero for setting the clock, and zero for
- * reading the clock.
- *
- * struct hwclk_time {
- * unsigned sec; 0..59
- * unsigned min; 0..59
- * unsigned hour; 0..23
- * unsigned day; 1..31
- * unsigned mon; 0..11
- * unsigned year; 00...
- * int wday; 0..6, 0 is Sunday, -1 means unknown/don't set
- * };
- */
- int q40_hwclk(int op, struct rtc_time *t)
- {
- if (op)
- { /* Write.... */
- Q40_RTC_SECS = bin2bcd(t->tm_sec);
- Q40_RTC_MINS = bin2bcd(t->tm_min);
- Q40_RTC_HOUR = bin2bcd(t->tm_hour);
- Q40_RTC_DATE = bin2bcd(t->tm_mday);
- Q40_RTC_MNTH = bin2bcd(t->tm_mon + 1);
- Q40_RTC_YEAR = bin2bcd(t->tm_year%100);
- if (t->tm_wday >= 0)
- Q40_RTC_DOW = bin2bcd(t->tm_wday+1);
- Q40_RTC_CTRL &= ~(Q40_RTC_WRITE);
- }
- else
- { /* Read.... */
- t->tm_year = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_YEAR);
- t->tm_mon = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_MNTH)-1;
- t->tm_mday = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_DATE);
- t->tm_hour = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_HOUR);
- t->tm_min = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_MINS);
- t->tm_sec = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_SECS);
- Q40_RTC_CTRL &= ~(Q40_RTC_READ);
- if (t->tm_year < 70)
- t->tm_year += 100;
- t->tm_wday = bcd2bin(Q40_RTC_DOW)-1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Set the minutes and seconds from seconds value 'nowtime'. Fail if
- * clock is out by > 30 minutes. Logic lifted from atari code.
- */
- int q40_set_clock_mmss (unsigned long nowtime)
- {
- int retval = 0;
- short real_seconds = nowtime % 60, real_minutes = (nowtime / 60) % 60;
- int rtc_minutes;
- rtc_minutes = bcd2bin (Q40_RTC_MINS);
- if ((rtc_minutes < real_minutes
- ? real_minutes - rtc_minutes
- : rtc_minutes - real_minutes) < 30)
- {
- Q40_RTC_MINS = bin2bcd(real_minutes);
- Q40_RTC_SECS = bin2bcd(real_seconds);
- Q40_RTC_CTRL &= ~(Q40_RTC_WRITE);
- }
- else
- retval = -1;
- return retval;
- }