- /* $Id: hubcounters.c,v 1.1 2002/02/28 17:31:25 marcelo Exp $
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1992 - 1997, 2000 - 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- */
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <asm/types.h>
- #include <asm/sn/io.h>
- #include <asm/sn/nodepda.h>
- #include <asm/sn/iograph.h>
- #include <asm/sn/sn_cpuid.h>
- #include <asm/sn/router.h>
- #include <asm/sn/snconfig.h>
- #include <asm/sn/slotnum.h>
- #include <asm/sn/clksupport.h>
- #include <asm/sn/sndrv.h>
- extern void hubni_error_handler(char *, int); /* huberror.c */
- static int hubstats_ioctl(struct inode *, struct file *, unsigned int, unsigned long);
- struct file_operations hub_mon_fops = {
- ioctl: hubstats_ioctl,
- };
- #define HUB_CAPTURE_TICKS (2 * HZ)
- #define HUB_ERR_THRESH 500
- #define USEC_PER_SEC 1000000
- #define NSEC_PER_SEC USEC_PER_SEC*1000
- volatile int hub_print_usecs = 600 * USEC_PER_SEC;
- /* Return success if the hub's crosstalk link is working */
- int
- hub_xtalk_link_up(nasid_t nasid)
- {
- hubreg_t llp_csr_reg;
- /* Read the IO LLP control status register */
- llp_csr_reg = REMOTE_HUB_L(nasid, IIO_LLP_CSR);
- /* Check if the xtalk link is working */
- if (llp_csr_reg & IIO_LLP_CSR_IS_UP)
- return(1);
- return(0);
- }
- static char *error_flag_to_type(unsigned char error_flag)
- {
- switch(error_flag) {
- case 0x1: return ("NI retries");
- case 0x2: return ("NI SN errors");
- case 0x4: return ("NI CB errors");
- case 0x8: return ("II CB errors");
- case 0x10: return ("II SN errors");
- default: return ("Errors");
- }
- }
- int
- print_hub_error(hubstat_t *hsp, hubreg_t reg,
- int64_t delta, unsigned char error_flag)
- {
- int64_t rate;
- reg *= hsp->hs_per_minute; /* Convert to minutes */
- rate = reg / delta;
- if (rate > HUB_ERR_THRESH) {
- if(hsp->hs_maint & error_flag)
- {
- printk( "Excessive %s (%ld/min) on %s",
- error_flag_to_type(error_flag), rate, hsp->hs_name);
- }
- else
- {
- hsp->hs_maint |= error_flag;
- printk( "Excessive %s (%ld/min) on %s",
- error_flag_to_type(error_flag), rate, hsp->hs_name);
- }
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int
- check_hub_error_rates(hubstat_t *hsp)
- {
- int64_t delta = hsp->hs_timestamp - hsp->hs_timebase;
- int printed = 0;
- printed += print_hub_error(hsp, hsp->hs_ni_retry_errors,
- delta, 0x1);
- #if 0
- printed += print_hub_error(hsp, hsp->hs_ni_sn_errors,
- delta, 0x2);
- #endif
- printed += print_hub_error(hsp, hsp->hs_ni_cb_errors,
- delta, 0x4);
- /* If the hub's xtalk link is not working there is
- * no need to print the "Excessive..." warning
- * messages
- */
- if (!hub_xtalk_link_up(hsp->hs_nasid))
- return(printed);
- printed += print_hub_error(hsp, hsp->hs_ii_cb_errors,
- delta, 0x8);
- printed += print_hub_error(hsp, hsp->hs_ii_sn_errors,
- delta, 0x10);
- return printed;
- }
- void
- capture_hub_stats(cnodeid_t cnodeid, struct nodepda_s *npda)
- {
- nasid_t nasid;
- hubstat_t *hsp = &(npda->hubstats);
- hubreg_t port_error;
- ii_illr_u_t illr;
- int count;
- int overflow = 0;
- /*
- * If our link wasn't up at boot time, don't worry about error rates.
