- /*
- * File XmPciLpEvent.h created by Wayne Holm on Mon Jan 15 2001.
- *
- * This module handles PCI interrupt events sent by the iSeries Hypervisor.
- */
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/threads.h>
- #include <linux/smp.h>
- #include <linux/param.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/bootmem.h>
- #include <linux/blk.h>
- #include <linux/ide.h>
- #include <linux/rtc.h>
- #include <linux/time.h>
- #include <asm/iSeries/HvTypes.h>
- #include <asm/iSeries/HvLpEvent.h>
- #include <asm/iSeries/HvCallPci.h>
- #include <asm/iSeries/XmPciLpEvent.h>
- #include <asm/ppcdebug.h>
- #include <asm/time.h>
- #include <asm/flight_recorder.h>
- extern struct flightRecorder* PciFr;
- long Pci_Interrupt_Count = 0;
- long Pci_Event_Count = 0;
- enum XmPciLpEvent_Subtype {
- XmPciLpEvent_BusCreated = 0, // PHB has been created
- XmPciLpEvent_BusError = 1, // PHB has failed
- XmPciLpEvent_BusFailed = 2, // Msg to Seconday, Primary failed bus
- XmPciLpEvent_NodeFailed = 4, // Multi-adapter bridge has failed
- XmPciLpEvent_NodeRecovered = 5, // Multi-adapter bridge has recovered
- XmPciLpEvent_BusRecovered = 12, // PHB has been recovered
- XmPciLpEvent_UnQuiesceBus = 18, // Secondary bus unqiescing
- XmPciLpEvent_BridgeError = 21, // Bridge Error
- XmPciLpEvent_SlotInterrupt = 22 // Slot interrupt
- };
- struct XmPciLpEvent_BusInterrupt {
- HvBusNumber busNumber;
- HvSubBusNumber subBusNumber;
- };
- struct XmPciLpEvent_NodeInterrupt {
- HvBusNumber busNumber;
- HvSubBusNumber subBusNumber;
- HvAgentId deviceId;
- };
- struct XmPciLpEvent {
- struct HvLpEvent hvLpEvent;
- union {
- u64 alignData; // Align on an 8-byte boundary
- struct {
- u32 fisr;
- HvBusNumber busNumber;
- HvSubBusNumber subBusNumber;
- HvAgentId deviceId;
- } slotInterrupt;
- struct XmPciLpEvent_BusInterrupt busFailed;
- struct XmPciLpEvent_BusInterrupt busRecovered;
- struct XmPciLpEvent_BusInterrupt busCreated;
- struct XmPciLpEvent_NodeInterrupt nodeFailed;
- struct XmPciLpEvent_NodeInterrupt nodeRecovered;
- } eventData;
- };
- static void intReceived(struct XmPciLpEvent* eventParm, struct pt_regs* regsParm);
- static void logXmEvent( char* ErrorText, int busNumber);
- static void XmPciLpEvent_handler( struct HvLpEvent* eventParm, struct pt_regs* regsParm)
- {
- //PPCDBG(PPCDBG_BUSWALK,"XmPciLpEvent_handler, type 0x%xn",eventParm->xType );
- ++Pci_Event_Count;
- if (eventParm && eventParm->xType == HvLpEvent_Type_PciIo) {
- switch( eventParm->xFlags.xFunction ) {
- case HvLpEvent_Function_Int:
- intReceived( (struct XmPciLpEvent*)eventParm, regsParm );
- break;
- case HvLpEvent_Function_Ack:
- printk(KERN_ERR "XmPciLpEvent.c: Unexpected ack receivedn");
- break;
- default:
- printk(KERN_ERR "XmPciLpEvent.c: Unexpected event function %dn",(int)eventParm->xFlags.xFunction);
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (event) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "XmPciLpEvent.c: Unrecognized PCI event type 0x%xn",(int)eventParm->xType);
- }
- else {
- printk(KERN_ERR "XmPciLpEvent.c: NULL event receivedn");
- }
- }
- static void intReceived(struct XmPciLpEvent* eventParm, struct pt_regs* regsParm)
- {
- int irq;
- ++Pci_Interrupt_Count;
- //PPCDBG(PPCDBG_BUSWALK,"PCI: XmPciLpEvent.c: intReceivedn");
- switch (eventParm->hvLpEvent.xSubtype) {
- case XmPciLpEvent_SlotInterrupt:
- irq = eventParm->hvLpEvent.xCorrelationToken;
- /* Dispatch the interrupt handlers for this irq */
- ppc_irq_dispatch_handler(regsParm, irq);
- HvCallPci_eoi(eventParm->eventData.slotInterrupt.busNumber,
- eventParm->eventData.slotInterrupt.subBusNumber,
- eventParm->eventData.slotInterrupt.deviceId);
- break;
- /* Ignore error recovery events for now */
- case XmPciLpEvent_BusCreated:
- logXmEvent("System bus created.",eventParm->eventData.busCreated.busNumber);
- break;
- case XmPciLpEvent_BusError:
- case XmPciLpEvent_BusFailed:
- logXmEvent("System bus failed.", eventParm->eventData.busFailed.busNumber);
- break;
- case XmPciLpEvent_BusRecovered:
- case XmPciLpEvent_UnQuiesceBus:
- logXmEvent("System bus recovered.",eventParm->eventData.busRecovered.busNumber);
- break;
- case XmPciLpEvent_NodeFailed:
- case XmPciLpEvent_BridgeError:
- logXmEvent("Multi-adapter bridge failed.",eventParm->eventData.nodeFailed.busNumber);
- break;
- case XmPciLpEvent_NodeRecovered:
- logXmEvent("Multi-adapter bridge recovered",eventParm->eventData.nodeRecovered.busNumber);
- break;
- default:
- logXmEvent("Unrecognized event subtype.",eventParm->hvLpEvent.xSubtype);
- break;
- };
- }
- /* This should be called sometime prior to buswalk (init_IRQ would be good) */
- int XmPciLpEvent_init()
- {
- int xRc;
- PPCDBG(PPCDBG_BUSWALK,"XmPciLpEvent_init, Register Event type 0x%04Xn",HvLpEvent_Type_PciIo);
- xRc = HvLpEvent_registerHandler(HvLpEvent_Type_PciIo, &XmPciLpEvent_handler);
- if (xRc == 0) {
- xRc = HvLpEvent_openPath(HvLpEvent_Type_PciIo, 0);
- if (xRc != 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "XmPciLpEvent.c: open event path failed with rc 0x%xn", xRc);
- }
- }
- else {
- printk(KERN_ERR "XmPciLpEvent.c: register handler failed with rc 0x%xn", xRc);
- }
- return xRc;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /* printk */
- /* XmPciLpEvent: System bus failed, bus 0x4A. Time:128-16.10.44 */
- /* pcifr */
- /* 0045. XmPciLpEvent: System bus failed, bus 0x4A. Time:128-16.10.44 */
- /***********************************************************************/
- static void logXmEvent( char* ErrorText, int busNumber) {
- struct timeval TimeClock;
- struct rtc_time CurTime;
- do_gettimeofday(&TimeClock);
- to_tm(TimeClock.tv_sec, &CurTime);
- char EventLog[128];
- sprintf(EventLog,"XmPciLpEvent: %s, Bus:0x%03X. Time:%02d.%02d.%02d",
- ErrorText,busNumber,
- CurTime.tm_hour,CurTime.tm_min,CurTime.tm_sec);
- fr_Log_Entry(PciFr,EventLog);
- printk(KERN_INFO "%sn",EventLog);
- }