- */
- if (!(hsp->hs_ni_port_status & NPS_LINKUP_MASK)) {
- printk("capture_hub_stats: cnode=%d hs_ni_port_status=0x%016lx : link is not upn",
- cnodeid, hsp->hs_ni_port_status);
- return;
- }
- nasid = COMPACT_TO_NASID_NODEID(cnodeid);
- hsp->hs_timestamp = GET_RTC_COUNTER();
- port_error = REMOTE_HUB_L(nasid, NI_PORT_ERROR_CLEAR);
- count = ((port_error & NPE_RETRYCOUNT_MASK) >> NPE_RETRYCOUNT_SHFT);
- hsp->hs_ni_retry_errors += count;
- if (count == NPE_COUNT_MAX)
- overflow = 1;
- count = ((port_error & NPE_SNERRCOUNT_MASK) >> NPE_SNERRCOUNT_SHFT);
- hsp->hs_ni_sn_errors += count;
- if (count == NPE_COUNT_MAX)
- overflow = 1;
- count = ((port_error & NPE_CBERRCOUNT_MASK) >> NPE_CBERRCOUNT_SHFT);
- hsp->hs_ni_cb_errors += count;
- if (overflow || count == NPE_COUNT_MAX)
- hsp->hs_ni_overflows++;
- if (port_error & NPE_FATAL_ERRORS) {
- #ifdef ajm
- hubni_error_handler("capture_hub_stats", 1);
- #else
- printk("Error: hubni_error_handler in capture_hub_stats");
- #endif
- }
- illr.ii_illr_regval = REMOTE_HUB_L(nasid, IIO_LLP_LOG);
- REMOTE_HUB_S(nasid, IIO_LLP_LOG, 0);
- hsp->hs_ii_sn_errors += illr.ii_illr_fld_s.i_sn_cnt;
- hsp->hs_ii_cb_errors += illr.ii_illr_fld_s.i_cb_cnt;
- if ((illr.ii_illr_fld_s.i_sn_cnt == IIO_LLP_SN_MAX) ||
- (illr.ii_illr_fld_s.i_cb_cnt == IIO_LLP_CB_MAX))
- hsp->hs_ii_overflows++;
- if (hsp->hs_print) {
- if (check_hub_error_rates(hsp)) {
- hsp->hs_last_print = GET_RTC_COUNTER();
- hsp->hs_print = 0;
- }
- } else {
- if ((GET_RTC_COUNTER() -
- hsp->hs_last_print) > hub_print_usecs)
- hsp->hs_print = 1;
- }
- npda->hubticks = HUB_CAPTURE_TICKS;
- }
- void
- init_hub_stats(cnodeid_t cnodeid, struct nodepda_s *npda)
- {
- hubstat_t *hsp = &(npda->hubstats);
- nasid_t nasid = cnodeid_to_nasid(cnodeid);
- bzero(&(npda->hubstats), sizeof(hubstat_t));
- hsp->hs_version = HUBSTAT_VERSION;
- hsp->hs_cnode = cnodeid;
- hsp->hs_nasid = nasid;
- hsp->hs_timebase = GET_RTC_COUNTER();
- hsp->hs_ni_port_status = REMOTE_HUB_L(nasid, NI_PORT_STATUS);
- /* Clear the II error counts. */
- REMOTE_HUB_S(nasid, IIO_LLP_LOG, 0);
- /* Clear the NI counts. */
- hsp->hs_per_minute = (long long)RTC_CYCLES_PER_SEC * 60LL;
- npda->hubticks = HUB_CAPTURE_TICKS;
- /* XX should use kmem_alloc_node */
- hsp->hs_name = (char *)kmalloc(MAX_HUB_PATH, GFP_KERNEL);
- ASSERT_ALWAYS(hsp->hs_name);
- sprintf(hsp->hs_name, "/dev/hw/" EDGE_LBL_MODULE "/%03d/"
- npda->module_id);
- hsp->hs_last_print = 0;
- hsp->hs_print = 1;
- hub_print_usecs = hub_print_usecs;
- #if 0
- printk("init_hub_stats: cnode=%d nasid=%d hs_version=%d hs_ni_port_status=0x%016lxn",
- cnodeid, nasid, hsp->hs_version, hsp->hs_ni_port_status);
- #endif
- }
- static int
- hubstats_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
- unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
- {
- cnodeid_t cnode;
- nodepda_t *npdap;
- uint64_t longarg;
- devfs_handle_t d;
- if ((d = devfs_get_handle_from_inode(inode)) == NULL)
- return -ENODEV;
- cnode = (cnodeid_t)hwgraph_fastinfo_get(d);
- npdap = NODEPDA(cnode);
- if (npdap->hubstats.hs_version != HUBSTAT_VERSION) {
- init_hub_stats(cnode, npdap);
- }
- switch (cmd) {
- longarg = sizeof(hubstat_t);
- if (copy_to_user((void *)arg, &longarg, sizeof(longarg))) {
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- break;
- /* refresh npda->hubstats */
- capture_hub_stats(cnode, npdap);
- if (copy_to_user((void *)arg, &npdap->hubstats, sizeof(hubstat_t))) {
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- break;
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- }